#they are THEEEEEEE sisters ever
Thinking about my guys :((((((( (Syrah and Reave)
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sanjuno · 6 years
Rereading your gorgeous SM/KHR cross idea and wondering how it would go if they meet earlier? Maybe where Ikkuko realises her no-good brother has a wife & kid and decides Nana needs to know what he has gotten her into? I just think babyTsuna needs more support and two cousin & extended guardians & friends would be amazing. Especially if Tsuna's first flame use is discovered/understood in the magic framework - Tsuna magically willing together an outfit & catchphases because that is what you do ;)
… Oh. Oh, my gods that would be glorious. Let me see, let me see… ok.
So it would have to diverge right around when Chibiusa shows up, because that’s the first time Usagi having relatives outside her household is brought into the narrative. So Usagi, having seen Chibiusa brainwash her parents and brother goes off about not having any cousins. Except oh dear Ikkuko has a good-for-nothing criminal for a little brother. Usagi is furious and also curious and it all cumulates in 12 year old Tsuna getting a surprise visit from his relatives and his “little sister”.
Tsuna doesn’t have a little sister! Cue the screaming and the panic (from Tsuna) and intent interest (from Usagi and Luna), because Tsuna’s seal may be fundamentally horrible but it does have a nice side effect of keeping his Flames and mind safe from outside tampering.
Shingo, being the naturally suspicious brat that he is, twigs to something being wrong because his cousin keeps insisting that he’s an only child. Tsuna’s protests about Chibiusa make more of an impact on Shingo because Tsuna is a new presence in the family and therefore Tsuna’s shrieks are not automatically dismissed as jealousy the way “stupid Usagi’s” dramatics were. Which all leads to Shingo and Tsuna investigating the discrepancy in Shingo’s memories and accidentally discovering that Usagi is Sailor Moon in the process.
Tsuna and Shingo are targeted by and/or get caught up in a Black Moon plot shortly after they discover that Usagi is a Magical Girl. Usagi panics when she finds her cousin and her little brother critically injured and/or brainwashed by the enemy and Moon Crystal Heals them both at the same time.
Tsuna’s seal disintegrates.
Tsuna and Shingo promptly burst into Sky Flames that contain a hefty degree of prismatic rainbow glitter.
Usagi panics more.
The boys are not any calmer.
Tsuna flash-crystalizes a tree. Shingo turns a garden gate into a portal that dumps all three of them into the throne room of the Moon Palace.
Praise be to the All-Seeing Void for the Palace AI that Queen Serenity left behind, because none of these flailing morons are calm enough to take the Sudden Magical Awakening with any grace. The AI directs them to a testing chamber where they can find out who the boys Patrons are. Shingo is a Knight of Janus (with power over doorways, beginnings, and ends), and Tsuna is a Knight of Sancus (with power over loyalty, honesty, and oaths). Usagi finally manages to regain coherency and explains the history of the Silver Millennium and also why they’re all magic.
Assumptions are made.
Assumptions like Usagi’s Lunar Inheritance cross contaminating her younger relatives through their blood connection. None of them have any idea of the Flames being anything except for Magic as a result of post-apocalypse reincarnation. Usagi drops her transformation and tries to do the glowing-without-tranforming fully thing she saw the boys do.
Her clothes shred apart under the force of White Sky Flames. Cue more shrieking. Usagi promptly summons up the ribbons and forms her Senshi uniform. Then she makes the boys swear themselves to secrecy. The boys agree because it’s not as if their clothes fared any better.
Shingo has a few moments of disassociation as he reconciles his flighty big sister with his hero Sailor Moon. Tsuna is having a small moment of panic over the idea of fighting demons by moonlight. Then Usagi gives the boys a crash-course in accessing their magical powers because they’re suck on the moon until Shingo can control his portals enough to get them home.
Thankfully, not only does the eventual transformation provide a semi-coherent users manual for their magic powers, but dropping the transformation restores their clothing to an undamaged state.
They do eventually make it back home. Whereupon they are hustled off by the rest of the Senshi for a debrief and also a rather frantic health check. Because Shingo and Tsuna are magic now and what theeeeeee ever-loving hell how did this happen?
