#they did eventually let me give it to a senior so huzzah
gibbearish · 1 year
the funniest thing abt working in a call center is overhearing other ppls call handling. we work for a big bank so ppl can be calling about Really Big Sums Of Money which means they can get very shitty very fast so de-escalation is a super important skill with multiple training courses abt it but this one guy just . did not understand how it worked so we got to listen to him tell a woman "um ma'am i have to inform you that. um you're yelling at me"
0 notes
Close Friends (NSFW)
Brainrot that just randomly occurred in my head and throwing my fic queue schedule in total disarray
So many self-indulgent talky bits, but I thoroughly enjoyed writing it so hopefully its an okay read too? ^^;
Rosa is plagued with a strange compulsion to do a certain act, thoroughly distracting her from work. Kiki suggests she seek the help of her closest, most special friend, Dr. Vyn Richter.
Rosa slightly unhinged. Vyn unhinged as usual. Huzzah
“And the way they just did it after he saved her!” Kiki gushed over her strawberry parfait. She frantically scrolled the display of her smartphone until it showed the very paragraph she had been overly enthusiastic about, pushing the device across the table towards Rosa. “Read it! Read it!
“Mmm…” Rosa—a spoonful of banana split still in her mouth—gingerly took Kiki’s phone and read the displayed text at her friend’s behest as she ate her strawberry ice cream. "Hey. This is damn hot… but I can't help but think something is missing…" she eventually said, after washing down the ice cream with a swig of ice-cold water.
"How's—fuck—that?" He said in a low voice as he kept on thrusting inside her, searching for a suitable rhythm. He supported her weight by holding her in place by the waist, their mouths joining from time to time to let their tongues lap at each other in sloppy, hungry kisses.
There was quite the striking contrast between the contents of the text that they were reading, and the place where they were doing the reading: a packed ice cream parlor, located in one of the busiest areas of the Central Business District. Rosa and Kiki were surrounded by other, wholesome, patrons—families, kids, behaved couples—and there they were, reading smut off Kiki’s smartphone.
“What’s missing?” Kiki raised an eyebrow. “Like…this thing has everything in it: action, sex, jealousy!” she exclaimed in mock ecstasy. “Everything a depraved girl could ever ask for.”
“Hmm…” Rosa sighed as she handed the phone back to Kiki. “I don’t know…there’s something I’m really, really hung up on and I can’t seem to get it out of my head.”
“Now I’m curious,” Kiki said. “What’s up?”
“Exactly what that fic lacks.” Rosa took another spoonful of strawberry ice cream. “Um.”
“Uhuh?” Kiki prodded. “And what is it, exactly?”
“Well. Actually,” Rosa said as she placed her ice cream spoon onto her bowl still half-filled with ice cream and bananas, folding her hands onto the table as she looked at Kiki squarely in the eye. 
“I feel like sucking a dick.”
Unfazed, Kiki could only grin at her comrade. “You, my girl, have a problem. But you know what? I totally feel you.”
“Ugh. Why are you not even surprised, I should feel offended,” Rosa groaned as she grabbed her glass of ice-cold water. 
“Ehh, it’s not as if it’s that weird,” Kiki shrugged. “You’re stressed out. Probably just needed some stress relief, you know?”
“Yeah, but—” Rosa took another swig of her water, and almost slammed the glass onto the diner-style table. “Sucking dick? Why is my urge so specific?”
She realized that she was talking a bit too loudly when the occupants from the two nearest tables next to theirs suddenly turned their heads toward her. 
Blushing, Rosa ducked in half-hearted shame and continued in a quieter voice: “I mean…you know what I’m talking about, right? And it's been distracting me too much at work, even Mr. Wing is starting to notice…” her voice trailed off, cringing at the various recollections of awkward conversations with her senior partner.
“Yeah, but…” Kiki sighed. “I’m hardly qualified to give you advice on that.”
“Well, I guess I’m going to stay repressed and stew in my—”
“Hey,” Kiki suddenly cut in.
“What?” Rosa whined as she started to wallow in thoughts of suffering pent-up sexual repression left unaddressed.
Kiki leaned over the table, then whispered to Rosa, “Aren’t you friends with that hot shrink?”
“Hot…shrink…?” Rosa furrowed her eyebrows. “Huh?”
Kiki rolled her eyes. “Oh you know! That half-European guy who likes to hang around you whenever he drops by the office!”
Rosa blinked at Kiki as she finally made the connection. “You…you mean, Dr. Richter?”
“Yes!” Kiki said, incredulous. “You mean you never even considered him attractive? You never looked at him that way?”
“Er…” Rosa gulped. 
Numerous cogs that she never thought even existed in her brain started to turn: What Kiki said was true. She never really thought of Dr. Vyn Richter as anyone other than a friend, one she could rely upon on professional and even some of her personal matters. 
To Rosa, he was someone she shared interests with, since he never laughed at anything she liked, be it a passing fancy towards occultism, or sudden interest in baking….
And now that Kiki had pointed it out, Rosa couldn’t help but realize that, yes, Dr. Vyn Richter, with his striking half-European features and his elegant mannerisms, was actually pretty hot. 
“...yeah, I mean…he’s sort of a bit too friendly, you know? And he gives off this air of…I don’t know, like he’s a bit too perfect.” Rosa started to dig into her banana split once again. “So he’s hands off in my book.”
“Yeah, but nothing’s stopping you from asking him about your little horny problem,” Kiki pointed out. “He’s a shrink, Rosa. He’s heard worse problems.”
“But he’s a guy—”
Kiki gave her a pitying look, then dabbed her lips with a tissue. “Women aren’t any better. The most judgy people I know are mostly girls, for one thing.”
Rosa briefly considered Kiki’s assertion. “Yeah, true,” she said after some thought.
“So pay your special friend a visit and ask him what you can do about it.”
Vyn couldn’t help but feel a little anxious upon learning that Rosa had walked in for a consultation. 
He tapped his fountain pen onto the glass surface of his executive desk, while he read Rosa’s vaguely worded medical form. Possible issues stemming from work stress, it stated.
He put down the tablet and rubbed his temples. Well, that could mean anything, really.
Vyn was very much familiar with Rosa’s tendency to exhaust all options available to her before asking for help from other people—from himself, most especially, no matter how much he tried to tell her that he wanted to help her as much as he could, to the best of his abilities….
Needless to say, he was worried. 
He was worried, only a smidgen, yet he could not shake off the nagging feeling that hung around his chest.
The door then swung open, forcing Vyn to surface out of his worried thoughts.
It was Rosa, of course—his beloved rose in all her charming yet innocent, unassuming glory—and from what he could tell through a cursory glance she had none of the tells that may point towards any serious problems. 
Good. Maybe she is here for something work related, after all. 
But stress…?
Vyn promptly shelved everything that belied his uneasiness, leaving only a bright, beaming smile on his face that he mostly reserved for her. “Hello, Rosa, it’s always a pleasure to see you.”
“Um. Hi, Dr. Richter,” Rosa returned his smile with her shy own, and made her way to one of the two chairs set in front of his executive table.
“Please, you are my guest. Let us have a bit of tea while we chat.” Vyn pushed himself from his seat and gestured towards the more comfortable-looking lounge chair-and-table set by the far corner of his office.
The psychiatrist then crossed the distance to the small kitchenette in his office, hidden from general view by an artfully-placed ornate divider. “Do make yourself comfortable while I prepare some refreshments for us. I do feel like having a bit of a break, myself.”
“You don’t have to, Dr. Richter,” Rosa said quietly, but sat herself in one of the plush leather lounge chairs anyway. “Um…also, I sort of feel bad for making you work during your break…”
Vyn had to chuckle at her words. “Nonsense. Time spent with you is always a welcome respite,” he said, voice gentle and soothing, as he poured loose tea leaves and dried lavender buds into the designated chamber in his ceramic teapot. “And I am always happy to hear from my closest friend.”
Unbeknownst to Rosa, the act of making tea also served another purpose. 
It allowed Vyn, hidden behind the divider, to watch Rosa’s mannerisms, gestures, as she waited for him. It gave him a chance to observe her unimpeded, so to speak, when he was not sitting with her, making it less likely for her to put on a front while he eyed her for microexpressions or any other similar indicators.
She is fidgeting, he noted, his brows furrowing at the sight of Rosa wringing her hands and moving her legs every so often.
He took his time steeping his tea, more so than usual, but at that point he wasn’t too concerned about the minute impact it would have on the taste of his lavender infusion. Rosa’s wellbeing came first and foremost, and Vyn needed to watch her for anything that could clue him in…
Yet apart from her nervous fidgeting, nothing else stuck out at him, and so after some time he eventually emerged from the kitchenette bearing a tray laden with tea and some cookies.
After pouring tea into both their cups Vyn sat himself in the plush chair opposite hers, crossing his legs to make him appear unbothered and relaxed around her. “How was your day so far?”
“Ah, well…” Rosa absent-mindedly brought her fingers to the side of her face, tucking a non-existent strand of hair behind her ear. “Samey.”
