#they could have made this clone be from wherever but they CHOSE the 501st on purpose
no no but hang on, the veteran clone trooper in the Kenobi show ! being from the 501st ??? that floored me !!!
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because that clone was one of Anakin's! (and isn't that straight in the heart, right when Obi-Wan is trying to rescue Anakin's child, while thinking his Anakin-thoughts, living through his Anakin-guilt, trying to survive his sad little Anakin-centric nightmare life) and being from the 501st, Obi-Wan can assume that this clone: either went to Mandalore with Ahsoka (already a complicated mess of emotions right there, let's not even touch the topic of Satine and Maul, wonder how much and if Obi-Wan knows they all died when trying to order 66 her, while wearing her face on their helmets) OR he marched on the Jedi Temple with Anakin, murdering Obi-Wan's entire family.
so yeah. that's some heavy shit right there.
and how does he reflexively answer it (once his 6 million different trauma flashbacks pass)? with kindness.
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siennahrobek · 3 years
It was the end of an era.
“But at least we survived.”
“We are the last,” Cin Drallig walked up to the Togruta master as she stood before the Temple, the last to have stepped out of the building. She stared up at the untouched face, the giant sculpted statues of guardians before looking out, standing straight and at attention, ready for the end. Reading to protect their home until the last moment, to stand until they could no more. She set her hand on the base of the stone and bowed her head.
“Is there a ship ready?” Shaak Ti asked, her voice quiet as she pressed her forehead to the marble face, the smooth material cool on her skin. Her montrals and lekku chilled.
“Yes,” Cin replied, calmly patiently waiting for Shaak Ti’s farewells. She knew he was serene and he had little worry over their escape. What was one more ship to leave the planet. “Commander Cody, a few of the straggling last of the 501st and Obi-Wan are waiting.”
Shaak Ti sighed and stood back, her hand tracing across the surface, the last touch of her home. It wouldn’t be long until the flames from the other parts of the Temple would reach back, burning the remnants of what was left. “It is only a building,” she noted. She had told herself the same phrase over and over again during the course of the evacuation and escape, every time she walked back inside to retrieve another group of Jedi and clones. It is only a building. It was true but that seldom made it any less easier.
“It is rarely just a building,” Cin added, standing next to her. He took her hand and squeezed it gently, projecting as much warmth and assurance as he could. It was not something that was generally ordinary for him to do. “It was our home, the safest place to rest our heads, to converse with each other and the Force. It was our history and education, our art and literature. That of which can be mourned but we ourselves are still here and we can pass along what we know. We survive and therefore, so does our home.”
The Togruta shot Cin a soft smile. “Thank you,” she murmured, her lekku twitching in some form of vague amusement. “Look at you, being all sentimental.”
He shrugged as he shot her an equally charmed glance. “You aren’t a youngling to boss around, teach or discipline. Come on, let’s go home,” he urged, gesturing away from the building. Oh how the sentiments changed, from the building to that of the people.
She nodded and followed him as he led her away from the Temple, towards the lone gunship that was readying to leave the platform. Steps were measured and heavy but they made their way quickly back to those waiting for them.
Obi-Wan was standing right outside the ship while the others huddled in, waiting expectantly for them. Shaak Ti couldn’t imagine how tired and exhausted he must be, and no one could have ever known at first glance, as he stood strong and steadfast, straight at attention with the most determined expression upon his face. She wondered if he would ever truly be able to become a jedi again, rather than a general.
As she approached, she took Obi-Wan’s hand and returned the gesture Cin had granted her with a soothing squeeze. “Come, Obi-Wan.”
“We have a lot of work to do,” he replied, calmly as he followed her and Cin into the gunship. The battlemaster made a motion to the pilot and the gunship started to rise, although the sides had not yet closed so they could see outward.
“We have family still,” Shaak Ti assured. “We will endure, as always.”
The three of them stood next to one another with the troopers unashamedly sitting together in the corners and sides of the ship, holding each other in comfort of their ordeal. Cin, Shaak Ti and Obi-Wan watched as the Temple started to shrink, the smoke from the fires curling in and out of the building.
“There is no emotion, there is peace,” Shaak Ti quoted, firmly, holding her head higher, curling her hand around Obi-Wan’s tighter.
“There is no passion, there is harmony,” Cin agreed, evenly.
There was a pause and Obi-Wan took a deep breath, closing his eyes for that long moment. “There is no chaos,” he started, his eyes opened and pinned on the smoking Temple. “There is harmony.”
