#they couldn't have me in this show i'd just be like yeah we're leaking false information to the separatists that's my whole job
they are truly so bad at war in the clone wars like. where’s the lying. almost every single one of their problems could be solved with just a little more lying and one person willing to kill
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z-iridest · 3 years
Love Wins: An Ejirou Kirishima x fem! reader
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(A comfort fic for a friend in need.... I hope this helps you feel at least a bit better... Ily 🥺🥺🥺🥺❤)
Warnings: Slight Angst (attack of the insecurity demons), language, Plus Ultra Fluff
It was just one of those days....
One of those days where nothing you ever did felt good enough... One of those days where the demons of insecurity wouldn't shut the hell up about every flaw you saw in yourself, every little thing about yourself that you hated... And every shitty day always starts with a shitty morning....
For whatever reason, your alarm clock had reset out of nowhere, so when you had woken up that morning, it was 10 minutes before school started. You had jumped out of bed like your worst fear was about to end your whole life by you just being in those covers and got dressed as fast as you could, running the brush impatiently through your hair... Which only made things worse due to the pain caused by stubborn knots. Thankfully, it had happened while you were living in the dorms, so you managed to make it into your seat with near seconds to spare.... But, Iida still lectured you later for being almost late and running in the halls. You just kept your mouth shut, knowing arguing with Iida would just make things worse.... The day from there was.... Rocky at best, but your mind shoving down the negativity starting to surface. Everything would be okay... It was still early, after all, pleanty of time for things to get better...
At least... That's what you thought..... By the time it was your turn in the line to get something from the cafeteria, they were out of your f/f, which wouldn't have upset you most days, but after waking up late, the bad grade on last week's homework and Mineta getting handsy with you while you were at your locker, it was just dragging you down even more.
Of all the people to get paired up with, Aizawa just had to choose Bakugo. No surprise, you got your ass handed to you, all with Bakugo yelling at you in his trademark "tough love" bullcrap he always pulled. "Come the fuck on, Y/N, quit giving me weak attacks! Actually try hard for once, you useless dumbass! Stop being worthless and give me all you've got!" Any other day and you wouldn't take it personally. That kind of talk was just him trying to motivate you to do better in his own way.... But.... This was not one of those days... Today, it only pissed you off. As soon as he made one false move, you hit him... Hard. He hit the ground harder than he ever had before. He'd gotten the wind knocked out of him for a split second and looked up at you in shock as you glared down at him.
"How's that for worthless?" You snarled before storming off, done with the bullshit. You knew everybody was watching you leave, your eyes leaking with angry tears as you headed for the locker rooms. You knew that stunt probably gotten everyone worried, if Kirishima had been there, it definitely would have worried him....
Just when you thought today couldn't get any worse, you remembered that your boyfriend wasn't even at school that day. He was at his work study with Fat Gum. Your lip trembled as you changed out of your uniform and ran for your dorm room. Your sunshine in dark days like this wasn't here to warm you up... Your rock wasn't here to help you through today like he always was....
As soon as you slammed your door shut behind you, you broke down, sobbing hard as you slid to the floor, your back against the solid surface of the door. You needed your Kiri, and he wasn't here... But, the second you were alone, the demons really attacked you, as if the events of today had been just one of them at a time. But now.... Now, that you were alone, all of your doubts came crashing down on you like an ambush from the worst villains.
You're worthless...
You can't do anything right...
You can't even look pretty even if you did try...
You're not cut out to even be a mediocre hero...
Ejirou deserves better than you...
It was a few hours after the outburst during combat training that Kirishima arrived back at the dorms. He had a bright grin on his face as he looked for you, his beautiful, sweet girl, but... His smile fell when he couldn't find you. He saw Bakugo approaching him... And he had a black eye. "What the hell? What happened to you?" Kirishima asked.