I have never seen her so nervous before. “Mm-hmm.” Vyn raised his cup to his lips. “The way you are being very nervous right now, however,” he took a sip of his tea, and frowned a little as he realized that it was a little on the bitter side as a result of over-steeping. “Does not seem all ‘samey’ to me.” He put his cup back onto its saucer. “Would you not tell your closest friend what is bothering you?”
Rosa sighed. Then moaned “Why did I let Kiki talk me into going here,” under her breath.
Vyn raised his eyebrows. “Miss Kiki?” A pause. “If you are this bothered, then your work friend made the best call in suggesting you come to me for help.”
Rosa then groaned, “Ugh, you weren’t supposed to hear that but okay.” She buried her face in her hands.
The doctor merely sat there quietly, letting Rosa compose herself, hiding his own anxiety with methodical, deliberate motions of sipping his tea.
They both sat there in relative silence: Rosa softly keening in embarrassment; Vyn calmly drinking his tea.
Then he decided to break the silence. “I assure you, you can tell me anything, and none of it will get out of these walls.” Another sip on his almost-empty teacup. “Otherwise, I would be violating our code.”
Rosa sighed. “Fine. You win as always, Dr. Richter.” She wrung her hands again. “Well, you’ve noticed how stressed I am at work.”
Vyn said nothing, only nodding at her to show he was listening.
“Well. Ah. It’s…” More wringing of hands. “Trying to manifest in certain ways. Um.”
Long, slender fingers picked out a dark chocolate cookie laced with matcha ripple. “Yes, that is to be expected. People under extreme stress may experience compulsion to do any of a myriad possible things, to blow off steam, so to speak,” Vyn said before biting off a piece of cookie. 
Rosa moved on to twiddling thumbs. “Yes. Compulsion. I guess…that’s an apt word.”
“Compulsion to…?” Vyn let his voice trail off as he poured himself another cup of tea. 
“It’s so hard to put into words…” Rosa murmured, more to herself.
“Once again, Rosa, it is part of my duty to ensure secrecy.” He lifted the cup to his mouth, lips resting against the warm rim of the ceramic teacup. “Is it so dire as the impulse to—” Vyn then proceeded to voice out one of the more serious manifestations of pent-up workplace stress, as a way to encourage her to open up. “...Report for work at Themis Law armed with a semi-automatic machine gun and…going to town with it?” 
Another sip of tea.
“No, Dr. Richter,” Rosa said, her voice flat. Then came the few words that Vyn least expected to come from her mouth, not before this very moment: “All day, every day, all I ever think about is wanting to suck someone’s dick.”
Vyn promptly coughed out his tea, spilling hot liquid all over his waistcoat.
Rosa now audibly moaned. “See? See?” 
Despite her anguished shame she still had the presence of mind to quickly grab the nearby tissue caddy, leaning over the table to help Vyn dab the liquid off his clothes. “This is why I didn’t want to talk about it!”
“No, no, I am sorry, I truly am,” Vyn quickly muttered as his fingers took more tissues and patted away the spots of pale purple liquid from his white coat. “My apologies…”
Then, in a fit of very rare impulse, Vyn grabbed Rosa’s hands that were still trying to clean his waistcoat, and held her miserable gaze with his earnest own. 
“Rosa, yes, I will admit I was taken by surprise, but,” He squeezed her hands. “With that out of the way, I will still help you, and I am very much qualified to do so. Will you not trust me on this one?”
Rosa’s lower lip trembled under his gaze. “Just so you know, Dr. Richter, I’m already at the lowest depths of my shame and I can’t believe I owned up to my depravity to you of all people and I really really can’t go any lower right now and—” she babbled, averting her eyes away from his, her mind clearly going on the fritz. “I can’t…I don’t think I can take th—”
“Rosa. Rosa.” Vyn still did not let go of her hands. He lowered his voice, carefully modulating it to avoid upsetting her even further. “Sssh, it is alright. It is not as serious as you think it is.” He let his thumbs rub against her wrists, reassuringly. “Calm down.” 
His voice was soft, yet firm; as firm as his hold around her wrists. “Look at me. Look at me, Rosa. Ssh.”
Slowly, Rosa trained her eyes onto his face once again. “O…kay?”
Somehow she looked at him quite oddly, but at the confusion of the moment Vyn didn't quite catch it until much, much later. 
When it was much too late. 
Smiling gently, Vyn placed one of Rosa’s hands onto his chest. “Breathe along with me. You can do this much, yes?”
Rosa nodded quietly, her eyes still not leaving his face, as if transfixed.
“Alright then.” Vyn motioned for Rosa to sit down once again into the plush chair, and, with her hand still pressed against his chest he knelt in front of her chair, leaning forward to touch her forehead with his.
Her skin felt warm, even slightly feverish. 
He then started to inhale and exhale deep breaths, in slow cadence; letting Rosa feel his chest rise and fall underneath her palm. Their breathing mingled with each other’s, Vyn's leading Rosa's to a slower  tempo. 
Gradually her erratic breathing smoothed into a more regular rhythm, and her trembling ceased.
This went on for one full minute, after which their breaths finally synchronized with each other’s and Rosa finally calmed down. 
A long, drawn out sigh escaped her lips. “...sorry about that,” she murmured, face slightly flushed as Vyn let her go. “But yeah. I’m sorry you had to hear that.” She sank lower in her chair, arms wrapped around herself.
Rosa furtively snuck glances at him. 
Vyn padded back to the chair opposite hers. “Stop apologizing for something that is not wrong, Rosa,” he said, a wry smile on his face. “So your chosen outlet is of a sexual nature. You are a healthy adult. What of it?”
“It being painfully embarrassing aside,” Rosa said, worrying her lip with her bottom teeth, “It’s also getting in the way of work. It’s…distracting, to say the least.” Another sigh. “I’ve been so out of it lately, and the novels that Kiki have been making me read lately are making it worse…”
“And this particular impulse to perform fellatio, this manifests when you are experiencing work stress?” Vyn asked, tone as neutral as possible. “Does it also manifest with other stressors, like anxiety, perhaps?”
“Yes, and yes,” Rosa finally found it in herself to reach for her cup of tea, now cold. “I um. Deal with it by reading the stuff Kiki sends my way. In private, of course.” She knocked back the entire teacup’s worth of drink in one go.
“Reading…?” Vyn prompted her to elaborate further.
“Smut,” Rosa said.
“Ah,” was all he could say in response.
“Hmm. Did you start taking any new medicine recently? Or any changes to existing medication, perhaps?” Vyn tried to suss out if her case qualifies as one of compulsive sexual behavior.
A spike in libido, in other words.
“No. Not taking anything regularly, except for the usual headache medicine I sometimes need to take in the morning after a bad overtime.” Rosa absently took a bite from a butter cookie. “Why, Dr. Richter?”
Vyn refilled Rosa’s cup. “Okay. With that ruled out…at the moment I think it is safe to say that what you have is a clear, simple case of pent-up stress.” He gave Rosa a tight-lipped smile. “Do you mind if I start asking some probing, possibly uncomfortable questions? If any of my questions make you uncomfortable or offend you, let me know, and I will drop it.”
Rosa blinked, then fell into silence for a few moments, as if giving it some thought. Then, “Well, I think you’ve heard the worst of it, so,” she shrugged, then took the warm, refilled teacup with both hands. “Shoot, Dr. Richter.”
“And take my shot I will, then,” Vyn smiled. “Alright, first of which is…do you have a partner? Someone you are intimate with?” 
Ah, there I go, asking questions I do not want to hear the answer to. Vyn's neutral face colored with a hint of pleasantry perfectly hid his chagrin. 
Thankfully, Rosa shook her head, “Nope. Sexually frustrated here,” she said. “If I did, I probably wouldn’t be here in the first place, Dr. Richter,” she said with a lopsided grin. “That makes it a weird question, no?”
Ah, sharp as always. “Not necessarily, no,” Vyn blithely countered, side-stepping any chance for Rosa to find out that his questions are actually of a selfish nature. “There are instances where a couple may need therapy to address any issues arising from mismatched libido, which may, in turn,” he gestures towards her. “Also cause problems similar to yours.”
“...Okay,” Rosa murmured. “But um. Yeah, no partner.”
He nods. “Alright. Since you do not have a partner; I have another question, to try and determine how exactly this impacts you negatively.”
Should I ask this now?  He mulled as he made a show of refilling his tea and taking a butter cookie from the tray, stalling for time to let him weigh his options. 
The question he now wanted to ask was something he always wondered, something he wanted to be more certain about, and now that the chance to ask has presented itself he wanted to grasp it with both hands and take it. 
Vyn then, with the driest and most clinical voice he could muster, asked, “Do you feel like this stress-induced compulsion of yours is making you look at any male colleagues in your law firm as a desired sexual partner?”
Let the chips fall where they may. 
This time, Rosa did look taken aback, and Vyn feared that he may have gone too far. Yet her reaction was indeed strong, but in a way that he did not expect.
