#they couldn’t have come up w a worser name
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Scott Mechlowicz as Martini ‘Marty’ Blank, Mean Creek (2004)
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amethystpath-writes · 3 years
P2 A Sculpture and Fate
Part 1 here
Briella had never run so quickly in her life. She didn’t care to look behind her to see if Vince followed; her mind was on one thing- her sword. Or, more accurately, her father’s sword which she stole before running. He wouldn’t have minded. Briella’s father was the one who told her to run for her own safety.
Did she know how to properly wield a sword? Well, no, but it couldn’t be that hard. And anyways, she knew how to fight normally. If she could disarm Vince, send his own sword flying, she could take advantage- hopefully. He would never expect her to be able to fight; most soldiers wouldn’t.
Why was Briella even bothering with the sword? She should run. But who was she to think Vince wouldn’t just follow her as soon as she made it out the door? Or, as soon as she got the sword. Vince didn’t say she would have preparation time if she found a sword before the thirty minutes were up. So, what was she to do? Briella didn’t trust that she would actually be able to disarm the man who hunted her. Could she convince him further not to kill her?
What would that reasoning look like? Vince was furious that Fate decided who he should be with. He hated the connection he felt because it was one he didn’t feel for himself. It was forced. So why shouldn’t Briella show him they could make it work? True, she wasn’t much a fan of Destiny, either, but she could learn to love a soldier. Most girls fancied them anyways, right? She would have preferred a girl soldier if any…either way. Vince was handsome and…and strong. Determined. A little hot-headed, but Briella could wean him towards a more delicate life.
Glancing behind her, Briella watched the door. Vince hadn’t stepped inside the doorframe, thankfully. She almost wished he would- that way she didn’t have to wait with a tight chest before proposing this idea. There was no way she would walk out of this building on her own, not knowing a predator was outside, waiting to pounce. How many minutes did Briella even have left?
As if on cue, Vince hollered from outside. “I am not so sure you are going to find a sword in time!”
Why not? The sword was in here somewhere. Even if Briella didn’t still plan to use it, she still wanted to understand this statement. She should have found the sword in this home already if it were here…Briella ran to the open doorway. “What did you do with- that’s unfair!”
Vince stood just paces away, an object glinting beneath his hands. A sword. Briella’s sword. “You are running out of time,” he said, and gestured to the sky with a twitch of the head. The sun was lowering.
“And what? Am I supposed to wrestle my sword out of your hands?”
His response was a wicked smile, one that churned what little contents lay in Briella’s stomach.
“Vulnerability, remember? You won’t- won’t be proving anything to Fate if I do not even have a weapon to fight with.” Vince must have stolen the weapon in her home before surprising her outside. “Actually, no. No, I want-” she squeaked as Vince raised his sword. The sharp edge was…too close to Briella’s neck. She took a step back, back, back until her backside met a wall within her home- if she could call it that. It was more of an emergency residence that was falling apart in the woods. The house wasn’t very comforting when she was backed into it by sword point.
“I am going to kill you- vulnerable or not. It was fun to watch Fate panic while it lasted, though. Should I begin a count-down?”
Briella felt very hot suddenly. Her face was warm in the cheeks, her ears heated, the blood rushed to her fingers which were splayed on the wall behind her. She thought about lifting a hand, gently pushing the sword away, but an image of her hand being impaled flashed across her mindful eyes. A plea escaped her lips at the thought of both her hand being pierced and the sword slashing the skin across her neck. “I want this to work,” she spewed and instantly squeezed her eyes shut. That probably didn’t help. “I know why- why you are…upset. You want to be in-” Briella drew in a breath as Vince pushed the blade further.
“There are those tears.”
Something round and warm touched Briella’s cheek. She dared to open her eyes, only to see Vince’s outstretched arm retreat. A drop of water glinted along the bottom of his finger before falling onto his tongue. “Salty. So you are human.”
“Of course, I’m human!” It was a whisper-shout. Fully yelling was too risky with a blade at her throat. She might just cut herself open if she did that. “W-we have common ground, Vince.”
“Sir Vince.”
“Right,” she said out of breath, “right.” Composing herself- at least as best she could, Briella continued, “We have common ground, Sir Vince. We are human- that’s all. We are two humans who can walk in different directions if we wish.” The sword dropped the size of a nail, causing Briella to gasp. Still, she continued. “We don’t- don’t have to see each other ever again. I can leave. I can leave my village, leave our lord’s region, even.”
“If you leave,” Vince said, “in any way at all, I want it to be permanently. And the only way that is guaranteed is if you are-”
“Dead,” Briella finished. “Why? I could have killed you the same that you want to kill me, but I didn’t. I ran, Vin”- don’t use his name- “I ran, okay?”
