#they definitely do gay shit on stage. eddie steals Billy’s drum sticks and just hits the high hat randomly for fun.
toxicrevolver · 2 years
Okay but Billy and Eddie being in rival bands.
Eddie plays lead guitar and does lead vocals for his band. Billy plays bass or drums for his band and does backing vocals. The rivalry starts bcs Eddie loses his Friday night gig at a local bar to the new local group (Billy’s band) bcs the lead singer is related to the bar owner or paid for the slot (legit just a random character I’m not thinking much about who’s in Billy’s band). This rivalry goes on for like 6 months before Eddie even sees/listens to the band. The rivalry is purely based on the premise of stealing their best gig in town so most of the beef is with the leader of the band.
Fast forward like another handful of months and they both end up in a battle of the bands and end up taking 2nd and 3rd place (Eddie’s band in second and Billy’s in third). Both bands decide to go out drinking (seperately) to celebrate and end up running into each other at the same bar. Billy ends up chatting to Eddie about hair care bcs they have similar hair types and Billy needs some tips bcs the water in Hawkins is fucking with his terribly and nothing he’s used so far has helped. Billy knows nothing of this rivalry and only recognizes Eddie as the lead guitarist/vocalist from the 2nd place band. So Billy ends up getting pissy bcs he doesn’t understand why Eddie is being crass and short with him. Billy ends up asking Eddie why he’s being a bitch when he just wants some help with his hair. Eddie explains how Billy’s band stole his best gig (Friday nights) and with that most of his income. This leads to Billy exposing the leader of the band as a fraud who paid his way into getting gigs and that the band is actually shit without Billy. Billy ends up joining Eddie’s band bcs their drummer does something (idk what and idc I’m just thinking thoughts). Obviously they end up leaving Hawkins for a bigger music scene and end up falling in love and stuff.
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