#it’s almost 6am here and I’m literally just thinking thoughts.
toxicrevolver · 2 years
Okay but Billy and Eddie being in rival bands.
Eddie plays lead guitar and does lead vocals for his band. Billy plays bass or drums for his band and does backing vocals. The rivalry starts bcs Eddie loses his Friday night gig at a local bar to the new local group (Billy’s band) bcs the lead singer is related to the bar owner or paid for the slot (legit just a random character I’m not thinking much about who’s in Billy’s band). This rivalry goes on for like 6 months before Eddie even sees/listens to the band. The rivalry is purely based on the premise of stealing their best gig in town so most of the beef is with the leader of the band.
Fast forward like another handful of months and they both end up in a battle of the bands and end up taking 2nd and 3rd place (Eddie’s band in second and Billy’s in third). Both bands decide to go out drinking (seperately) to celebrate and end up running into each other at the same bar. Billy ends up chatting to Eddie about hair care bcs they have similar hair types and Billy needs some tips bcs the water in Hawkins is fucking with his terribly and nothing he’s used so far has helped. Billy knows nothing of this rivalry and only recognizes Eddie as the lead guitarist/vocalist from the 2nd place band. So Billy ends up getting pissy bcs he doesn’t understand why Eddie is being crass and short with him. Billy ends up asking Eddie why he’s being a bitch when he just wants some help with his hair. Eddie explains how Billy’s band stole his best gig (Friday nights) and with that most of his income. This leads to Billy exposing the leader of the band as a fraud who paid his way into getting gigs and that the band is actually shit without Billy. Billy ends up joining Eddie’s band bcs their drummer does something (idk what and idc I’m just thinking thoughts). Obviously they end up leaving Hawkins for a bigger music scene and end up falling in love and stuff.
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mjolnirswriststrap · 5 months
Just Another Notch
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Masterlist Part 2/?? Part 3
Bucky Barnes x Plus Size F!Reader
Summary: If Bucky thinks his charms will work on you, then you’re gonna put up one hell of a fight to prove him wrong.
Word Count: 1,711
Warnings: None, but will contain explicit content 18+, in future chapters, read at your own discretion.
Your alarm didn’t wake you, it was a loud knocking at your door. You jump up, tapping your phone screen to see that it was only 6am. Now you’re gonna be groggy all morning, your alarm was set for 6:45. You trudge to your door, ready to rip down whoever it was that woke you up. When you open the door you see Bucky with bright eyes, two coffees in hand. You quickly read the label and see that it’s your favorite cafe in Brooklyn. How did he get coffee from there this early?
“Good morning.” He chirps out, reaching one of the paper cups forward. You cross your arms in front of you, refusing the coffee. “How can I help you?” You say curtly. You take in his attire, he was ready for training. You could almost laugh, him and Steve take their sponsorships too seriously, can’t be seen exercising in anything other than Under Armor.
“I still felt bad about last night and thought, maybe I could repay you by helping you get a head start today.” The smirk on his lips did nothing to ease your agitated mood. “I said we’re even, it’s fine.” You say, wondering if he was being genuine. It was far too early for all of this. You rub your sleep filled eyes, pushing your hair behind your ears. “Anything else?” You say, wanting to get some more sleep before the day of literal hell you were about to endure. Physically, you were the apex, but mentally and strategically, not so much.
You couldn’t wield a gun, you’d been studying a makeshift dictionary of all the military terms Steve and Bucky say during missions. You couldn’t take directions. Besides overpowering the strongest guy in Kansas during a championship, you’d never learned how to combat fight. You have no clue where to hit someone or how hard so you don’t do fatal damage. You were written up on your first mission.
Your adrenaline was pumping and you thought the gunman was bigger than what he was, causing you to dent his chest in, instantly killing him. The punch was meant to lay him out, not kill him. You’d been reminded time and time again during initial training that the goal was to subdue, shield rehabilitates these criminals.
So now training was mainly a mental game for you. Sizing people up, you were no use against magicians or witches but physically, you worked hard to discern people’s capabilities. You’d never trained with Bucky or Steve before. You’d never fought against a super soldier, you couldn’t even imagine their strength. Therefore, you’d never opted to train with them.
“No, I’m sorry for waking you.” He says, his eyes tell a completely different story. But you hear some sincerity in his voice. Maybe you were being too harsh to him. He really hadn’t done anything wrong, yet. You were the one who assumed he was drunk, you were the one who enjoyed him innocently helping you clean his mess. If you put aside all your wild ideas, Bucky had actually been very nice to you.
While no one had made any progress in talking to you or really even introducing themselves, Bucky was willing to sit with you and enjoy a bowl of cereal, alone. No other outside force willing him to be there. He’d apologized after spilling milk on you, helped clean it. He wasn’t even looking, and you were speed walking behind him, what if it truly was just an accident. Here you were being rude to the only person who’s shown you kindness.
You wanted to hit yourself. Mentally you were painting your back porch red. Guilt was slowly filling you as you watch him drop his head, nodding as if he’s finally realizing the situation, you wanted him to leave. But not anymore, “Let me get dressed, 5 minutes!” You wait for him to look up at you before you close the door in his face, you could see his smile return, but this time it looked triumphant and genuine.
You want to play this game with him, you knew that much. So why not make a big move and wear your new sports bra set with matching spandex shorts. You’d never worn just a sports bra, and always wore leggings. Your best friend convinced you that you looked good in it, so Nike gladly took your money. This would surely prove your suspicion, were his intentions innocent?
You looked in the mirror, pushing and pulling at your breast in the tight spandex. Your cleavage had to be perfect for this to work. You rolled down the waistband of the shorts, letting it show off your curves. You run to the bathroom to do your morning routine. Walking out of your door in less than the 5 minutes you estimated. You had no idea why you had such a pep in your step. As if you were rushing back to him.
“Thanks.” You say taking the coffee from his hands. He stands there frozen as you turn for the elevator, he watches your ponytail sway across your shoulders, then he lets his eyes travel down, to see your back dimples on display. This one he would fight for, his improvised plan didn’t work last night, he’ll admit his ego was hurt a little by his advances not working. So he gave you another chance with coffee this morning.
It almost didn’t work, he was showing real sadness when you rejected him again, but out of self pity, not because you were being rude. But it worked, and you folded. Judging by the way you’re dressed, he knew you were playing along with him. He would win in the end, he always does. Besides, you’d be an adversary opponent and the best prize.
You wish you could’ve told him black coffee wasn’t really your style, but you had too much pride, sipping it empty on the way down to the training floor. Bucky would probably go left to the gym, and you’ll go right, to the simulation room. It was handy for someone like you. Training with real people was a liability, so holograms it was. “See you later.” You nod to him.
“Where you going? I thought we were training together.” He sounds disappointed. “Oh you meant like the two of us? I thought it was a wake up call, not an invite.” You scratch the back of your neck, kind of embarrassed. “I figured you could use the change of scenery.” He laughs.
You follow him into the gym, a place you’d only been once, during the orientation tour. It was huge, needing the capacity to handle super hero’s being thrown around. Bucky walks over to a bench, setting down his coffee cup and shedding his windbreaker jacket. You toss your empty cup in the trash can beside the door, slowly walking up to him. “So what did you have in mind?” You ask, nervous as to what exactly you had gotten yourself into.
“First some basic warm up drills, then I figured I could help you with that strength depth perception.” He grabs two jump ropes from the wall and tosses one your way. “Fury was worried about you at the last meeting.” You roll your eyes, of course he was.
“I didn’t know you discussed me at meetings.” You say, starting to jump rope. He joins you a second later, going miles faster than you. “We discuss everything, especially things that could be a liability.”. He wasn’t wrong, it rubbed you wrong that you couldn’t defend yourself at these meetings. But you understood why they did it, you killed a man.
“Right.” You huff out, stopping and dropping the jump rope, you had no endurance. Bucky continues for another minute, the rope turning into a blur as it whizzed around him. You ran the track around the perimeter of the gym, till you legs felt like jelly. Again, Bucky kept going, literally running laps around you.
When he came to a jog in place in front of you, you took in the fact that no sweat had formed on his brow, meanwhile you left a puddle in the floor when you stood up. “Okay, let’s start with defense.” He brings his fist to face level and you match his stance. “We both know you have offense covered. But what about protecting yourself. Other people are strong too.” He made a good point.
You had beginners luck, dodging the first punch Bucky threw at your stomach. The second, not so much. You suck in a breath when his metal fist makes contact with your rib. “You’re supposed to block!” He sounds upset, like he was the one who just got hurt. “Yeah I got that.” You wheeze out, dropping to your knees, clutching your stomach.
Just as you’ve almost composed yourself the door to the gym swings open. “Are you ready for complete destruction, son?” It’s Steve walking in, but his face immediately drops when he sees you. “Excuse me.” He’s obviously embarrassed. You just look at Bucky and try to hold in a laugh. “Seriously?” You whisper, his cheeks are red but he nods.
“I’ll take that as my cue.” You say, waddling over to the vending machine in the corner. The blue on the Aquafina label reflected in your eye. You’re gonna die if you don’t get a drink. You tap your Apple Watch to the card reader, typing in A5, as you watch your water bottle be mechanically maneuvered around through a glass window you hear whispering. “She needs a snack already?”
You don’t know who said it, just that someone did, you didn’t turn around. Preferring to pretend it didn’t happen, you grab the water from the machine, drinking the whole thing in a couple chugs. You smash it between your hands, completely flattening it to the width of paper. It was loud, the cracking of the plastic, it silenced their hushed words. As you toss it into the trash can beside the door, you turn around and address both men.
“Thirst and hunger are two different things, wouldn’t you say?” And you leave, pushing past Natasha in the hallway as you make your way to the simulation room.
Taglist: @cjand10 @winterslove1917 @honestlywork @calwitch
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hyatoro · 1 year
Hwang Minsu Mating V2
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Alpha!Reader x Omega!Minsu
This time reader does the penetrating.
It’s the same as my other one where Minsu penetrates but other way around. 
Read Other Version Here (Minsu Penetrates)
It’s one of those nights where he has to work unfortunately. And you explicitly said that you had no plans to visit him that night. He was moping, not that he looked any different to the public eye when he wasn’t by your side. 
He’s super pouty behind his mask and every moment that he’s not dealing with a customer he’s on his phone looking at his pictures of you. Some of them were taken without your knowledge, but you’re not really concerned. You already knew what you were dealing with. 
But his favorite ones are the ones where you took his phone and took a selfie of you two together. It always warms his heart to look at and he gets this dopey smile on his face. Because you liked him!!! You wanted to make memories with him in frame!! The ones with only you have their own charm, untainted by his existence, but he can’t hide how happy the ones with you both make him. 
He gets off his shift at 6am when he exchanges with the morning guy, greeting him politely before hurrying home. Only to see you waiting for him by the exit. 
Minsu stops in his tracks and rubs his eyes to make sure this isn’t some hallucination he manifested by staring at your photos. 
When you smile at how silly he’s being, he rushes you, wrapping his arms around you tight. You return the hug just as hard and every muscle in his body relaxes as he melts into your embrace. 
“W-What are you doing here!? I thought you couldn’t come?” 
“I did. I needed to sleep. And now I’m here.”
!!!! <3 <3 <3 !!!!
Clings onto you for another few minutes before finally allowing the both of you to walk again. He looks tired so you invite him to your place since it’s closer than his. Of course he accepts whole-heartedly. 
He accepts the shower you offer, indulging in all your stuff. When he’s done he’s all sparkly like a new man. Degreased. 
You let him sleep in your bed while you do chores, and he gets a solid 6 hours of sleep before waking up, his body only taking what’s necessary before waking up to spend time with you. By then it’s lunch time and his groggy ass gets up to snuggle up wherever you are. You happened to be making lunch so you give him a kiss on his head when he nuzzles into the crook of your neck. He makes this goofy ass sound when he goes heh heh as you do so. 
Y’all eat lunch and get to cuddling on your couch when you’re snuggled up to his neck this time. After a few more whiffs you realize that his heat is approaching. You tell him as much. 
“A-Ah… Is it? I- Um… Is that a problem for you? I can go put on a patch or leave-” he rambles, unwilling to leave your side but not wanting to be a burden on you. Which you quickly fix by kissing him and telling him to shut up. He listens. 
You say, “It’s not necessarily a problem, but I wanted to ask if you wanted to spend it with me?” And you’re nuzzling your nose into his scent glands. He could not refuse you even if he wanted to. So what makes you think he would as is? 
“Yes!” He shouts before you change your mind, stretching his neck out further as he gets breathy, baring himself to you. “Yes yes yes, I want to spend my h-heat with you…” 
If he could manually start his heat right fucking now he would. 
You chuckle before kissing his neck and whispering your words into his skin. “Then it’s a plan.”
He is squirming in your lap and you can literally smell his arousal. He can’t hide his neediness and is actively rubbing up against you, but the tiniest bit of shame he has left has him hiding his face behind his hands. 
With him so sweet and pretty in your arms how could you not pamper him? And since he’s so eager you might as well ask, “Hey, Minsu. I’ve got another thing to ask you.”
“Whatever it is, the answer is yes.” Zero hesitation. 
Your teeth grazes his skin, right where mates mark each other, and he almost creams his pants right then and there. His body twitches as he whimpers and whines even though you’ve barely done anything. 
“Can I claim you, sweetheart?” you whisper the golden words into his ear.
The man hops off and starts ripping his clothes off as fast as possible, terrified that you might be joking or change your mind. “I said the answer is yes!” 
You’re stunned but also admiring him and his tenacity when he suddenly starts stripping you too. “Whoa! Easy there, sweetheart. Let’s take this to the bed.” Your amusement and confidence has him folding and begging you to move faster. He is physically shoving you towards the bedroom, but it’s super ineffective cause he is so fucking weak. Your mind tells you to get some meat on his bones later. 
You’re excited too so you hurry to your bedroom, and as hot as you are in your rumpled clothing from his failed attempt to strip you, he is back to trying to take your clothes off. 
At this point you understand why he’s rushing you but ease his worries with some kisses and words of reassurement. “This is an important moment, Minsu. I’m not going to rush it. I promise I’m not going to change my mind and back out or anything. If you want to-”
“Absolutely not!”
You stifle a laugh. “I was going to say it would be fine if you changed your mind halfway through, but it seems I don’t have to worry about that.”
He whines as he bares himself to you, urging you to hurry up, though the franticness of it has subsided, the assurance working. It was just plain old impatience now. 
You finally, finally, remove your clothes and he is mesmerized the entire time. He’s seen glimpses before, through the gap in your curtains when you’ve changed, but this? This was entirely different. He looks at you with awe and lust, barely holding back from lunging at you for a taste since you told him to lay back. 
Then you crawl over him and cage him between your arms, a devilish grin on your face. The poor boy is so ridiculously wet it’s kind of insane to think about. 
His legs wrap around you, grinding up into your hips as his arms cling to you, begging for more touch. You yield to his desires, devouring him just as expected. It’s only been heavy petting and he’s already a mess. 
You take his hand and kiss his wrist, taking in his sweet scent, letting his arousal mix with yours as you nip at the skin there. Minsu is so whiny and it shows. 
When you line yourself up with him you look at his face and he is so fucking horny he’s shaking, his head vigorously nodding yes. As you sink into him he cries out, hands grasping at you in any capacity as his eyes slam shut. The visual stimulus is too much, but when he can’t see all he can think about is how you feel and that doesn’t help either. 
He’s begging you. He doesn’t say what he’s begging for though. It’s just a long string of “please please please please please fuck please…” Is he asking for you to hold on and wait or is he asking that you move? Yes. He can’t fucking decide so you do it for him and raise your hips up and slam back down. 
His head flies back and he lets out a string of curses.
Then you grab him by the chin, thumb pushing his mouth open and press against his tongue. He moans and licks it obediently. When you tell him to open his eyes however he’s hesitant to do so, and when he does, he stares at your face. 
