#they can't stop me because this is a labor of love and mental illness.
barakemono3 · 2 years
I put an icon on this beast but I'm still in the process of trying to contact staff about the first sequel. They keep nuking my blogs even though I don't have any flagged posts. Anyway this is pornlogbros4ever/barakemono/barakemono2/furryprohibitionbar (this url was a flop I'm trying to forget it) back at it again at krispy kreme
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Wow! I'm really enjoying this thus far and I have a lot to say about it.
Starting off with the psycho-pass concept in-it-of-itself, it is an incredibly flawed system. This does not just measure your threat based on crimes you committed in the past, but rather if the system believes you are mentally capable of harming someone. Now, this is obviously flawed because this likely targets all mentally ill people, believing them all to be too far gone and a threat to society. I believe this is shown with the victim in episode one, who despite being innocent, was almost executed because her score was too high. It is later said that she is recovering from this incident and her psycho-pass is improving, showing that these people are not beyond saving and should not be thrown in prison or possibly killed.
This is also shown with Kagari, who was told that he was going to be a criminal at age 5, when you're told that you're going to be a criminal at such a young age, it's hard to become anything but that. This is something that does happen in real life, people in bad situations are not given the opportunity to get better, and no one sets them up for success.
This also seems to be a critique of the Japanese conviction rate, unlike America, Japan's justice system runs on the idea that people are "guilty until proven innocent". In the show, people are given no trial, and no opportunity to defend themselves or prove their innocence. Sybil simply determines their fate, and the detectives execute them without a second thought. This is again shown with the victim in the first episode, Kogami was ready to kill her because of her score, despite her having done nothing wrong.
The Enforcers are also interesting to me as their scores are just as high as the people they kill, yet they are allowed free range of the world because they are willing to work with the police. In other words, your value to the police and to the world is determined based on your labor and service to them. If they stop their work, they will be sent to the same place as all the other convicted criminals, no longer of use to society.
It's clear that Tsunemori and Ginoza represent two different sides of the police. Tsunemori is far more forgiving, she is willing to give the people around her a second chance (something it seems Sybil is not fond of), however, this does make her a little naive. She is very book-smart, but she might not have a full picture of what the real world looks like.
Ginoza is very to the book, he follows the authority of Sybil and does not question that. He does not respect the Enforcers and is often distrustful of their opinions. He doesn't like to rely on intuition but rather on stone-cold facts. It's clear that he isn't one for learning from your mistakes, and would prefer if you were the perfect detective from the get-go.
There is also the role of the internet, which is certainly an interesting one. I'll save most of my comments on this for the next post as this is already getting long and I would like to see how the technology develops, but I will say this much.
Hate runs rampant on the internet. Incel culture is at an all-time high and anonymity leads to many unspeakable crimes. I have zero doubt that there are men who hate women enough that they would only ever interact with virtual women, and there are men who want to hurt women so bad that the satisfaction of a virtual one is not enough. While I agree with Tsunemori that the internet is neither inherently good nor evil, I think evil is beginning to overtake good as hate is much easier to spread online than anything else.
That being said I do love the internet so I can't say much, anyhow I really enjoyed this anime and I will probably watch the in-between episodes dubbed so I can multi-task but I definitely need to know the whole story.
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also, he is so fun I love him, I can fix him I swear.
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theindescribable1 · 1 year
This is for @regurgitated-memes and @happysheik and for anyone else who cares for a better understanding of how I feel.