“Hell no!” She exclaimed incredulously. “Whenever I see them, all they remind me of is work, work, work. All of them in Themis,” she did a mock grimace. “Ugh, no. Please.”
Behind Vyn’s poker faced facade his heart soared, and angels sang at the back of his head. 
He then cleared his throat. 
One more. 
“Maybe I should rephrase the question a bit. With the compulsion to perform that certain act in mind, have you started looking at any of your male colleagues as a potential sexual partner?”
“Um. Hahaha.” Rosa raised an eyebrow at him, yet remained quiet after that. She took another bite from the butter cookie she had been nibbling on.
Vyn—strangely seized by a strong need to exploit the very rare chance to ask otherwise very inappropriate questions—decided to wait in silence for half a minute. If, perhaps, if that half minute lapsed without her saying anything, or if she outright declined to answer the question, then he would drop it—
“...yes, actually,” Rosa eventually said, at the twenty-seventh second. 
Vyn’s mouth suddenly went dry.
“Mm-hmm,” Vyn hummed as noncommittally-sounding as possible. “I see. It is not at all strange. Sexual tension between friends happen more often than people would like to think.” He took a sip of tea, letting the much-needed feeling of warmth spread in his throat, to calm his own nerves. “Perhaps I can help you in this regard?” 
The irony in his words did not escape him. Not at all.
“Help…how?” Rosa was understandably suspicious.
Realizing that he was already far in too deep at this point, Vyn decided to play it off coolly. “Well. If I am familiar with this person you are interested in, perhaps I may help you with a few po—”
“Oh, you are very familiar with this person I am currently eyeing, Dr. Richter,” Rosa murmured quietly.
Behind his unassuming, lazy smile, Vyn’s stomach suddenly plummeted. The way she worded it. Luke, perhaps? Marius?
“Oh? Think you can indulge your friend’s curiosity?” Vyn said, prepping the very same knife that he supposed would be used to stab his exposed, vulnerable heart. 
He would need more than a few nights spent at The Abyss to berate himself of this particularly foolhardy, stupid folly. The sooner I am cured of this obsession I have with her and move on, the better.
“You won’t be upset?”
“Not at all. Your secret is safe with me.”
“Well then, Dr. Richter. You see this person everyday,” she said as she once again lifted the teacup to her lips, but she looked at him quite intently as she sipped the liquid. “...in the mirror.”
Silence as dense as concrete hung—no, crashed—into them, particularly onto Vyn.
This is getting too dangerous, he decided as he folded his hands onto his lap. Too inappropriate. And I brought this upon ourselves. 
Yet despite his words an unmistakable feeling of elation, of relief, mixed with a little bit of unhinged ecstasy washed over him. 
His mask of a gentle, reassuring smile hid the very, very strong, dark urge to just stand up and gather Rosa into his arms, to carry her to the chaise longue and provide her the very relief that she had been seeking.
But no, this was his Rosa, his prized Rose, and he was not about to renege on his promise to help her just to sate his basest desires. He had waited for so long; he can wait longer if need be.
“I see,” he said, “I will have to admit, I am very honored, and flattered, that you consider me a,” his heart sang as he uttered the next few words. “...possible partner.”
Yet somehow, Rosa’s voice trembled when she said, “I think there’s a but in there somewhere. Dr. Richter.”
“Unfortunately yes, there is a ‘but’,” Vyn nodded. “There is the matter of conflict of interest. It tantamounts to an ethical violation, you see, should I further proceed to intervene.”
“I can recommend you to a colleague who specializes on sex therapy.” Vyn continued. “She—”
Rosa shook her head weakly. “Mm, that’s fine, Dr. Richter,” she murmured. “I know you mean well, and I trust you, but I can’t help but feel I’ll be judged if my issue is going to be handled by another person.”
“That is not true, Rosa,” Vyn reminded her. “We are professionals. I can personally vouch for my colleague—”
“Mm, that’s…that’s fine,” Rosa gave him a crooked, forced smile. “I think I’ve taken up enough of your time now, Dr. Richter, I…I think I should go.” She straightened her skirt and started to gather her things.
Vyn realized that Rosa acted as if he had outrightly rejected her. 
Oh no. No. No, no no. God damn it!
Rosa was already making her way to the door when Vyn blurted out, with more force than he had intended: “One week!”
Rosa stopped in her tracks, and looked at him warily. “One week…?”
“One week,” Vyn repeated. “You seem to be thinking in the heat of the moment. So what I want you to do, Rosa, is to give things a bit of thought for one week, cool your mind off if possible, and if you think you…you still want me after that one week then come back here.”
He did not realize it, but Vyn’s eyes looked a little desperate, and even Rosa herself understood. 
“Mind, though, that should you come back here after that one week, anything that we will do in relation to your predicament will need to be…” He took a deep breath. “...stricken off the record.”
He let the silence explain the implications.
“I…see.” Rosa nodded. “I’ll see you when I see you, Dr. Richter.”
Half an hour after Rosa left his office Vyn was still burying his face in his hands, clearly thrown in for a loop. 
This is not going according to plan at all.
As he left for the day he told his assistant to not encode Rosa’s walk-in consultation into the log. “She was merely a friend visiting me,” Vyn told him, much to his assistant’s confusion. “Just a friendly visit.”
One week came, and went.
Vyn had been mindful enough to steer clear of Rosa during that one week when she was supposed to think things through. 
And on the Monday after that one week had elapsed he made it a point to clear his schedule from noon onwards, yet stayed in his office for a couple hours longer than usual…in anticipation of her momentous visit to his office. 
If she would drop by, that is.
Her getting cold feet was not inconceivable. In fact, Vyn expected her to, especially with her tendency to assume that he was somehow unattainable, that he was to be placed on a pedestal. 
He was painfully aware of it, and spent many a time trying to undo that particular dire effect from only wanting to be the most dependable friend she could ever ask for.
Vyn sighed, and stole a glance at the system clock of his workstation monitor. Twenty minutes past seven in the evening. I suppose Rosa sobered up, he thought in deep regret. Yet this is probably for the best. 
A moment’s madness, however sweet, is still madness.
He was already preparing his satchel bag for the drive home when the door to his office suddenly swung open.
Rosa stumbled into his office, still catching her breath.
“Dr. Richter,” she called out to him in between gasps. “I—I’m glad you’re still here.”
“Rosa, I—” Vyn, for once, felt that the rug had been pulled under his feet. 
He stood there, hands still in his bag, frozen in the act of getting ready to leave. “Ah, my apologies. Please, take a seat,” he murmured as his wits finally caught up with him.
His object of obsession sat herself in one of the seats set in front of his desk. “So. Um. Yes.”
“You are sure of your decision, Rosa?” Vyn asked quietly, settling himself back into his executive chair. 
He took off his glasses and wiped the lenses with the cloth he kept in one of his coat’s inner pockets; pushing them back up the bridge of his nose once he was satisfied.
He opened his mouth to say something, yet closed it without uttering a word. 
There was nothing else for him left to say.
She absently straightened the hem of her skirt. “Well, this place is most certainly out of the way home to my place,” she said. “This wasn’t a spur of the moment decision.”
“...I see.”
Vyn decided he had heard enough. 
He stood up from his chair, and walked to where Rosa sat.
And knelt in front of her.
With a tender hand he cupped one of her cheeks, gently turning her face towards his. “Tell me if this is unpleasant for you,” he whispered before leaning in for a chaste peck on her lips.
“No,” Rosa whispered against his mouth. “I like it.” 
To Vyn’s utter surprise Rosa slid her arms around the back of his shoulders, trembling hands grabbing him by the nape and the back of his head; she hung onto him rather desperately as she started kissing him hungrily with tongue. 
The intensity of her kiss was such that it sent him reeling into her lap, and Vyn found himself clinging onto the armrests of her chair as he almost literally drowned in her needful kissing.
He certainly bore the full brunt of her pent-up stress as she devoured him in her embrace, her tongue—inexpertly, yet brimming with passion—exploring his mouth, her lips pressing, moving against his as she made it known just how much she wanted him at the moment.
No words were said. Only their mingled heavy breathing, the unmistakable wet sounds of torrid kissing, and soft whispers could be heard in his office.
“All that one week ever did was make things worse,” Rosa eventually said, a tad wistful, as she surfaced for air. “I…have Mr. Wing ever told you about a mistake I almost did the other day?”
“Mm. No. We never talk outside NXX meetings and other…similar functions…” Vyn murmured absently, a vivid flush coloring his face, hooded gold eyes hazy with something quite primal. “What was it…?”
Rosa was about to recount what happened—it appeared to Vyn that way, at least—yet one look at his face and all she could do was to kiss him again. 
It finally dawned on him, while Rosa had her way with him—as he draped over her lap, letting his Rosa indulge in his mouth, his skin, his scent, as much as she wanted to—that he had well and truly lost all modicum of control when it came to her. 