“Are you going to waste my time and not even pay attention to the show I’m giving you? After all that effort you put in trying to see me naked?” 
Every single fucking thing you’ve said and done has him hanging by a fucking thread and when eyes finally trail down to see where you’re connected he disobeys your orders and shuts his eyes back closed, grunts and whines as he does so. 
“Oh~ I see how it is. You’re not going to be good for me? Y’know, bad boys don’t get marked, Minsu~ I thought you wanted to be claimed?” your honeyed voice teasing him. 
He’s crying. He is legit crying. “Nononononooo. Pleasepleaseplease I’ll be good. I just- I can’t- I want it to last- Fuck-” his eyes try to open. He sees your pretty face in a mock pout. He sees how your cock disappears into him. And his eyes shut again, tears falling from his eyes. “I-I-I’m sorry! I want to be good! I- FUCK-”
And you feel him convulse around you. His cries are so hot as his body tenses. His own cock spilling cum onto his stomach. It takes a while for him to come down from his high.
He’s hiding his face as he sobs, apologizing and begging for another chance. That he’ll do better and that you should please fucking claim him. Please for the love of god claim him. 
You have never been so fucking horny in your life. You wipe away his tears after moving his hands and give him reassuring kisses. “Of course I’m going to claim you. I promised you, didn’t I? It’s okay, honey. Just take some deep breaths and calm down.” 
He’s nodding, suppressing his hiccups as he listens. When he’s gotten to a point where he’s calm again you start thrusting into him slowly again. His own soft cock doesn’t stay that way for long, considering he’s insatiable when it comes to you. 
It all builds up again, but this time he’s not constantly on the brink of cumming too soon. It’s still close though. 
When you start kissing his neck, leaving a line of hickies for him to find later, he is back to grasping at your back, neck outstretched as much as it can. You take the moment to bask in how delicious his scent is right then, before you mark him as yours. 
With one last look on his face for any doubt, of which you find none, you finally go for the kill, biting and breaking his skin where every mated couple has done so in all of history. 
If you thought the moans from when he came too soon were wanton, then this was downright scandalous. 
The primal aspect of it has you going feral as you come alongside him this time, biting down even harder, barely keeping in mind to not actually hurt him. 
When you two relax you’re lapping at the blood on his neck and he’s just this shivery mess of limbs. His mind is so fucking clouded and if his body were in better condition he’d be begging to do it all over again. 
Once he’s no longer bleeding you kiss the mark before kissing him. The taste of his blood on your lips really makes the act feel real, his tongue lazily prodding yours until you flop over next to him. 
His breath and voice are still shaky as he thanks you profusely. You wipe the two of you down with some towels and he thanks you again. When you lay back down his shivering body then curls up into your arms as you pull the blanket up over you two. 
His thoughts aren’t even words anymore. They’re just hearts. Just a bunch of <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 with you in mind.  ❤️  ╰(⸝⸝⸝´꒳`⸝⸝⸝)╯  ❤️
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freshlluv · 12 days
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misses - pt.3 M.S
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summary: in which matt's meets y/n again (matts pov ill make pt.4 maybe of them meeting)
warnings: use of y/n, not proofread, exbsf!matt, no smut, angst, sad, mention of love
a/n: i hate this bro i wanna rip my hair out i WILL CRASH OUT WTF.
mama a girl behind YOU💜
Matt’s POV
Time hasn’t felt so fast.
I’m in L.A, with my siblings, in our own house.
I never had the time to process anything. Posting was the only thing on my mind– and, well– someone else.
I never thought any of this was going to happen within the span of 4 years, kinda crazy to think about.
I scrolled on my phone mindlessly, I just felt so drained from the past few weeks. I kept on thinking about the dream I had a few days ago, it keeps replaying, again and again in my head.
God, I miss her.
“Baby, wake up.” A soft and light voice whispers into my ear. I look up to see her– my heart drops. Y/N.
I haven’t seen her forever.
A white flowy dress surrounds her, she looked so happy. Her smile reflected onto me like a mirror image. Her eyes glint softly.
The last time I saw her, her eyes were wrongly deep and dark, her smile was not to be seen.
She looked restless.
I left her at her lowest.
“Yes?” I hummed, pulling her close to me, squeezing her sides.
“Don’t forget about me, hm?” She looked directly into my eyes, her eyebrows drawn up in the inner corners. A slight panicked look flashes in her eyes when I don't respond.
Then she slowly drifts away, curling up into a ball. And shutting me out
I jolted awake, drenched in a cold sweat, my heart pounding in my chest like a drum. The pain— it never stops. It’s always there, a dull ache that sharpens with every thought of her. Just a fleeting memory of her, and I’m spiraling again, caught in the undertow of that silent, unforgettable laugh of hers. I can still feel the playful smack of her hand, see the way her eyes would glisten with unshed tears.
The memory of her talking about how much she came to love Autumn. How she loved that the trees had the weight off their branches, just how she felt when she was around me.
She loved how the weather grew colder, which were more excuses to cuddle.
To be closer to me.
I was so blind.
Now I can’t even think about Autumn without wanting to be near her.
I loved her– a lot. 
I never realized it.
That word wouldn’t dare to cross my mind.
No– I wouldn’t let myself think of her that way.
I would ruin everything I had built.
I was so stupid.
The only thing I had for her is love.
And it still stands.
She awakened something in me that no one else ever had. With her, I felt a love that was deep and real, like I was truly cherished in a way I never thought possible. I knew how much she cared for me—how she never wanted to leave my side, and it filled me with a warmth I couldn't describe.
And I felt it too, I needed to be there for everything.
I wanted to be her everything.
In my head I decided since we were already in Boston to stop at a restaurant to grab something to eat before we headed home. But Nick and Chris had other plans.
“Pleasee, cmon Matt, we haven't been at the park in ages.” He whined, pleading to go to our old hangout spot.
“Chris, it’s literally 3am. No fuckin’ way.” I argued back, raising my voice.
“Matt, it’s literally on the way home just go I don’t wanna hear Chris’ whining.” Nick sighed, and rolled his eyes and he placed his phone down.
I groaned, making a right turn, heading us to the park.
Chris cheered silently, turning to Nick as he celebrated.
Hours passed and now it’s almost 6am. Nick and Chris retired to the car, now I’m here alone. I walked around listening to our favorite song.
She loved Clairo.
She said that Clairo sang the unspoken things she could ever dare to say.
I got up from my seat and decided to walk to our designated hangout bench in the park.
I dragged my feet against the concrete. I still could hear the commotion of the traffic around me and the trees dancing in the wind.
Upon reaching the bench I spotted a figure huddled on our bench, a huge puffer jacket and seemed to be slightly shivering.
I didn’t think too much of it but I could recognize that jacket from anywhere.
Nah, no way it’s not her. Anyone could have that jacket.
The figure looked up and my heart dropped. I stopped in my tracks.
It’s her.
I felt like puking, my hands shaking.
I swallowed and croaked out.
“Y/N? I said, baffled, trying to make sure it was actually her.
She looked up, she was clearly out of it. Her eyes focused and narrowed at me.
Does she hate me? I swallowed hard.
Her voice trembled, barely more than a whisper, and her skin was pale and clammy, making her look fragile and ill. I could see the exhaustion in her eyes, the shadows beneath them dark and heavy. A surge of anxiety crashed over me like a wave, my chest tightening with each shallow breath. 
I felt a knot twist in my stomach, my heart racing with fear and helplessness. Was someone bothering her? Was she getting hurt? Is she doing drugs? 
“What the- What’re you doing here?” Was the only thing that came to my head when I asked her. I was speechless. I thought of this situation millions of times, and now It’s happening and I blanked out on her. My heart hasn’t slowed down, I feel like I’m going to faint right here.
She went silent.
She’s mad at me. I fucked up, theres no going back.
“U-um, I’m just- trying to get a break from all the work.” She cleared her throat, sitting back.
Silence filled the gap between you. You wished that she understood everything that was going through your head. You wish you could tell her everything, but it’d just be a hopeless and a final goodbye.
“Oh, obviously.” I shuttered, that was so stupid to ask. “Um, it’s weird to see you here, at 5- almost 6am.” I smiled, but it didn’t reach my eyes, I chuckled dryly, licking my lips.
She pursed her lips “Same to you. I thought you were at L.A?” She demanded.
I paused, I couldn’t think. Fuck “Oh. About that, I’m sorry I never talked to you. I just- I couldn’t get the courage to tell you, that’d-” I rambled, sounding like an idiot. My head falling into my hand. Wincing at my excuse.
“I couldn’t tell you that I was moving there.” My voice cut through the cold air, firm and clean.
“I never understood why you wouldn’t tell me that, especially after you told me specifically that you’d never move there.” Her brows knitted together at the center. Her voice full of concern.
She exhaled, sounding exhausted. Like she knew my answer.
“Our manager, we just listened to her. And I feel like I just betrayed you– And I know, I’m so, so, so sorry.”  I begged her, silently to understand.
Her head moved in a quick, dismissive shake. “You know me. You. know. me, Matt. That’s the crazy thing.” She let out a humorless chuckle. She stood up swiftly.
“I wouldn’t ever get mad at you for leaving to move to L.A, yeah sure I’d be confused but that’s the thing. I love you enough to understand.” She spewed out aggressively. Her eyes glossy
My heart hurt. So much more. I did this to her. She loved me. I do too.
“I love you?”
“Why didn’t you tell me this?”   I swallowed hard, feeling the sting of defeat settle in my chest. I wished I knew — God, how I wished I did. The helplessness gnawed at me, a relentless ache that twisted in my gut. I really, truly wished I had the answer.
“I didn’t tell you because it would ruin everything I wanted not to slip away from my grasp, I didn’t want my love to drive me away from this– and not that it worked, you still left. You left a hole through my already tender heart. I haven’t healed, not even a bit. I’m sore, I can’t sleep, can't eat. I can’t do anything.” 
“It wouldn’t have ruined anything” I whispered, softly.
 Those words gnawing at my exposed flesh, it was true. But it hurts, so fucking bad. It’s all in the past. 
We are talking about the past.
I hear my siblings call for me.
I turned to look at her but she’s already facing the other direction. Turned away from me tapping repeatedly on her phone.
“I’ll text you–” I begged her.
She nodded, “okay.” Her voice was a silent and hurtful whisper.
“I– I have so much to say. We can meet up and talk about it..” I offered. Praying she’d accept it.
She nodded again. A half smile appeared on her face.
Nothing like her true smile.
It’s like she lost herself.
Like I lost her.
We lost each other I guess.
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tags: @imafuckingsimp
ask to be added on the taglist :)
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monsta-x-jagi · 1 month
Legal Affairs - Chapter 2
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Synopsis: You meet Minhyuk and Changkyun, who help you hatch a plan
Word count: 3.3k
Triggers: mentions drink spiking/drugging someone
Your alarm blared at 4am, and you cursed the beautiful man with the puppy personality who you were meeting the morning. Something about how Minhyuk couldn’t drive and how the early morning mist and sunlight was needed for the perfect photos led to you volunteering to pick up Minhyuk from his photoshoot so that you could interview him. 
With Minhyuk, the conversation flowed easily, possibly because of his so-called sunshine personality, which you hoped would would be enough to keep you awake as you drove him to the dorms.
“So tell me about Hoseok's behaviour during filming. Was it any different to usual?” You asked.
“Not at all. His makeup made him look fierce, but we all know he’s an adorable fluffy bunny. But be careful if he hugs you.” Literally just 3 words in that spiel were helpful for your investigation, but you decided to humour Minhyuk.
“Why should I be careful?"
“Well, what if he breaks your bones, and then you sue him? You seem like the best lawyer he’s ever going to get.” Minhyuk’s response surprised you.
“The best lawyer? Mr Lee, you realise I’m practically an intern right? Not to mention, I missed out on every single other firm I applied to.” Usually this would be a sore point for you, but you didn’t want to oversell your capabilities.
“Yeah, but you’re a favourite of the CEO, so you’re probably a hot shot. Plus, I’ve never known a lawyer as keen as you. Like c’mon, picking up a potential witness at 6am? That’s either dedication or desperation.” Minhyuk laughed as he searched for some snacks in his bag. He looked at you as if to ask whether he can eat, and you waved your hand to say you didn’t really care.
When a couple crunches from Minhyuk’s snacks indicated he was done speaking, you spoke. “It’s desperation. This internship feels like my last chance,” you admitted resentfully.
The crunching slowed as Minhyuk spoke. “Why would you say that? You clearly seem capable. The CEO knows you, you’re speed running these interviews and you’ve already got a solid action plan. You’re literally going above and beyond.” 
“You seem to be getting more worked up than me about this.” It made you smile to hear your efforts were appreciated. “I kind of like it.” 
“Well yes, I take offence at anyone selling themselves short like that. Even if you’re just the intern, there has to be a reason why the CEO personally assigned this case to you.” Minhyuk was obviously unaware your uncle was the CEO of Useungja Law Firm, and you weren’t exactly eager to bring that up, so you prodded the conversation along.
“Well alright, if you say so.” Hopefully that placated Minhyuk. “But since you definitely didn’t see anything weird with Hoseok’s behaviour, can you tell me if there was something weird with the staff?"
Minhyuk thought for a moment. “Yes actually. Hoseok said he forgot something in the van, and a staff member went to get it. But it wasn’t a staff member I had seen before. I also didn’t see this person bring Hoseok anything either."
“I heard about that from Kihyun too. Do you think you could recognise the staff member if I showed you photos of everyone who was there that day?” You asked.
“Probably. Do you want to show them to me over breakfast in the dorms?” Minhyuk said.
“Uh, yeah, sure,” you said absentmindedly, unsure if you were even allowed into the dorms. “Mr Lee, you’re close to Hyungwon right?"
“Sorry, Mr Lee? I only know Minhyuk.” He gigged before speaking more seriously. “Y/n, I know you’re trying to play everything perfectly here but we really don’t mind. You’re doing us a big help by trying to wrap all this us quickly.” 
“Well, Minhyuk, do answer the question. After all, we are almost at the dorms,” you said while making the last few turns.
“What’s the question again?"
“Oh jesu- I mean oh serio- nope, nope, I don’t do this, I am a professional,” you caught yourself nearly swearing once again and Minhyuk laughed. 
“Y/n, how old are you? You’re younger than me aren’t you?” Minhyuk asked as he packed up his snacks.
You nodded. “Yes. Now, Minhyuk Oppa, will you tell me if you’re close to Hyungwon?”
“Well, duh, obviously. But what does Hyungwonnie have to do with Hoseok’s charges?” Minhyuk asked while you parked the car.
“Kihyun said Hoseok spent a lot of time with Hyungwon during the party, just chatting to people. I’d like to find out who those people might be, and I think Hyungwon might know,” you explained.
“Well, I can wake up Hyungwon for you in the dorm. How about I help you bring your research materials upstairs?” Minhyuk asked, pointing to your backseat where there was a box full of your investigation materials.
Before you could say anything, Minhyuk pulled the box out of the car and waited for you to follow him into the dorms. “Minhyuk....” you groaned, worried you were exploiting his generosity.
“Nonsense. I’ll look over those staff members while I eat okay? Then I’ll wake up Hyungwon for you,” Minhyuk said as he led you into the apartment building.
“Seriously Minhyuk, I feel bad accepting all this help. I told your agency I’d be working around your schedules, not barging into your lives.” You entered the elevator with him. You tried to take the box from him, but he held on to it. He only gave it back to fish for his keys. Once he opened the door, Minhyuk took the box from you again, and placed it on the dining table inside the dorm. 
While you searched your material, he made his way to the kitchen to get some cereal. While he ate, you slid over the sheet of paper with employee details to Minhyuk, with a pen. “Just circle anyone who seems worth looking at.”
“Hey Min! Is that you? Or some animal you’re pretending to be?” someone called out from within the apartment.
Minhyuk suddenly ran from the kitchen towards a bedroom. “Y/n, don’t come this way.”
You stood in the kitchen, confused.