Background to the hysterics of the Lunar Royal Shenanigans, Ikkuko has been getting to know Nana and has a 10 pound cast-iron skillet with her stupid little brother’s name on it. Kenji is prudently hiding behind his newspaper when his wife’s vindictive muttering about no-good deadbeat shames on the family name start rising in volume.
Mamoru avoids making an ass of himself because his fiancées family drama has been distracting him from his nightmares. Also the reality of Shingo and Tsuna waking up their Magic Powers is a huge, glaring difference from the “visions” Mamoru is being sent that he’s rightfully suspicious of how accurate they could really be.
Chibiusa is less likely to run wild or act out because her little trick on the Tsukino’s has gotten wildly out of hand and she’s worried it’ll get worse if she tries to correct it. However, Chibiusa’s initial relationship with Usagi is also a great deal better than it was in canon because Usagi has been so preoccupied with meeting and getting to know Tsuna and Nana that she has less energy to spare for getting worked up about Chibiusa being around, and also because Mamoru isn’t avoiding her Usagi isn’t displacing her resentment about that onto Chibiusa either.
So as soon as Usagi catches on to the fact that Chibiusa is the target of the Black Moon plots Usagi’s instinctive protectiveness of her secret future daughter ramps all the way up because of course Usagi has Hyper Intuition too and the Vongola Tri-Ni-Sette gift is being able to look up and down your current timeline. And so. The Lunar Royals close ranks with all due speed, and Chibiusa is accepted and welcomed with an understanding of her reasons for the brainwashing that took a lot longer to reach in canon.
The Dark Moon Clan get their asses Royally kicked. Pun intended.
The trip to Crystal Tokyo ends the arc, and Pluto is hella confused by the Knights of Janus and Sancus. This isssss… wrong. She doesn’t know where she went wrong but things definitely went wrong somewhere. Oh dear.
Also Neo-Queen Serenity doesn’t remember meeting Chibiusa as a teenager. That should be telling but it’s overlooooooked. XD
Tsuna goes back to Namimori, secure in the knowledge that he has his relatives to support him even if he’s still “dame-Tsuna”. Shingo gets regular practice making portals between Juuban and Namimori because Usagi may whine and complain about it herself but like hell is she letting her little brother and baby cousin get away with being undertrained. There’s no telling when the next Enemy will show up.
Chibiusa comes back for Senshi training, and is doted on by her mother’s past self and her father’s past self and her two Uncles. 
Chibiusa treasures her time with Shingo and Tsuna, because they’re weren’t there in Crystal Tokyo and Chibiusa is terrified of what that means. She’s hoping that they just didn’t have a Lunarian lifespan in her original timeline. She’s hoping that with their magic having woken up because of the changes Chibiusa’s presence made to the timeline that they’ll live to see the future Chibiusa comes from.
Chibiusa hopes, but there is a corner of her mind that is expecting the worst. Because Chibiusa is 900 years old and she didn’t know her mother had a little brother until she travelled to the past.
This is where KHR canon comes into play, because KHR introduces the concept of multiple timelines and dimensions as being related to but inherently separated from one another. Chibiusa didn’t travel to the past of her timeline, but to the past of a similar timeline. Chibiusa bringing up Usagi having a cousin changed the timeline. Even Pluto is clueless about the consequences of this. It’s fabulous. ^_^
The Mistress 9 and the search for the Holy Grail thing happens. Everybody gets their power-ups, and the Outer Senshi learn to Believe In The Power Of Love or else. Sailor Moon in Hyper Dying Will Mode is a thing of beauty and existential terror.
Due to the teeny-tiny fact that his seal is gone and all the damage it caused to his psyche has been magically bandaged by Usagi’s healing power, Tsuna is recovering from his trauma much faster than he did in canon. Not having Reborn sitting around to snipe at him for shits and giggles helps. Of course, Tsuna being Tsuna and a Sky and also a member of the Lunarian Royal Family means that he’s started tripping over his Inner Court with truly ridiculous frequency. This goes on for about a year but the relationships in question change very slowly due to Tsuna disappearing to be with his cousins whenever he’s not supposed to be at school.