Eventually he could feel his own desire taking over; his pants now felt uncomfortably tight. Vyn had to pull away from the kiss. “Not here,” he said, his voice almost wavering. All he wanted to do was to lose himself in her but this was not about him; he was there merely to provide her a means for release. “Not here,” he repeated. “We need to do this somewhere you are in control and fully comfortable in. How about your apartment?”
The drive to Rosa’s apartment was filled with such sexual tension that Vyn finally realized just how debilitating such type of tension could be, especially when forced in situations where he had to endure such but could not act on it. 
Like driving, for instance.
It was slowly driving him insane; certainly took all he had not to feel up her thigh whenever he reached for the gear stick. 
And when they finally entered her apartment, after Rosa had locked the main door behind her, Vyn was slammed against the nearest wall and his necktie pulled down with such strength by the veritable force of nature that was Rosa’s hunger. 
“I’m sorry, Dr. Richter,” Rosa mumbled, urgently, before she nibbled on his lower lip. “I’ve always liked you, I think, but I never knew just how much I wanted you until you made me look at you last week. When you were trying to calm me down.” 
Moaning, she pressed her body even more against him. “I’m sorry,” she repeated, before pulling his face towards hers; her tongue slipping past his lips to taste him.
Vyn couldn’t help but shiver, swallowed whole by her overwhelming need for him that he never quite expected. Rosa’s soft breasts were pressing against his torso; one of her thighs wedging between his legs and deliberately rubbing against his stiffening erection. Shit. “No need to feel sorry,” he said after her mouth moved on to trace his jawline with the tip of her tongue. “Oh fuck,” he groaned as she gently bit his neck. 
He could feel her bury her nose in the crook of his neck; he could feel her take in deep breaths, inhaling his scent. She sighed, her breath hot and enticing against his skin, “You really smell so good,” she murmured. “Why am I only realizing how much you turn me on, only now?”
Because you were not paying attention, Vyn wanted to tell her, if only to get back at how many times his advances were either unknowingly rebuffed or outrightly dismissed. 
“Rosa, why don’t we—damn—move on to your living room?” Vyn managed to say instead, as Rosa’s hands slipped into his doctor’s coat, coiling her arms around his body as she kissed him deeply yet again. “We can, we can—hahh—finally get you to do what you have been thinking about for so long now.”
When Rosa pulled back, all Vyn could see was her desire for him, quite unhinged: olive eyes half-hidden behind her lashes and further obscured by something dark. Her glossed lips curved into a knowing smile. “I like how you think,” she said, in a maddening half-smile. “I’ve always liked how you think. Now that I’ve had one week to reflect on things I’m now convinced how silly we were, letting us settle into being only friends.”
That was only you, Vyn hazily thought, still reeling in the headiness of her embrace. “I also wanted you, Rosa,” he whispered, relishing the sensation of Rosa’s hands feeling him up his chest. “You have no idea.”
He was led into her living room, and there Rosa forcefully pushed him onto the sofa. Vyn gasped—yet the experience was not unpleasant—and his gasp immediately transitioned to moaning as Rosa clambered onto his lap, claiming him once again in a kiss while tugging at his necktie even harder than she did earlier. Her other hand impatiently grabbed fistfuls of his silver hair as she devoured him with yet another long round of kissing that left both of their lips red and raw.
At this point Vyn was now intoxicated in the heat of the moment and could no longer think far ahead as he was wont to do. “What are you waiting for, pet?” he grinned at her, almost leering, no longer bothering with putting on polite, pleasant masks. “Did you not say you wanted to suck someone’s dick?”
Rosa giggled as she slid against his body, also fully clothed as he was but no less aroused. “Is that an invitation?” Her hand slowly, tantalizingly slid downward; until it was low enough for her to caress his erection through his pants. “God, I really want to…”
“Then do it,” Vyn licked his lips. “Have your way with me,” he whispered, voice low and dripping with molten honey. “Do you want me to help you undo my belt and trousers for you?” His mouth twisted into a devilish grin. “Or do you want to indulge in ravishing your favorite doctor and do it yourself?”
Rosa matched his unhinged grin. “Ravish?” she asked, amused at his choice of words. “Like I said, I really like how you think.” She slid off his lap and knelt in front of him, slotting herself between his spread thighs. “Dr. Richter,” she murmured as her fingers fumbled with the buckle of his belt; “Have you always fantasized about a girl blowing you under your desk?”
Vyn let out a dark chuckle. “Not really, no, but my fantasies always involved an attorney named Rosa, and how wonderful she must be, writhing upon my bed. Underneath me. Crying out my name as I fuck her until she begs me to stop.” His grin widened further, “That is, if I would stop. I will enjoy her as much as I can, until my knees give out.”
Rosa had already pulled down his zipper by the time he finished detailing his vulgar promise of pleasures to come. “That’s a high bar you’re setting,” she said as her fingers massaged his erection through his underwear. “I’m not sure if I can even meet Dr. Richter’s lofty expectations.”
“I am sure you will,” he said quietly, intently watching Rosa as she fondled him with experimental touches. “But this moment is not about me; rather for you and letting you deal with your stress. Go ahead. Play with it if you wish.”
Spurred on by his words Rosa slipped her unsteady fingers underneath the waistband of his boxer shorts, finally freeing his cock from its confines. She gasped as she beheld it in all of its stiff glory, her eyes glued to his proud cock in rapt attention. 
“Do you like it?” He asked. “Does it meet your expectations? He bit his lip, eyes still closely watching her. “Hahh—yes. Yes,” He let out a ragged sigh as Rosa tentatively licked at the tip of his cock, tasting his precum.
“Hmm.” Rosa watched his cock twitch. She licked it again, on the underside of his tip this time; his cock once again twitched in response, making her smile in a strange child-like glee. “How cute,” she whispered, before planting a soft kiss on its tip. “I like it.” She allowed herself a long, slow, deliberate lick from the base all the way up to tip. “It’s way better than I expected, now that I’m seeing one up close.”
Her words caught his attention. “Is this your first time having sex with a partner?”
“Uhuh,” Rosa hummed in affirmation, then trailed small, exploratory kisses along his shaft, alternating it with shy flicks of her tongue. She let out a small giggle as he twitched once more, against her cheek. “Hey!”
“Heh. Take your time playing, little pet,” Vyn drawled as he sank deeper into her sofa’s cushions. He continued to passively watch Rosa as she satisfied her curiosity, clearly not aware how much her little licks, kisses and even soft nibbling on the skin of his cock gradually pushed him towards the edge. 
The precum that Rosa licked off earlier was quickly replaced; a bead of clear fluid started to dribble along the tip. 
"There it goes again," Rosa murmured. She swirled her tongue over the tip of his cock, cleaning it of precum. 
A sharp intake of breath. "Stop teasing me Rosa," Vyn hissed. "Make me come. Please."
Rosa tipped her head to the side, looking innocent. "But you told me to take my time playing with you." 
From Vyn's vantage point she looked like the very image of a succubus, playing up the visual qualities of a pure, innocent, virginal maiden while obviously engaging in lascivious acts. "Changed your mind?" She then dropped her girlish act, and her expression transitioned once again to reflect her desire to consume him. 
"I thought you wanted to perform fellatio," Vyn whispered, voice dropping a couple octaves lower. "Do you not want to suck me off? Does mine not measure up to your specifications?" 
Rosa laughed a little. "Please, Dr. Richter. Any larger and I'll probably choke." Her lips now hovered above his tip. "I was just messing with you." The tip of her small tongue flicked at his cock's slit, prompting yet another small gasp from the doctor. 
"You will not choke on it," Vyn eyed Rosa hungrily, and with soft whispers he continued, "In fact, you might find it just the right size for your pretty little mouth to wrap your lips around.” His cock twitched at the sight of her mouth taking him in; her head slowly bouncing over his lap, dick sliding into her mouth inch by delicious inch. "Just like that. Slowly. No need to rush. Try to slide your tongue—nngh—against it. Just a bit." 
"Mmph…" Rosa moaned, turned on, with Vyn still inside her mouth. 
The resulting vibrations emanating from the back of her throat felt so good that Vyn couldn't help but throw his head back into the cushions. “Damn it,” he groaned, catching himself before he could cry out in sheer pleasure. 
His hands slid along the soft velour surface of Rosa’s sofa, fingers splayed to find purchase for him to hold on to. There were none; leaving him with balled fists and all-too obvious tracks created by his nails: irrefutable evidence of just how much control he had already lost.
It was certainly something for Vyn to ruminate over the dictaphone in the next few lonely nights, but not right now. Not right now, when Rosa—the girl of his dreams, the one who owned him, even if she was too dense to even understand it—was kneeling right in front of him, as if in prayer.
And such fervent prayer involved his cock sliding into her mouth.
Encouraged by the extremely positive feedback, Rosa started to punctuate the up-down movement of her lips with occasional humming. 
"Hahaha. Oh, shit," Vyn moaned helplessly. And she's not even sucking. He gritted his teeth, hellbent on not reaching orgasm too soon. Yet. "Y-you can try sucking—" his words abruptly cut off as Rosa immediately did as he suggested, and he almost regretted it: it felt much too good, and he knew he would come any moment now… 
It was clear that she wasn't used to the act, but the image of Rosa performing fellatio on him, his Rosa, and doing it quite earnestly… it was more than enough stimulation for him. 