Hey guys, this'll probably be a long post, and maybe emotional. I'd like to talk about my childhood experience, the reason for a lot of my depression. So as of right now, I have mental illnesses, in which I'd like to talk about. Let's start from the beginning of my trauma. I was probably very young, but I remember when I was just a little dumb annoying toddler, just trying to explain a situation with my dad. Honestly my dad is probably the biggest problem. I probably got in trouble over an accident, instead of calmly talking out the situation and/or giving a gentle warning, my dad would scream at me, never let me talk, never gave me an accident pass. I remember one moment when my dad grabbed my by the neck and I was slammed against a drawer. If I remember correctly...my dad got so angry at me trying to make him stop yelling at me that he slammed me, poor child me, into a drawer while temporarily choking me. Almost every day throughout my childhood, I got yelled at, screamed at, ignored, hurt, etc, to the point that to this day I still can't forgive or forget what my parents have said. Of course there was the discipline of time-out and the other...punishment... but it was always worse for me, because I was often just "beat for punishment" rather than "for discipline" and a lot of the time, I did nothing wrong. Being the youngest child, its said that they are the favorite and get more love than the oldest and middle, stereotypically. I'm here to say that its completely false. My sister is 2 years older than me and she is treated so perfectly, she never gets in trouble or has to do any chores, still to this day she is so spoiled. She doesn't even go to real school, she does this online crap in which she mutes the teacher and watches Tv! I'm stuck getting blamed, getting in trouble, crying alone unable to confess how I feel. I keep my emotions bottled up, since I was little. I wasn't even allowed to talk in some conversations. I was completely ignored sometimes, neglected and just thought of as a house keeper! I had to do so many chores to the point that I felt like a restless child in the Industrial era of child labor. And some kids get paid, or at least a thank you, I got nothing. Never got anything. To this day I'm still waiting to hear my parents say they are proud of me. I do everything for my family. Chores, emotional support, favors, complements, everything! But apparently when I don't immediately do what they say in 0.5 seconds, its always; "You never listen, you're always on that phone" Its crazy to think about the amount of times I have been insulted by my parents, or have been called lazy/useless. It hurts, I do so much to make them happy or proud, all I get is; "You half-assed" "You never do anything" "your best isn't good enough" "stop being a little shit!" Mind you, my dad swore at me everyday since I was a little child! Just a kid! That is ridiculous, and I'm always told "Oh, where did you learn that word? That's a mean word" Are you serious?! My parents never NEVER seemed to care about what I had to say, or any of my friends. One time I was talking to my friend about something my friend Viola said, and he so kindly replied with; "I don't give a damn what your little friend has to say, I really don't." Worst part about this growing depression, I can't talk it out with my family. The last time I tried to tell my mom how I felt, she immediately got mad and said; "You always talk about how sad and depressed you are, oh, and how hard you have it! Are you kidding me!? Look around, look at all you have!" I had to stop her by saying that I was kidding and she just said; "Well stop telling these jokes, they hurt my feelings" ARE YOU SERIOUS!? I make HER sad... I can't talk about it, they worsen my depression and I'm too scared to say a word to them, they don't even notice the millions of times I have ran away in tears? They neglect my feelings and only make things worse! I'm going to do a pt. 2 on this, this is taking a pretty long while.
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crybabyzine-subtext · 2 years
What I Could Have Been
I find myself longing for another life. I have been imagining what would have happened if I had had parents who understood me, a secular childhood, a childhood in which I was encouraged to pursue art instead of being told it was impractical. A life where I stopped caring earlier about what my family thought of me. A life where I never went to BYU-Idaho to please my parents. A life where I could have found others like me instead of consistently being told I was wrong, when I was just alone.
I suppose this is grief. My birthday is coming up. Anniversaries are always meaningful, whether you realize it or not. My body remembers. My body feels the years of loneliness.
I wish I didn't feel alone so often. It's embarrassing, but the people i feel I understand best have been my clients--sensitive souls who have similar energy to my own. Maybe you have to be mentally ill to treat the mentally ill. I definitely think it helps. I watch my dog at the dog park, always searching for other dogs like him. I feel like I do the same, but so rarely find someone who I can be authentic with. Truth is hard, and most people run from it.
My girlfriend loves me too much. It's uncomfortable for me. I can feel myself wanting to pull away, to run, to flee. I can't tell if I'm supposed to learn to accept it or to hold my boundaries. I'm so used to relying on myself. but I've gotten lax. I've let her take care of me and support me, and in turn, I've neglected myself and my responsibilities. I am the only one who can know what I need. But she is noisy and I can't get space to listen to myself in a 19-foot van. No matter what happens, I end up caretaking in some way, shape, or form. But I'm burnt out on a lifetime of caring for others. I cannot fake my emotions any more. I have little patience for people who expect me to. Moreover, I do not want to fake my emotions for anyone else's benefit any longer. I'm clocking out. This labor is not in my job description anymore.
