#they deserve domestic pokemon fluff <3
starpros-sunshine · 2 years
rei has some pokemon who know the move sleep powder. this is very helpful when madara refuses to sleep a normal amount or when he has insomnia, but it affects rei too and they end up falling asleep on eachother
i know sleep powder's accuracy is literally 75% but it gets them everytime idc
!!!!!! This is so sweet!!!!!
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pokemoncaretips · 1 year
The happiny line
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Caring for the caretakers
General notes: This line is famous and nearly ubiquitous in our hospitals and pokemon centres, a caring and nurturing pokemon with high maternal instincts and excellent retention skills. But they aren't machines, and like all pokemon, deserve top notch care.
General care: This entire line are strict herbivores, living off fruits, vegetables, and other plant matter. They thrive off vegetarian kibble with a platter of chopped fruit and veg every day. Though as large pokemon, they have high calorie requirements, and do need large portions.
The early stage, happiny, is small and sweet natured, though very clumsy. The entire line, despite having dainty little paws, do possess a working opposable thumb, and can carry and hold things well, but happiny must develop their hand eye co-ordination with practice.
You need to be VERY patient with them. Like toddlers, they love to mimic what they see, but lack the knowledge and co-ordination to pull it off. They will break a lot of crockery. They will spill a lot of drinks. Shouting at her will only distress and panic her, and may lead to anxiety issues later down the line. Be patient, be kind and show her how to tidy up. Think of her at this stage like a very young toddler and treat her accordingly.
Though it may be lovely to imagine replacing the smooth rock she treasures with an actual doll, I do not recommend this. She doesn't just carry it around. She plays with it. She'll drop it in puddles to simulate washing a patient. She'll spit chewed up berries on it and wrap them in rags to practice applying berries to wounds. She'll drag it around. By the end of a week that cute little substitute doll is going to be noxious. And she'll panic and tantrum while it's washing and drying. Cleaning a rock meanwhile, is ten seconds with a wet wipe.
Happiny in general are just kind of grubs. Their affinity for attracting dirt and grime in the middle of a clean room is a meme in the chansey breeding community. Luckily, they tend to enjoy water and their downy fluff dries quickly.
Check her pouch every night before tucking her into bed, as happiny often store food in their pouch for later and forget it, which can cause health issues if it goes bad.
Chansey are more independent and fussy with their hygiene, and by this stage are far more dextrous. Though not the smartest pokemon in the world, they make up for this with some of the most incredible memory retention of any pokemon. Though she'll dither in unfamiliar circumstances, when shown what to do she won't forget it.
Chansey lay anywhere from 1 to 3 large eggs per day. These eggs are often infertile, and if you've built up a bond, she'll happily share them. They are tasty, nutritious and easy to digest. Though wild caught chansey lay like troopers, the large captive bred population that makes up the majority of care takers has an issue. Taken and bred out from a small population, at least 5-10% of these domestic chansey have a mild deformation in their oviducts, inherited from one of the original few chansey. Though this usually manifests as slightly odd shaped but otherwise fine eggs, domestic chansey are at higher risk of egg binding. A chansey who is straining, shivering and vocalising in distress should be taken to emergency care, as egg binding can kill in as little as 24 hours. If this happens repeatedly, a hormone implant can be prescribed, which will stop her egg laying entirely.
Though it's unknown what prompts this, chansey breed by what is known as parthenogenic reproduction. Her daughter is a near perfect genetic copy, though some slight and random genetic reshuffling has been recorded. A chansey or blissey who has laid a fertile egg will suddenly turn aggressive, hissing violently and fluffing up. Though she has little maternal instinct to an infertile egg, when she senses an egg is viable all those instincts hit full force. Though she doesn't have the strongest bite, this line of pokemon is big and heavy, and can bowl you over quite forcibly. Provide a safe space for her to retreat to and give her privacy, her instincts will settle after a few days.
Blissey tends to evolve from older and more experienced chansey, and are quite reliable. She's seen it all and can deal handily. Her care needs are much the same as a chansey. An older and experienced blissey can run a ward of humans patients with barely any assistance required.
On a quick note, though caring and nurturing by nature, chansey do get fed up when exploited. They are often tasked as cleaners and maids as well as caretakers, but in any job, if made to work long hours while their human co-workers slack off and leave them the lions share of work, they get resentful. And strike. Large, heavy and bulky, a single chansey can shut down an entire office by parking her fluffy kiester in a hallway and not moving. And if there's more than one, she'll unionize. Her needs however, aren't all that hard to provide. She wants to feel useful without being overworked, and with time to have a peaceful meal break and to enjoy the sunshine. Frankly, if a chansey feels hard done by enough to strike, it's well deserved. Care rating: Green
Training: Young chansey need a lot of guidance, as she'll panic in strange circumstances. When trained as nurses and caretakers, she'll often be assigned a nurse to follow around. Young happiny are often given (unused and safe) medical equipment as toys to get them used to it from an early age, and it's quite sweet to watch a happiny carefully tape an IV line with the needle removed to her rock.
If you're disabled and want a chansey to act as home care, its recommended to contact a registered nurse, who can come and show your chansey what you need to be healthy and cared for. If a chansey learns incorrect information and procedures, it can be hard to her to correct this, which can be dangerous, so make sure she's well trained.
Though some chansey do enjoy battling, I don't recommend pokebattling for care chanseys, as if she's injured, you could be left without aid.
Otherwise, it's rare to encounter a mean or surly chansey, and they're not hard to teach and train. Training rating: Green
Safety: A chansey holds very few risks. Even a broody one with an egg lacks bite power, and even if she breaks the skin, her saliva contains antibacterial properties anyway.
however, she is a big pokemon with a lot of strength, and could potentially bowl someone over if they get in her way before she can react.
Otherwise. Well. It's the chansey line. They aren't exactly dangerous. Safety rating: Green
Overall ranking. A safe and reliable pokemon who's been a partner to humans for centuries.
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