Vince’s throat bobbed. “You were going to come back.” Another bob. “I don’t want you to come back.”
Briella nodded, just barely, just enough that Vince could see she was listening and paying full attention. “Why? Do you think fate will stop pulling at you once I am dead?”
“Why wouldn’t it?” The sword shook in his hand. “By killing you, I sever the string that binds us.”
Briella argued, “No, it will only make it stronger. Destiny exists whether we want her to or not. My grandmother died in battle.” She swallowed as the sword on her neck continued to shake. It bit at her with every quiver. “My grandmother was killed and when she was, my grandfather walked- not rode- he walked to the field which she died on and he buried her. Every year since he has visited her.”
“What does that story matter? They were together. Of course, he would mourn her.” Even as Vince said it, the sword was dropping further, not enough that it wasn’t a threat, but enough that Briella knew she was getting somewhere.
“Because,” Briella explained, “they hated Fate, too. My grandmother nearly killed herself in order to escape it. My grandfather saved her life and in the moment he saved her, she realized Death was a worser fate than allowing herself to love who Fate assigned.” Her voice was growing stronger and stronger, less afraid of being murdered in cold blood. “I know it sounds like a silly story from the gods but…can’t we try to be normal, Vince?” This time he didn’t correct her. “I’m not saying you have to love me. What I am saying is that we should at least try to live life as openly as we can.” If nothing else- “If you kill me, you will feel an endless grief, one that cannot be vanquished by visiting the place you slayed me.”
The sword fell to the floor, and Briella released a heavy breath. She could almost cry. “Pack your things if you have any. The weapon is mine until I trust you not to kill me in vengeance.”
“Does that mean you have regrets?” Stupid, she thought to herself. Absolutely stupid. Why did she think asking a question like that after finally winning was a good idea?
“Don’t push it.” Vince laid the blade on his shoulder flatly. “We leave in five.”
Part 3 here
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indianroseeee-blog · 6 years
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I could still feel the tears falling down my face as my rhuematologist told me that i have been diagnosed with Lupus. I blamed everyone. When I found out it can also be genetic. I dropped because my mother is also dealing with the same condition i had. I sometimes chose not to talk and hold so much anger inside when i was mostly needed to relax and not stressed. I felt that my life would be over with. I graduated in 2013 from L W Higgins High School and moved in my apartment the following year. 
Around this time i was also in school and working two jobs. My husband had a job also. Then one day i was working at Walmart as a cashier. I was scanning someones order and almost passed out. She asked me was i ok and i told her no i really didn't feel good. So i went home and laid in my bed feeling like i just ran 5 miles. Around this time my bipolar tendencies started to kick in because i was scared and paranoid. Every time i get sick i always go to talk like i am about to die. I realize there is much more i wanna live for. 
One day in the middle of the night, i woke my husband up from his sleep. i had so much excruciating pain that i could not hold myself up. He thought i was being over dramatic but i was being very honest. But , he still ended up bringing me to the hospital. There we set and waited for a hour in the waiting room at Oschner ER in Kenner,LA. The kept saying it was a urinary tract infection. so they prescribed me antibiotics that had sulfate in it. I took the pill and went to bed. I woke up again and begged my husband to bring me back to the ER because i was suffocating. I caught an allergic reaction and my glands and airway swelled. They gave me medicine and told me tried to get rid of it the natural way. I went to another emergency hospital called East Jefferson Hospital in Metairie, LA.. They were saying the same thing. That night i went home and begin to eat and it would run straight through me. Like literally sometimes i couldn't even make it to the bathroom. Or sometimes when i feel the urge to pee, my body starts to make me pee. I had no control over my body what so ever. 
I was taking a bath in all hot water and it wasn't burning me, but it was hurting my husband to help bathe me. For the next few days i would sleep all day. I couldnt eat because i couldn't hold anything down. i would have really bad sweat episodes to where my body sweat imprint would be soaked within  the bed. Then i couldn't breathe laying down, so i sat up to go to sleep. Around 12:30 at night i squealed my husbands name and he didn't here me and i said it one more time and woke up. I told him that i couldn't breathe and he carried me from our upstairs apartment to the car. He was so worried he kept telling me to respond to him. I began to go in and out of consciousness. By this time, My whole face swelled to where i couldn't see anything. By the now the nurses know me by heart.
i was rushed to the back. My BP (blood pressure) was 98/52. which is not good. The ER doctor called the admitting doctor because he told me he didn't know what was going on and i have been coming back and forth here between the last two weeks. They admitted me and it took them almost two months of me being in the hospital, that it was my kidneys. My kidneys were failing. So at first they had me on 60 MG Prednisone & Imuran & plaquinil. Then they switched me to cellcept. My body started to regulate again. By this time i lost everyone because of me not being able to work because of how sick i was.I couldn't even finish school semester all because i was in the hospital. I felt like there was nothing left. I felt as if now i became a burden on others and i never wanted someone to feel like they were obligated to take care of me. 