And he had never felt this much stimulation before. 
Vyn slowly, gradually lost grasp on what little control he had left.
He had been careful not to put his hands on her as she indulged herself with him, careful not to unintentionally drive the pace of the act, to let Rosa be fully in control. He had decided, long before they even started, that her pleasure would come first and foremost, and that his would be merely a happy secondary result.
Yet right now one of his hands found the back of her head, fingers twisting loose locks of her auburn hair around his digits. He then pushed her head down, making her take in more of his cock, enough for him to hit the back of her throat. 
"Yes. You have been good so far, Rosa. Just a little more," he whispered in between urgent, shallow breaths. "Just—ahh, yes. Almost…" 
His other hand grabbed her right hand by the wrist; Vyn guided her inexpert fingers into jerking off the last few inches of him that could no longer fit in her mouth. "Suck on me just a bit more, my succubus. Would you let me come in your naughty little mouth of yours, I wonder? So you can have a—mmm, yess—full taste of me." It was clear that his own degeneracy was in full display, but Vyn let it; much better for Rosa to know he had this very nature lurking in his depths before she decides to stay with him.
Oh, Rosa, his heart yearned for her to accept him and his myriad little perversions; the ugly cracks to his overall self that resulted from just how much he had to endure in the gilded hellhole he escaped from. Look at me. Look at me, and please do not turn away.
Yet at this moment Rosa abruptly pulled away and gasped for air.
Vyn felt the most dire mixture of slight rejection, and immediate frustration upon being denied immediate release. I was so close…!
He was about to voice out his frustration, yet his words died in his throat the moment his eyes focused onto Rosa’s face, now that she sat on her haunches in between his legs, the entirety of her face in full view: Her chin was completely drenched with her saliva; the same saliva that also pooled around the base of his cock. Traces of involuntary tears also ran down both her cheeks, most probably from when he pushed her head down deep enough for his cock to hit the back of her throat. 
The absolutely debauched sight of his Rosa in such a state almost made the doctor achieve orgasm. 
"Why did you stop?" He meant his words to come out imperious, but instead what came out sounded strangled and utterly needy. 
"I'm sorry," Rosa groaned. "I'm just so horny…" She quickly stood, on unsteady legs, to hike up her skirt and step out of her panties.
But before she could kneel between Vyn's legs once more he grabbed her by the arms, pulling her down towards him, forcing her to straddle one of his thighs. "Who told you to stop?" he growled, voice dangerously low this time. One of his hands snaked up her inner thigh. "I was near. You utter, utter—" 
Fingertips briefly strummed her moist clit, only for a couple of seconds, after which his fingers withdrew; fingertips settling just an inch away from the entrance to her cunt. "...tease."
"Nngh…I didn't do it on purpose!" Rosa whimpered as she moved her hips in an effort to have her clit rub against his fingers. "Please, Dr. Richter!"
Yet Vyn merely slid his fingers down her thigh even further, his touch never leaving her skin. "A favor for a favor, Rosa," Vyn murmured, voice as smooth as silk. He started to caress her lower thigh. "Someone of your profession should know better, no?" He lightly pinched the tender skin of her inner thigh, making her yelp in surprise. "But no, you stopped, just when I badly needed my relief."
All it did, however, was turn her on even more. She rubbed her thighs together, sandwiching Vyn’s teasing hand between them. "I just… I just want to know how it feels to have someone else touch me—aaah!"
So that is how things are, at the moment…
Vyn did not let her finish; he now had a better grasp on her current predicament. 
Rosa, he quickly learned based on what she just said, was starving for touch. The need to perform fellatio was merely a part of her need to be physically intimate. 
And so with this realization he decided to let his Rose taste a little bit of pleasure. A hand slid up her thigh; his thumb started making slow circular motions directly onto her clit. Another finger idly stroked the entrance to her cunt. "Do you still want to fellate me, pet?" he asked. "Or do you…" the finger slowly slipped inside her hole. "...want to move on to the main course?" 
The finger slid in and out of her with tantalizingly slow yet deliberate movements, punctuated with the occasional flicks onto her clit with the pad of his thumb. “This is merely a taste,” he murmured as his lips hovered close to her ear. “Do you not desire to be filled?”
His tongue slithered along her earlobe. “Do you not wish to fuck me?” Then grinned at her, as if he were the Devil trying to push her into committing a mortal sin, for his own pleasure. 
He slipped another finger into her cunt; both fingers now buried in her knuckle-deep, massaging her hot inner walls.
Shuddering, Rosa leaned forward, now clinging desperately onto his neck, as she let his fingers wind up the tension between her legs tighter and tighter, until she could do nothing but rut against his hand. "I can always suck you off again, Dr. Richter, if you want. Anywhere you want,” she was now running her mouth off, too horny to care about the consequences of her words. “I really, really need to cum. Like. Right now.”
“Fuck me then?” Vyn whispered as he increased the tempo of his finger fucking. Wet, lewd sounds could be heard from between her thighs. 
“Mm. Yeah.” Rosa arched her back, now fully losing herself into  his fingers deep in her cunt. “Oh, but if you don’t stop right now, I’ll—”
Vyn laughed quietly against her ear, his laughter breathy and unmistakably erotic. “Do you want to be in control?” His free hand now crept up underneath her blouse, slipping inside one of the cups of her brassiere to tease her nipple. “You on top?” 
“Oh—oh fuck!”
“Tell me what you want, or I will not stop…” A chaste kiss on her ear. “Either way, I like seeing you come undone. Be it on my fingers, or on my dick.”
Another low laughter, now almost menacing.
“Shit, I can’t stop now, I can’t stop, I’m sorry—” Rosa hissed as she fucked Vyn’s hand harder. “I’m—aaaah!”
Vyn started thrusting his fingers harder, faster as Rosa lost herself to orgasm. “Yess. Nothing wrong with coming. Let yourself go,” he hissed as he helped her ride out her orgasm. “Feels quite good, yes?”
Rosa then slumped over him, her flesh twitching around the fingers still buried in her cunt. “Oh god. That was probably the best…the…ah—” She could not articulate her thoughts at the moment.
Chuckling, Vyn pulled his fingers out and, in Rosa’s full view, started to lick his fingers clean. “I like how you taste,” he murmured. “Did you ever try tasting yourself after you masturbate?”
Rosa wordlessly shook her head, too tired to even talk. 
“You taste rather good,” Vyn whispered as he slipped his pussy juice-coated finger between Rosa’s lips, making her taste her own flavor. “Do you not think so?”
“Mmph—” Rosa sucked on his finger, and Vyn was so overcome by how hard it made him that he grabbed her, pulling her roughly towards him and kissing her full on the mouth, with his finger still between her lips. Their tongues entwined and slid against each other’s, alternating with each of them taking turns sucking on his finger trapped between their mouths. 
“Nngh, Dr. Richter, I didn’t know you were this wild,” Rosa murmured as their sultry, desperate kissing finally broke. “So hot.”
“That is because you were not paying attention,” Vyn finally said what he wanted to when they arrived in her apartment. “I am so attracted to you, did you not notice?”
His words stunned her into further silence, and she stared at him quietly for almost half a minute. “I thought I was just being a little too hopeful,” she said timidly as soon as she found her voice. “I thought you were just indulging me, flirting with me because you knew I liked it. Liked you.”
“I know, and I do not blame you for thinking so,” Vyn said as he started to take off his clothes for the final voluptuous act. He was about to shrug off his white doctor’s coat when Rosa stayed his hand. “No, keep it on,” she said, voice meek. “I…uh, seeing you in your work clothes turns me on.”
Vyn grinned at this particular admission, thoroughly amused at the idea of Rosa going wet whenever they bump into each other during work hours, when he would most likely be wearing his research center uniform. “Really now?” he murmured as he straightened his coat back on, pulling it by the lapels. “Thank you for sharing with me your preferences.”
“Kiki knows that I have a uniform kink,” Rosa admitted. “She’s never let me live it down. Even points at policemen for me,” she groaned at the recollection. “Even Darius…ugh…”
Vyn had to raise an eyebrow. “Darius? Ah. There are pornographic videos on fantasies involving policemen; I would be surprised if Captain Morgan was not aware of that kind of…predilection.” Smiling, he tapped her lips with a fingertip. “You should not be so worried about it. Come now, turn that frown into the smile that I so love…”
Yet the smile that spread on Rosa’s lips was somewhat twisted. 
The next few minutes were once again filled with silence punctuated with wet sounds that came from their kissing. This time, both of Vyn’s hands are underneath her blouse; slender fingers pushed her bra up to let him play with her nipples. 
“Oh shit,” Rosa moaned as he started rolling her now sensitive peaks between thumb and forefinger. “I…” She started rubbing her pussy against his clothed thigh, trailing a thick line of her juices onto the fabric of his trousers. 
