#they dropped her into a fucking high-school??? BRO her last education she had was elementary school
bittenboy · 2 years
i know teen wolf did not have time to fully show malia re-learning humanity and social skills but i simply think i would’ve watched a whole season of her being absolutely socially lost.
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clarasfm · 4 years
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𝐌𝐄𝐄𝐓 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐋𝐎𝐀𝐍𝐄𝐒: 𝙘𝙖𝙢𝙚𝙧𝙤𝙣 𝙢𝙞𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙚𝙡 𝙨𝙡𝙤𝙖𝙣𝙚 .
𝐜𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐧.𝐬𝟕: lil sloane bc she got her personality from me 𝐜𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐧.𝐬𝟕: sick burn to go w/ my matching farmer’s tan 𝐜𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐧.𝐬𝟕: lads ft @cohentm 𝐜𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐧.𝐬𝟕: idfc bro i’m in love w/ a god damn pipsqueak ft @oliviasfm 𝐜𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐧.𝐬𝟕: weekend off & down to the coast ft clara , cohen , nat , & liv 𝐜𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐧.𝐬𝟕: liv capturing the exact moment @gifms called me slenderman??? the fuck
𝐂𝐀𝐌𝐄𝐑𝐎𝐍 𝐒𝐋𝐎𝐀𝐍𝐄 , the easiest of the sloane family to love . . . 
if you ask clara , she’ll be the first to tell you that CAM was the best of them . in fact , if you ask anyone , they’d tell you that CAM was the best of them . the best son . the best big brother . the best boyfriend . the best best friend . the best hockey player dillon had ever seen . . . and despite all of these BESTS , if you asked him , he would’ve given you another name .
he was three when clara came along , on his toes with his nose pressed to the glass as he stood next to his father , asking which baby was theirs . cam didn’t really talk much as a kid , but when he did , it was question after question . why is she in there , not out here ? why is she bald ? is her nose always going to be that smushed ? what’s her name ? and they gave him a choice : chloe , caroline , callie , or clara . with a wild imagination , and the nutcracker a december tradition , there was no contest and cameron –– who originally wanted a puppy –– was happy to welcome clara home . 
he was TEN when their mother left without so much as a word . the school called jack thirty minutes past pickup when two tiny sloanes were the only ones left , sitting side by side on a bench , swinging their legs back and forth . by then , he’d stopped asking questions and STARTED answering them . clara’s , to be exact , because from a young age , cam had patience like no one else and a willingness to TEACH when it was needed . and it was much needed as a family of four was reduced to three , and neither of them quite understood what they’d done wrong to make her leave . 
he was FIFTEEN when he taught clara to skate . . . among other things . on ice , on pavement , on a board , on blades . he’d taught her how to throw a football and spotted her when she practiced tumbling in the backyard . high school was HARD , but his grades were decent , and that’s all they had to be . . . because cam was damn near the best hockey player there was . there was no real teenage rebellion for him . he was too busy on the ice , with his team , or playing dad #2 at home . any REBELLION was found in his two best friends . . . cohen and beck . a kid who never smiled and one who couldn’t seem to stop . they were an odd group , to say the least , but he’d always wanted brothers , and he was happy to find them in dillon . not that it was hard ; people LIKED cam . he was . . . responsible and kind , funny and , as clara would come to call him , anal retentive . type a . completely and utterly obsessed with making sure his hair flopped in the right place . . . and making sure she got her homework done each night . they fought . a lot . because cameron was BOSSY and clara didn’t listen . 
he as SEVENTEEN when he fell in love with eyes bluer than any ocean he’d ever had the luck of running into . it was weird , at first , because olivia was not meant to be anything more than clara’s friend . . . who wouldn’t fucking leave their house . . . or the lingering thoughts in his head . she was FUNNIER than anyone he’d ever known , and he kissed her for the first time on the fourth of july , under the noise of fireworks and laughter . she never missed a hockey game , and he loved her for it . she never failed to make him smile , and he loved her for it . she was a little bit fucking weird . . . and he loved her for it . 