When my husband watch the lady trying to put and IV in my vein, he broke down. The nurse told me that she was gonna stick me and i didn't move or respond. She ask me did i feel anything and i said no. My body was not respond to pain or touch. 
i ended up in that hospital unable to move. 
Then came my second kidney failure which was completely different from the first one. In feb of 2016 i was in an accident where the lady hit me head on.I was vomiting up blood, blood clots eroded from my skin, alopecia, Skin rash over entire body, Peeling like a new born baby. My skin would heal, peel, bleed, infect, heal, and repeat again. This took about a year. Around this time i had gained 60 pounds i would say or more in retention fluid.i would have the worse muscle spasms. When i went to the ER i kept getting pumped with narcotics until they figured out the problem.  
Sometimes it would be so bad that it started to affect my work, i would always be late to class because the fluid was taking over my body.it was painful to walk, because the fluid is applying pressure. i would vomit blood. i was going to the ER every two days. It was horrible. i retained so much fluid that it affected my sex life and brought my body through changes. My vagina had completely swelled and it burned to pee a little, i didn't know what to do. My skin cam completely sunburned on my vagina it looked like. It was swollen so bad that my husband could not have sex with me cause i was so swollen. He did and he takes great care of me. When my vagina swelled it got worser. I started to feel like i had a booty in the front and back.When i slept i had to lay a towel down because the fluid started seeping through my skin. My mother would just sit that and run her fingers through my hair and cried. It was my kidneys again. i started a chemo infusion called Rutuxinmab. Dr. Stephen Morse (Nephrologist) of LSU family practice & Louis Espinoza (Rhuematologist) of LSU family practice saved my life.
my skin would dry out even with lotioning my body. i would have to lotion my body two times to three times a day. Then it had to be non scented lotion. Like Cetaphil. i bath in every that didn't have a fragrance and  will post more blogs about that to come. I would only take lukewarm bathes and i would wash myself twice. When having a open sore , always keep it wrapped. Around this time i had to quit working and i could not even go to school. Each time they made me payback to school. I would bring medical records and all of what happened. I even provided pictures. It was weird cause they granted a refund to her when her grandmother passed. I felt sad because what was happening was something i couldn't control. Then i moved to Dallas,TX and I was in the hospital at first for two weeks cause i had a flare up and i told them i had lupus but thats all they know. They really didn't take the trusting their patients seriously. They asked me what was my old hospital information and i told them but the hospital i was at did not but only mailed. So i waited about two weeks but in the meantime i told them to do a kidney biopsy. This would have been my second one. 
Ladies and gentlemen , this procedure can be done while woke. But after the procedure you can not leave the bed for 6 hours, so i slept. They told me to take it easy and i didn't understand really because my first kidney biopsy i was up and about right after i left. But this one was different my back was in so much pain i was knocking myself out. A Few weeks later they got my info. They wanted to contact me but when they found me in the ER they were ready to talk to me. They told be it was Stage 5, but it was only 20% damaged and 80% percent good. We think we can make this go into remission. They also asked me why am i vomiting blood and i told him i didn't know it must have been my gastritis. so they did ANOTHER endoscopy . Its when they inserted a tube down your through to your abdomen to see if they say abnormalities. This procedure ofcourse you was kicked out. But this was worst. When i woke up i my lip was in so much pain. Y'all i bit my lip. I mean it look like someone knocked my ass out. I was like what happened? and they told me that  happened sometimes during the procedure and i said oh never with the first one i didn't though. Then y'all guess what, i said why am i so wet? They told me sometimes the patients pee a little during the procedure. 
Well guess what it wasnt not piss , it was shit , LMAO!! yo , i told the lady , “ y'all know y'all offed up, y'all could at least told me i shitted on myself, can i get stuff to wash my shitty ass ,LMAO i was so embarrassed. I was like why lord. But overall i haven't been in the hospital but I'm not into full remission yet. and my doctors know what i want my future plan to be and I'm fine with that. So now we are currently working on getting me off these meds. :) 
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95825s · 7 years
judo player! seongwoo
member: ong seongwoo
summary: you took part in a ‘friendly’ one day session of judo with your friends and tbh,,, it isn’t that friendly as it is supposed to be when there is ong seongwoo as your instructor.
genre: fluff???? 
a/n: this is requested by an anon (after watching beautiful mv hehehe) ((and it was between police officer! seongwoo or this)) i don’t really know much of judo so i’m sorry in advanced if i suddenly talk about nonsense..... and also we’re getting a serious! seongwoo here so have fun reading!!