But! Before anything can actually get resolved we have Reborn show up! Yay! ^_^
And now the KHR Daily Life arc is running congruent to the SM Dread Moon Circus events and it’s a mad banquet of chaos. Reborn is caught wrong-footed more often than he’s comfortable with. The fact that when Tsuna gets shot with the Dying Will Bullet he ends up wearing a sliver-embroidered version of Primo’s suit, complete with cape, is a mystery that Reborn is still trying to figure out.
But hey, at least Tsuna is actively recruiting his Guardians. That’s nice to see.
Tsuna called Usagi on the communicator to wail hysterically about being a Mafia Heir and they took him to the moon so he could hyperventilate in peace for a while. It helped a lot with coming to terms with the situation. Usagi has rightfully pointed out that Ikkuko’s tendency to snarl about Iemitsu makes a lot of sense if she knew her brother was a criminal. So yeah.
Usagi and Shingo stay well away from Namimori at Tsuna’s request. The last thing he wants to see is Reborn’s reaction to more of Primo’s descendants being of trainable age. Luckily Nana’s belief that Chibiusa is her daughter is conditional to Nana speaking to Chibiusa within the last 24 hours. Otherwise she doesn’t recall Chibiusa at all. Which means Reborn has no idea that Tsuna has cousins and a niece living nearby.
Tsuna and Shingo being part of the battles creates an opening for Tigereye, Fisheye, and Hawkeye to get flipped and because Endimiyon is paying more attention this time around the Prince of Earth takes them into his court. So during the “leeching life from the Earth causes Mamoru to fall into a malaise” drama, there’s someone else there to see the ghosts of the Shitennou trying their best to comfort their Prince.
Which naturally spawns a whole other side plot about Mamoru learning to use the Golden Crystal properly so he can pull one of Usagi’s tricks and resurrect his Court. This will, of course, eventually succeed because I like the Shitennou and I think they deserved better than what they got in canon.
Nehellenia gets smashed at around the same time the Ring battles are announced. The confrontations with Squalo and Leviathan happen, and Tsuna panics because there are Mafia Assassins coming for his Court and Tsuna isn’t the member of his family with enough raw power to raise the dead by resetting the entire planetary timeline back by a year. 
So Tsuna may just enlist Shingo’s help to abduct all of his Guardians and associated family members because panic and Lunarian protective instincts are not a pretty combination. The Namimori 10th Gen Crew stares blankly at the lovely view of North America offered from the balcony of the Moon Palace as Shingo pats Tsuna’s back and reassures him that “Aneki sent Mama to deal with the Family Shame so it should be safe to go home in a few days”.
Usagi blows in, radiating enough enraged Sky Flames to put even Hibari on his ass and promptly squashes Tsuna in a hug as she promises to be there and turn anyone who wants to hurt her “cute fluffy baby cousin” into dust. Fite her. Usagi dares you.
The news from Tsuna that the Mafia had discovered magic inherited from Silver Millennium citizens being reincarnated on Earth shook the Senshi up and they’re a lot more aggressive about their Guardianship of the Sol System then they were in canon. Also they are planning a massive social reform because do you have any idea how useful more magic users would be when the Enemy comes knocking? Even just having Shingo and Tsuna to help with the fights has caused significant changes to how quickly and successfully the Senshi were able to deal with various threats ever since Chibiusa first popped into the timeline.
So yeah, Tsuna has been funnelling everything he learned about how the Flame Mafia works back to Usagi and her Court so they can figure out how useful they’re going to be when it comes to reestablishing the Sol Kingdom. Having Tsuna’s new Court get killed off by professional assassins before they start working on that was not in the plan.
Something along the lines of the following conversation happens:
“Jyuudaime is a UMA?”
“I’m a Lunarian.”
“You’re an alien!”
“And you are probably a Martian, Hayato! Who cares!”
Then the Senshi drag everyone off for a training montage that starts with learning how to complete a transformation because trying to channel Celestial Power through a squishy baseline non-magical human body is just asking for trouble. It’s a large part of why so many Flame Actives die young. They burn out because they keep getting halfway through the process and then they get stuck.