"Your girlfriend happened... Something's up with her, I'd check on her sooner than later. I'd do it myself, but she's pissed at me." Bakugo answered Kirishima bluntly. Kirishima automatically took off for your room, knowing the way by heart. I'm comin', baby, I'm comin'. He thought. He had a bad suspicion about why you had gone so hard on Bakugo, and knowing you, he was 99% sure that his suspicion was right... Much to his own horror, his hunch had been right. You were asleep next to your bed on the floor, tear stains on your face. There was a look of misery on your face, even as you slept, and it made his heart sink low into his gut at the sight... His baby, his Queen, his Goddess... He didn't have to even wake you up to ask you what was wrong. He could tell that you'd had a bad day, and from the looks of things, him being away had made things a hell of a lot worse. He walked over to you, gently putting his arms under you and lifting you up bridal style. You startled awake, about ready to punch whoever was holding you when you heard it.
"Whoa, whoa, baby, it's me. Calm down." Kirishima's voice reached your ears and your head snapped up, relief finally flooding your face as you saw the face of your boyfriend looking back at you.
"You're home..." You started, but your happiness at being held in his arms vanished as you remembered what happened that day and started crying all over again. Kirishima hugged you, letting you cry it out as he sat down on your bed with you in his lap. Thank God tomorrow was a weekend and a day he had off from his work study... You started venting about your day through your tears, and he tensed in anger when you mentioned Mineta, but he shook it from his head. Once you were calm and happy again, he'd confront Mineta... That grape headed pervert's punishment could wait... Or maybe he'd just stick to telling Aizawa and letting him take care of Mineta, either way, the perv was in no way, shape or form gonna get off easy if he had something to say about it. He stiffened when your rant turned into tearing yourself down, and he was pretty damn quick to stop you.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, baby, listen to me. I know today was a shitty day, and I'm sorry I wasn't able to help you out all day but you know what? I'm here now, we're gonna cuddle the night away while watching your favorite movie, and tomorrow, you and I are gonna go out and have fun so you can get your mind off things."
"Wait, but what about your work study?" You asked him just as he opened his mouth to say more. He grinned down at you.
"I have the day off from it tomorrow." Kirishima told you, making your eyes widen. "But right now, let's shut down those demons in your head together, yeah?" He asked before grinning. "I can't let my baby be sad while I cuddle her." He gave you a bear hug and nuzzled into where your neck met your shoulder, reveling in the sound of your giggles. He loved that sound so much... He then gently cupped your cheeks, pulling your head down to kiss the top of it. "I love your (insert hair texture and thickness), h/c hair." He pressed a kiss to your forehead before pressing a kiss right under each eye. "I love these beautiful, mesmerizing e/c eyes." He pressed a kiss to your nose, making you scrunch it as you giggled. "I love the way your cute nose scrunches when I kiss it." He kissed both your cheeks before smiling at you, his bright grin making you smile back. "And most of all, I love, love, love when those beautiful lips are turned up into the most goregous smile I've ever known." He pressed a sweet and tender kiss against your lips, having to resist grinning when you kissed back. When the two of you pulled away, he grinned down at you. "Well... Almost as much as I love how perfect those same lips fit with mine whenever we kiss." He wiggled his eyebrows, making you giggle at his antics. As you giggled, he brought your interlaced hands to his lips, kissing the back of each of yours before showing you. "See, my goddess? We fit perfectly, just like two pieces of a puzzle. You're the love and light of my life, and there's no one I'd rather be with than you, baby. Not a single person or thing could ever change that." He told you. You smiled through tears. After the bull you'd gone through that day, this... This is exactly what you needed.
In just a few minutes, the two of you were cuddled under the blankets, Kirishima's arms around you, holding you close as the two of you watched the movie together. Your eyes were closed as a sigh of content left your lips, Kirishima kissing your temple. He whispered sweet words into your ear, words that slayed the demons that had been dragging you down in their ambush hours before. If the demons in your head were villains, Kirishima was your chivalrous, brave hero. He had never failed to rescue you from the despair of the demons' attacks, never failed to be your flashlight in the dark times. And you knew that when the times came, you'd do the same for your Kiri in his time of need...
After all... Even in the darkest times, love always wins.
(Like I said before, @bisexualmattholtstan, hope this Plus Ultra fluff helped you feel at least a little better ^^)
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