so you’re currently at the judo place where your friends actually dragged you into
you were REALLY lazy to do it
actually you’re just lazy to do any physical exercises
anyways your friends mentioned how there would be good looking people at the place
you rolled your eyes by the way
but lowkey still wants to see them
and they were right
you’re seeing these good looking athletes walking around the place, helping those who are taking part into their uniforms etc etc
your friends were like whispering over it and your eyes spot this one handsome male and you feel your cheeks heat up because he looks back at you, smiling
you try to avoid his face but surprise! he’s in front of you now
and you just,,, wow you definitely weren’t prepared for that
ok so your voice came out like a squeak and you hated yourself for that
“what’s your name?” 
his sweet voice just echoes into your ears and honestly your legs becomes weak
“ah...y/n. i’m hwang minhyun” (that’s right it is hwang MINHYUN)
then you see him looking at this board he’s holding and looks at you again
“unfortunately for me, you’re not my student... i think your instructor is ong--”
suddenly you feel this weird dark atmosphere behind you and you see minhyun changes his direction to the back of you
“what are you doing?”
and you really thought the person which is a male, is talking to minhyun so you kept quiet but the whole atmosphere turned darker and minhyun is just staring at you and you finally realized
“are you deaf? why aren’t you answering me?”
you turn around, suddenly feeling angry over his statement at you
your eyebrows furrow, your lips frowning and you finally meet the guy
he has the same expression as you, but worse because he look like he’s about to break you
“i’m sorry, but i’m not deaf and i thought you were talking to minhyun--”
“go and stand over there where you’re supposed to be, and start warming up”
ok firstly, did he just cut you off?
secondly, who is he to cut you off?
“um, but who are you?”
you hear minhyun chuckle behind you but the guy remains to be unbothered by your remark
“i’m your instructor, ong seongwoo. and stop acting like you’re tough when i can practically see you’re a weakling”
and you swear to god you were about to kill this guy
“hey seongwoo, take it easy okay, it’s just a friendly class” minhyun says, and you smile over it
seongwoo shoots you stern look before his eyes land on minhyun
“don’t tell me you like them already.... just like the other people you like easily”
your smile falls, and you see seongwoo’s lips form a smirk
“w-what are you talking about?”
“just focus on your student, minhyun. i’ll focus on mine” 
you feel seongwoo’s arm on your back, pushing you forward
you both left minhyun and arrives at the area where seongwoo told you to be at
“i told you i can see you’re a weakling. and look how easy you get attracted to my friend because of his looks”
“i wasn’t attracted by his looks, okay”
seongwoo scoffs, “yeah right, i saw you looking at him before he even talked to you”
“that’s because he’s just in front of me-- wait, you saw me before he talked to me?”
“...whatever, enough with the questions, we’re already running late with this session”
seongwoo just drags you onto the mat, and you admit he is really strong despite seeing his physical body being thin
“toughen your body, don’t act so weak”
“say i’m weak again, i’m going to kill you--”
you feel yourself flying over and then your back land on the mat
your eyes widens at the sudden action but seongwoo’s face near yours made your heart beating fast
you couldn’t mutter any words and seongwoo is still on top of you, which is so awkward because you can’t avoid looking at him
and you finally see how his face up close
and wow
has he been this good looking?
then you notice his moles on his left cheeks and you smile because it look like constellations
and seongwoo feels weird and odd because why are you smiling like that to him and why is his heart beating so damn hard
so he just quickly stands up and pretends like nothing happened especially with his heart
and you snap your thoughts about him,,,, which is a little sad because you reminded about the whole minhyun thing again
are you attracted by seongwoo’s look
or are you attracted by his deadly personality that keeps shouting at you for doing everything wrong....like right now
“stop getting the footwork wrong. why do you keep doing that?”
seongwoo sighs frustratingly before placing his hands on your hips and rotates your position
his leg kick lightly on your back leg, adjusting your position
and you start to get really tired and you really just want to give up
you see your friends having fun at the other side and you’re stuck with this serious instructor who doesn’t care about your current state
“can we take a break...i’m getting dizzy”
seongwoo sighs once again, “okay, fine--”
then he realized you look like you’re about to faint and he panics and rushes to you
“hey hey, are you okay?”
“y-yeah.. i’m fine, i just need to sit for awhile”
seongwoo feels bad now like he shouldn’t have forced you to do the moves
and he also feels bad for getting frustrated and shouting at you.... just because he’s trying to avoid having...feelings for you
sure you’re annoying and keeps arguing back at him
but he actually likes it??? like surprisingly
then sometimes you would get worried at him which you think it didn’t matter to him but it did
and he hates how he’s getting comfortable with you
so he just forces himself that it’s NOTHING that lead him to forcing you do hard steps
“are you alright? you look a lot worser than me when i’m the one that looks like i’m going to faint”
you joked and he smiles........damn that smile
your heart flips and you feel your head being patted softly
“just rest here, i’ll get you water”
and seongwoo just leaves you, with your confused feeling for him
why is he suddenly caring towards you?
