#they can't let him -die- before he can be paraded through the streets but they'll get him as close as they can
thinking about a whumpee on a forced march through rough terrain
hands tied in front of them, on foot while their captors are mounted, sleeping out in the open, forced to beg for adequate food and water
maybe they're barefoot, a captured royal in silken robes
maybe they're in a torn suit or soldier's uniform
maybe they were stripped at the start, increasing the exposure to the elements, the humiliation
are they a terrified mess from the beginning, or do they try to endure with dignity? how long before they're stumbling, barely putting one foot in front of the other? how long before they fall?
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legends-lover · 3 years
“There's no time to waste In this famous goodbye There's Angels landing on the shore” This is the last goodbye of Jason Grace. Jason warns, screams to Apollo that he must go and take Piper, that he must remember. As he goes limp with Caligula’s spear jutting through him, he vaguely remembers the words of Michael Varus, Tempest bringing him to the shore.Born a Roman, die a Roman. “So lay down with me Let the river run dry It's Sunday in the six-day war” Jason’s been many things in his life. A soldier, an orphan, a commander, a Greek and a Roman. But he was now a Pontifex, because he had enough fighting to last a lifetime. He set down his sword and picked up the robe of the priest, and he was happy as Pontifex. But always the white knight, danger called and Jason came running. “Smile darling don't be sad Stars are going to shine tonight” Jason supposed he died young. I mean, 16 years isn’t a long life, but for demigods, for Jason it was long. He could be at peace, because he had the adventure of a lifetime, and he had love and everything else. A life, however short, is still a lifetime. “There's a children's choir in perfect parade Singing like they found the Lord I can't say it they'll let me in But we can dance the way we did High above up the seventh floor” Kisses on the rooftop, under the stars. When Jason flew for the first time, he never wanted to come down. The feeling of flight felt like Church for a pagan teenager. He wondered often if Zeus saw him, if he ever realized that the boy with the golden sword in the sky was his. “Father hear your Son Do the good die young Did I raise you up, raise you up Make you Proud” To bear a legion upon one’s back as a son of Jupiter was never easy in New Rome. Especially not since the age of 3. Jason spent 13 years of his life praying to his father, who seemed nothing more than a marble statue in a cold stone temple that was more a mausoleum than a home. When he first met Jupiter, Zeus, he was gutted. A simple 5 minute chat did nothing to relieve a lifetime of wondering if he was really good enough to be the son of the king of the gods. “Let the sun go out Tear the bridges down I'm on my way, on my way I'm going home” As Jason Grace watched the sun set over the Burning Maze, he knew very well that this might be his last time. Even if the good died young, Jason would rather die young and heroic than old and jaded. Leo never came back, so Jason was at peace with finding him first. “Tell me where the good men go Before I wash away Walk me down the old brick road So I can die where I met you Hold me like we're going home Turn your tears to rain Bury me beautiful Heaven knows how I loved you” As Pontifex Maximus and a friend of the son of Hades, Jason knew what happened after death. As he had walked through the brick-layered streets of New Rome with his fellow legionnaires, with the Seven, hand in hand with Piper once upon a time, he wondered when it would be his last. He broke up with Piper before the Burning Maze, not having the heart to tell her it might be his last time holding her, his last time at home. One last fight for Jason Grace. Would he go out with a bang or a whimper? Jason hoped he had finally completed his line in the play of the Fates. As he mounted Tempest and readied his spear, he wanted not only Apollo to remember. “Heaven knows how I loved you” Jason Grace wished to never forget what he had and how he loved. ◦
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