You could hear Minhyuk speaking to someone in a hushed but urgent tone. “Put some clothes on, NOW.”
“Hoseok’s lawyer’s here.”
But why here?
“It was convenient, oh look I don’t know, just get dressed, she’s in the kitchen."
When Minhyuk returned, he spoke more calmly. “That was Changkyun, our maknae. He didn’t mean anything he said, even if he can be mean sometimes."
“Right.” You were unsure what else to fill the conversation with. “I’ll just uh, be here, until you finish scanning through that page. There’s probably like 50 names, and I’d rather you didn’t rush it.” 
You sat at the dinner table and checked your emails. After deleting the unnecessary spam in your inbox, you found emails from the drug testing lab with the test results. With bated breath, you opened it: NEGATIVE FOR ANY ILLICIT SUBSTANCES
You cried out in excitement, a little louder than you thought, and Minhyuk looked up from the pages he was reviewing. “Who is it? Boyfriend?”
You stood up to bring your phone to Minhyuk. “No. Something even better.”
He read the page open on your phone and jumped in excitement like a kid. “No way!!! This is amazing. You’re right, this is better than your boyfriend… no offence.” 
“None taken, lawyers are too busy to have boyfriends anyways,” you replied and Minhyuk gave you a thin lipped smile in understanding.
“Hey uh, I thought you said a lawyer was here?” That voice from earlier spoke up.
“Changkyun, get your butt over here. We have great news!”
The maknae of Monsta X, Im Changkyun, lumbered in from the hallway, fully clothed as Minhyuk requested. Minhyuk turned your phone around for Changkyun to read aloud under his breath, “negative... all substances.” The maknae glanced between you and Minhyuk. “Does this mean it’s finally over? Is our group safe?"
You looked at Minhyuk for assurance that Changkyun wasn’t fragile enough to crumble at bad news. When Minhyuk nodded, you spoke. “No, the investigation is ongoing. I’m still finishing up the footage, and I still need to figure out the guest list at that party.” 
Changkyun thought about what you said for a moment. Minhyuk was still looking through the sheet of staff. You just sat there, eyes drifting between the two men.
“Oh wai-"
“Hey I’m do-"
They looked at each other. Almost immediately, Changkyun conceded. “Hyung, you go."
Minhyuk didn’t delay. “I’ve circled names of people I’m unfamiliar with, though I can’t exactly say whether I’ve had a bad experience with any of them."
“Thank you, Minhyuk. I’ll keep these name in mind when I look at the surveillance.” You turned to Changkyun expectantly.
“Well I was thinking about the party. And I know who hosted it. Now the guest list is pretty big, but it was mainly idols and other celebrities or well to do people. And here’s the thing - there’s another party for when the recorded show is actually released. So if you’d like, we can keep an eye on people then?” Changkyun offered, almost shyly.
“Alternatively, let’s take y/n with us. She’ll probably see things we miss,” Minhyuk looked expectantly at you.
“And don’t worry about the outfit, it’s a costume party,” Changkyun added.
“Sorry, what? I am going to the party? How would I be invited to that? I am a random lawyer handling some hush-hush case.”
“C’mon y/n, just trust us. We’re Monsta X. If I want you at a party, you'll be there,” Minhyuk said reassuringly. Or maybe slightly threateningly. 
“The best suspects will be there. Plus, are you really doing anything the next couple days other than sitting and watching surveillance?” Changkyun added
“I mean, I could always stand and watch,” you quipped and Minhyuk wheezed out a laugh. Changkyun groaned. But it was decided. You would join them at the party in a few days.
After that meeting, you returned home to watch the surveillance footage. As Changkyun predicted, you sat at the dinner table and watched the footage until your aunt and uncle came home for dinner. Hoseok didn’t text you all day, and his schedule said he had a long practice session planned for the day so any meeting would have to wait.
By midday the next day, you finished your lonely footage watch party. You’d found the moment when Hoseok requested a staff member bring something from their van, only that staff member never returned and no item ever reached Hoseok. This led to a few theories. Maybe that staff member used a different entrance (you knew where all the entrances were and they were never used). Maybe Hoseok picked up his bag outside near the car when he was leaving the venue (if so, then why ask for his missing bag before the performance?). However, one thing was clear - somebody other than Hoseok had access to his belongings, which were conveniently forgotten at the TV station. Then during the party, Hoseok only spoke to idols. He didn’t approach any suspiciously powerful people, so unless one of the idols was involved in something criminal, Hoseok couldn’t be connected to that.
You decided it was time to call your client now. You pulled up Hoseok’s schedule from the shared calendar. He’d be at the gym around now. You tried not to think about how delicious he looked win the gym, but it was very hard to ignore your client’s looks. So you picked up the phone to call our very handsome client that he did indeed test negative for drugs.
Hoseok’s phone rang. He glanced over and saw your caller ID. Grunting and letting go of his weights, he answered.
“Yes, y/n?" 
“Have you made any plans tonight?” You asked.
“Not really. I just have some meal prepping to do tonight at home,” Hoseok said.
“Do you have time to come pick up the drug test results with me? I also need to ask you some more questions. Will that be possible?” 
“Sure,” Hoseok replied.
“If it makes it worth your while, I can buy you dinner?” You offered.
Hoseok paused for a second. You were just being friendly, right? Or maybe you just wanted an opportunity to eat during a regular meeting. “Actually yeah, I don’t mind.”
“Great. So how about I pick you up after your workout? I can come to Starship’s gym or to the dorms if you want to go back and shower.”
“Are you saying you don’t mind me getting into your car all sweaty?” Hoseok’s lips curled into a smirk. He was somewhat curious to see whether your professional facade would slip when you saw his sweaty body at the gym.
“It’s just sweat, right?”
Hoseok almost laughed. He couldn’t tell if you were being funny or actually naive. “True, true. I’ll finish my workout in about 2 hours then.”
“No worries. Also can you tell me what you like to eat so I can see what good restaurants are around?” Your questions were increasingly starting to sound like a date.
Hoseok almost answered with ramen, but decided against it. “I’m happy to eat whatever you want to.”
“Wait, really? Alright there’s this place I love that's actually close to the test site, so let’s go there.” The excitement in your answer warmed Hoseok’s heart. “Alright I’ll tell the lab we’ll be there within 3 hours, so it’s okay if your workout goes a little over time, but I’ll still be there in 2 hours.” 
Your voice returned to its formal tone, and Hoseok had to remind himself you were his lawyer and not just someone he was looking forward to having dinner with. He couldn’t exactly tell you he was excited to see you, so, he did the next best thing. “Hey actually, can you pick me up slightly later? I think I am going to shower.”
You arrived at the dorms. Hoseok said his dorm was across from Minhyuk and Changkyun’s, but you weren’t sure if you should go to his door or wait in the car for him. After some minutes passed the agreed pickup time, you decided to go to Hoseok’s door and knock. A man you hadn’t met before answered, but judging from his model like proportions, you guessed it was Hyungwon..
“Um hello, I am here to pick up Hoseok.” You tried not to stutter. You didn’t realise your wording could have been better until after you said it. 
Hyungwon smiled a little deviously. “Come inside.” He chuckled as you removed your shoes. “Can’t believe Hoseok would make a girl pick him up.”
You opened your mouth to say you’re just his lawyer but it didn’t come out. 
“YAH Hoseokah! Hurry up, someone is waiting for you,” Hyungwon shouted into the dorm. Then he turned to you. “Hello, I am Chae Hyungwon. I assume you’re the lawyer, Miss y/n.” He politely bowed.
You bowed back and introduced yourself and moved towards the couch. 
“Minhyuk mentioned you’re going to that party,” Hyungwon said as he sat beside you on the couch. While you weren’t planning to keep your party attendance a secret, you were still somewhat surprised Minhyuk told others.
“Yes. I was hoping to learn a bit about Hoseok’s social circle.” You suddenly remembered the specific question you needed to ask Hyungwon. “I heard Hoseok was mostly with you at the last party. Can you tell me everything about that night?”
Hyungwon turned his head towards the rooms. “Yeah there’s probably time for this,” he muttered to himself, then turned to you. “I think you know as well as I do that there can be some seedy things happening at parties that idols go to.”
You knew, but you motioned for him to pause. “Hold on, you know our conversations aren’t protected by attorney client privilege right? So don’t fuc-,” hold on, no swearing, you reminded yourself, “Don’t confess to any crimes okay?”
If Hyungwon heard you almost swear, he didn’t mention it. He simply continued. “Well out of all the people Hoseok interacted with that night, there were probably some people who did anything from drugs to money laundering. Who specifically I am not sure. But I can tell you things like that were present at that party,”
“Alright I know you might not tell me this but, how do people like that get in?”
Hyungwon bit his lip before answering. “There aren’t exactly security checks at the TV station, so it’s possible for anyone to slip in if they have a contact.”
“So its possible to do things like exchange abnormal sums of money or drugs or even information with or through idols, or force them to do those things?” You asked.
“Yes. Like I said, no security checks.” Hyungwon tilted his head as he looked at you. “What are you suspecting?”
You didn’t get a chance to divulge your current theory since Hoseok walked out of his room. 
“Glad to see you’re finally ready. Have fun tonight,” Hyungwon said, standing up from the couch. “Y/n, I hope you make some progress tonight, with your case.”
Hoseok looked good. Like deliriously good. He kept it classic with sleek black pants and a white button up shirt, both of which were cut so perfectly to fit his body. You didn’t want to ogle because he was your client, but this was a little difficult. You hoped Hoseok or Hyungwon didn’t hear the small gasp you almost made when your client walked in.
The ride to the test centre was a quiet. You explained to Hoseok that you went to school with one of the medical examiners there, so she performed the drug test. Jia (your friend) had already finished up her work for the day and was simply waiting for you. Jia was a no nonsense, completely unfiltered friend, but she was incredibly perceptive. 
“Hey girl!! You look hot,” Jia said by way of greeting when you walked into her office. She then looked at Hoseok who stood behind you. “Who’s he? A new-"
“Client, Jia,” you hoped your voice didn’t sound too panicked. “He is my client, so don’t say something weird.” You looked behind you at Hoseok, to see if he was annoyed by you or Jia, but he seemed unbothered. 
“Well girl, you really do know how to pick ‘em,” Jia slightly rolled her eyes. She led you and Hoseok to sit down at her desk where her printed and highlighted report was waiting.
“Do we need to discuss it? I thought it was a straightforward negative result,” you saiid. 
“It is. But there’s one more interesting thing you should take a look at.” Jia pointed to a graph and the highlighted text below it. “Your client had technically taken narcotics. He had an absurd amount of legally available benzodiazepines in his system, likely taken within the last couple days.” 
You turned to Hoseok. “Don’t say anything.” You then turned to Jia. “Is there a way to tell which specific drugs they were?” 
“Keep reading.” Jia said, so you did. Flunitrazepam. “It’s Rohypnol,” Jia added when she saw your eyes widen.
Hoseok had been silently following the conversation, and had been reading the report over your shoulder. When Jia mentioned Rohypnol, you folded the papers back up loudly with a flutter. You turned to Hoseok, and he was taken aback by your expression. Your face shifted between undiluted rage and concern. You breathed out through your nose, and it reminded Hoseok of how dragons breathe out flames.
“Tell me who hurt you.” You seethed.
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scorpiolight-ships · 4 months
PLEASE tell us more about AdriMike 🙏🙏🙏
I don’t really know how to talk about stuff without being asked specific questions but I’ll give it my best shot!!!!!
So in my lore? I guess is the word? Mike and my S/I met during the FNAF 3 era (technically a little while before FNAF 3 starts, but while he’s working at Fazbear’s Fright). We’re coworkers, he’s the security guard while I’m a set designer (though I kinda do a little bit of everything because the manager (phone dude) is a cheapskate and knows he can just make me do it)
But also this takes place after SL, so he’s been scooped and is trying his best to avoid people and live in the shadows. The only reason he works here is because he’s trying to track down his dad.
So it kinda takes a while for us to meet, since we’re both the avoiding-people type. But eventually the manager has me install some stuff in his office (probably the manual reboot panel, since it’s likely there have been a lot of problems in the building that would require that) and we finally meet. I get a crush on him, like, immediately, and he’s kinda. hdhsh. Interested in me I guess? And he’s only supposed to work the nightshift but he starts spending more time at the attraction. He tells himself it’s to do more digging on where his dad might be, and in part it is, but also he just wants to spend more time with me (😳)
So that goes on like that for a while, but the more he starts to develop feelings the more he starts to panic, because he feels like he destroys everything he touches and if he gets too close to me he’ll ruin me and get me hurt, not to mention he feels like he doesn’t deserve good things. So he starts giving me the cold shoulder, which leaves me super confused because I thought we were growing to be friends.
So I go and try and ask him what’s going on, and he ends up lashing out, trying to scare me away. I just kinda freeze, leaving him to storm out pushing past the manager, who thinks he’s gonna quit.
The next day is Night 1 of FNAF 3.
The day after that, I get called out to investigate a lead the manager found, leading me to unearth the old Springbonnie animatronic from the old abandoned Fredbear’s Diner. Not knowing what’s inside, I bring it back to Fazbear’s Fright.
While looking it over in a supply closet, Michael spots me with the animatronic, and completely panics. He knows almost instantly who’s inside, and knows that if he finds out how Michael feels about me, he’ll kill me for sure. He needs to think of a way to get me out of the building, and fast, so he ends up yelling at me, telling me he doesn’t want me around him.
It works to get me to leave the area, but not the building, as my RSD is flaring up, and finding out that someone I thought liked me actually hates me is literally my worst fear, so I break down crying by the front door. And of course, Springtrap’s not stupid, he can see through his son’s ruse, so he makes a beeline straight for me.
Michael sees Springtrap attack me on the cameras, and freaks out, drawing him away with the audio lures before running to come get me. He brings me back to the security office, and we spend a very tense and stressful six hours together.
At 6AM, Springtrap stops moving, and Mike’s been through this song and dance twice before, so he knows it’s safe to leave, and offers to drive me home. Confused, injured and still a bit scared, I agree.
He offers to give me first aid once we get to my apartment, and again, I agree, but I make him explain what the hell’s going on while he does so. Reluctantly, he does, and admits why he said he hated me, and that he’s actually in love with me.
Uguvuhhh yeah there’s some more after that obvi buts that’s the more set in stone stuff I have so far. Sorry it was kinda angsty lmao
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poltergeist-coffee · 11 months
It's almost 2am and I have to be awake at 6am but I haven't seen the actual Convo between qcellbit and qbagi
HE'S BACK(👈fcell)
Let's hope nobody gets cannibalized this time
Or I dunno, tortured and dismembered and cutter by a chainsaw and
(☝️ biggest favela 6 apologist and Cucurucho hater)
But a shout out to the admins for making Cucurucho just spawn at random moments and scare people, it's funny, Cucurucho is a damned being but the admins did a good job on playing as him
Y'know how it's works, if qcellbit starts doing the tongue thing...
People were expecting fcell to come back when the eggs disappeared but we might not be to far from seeing his breaking point
Probably not as unhinged as fcell was but things are certainly escalating
And Bagi just "I don't care, you're my brother" or something like that as far I've seen
Well, she didn't spend that long looking for him to not be with him when she finally find him
So... Hatsune Miku tomorrow?(or today for me at least, I should go to sleep)
People want to Pac to meet Wilbur so bad that's is funny, I'm with them actually
Also I'm happy you liked the nickname, fantasminha:3
- 🍽️
something funny i saw was someone said f!cell is coming back and someone else replied with like “quick pac hide your other leg cellbit will be coming for you” which MKNAJHCAJ i thought was a little funny. qpac is going to hate this so much actually now that i think about it <//3 his greatest fear is like…. back? it’s coming true
im sure if you look you can be able to find a translation/clip of their convo here on tumblr. it was very hectic and emotion filled
QBagi is like “i support cellbits wrongs and rights. we’re twins and i’ll defend anythign he chooses to do” which honestly kamknfkns good for her me too
If Wilbur Soot doesn’t meet his biggest fan Pactw tomorrow i’m calling his return a failure and hope he vanished for another six months or whatever /j (but seriously i hope he and pac if they’re both on get a chance to chat :”)) i want to see pac freak out and fanboy over lovejoy so much )
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kithtaehyung · 2 years
I can’t cope! All those moments and interactions where reader thought he was so nonchalant were actually moments where he was thinking and trying so hard to hide his feelings as much as possible but also make reader as comfortable as possible!