I want to believe in the fairy tale of true love, but I have long since stopped believing in fantasies. Instead, I learn how fantasies are made--the ins and outs of storytelling, the technical work required to create believable illusions. I believe in reality. Maybe a little too much, and more than most. I enjoy smashing people's bubbles, waking people up to a world outside of their delusions. People resist that, though. I get it. I used to live in a bubble. I was a good little Mormon girl who believed a bunch of fairy tales that came with strict rules governing my behavior. I didn't break the rules, because I didn't want to. I believed. I set a good example for my younger siblings. I was too scared to be bad.
Until I couldn't anymore. I've learned firsthand that you can't suppress your truth forever. I had checked out of church, learned to disassociate from a young age, found ways of keeping myself entertained. I brought a journal to church with me--acceptable cover for taking notes on talks, but I was secretly journaling my own thoughts, doodling characters in the margins, creating my own little safe space to live on the page. My brain made a place for me, while my body went through the motions of my obligations. Sometimes my body made its own choices, like taking 30-minute bathroom breaks while I was supposed to be in my religious classes with the other devout young adults. Some days I would oversleep accidentally-on-purpose and then lie to my parents about what lessons I learned in church that week. They wouldn't have wanted to hear that I wasn't going, so I didn't tell them. The key to a good lie is to believe in it, and i believed the lie deeply. I was an imaginative, creative child who could easily imagine a world in which I went to, and enjoyed church. But I couldn't make it real.
I was almost always alone. What would it had been like if someone else had been brave enough to skip Sunday school with me all those years ago? Maybe I'd be better at connecting with others instead of writing my secret thoughts on the internet in the middle of the night. But this is the safest way I've ever found to be honest.
Maybe I could have been different if they would have just let me be myself. If they could have handled the reality of who I am, instead of trying to mold me into a perfect daughter of God. I could never be that girl. I would die before I became that woman.
I'm too messy, too loud, too small to have such heavy expectations placed on me. I fell short again and again and learned that being perfect was impossible.
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thenyghtlyfe · 4 years
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Lordly Titled:
Understood, explained, and deciphered as the following contractual agreement meeting the total request of the Initiater;
"The Libertine Limitless Life Lock Link of Loyalty, Love, Lust, Labor, Lucrum, and Lifetime Lifecycles-partnerships in Lifestyle and way of Laws" existing as a "Contractual Agreement" to "willingly" and "willfully" make the "Free Choice" to "Sacrifice" then "Relinquish" ones "Self-Being-Self-Soul" only to "Offer Up" and "Barter Off" his/her "Energy Of Exist" and "Energy To Exist" ones "State Of Existing" thy "Eternal Existence", that which is retained as ones "Life Right" bore as the "Birth Right" to all beings including her/him the "SECOND LIBERTINE SEVEN" referenced as "You" the "Soul Barterer" and "Soul Barteree" the "Lead Initiater" choosing to beget "The Bartering Process" seeking to partake and engage in "The L7-2nd-L7-7S" contract forgoing as "The Bartering Process" which has "Powers" only to "Unite" such as to "Bond,Bind,Sync,and Seal" all those "Bartering" contingent upon and subject to the "Pre-Initiation" of "The Initiates Notice to Seek Contractual Engagement by way of The Bartering Process" which are "The Only Two requirements Demanded to Engage The Bartering Process"
- "The complete and total explonation of The Bartering Process followed by confirmation that all was Understood Contractually before undertaking any part of The Bartering Process.
- "The complete and total explonation of ("The Only Recognized Bartering Asset or Substance of Value") able to be Bartered.
"The L7-2nd-L7-7S" or "The Bartering Process" is Non-Engagable and Uninitialiable without the above to requirements be meet, being as they are by DEMAND...."Both Bartering Parties Only Asset" clearly understood as being "The Only Recognized Bartering Asset or Substance of Value" that which is short hand defined as the "Complete" and "Whole" of the "Initiator" and "Accepting Initiates" literal "Self-Being-Self-Soul" totally including and definitely not limited to "Ones Soul", "Free Will", "Free choice", "Life Right", which is "All Of The Living Essence, Source of Being, Life Force, Living will, Existing Freedoms, and All Rights highlighting the vary Right Of Choice" as "The Only Accepted, Acknowledged, Actually, Literal, and Factual Version or Form of Legally/Illegally Binding Tender or Natural Goods of any Being Born, Considered Pure, Above the Labels of Law, Tittled Legal Good of Legal Tender even if Labeled Illegal or otherwise elsewhere, "The Only Recognized Bartering Asset or Substance of Value".
