#they creeeeepyyyyyyyyyyy
clickerflight · 4 months
Clove: Part 22 - Good Host, Good Guest
So.... after that last part I realized this story is going to be longer than intended, but I still have a plan so we're all good. Also, here's benny living out our intrusive thoughts. Touch the puppy
Masterlist - Part 21
Content: vampire whumpee, fae whumpers, intimate whumper, brain washing, charming, hidden injury
Benny walked down the hall, limping a little as he went. He dearly loved his wife, but she could always be a bit rough when she was excited, and the wounds he received from her didn’t heal quickly. Maybe he should talk to her about it? Just ask her to be a little more gentle with him? A headache made Benny stumble, leaning on the wall till it passed. 
What was he thinking about? It probably didn’t matter. All that mattered was talking to Ephraim. He had been relieved to hear his sire had made it back in one piece yesterday and Benny was determined to get in Ephraim’s good books today. 
Benny skirted around a group of fae that had gathered in the hall in front of the guest room and passed through the door quietly. 
“Lucky,” one fae said, annoyed as he did so. “I want to look at the new pets.”
That meant Ephraim told everyone to stay out of the room. As fae they had to obey so as to not break the rules of hospitality, but Benny was under no such contract. 
He closed the door softly and looked around. There were remnants of dinner on the table, ragged clothing strewn about on the floor, and the door to the bedroom was cracked open. 
Benny pushed it open to see his sire asleep, one arm over a werewolf. 
“I’ll be,” Benny breathed, using a phrase from his days as a human, dropping his posh fae accent in awe. He had never even imagined a werewolf this adorable. The little guy was snuggled into Ephraim, the softest golden hair falling into his face, soft golden tail curled over his stomach. Living in the fae courts had taught Benny the worth of pets, and while Benny had at first been something special because of his good looks, charismatic nature, and double fangs, this wolf was something else entirely. 
“Ephraim is going to have a hard time keeping you,” Benny breathed, brushing a hand over the tail to see if it was as soft as it looked. 
It was. 
Ephraim’s hand on his throat was decidedly not. 
Benny scratched at Ephraim’s hand as the vampire pinned him to the wall, fangs bared as the werewolf woke, wide eyed and even more adorable than before. 
Ephraim seemed to register Benny and loosened his hold on Benny’s throat so he could speak. “What do you want?” Ephraim growled, and Benny’s heart broke at the accusatory tone in his sire’s voice. 
“Just here to wake you,” he said, his voice only slightly raspy as his new accent filtered back in. “I don’t remember you being so jumpy, old man.”
“And I remember you having manners,” Ephraim snarled. “Do not touch him.”
Benny nodded. “Understood.”
Ephraim released Benny, turning to check on the pup who was curled under the blankets, one wide golden eye peering out fearfully. 
Benny took the moment to adjust his clothing as Ephraim murmured to the child. 
The werewolf pup extricated himself slowly from the blankets, revealing himself to be dressed in overly large garments from the wardrobe. Benny made a mental note to find something suitable for the pup. He deserved clothing that did his hair and fur justice. 
“Benjamin, this is G-”
Benny caught the look of surprise on Ephraim’s face. Hyrum stared at Benny with distrust and some small amount of fear. 
“Hyrum,” Ephraim echoed. “Hyrum, this is Benny.”
Benny bowed, making sure to use his most charming smile on Hyrum. “It is very good to meet you, sweetheart.”
“Hyrum,” Benjamin echoed in return. “Now, we should find you both suitable outfits for breakfast. My wife is calling together the high members of the court to discuss what happened yesterday and to outline that you are both guests here, so-”
“No,” Ephraim replied, moving to put some of the fallen blankets back on the bed. “We’re going home.”
Benny frowned. His head hurt. “Home? But this is home.”
Ephraim shot Benny a truly dirty look and Benny recoiled. “O-Okay. But you really should come to breakfast first, Ephraim. The Monarch expects it.”
Ephraim didn’t heed the weight of Benny’s words as he continued to tidy up and gather some things from around the room. 
“We are not going,” Ephraim said, refusing to look at Benny. 
Benny felt something in his stomach he hadn’t felt in a long time. Fear. 
You’ve felt fear. You just can’t remember. Last night-
A sudden spike of pain in his head left him without the developing thought. 
“Ephraim, you don’t understand. The Monarch expects it. You commanded the fae to stay out of the room, yes?”
Ephraim hesitated, sensing the power in Benny’s words this time. He turned and nodded silently. 