I also love the moments where everyone and their mothers are like that’s your girlfriend and he’s like the only one not seeing it or at least admitting it to himself. It also makes me think if their friends and strangers are seeing it and noticing it, since they aren’t hiding it as well as they clearly think they are, could brother have noticed something too?
It’s also interesting to see that him and reader are very similar since they both have the same insecurities of not being good enough and second guessing the things they say when they are having the deeper conversations or physical interactions.
I really enjoyed the phone calls of Jimin being like you are so into her and then the denial and the next paragraph is him looking at her and thinking about her, in fact confirming he is so into her, I found it quite funny but also really lovely that he was like no it’s just like casual and instantly being like I must think of all the nice things I like about her and sit here with the biggest heart eyes!
I love that the interlude has given us the look further into things that I maybe didn’t fully understand the motives behind or see clearly and now I’m like holy shit I understand that so much more and the understanding literally relates back to every chapter so far. The confirmation that he’s also had some type of feelings for her since way before she showed up on his doorstep had me almost screaming at 6am
Thank you so much for writing! Everything is so beautiful that you’ve written but it’s also very real, the feelings are relatable to the early stages of most relationships and the insecurities of is this going to work out? Am I good enough? Do they even feel the same? You’ve put so much humanity into the story that the choices they make, what they feel, do and say that it feels like exactly what I would feel,do and say! You’ve made something so beautiful and real and immersive that’s so comforting to read along with being fun and showing the beauty in normal life and growing up and changing.
Also sorry for the huge rambling monologue I could have probably got to the point sooner 😂
AHHHH I KNOW!! :((( omg like he really was just super good at hiding his thoughts and insecurities just so reader could be more comfortable and know she's deserving of things.. like.. yoongi baby please realize this, too :'))
LMFAO not everyone and their mothers!! so true though. jimin got so done with him, too?? omfg.. i know him and tae are talking about them in private and poor taehyung probably has to hear all of jimin's ranting SDJFHDHF like they just want them happy. at least, everyone that knows them both is clearly rooting for them. yoongi really does need to realize this.
and yes! they click for a reason and i'm sure it's because they are struggling with the same type of things.. second guessing things bc of what happened before. both of them can relate to each other there so hard.
YES. the jimin phone call was the last part i wrote and it tied a bunch of the ending together. i'm glad he showed up when he did bc i was struggling with how to wrap the ending up until he called. jimin is a real one fr and i want him to have the world, too. LOL YOONGI.. he isn't slick! the phone call and then dalo flashbacks were certainly contrasting and we love it.
yaaaay!! i'm glad the interlude was able to fill in a lot of things we were wondering about before. a further, behind the scenes look. the motives, the hidden scenes, everything was pretty much laid out! and even before she showed up at his door, we got some insight there, too. all in all, we got a LOT in this interlude..
thank you so much for reading and for this stunning review/commentary! if something feels real and relatable, that's what i want. i'm happy if that's the case, bc i want these stories to help people, too. they're certainly helping me<3 there is so much beauty and magic in normal life, you are so right.. wow. i'm actually tearing up reading your last paragraph. to hear that about something i've written.. idk. that's a high honor. i'll remember this for a really long time.
you never have to apologize for length, ok? i eat up reviews like this and they are incredibly encouraging. yours in particular made me feel so many emotions, too, and it makes all the tough work worth it<33
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I’m questioning what I think about what you are feeling, and just how good you are, because the answer to the former depends on the answer to the second, and I find it fascinating to think you are that good. You had just normalized the relation. And that confuses me immensely because there’s almost no depth of field, meaning I see versions of you come at me but I can’t stay with one. I took a moment to compose myself and got lost in a few more. It’s like wading through a field when the grass is thick.
So the recent End is now attracting Pathways because that End continues into the present. Oh, I’m seeing something absolutely amazing: the construction of an image of you which I know is completely wrong because it took me into a judgement about your ability which sparked to the fact I heard you yesterday and was marveling at you. So a thread enacted a version of you which generated an irrationality, which is that End can appear to connect to the larger true structure, because it’s hidden behind the actual connection, and this happens with gs process as the representation of the Ends connecting over the hypotenuses, so there is a pole at the center. Since it’s a pole, it has Ends, and those Ends have values which fit into the larger structure. Oh, so we just used Attachment Theory to describe irrationality in both thought and mathematics.
Again, I got to this stunning moment - I’m actually blinking my eyes fast like I’m working out and need to recover focus - I began this by feeling bogged down by how others see you, and that spun me into multiple versions of you, which only started to settle when I was able to attach to the idea that you’re really good, which started to climb up until a metaphor came about being a child and the grass grabbing at your feet, because then I felt an idea becoming words, swelling like melody, which I guess we both do in words, now that I think about it.
After getting that out, I let the cat in - it’s now 6AM 22 Apr 2023 - and I went along another loop which developed what you gave up, and how that connects back to where I began the last loop, and that Ends with you in pieces, which creates an irrationality which tests another of my perceptions, which is that I trusted my judgement about your intelligence and artistic ability, so why would I not trust it here? That becomes: should I trust my eyes as well as I do my ears?
The answer is yes, but it isn’t simple. I just made an eye error: couldn’t find the tea cup I knew must be out, glanced at the microwave and saw it didn’t read End, and looked elsewhere, only to give up and then open the microwave to find the cup inside. That happened fast and my brain rejected the obvious check the microwave better, whch isn’t a fault of the eyes. It’s a fault of me being distracted and thus not paying attention to what he was doing, which sent him all over the house. At least he got some exercise.
So, if I grab some sound examples and think about how I’ve not only pondered but been transported, then that feels fixed, and the image that makes in my head is absolute genius. The presence it makes inside me. The eyes are the same, right? Yes. The version that I see is the same that I hear. Or rather, I can see that happening in my head because the judgement in the first is absolutely fixed and thus acts as the center to the Triangular which is adjusting to fit. Wow, so let me get this straight: I literally think about you, about what I think about you as I think about you, and that reveals the structure of how sheets relate? That’s really cool.
So, here we have an example of a Triangular sheet collecting to an End, to a center of a Hexagon. This invokes 3 and 6 and 60. It invokes any number you want by rotating around a Hexagon. I’ve never thought that before in my life. My mind is reeling: what about Winding in Triangular? My mind sees Winding in I//I, meaning in both Irreducibles. But then it shifts to a Hexagon embedded in a triangle, which I think we labeled a TriHex. And now I remember that Triangular Winding scales.
So, we just identified the number carrier and Counter within Triangular. I’m seeing this transition internal counts over D3, which must be the simplest possible model for internal versus external existence given the Triangular structure. A TriHex: values can pass in and out at each End of the Triangular, and you can see how the Ends along the way connect to and thus transmit additional dimensions. This works much better for me if I flip the side in my head, so now I’m considering this as the ideal to which comparisons are made, not as trying to fit to an unknown ideal. The difference is that if this is in fact the ideal it appears to be, then we just placed the Irreducibles of any included view within this Triangular sheet by interlocking or otherwise arranging them in the Hexagon. This means this form of existence would be a construction of I//I as well as being a sheet connecting to the other sheet in the same form. That’s the highly simplified version, since we substitute sets in for sheets and we get different forms of comparison and ordering.
So that’s the good news at the End: the hard work in many ways was put in when the project was designed, same as the hardest work any human can do is learn to stand and to talk. I know the potential had to be there all along, that the work had to have been done already, because hyperbolic space constructs from the smallest outward. We think of x or y getting bigger and approaching the axes, but this is the inverse function, so we are mapping what you can see closest to the other, meaning to the 0 on the axis where that 0 is getting almost indistinguishable from the axis.
That matches the primal Mission statement that the goal is to increase communication so the abstract space develops and thus there is better control over what happens. That sounds a bit cold, but it means that God is trying to establish Pathways by which God and humanity, and indeed all life, can reach greater harmony, so the image of God that you hold truly becomes benevolent as God wants to be.
You not only spark but you accompany me through the mosts challenging thoughts. I was almost overcome physically by vertigo while working through this material. It’s mind-bending, and I felt it. But then yesterday, only yesterday, I realized I could write without my right hand butting in, same as with other tasks, and how good that felt to be wired so the right could do its thing properly. I was able to isolate my panic attacks to a 1-0Segment which got twisted around by the side switching so it couldn’t pair properly, which meant I couldn’t evaluate properly, which would stir the panic response.
It’s fascinating how much of this work is connected to sexual thoughts that grow out of you. And gender switches. Oh that reminds me, I think I remember the discussions about the girl side of me needing to be cut off. I didn’t realize that was gender identification. No, that was them cutting the female part … no, it wasn’t the female part but it was the surface girl who becomes the boy because in the play every night there was an argument about which side I’d be and we’d take turns being in control and I really liked it when you were in control but they made me go with him because I needed to stay here. Does that make me a good dog? A persistent cat? That fits to the whole within him and separation from family Storyline, meaning I would go to play because I was here already but didn’t know it because life is distracting when you’re young and you don’t know what’s going on or what you’re doing so you just do.
I need some sleep. But the bed is soaked from sweating and I hate clammy.
Try to summarize. Finally phrased irrationality in gs terms as the development of Ends which fit to some irrational level, like root2, meaning it Halves, and when it Halves, only one of the answers makes sense, thus showing that the other is the wrong or false choice, and that the End reached for that version or threading is testing false when compared to existing proven structure. That sentence came out all at once.
That idea connected to a TriHex. As I think back, we identified the 1-0-1 structure in a TriHex, meaning as 1Segments, meaning the definition of the center 1Segment as a 0-1Segment, which fully expands Triangular into grid squares in this structure. That’s amazing. Here, I’ve been saying: I want the actual structure and nothing less will satisfy me, and here is actual structure coming out like toothpaste from a tube. I’m extruding structure. This is how the sausages are made. It’s great fun!
So, if someone were to ask where grid squares are, could I say: they’re floating above the Triangular? Yes. You can see them in any scale of a TriHex. Imagine an immense TriHex with all that treated as a 1-0Segment with bT’s at the corners of that giant Triangular. The rest is gs process as mass and I can’t get through that part right now. I’m exhausted.
0 notes
squishyushi · 2 years
I don’t really have a good place to post about this so I’m gonna do it here on my lil tumblr blog, but I’m awake at 6am and have been up for 2ish hours and honestly I don’t know why but I can’t stop having thoughts about how huge the world is.
I am a rather existential person and I think about this stuff a lot but not usually to this level? Something that crossed my mind is that as many planets as there are out there, I’ve never really seen ones that look a lot like earth? Like when I think about earth it’s almost this cartoony planet with just the weirdest land mass layout compared to other planets I’ve seen. Not only is it weird but it’s extremely unique (again from what I’ve seen, I’m sure there’s plenty out there that look like earth but I’ve never seen them) in the way that earth has a huge amount of ocean and we really don’t talk about how big the Pacific Ocean is… like it’s huge… you can literally see a post I rebloged earlier that shows the earth from that side of the planet and you barely see any land what so ever above water on the side the Pacific Ocean covers, and I guess technically if you want to play semantics, all of the oceans are connected? Humans just named them differently based on regions not knowing it’s really one huge mass of water.
On top of all this I keep having thoughts about how we live here with people who have not even a glimpse of this information, there’s literally billions of us on this little marble and I’m sure not even half of us consider stuff like this, not only that but there people obsessed with keeping certain types of humans restricted and unable to live life how they want, their brains don’t even comprehend how little they are and how limited their thinking is. There’s humans on this planet who don’t even think about EARTH AS A PLANET all they think about is their town/village or city/country and what’s happening there, not even considering that there’s billions of us here and we are all equally confused and scared about what’s happening here…
Anyway I just wanted to vent about how insane it is to me that we exist and that there’s possible infinite planets out there going through the same shit and there’s probably a lil alien just like me, writing a post in their own alien language and talking about the same crap I am, infact there’s probably hundreds of thousands of millions of Me’s out there.
Or there isn’t and humans are the only living intelligence in the infinite cosmos and Christian’s/religious people are right and I’m going to hell while they all go to heaven 🤭
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drawlfoy · 2 years
heeeeyyyy literally slytheirn boys x reader it can be Draco, Mattheo, Theodore, Lorenzo, or Tom doesn’t matter maybe they all kidnap you or something idk thx so much luv ya ❤️
yeah fs !! ily 2 🫶
pairing: slytherin boys x reader
warnings: abduction, child trafficking, language, unhealthy parental relationships
a/n: thanks for this request!! this took me back x further notes at the bottom
I wake up to my alarm clock blaring. It’s 6am—and if that wasn’t bad enough, it’s the first day of school. Sigh.
I pad over to my bathroom where I run my fingers through my hair and survey my appearance. It feels like there should be something poetic in the way that I’m staring at myself in a new mirror, in a new house, looking at the same objectively flawless reflection, but instead all I feel is static. 
I’m nervous. It’s my first day of my new school and if there’s anything you should know about me, it’s that I have a tough time making friends. I’m different, you see. I’m not like other girls. I wear band shirts and paint my fingernails black. Even though I’m perfectly petite and small enough to fall down the shower drain if I stand too close, I wear oversized sweaters and alternative shoes (read: black converse). I’m used to people thinking I’m weird, that I don’t fit in, and even though I try not to care, it still hurts. It’s not that I don’t like being alone—I do. Being alone is one of my favorite things, actually. But sometimes it’s nice to have someone there, to have someone to hold my mall smoothie when I try things on at Hot Topic. 
Maybe North High will offer me that. My last school was so shitty that I couldn’t help but feel relieved when my mother got the job offer that made us move. Though I’m nervous about my first day, I’m feeling a little more hopeful now that I’ve had a good night’s rest and have moved in. This town seems nicer than the ones my mother and I have bounced around for all of my teenaged years. Even our house is bigger. I have my own attached bathroom, with that cute behind-the-mirror cabinet I’ve always wanted and—get this—heated tile. I didn’t even know that that was a thing. 
I wash my face, feeling my perfect girly hands slide across the smoothness of my flawless skin, lubricated by the soapy bubbles that smell of flowers. I take special care to pat my moisturizer on—that’s all I’ll do to my face before leaving, I don’t really like to wear makeup—and half-heartedly swipe a mascara wand through my naturally luscious lashes. 
I blink once, twice, thrice at my reflection. I’ve since changed out of my sweat shorts and adorably oversized sweatshirt into my black “anti social social club” shirt and black skinny jeans. I look okay. There’s just something that I’m missing...
Ah, that’s it. I spy a hairband with my bright blue orbs and gather my caramel colored hair into a messy bun, pulling a few strands out to frame my perfectly oval-shaped face.
“Y/N, are you almost ready?” yells my mother. 
I roll my eyes, then pause. My mother rarely cares whether or not I get to school on time. Sure, she’ll throw a bitch fit if I show up late enough times that the office writes home to her, but she isn’t the type to proactively check up on me. She doesn’t even drive me anymore. The school is within walking distance, so what’s it to her if I’m ready or not?
Maybe she’s also getting the first day jitters. The thought is comforting at first, but it morphs into the sticky feeling of affection that makes me uncomfortable. I grab my iPhone 6s, plug my earbuds in using the 3.5mm headphone jack (which will never become obsolete), and listen to some Twenty One Pilots (kind of underground—don’t feel bad if you don’t get it) to distract myself from the fact that I’d just had a really big feeling. 
“Y/N?” she yells again. I can’t tell where she is in the house—this is my first night here—but her voice sounds closer.