A dark smile spread on Vyn’s lips. “Shall we start the main course, then?” He adjusted his position on the sofa, lying down along its length.
His cock, having been neglected all this time, was no less stiff than it was when they started going all over each other. Vyn took one of her hands, guiding it into grasping his shaft. “And this time, let me reach my own release.”
He twitched in her hand.
“Mm. I’m still sorry for that,” Rosa murmured as she shimmied up to his hips, straddling him with her cunt directly on top of his cock. “I…I’m not sure if I’m doing it right, but…”
“You are doing good,” Vyn purred, his hands sliding to either side of her waist, to provide her support once she needed it. “Steady now. Lower your hips a bit, slide your knees along…yes…”
Rosa gasped and halted her movement once she could feel his tip poking into her entrance. “I—” she gulped nervously. “Is it so silly that I’m actually…afraid? It looks like it won’t fit. Um. Hahaha.”
“Heh. I knew Stellis University’s sex education was a bit lacking,” he drawled. “But not to this extent.” One of his hands reached between their bodies to grasp his cock, letting his tip rub against her sex to gather enough wetness. “If this is your first time, yes, it may sting a little bit. But I promise I will be gentle, my little pet,” he whispered. “I will not hurt you.
“So come. Ride me.”
Rosa sighed, defeated. “I guess I’m too horny to scare me off from a good dicking at this point,” she muttered.
Vyn was inwardly amused at her crude choice of words. “I will make sure you will get an exemplary dicking, Rosa,” he said, grinning.
Rosa laughed, then bit her lip as she continued her descent onto Vyn’s hard cock. “Ahh—” she winced as she felt it stretch her inner flesh; and she was not even halfway into taking in his entire length. Which was considerable, to say the least. 
“Slowly now, just relax,” Vyn said quietly as he started to slowly move his hips, gently thrusting inside her bit by bit to help her along. “Tell me if I am hurting you too much.”
“It does sting but…hnnngh….” Rosa bit her lip, slowly lowering herself around his cock even further. 
However one of her knees slipped, causing her to impale herself with his dick quite roughly before Vyn could steady her with his hands. Rosa yelped loudly, then keened in pain. “Oh shit,” she winced. “It does…hurt…?” She wiggled her hips slightly to feel the extent of the pain. “But…”
Vyn, despite the utter need to fuck and how that small mishap almost made him want to rail her—fuck her—hard and fast, could only look at her with concern stifled by barely reined-in lust. “Rosa, are you alright?” he asked. “Do you want to take a break for now…?” 
She shook her head adamantly. “No!” she said loudly as she planted her palms onto his abdomen, readying herself to finally fuck her favorite doctor. “I did feel a bit of tearing, but…” she looked at him with an unreadable expression on her face. “Does it make sense that I’m both hurt and very, very aroused?”
“Yes, yes it does,” Vyn whispered, yet still a little concerned as soon as she told him about something tearing. With a tentative touch of one of his fingers he felt around where their bodies joined; and when he pulled back his hunch was confirmed: Blood streaked the length of his finger. 
Lacerated hymen.
Rosa, now sitting on his hips, took a little bit more time to acclimatize herself. “So this is how it feels, to be filled with a man’s dick inside me,” she murmured. “It’s…it’s different from how I imagined it based on the smutty novels Kiki and I read.”
Vyn decided to hold a bit of conversation to distract Rosa from the pain, even if only for a few moments, despite the fact that being fully hilted inside her—yet not thrusting inside to chase his release—slowly and gradually pushed him into madness. “These novels…do you like the acts depicted in them?” he asked.
Rosa gave him a smile, still marred by the sting of virginity quite abruptly snatched away. “Of—of course. Which is why I like to read them to blow off steam…”
“Have you ever thought of re-enacting some scenes from the novels?” Vyn asked, his hands gently caressing her thighs. “I can indulge you, if you so wish.”
“Huh…?” she gaped at him; and a fierce, hot blush crept from her neck and eventually covered her entire face. “Um…they’re really…er. Situational?” Rosa struggled to find an appropriate euphemism for smut novels that typically involved fantasy and supernatural elements, for fear of Vyn judging her degenerate tastes in sexual media.
“Heh. Why not describe to me one of those scenes you like?” Vyn grinned at her. “Try me.”
Rosa looked a bit conflicted at his invitation, then said, “Well, one of my favorites is about a priest, who’s a demon in disguise, really, and he messes around with the lead female…” She cleared her throat. “It’s a nice temptation story, but who am I kidding?” she finally sighed. “I mostly read it for the sex scenes. And the priest character is um. Hot?”
“Aha,” Vyn murmured as he looked at her, a lopsided grin on his face. “A very strong preference for uniforms. Your penchant to read about men of certain types of professions, mostly placed in prominent positions of their chosen careers: Priests, police captains.” A pause. “Doctors.” His grin further widened. “You, my dear Rosa, have a kink for authority.”
Rosa’s lower lip trembled. “Can you please not analyze me when your dick is deep inside me, after making me bleed??” Another bout of a deep, vivid blush overtook her. She covered her face in her hands. “Ugh. If I wasn’t so horny I—”
Chuckling, Vyn tenderly prised her hands away from her face. “I was not analyzing you, Rosa,” he pointed out. “It was merely an observation.”
“Can we not talk about semantics please?” Rosa groaned. She was about to go off on another tirade, only to moan loudly instead when Vyn’s hand once again slipped between them and rubbed at her clit.
“Why are you embarrassed?” Vyn murmured as his fingertips strummed directly onto her clit. “Lend me a copy of that novel. I want to read, so I will know how to act accordingly the next time we…” he bit his lip invitingly. “Make love.”
“Oh shit, if you put it that way Vyn…ah…” Rosa moaned as her hips moved, seemingly involuntarily. “A..ahhh….”
“Does it still hurt, Rosa?” Vyn whispered quietly, hoping against hope that he can now finally fuck the woman he fell for, and lusted after for so long. “Do you think you can move…?” His fingers still kept at strumming her clit. 
“I—I think so, yeah,” Rosa murmured as she leaned forward slightly, her palms placed on his stomach to support her weight. She started to roll her hips, slowly at first to let her get used to the sexual act. “Mmm…oh damn.”
“You sound as if you are enjoying yourself.” Vyn kept on teasing her now all-too sensitive bud. “How does it feel, finally getting to experience fucking someone?”
Rosa closed her eyes as her hips rocked against his; as if relishing the feel of his cock moving in and out inside her. “It’s…it’s no exaggeration,” Rosa said, her voice shuddering. Her breathing grew erratic and shallow; an irrefutable sign of heightened sexual arousal.
“What is?” No longer being able to take being passive underneath her exploratory movements, Vyn slowly and gradually started fucking her from underneath, closely watching her face and body for any indications of pain. He also did not stop with his ministrations on her clitoris, to help distract her from any discomfort.
“...that sex really, really feels good,” Rosa’s hips now bounced over his cock. “I…shit…I think I’m now ruined…?” She moaned. “I don’t think masturbation would make me feel this good, fuck,”
“Shit,” Vyn hissed through his teeth. Rosa was pretty tight, and her fucking him with such enthusiasm, coupled with the fact that his hard on was being ignored for some time now, was a sure fire way of making him come inside her. “Rosa, if you keep on doing that, I may…ah, fuck!” he groaned as he threw his head deeper into the pillows placed by the end of the sofa. “...may come inside you, any moment now…”
“Th–that’s okay!” Rosa gasped out loud. “I’m nearing…”
“Do you not want to stretch this out further…?” Vyn managed to ask, even if he silently begged to just let him come. “I can slow down…”
Rosa shook her head. “No…Almost there,” she husked. “Don’t stop, Vyn,” 
Vyn. She finally calls me Vyn, long after that time way back in Nosta…
“Together, then?” Vyn licked his lips then with one arm pulled her down onto him, so her body laid flush against his. “Wrap your legs around my waist…yes…and hold on to me.”
And he started railing her from underneath, with such strength that Rosa could do nothing but cling to his shoulders. Vyn made sure to run his entire length for every thrust in and out of her cunt, savoring how her hot inner walls clamped ever so deliciously around his stiff cock. Savoring the sweet sounds she made every time he plunged deep inside her. Certainly savoring how much she enjoyed getting fucked by him, seeing her blissfully fucked out face as she feverishly kissed him all over…
“Vyn…I…VYN…!” Rosa threw her head back, shouting his name out loud as she spasmed around his cock still chasing release. “Vyn, oh god,” she moaned, then kissed him deeply. “So good…” And, unprompted, she whispered directly into his ear: “Please fill me with your cum.”
The final nail in the coffin.
“Hnngh—shit,” Vyn hissed as his vision blanked out, his sperm filling her in copious bursts. “Rosa, I lo—” he was going to say something in the throes of his intense pleasure, but caught himself and kissed her full on the lips instead. It felt inappropriate, he decided. Better to say it when both of them possess a certain degree of lucidity…
And, with their limbs entangled, lying down on the sofa to catch their breaths, they both delved deep into their own thoughts. 