he was NINETEEN when things really started to look up . college was going well , and you bet he was still in love . that punk sister of his wasn’t turning out half bad . . . so it seemed he did a pretty good job . he’d declared his major his second semester at dillon : ELEMENTARY EDUCATION , and it was almost as natural as hockey . on the weekends , he taught lessons at the local rink and coached a team of middle school boys on the ice . friday nights were date night , and sundays were meant for SLOANE family dinners . life was painstakingly good , and the only thing you’d hear him complaining about was how often cohen kept him out all night –– not that it was earnest .
he was freshly TWENTY-ONE when he died , and it’s not what you think . it’s not very often texas finds itself drenched in a downpour , but this one had come faster than anyone expected . cam was behind the wheel after a post - game party , not a drop of alcohol in his blood , but his friends were long past gone . he’d wrestled the keys away from one of them and took the liberty of driving everyone home . or –– that was the intention . at a quarter to two in the morning , the sloane house flooded with flashing RED AND BLUE . coach was pulled out of his bed late into the night , and clara , of course , followed . a car accident . four in the vehicle , three survivors . . . but one of them was hardly hanging on . in fact , the only thing keeping him hanging on was a mess of machines and wires and needles . 
he’d hate this , clara mumbled from the opposite side of the room , arms folded over her chest , he’d hate this more than anything . it was the first time she’d ever seen her FATHER cry as he choked out a broken acknowledgement , and despite the grip around her throat making it hard to BREATHE , she couldn’t bring herself to tears . not when her father signed the papers . not when she found herself sitting by his bedside , alone for the last time , with that furrowed brow and fidgeting fingertips . 
ALRIGHT , big guy . . . what if i tell you your HAIR looks like shit . . . or that i’m going to take your car MUDDIN’ or . . . listen , cam . now would be a real good time to pull off one of those miracles . 
because even then , just as she is now , clara was BLINDLY optimistic . but looking down at her brother , STAGNANT , she knew . he’d hate this , and she still didn’t cry as she nodded and whispered a broken it’s okay . i’ll be fine .
she still didn’t cry as the machines were turned off or the last exhale deflated his chest . she still didn’t cry at the wake , the funeral . not the night after , not the week after . she was too STUBBORN . . . to angry to cry . 
instead , it came nearly a MONTH later when a stubborn dishwasher rack wouldn’t pull out and a plate came shattering to the ground . everything that she’d BOTTLED UP came rushing to the surface , and once the tears began , they couldn’t stop . she couldn’t speak ; she could hardly BREATHE . crumbled on the kitchen floor , cut after scrambling to pick up the glass , and SLAMMED with an emotion never taught her how to deal with . it was call coach could do to call olivia , who quietly sank to the ground with her and held on tight . 
it’s not often that you’ll see CLARA SLOANE cry . . . because it’s not often that it happens . instead , you’ll find anger . . . or indifference . . . and it’s a fatal flaw that needs TIME to heal , just as she does . 
still , her father doesn’t much talk about cameron . his room remains untouched , his car under a tarp in the shed . 
still , she’ll talk about him every now and then . . . when she’s comfortable , with faint laughter and the same sparkle in her eye that cam got when someone said something funny . 
still , she can’t step foot into the rink he’d loved so much . . . just as she doesn’t know how to talk to coach about him . 
but with time comes healing , and clara tries to keep him in the back of her mind , making the BIG life choices with cam’s wishes as a guiding light .
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itstimetowatch · 6 years
Welcome Wagon
Season Three! At long last!
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This better be better than Season Two.
And the first thing we see is a Take Back the Night banner, just in case anyone thought this season wasn’t going to be all about rape. *sigh* This may be hard to get through. At least the show takes the subject matter seriously.
Veronica’s Criminology professor is played by Patrick Fabian who is renowned for playing creeps and scumbags. Is it too soon to say that he’s the Hearst Rapist? Probably. Maybe he’s just the scumbag of the week.
Um, that TA is definitely the same actor who played Lucky last season, wearing a, frankly, terrible wig and some quintessentially 00’s facial scruff. Which, I mean, other than the unfortunate hair things going on is good overall since he was good as Lucky. The reuse of an actor is awfully blatant.
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Okay, so fuck this Tim guy! Sexist shithead! Your smug ass wouldn’t be here to be smart mouthing Veronica without Elementary Education majors, fuckstick!
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Yeah, I don’t like the remixed opening them. Lame.