“Coming!” I yell back. My voice cracks on the second syllable and reaches a pitch that I didn’t know was possible. 
I grab my black galaxy print backpack, give my new bedroom a once over to make sure I haven’t forgotten anything important, and bound down the stairs.
“Good morning,” I say dully when I see my mother lurking by the bottom of the staircase, intending to pass her into the kitchen and get some toast before leaving.
To my surprise, her eyes look shiny, her mouth screwed into an expression that I just can’t quite place. I begin to feel profoundly uncomfortable. If she’s all of a sudden getting emotional about how quickly I’m growing up, I’m going to throw up right here and right now. 
One of my earbuds falls out and dangles in the air in between us. If you focus, you can hear the distant sounds of a ukulele and the whine of Tyler Joseph’s voice as he sings about living in a house of gold, or whatever the subtext of that song is. 
“Good to see you up,” she clips. Her eyes harden as they track the swinging earbud in between us. “I thought I told you to only use those in your room. It’s rude to talk to people when you’re listening to music with those earphones.”
“They’re earbuds, Mom.”
“Right. Well. Take them out. I have someone—some people—I want you to meet.”
There’s something in her tone that deeply disturbs me, an underlying, cool anticipation that chills me to the bone. “Mom, I can’t. I have school.”
“School can wait,” she says tightly. “Come into the living room, now. We’re holding them up.”
I trail behind her as she walks through the massive open concept kitchen and pass her art room. It already smells of acrylic paint and canvases. As we go, I marvel once again at the sheer size and grandiosity of the home. We’d always stayed in 2 bedroom 1 bathroom single story homes with one oven, a sitting room, and a laundry room if we were lucky. But this? This was like a whole Disney Channel set.
“Now, dear,” said my mother, pausing before the living room door. 
This immediately set me on edge. She never calls me pet names.
“Surely you’ve noticed that money’s been tight,” she continues, carefully. 
I nod. 
“Well...” She swallows, wringing her hand. “I’ve had to make some tough decisions. About your future, I mean.”
“What?” I’m confused. She’s never done anything to invest in my future. It’s not like she’s been saving for my college or anything. 
“They’re very nice,” my mother added, as if she was making any sense. “I’ve met them. Very kind. They’ll treat you well.”
I gape at her. 
She opens the door.
A group of 5 men are casually lounging on our couches, as if they own the place. One of them has striking platinum blonde hair, another with rich chocolate brown (the others look like the void, because i, the writer, have no fucking clue who “lorenzo” or “mattheo” are i’m really sorry u lost me there). 
“Who are these people?” I ask my mother. She takes me roughly by the shoulder and pushes me through the door.
“Your new owners,” she says simply.
One of the swirling black holes stands up, and I see something that looks like it could be considered a human hand extended in my direction. “’Ello, luv. Welcome to your new life.”
apologies to anon if ur request was not satire. im not sorry for clowning u tho bc this was a buckwild request. also apologies to anyone younger than the age of 18 reading this bc i feel like this is more mid 2010s core than anything and will thus be remarkably unfunny and unenjoyable 
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smoochkooks · 4 years
—hymne a l’amour (m.)
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⟶ pairing: park jimin/reader
⟶ genre: smut, fluff, tiny bits of angst
⟶ word count: 5.5k
⟶ summary: it’s valentine’s day and your boyfriend decides to surprise you in more ways than one. and when you’re dating park jimin, cocky, smart and obnoxiously good-looking archeologist, you can be sure of absolutely nothing.
⟶ warnings: dom!jimin, sub!reader, big dick!jimin, sir kink, oral (m receiving), thigh riding, multiple orgasms, orgasm denial, ass slapping, dirty talk, use of degrading names, unprotected sex, mentions of jimin having a daddy kink, jimin being disgustingly sweet boyfriend, oc having at least 2 (two) mental breakdowns, cringy valentine’s day presents
this is eldorado valentine’s day special but it can be read as a standalone. enjoy! xx
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Spending Valentine's Day in the city of Paris is like walking through the streets of Beijing and smelling the strong essence of soy sauce and chicken every time you take a breath.
(Or at least that's what you think is a good comparison, since you've never stood your foot in Beijing before.)
Paris seems to be on another level when it comes to celebrating Valentine's Day. It's because that's the city of love, someone may say, but no, my friend, it's not just that. French grammar isn't the only stupid thing about said country. Citizens are even weirder, in more ways than one. It's the Eiffel Tower and the smell of garlic that disguises it all when you first visit France.  
A week before February 14th, restaurants, cafees and grocery shops are all covered from head to toe in red hearts, chubby cupids, big teddy bears, various kinds of roses and, at the top of that – everywhere you focus your eyes on, you spot those huge inscriptions where words ‘love’ and ‘I love you’ are spelled in hundred different types of swirly fonts.
It's all too kitschy for your liking but tourists and locals don’t actually mind it even a bit. Once a year Paris turns into a set of the most cliché rom-com and no matter how irksome it might feel, you just have to survive this festival of boofonery.
You've always despised Valentine's Day with every fiber of your being (mostly because you hadn’t had anyone you could actually spend this day with) but your judgement took a sharp three-sixty turn when certain blond, charismatic man entered your life. Now, while you’re happily taken, a romantic dinner and a bouquet of red roses don’t sound that bad.  
But when you're dating someone like Park Jimin, a smart-ass, cocky and obnoxiously good-looking archeologist, you can be sure of abosultely nothing.  
It's a little past ten, you’re laying in your king-size bed, a day before the actual Valentine's Day. Jimin informed you he was going to be late for dinner because of some extra paperwork he had to do in the office, so you patiently wait for him. Wrapped like a fancy Christmas gift in a new pair of flimsy, lacy lingerie you recently bought in Victoria’s Secret, all hidden underneath Jimin's baggy t-shirt (the combination of casual and slutty never fails to drive him crazy). The set is cute, in a baby pink colour. The last time you pulled a move like this, Jimin went hard, literally and lyrically.
Let's just say that Park Jimin (and his dick) likes high-quality underwear.
Dating Jimin has taught you a few things, one of them being that his sex drive is insatiable, so you always need to be prepared. That’s why you're now laying here, on your bed, freshly shaved and smelling of coconut, your precious pussy ready to be worshipped by Jimin's mouth.  
When you hear the familiar jingle of keys and the door to your apartment swings open, you squeal in excitement, grabbing your phone from the nightstand to scroll through it mindlessly so you don’t come across a girl whose only purpose in life is to get dicked down by her boyfriend.
(Which, right now, is your only purpose.)
“Babe, I’m home!”
You hear Jimin pulling off his shoes and coat, so you shout back, “I’m in the bedroom!”
He seemed to be in a good mood in the morning and if nothing's changed, you're positive about getting some action tonight. A well-deserved orgasm after work it's all you crave. You squeeze your thighs, and wait.
“God, I’m so fucking exhausted.” Jimin announces upon entering the room and as soon as those words leave his mouth, he collapses face down onto the bed. His lifeless corpse smells like sweat mixed with his usual cologne and you wrinkle your nose in disgust.
And that’s on getting railed by your boyfriend tonight.
“Hi, sweetheart,” he murmurs after a moment, voice laced with tiredness. He grunts and lifts himself up to place a chaste kiss on your lips. He tastes like bitter coffee and it makes you cringe, but you kiss him back nonetheless. He pulls off too fast for your liking and nuzzles his head in the crook of your neck instead. He cuddles into your side, mumbling something about you feeling warm.
In your head, you count. When was the last time you two had sex? Right, last Tuesday. Oh boy, what a night it was. Your ass still hurts a little while sitting on a chair, a byproduct of your boyfriend's palm landing smack after smack on your cheeks. Lesson learned: never smile too broadly to the waiter who blatantly flirsts with you. You're sure the whole appartment complex heard that night who makes you feel that good  
(As if they don’t already know.)
See? Park Jimin is unpredictable.
“How was work?’’ you decide to ask instead, clearing your thoughts from the inappropriate images of Jimin’s bare body pressed to yours as he fucked you that night. You thread your fingers through his blond locks just the way he likes, massaging his scalp.
He sighs, his words muffled when he speaks. “This new employee can’t do shit. I had to prepare everything before tomorrow's expedition by myself,” he says. “I have to tell Namjoon to fire his ass.”  
You falter your movements for a second. Right, the expedition. You completely forgot about it. Jimin's going to be out of town for the whole day, digging in the soil in some French village the name of you cannot pronounce.
It looks like your fancy lingerie has to wait for her big premiere a little longer.  
“What time are you planning to be back home?” you ask.
“Dunno. Probably late.” Jimin exhales loudly, his breath tickling your neck. His hand travels to your nude thigh, giving it a firm squeeze. You fight back a moan that threatens to spill from you mouth. You really need to get laid soon. “We set off at 6am.” he adds, tracing circles on your bare skin. Your smile drops.
So the plans for morning sex on Valentine's Day stay where they belong. In your dreams.  
“You're so soft. And you smell like coconuts. I could stay like this forever.” Jimin mumbles, circling your waist with his arms and pulling you even closer to him.  
You sigh, basking in this situation just for a while, stroking Jimin's hair and listening to his steady breathing until he eventually falls asleep. Still fully clothed, still with his hand on your thigh. Carefully, so you don’t wake him up, you get up from the bed to take off your underwear. You do feel a little disappointed, but it's okay.  
When you settle yourself on the bed next to Jimin again, your back facing him, a strong arm pulls you flush to his body. You hear him sighing with relief, and it makes you smile to yourself.  
Lights off, everything can wait for tomorrow.
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In the morning, just like expected, you wake up alone. There's no sight of Jimin, his side of the bed empty and cold. For your dismay, there’s no bouquet of red roses waiting for you in the kitchen, no box of chocolates or a small, cheesy note with your name written on it. Not even a short “Happy Valentine's Day, baby!” text on your phone. Absolutely nothing.  
You tells yourself it’s fine. Maybe Jimin didn’t have enough time, maybe he was too occupied with expedition to prepare something special, maybe the big surprise is yet to come. However, you can’t quite shake off the feeling that something do seem odd and it makes you anxious. Leaving without a single text is not Jimin's style. Not when it's your first Valentine's Day spend together.
You probably shouldn’t worry that much. It's not a big deal, after all you hate those types of annual holidays and Jimin knows it. Yet something about the whole situation makes you uncontrollably uneasy. You have never been like this, vulnerable and sheepish. You hate Park Jimin for turning you into such a softie.
Walking through the streets of Paris makes you feel nauseous. You look at all the happy couples sucking each others’ faces for everyone to see and fight an urge to gag. Someone shouts “Love is in the air!” and you almost throw up. Everytime you see someone holding heart-shaped balloons or flowers, you whip your head in other direction. It's nothing, you keep reminding yourself. A stupid holiday that doesn’t mean anything at all.
But the actual nail to the coffin happens to be the atmosphere in Eldorado headquarters. It drives you absolutely crazy.
It's 12am and still no word from Jimin. You checked: this bastard was online one hour ago, so he just doesn’t want to talk to you. Fine, mister. If this is how you wanna play, try sucking your dick by yourself, beacuse I’m not getting near it anytime soon, you think to yourself, filled with rage.
Yeri wiggles her pretty eyebrows at you and asks about your plans for tonight. You fake a giggle, saying that Jimin will probably surprise you with something when he gets back from his expedition. The words taste bitter on your tongue, especially when the high hopes you had simply melted away this morning. Your friend then starts babbling about the restaurant she's going to with Jungkook after work and you listen to her rant with forced smile on your face the whole time.
Meanwhile, a few meters away from you Hoseok is giggling like a teenager, typing something on his phone, without a doubt (sex)texting his girlfriend. She's out of town and you’re more than sure Hoseok hasn't gone to bathroom ten minutes ago just to take a piss. Even Namjoon is in a pleasant mood today, humming some old ABBA hits under his breath. Yesterday he couldn’t shut up about his date with a girl who’s also his new neighbour. He met her when she came by to give him homemade croissants. Ironically, that sounds a lot like some kdrama lovestory to you, and Namjoon hates kdramas.
During lunch time, you scroll through your Instagram and almost slam your phone on the wall. There's a new photo uploaded on Kim Seokjin's account.  
kimseokjin92: Celebrating Valentine's Day on Maldives w @minsuga #couplegoals #boyfriends #valentinesday #loveislove
They are on fucking Maldives. Fucking Maldives! You grit your teeth. It's fine. Completely fine.
But the absolute peek, the moment when you almost break down into tears and curl yourself into a ball of misery, comes in the person of Jeon Jungkook. He enters the office with a bouquet of the most beautiful red roses you have ever seen, a huge grin plastered on his stupid face.
Your heart clenches in your chest. Park Jimin could never.  
Jungkook hands Yeri the flowers and she laughs, slapping his chest when he starts declaiming Romeo's monologue from the Shakespeare’s tragedy. He then kisses his girlfriend deeply and lovingly, making her cheeks flush in crimson. Hoseok coos at them, Namjoon following him. You swear you saw Jungkook's tongue in the process of said heavy make out session.  
(Jealously is an awful emotion, you've decided a long time ago.)
An hour later, the bouquet stands proudly on Yeri’s desk and you stare at it with melancholy. You briefly avert your gaze to Jimin's desk and the memories flash before your eyes. The same desk he had you bent over, skirt bunched around your waist and cock drilling into your pussy, when you both stayed together at work after hours not so long ago.  
You mentally slap yourself. Get your shit together, woman. It's not like he broke up with you. It's just some stupid holiday. It's nothing.
“Something's wrong?’’ Yeri asks you with genuine concern written on her face.  
You swallow, forcing yourself to smile. “No, everything's fine. Just a headache.”  
She eyes you suspiciously. “You sure?”
“Yeah.” you say. Even though your friend doesn’t look convinced, she eventually stops bothering you.
It's all good. My boyfriend forgot about our first Valentine's Day together but everything's alright. No worries, you want to say instead.  
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Later that day, when you exit the elevator and walk straight to your apartment, a strange smell of something burning fills your nostrils. Is that food? A real fire? No, that's definitely some meat that stayed too long in the oven.
The closer you are, the smell becomes stronger, like it’s actually coming from your apartment. You furrow your eyebrows.
“What the fuck.” you mutter to yourself.  
When you open the door, your jaw falls slack, eyes wide like saucers.
Never, in your entire life, had you thought  you would see Park Jimin, your own dearest boyfriend, popping out from the kitchen with his hair disheveled, sweat coating his forehead, wearing a black suit underneath the most ridiculous apron you have ever seen: pink with a big-ass ‘mr good lookin is cookin' written in the middle.  
(Can someone remind you why are you dating him? Oh, thank God he isn’t naked underneath.)
He looks completely lost when he spots you, waving awkwardly in your direction. It's probably the first time he touched something in the kitchen that isn’t coffee machine. He’s so flustered that you almost forget he nearly turned your apartment into ashes.
“Hi, babe.” he says sheepishly.
It takes all the willpower you hold not to spit a lung watching your boyfriend who absolutely hates cooking, trying to look unimpressed by the smell of burnt food. He does a pretty poor job though, an apron not helping in the situation.
“Happy Valentine's Day!’’ he exclaims perhaps a bit too enthusiastically, approaching you and planting a kiss on your cheek. And after that, you burst into hysterical laughter.  
(Seriously, you almost lose your own breath three times.)
Jimin looks terrified but most importantly – put out. You’re probably hurting his enormous, almost the size of Russia pride right now. (Not your fault Jimin has the biggest praise kink on the planet.)  
“Why are you laughing? Is it because of the chicken? Fine, I can’t cook for shit but I tried, okay? I didn’t have enough time and it was the middle of the night in Korea so I couldn’t just facetime my mum for advice and-”
You interrupt his rambling with a searing kiss, effectively shutting him up. He falters for a moment but quickly catches up, pulling you closer to him, placing his hands on your waist and deepening the kiss.  
But then, when his about to trail kisses down your throat, you hit his arm.
“What was that for?!” Jimin yelps, looking at you with astonishment.