...you actually like it.... a little.... maybe he isn’t that bad after all
he definitely needs to lessen up with his seriousness though
but seongwoo is not that mean at all
“here, drink this”
you tell him a small ‘thanks’ and drinks the water
and seongwoo is just sitting beside you and looking at you
and his gaze is different from those before
it’s more softer.... and warmer
“are you going to come again...you know, to learn judo again?”
you chuckle and shook your head
“my friends dragged me into this for only today, i warned them before that they shouldn’t bring me here again. besides at least you don’t have to teach this weakling again”
you thought seongwoo would agree, or give a mean remark again, but you see his lips not smiling at all
seongwoo stops looking at you and he stands up
“i see” he replies coldly
he suddenly leaves you alone.... and you see him just walking away
and you hear your friends calling you that the session had ended
and you just
to seongwoo
you grab his arm, and he’s like ‘what’
and you frown and cross your arms
“is that it? you’re not going to say good bye to me? what kind of instructor are you--”
“listen. just go. i’m not your instructor anymore. the session is over”
“ong seongwoo”
you just tiptoe and kiss his left cheek with the constellation moles that you like,,,
seongwoo looks so stun, like he just freeze on the spot
and you get all shy and embarrassed
like hello did you just really do that??? to ong seongwoo??? the mean instructor???
“i’m sorry for being a pain today but thank you... for teaching me judo”
“i-i..um, you’re welcome”
the confident ong seongwoo is now gone
and honestly seeing this cute side of seongwoo really made you like him....more
“i was wondering... since i’m not going to this place again, can we meet like hang out... if you want?”
“hang out? with you?”
suddenly you feel like your heart is about to break because seongwoo is now smirking and your whole world starts to crumble down--
“why not we just go on a date?”
“date--wait, what?”
“yes, date. you don’t want that?”
“well,,, i didn’t expect that... especially coming from you”
“why? do you think i don’t ask people on dates?”
“i didn’t think you would ask me, the weakling, on a date” 
“well, i like you. that’s why i want it to be a date than a ‘hang out’”
seongwoo looks so serious and it isn’t the same serious from the teaching
it’s more like a serious look, where your cheeks gets red over his sudden confession
“you’re playing around, right?”
“have you seen me playing around, y/n? if i was playing around, i would’ve already left you here alone and i get to rest at home. besides when i have something i like, i pursue it. like how i pursue judo. so now, i want to pursue you”
you hate seongwoo
because he says these words like nothing and it’s affecting you because he isn’t that typical person who just sweeps you off with sweet talks
ong seongwoo is just there, being himself, already snatching your heart just like that
“so is it a yes to the date? or do you still just want to hang out?”
“what if i want to still hang out?”
“then i guess i have to work hard to get you to date me. and for your information, i never give up”
and with that, ong seongwoo became your personal and as insisted by him, your favorite judo player of your life ;)
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mysmessmistake · 7 years
(((hi!! i really love your headcanons and gosh u just put so much character into these dorks ur amazing))) can i ask for MC getting drunk after a fight w/ Seven + V + Saeran, finding her and driving her back home? (Extra points if she sleeps in the car on the while the boys apologize lmao)
I wasn’t too sure onwhere to go with this, so it might be a little all over the place. I also hopeyou don’t mind I did headcannons, thank you so much for saying that, it means alot. 
The fight started, how the very     first fight you ever had started, with Saeyoung ignoring you
Then Saeyoung pushing you away
Yelling at you
Telling you to leave because of     one reason or another    
So you did
You went to a bar and got     absolutely pissed.     
Saeyoung was going to leave you     be, maybe you’d ’come to your senses’ and leave a ’dangerous man like him‘ 
Because he didn’t deserve you
However, Saeran being the sweet     baby brother that he is    
Smacked his brother over the     head
With a hardcover book
And yelled at him to go get you     back
“Are you a moron? You     throw away the best thing you have? They don't  deserve     to be sad because you can’t get over yourself”
Okay Saeran ease up a bit
Saeyoung knew he was right, so     he got in his car and headed to the bar he’d stalked you to seen you enter 
You were moping at the bar,     drinking some sort of cocktail 
Saeyoung approached you, and     you grumbled out a sentence without even looking at him
“Leave me alone I have a     boyfriend"     
The reply was instant and rehearsed     like you’d already said it a thousand times 
“Well, that’s a     relief"     
You turned at the voice, eyeing     him carefully.
“Is that bad?”