At least, Vyn fancied, Rosa may be mulling her own options on how to proceed with the newfound physicality of their relationship. In his own case, however, he wondered if this time, this time, Rosa finally understood that—beyond the physical, the sex—she meant so much to him. So much that only she can cause him to lose control, and make him enjoy it.
Vyn’s arm coiled around her shoulders, pulling her even close to him. “Penny for your thoughts?” he asked.
“Um…” Rosa began, hesitantly. “If…if I needed to do this again, can we…?”
Vyn’s stomach plummeted, and he sighed in barely-hidden regret. Of course she still does not pay any attention to these things. At all.
“Oh–oh, I’m sorry, I…” Rosa fidgeted in his hold, obviously mistaking his sighing for something else entirely. 
“What I mean, my dearest Rosa,” he began, making it a point to call her with intimate nicknames starting now, “Is that should you feel the need to, I am but a call away. I shall make arrangements for us to…” He ran the pad of his thumb gently across her lower lip. “...make love, posthaste.”
“Mm. Thank you…” Rosa buried her face in his neck. Then, quite unexpectedly, she nibbled onto the underside of his jaw, sucking at it quite vigorously until a deep red-purple bruise marred his fair skin. “Teehee. Gave you a hickey.”
Vyn gave her a crooked smile. “Is this the first time you have given someone a hickey?”
“Mm. Yeap!” Rosa gave him a toothy smile. “I did a great job, I think?”
“You do know that sometimes, hickeys can last up to two weeks before they completely fade?”
“...Eh?” Rosa’s smile froze on her face as the implication suddenly hit her. “Oh shit. Dr. Richter, I’m so sorry!”
There she is, going Dr. Richter once again. 
Things…never change.
“And since I am still wearing my uniform, you essentially made sure that this hickey will be in full view every time I report for duty,” Vyn continued. “Pray tell, what can you do for me, Rosa?”
Her lower lip trembled once more. “Oh…oh shit,” she muttered. I didn’t really think clearly and I thought it was a nice way to tease you, since we just did it and all but um—”
“Hush.” With a grin Vyn tilted his head a little bit to the side, pressing his lips onto the side of her neck to give Rosa her very own hickey. His smile was satisfyingly cat-like  by the time he pulled back. “There. We are even.”
Rosa blinked at him. “Oh wow,” she murmured. Just so you know, I don’t have that many turtlenecks in my wardrobe.”
“You can always wear a loose scarf around your neck,” Vyn said blithely.
“Um…how about you?” Rosa asked, shyly.
“I shall wear my mark in full display,” was all he said. “With pride.”
Three days later.
Kiki was working with Rosa together in her cubicle filing away printed and signed paperwork, when an elegant, low voice spoke over the cubicle partition: “Bonjour, Mesdemoiselles.”
Kiki looked up from the file cabinet both she and Rosa were hunched over, and unabashedly gaped at him. “Um. Dr. Richter?” she almost stuttered. “How can we help you?”
“Nothing, really,” he smiled, and his golden-eyed smile was as beatific as the Sistine Chapel angels. “I only wanted to drop by and pay my closest friend a visit,” he said, motioning to Rosa who was still facing the file cabinet, frozen in place.
Dr. Richter merely stood there, waiting for Rosa to react, still with that serene smile plastered on his face.
After a few moment—that stretched quite long enough to fill an eternity—Rosa finally turned, and slowly stood up straight to face him. “Um. Hi, Dr. Richter,” she murmured, eye downcast.
Well, isn’t this really aaaawkwaaaard, Kiki cringed in second-hand embarrassment, surreptitiously looking at both Rosa and Dr. Vyn Richter.
Then she saw it.
That unmistakable mark underneath Dr. Richter’s jaw. 
A hickey?! Kiki’s synapses almost fried with the revelation, and the implications that came with it. So. So, Rosa really did visit Dr. Richter for her need to suck dick and THIS is the treatment he gave her? 
The fact that Rosa had been wearing a scarf since Tuesday was a clear indicator that yes, something good finally happened to her anguished friend.
He…Kiki’s polite smile became a little bit too taut. He gave Rosa a dicking.
Oh god Rosa you owe me a lot of stories BIG TIME and you owe me BIG TIME since I suggested you visit him in the first place!
Rosa, you lucky, LUCKY, girl!
The intern’s brain then was filled with myriad thoughts of similar nature, some of them in capslock, but then she finally managed to wrest back control over her own self and cleared her throat.
“Ehem,” Kiki said, unable to suppress her knowing grin. 
And, surprisingly enough, Dr. Richter returned it with a knowing smile of his own. 
Figures. If he’s displaying it for all to see he must be doing it deliberately and wants people to know…
In the meantime, Rosa looked like all she wanted to do was to dig a hole in the ground and bury herself alive.
Mercifully Dr. Richter dropped the amusing smile-fest and fished something from out of his pocket. “I also dropped by to return this,” he said as he walked into their shared cubicle to hand Rosa a very very familiar book.
What the fudge is that…Is that the hardcopy of that priest smut novel I lent her???
“It was a very interesting read,” Dr. Richter said, genially. Then, with a low voice he continued, “And a very useful reference, as well,” then winked conspiratorially to Kiki.
Kiki’s brain blanked out.
Rosa was still unresponsive.
“Well, I think the occupant in that office over there is making it known to me that I have overstayed my welcome,” the silver-haired psychiatrist remarked. “I shall take my leave now.” Then, to Rosa, “I will wait for your text.”
Kiki was still staring at the main entrance to their department well after Dr. Richter disappeared through the glass doors. “Damn, girl, you got yourself a huge catch,” she mumbled. “Doctor effing Richter.”
Rosa, finally able to speak, said in a strangled voice, “We’re just close, um. Friends.”
“Shut up, girl,” Kiki said. “Any more of that ‘close friends’ schtick and I’ll slap you silly.”
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damnthatnoise · 4 years
Darko The Super | Of Dogs & Devils | An Interview
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Hip Hop has long been about bravado, skill, and how your personality can capture and pull the listener in even further than just your skillset. There have been many an MC who’s personality sometimes outshined the lyrical prowess for better or worse, but when I sit back and think of some of my favorite MC’s growing up (Redman, Slick Rick, Kool Keith, E-40, and Del to name a few) the personality often was near cartoonish with no real effort from the MC to make it appear that way. Enter MC Darko The Super who since first coming across his music via Already Dead Tapes has oozed oddball personality, and ever evolving skills as an MC. Darko is no joke rapper though, instead he is adept at delivering some stark reality raps littered with glints of humor we often use to cope with the pain of existence. 
Fresh off delivering one of my personal favorites last year in the form of Card Tricks For Dogs, he returns with his friend Steel Tipped Dove to give us The Devil Defeated, and makes a claim as one of the indie hiphop scenes freshest, most colorful, and promising voices making music. 
You can order the digital, cassette and SUPER vinyl copies of The Devil Defeated here, as well as all Darko The Super Items. 
The Devil Defeated by Darko The Super & steel tipped dove
Damn That Noise: Darko The Super. What’s the origin of that name and what’s it come to mean to you now? 
Darko: I think Darko The Super was my gamertag on Xbox Live before it was my official artist alias. I did two albums as Evan Darko after I seen Donnie Darko in high school. It had a big impact on adolescent me. The Super comes from another big influence on me at the time, MF Doom. My favorite song my senior year was "Dead Bent". I thought the ending of Operation Doomsday was really cool. The way it let you decide between hero or villain. I was big into vigilante justice at the time. I wanted to be like my favorite superheroes. So that's where the name came from. Nowadays it's just a name. More people know me as Darko than my real name these days, so it'd be silly to change it. Name's don't define you. It doesn't matter much to me. Though I like it. 
DTN: You’ve had a pretty prolific young career given that you’ve dropped 10+ projects since 2011, but when we were taking recently you said you’ve just now started to feel like you now know your voice. What’s changed in the last couple of years to get you to that place? 
Darko: Since 2011 I may have done nearly 100 albums. Most haven't lasted. I've deleted and erased most of my material pre 2014 from the face of the internet. (If anyone has a Loser CD, please destroy it.) I put out 10 albums in 2018 alone. All better than the previous. "Watered Down Demon Fuzz" from 2017 is the album I truly found my voice on. I listened back to "Oh, No! It's Darko" for nostalgic purposes and it seems more like a comedy album than anything, and not that good of a comedy album either. I was 18 when I made the first album I put on cd and gave to everyone at shows when I was starting to go out and perform. It was called Loser, inspired by Beck. Next cd I made was a compilation, also terrible, but somehow it's going for $75 on Discogs. I personally don't like anything prior to 2016. "Carve a Happy Face  on my Tombstone" had a few good songs. Those were transformative years. My perspective on life has changed severely. It's hard to be happy with things you create when you're not even happy with who you are. I think in finding myself, I found my voice too. Life will always be a mystery. But at least I'm more comfortable in my own skin at the moment. Therefore more comfortable in my art. 