“I thought you fucking forgot about the Valentine’s Day!” you yell, slapping his chest. “Why didn't you tell me about this?!”
“Because the definition of surprise says you can’t reveal it sooner?” he reponds in a mocking tone.
“Oh, shut up.” you grumble and pull him in for another kiss. You could feel him smiling into it, cheekily biting onto your lower lip. He places a loving peck on your forehead and brushes the strands of your hair behind your ears. There's so much affection in his eyes you could melt into a puddle right here and there.
“I’m sorry. Jungkook told me you looked upset the whole day.” he whispers.
“I wasn't!” you protest.
“He told me you almost cried when he gave Yeri a bouquet of red roses.”  
This stupid brat.
You look up at Jimin. “Fine. I was mad. And sad. Everyone was having the time of their lives and here I was, on a verge of mental breakdown because my idiot of a boyfriend supposedly forgot about the Valentine's Day.” you say, crossing your arms over chest with a pout.  
Jimin rolls his eyes and takes your hand, leading you to the living room, where a bottle of (your absolute favourite) wine is standing on the table, along with candles and, yes, red roses. It's too cheesy and straight from the cringy rom-coms but you don't mind, because it's Jimin and he poured his heart into this and it's all that matters.
When he approaches you again, he isn’t wearing that stupid apron and you blush at how perfect he looks, almost painfully handsome. His hair needs a cut so it’s pushed back from his forehead. God reincarnated in the form of a smart, cocky archeologist who happens to be your boyfriend.
You're, well, in your black jeans and baby blue sweater and you probably stink, but Jimin assures you with his loving touches he doesn’t mind, never will. He always does that, looking at you with those sparkling eyes which say you're the most beautiful thing in the world for him.
And it doesn't matter how many times you scold him throughout the day, how many banters you have over silly things, because at the end of the day, in each others’ embraces, it feels like home for the both of you.
“Since the chicken chickened out,” Jimin says nonchalantly, filling your glasses with red wine. “We can always get drunk and watch some old romantic movies.”
You smirk. “You cried the last time when we watched ‘When Harry met Sally’.”  
Jimin clicks his tongue. “Don't test my patience, sweetheart or you won't get the presents.” he warns.
You raise your eyebrows. You hope one of them comes in the form of his dick. Suddenly, you’re reminded of your lingerie set, so you make a mental note to wear it after the shower. “Can I see those presents now?” you ask, looking at Jimin with pleading eyes. It's exactly three seconds till he softens.  
“Fine.” he mutters and heads to the bedroom.
When he comes back, he’s not alone. Literally not alone, because he's caring the most hilarious Valentine’s present you could ever think of. A giant, white teddy bear, almost in the size of him, heart-shaped balloons attached to his right paw.
“This is,” Jimin whips his head to read the name on the bear's chest. “Ted.”  
You blink. “You bought me a teddy bear named Ted?”  
Jimin opens his mouth to say some witty comment but he stops when he hears you sob. “Baby, sweetheart, what's wrong?” He kneels in front of you, the bear long forgotten on the floor. You burst into tears and Jimin tries to calm you down, rubbing soothing circles on your thighs.
Once you eventually stop crying and regain your normal breathing, you wipe your tear-strained cheeks and look down at your very much worried boyfriend. “You are an idiot, Park Jimin. A fucking idiot. That teddy bear is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever seen and I should humiliate you for giving me that but...” You take a deep breath. “But I can’t. Because I fucking love you, dumbass.”
The corners of Jimin lips lift in amusement but you’re clearly not done with your little speech, so he waits until you finish. “You organized the most cliché date ever. You read all the Grey's books. You can’t cook for shit and this stupid apron you wore? God have mercy,” You visibly cringe. “You declaim Greek philosophers when you shower. Fuck, you persuaded me to do teacher-student roleplay and I kept calling you daddy during the whole thing because you asked me to. You are everything I despise but at the same time I love you so much,” you say, tears once again welling in your eyes. “I’m sorry I’m telling you this now, even though I've realised this a long time ago.”
Jimin’s silent, so unlike him, declaring his emotions with a huge grin this time. He stands up and picks your body into his arms. You wrap your legs around his waist as he walks you both to your bedroom. He places you gingerly onto the mattress, hovering over your figure.
(Your fancy lingerie can wait for another occasion.)
“I love you too, ___.” he says, staring into your eyes. “You’re making me the happiest man in this world.”  
You roll your eyes, however there’s no use for that because your cheeks are already tainted red. “Oh, stop being such a sap.”  
He smirks. “You love when I’m like this.”  
“That is, in fact, not true.”  
You’re lying and he knows it, but he always lets you banter with him like this anyway.  
“Then what do you want me to be today?” he asks, his hands travel down to your zipper, then pull down your jeans. “Sweet? Loving?” He helps you take off your sweater and you’re left with nothing on beside your underwear. “Or do you want me to be rough? Push you around and fuck you stupid?” You gulp, your attitude successfully shut down. “Come on, use your words.”  
Somehow, you manage to gain your composure. “Want you to take off your clothes first.”  
Jimin chuckles, lowly and with a promise of more to come if you’re patient and behaving well, according to his commands. “You’re not the one to give orders here, baby.” he retorts. Then, he’s gripping your knees, pulling your legs apart and putting your pussy on full display for him.  
There’s already a dark, wet patch forming on your grey panties and he tsks disapprovingly. “You’re wet and I haven’t even touched you yet. You want it that much, huh?”  
You nod. “Please, touch me.”  
“Try again.”  
So he’s in that mood today. You’ve explored a fair share of kinks with Jimin so far and what you know for sure is that he always takes the leading role in bed. He likes to dominate, be the one in charge, railing you into the mattress until you’re crying out so loud your neighbours are banging on your walls.  
You slip into your role naturally, your usual confident behaviour gone and replaced with timidity. He relishes in seeing you like this, helpless and vulnerable, a stark contrast to how you act on daily basis.  
Jimin pins you with his dark stare and you give in. ‘”Yes, sir.”  
“Good girl.”  
He rewards you with a feather-like touch of his fingers on your pussy. He finds your clit with ease, rubbing it with practiced strokes until more juices drip down from your hole, wetting your panties embarrassingly fast. Your legs shake with want for more, to feel him sink his digits knuckle-deep into your cunt and finger you like he did that one time in a bathroom on your flight to Japan.  
He doesn’t seem the slightest bothered with your state, ignoring your pleading eyes and wanton moans. He hasn’t even taken off your underwear yet and you’re already on the verge of an orgasm.  
Jimin knows your body inside and out, probably better than you do, so it doesn’t come as a surprise to you that he can sense when you’re about to climax. He withdraws his hand from your center seconds before your release. You can’t help but huff with annoyance.
“Something's wrong, babygirl?” he asks, saccharine-sweet and annoyingly innocent.  
Your retort dies on your tongue the moment he decides to unbutton his white dress shirt. You’re too distracted with delicious lines of his sculpted chest to complain about your denied pleasure anymore. Your hands itch to touch him but you stay immobile, devouring him with your eyes instead.  
Jimin notices you're staring and smirks. “Like what you see?”  
You nod. “Yes, sir.”  
He then stands up from the bed and motions for you to come closer. You oblige without an ounce of confusion, crawling until you’re sitting on your heels in front of him. It’s a rather humiliating position but you can’t help but feel the rush of adrenaline in your veins when he cups your chin and tilts your head up.  
“Take off my pants.”  
You rush to obey, unbuckling his belt with shaky hands because you know what’s coming next once his pants are pulled down. He’s already hard, the prominent bulge of his cock straining in his briefs.  
“Now my underwear.”  
You nearly moan out loud when his cock slaps his abdomen, mouth salivating to take him in deep but you don’t dare touch him without a directed instruction. He makes sure your eyes are on him and starts stroking himself, spreading the precum all over his length, hissing when his thumb rubs the sensitive head of his cock.  
Jimin groans, low and throaty, and you whimper quietly in response. “What, baby? You want my cock that much?” he asks, his left palm cupping your cheek. You whisper a meek “Please” and he chuckles. “Come on then. Show me what that slutty mouth of yours can do. Open up.”  
Your lips part on command and you nearly moan when he guides his cock into your mouth. You’ve sucked Jimin's dick enough times to know what he likes, what brings him to the edge quicker than hitting the back of your throat. You lick the tip of his cock, eyes darting to check his reaction and, just as you expected, his features twist in pleasure.  
You relish in a minute or two of the control you have over him before he grows bored with your teasing and decides to fuck your mouth instead. But for now, you make sure to have him suffer a little for that stunt he pulled earlier when he didn’t make you come.  
You take him deeper, hollowing your cheeks for extra stimulation. Your hands reach to fondle his balls and you smirk around his cock when you hear a groan leave Jimin's mouth. “Good girl,” he murmurs, stroking your cheek. You lean into his touch, moaning at the praise. “My pretty slut.”  
The first hit on the back of your throat makes you gag because fuck, is he big. The only thing bigger than Jimin's ego seems to be his dick, apparently. When he threads fis fingers through your hair you know what’s about to come; jaw relaxed, saliva dripping down from the corners of your mouth, you’re ready to be ruined.  
He withdraws, giving you exactly five seconds to breathe and then pushes forcefully inside. Your mind is filled with mental images of him giving your pussy the same treatment later. You would whimper at the thought, if your mouth wasn’t stuffed full of dick. Instead, you give your best, swallowing every inch of him obediently.  
“That’s it,” he rasps, clamping one hand on the back of your neck for better leverage. “You’re doing so good, baby.” When he nudges the back of your throat again, you feel him throb. He pulls away from the warmth of your mouth seconds later, panting heavily. He falls back onto the bed and pats his thighs. “Come here.”  
You scoot closer to him and crawl onto his lap. He smiles at you from below, pulling you in for a kiss. The hands he previously gripped your waist with now travel upwards, unhooking your bra. Your hips unconsciously move, pussy gliding along the flexed muscles of his thigh.  
Jimin notices your desperate attempt at getting some friction on your most sensitive parts and helps you rock your hips. He moves your panties to the side and you moan, felling the delicious pressure on your bare center. He’s watching with amusement as you’re falling apart on his thigh, thumb reaching to rub your clit. You cry out, climaxing so hard you’re almost seeing stars behind your closed eyelids.
He keeps helping you ride out your high until you’re whimpering from the overstimulation. “Did you like it?” he then asks, urging you to look at him. “You were so desperate to come, sweetheart. Fucking yourself on my thigh like a bitch in heat,” You whine instead of responding, earning a harsh smack on your ass. “Use your words.”  
Another slap lands on your cheek and you mewl. “Yes, I loved it, sir.”  
He chuckles, maneuvering your body so you’re now positioned over his cock. He gives your ass a firm squeeze and you whimper, arousal dripping down the inside of your thighs despite orgasming just minutes ago. “Ride me, baby.” he says.  
You hurry to obey, guiding his cock inside you. It's a tight fit but your wetness makes it smoother to push him deeper. “So big,” you mumble, bottoming out. You know damn well Jimin likes to be praised and if the smirk that stretches on his lips is anything to go by, he enjoys what you just said. “That feels so good, sir.” You start moving your hips languidly.  
“Yeah?” Jimin quips, hands gripping your waist so tightly it almost makes the skin bruise. “Then show me what a good girl you are for me. Fuck, look at you. You’re so hot.” His palms cup your breasts, thumbs stroking your nipples.  
You keen at the praise and quicken your pace. Your thighs start to burn but you ignore that, bouncing on your boyfriend’s dick like there’s no tomorrow. The room is filled with lewd noises, skin slapping on skin. Jimin looks down, staring at his cock coated in your juices as it disappears inside your hole. He curses at the sight.  
Your legs start to shake, huffs leaving your lips. “Sir–please,” you whine, feeling yourself getting closer to the edge.  
“What do you need, babygirl?” he asks, pinching your nipples. You squeal, your pace losing its previous rhythm.  
“I’m so close.” you stammer. “Please–touch me.”  
“Where you do you want me to touch you, baby?” He ignores your whimpers, the way your pussy keeps squeezing his cock in a vice grip. “Here?” He touches your tits again and you shake your head violently. “Or here–” His fingers find your clit and you cry out loudly. You feel so full, his cock hits your cervix every time you drop down onto him.
“Yes, yes,” you chant, mouth wide open and eyes squeezed shut. You probably look right now like a professional porn star but you couldn’t care less, not when you’re so close to the climax. “Sir–fuckfuckfuck, please!”
“There you go,” Jimin coos, circling your sensitive bud with his thumb. “Come for me, baby.”  
You’re gushing around his dick, arousal leaking out of your hole and coating his thighs with your release. Your upper body gives out and you collapse onto Jimin, your cunt pulsing from the intense pleasure you’ve just experienced.  
“Oh god,” you mumble. “I just saw the answer to the whole universe.”  
You feel Jimin's chest shaking with laughter and when you look up, you find him grinning at you. “That good?”  
“That good.” you confirm, sighing tiredly.  
“Are you okay?” You hear him asking. No matter how much he likes to push you around and fuck until you’re seeing stars, he always makes sure if you’re feeling comfortable to continue.  
You spare him a nod. “You know I can handle it,” you say, lifting yourself up. “I’m a tough girl, right?” Despite the oversensitivity, you start rocking your hips again. “M-made for you.”
Jimin smirks. “Yeah, made for me,” he confirms and slaps your ass. Your pussy flatters around his cock. “Not like this,” he mutters and turns you onto your back with one, swift motion. “Much better.”  
You pout. “You didn’t like it when I was riding your cock, sir?” You’re bluffing, but a girl can her fun too.  
He clicks his tongue, guiding his cock through your folds again. “Oh, baby, I was enjoying it very much,” he says, picking up his speed. Your legs wrap around his waist, pulling him even closer. “But now I want it harder.”  
He fucks you just like he likes the most; fast and rough, unforgiving. He leans down for a messy kiss that’s all teeth tongue and his eyes nearly bulge out of his head when he sees his saliva dripping down your chin.  
(He decides right here and there that he might wanna explore his newfound fantasy soon.)
Soon you’re feeling the coil in your stomach tightening for the second time, embarrassingly quickly so. You moan, cunt squeezing around his dick. “Again?” Jimin asks, voice laced with both mirth and disbelief. Tears well in your eyes and you give him a nod. “Such a fucking slut.” he spits, slithering himself into you even faster than before.
Your third and final orgasm is so powerful and sudden, it nearly makes you black out. Jimin curses, fucking you through it. “Kiss me,” you whimper deliriously and he obliges, slipping his tongue inside your mouth. “I love you.” you whisper into his lips and that’s what sends him over the edge.
“I love you, I love you–fuck.” he groans and spills himself inside, coating your pussy with his seed.
He collapses next you, chest heaving with every exhale. Your legs feel like jelly and you know you’ll have trouble walking tomorrow. Just when you’re about to tell Jimin to call in sick and spend the whole day in bed instead, he suddenly sits up.
“Wait, I forgot I have another present for us.” he says, rushing to pick something up from underneath the bed.
You sigh, pinching the bridge of your nose. “Jimin, I swear to God, if you bought us matching t-shirts–”
He grins like a child, showing you two white pillows, the most basic ones you could ever think of, with ‘his side’ and ‘her side' written on them. It's cringy and ridiculous and you fight an urge to punch him, but you don't.  
Because it's Jimin and you will never complain about it.
Because you love him. And that's all that matters.
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hyatoro · 1 year
Hwang Minsu Mating
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Anyone would wonder the same thing tbh.
Alpha!Reader x Omega!Minsu 
Heads up we’re talking PIV sex here where the reader has a vagina. 
Wow this is almost 2k words. 
Read Other Version Here (Reader Penetrates)
It’s one of those nights where he has to work unfortunately. And you explicitly said that you had no plans to visit him that night. He was moping, not that he looked any different to the public eye when he wasn’t by your side. 
He’s super pouty behind his mask and every moment that he’s not dealing with a customer he’s on his phone looking at his pictures of you. Some of them were taken without your knowledge, but you’re not really concerned. You already knew what you were dealing with. 