Met with Equal Parts and at Equal Value with an Enterniy of Union, Bound, Binded, Synced, Sealed, Stayed, and Sacred in this life and the next, A unity yeilding, accepting, and subject to submission to the first Libertine Seven, Dominant Chosen By subordinate, Second Libertine Seven, given Rights to all powers to Dom... Their will, Their way, Their word, Their choice, leading, loving, nurturing, providing, protecting, and caring for the Initiating sub chosing to love her Dom more than subs-self... Embodiment of The Bartering Process which two souls Enternally Embrace...
-Tell me what you want.. real shit... Tell me what you want me too do... How and when you want me to do it... Nothing is off limits... Real life.. I'll do it like no other.. but be careful because you would be agreeing to being my soul bound slave... I'll get and give you whatever or wherever it is... But understand if you want to come back to me... What I tell you to do is the only choice you have
-See you have shown me you are not innocent.. naive... Or ignorant... You can and will choose to be evil... Meaning your "mistakes".. may actually be acts of deception.. manipulation.. or trickery... Not saying I believe you to be that way with me.. I don't believe you are evil in anyway.. but your life experiences and connections and instilled that nature in you as a choice... And made you combative verbally.. mentally.. and physically... I can't having you being that way.. definitely not with me
-And family are who and what I live and die for
-Your asking to love me and me to love you... You are asking to live and die for me and me for you... Your asking me to help you nurture a life with you.. creat more life with you... And save you and your current child's life from a broken world... Your asking to help me do that for you and help me do that for me and my son... Your asking for exactly what I want... Need.. and work towards every day... But you also are voluntarily sacrificing your free will and choice to get that...Because I will be caring you for half our journey together... making what was my individual journey heavier than it is now... And it is... All lives are... And as a parent.. you and me are already responsible for more than one life... We both weight lifting.. Having a good "spot" help is key to lift a weight you normally couldn't on your own..
-I got you but you got to have me
-Your entire being belongs to me... I can't let your misguided or miseducated ways stop us from succeeding... So every choice is mine to make... Taking your opinion into account I will get us there
-Ill choose you... I want to... Honesty
-But you have to show me over you and trust that I will have your best interest in mind with every decision I make... And I will...
-But... read everything I messaged you and tell me in detail what you are agree to and asking for.. refer to my words... my messages.. my ways..
Be clear... Lay yo heart out and let me hear it beat... Beating a melody of Love, Lust, Loyalty, and Obedience... Of Trust, Truth, Tolerance, and Training.. Learning... A completely different way of life..
Tell me what your heart, mind, and soul are telling you what they want, need, and desire... Tell me what they willing sacrifice, give up, and give away to me... Tell me that you're willing to lose your will and life to me and I will be giving you mine in return..... Explain you understand my request with more than a few words or few sentences..
I have went this far and deep with my messages... Explaining the truth of the situation because it's all Fact... Only terms I'm willing to accept because you scare me and I don't know why... Why I fear and want you at the same time... And not knowing why I want you is why I fear you....
Your a fire that may burn me, harm me, slow me down, and make my life more difficult for damn sure...but without hesitation and your understanding confirmation... That you chose to give me 1000% of your being... I will no doubt accept you and your life as mine to provide for, protect, and nurture... Put my all into us, our lives, our relationship, and our future together....
I will pull the fuck up wherever you are, as soon as I possibly can, no matter who the fuck you with, or how time consuming and hard it may be to get to ... Pull up and tell you "HET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER AND GET IN WE OUT”
NOW TELL ME! ..... Real Shit!..... ?
*The songs your hearts plea to be Synced, & Sealed*
**#**Keep your belongings close... Be ready at a moment's notice for me to arrive at your location.. I am going to pop up on you soon.. very soon.. read all and tell me that you agree with a doubt to all terms and conditions.. and believe me without a doubt that you will be whole heartly loved by me as long as our energy Exist in the universe... Don't fear me because of the power of my words... Know that trust you see in me is pure..
