#they couldn't POSSIBLY afford to sacrifice their looks by having glasses
The stigma around taking medication is weird as a person who takes medications cause you'll have someone who knows you take meds tell you why they don't want to take any and it's deeply rooted in ableism and also makes you wonder... do they think these things about me because I take medication?
It's just like when someone explains to you, a glasses wearer, why they don't want to wear glasses. It's always offensive and comes from their self-pride and vanity issues
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moon-u · 4 years
Jean kirstein x reader || aot
Title : wings of freedom
Pairing : jean kirstein x reader
Chapter summary : it is during a perilous mission that they realize how precious time is
Notes : I wrote this overnight and was very tired, but I absolutely wanted to finish it and post it ASAP. I was hanging out on YouTube and I came across an edit on jean, it prompted me to write this
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We were in the field, in the middle of a perilous mission.
Soldiers were dying, and the shrill cries echoed incessantly in our ears.
It was such a horrible sight that we had before our eyes. Our comrades, who had promised to offer body and soul to embody hope within its walls, disappeared one after the other.
What was going on? Is this a nightmare?
Why doesn't it stop? Is there even an end to this massacre
My gaze was empty of emotion. I was holding myself
right there, looking at our friends, our acquaintances, the people we had known for almost 5 years, suffering, crying, screaming in agony ... begging ... so that it wasn't their last day. Their last smiles, their last breaths, their last thoughts.
He was praying, what's the point? Was there even someone to have faith in? If so, why are we sending these demons who have decimated hundreds of thousands of lives in front of other human beings while wisely biding their hours within these walls. Serve four hours for these giants devoid of feeling, all that we were. Cattle to be hunted.
My mind suddenly woke up, bringing me back to harsh reality. Even though all of this was unfolding in front of my eyes, there was still hope. We won't lose like that. I wouldn't lose like that by doing nothing
My legs finally began to move, causing me to run at full speed on the high roofs. I had to fight. I have to fight.
My three-dimensional gear carried me through the air, making me feel light, powerful. Eliminating as many titans as possible on the way, about thirty were slaughtered with my blades glistening with hot blood.
We had been ordered to withdraw to a base in order to draft a new strategic plan. Given that fighting without a specific plan brought nothing but victims by the hundreds on the counter.
Once the plan was in place and hesitantly approved by everyone, I turned to return to my strategic position. This plan was really very risky, but the best we had on hand so far. The only hope we hung up on. Most of the best soldiers were either seriously wounded or dead like heroes.
"Do you really think we have a chance of winning against them ?? I'm telling you, we would have a better chance of surviving by retreating"
I automatically stopped my steps when I heard his hopeless words. Is that how everyone saw the situation. To retreat because it was risky?
"face it ... this humanity no longer has any hopes that it clings to, you made it obvious"
The soldiers nodded at his words.
"It's a beautiful speech you have there kirstein" I said without emotion, my eyes fixed on the floor. The people around me moved away from me, creating a space, a bule around me. "I did not know that we had a good talker within our ranks"
"they all agree with my words though"
"Do you want to get killed too? Is that really what you want y / n?"
"yes" I said, looking up at him, looking him in the eye, "I don't mind getting eaten alive if that means dying for a good cause"
"How can you think of yourself as soldiers by giving up like that? By influencing a whole regiment of fighters on top of it. Shits like you ,are hoping to have a good life without lifting a finger to get it, that's all what matters ... Do you think you can hope for a future by thinking this way?
I walked slowly towards him
"You say there is no more hope and we have to make it obvious, but here within these walls, as long as we live, that hope is us. How can we hope for a future without fear if hope itself gives up the fight for unnecessary reasons?
"go ahead" I said "follow him if you really want to. Anyway a soldier who fights for no reason is already dead after the first step on the attack ground. Personally I will fight until the end. go away while i fight for your comfortable and loving life, i am not afraid to sacrifice myself for a better future.
“I looked up, looking at them all one by one.
"after my death, and only after my death. You can come to my grave and tell me that there is no more hope, that I was wrong. That I would have fought for nothing, perished for nothing" I said fixing my gaze on his chocolate eyes
“I'd rather die this way than give up without fighting to the end. I would push my limits like It was taught me so well in these five years
“Watch me die and go. Or�� follow me and fight. In the name of your families, of your dead comrades, of your desire for revenge, of your ardent hatred towards these vile creatures. Fight for a reason or give up for no reason. Dying here or there, there won't be much difference anyway.
"Me y / n f / n, I would fight body and soul. As I promised during my first initiation, such as the salvation that I made that day in the name of this humanity"
I left the room without letting any glance at the person who was looking at me now, watching me go, wide-eyed and open mouth in shock at my words.
With my three-dimensional gear, I roamed the streets eliminating as many titans as possible. Blood was on my head from these vile things. There were still no soldiers. So I really used my saliva in the wind, what a waste of time. I eliminated ten of them before landing on a roof to change my blades. One of my blades was stuck in my gear and I was taking too long. Much too long. In the current situation, no soldier could afford to stay more than five minutes in a fixed place, as open as a roof. It was almost suicide.