But his favorite ones are the ones where you took his phone and took a selfie of you two together. It always warms his heart to look at and he gets this dopey smile on his face. Because you liked him!!! You wanted to make memories with him in frame!! The ones with only you have their own charm, untainted by his existence, but he can’t hide how happy the ones with you both make him. 
He gets off his shift at 6am when he exchanges with the morning guy, greeting him politely before hurrying home. Only to see you waiting for him by the exit. 
Minsu stops in his tracks and rubs his eyes to make sure this isn’t some hallucination he manifested by staring at your photos. 
When you smile at how silly he’s being, he rushes you, wrapping his arms around you tight. You return the hug just as hard and every muscle in his body relaxes as he melts into your embrace. 
“W-What are you doing here!? I thought you couldn’t come?” 
“I did. I needed to sleep. And now I’m here.”
!!!! <3 <3 <3 !!!!
Clings onto you for another few minutes before finally allowing the both of you to walk again. He looks tired so you invite him to your place since it’s closer than his. Of course he accepts whole-heartedly. 
He accepts the shower you offer, indulging in all your stuff. When he’s done he’s all sparkly like a new man. Degreased. 
You let him sleep in your bed while you do chores, and he gets a solid 6 hours of sleep before waking up, his body only taking what’s necessary before waking up to spend time with you. By then it’s lunch time and his groggy ass gets up to snuggle up wherever you are. You happened to be making lunch so you give him a kiss on his head when he nuzzles into the crook of your neck. He makes this goofy ass sound when he goes heh heh as you do so. 
Y’all eat lunch and get to cuddling on your couch when you’re snuggled up to his neck this time. After a few more whiffs you realize that his heat is approaching. You tell him as much. 
“A-Ah… Is it? I- Um… Is that a problem for you? I can go put on a patch or leave-” he rambles, unwilling to leave your side but not wanting to be a burden on you. Which you quickly fix by kissing him and telling him to shut up. He listens. 
You say, “It’s not necessarily a problem, but I wanted to ask if you wanted to spend it with me?” And you’re nuzzling your nose into his scent glands. He could not refuse you even if he wanted to. So what makes you think he would as is? 
“Yes!” He shouts before you change your mind, stretching his neck out further as he gets breathy, baring himself to you. “Yes yes yes, I want to spend my h-heat with you…” 
If he could manually start his heat right fucking now he would. 
You chuckle before kissing his neck and whispering your words into his skin. “Then it’s a plan.”
He is squirming in your lap and you can literally smell his arousal. He can’t hide his neediness and is actively rubbing up against you, but the tiniest bit of shame he has left has him hiding his face behind his hands. 
With him so sweet and pretty in your arms how could you not pamper him? And since he’s so eager you might as well ask, “Hey, Minsu. I’ve got another thing to ask you.”
“Whatever it is, the answer is yes.” Zero hesitation. 
Your teeth grazes his skin, right where mates mark each other, and he almost creams his pants right then and there. His body twitches as he whimpers and whines even though you’ve barely done anything. 
“Can I claim you, sweetheart?” you whisper the golden words into his ear.
The man hops off and starts ripping his clothes off as fast as possible, terrified that you might be joking or change your mind. “I said the answer is yes!” 
You’re stunned but also admiring him and his tenacity when he suddenly starts stripping you too. “Whoa! Easy there, sweetheart. Let’s take this to the bed.” Your amusement and confidence has him folding and begging you to move faster. He is physically shoving you towards the bedroom, but it’s super ineffective cause he is so fucking weak. Your mind tells you to get some meat on his bones later. 
You’re excited too so you hurry to your bedroom, and as hot as you are in your rumpled clothing from his failed attempt to strip you, he is back to trying to take your clothes off. 
At this point you understand why he’s rushing you but ease his worries with some kisses and words of reassurance. “This is an important moment, Minsu. I’m not going to rush it. I promise I’m not going to change my mind and back out or anything. If you want to-”
“Absolutely not!”
You stifle a laugh. “I was going to say it would be fine if you changed your mind halfway through, but it seems I don’t have to worry about that.”
He whines as he bares himself to you, urging you to hurry up, though the franticness of it has subsided, the assurance working. It was just plain old impatience now. 
You finally, finally, remove your clothes and he is mesmerized the entire time. He’s seen glimpses before, through the gap in your curtains when you’ve changed, but this? This was entirely different. He looks at you with awe and lust, barely holding back from lunging at you for a taste since you told him to lay back. 
Then you crawl over him and cage him between your arms, a devilish grin on your face. The poor boy is so ridiculously wet it’s kind of insane to think about. 
His legs wrap around you, grinding up into your hips as his arms cling to you, begging for more touch. You yield to his desires, devouring him just as expected. It’s only been heavy petting and he’s already a mess. 
You take his hand and kiss his wrist, taking in his sweet scent, letting his arousal mix with yours as you nip at the skin there. Minsu is so whiny and it shows. 
When you line yourself up with him you look at his face and he is so fucking horny he’s shaking, his head vigorously nodding yes. As you sink down on him he cries out, hands grasping at you in any capacity as his eyes slam shut. The visual stimulus is too much, but when he can’t see all he can think about is how you feel and that doesn’t help either. 
He’s begging you. He doesn’t say what he’s begging for though. It’s just a long string of “please please please please please fuck please…” Is he asking for you to hold on and wait or is he asking that you move? Yes. He can’t fucking decide so you do it for him and raise your hips up and slam back down. 
His head flies back and he lets out a string of curses.
Then you grab him by the chin, thumb pushing his mouth open and press against his tongue. He moans and licks it obediently. When you tell him to open his eyes however he’s hesitant to do so, and when he does, he stares at your face. 
“Are you going to waste my time and not even pay attention to the show I’m giving you? After all that effort you put in trying to see me naked?” 
Every single fucking thing you’ve said and done has him hanging by a fucking thread and when eyes finally trail down to see where you’re connected he disobeys your orders and shuts his eyes back closed, grunts and whines as he does so. 
“Oh~ I see how it is. You’re not going to be good for me? Y’know, bad boys don’t get marked, Minsu~ I thought you wanted to be claimed?” your honeyed voice teasing him. 
He’s crying. He is legit crying. “Nononononooo. Pleasepleaseplease I’ll be good. I just- I can’t- I want it to last- Fuck-” his eyes try to open. He sees your pretty face in a mock pout. He sees how his cock has disappeared into your wet pussy. And his eyes shut again, tears falling from his eyes. “I-I-I’m sorry! I want to be good! I- FUCK-”
And you feel a hot sensation leak inside of you. His cries are so hot as his body tenses. It takes a while for him to come down from his high.
He’s hiding his face as he sobs, apologizing and begging for another chance. That he’ll do better and that you should please fucking claim him. Please for the love of god claim him. 
You have never been so fucking horny in your life. You wipe away his tears after moving his hands and give him reassuring kisses. “Of course I’m going to claim you. I promised you, didn’t I? It’s okay, honey. Just take some deep breaths and calm down.” 
He’s nodding, suppressing his hiccups as he listens. When he’s gotten to a point where he’s calm again you start bouncing slowly on his soft cock. It doesn’t stay that way for long, considering he’s insatiable when it comes to you. 
It all builds up again, but this time he’s not constantly on the brink of cumming too soon. It’s still close though. 
When you start kissing his neck, leaving a line of hickies for him to find later, he is back to grasping at your back, neck outstretched as much as it can. You take the moment to bask in how delicious his scent is right then, before you mark him as yours. 
With one last look on his face for any doubt, of which you find none, you finally go for the kill, biting and breaking his skin where every mated couple has done so in all of history. 
If you thought the moans from when he came too soon were wanton, then this was downright scandalous. 
The primal aspect of it has you going feral as you come alongside him this time, biting down even harder, barely keeping in mind not actually hurt him. 
When you two relax you’re lapping at the blood on his neck and he’s just this shivery mess of limbs. His mind is so fucking clouded and if his body were in better condition he’d be begging to do it all over again. 
Once he’s no longer bleeding you kiss the mark before kissing him. The taste of his blood on your lips really makes the act feel real, his tongue lazily prodding yours until you flop over next to him. 
His breath and voice are still shaky as he thanks you profusely. You wipe the two of you down with some towels and he thanks you again. When you lay back down his shivering body then curls up into your arms as you pull the blanket up over you two. 
His thoughts aren’t even words anymore. They’re just hearts. Just a bunch of <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 with you in mind.  ❤️ ╰(⸝⸝⸝´꒳`⸝⸝⸝)╯ ❤️
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bibbawrites · 4 years
Family Ties - Charlie Gillespie x Reader (16+)
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Request: Can you please do one where either Charlie is meeting your family or you’re meeting his and he keeps trying to be touchy/wanting to have sex but you/him don’t want to get caught xx
Word Count: 1721 words 
Summary: your annual family trip gets a little bit more hands on when your boyfriend Charlie and his family join you
Warnings: heavy makeout, touching, a little bit of grinding, swearing, mentioned and implied sex 
A/N: sorry if this editing is shit my brain is not working lol  hopefully y’all like this one, ive been debating on rewriting it for what feels like years but fuck it i dont have that motivation lol  also idk if theres beaches in canada like what we have here in aus but if there isnt oh well in this fictional version of canada they have aussie beaches  anyways, enjoy! 
Tag List:  @happinessinthedarkesttimes​​ @littlemissaddict​​ @vicesvsvirtuesfanfic​​ @headheartbellarke​​ @lovesanimals​​ @bartok-the-magnificent​​ @juliefromaustralia @multi-universe21 @rangerelik @kaitieskidmore1 @katrina765​​ @fandomxreaders​​​ @ifilwtmfc
It had all started when you had jokingly suggested that you should invite your boyfriend Charlie and his family along on your annual family trip to the beach. Your mother had agreed, and before you knew it she was on the phone to Charlie’s mother working the whole plan out. 
Your family lives in Quebec, and Charlie’s in Dieppe, so your mum’s quickly decided that your family would drive to his house, and then the two families would continue the rest of the way together.
So that’s how you ended up in your dad’s old truck, pulling into the driveway of the Gillespie house at 6am in the morning after almost 8 hours of driving.
You jumped out quickly, wanting to get away from your brother’s annoying rap music and your sister’s constant whining about being bored as quickly as you could. The front door of Charlie’s house swung open and within a few seconds you were being pulled into the arms of your boyfriend, inhaling his familiar scent.
“God I missed you.” He murmured into your shoulder and you grinned.
“I missed you more handsome.” You replied, exchanging a soft kiss. 
Charlie’s family joined him outside and after a few quick introductions, you were on your way to the beach, this time tucked away in the passenger’s seat of Charlie’s car. 
Once you arrived your families spent the day at the beach, and Charlie couldn’t keep his hands off of you. By the time you finally headed off to bed you were certain that every other person in the house was sick of his touchy behaviour. 
You made yourself comfortable on the bed, watching Charlie as he entered the room, shutting the door behind him. 
“I don’t think your dad likes me that much.” He said with a giggle, flopping down onto the bed. You rolled over to look at him.
“He’d like you a lot more if you stopped looking at me and touching me like you want to fuck me at every free moment you have.” You stated, and a light blush appeared on Charlie’s cheeks.
“You think he noticed that?” He asked, pressing his nose against yours.
“I can’t imagine he wouldn’t. You haven’t been subtle at all. We’ve only been here for the day and you’ve tried to jump me three times and that’s not even counting the shower sex.” He grinned cheekily at your words.
“I can’t help it, you’re just so hot.” He whined, and you rolled your eyes.
“But we’re on a holiday with both of our families. You gotta tone down the horny.” You said. He sighed dramatically.
“Fine, I’ll try to be better tomorrow. But for now, we’re all alone... and it’s our first night...” He trailed off, pouting, his eyes dark with lust. You nodded once and that was all the consent he needed, crashing his lips against yours and making quick work of climbing on top of you and sliding his tongue into your mouth.
You moaned, your fingers scraping down his back as he grinded his hips into yours. 
“Fuck.” You mumbled against his lips, your hands finding a place in his hair. You tugged lightly on his hair causing him to moan into your mouth. 
“Hey Y/N?” Your mum’s voice called. 
“Shit.” You exclaimed, pushing Charlie off you. Not expecting the reaction, he jumped slightly, falling off the edge of the bed with a thud. 
You giggled as your mum opened the door, frowning as she took in the sight. 
“Charlie, why are you on the floor?” She questioned. You laughed harder. 
“Fell.” He replied simply, rolling over to stand up, climbing back onto the bed. 
“What’s up Mum?” You asked, hoping that you didn’t look like you had been making out with your boyfriend only moments ago. 
“Did you remember to grab the bag of board games? We were going to play Monopoly.” She said, leaning against the door. You nodded. 
“I put it in the little den room.” You told her and she smiled. 
“Thanks Hon, you two are welcome to join us if you’d like.” She invited. Charlie shook his head. 
“We’re good thanks Mrs Y/L/N. My mum is scary good at Monopoly so I’d rather not lose to her again.” He grinned and your mum returned the smile. 
“Well the offer is there if you want it.” She said, before leaving the room. You let out a sigh of relief. 
“That was a close one.” You mumbled. Charlie nodded, leaning in to kiss you again. You pulled back, giving him an incredulous look. 
“Really? You’re still horny after being interrupted by my mum and monopoly?” You asked. Charlie pouted. 
“A bit.” He admitted. You rolled your eyes at him, pushing him away. He whined but gave in, curling up next to you instead. 
“Tomorrow night.” You said, flicking the tv on. Charlie snuggled his face into your upper back. 
“You promise?” He mumbled against your skin. You nodded. 
“I promise. But only if you’re good during the day.” You bargained. He thought for a moment before humming in agreement. 
“This is not being good.” You whispered to Charlie as his hand crawled up your thigh at lunch the next day. 
It was tradition for your family to get lunch at your favourite restaurant on the second day, and you had barely been there twenty minutes when Charlie started to get fidgety. 
“I’m not doing anything.” He lied, giving you an innocent smile. 
“Bullshit.” You muttered in reply, and Charlie shook his head, making a disapproving sound. 
“Language.” He faked disappointment. 
“Fuck you.” You rolled your eyes. He gave you a flirty smile. 
“Oh I wish you would.” He teased, his voice deepening slightly. 
“Charles.” You warned, and he sighed, sitting back up again, his hand returning to your knee. 
“Remember our deal?” You said quietly, and he nodded. 
“How could I forget, I’m so sexually frustrated I might explode.” He admitted. You stared at him in disbelief.  
“We literally had sex yesterday evening.” You whispered, your voice hushed. Charlie nodded, eyes wide. 
“Exactly! It’s almost been a whole 24 hours.” He sighed. 
“A whole 24 hours since what?” Meghan questioned, and you choked on a mouthful of fish, grabbing your glass of Coke quickly to wash it down. 
“None of your business.” Charlie retorted. “Stop eavesdropping.” 
“Don’t have private conversations around other people then.” Meghan bit back, but dropped the conversation anyway. Charlie gave you a relieved look. 
“That was close.” You muttered. 
“You’re telling me. Almost enough to get rid of the semi in my pants.” He winked and you hit his arm.
“Charles. Stop it.” You reprimanded. He grinned cheekily. 
“You love me.” He sung, placing a wet kiss on your cheek. You couldn’t help but roll your eyes. 
“I’m reconsidering.” 
“So what were you and Charlie discussing at lunch that was so private?” Meghan questioned, once you, her and your sister Isabella were alone sunbathing later that afternoon. You cringed slightly. 
“You don’t want to know.” You replied. 
“Oh god was it a sex thing?” Isabella gasped, and Meghan’s eyes widened in fear. You blushed. 
“I told you that you didn’t want to know.” You said simply, and they both squealed in disgust. 
“Do mum and dad know that you’re sleeping with Charlie?” Isabella asked after a pause. You rolled your eyes. 