After a few moments of silence from them, with only the whipping wind and growl of the gunship’s engine, a part of the Temple blew out. It was a small area, Madame Nu’s work, they knew. She had kept her word; she had destroyed the archives. Debris crumbled in on itself as the detonation had been strategically placed for the walls and figures to help destroy more, if the initial explosion hadn’t done a well enough job.
The fire didn’t particularly get any bigger, but the smoke plumes definitely did. It curled up into the air, higher and higher, thicker and blacker than ever before. Even though the Temple had not been completely destroyed, it felt more final than anything else. No living soul left within its walls, their knowledge and love gone, left, demolished.
The Temple soon disappeared from view as the sides of the gunship closed completely and the lights turned on, allowing those inside to see one another faintly.
“To Kamino,” Obi-Wan murmured as he caught the gaze of his fellow Jedi.
“Should we be preparing for an assault?” Cin Drallig asked, raising an eyebrow curiously. For the first time since this whole ordeal started, Obi-Wan perked within the force and even on his face, he had a knowing smirk. It wasn’t much, but it was something.
“Not at all, Master,” he said and glanced at his commander, who finally stood up from the side of one of the 501st members that was in the corner. “The troopers on Kamino have requested to assist us in our future endeavor, wherever that may lead.”
Both he and Shaak Ti narrowed their eyes at him. “What, exactly, do you mean, Master?” Shaak Ti asked although all she could feel was an unknown thrill curling up her spine.
“I had warned one of the troopers I knew, Captain Alpha-17 about what had happened and asked him perhaps to look into the chips,” Obi-Wan replied with a fond look, his shoulders sagging just the barest movement. “He took that instead to go to war and commit mutiny against everyone else on planet, including the new Empire. Said although their first loyalty was to the Republic and second to the Jedi, the Republic no longer exists and therefore, their loyalty. I…offered a place for them amongst us.”
Shaak Ti and Cin nodded in agreement. “Of course,” Shaak Ti approved. There would be little to no argument from the jedi, especially not from her.
“He and Commander Colt were already planning on it,” Obi-Wan shook his head, amused by the notion. “They have been doing their own evacuations.”
For the first time in a long time, Shaak Ti heard Cin burst out into a bark of laughter. The man wasn’t particularly into that sort of thing, everyone knew, and rarely did he show such a blatant display. Obi-Wan jumped, staring at Cin in utter complete shock and disbelief.
“Oh, just when you think they can’t get any better,” Cin practically sniggered.
Obi-Wan just stared at him as if he was looking at someone else entirely.
Shaak Ti squeezed a hand on Obi-Wan’s shoulder. “That is excellent news, Obi-Wan,” she assured. “It is very good we can save as many lives as we can. And saving the young ones and cadets particularly is always an excellent and admirable inclination.”
Obi-Wan nodded, trying to shake himself from his shocked stupor. “Uhm, yes. Yes. Seven and Commander Colt have been heading this up. I was…. pleasantly surprised by their initiative. Seven,” Obi-Wan shook his head with a small smile as he thought about it. “He said the troops chose us this time and we are stuck with them.”
Shaak Ti nodded, her eyes gleaming with gratitude and pride. “And we continue to choose them right back.”
“Somehow I just find this kind of hilarious,” Cin replied, his lip curling upwards.
“We are coming up on the docking bay, Generals!” the pilot announced, glancing back at them.
Obi-Wan straightened. “Thank you, Freefall. Cody, do all of the ships know of our next destination?” he asked, looking over at his commander.
“Yes sir. They are ready to jump to hyperspace on your command, General,” he reported with a short nod. “Once you have safely boarded with the other generals, of course, sir.”
Cin snickered lowly. Shaak Ti could help but smile at him. She had rarely seen Cin so amused. No one would ever believe it.
“Excellent,” Obi-Wan replied. “Once we land in the bay, please signal everyone to jump to hyperspace immediately. We haven’t a moment to spare and do not know when we will be discovered as of escaped.”
Cody nodded. “Yes, general.”
“I think we can drop the general,” Obi-Wan pointed out. “I do not believe we can hold that title any longer.”
The Commander just shrugged as the gunship they were in landed heavily on the floor of what Shaak Ti assumed was their ship. The sides opened up, letting a flood of artificial light in. “Whatever you say, general,” Cody jumped out onto the surface of the ship. Without another word towards the jedi, he strode further into the ship, shouting orders to signal the others all to leave immediately.