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Hello! I have a few different types of mental illness and can't afford therapy at the moment. I tend to go to Reddit a lot when I'm having bad days because all the different subreddits are full of people who share similar experiences and it's great! I was feeling quite low the other day and made a post in the depression sub. I got a message from a guy who was very kind and said I could talk to him if I needed to vent more, I didn't really have a need for more venting so I told him that 1/2
2/2 and we ended up just chatting about our lives in general and the things we like. We sent pretty long messages back and forth for the rest of the day and it was really nice! We talked about our struggles with depression and it was nice to just talk to someone about it while I had a rough day. It’s been 4 days now and I don’t want to just cut him off but I think he’s getting feelings for me and I feel kind of bad. He’s starting to just say things like “ugh I’m so stupid and ugly” 2/3
3/3 and it’s getting to be too much for me to tell him that he’s not those things. He keeps telling me how sweet I am which I appreciate but it makes it even harder to just cut him off or even slowly back away. I’m not sure how to back off gently. He’s not really someone I want to remain friends with or anything. I feel like I’m almost babysitting him in a way but at the same time if I were feeling the way he is I would want someone who reassures me that I’m not terrible.________________________________________________________________
Well, first of all, I wanna say that I love that you’ve found Reddit to be a useful tool in coping with your mental illnesses! Such things can be invaluable, and don’t stop seeking online communities out like that, especially if you can’t afford more individualized mental healthcare (though it’s also worth mentioning, just in case you aren’t aware, that some therapists offer rates on a sliding scale so that you don’t have to pay as much, and it can be worth checking out).
Anyway, on to your main issue.
It sounds like this guy is trying to make you into an Emotional Support Robot. This basically means that someone isn’t giving back in a friendship very much, and that they are using the other person only as a source of emotional support without considering that person’s needs. This has the effect of draining the Emotional Support Robot dry. In your case, it’s particularly bad because you have mental health issues yourself, so you may even even less to drain.
Now, to be clear, I don’t think he (or almost anyone) is doing this to be a jerk. People do this without realizing it because they desperately crave emotional support, but may not be getting it in enough places, and often aren’t getting the professional help that they need. But that doesn’t make it okay. It doesn’t really help them long term, and it’s hurting you in the process because it’s added stress and emotional labor that you’re doing.
So first and foremost, know that you aren’t responsible for this man’s feelings. You’re obviously sympathetic and compassionate and wish him well, but that doesn’t actually mean that his emotions or mental health are your responsibility. There are things he needs to do and support services he needs to seek out in order to help himself if he wants to recover in the long run.
Secondly, you are not a bad person for wanting some space from him. That’s because you never intended to become good friends with him, and he is causing you stress due to leaning on you too much, emotionally speaking.
First, assess how you want the relationship to continue, if at all. You could try being casual online friends, or you could cut it off entirely. Either is fine. But you’ll have to reinforce some boundaries. You can be kind and still reinforce boundaries. LIke so:
“I’ve been getting the feeling lately that you might be interested in me romantically, and I just wanted to be clear that I don’t feel that way about you. I apologize if I’m reading you wrong, but I just wanted to put that out there so we’re on the same page.”
“You’ve been coming to me for a lot of emotional support lately, and I need to take a few steps back from it. It’s a lot to handle, and it’s stressing me out. Okay?”
“I understand that you’re looking for support, but I can’t be that support for you. Have you tried looking for professional help/services/other coping mechanisms/writing to an advice column/online communities?” (You can also pull the second half out every time somebody brings up emotional stuff, as in, “That sounds like a good thing to tell your therapist/forum/whatever about!”
If he still persists, making your responses very boring and short might help send the message that he needs to not message you as much (or at all). In your last line, you mention that if you were in his position you’d want reassurance that you aren’t terrible. The good news is that you can still offer some reassurance while doing these things. Such as:
“I don’t think you’re terrible or a bad person or anything like that. You’ve been very nice, and I really wish you well. It’s just that I need some space right now for my own mental health. This is about my needs, not yours.”
You can also reframe the situation by enphasizing your inability to meet his needs:
“I want you to feel better, but I can’t do that for you. I’m not a trained professional. I want you to be able to find the help that you need.”
Remember that it’s not your fault you can’t help him the way he (or you) may want. What he’s essentially asking is for you, a single, human being with (I presume) zero mental health training, to fix his mental health problems. If you have to, you can even say that to him so that he understands how unreasonable that is.
After you’ve established boundaries, stick to them. If you say you aren’t going to message him at all, don’t do it. If you say you will only message once a week, stick to that. This will help train him into realizing that you’re serious about the boundaries that you set. Sliding on the boundaries will teach him that if he pushes, you will move.
Best of luck!
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