I had almost managed to sort it out, when a gigantic hand grabbed my waist, sending me up into the air. A twenty meter titans held me in the air, erasing all gravity from my suspended body. My blade had fallen. I couldn't die now. I haven't eliminated enough.
He led me quietly to his large canines full of blood , to devour me. I took a last breath, closing my eyes, thinking the pain would be more bearable this way. I automatically reopened them when I heard a familiar sound. Three-dimensional equipment. Someone was coming towards me. He was followed by a hundred people flying in the air.
He sliced ​​off the titan's finger taking me with him in the air, pressed against his chest. He made us enter a building breaking the window. We were rolling on the ground, with some shard of glass below us. I stood up, looking at my savior. Jean kirschtein.
I looked at him in surprise. My words had finally served.
"don't look at me like that. It's just that you found the right words to talk to the herds of cowards that we were 10 minutes ago" he said ruffling his jacket, sending the few pieces of glass on the ground.
I gave him a slight smile, proud of myself.
So I had succeeded
"Hey, I saved your life, you could at least thank me, you-"
" thank you so much "
"you know I said it just like that" he said scratching his neck
"you will appreciate it later kirstein we have no time to-"
"why kirstein eh?"
"That's your damn last name"
“Well for the record my parents spawned me with a name,” he said sarcastically.
I sighed and walked over to the window, I needed to get my blade. I was ready to let go of my three-dimensional when a hand grabbing my wrist stopped me
He slammed me against the wall, smashing his lips against mine. His hand passed over my cheek, stroking. He pulled me by the waist, pressing my body against mine. He deepens the kiss. He nibbled on my lower lip, and his tongue entered my mouth, dancing a fierce struggle with mine. I was still eyes wide open, shocked, and motionless in the face of his strong grip. After a while my eyes danced firmly enjoying the possible last kiss I would receive from a man before I died in battle
He pulled back a tiny bit, grading his hand on my waist and his hand on my cheek. He was looking me in the eye, with a slightly choppy breath from the hot kiss he had started.
He pecked my lips quickly, silencing me.
"Shut up. I absolutely wanted to do it before I died. So on the one hand it's your fault I'm here" he said in a humorless tone "I was a coward earlier, but like Usually, your words opened my eyes ... you always had the right words to give hope "
He was heading for the windows smashed by our shattering entrance.
"So this is your last wish?" I said watching him go
He turned around "Truly .. it's one of my last wishes" he chuckled "if I would have completed the list entirely you wouldn't be standing here fully dressed" he gave me a smirk.
He was about to jump
"don't get killed"
He didn't turn around, his back facing me. He stood there for a few seconds, before jumping up and activating his gear. Flying it through the air.
More than return to combat now.
In the end, all our efforts paid off. We got rid of these monsters one after another. Once back, soldiers came to thank me for spitting in their faces all these words which had lit them in the darkness into which fear had plunged them.
I had not seen kirschtein again. I was looking for him without really doing it. Glancing around as soon as a boy looked like that horse's head.
I got up then, heading to my dorm before curfew. I was walking peacefully through the halls, when a strong grip on my wrist made me follow the person who had dragged me behind her.
Given the dim light, I couldn't clearly see who was dragging me, but I could clearly recognize who I was looking for by their scent. He ended his way in an empty room, lit by a single, insignificant little candle.
He kissed me again, like this moment, but with a lot more passion. Pushing me against the wall. The room was silent, and only a few noises were heard, those of our lips meeting.
The kiss was coming to an end, he pressed his forehead to mine, panting. We had lasted well over three minutes.
"I didn't know horses kiss so well" I said mockingly
"tch. You just messed up everything f / n"
"I…" He reconnected our lips a second time, silencing me, then looked at me with a smile.
"Tell me" I said walking away, "do you do one last will, or ..."
"y / n f / n" he said with a sigh, "you never noticed did you?"
"You never noticed .. how I was obsessed with you" he confessed looking at the ground.
"It's creepy jean" I said smiling
"You can't help but ruin the mood, eh?" He said chuckling "in truth I myself hadn't realized all this, how much I wanted you. always believed it was pure admiration as a soldier. It's true you were always the best at anything you did. After jealousy followed, when I saw you often hanging out with jeager and his groups of clowns. Then love. earlier, for the first time. I felt a greater fear than dying eaten by these beasts. I saw how determined you were. And seeing you go"
"seeing you leave .. I thought that would be the last time I would see you. That's what made me change my mind. I didn't want to see you die without my being able to time to call you mine "
"I was so scared" I saw a tear about to fall from her beautiful eyes.
"I noticed that time was our most precious thing right now. And even though it's limited. I want to use it up with you."
"I love you" he said with a sigh "and until today this is the biggest evidence I have been confronted with" he said looking at me
I kept silent about his confession. Jean kirschtein. Stood in front of me. Redness visible on his cheeks. Admitting that he loves me.
"If you want to reject me, do it quickly. Please. It's embarrassing enough like that and-"
This time, it was I who interrupted her, fixing her lips to mine. I ran my hands behind his neck, pulling him closer, He slid his hands against my waist, hugging me tightly.
He pulled back looking at me with the biggest smile ever
"I guess that means yes," he scolded me to himself, supporting me against his chest. Take me in deep admiration.
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