#they are silly goofy interpretations of events in the manga
insertpoetryhere · 1 year
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silenced-desires · 7 years
Hello! Can I ask something? This isn't meant to be offensive or anything, just something out of curiosity! It's one of my big pet peeves when people describe or draw Freed 'cuter' or 'softer' as in less masculine than he is in the series or less mature looking and more boy-ish than he looks in the manga and I was asking myself if this happens accidentally or on purpose? I know you can only speak for yourself right now but I was wondering about this since your new drawing is an example for this?
Not really any offence taken, but I am going to give a serious answer to this.Forgive my crappy English…. And my flawed sentences.. I’m Dutch (and tired)And please realise… this is my opinion on this matter.You don’t have to agree. (Also read all the way through, to fully understand what I’m trying to say here.)  Masculine.. or feminine.. these are words that are conceived by a society who’s goal it seems to be to label people neatly, and everybody who falls outside of a certain label, or is moving more towards another label, is “wrong”, and “weird” and “scary”, etc.If we have to use labels I think everybody can be neither and everybody can be both.To me, Freed is just Freed. I don’t really see him as masculine or feminine..I just see him as a really versatile character, that has a lot of different sides to him that I like to explore as an artist.I think Freed is epicly strong, and I’ve drawn him as such multiple times.I’ve also drawn him with much sharper features and a big smirk before, because that is also a part of him that I see.But that doesn’t mean that he can’t be cute and soft sometimes.. So just because this drawing that you were talking about, was “softer”, “cuter”, that doesn’t mean that this drawing 100% defines him, it was simply an interpretation.And Please realise… I am a fanartist, I’m not getting paid for any of this (so far…..;_;)The reasons why I draw are: to give shape to my own ideas, imagination and emotions, and to hopefully make other people happy in the process.Sometimes I’ll draw something that I don’t really like, but I know other people like. And sometimes I draw something just to indulge myself :3 (I think I can be allowed, since nobody is paying me Not to..)And sometimes I simply try new things, for the fun of it, and I’ll see how it works out.Drawing to me isn’t just a way to make my followers, or Fairy tail fans, or Freed fans happy…. That’s not my job.. Drawing is a way of expressing myself, and sometimes I do that by drawing goofy stuff, and sometimes it’s angst, and sometimes it’s cutesie stuff.In my opinion, as long as you don’t draw toxic stuff, (like abuse.. just for the fun of it.. or non-consentual relationship stuff.., etc.,) artists should be free to draw characters however they like. Just don’t purposefully damage people with your work!And since I don’t see “softer, cuter” features as something evil/toxic/damaging, I don’t see why I shouldn’t draw him the way that I do.And it’s not just Freed.., I drew Laxus with a pink bow, just for the fun of it. Because I see that as innocent fun, and random silliness. At the end of the day.. I draw Freed how I like.. and be glad of that!Let me explain~!:If we start to get a bunch of restrictions, on how he looks, what he’s like, what he wears, how he acts, etc. we will NEVER get past the Very restrictive Canon.. and Fanartists/writers might as well just stop…Cuz the Canon isn’t giving us much. So we all just fill in the blanks in different ways, and our followers can choose whoever’s interpretation they like the best! Meaning: If someone likes my art: like, follow, reblog etc.. If you don’t:…. scroll past it…. block me?… honestly…. just…. leave….?Or if you’re passionate enough.. become a fanartist/writer yourself, and Show the fandom YOUR interpretation of certain characters/events/stories, etc. (the more the merrier?)
Example to put this into perspective:Picasso drew people reallllllly weird… are we also going to discuss this with him?..(we can’t.. he’s dead..) that his paintings arn’t masculine or feminine enough, or don’t abide by “set rules”?… or do we accept that he had a different interpretation on how to draw people.. horses.. whatever??*(am I comparing “myself drawing fanart” to Pablo Picasso….. plz no!! @_@) I don’t like Picasso his later art.. so I don’t look at it..  If someone doesn’t like my interpretation of something, don’t look at it..One thing he did really well though:he had his own interpretations; the older he got.. the more he stopped following the masses.. cuz if everybody drew things exactly the way they are…. wouldn’t that be really boring??TO summarize: The way that I draw Freed, or anyone/anything really…. is simply an interpretation. :)Holy shit.. I am apparently not a woman of few words…. Sorry for the long story.. But I hope this clarifies my opinion on this matter And I hope this answers your question: It’s on purpose :)
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