Obi-Wan shook his head to himself and helped an injured 501st soldier to his feet, having the trooper lean against him as they exited the aircraft. Shaak Ti and Cin followed. One of the 212th troopers took the 501st off of Obi-Wan, assumedly helping him towards the medical bay.
The three of them hadn’t even gotten out of the docking bay when a vaguely familiar woman came up to them. Cin glanced at Obi-Wan curiously. “Obi-Wan!” the woman shouted, her hand resting on her belly, as if that would help her movement. Her voice was full of many emotions, even Shaak Ti was having a difficult time going through them all. Of course, she wasn’t particularly trying either. She had felt Obi-Wan’s exhaustion, concern and frustration. An interesting combination.
“Padme,” he greeted, foregoing any formality.
“I need to know what is going on,” she demanded, wincing as she stopped in front of them. She was rather quite large, Shaak Ti noted as she reached out, brushing against the woman’s presence. Pregnant sure…. with twins. Interesting. “You barely told me anything on our call, virtually nothing about Anakin and said I would die without Jedi assistance.”
“You are pregnant with twins, senator?” Cin questioned.
The woman looked at him, as if she just noticed he had been there. “Uh. Yes. With twins.”
“Congratulations,” he replied calmly. “Is the father a jedi?”
Her gaze turned something of wary and suspicious. “…yes.”
“It’s Anakin,” Obi-Wan replied, tiredly.
Oh. OH. That was certainly complicated.
Cin just nodded. “You should stay with the healers then. When are you due?”
“In a couple of weeks,” Padme admitted. “I don’t understand what is going on. Why would I die giving birth? What is happening with Anakin? What is happening with the Jedi?”
“We do not have a lot of answers, ma’am,” Shaak Ti cut in. “But we are being hunted down and killed so evacuation was necessary. If you are indeed pregnant with twins and the father is a jedi, especially someone like Skywalker, you should be under near constant supervision by jedi healers or, Obi-Wan is right, you could very well, easily die. Getting pregnant by a Force user and not being one yourself, especially one like Skywalker, is extremely dangerous,” she explained calmly. She could practically feel Obi-Wan’s gratitude flowing off of him.
“Berena!” Cin called out in the halls. One of the first jedi to board the ship during the evacuation perked and walked over. “Miss Padme Amidala here is pregnant with twins. The father is a powerful force sensitive.”
The female jedi’s eyes widened and then became full of understanding. “Of course, battlemaster. I can escort her to the healers straight away.”
“If you are not needed elsewhere,” he assured.
“I’m sure Master K’Kruhk can make do without me for a while,” she replied with a smile and turned towards the senator. “Senator, I can escort you to the healers and do my best to answer your questions about your pregnancy if you wish.”
“Obi-Wan,” Padme insisted but Master Berena seemed to understand, practically dragging the pregnant soon to be mother away down the hall and away from the other masters.
The youngest of them let out a deep breath, closing his eyes and bringing his hands up to the sides of his head to massage his temples.
“My apologies,” he muttered. “A lot is happening.”
“No worries, Obi-Wan,” Shaak Ti assured. “You did the right thing. She will get some help. If she and her children can be saved, the healers can do it. Come, let’s leave and reunite with the rest of our family.”
The three of them made their way to the bridge, side by side in silence.
And the bridge fell into that same silence as they approached.
“It is time to leave,” Obi-Wan announced.
“Communications with the rest of the troops and generals must be reestablished. Can we do that with encryptions so the Empire cannot listen or trace them?” Cin inquired.
“Yes sir. I will have a team begin working on it immediately,” one of the troopers nodded and marched away to begin.
“All ships are ready to jump on your command, sir,” another trooper stepped forward. Obi-Wan shook his head and Shaak Ti could barely hear him mumbling about didn’t he say to leave immediately. But then Obi-Wan smiled softly, putting his hand on the soldier’s shoulder as he took a breath.
“Then I think it is about time we go, wouldn’t you say, Boil?” he glanced at another trooper close by. “Waxer?”
Both of them grinned. “I would agree whole-heartedly, sir.”
“Then let’s leave this planet,” Obi-Wan nodded. “All ships to hyperspace, if you will.”
Their escape in the darkness held no sound, no explosions or fanfare.
All they left behind was the burning Temple with only bodies and pain.
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