The two of you were silent, you     didn’t want to tell him to go away but you were tired of fighting
And also drunk
“C'mon, lets go home" 
You obliged 
It seemed neither of you had     anything to say in the car    
Until Saeyoung spoke
"I’m sorry”
Oh are you?
No words came out, your eyes     began to flutter as you rested your head against the car door frame. 
“I really love you MC.     Sometimes I forget you’ll stay by my side… and my self hatred gets too     out of hand. But Saeran was right, he said I should get over myself. I’m     really sorry MC, I love you so much and- and”
He looked over at you briefly 
“And you’re asleep”
He couldn’t stop the grin on     his face because of course you’re asleep. 
He made sure you got home     safely and tucked you into bed, sleeping separately incase you didn’t want     him there
The next morning he made you     breakfast in bed and apologised again    
Cuddles all day
Saeran is happy and also     exasperated by his brother     
you and V hardly ever fought
The only serious fight you can     remember is when he wouldn’t get the eye surgery
And it wasn’t even a proper     fight
It was an argument that lasted     a few hours
then finally V understood why     he needed to get his eyes treated    
V is always acting happy and     telling you nothing is wrong    
As well as always agreeing with     you and going along with whatever you decide
So there are rare arguments
Which is actually why you’re     arguing now
He never tells you what’s on     his mind
Or how he really feels
Or what he really thinks
And it irked you to no end
So after yelling at him for a     solid ten minutes, you made your way to the local bar
And got absolutely smashed
V left you for a few hours but     eventually went to find you to make sure you were okay. 
He sat in the stool next to     you, and you have give a droopy smile    
“Hi! My names MC" 
"Hello MC” V smiled     at your silliness, realising you didn’t know it was him.
“Will you let me take you     home, MC?”
“Oooohhhhh no, I have a     boyfriend. He wouldn’t like that. Actually maybe he wouldn’t care. I don’t     know if he cares. Does he care?”    
“Of course I care MC" 
He was heartbroken to hear you     say that
"Will he show it?" 
The bartenders never seen a     mans heart break quite like his did when you said that, and looked him in     the eyes with desperation.    
"It’s me, MC. It’s V" 
"Ooohhh. V!! Why are you     here? Do you come to this bar too!?" 
Your mood did a 180° flip that     V couldn’t help but laugh at 
It took a while but eventually     he convinced you to come home    
The two of you sat in the car,     and you rambled on about random things, most things didn’t make sense
Then you went quiet, V thought     you’d fallen asleep until your voice, barely above a whisper, came out     again.
"I’m worried everything V     bottles up will get to him one day and he won’t be able to stop bad     thoughts”     
Holy shit you were really     worried about him
He began to apologise long and     hard, he promised in the morning he’d open up about anything and     everything you wanted to know, he wouldn’t hold back. 
He wanted you to know he     trusted you more than anyone in the world. And he would do anyth-
Your snores interrupted his     words     
He smiled, relaxing slightly     and taking a deep breath    
He kept true to his promise and     the next morning the two of you had a very long conversation about deep     and personal things     
you and Saeran bickered often     but had never fought    
Not really
Sometimes on his bad days he’d     tell you to stay away and lock himself in his room
But this day was after a really     bad day
Saeran couldn’t sleep because     he couldn’t stop thinking about how he’d told you to get out of his life
He felt so bad
He didn’t miss your frown after     he said it either     
Saeran made a stupid, one sided     decision that you needed to be with someone better
So the next morning he yelled     at you, he screamed until his face was red and you were crying because you     couldn’t understand why    
He told you to leave, get out     of his life, make his life better by vanishing, he said he hated you and     that you were just used for his recovery
Saeyoung suggested you leave     after Saeran locked himself in the bathroom
“MC, he must be having a     horrible day. Please don’t take anything he says to heart, but you should     go somewhere else until he calms down" 
You listened to him, and made     the mistake of heading to the local bar 
You were there for hours on end     until Saeyoung finally talked some sense into his brother and Saeran     searched for you.
He didn’t bother sitting down     at the bar, he grabbed your arm and got your attention quickly. 
"Saeyoung!! You look along     like Saeran when you’re drunk!!" 
Your giggle would’ve been cute     had you not just called him Saeyoung    
"You’re drunk not me”
You ignored him
“What are you doing here     silly? You have to look after Saeran!!!!!" 
"MC, I am Saeran" 
"Haha, your tricks can’t     fool me”
He argued with you for a few     minutes, before getting uncomfortable with how many people were looking at     the two of you and giving up    
“Yes yes I’m Saeyoung, can     we go home now?”    
“Does Saeran want me     there? I donwanna make him worser”
He wasn’t going to point out     that what you said made little sense.    
“Yes, Saeran wants you     home"     
"Oki doki. Let’s go!" 