“It is a part of the pact that keeps you safe. The fae are good Hosts, so they honor your wishes,” Benny explained. “But to keep the pact intact and to remain protected as a guest, you must be a good Guest in return. Which means you get dressed and meet with the Monarch and eat breakfast with the court. It is customary for guests to stay for at least three days as well. There are other customs, but I can explain them after breakfast.”
“And after the three days?” Ephraim asked, eyes narrowing. 
“You can go ‘home’ if you still want to,” Benny replied with a little shrug. “Or find a place in the court.”
“And if we break the pact?” Ephraim asked warily. 
Benny pouted a little. Why did Ephraim mistrust him? Was he still mad about not getting a message from Benny? Who held a grudge past a few hours? He supposed the fae didn’t, but he couldn’t remember what was customary for humans and vampires and the like. “Well, you will be in their power, obviously. You will be a pet to one of the fae in the court.”
Ephraim’s already pale face paled farther, looking down at Hyrum, who grabbed onto his arm, staring at Benny with just as much fear. 
“But that’s okay,” Benny reassured them. “If you make it through the three days then you can just become a part of the court. That is nice, isn’t it?”
“Going home is better,” Hyrum replied. 
Home this, home that. They were really set, huh. Benny couldn’t remember the last time he’d been so set on something. 
“Okay, fine,” he said, trying not to sound too dismissive. “Come with me, then. We’ll see if there’s anything in my wardrobe that would work for you two.”
Ephraim still watched Benny suspiciously, but put an arm around Hyrum and nodded. 
They followed Benny out, the fae crowding around them with interest. 
“Are these the guests?”
“Oh they’re just darling!”
“Is that a pup? Look at his hair!”
“And his fur. Oh sweet child. If only he weren’t so scratched up. Come here, puppy, don’t you want someone to make you feel better?”
Ephraim bared his fangs at the speaker, but that only got more tittering. “Oh how precious!”
“He only has one fang! How unique! He reminds me of dear Benny here when he was new.”
“Oh, yes. I‘m glad he has a longer leash now. He’s always such a pleasure to see.”
“Benny, show us your teeth, come on dear.”
Benny smiled at the fae, double sets of fangs showing making some of the fae almost swoon.
Ephraim was careful to keep Hyrum close as the fae crowded in. When he spotted a sneaky hand trying to stroke Hyrum’s fur Ephraim snarled again. “Don’t touch him.”
The fae withdrew her hand, pouting and Benjamin quickly said, “I’m sorry, Keena. He’s just overwhelmed. Would you let us through?”
The fae all complained but backed up to let them through. Benny smiled and thanked them all before ushering Ephraim and Hyrum down the hall. 
“They don’t mean any harm.”
“I don’t care,” Ephraim replied, feeling Hyrum trembling against his side. This was all too much after the day they had before. 
Conversation quickly died after that as Benny opened a door for them, letting them into his bedroom. His wardrobe was strange and confusing and Ephraim didn’t like any of it, but he picked something he hated the least, and refused to wear the cape. 
“Come on,” Benny whined. “You should wear it! The fae love seeing us in capes.”
“Us?” Ephraim asked sharply. “Vampires? As far as I’ve seen, they tend to prefer us dead.”
That quieted Benny, and he didn’t say anything as he offered outfits for Hyrum to choose from. Hyrum chose one in the same muted colors Ephraim went for rather than the blacks or the bright colors Benny offered. Benny was somewhat disappointed, but didn’t say anything for fear of incurring Ephraim’s ire again as he led them out to the banquet hall. 
They were seated near to the head of the table, just in time for the Queen to arrive. She walked smoothly over the mirrored floors, antlered head held high. She smiled at Benny and came to stand at the head of the table. 
Benny practically melted when he saw his wife, smiling back. There was a twinge in his injured leg when he saw her, but he deliberately ignored it. 
Silence fell over the table as the Queen stood there. She looked over them all and nodded. “It is well,” she announced. “It is time to eat and welcome our new guests. May I have your names please?”
“You cannot have our names,” Ephraim replied, coolly but politely. “You are allowed to call us Ephraim and Hyrum.”
The Queen nodded. “These are our good Guests, just as we are good Hosts.”
Sharp eyes turned at that, hungry and almost feral. Ephraim had a bad feeling a challenge had been laid down. 
“Now, it is time to eat!”
Part 23
Clove Taglist: @wolfeyedwitch @the-blind-one-speaks @whumpsday @extrabitterbrain @inkkswhumpandstuff
@honeycollectswhump @whump-blog-reblogs @pigeonwhumps @mj-or-say10 @percy-frayer
@currentlyinthesprial @scoundrelwithboba @whumps-and-bumps
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