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DTN: Why erase the evidence of growth though? If anything that could show folks the rapid progression of Darko? 
Darko: I'd prefer to leave a better first impression. Maybe I'm too insecure to show people my progression. It's also just a matter of that not being the way I feel anymore as far as the way I wrote back then. 
DTN: Your style is a bit unorthodox in that you kind of dance all over the pocket of the beats, and your inflections seem to change at the drop of a hat. I know E-40 and DOOM are a couple favorites of yours but who else’s impressed a young Darko and helped give us the man we have now? Who made you say “I think this is something I want to do!!”?
Darko: Murdoc and MyGrane McNastee from Orlando, Florida were a couple of the first independent rappers I got into from watching the Wake Up Show freestyles on Youtube. They were big influences on me. From there I got into MF Doom, Madlib, and J Dilla. During the datpiff era, I got really into Charles Hamilton's mixtapes. I was a big fan of a web series around that time called Internet Celebrities. Through them I found out about Das Racist. I remember listening to them for the first time on MySpace. I saw Big Baby Gandhi in a video with them. Later on his Debut would become one of my favorite albums. I was really into going on hip hop blogs. I remember watching Open Mike Eagle rap "Qualifiers" in a laundromat and having my mind blown. He told me Serengeti was his favorite rapper which had me watching every Kenny Dennis video I could find. Dennehy became my favorite album. I got into Mr. Muthafuckin' eXquire from seeing the Last Huzzah video with Das Racist, El-P, Despot, and Danny Brown. That's still my favorite posse cut. From checking out rap battles I got into Soul Khan who I remember posting about Homeboy Sandman's album The Good Sun. Blogs also got me listening to every Blu song. Her Favorite Color was something special to me. All those artists were huge in developing my approach. Nowadays my favorite rappers of all time are E-40, Serengeti, and Kool Keith
DTN: Card Tricks for Dogs feels like your most fully formed artistic statement yet and The Devil Defeated feels like the exclamation point showing folks you’re a real force. What helped bring those two records to life?
Darko: Both albums took a long time to come together, which usually isn't the case for me. I remember writing some of those Card Tricks for Dogs tracks while on vacation with my girlfriend and her family. I had tons of beats from my good friend and longtime collaborator Phil Ford aka BLKrKRT (Blacker Karat) loaded on my phone for those trips. I started it shortly after meeting Steel Tipped Dove for the first time. I released an album of his on my label and he offered to mix and master some tracks for me. So this was the first solo album of mine I let someone else do all the mixing for. I took my time with it and let it come together naturally. I believe everything happens at it's own time. As for The Devil Defeated, that album started out as a project called Contemplating Lonely Stuff, inspired by a Serengeti lyric. It was for the most part produced by Height Keech and Steel Tipped Dove. Eventually I decided to do albums with each of them separately. The album with Dove was pretty far along in the process and originally I wanted to call it "Playing Skee-Ball With Zev Love X" but we both agreed that was kinda corny and not many people would get what we were referencing. Then I heard the news of Daniel Johnston passing away, who is a hero of mine. I listened to nothing but Daniel for a few days straight and a few lyrics in particular stuck out to me. The one that landed was "The Devil Defeated" another possibility was My Yolk is Heavy. Me and Dove made over 20 songs for this album and eventually narrowed it down to the most cohesive project we could. We'll be doing a follow up of course. That's in the works now. I'm very proud of this album. My favorite track is a story I wrote based on a song called "Suzy's Face" by my favorite punk band, The Spits. I had to convince Dove on that one. There's another track I tried to convince him about too, but that will never see the light of day since I ended up agreeing with him. 
DTN: You’ve has a chance to work with a lot of interesting and well loved folks. How the hell did the tracks with Lil’B, Charles Hamilton, Denmark Vessey and others come about? 
Darko: I did an album called “Thank You BasedGod” dedicated to Lil B. I produced a track for him way back in 2014. He reached out to me after TYBG and offered to do a track together. So I sent him a couple  Steel Tipped Dove beats and he chose the one that ended up on the album. Later I saw Charles Hamilton posting about doing features. I sent him the Lil B track since that’s a dream collaboration of mine. Lil B is a big Charles Hamilton fan, and they’re both internet gurus of their eras. Charles conquered the blog era by releasing tons of free albums on his own blog, landing on all the mixtape sites. Lil B mastered social media and became a marketing genius, even transpiring music. I’m proud to say the first time they worked together was with me. As for getting Denmark Vessey on the album, he had already worked with Dove and toured with my good friends, The Difference Machine. I was the one who showed them his album Buy Muy Drugs while I was out in Atlanta for a week. That album’s my favorite of the decade. He had posted about doing features so I sent him an email and made it happen. 
DTN: You’ve released a lot of projects via Already Dead Tapes as well as starting UDDTBA. What is the connection with ADT and why start your own label? What have you learned from ADT and how has the played into how you run your label?
Darko: Already Dead Tapes taught me everything I need to know about running a record label. I met them in 2014 when I sent over my latest at the time “Oh, No! It’s Darko.” They were nice enough to release that on cassette. Soon after they invited me to play their weekend long festival in Kalamazoo, Michigan. I brought along ialive and we booked our first tour. Staying in Kalamazoo at the Knights Inn we recorded an album together and formed the now infamous duo The Hell Hole Store. From there we’ve played the Already Dead fest every year and I’ve released quite a few albums on Already Dead Tapes. U Don’t Deserve This Beautiful Art was grown out of wanting to support my friends and artists I admire. I brought on my best buds Steel Tipped Dove and Harvey Cliff to help me run things. Now the sky’s the limit. 
DTN: “Suzy” is life a very interesting record as is “lo-fi princess” off of The Devil Defeated. You mentioned the influence for “Suzy” came from another artists song...how’d this end up on your record and why? Also what’s the idea behind “Lo-Fi..”? 
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Darko: During my commute one day I listened to The Spits first self titled album. I hadn’t played it in a while and instantly remembered why they’re the best. One song in particular stuck with me throughout that ride, “Suzy’s Face”. I decided to write a song building off of their track. Almost like taking a short story and creating a movie. I tried to describe in detail about why someone would shoot Suzy in the face at a high school dance. So that’s what I came up with. Lo-fi princess 2 is a sequel to the original from “Watered Down Demon Fuzz” both love songs to my girlfriend, Alora. I liked the phrase cos it reminded me of “Bow-tie Daddy” by Frank Zappa. Now that I think of it, an actual Lo-fi princess would be an anime babe trapped in the track art of a SoundCloud beat. We’d have to defeat the chill hop brigade to save her. 
DTN: You and iAlive have a really dope chemistry and have two very different styles but similar energies that work so well off of each other. What makes that partnership work and why’d you guys want to keep it going after the one hotel infused brainstorming session?
Card Tricks For Dogs by Darko The Super & BLKrKRT
Darko: We kept it going cos there were more hotel sessions to be had. On tour you’re on the highway with a lot of time on your hands. That’s where most of our songs and ideas come from. We set up shop where ever we’re staying and start to bring these ideas to life. The people seem to like us and we enjoy performing together. That’s what keeps the hell hole going. We survive off friendship and fun times. 
DTN: Okay sir Darko. You can only eat at two fast food places for the next year because you lost a bet. Where you going??
Darko: Obviously Taco Bell is numero uno, I’m a big Taco Bell enthusiast. Next would be Wendy’s, best fast food burgers by me, and they got those spicy nuggets. Plus I heard their salads are good too, which I would need a salad every now and then. I don’t think this is too far off from my normal diet. Worst thing that could happen is I have a heart attack. But I’m on that path anyway. Maybe I’ll start exercising. Maybe. 
DTN: What are you picking if you only have Thor and Spider-Man as costumes for Halloween?!
Darko: Spider-Man of course. I could pull off a husky Spider-Man. Family Guy made it look good. I’d need the fake muscles for Thor. Fake muscles never look good. I don’t have the luxurious hair either. 
DTN: What’s the writing process like for you?! Do you let the beat decide the direction? Do you have an idea or some lyrics written and you locate a beat that fits?
Darko: Either or. Writing always comes to me. It’s second nature. If it doesn’t come to me, I don’t write. That’s all there is to it. I only write when I’m inspired. That’s an easy way to go about it. My number one thing is creativity, I don’t wanna be complex or even an intellectual. I want my lyrics to be universally understood. 
DTN: So what’s next on the horizon for Darko The Super?
Darko: Next up I’m working on an album with skits from a comedian friend of mine. He does tons of great characters and videos as Hot Talent Buffet. I think he’s a comedic genius. I’m also working on an album sampling nothing but my favorite band 10cc, titled “Strawberry Studios Jam ‘72” and another album sampling one of my favorite songwriters, Dean Friedman. The Dean and I have a 7” record on the way with my remix of his classic “McDonald’s Girl” on the B side with the original on the A side. I have a couple other collaborative albums coming along. The artist they’re with wants me to hold off announcing it until they’re ready, but I will say it’s a dream collaboration and I’m very excited for it. 
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