Meanwhile, back on Earth, Reborn is watching Iemitsu get his head caved in by a very pretty woman with Flames in her eyes and the type of voice projection that is unique to mothers and opera singers. Reborn would be more concerned about his dame student disappearing with his fledgling Famiglia so suddenly, except Ikkuko has made it very clear that she’s taken her nephew into her house until her horrible no good deadbeat criminal brother has left and taken his horrible no good wastrel criminal influence away from her sweet kind nephew.
So there, you drunken layabout shame on the family name.
Ikkuko flounces off, leaving Iemitsu heavily concussed and buried under about three kitchens worth of cast iron pans. Reborn doesn’t quite react fast enough to catch the Varia spy that was hanging around, but hopefully Xanxus has enough honour left to leave Ikkuko’s kids alone until after things are decided with Tsuna.
Of course, Reborn doesn’t need to worry about that because Usagi and Shingo are mysteriously nowhere to be found. Just like Tsuna and company are mysteriously nowhere to be found. How very mysterious. ^_^
The Ring Battles happen on far more even grounds, given that the Senshi have made the magic happen when it comes to the 10th Gen Guardians being able to use their Flames and associated Powers. It still comes down to the Sky Battle though, because drama. Tsuna looks at Xanxus from close range for the first time and oh.
So that’s where Chibiusa got her eyes.
Instead of Zero Point, Xanxus gets a face full of Moon Healing, complete with the mind melding memory sharing BELIEVE IN THE POWER OF LOVE blasting mystical heart-to-heart that brought Chibiusa back from the corruption of Wiseman’s Black Lady. There is so much glitter. Glitter everywhere. The Varia have no fucking clue what just happened. The CEDEF have no fucking clue what just happened. The attendant Arcobaleno have excellent poker faces but? They have no fucking clue what just happened.
The ghost of Primo and Secondo make guest appearances during Tsuna and Xanxus’ heart to heart. The most bedazzled of family feuds took place within the span of about 6 seconds. The fight ends. Xanxus spits out sparkles and concedes the Sky Ring to Tsuna.
Tsuna cackles, because he recognizes the Ring as being blood locked to his direct lineage and instinctively knows that the Ring is the best possible Channel for his powers. The Vongola Rings are gathered up and dropped on Luna and Artemis with polite requests that they study them and then fine tune or upgrade the Rings to match with Sol Kingdom expectations of Magic Foci.
The 10YL Arc is immediately derailed because Tsuna has experience with time travel to possible futures and he recognizes that they aren’t in their natural timeline anymore because the 10YL Tsuna didn’t have Usagi waiting in the wings to wreak holy righteous vengeance in response to his assassination.
Byakuran was not expecting to get lectured and then turned into a pile of glitter dust. No he was not.
The Sailor Stars have a lot more trouble dismissing the Senshi as childish and naive thanks to the Mafia politicking the Senshi have since been exposed to. Also, thanks to said Mafia information network, Usagi is informed of Mamoru’s death within hours of the plane exploding. Seiya’s attempts to charm Usagi are subsequently rejected without mercy because instead of feeling neglected by her boyfriend Usagi is in mourning.
The Galaxy Cauldron thing occurs with far less waffling around.
Then the Arcobaleno Trails happen, and Kawahira was not expecting the Crown Princess Serenity to show up and rip him a new one for being a jerk. Between the Silver and the Gold Crystals the Arcobaleno Curse is broken, the Vindice all get healed of their hatred and are living people again, and Kawahira gets put in time out on the Moon for being a jackass.
Mamoru and his Generals take point on dealing with Enma and the Simon because they are Earth Flame users and even before most of the life in the Sol System got wiped out Earth Mages were vanishingly rare. I mean, he knows now that the sharp decline in Earth’s magic-capable population was because of Metallica sneaking around and abducting them, but back at the time it was just an accepted fact that most Earth Born just didn’t have magic. Only now there’s this Mafia Family that does and given how Usage’s situation worked out Mamoru has suspicions.
Especially given how Mamoru was orphaned in a car crash and there was very little information available to be found on the “Chiba” family. Can we all say “cover up”?
Rei sticks an ofuuda on Daemon and exorcises him with extreme prejudice.
Mamoru and Usagi get married and the slow buildup to the creation of Crystal Tokyo begins.
The End. ^_^
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