#they can’t even save me rn I wanted to watch to spark some joy and I just….im not even gonna😭
maiteo · 6 months
can’t watch meu porto just know this is me🫶🏽🐉
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billyscamar0 · 5 years
Stranger things 3 rant so spoilers !! Not major plot points but I need to vent (mostly about billy hargrove and my love and appreciation for Dacre Montgomery) so pls excuse me
Also side note, the hurt is still fresh here so I might come off more aggressive than I usually would lmao
First off, I literally want to say it: Billy deserved better. That's not even coming from a major Billy stan or a harringrove fan standpoint - he fucking deserved better. They gave him less than ONE episode (hint: it's the first one) to be a normal human with no posession and what do we get with it? We get him OGLING AT FUCKING KAREN. I will take the hatred for the d*ffer brothers to my grave for that. The poor boy was made to be the main antagonist of this season and he is given LITTLE TO NO HUMANIZATION. we see NO continuation from season 2's finale with him agreeing to have a somewhat truce with max. Do not get me wrong, dacre's performance is phenomenal and he deserves the entire world but for fuck's sake, they really screwed us over there. Wouldn't his entire story have been more effective if we had gotten some NORMAL qualities or some affection towards his sister? The lack of care for Billy hargrove as a character actually hurts my heart and soul because of all of the time and effort I have put into him. I've spent hours writing about, drawing, and hoping for this abused kid to be able to overcome his demons and escape his dad and have friends and people who care for him. But NOPE he has none of that at all, in fact, the entire cast spends all this time focusing on getting rid of the mind flayer VS saving Billy. When the roles were reversed and it was will who was under possession, he had an entire group of people fighting for him and Billy had nothing of the sort. Will has human qualities seeping through, making us feel for him and Billy ONLY did because of dacre's astonishing performance. He didn't have actual plot points to do it save for eleven viewing his memories! And even that was not to save Billy, it was a means to eliminating the MF. Which is important, I understand, however FUCK. everything ABOUT HIS PLOT was forced and quick and i felt like I had no time at all properly grasp it all. It bounced back and forth so fast and even though Dacre did amazing, I felt like his shit was cut as far as options went. Why did we get NOTHING wholesome from him before he was possessed? Having friends? Getting an ice cream? Talking to his little fucking sister? A morning routine? SOMETHING OTHER THAN FUCKING KAREN WHEELER. Watching this season sparked little to no joy from me solely because it felt like an attack on myself and the love I have in my heart for these characters. Imagine how much deeper all of the storylines COULD have been if they were more intertwined instead of completely separate. It felt like such a disappointment because I had SO MUCH ANXIETY about it, about Billy, about the show in general that I felt nauseated nearly the whole thing!!! ALSO....let me touch on the predictability of most of the show. Without even reading spoilers, one could easily figure out almost the entire fucking plot (hence why I had so much anxiety and I was 99% correct on EVERYTHING I thought would happen) so much so to the point where I started to rethink solely because it was all too obvious!!! And i wont say it directly because it is a major plot point, but the ONE Thing that Billy has all to himself, the ONE GOOD he has got is fucking taken from him by another plot. Almost immediately. Because why would we need any sort of important moment to truly cement Billy's character when something else can swoop in literally 30 seconds later and steal all of the attention? (Not that that was not also important but I'm specifically talking about Billy rn) AND ALSO. There is not ONE specific interaction with Steve, which was basically his ENTIRE storyline last season? It just felt so random and out of left field and like they really just didn't want him to get better.
TL;DR I feel empty and hollow and so hurt and distraught by this season. I feel like someone has betrayed one of my best and strongest friends and reduced them to nothing. But I am so so so proud of Dacre Montgomery for his skill and wonderful talent and I'm proud of Billy for actually ending up being a "main" character, but for the love of fucking god, why couldn't we just have something good? Something happy? Something more than what we got? I truly believe we deserved it. Because all of us Billy fans (and a lot of the harringrove fandom) are the most creative and talented and loving people I've ever met and I know we have put our hearts and souls into this and I can't help but feel destroyed.
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