He quickly fled the scene and     strapped you into the car     
He ignored everything you were     saying because it was mainly bullshit    
But suddenly began to spout     very person stuff
"If I tell you something     will you promise not to tell Saeran?”
He knew he shouldn’t of said yes
“Yes, I promise" 
Dammit Saeran
"Im in love with Saeran”
S i l e n c e
Neither of you had told each     other that before
“He’s been through so     much, and he still has a long way to go. But he always makes me feel a     happiness that I’ve never felt before" 
His face was bright red and     he’s so happy that you didn’t currently know who he was 
"Also, I steal his     sweaters when he isn’t home”    
God dammit MC
he didn’t apologise to you yet,     there’d be no point because you thought he was his idiotic brother 
The next morning however, you     found yourself in Saerans bed with Saeran sitting on the floor, his back     against the bed and s game-boy in his hands. 
After he noticed you woke up he     joined you in the bed, bringing you into a hug as he apologised for his     behaviour
He told you it was all a lie     and that he never wanted you to leave    
“I love you, MC" 
"Also, stop stealing my     sweaters"     
You smiled, because that wasn’t     going to happen anytime soon. 
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scriptblossom · 8 years
I DEMAND THIS: tree climbing contest but we both got stuck up on the top branches and now we have to wait for the fire department au ^_^
The Challenge
For as long as she knew him, he had always been her best friend and her rival. Now twelve years later, they are seventeen and each about to embark on their separate journeys. But not before one last challenge. 
“Uchiha Sasuke, I challenge you to a tree climbing contest!”
Sasuke smirks. “Challenge accepted.”
“First!” they both shouted at the same time as they both reached out their hand to touch the kite that had gotten caught in the leaves and branches at the top. The two of them would later regret their words as they find themselves stuck at the top of the overgrown tree in their neighborhood park.
An hour ago, they had been flying the kite around when a fierce wind came and lifted the kite up and sent it crashing into the tree. When they tried to pull down the kite using the string, they found themselves face to face with the fray ends of the string instead.
Now they found themselves face to face with each other as the wind whipped through their hair and sent a slight shiver down their backs. Neither of them moved as they stared at each other, both of them still holding onto one edge of the kite as if claiming their right to it. 
“Sasuke… it’s cold up here.”
“Well climb down then.”
“I… I can’t.”
Sasuke stares at Sakura. “What do you mean you can’t?”
Sakura bit her lower lip as she let go of the kite. “I can’t look down.”
Sasuke couldn’t believe what he was hearing. “You’re scared of heights?”
“No!” Sakura retorts. 
“Sakura, I can’t carry you down a tree. Why did you climb up with me if you were scared of heights?”
“I’m not scared of heights! I’m just… scared of looking down.”
Sasuke sighs. “Okay… I’ll climb down and call for the fire department to come rescue you.”
“No!” Sakura cries out. “Don’t leave me up here. Don’t you dare!”
“Did you bring your phone?”
“… yes. It’s in my purse… which is on the ground. Yours?”
“I gave it to you.”
“And I placed it in my purse next to my phone,” Sakura says glumly. 
Sasuke sighs. “I guess we’re stuck up here until someone walks by us and calls for help.”
“Sorry, Sasuke.”
“For what?” he asks.
“For letting go of the kite string.”
“That’s what you’re sorry about?” Sasuke gives an amused smile.
“… and for challenging you to a tree climbing contest,” Sakura mumbles.
“Is that all?”
“… and for making you stuck up here in this tree with me,” she adds in as well.
Sasuke couldn’t help but crack a smile as he tries to cover up his laugh with the back of his hand. “I guess there’s worser things I can be stuck doing on a Saturday afternoon.” 
He tilts his head to the side as he looks at Sakura. He couldn’t help but noticing how red her cheeks were becoming. “Are you still cold?” he asks.
Sakura nods glumly as she gives a slight sniffle. 
“Hm..” Sasuke ponders for a moment as he gives Sakura an intent gaze. Slowly, he edges closer to Sakura as he takes a step forward on the branch he was standing on. 
“W-what are you doing? It’s dangerous. Don’t—”
Before she could finish her sentence, his lips touch upon hers. Instinctively, Sakura freezes in place as she feels the warmth of his lips touch upon hers. She could feel the flush of heat begin to rush to her cheeks. Her second instinct was to push him away but they were stuck up on top of a tree and she didn’t want to kill him.
“Are you warm now?” Sasuke whispers when he breaks away from the kiss. 
Sakura didn’t know what to say in response. Her childhood friend/rival/crush had just kissed her. This was clearly not how she imagined her first kiss with Sasuke. For one thing, they weren’t supposed to be stuck on top of a tree. 
“Are you two okay up there?”
They both look down as they hear a voice call out to them from below.