“I’m a fully grown adult Bel, I don’t need parental permission to have sex with my boyfriend.” You told her. Meghan fake gagged. 
“Can we not talk about this? I do not want to think about my brother having sex.” She begged. You grinned slightly. 
“You were the one who brought it up.” You said. Meghan sighed. 
“If I’d known it was a sex thing I would have never.” She replied. 
“With Charlie it’s always a sex thing.” You answered. 
Meghan and Isabella groaned in unison as you giggled, flopping back into your chair. 
You really needed to get some girl friends who weren’t your sister and your boyfriend’s sister.
“Was I good today?” Charlie questioned, jumping onto the bed next to you as you scrolled through Instagram that night. 
You put you phone down, pretending to think. 
“Well, you tried to tease me at lunch and then tried to discuss it, which then led to me having a very awkward conversation with our sisters about our sex life. So I’m gonna go with no.” You said. Charlie’s eyes widened. 
“Y/N!” He gasped. “You can’t do that to me.” 
“Why not? I told you to be good and you weren’t so that’s on you.” You replied, returning to scrolling on your phone. Charlie placed his head on your chest, pouting.
“But...” He trailed off. You raised an eyebrow.
“But what?” You questioned. He sighed loudly.
“But I’m so horny.” He complained. You rolled your eyes.
“That sounds like a you problem.” You replied.
“Baby.” Charlie whined, dragging out the ‘y’. “I’m gonna get blue balls, do you want that?” 
“You’ve got hands. And I know you know how to use them.” You said. He sat up, giving you his infamous puppy eyes.  
“Please?” He asked. You stared at him, not wiling to budge.
“Your sex drive is frankly disturbing Gillespie.” You told him.
“I know.” He agreed, batting his eyes at you. “Please?” 
You groaned.
“Fine.” You said. His eyes widened.
“Really?” He questioned, a grin appearing on his face.
“Yes. Quickly, before I change my mind.” You nodded. Charlie moved forward but paused.
“Wait.” He said. You frowned.
“What now?” You questioned, your tone clearly showing your exasperation. 
“You want to do this, right? I’m not making you do anything you don’t want to be doing?” He asked, suddenly serious, and your frown fell as your heart filled with love for the boy in front of you and the fact that he was still asking for consent despite how desperately horny he claimed to be. You lent in, kissing him gently. 
“I promise you’re not forcing me to do anything I don’t want to do.” You said softly.
“You’re sure?” He checked. You nodded. 
“Positive.” You reassured him. He grinned. 
“I love you.” He whispered, leaning closer. 
“I love you too.” You replied. 
And with that Charlie pulled you towards him, ready to show you just how much he really loved you. 
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A full, entire list of headcanons for a day with:
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1. ☼ waking up with him ☼6am-8am
i don’t know about y’all, but i like to headcanon that todoroki’s morning face is absolutely adorable 🥺
he doesn’t wake up like mr. perfect whenever you see him, but since it’s so early in the morning, his cheeks are just- so- squishyyyy
he looks like a fricken baby with the softest expressions ever
he stares at you and grins, still lying down and stretching his arms out
todoroki doesn’t look at his phone first thing in the morning, or even go to wash his face once he wakes up
the very first thing he does when he wakes up is to gently wrap his arms around your still body, as he kisses your scalp and holds you in the quiet of the morning
he likes to stare at your face, so calm and just so… at peace
he caresses his hand on your cheek before kissing your nose 🥺🥺
he wakes you up in such a gentle way that it’s just not even funny omfg-
i like to imagine that he opens up the curtains for gentle light first, and opens up the window for a cool wave of air
he takes your hand, “good morning, princess.”
“‘morning, my prince, but can we have like,, five more minutes-”
“i already know five minutes is the same thing as ten minutes for you. we should get up while we can.”
“alright, fine, but good morning to you too,”
his hair is ruffled in this ADORABLE WAY that makes my heART SIMPLY COMBUST
for breakfast, i LiKE tO tHiNK tHaT hE TakEs BaCon AnD sLapS iT oN hiMsELf-
i’m only like,, half-kidding, but uGH PLEASE GIVE HIM SOME SOBA AND LET HIM DO THE REST
man’s got everything handled, don’t worry ‘bout it 😌😌
for morning training, it starts as early as 7 in the morning
it’s nothing too intense, more of just him doing yoga
he literally looks like a fricken stick trying to bend and he’s just so awkward and flustured like ????
or either, man’s is SLAYING IT and hitting that tree pose, absolutely nailing the downward dog and killing it with the cobra
you laugh at him as he smiles, and expect him to do the,, lil,, lingering touches if y’all know what i mean ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
you had to buy multiple yoga mats because he ended up singeing them all on accident when he got flustered
and yes, his left side sets on fire when he’s flustered, and that is just the softest thing
2. ☏ [2/5] going to online school with him ☏ 8am-12pm, 2pm-4pm
todoroki makes sure that you focus, which is kinda a problem if you’re like me
…and you just don’t focus-
dw though, because if you ever zone out, man’s will be sure to be prepared because he can and will force you into getting focused again
he promises you a kith whenever you finish a class 🥺🥺❤️
“i love you, but i really don’t want to do this today.”
(honestly, i would like to headcanon that you probably do online school with rolling chairs, so you’re probably gonna be spinning whenever you get bored)
“and i love you, but here we are, my love. the day will be over before you know it,” he brings out the softest smile ever before cupping your face and pecking your nose
since todoroki has online class as well, he sits next to you to be able to hold your hand off-camera beCAUSE YAS
if you two ever get caught, his left side literally lights tf up
you thought man’s would be cool and collected the whole time, but NOPE HE’S JUST AS FLUSTURED AS YOU BABY
but you put it aside and say you were just petting your cat
todoroki also most definitely has some sort of fancy candle or a spray or whatever that he uses to stay focused
once or twice, he’ll most definitely spray way too much, so in one instance you had to go outside
in the backyard
and do your homework there as the wind blew all of your printed papers away
but anyways-
todoroki is on the top of his game to make sure that yOU STAY HYDRATED
he smiles at you whenever he sees that you’re stuck, and the way his eyebrows furrow in such a cute way just fricken asdfghjklkmnbvcxzaqwertyujhgcwjvhhviu
if you ever get burnt out, he plants a kiss on your forehead and holds you until you have to go to your next class, and gets you a wet towel to just feel better and *sparkles* fresher
oh and FIGHT ME, he most definitely opens up the doors and uses natural light rather than turning the lights on
if you ever feel frustrated or just feel too overhwhelmed, he takes your hand and asks you to breathe with him before pulling you into a hug
he would be such a good companion for online school, please keep him 🥺
3. ♨ lunch + study sessions with todoroki ♨ 12-1pm
hear me out, todoroki literally makes the best soba in the world
expect him to use his quirk and make it colder bc no one wants warm soba
especially todoroki 😠😠❤️❤️
while you’re taking a nap or you’re trying to catch up on your homework, man’s is making absolute magic in the kitchen
when he calls you into the kitchen to eat, everything is set in such an aesthetically pleasing way
“todo, you made this?”
he’ll grin and say quietly, “no, my love. someone attacked and came in and made this and left through the window.”
he’s such a dork sometimes we love that
you also take a lot of photos before you eat, and the way your eyes light up fills him with so much happiness
“how does it taste?”
“you’re making me sound like i’m on master chef or something, one second, i’m still taking the photo!”
but when you do eat it, every time, even when you might not like it– you compliment him
and he literally acts like a child in that time and i think that’s ADORABLE
as for the study sessions, he makes sure that you actually focus instead of wasting the hour you guys have together
and even if you don’t want to, he drags your butt from where you were procrastinating
“it’s out of love.”
“out of love? babe i was having such a nice nap, are you kidding me?”
todoroki just grins as he opens up the windows for ventilation to study
i like to headcanon that he honestly probably listens to classical music when he studies
he despises jazz
i should literally make a list of headcanons for class 1a and their music taste-
he sends you little texts whenever he sees you get bored and go on your phone
4. ☼ ☽ [4/5] showers with todoroki + cuddling ☾☼5-8pm
you had a long day at work, and you were just getting things ready and preparing to go to bed
tired and exhausted, your body trudged towards into the bath for a much needed shower
you rubbed your eyes, drained and exhausted as your eyes locked with todoroki’s
…wait, todoroki’s?
“ah! i’m so sorry, i didn’t mean to, just-”
he peeks his head through the shower door, “no, i don’t mind it. care to join me?”
“i- wha?”
but come on, how could you reject something like this? you stepped into the shower before goin’ like “JEEZ WHY’S IT SO COLD????”
todoroki just stares at you, insanely confused, “…what do you mean?”
“you should at least raise the temperature a little, if that’s okay with you?”
being honest, todoroki genuinely forgot that cold showers weren’t a universal thing– it was only then that he realized, since the tea kettle incident, he’d almost by-default take cold showers
but he’d honestly do anything for you, so he raises the temperature as he holds you, his skin soft and the shower finally beginning to steam up a bit
todoroki uses the best shampoo smell in the entire world
just imagine the best scent in the entire world, but at first, you could only find a hint of it, and you thought that what you could smell was all you had
but then WABAM, one day an entire jackpot just shows up with everything
that’s what it feels like showering with todoroki
honestly, the man’s there whenever you need him
definitely loves to play with your hair in the shower, his hands are somehow so soft as he kisses your scalp
but shoto tries his best not to take too many peeks, and if he does he apologizes lmao
OH OH and he most definitely uses your lotion on one instance, so this one time when you saw him come out of the shower you’re just like,, “is that,, my lotion?”
he just stares and nods. “yeah.”
you laugh as you cup his face in your hands, “it smells good, i like it. but keep in mind i have to pay for that-”
he probably says it’s fine and uses endeavor’s credit card
even when you’re in the shower though and he sees your body for the first time, he flushes like crazy
what is this feeling??
he might see your stretch marks, he might see your scars, your acne, whatever it is you’re insecure about, but he gingerly and just so carefully kisses them all
“you’re… beautiful.”
for cuddling, he probably does the same thing– he holds your hand, and if he notices your scars, he kisses them and pulls you in closer to his chest
please kiss his scar btw, he might be kind of sensitive about it, but it definitely makes him feel less insecure about it
he might be honestly going on his phone and looking through the news, or he might be looking at cooking videos ngl-
*cough cough soba*
he caresses your cheek, expect him to not know how to act at first
but then he decides to try making the first move and spoons you
you make him so insanely happy
5. dating todoroki would include…
hate to break it to y’all’s, but man’s takes an eternity to ask you out
he probably went to the bakusquad for love advice
the poor bby is so confused, and at first, he’s convinced he has a disease
“i think… i’m allergic to y/n.”
(he’s still with the bakusquad,) “what do you mean?” denki honestly be tapping his pencil as he stares at todoroki
“whenever i go near them– i end up feeling weird, i suppose. i get nervous. i don’t know why though. i feel oddly giddy when i talk to them. should i get it checked out?”
at this point, mina and denki’s efforts to hide in laughs are in vain
when they actually burst out, they end up laughing so hard that they get tears in their eyes
todoroki is so confused, “???????”
sero def joins in with the drama, “i-” he stops to snort, “todoroki, have you ever heard of a crush?”
todoroki stands, dumbfounded for a solid minute before his ENTIRE left side just starts toasting
“i… i do like y/n. i like y/n. i like y/n. i like y/n.”
POOR BABY GOES CRAZY and repeats that statement for a solid minute yet again
he’s very confused and flustered at the same time
todoroki honestly tries asking the entire class what to do for his date, and everyone is saying something completely different:
“a movie theatre, kero.”
“an at-home dinner, maybe? you can save money-”
“study dates are very important.”
“✨ take her to the disco ✨“
“go to the amusement park!”
“maybe you two can just have a walk around town?”
“go to a strip clu-”
at the end of the day, todoroki’s left more confused than he ever was before, so he just decides to go for it all on his own
after a few more hours of contemplating his date and life choices, he decides how to ask you and where to take you
once he musters the courage, he asks you to meet him after class
you’re lowkey confused, but definitely giddy to be able to meet your crush again
at first, todoroki had this entire speech planned, but the moment he saw you, he stopped and forgot all of his words
“uh, do you want to eat food?”
took a while for you to realize what he was implying, and the way he was flushing and looking at the floor was just so soft and you nodded–
“you mean– go on a date?”
todoroki, still very much hiding his face, nods
“haha, i’d love to! where should we go?”
it takes him a while to compose himself again as he stares at you,
“would the ice skating rink be okay?”
so that day, that’s just what you did :DD
at first, todoroki’s kind of scared to hold your hand in case he ends up getting too caught up in himself
but eventually, you let him know that you don’t really mind as you head over to the rink
Elsa Todoroki for 2021™
man’s is a NATURAL
he be gliding everywhere, and you can see him for a split second, smiling as he skates around so fricken gracefully and i think that’s adorable
todoroki laughs into your ear as he pulls you in to help you balance
you two were skating normally, until you were suprised in the back of the rink as you fell over
“are you okay?”
“yeah, i’m good, don’t worry about it-!”
he pulls you up, his hands firm against yours
for a split second, you make eye contact for a few seconds too long
he finds himself lost in them, as he tightens the grip on your hands, your body still leaning against his arms as if you were in mid-salsa dance
he gazes into your eyes, before thinking: “this is the person. this is the person that i want to spend my whole life, an entire life with– they’re so strong, caring, kind… and there’s so much more to them than i thought.”
…before pressing his lips onto yours, and suddenly, everything stops
your mind is empty and blank, when you realize:
shoto todoroki is kissing you
and you were kissing him back.
you almost forget that breathing is a thing before you realize that you were nearly out of breath as todoroki pulled away before kissing you again, his hands cupping your face as you pulled closer against his chest
when you finish, you see that parts of his jacket were smoking after the kiss
literally smoking
“that was… that was… wow.”
todoroki laughs, “wow was right, a word i’d use.”
you’re about to talk again, when you hear screaming and cheering in the background
“LET’S!! GO!! Y/N!! AND!! TODO!! ROKI!!”
and yas– the entire bakusquad, willingly or unwillingly followed you there
even if it was a lot, todoroki’s happier than ever as he kisses you again
and all you could say?
that day the best day of your life.
thank you for making it this far, love!! this will be a continued series with bakugo + izuku coming up next, stay tuned :) to join my taglist for the next few characters, click here ^^ 
taglist: @cherry-cake-pies​, @xuxisushi-1​
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deathnoting · 2 years
I have yet to comment on your Ao3 but, I’ve read almost everything in the Nights series in like a week. Idk what to say other than you’re a genius and I am in love with your writing style and idea. I recently watched dn for the first time (ya in 2022 wild) and could not find a fic that really engrossed me until I stumbled upon Nights on reddit😭 I swear I literally stayed up til 6am and could not stop. You are crazy talented and I’m saving my thoughts on the story itself to comment on Ao3 but damn I was just shocked at how you turned a story I already loved into a whole other thing that was so nuanced and creative and emotional and just like ticking every box that I didn’t even know I wanted to read. This is just a very aggressive appreciation ask, so thank u sm for sharing your talent and also writing a top 5 fav for me, I don’t think I’ll ever not b amazed💜 💜
omg hi!!!!! you're so sweet & you've made me really happy <3
i'm so happy for you for watching death note for the first time in 2022, that is such a choice, i'm proud of you. i'm glad you like my bizarro take on the universe bc tbh all i've ever done with death note fic is take the canon & be like "but personally i would really prefer if it was like this" and proceed to go off the deep end. i'm glad you're loving it because i loved writing it (and cannot seem to stop)
also when i first got into the fandom (in 2011? holy shit. i swear i have not been here the whole time, it's been a very on again off again relationship) i really had a hard time finding good, long canon-universe fic that you could really sink your teeth into and get obsessed with (using the characterizations + themes i was interested in, especially) so i guess i was just trying to fill that niche for others. if you are vibing with the nights-verse and all of its weird sex & unjustifiable ethics then kira bless. it's for you.
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