“Yeah! Can you call the fire department for us?” Sasuke shouts back down to the old granny that happened to be looking up at them. He glances back up at Sakura. “Looks like we’ll be able to get back to the ground soon.” 
Sakura turns her head away as she hugs the trunk of the tree in embarrassment. She couldn’t look Sasuke in the eye now. She was beginning to feel shy and her mind was becoming a blank on its own. This was not the tough girl image she had shown all throughout her seventeen years of existence. In an instant, he had taken her strongest quality and made it crumble into tiny fragile pieces of vulnerability. Without realizing it, she quickly begins to climb down the tree as her body instinctively moves on its own.
“I thought you said you couldn’t climb down?” he calls out in surprise.
Pretty soon, her feet hits the ground and Sasuke watches as Sakura runs in a straight beeline through the grass to the exit gate at the northwest edge of the park. With a chuckle, Sasuke grabs a hold of the kite as he begins to climb his way back down the tree. When he reaches the ground, he picks up the purse that Sakura had left behind as he makes heavy pursuit after the said girl.
He knocks on Sakura’s bedroom door as he waits for a response from the other side of the door.
“Go away!”
He smiles. “But I have your kite,” he responds.
“Leave it at the door then.”
“Should I fix the kite for you? After all, I made it for you.”
The door opens. “No you didn’t.”
He holds up the kite. “Yes I did. This is Uchiha craftsmanship.”
“I drew the design. You only assembled it.” She takes the kite from him. “And pretty poorly if I may add,” she notes as she stares at the broken string.
“But I made it with the picture you drew.”
Sakura doesn’t respond as she traces the outline of the cherry blossom petals on the front of the kite.
“Are you mad at me?” he asks.
“No,” Sakura responds with downcast eyes as she stares down at the ground so that her eyes don’t meet Sasuke’s.
“Well, you don’t seem happy.” He crouches down next to her so that he could look up at her face. “Are you upset that I kissed you without your permission?”
“Then what?”
“You’re leaving tomorrow,” she mumbles.
Sasuke is quiet for a moment. “I’ll only be two hours away by train.”
“We’ll be going to different schools. We can’t compete against each other anymore. We won’t be rivals. We won’t see each other everyday.” Sakura crouches down on the floor next to Sasuke as she hugs the kite close to her chest.
Sasuke smiles. “How about one last competition? For old time’s sake.”
“That’s what the tree thing was for…” she replies. A second later, she looks up. “What will we compete for this time?”
“Sakura’s heart.”
The sound of her name causes Sakura freeze in place. A faint blush crosses her cheeks. “That’s a stupid competition,” she mutters as she quickly turns her head away so that he wouldn’t see the expression on her face.
“Because… you’ve already won.”
Sasuke smiles again. “Then let me claim my prize,” he whispers as he reaches out and pulls Sakura closer to him. With a gentle touch, he presses his lips against the top of her forehead. 
“Is this your way of confessing?” Sakura mumbles as she buries her face against Sasuke’s chest. She didn’t dare look up at him in case her face was already a bright tomato red.
“If you allow it to be.”
“Since you confessed first and you kissed me first… it means I won, right?”
He only laughs as he places his arms around her back. “I didn’t know we were competing on this to begin with. Plus, I’m pretty sure you lost a long time ago since you liked me first.”
Sakura pulls her head away from him. “You have no proof!” she retorts.
Sasuke takes out his hand as he starts to count out with each finger of the reasons why. “Well, first off, you picked me to be your playpen friend. And then you wanted to do three-legged races with only me in elementary. Third, you—”
“Okay, okay! Fine, I liked you first! Can you stop bringing up all those embarrassing stories!”
With a laugh, he gazes at her. “I guess this marks the end of our twelve year rivalry.”
Sakura pulls her head back sharply as she gives him a wide-eyed stare. “Why?! Are you going to find another girl at your new school and become rivals with her?”
Sasuke gives a mischievous smile. “No… but instead of seeing you as a rival… I’m going to start looking at you as a woman from now on.”
His words catch her off-guard again as she feels her heart skip a beat faster. The silence between them is deafening but she couldn’t look away from him. She watches as his smile turns into a serious gaze as he begins to lean closer to her. 
“I’m going to kiss you again now, Sakura,” he says in a lowered tone. “Will you run away again?”
Sakura closes her eyes briefly as she feels his warm breath tickle her chin. She opens her eyes quickly and at the last second, she smiles at him as her eyes look at him in defiance. “I, Haruno Sakura, never run away from a challenge.” With that said, she drops the kite in her hands as she wraps her arms around Sasuke’s neck and pulls him in for the kiss. Sasuke seems to be shocked at the boldness but he respond back to the kiss as he brings a hand up to caress her on the cheek.
“I admit it. You have me defeated, Haruno Sakura.”
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