Sooooo… Wasn’t Hearst meant to be a fairly exclusive college? And yet nearly the entire cast of last season (that are still alive and in Neptune) got in? Veronica, Wallace, and Mac I get, but Logan has never been shown to be academically minded even in the slightest. Dick gets in because of family connections, fair enough, but Logan has no family left (aside from Trina and no one has ever considered her a positive association) and what he did have was accused of murder shortly before being mysteriously murdered himself. (Which, btw, is that going to be followed up on? I assume not since we, the audience, already know who done it.)
Oh, Veronica and Keith, I’ve missed these two!
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Sorry, Veronica, Keith’s right on this one. That is The Chrysler Building, as notable by the street number visible behind them, 405. As in 405 Lexington Avenue, the address of The Chrysler Building, whereas The Empire State Building is located at 350 5th Avenue. “Fun” facts.
BACKUP! And he’s in charge? Great call Keith!
What? Veronica, first of all, how can you put Backup’s business out there like that? Secondly, if Backup has a lady friend, I need to know all about her. You can’t just drop that sort of nugget and cut to the next scene like that. This is cruel.
Stosh? What kind of white nonsense is that name? Also, Piz is not a name that a person would choose to go by. I mean, be honest, a person that chooses to go by the name Piz is gonna get called “piss” and “puss” and all related derivations thereof. That is just not something someone would subject themselves to willingly.
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And here we finally have the mystery of the week. (Also, Piz is Bash on GLOW, so apparently this guy has a thing for characters with stupid names.)
And, holy crap, Veronica is actually getting paid for one of these things? It’s about time. As noted in the past she has been out a lot of money on a fair few of these cases with little or no potential of return. I’m glad she’s turned this into an actual business deal.
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Jason Beghe, yet another actor who has a history of playing scumbags. He can’t be Keith’s bail jumper since he literally just walked out of a prison… unless he jumped bail in Mexico or something.
Mac’s back! And as predicted, Beaver seems to have successfully passed on his sexual dysfunction. And her roommate is the opposite. I’m guessing the new name in the credits to be this free-spirited lady. Does she have a ridiculous name too? Mulva?
So the Take Back the Night crew wants to shut down the fraternities? Has this been shown to help the campus sexual assault problems at various universities? Serious question. Like I understand the line of reasoning, that frats engender and compound attitudes and behaviors associated with toxic masculinity but has shutting them down helped?
Ski mask and Union Jack Speedo is Little Dick, right? Seems like a thing he’d do… actually, he’d probably do it without the ski mask... or the speedo.
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So Jason Beghe is a Fitzpatrick? He seems kind of a lot older than Liam. Also, Liam is out to get Kendall now? Why? Because she couldn’t get the life insurance for both Casablancas boys? Or is it that she didn’t want to share? And if Liam is after her, wouldn’t it stand to reason that Cormac, here, could be as well?
Okay, well… that makes a certain amount of sense, I guess.
So Cormac saying that Kendall knows who she can and can’t trust means that she can’t trust him, right? Keith is unknowingly delivering Kendall’s would-be murderer to her hiding spot.
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Parker, okay, not a terrible name.
So this kid with the info on the thieves who supposedly a townie from Neptune? Has this crazy thick Boston accent. It’s really weird since most actors on American TV have this trained, generic, bland Midwestern accent and now a kid who’s supposedly from Southern California is very obviously from Southie.
So the fat blonde girl isn’t actually fat, so she’s the sophomore Veronica was talking to when interviewing the other victims.
“The Needs Hosed Down,” is perhaps the aptest description of Little Dick Casablancas.
Donald Fagen? As in the lead singer of Steely Dan? That reference was too old for this show when it was new, much less Tumblr.
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Yeah, I’m not sure what to think of Cormac’s quiet calm. Could honestly be that he’s learned patience in prison, that doing something is not always better than doing nothing… or it could be that Keith is the only person who knows where Kendall is and doesn’t want him to risk the desert for all the reasons he said.
So is Veronica honestly interested in the mentoring program or was this just a ploy to get into the files? Because she seems rather flush with extra-curriculars already, what with needing to help her father keep them fed and having a social life and all. But if she’s not, what’s the connection between this scene and the conversation with the other victim?
So Logan only barely got into this school and he’s chronically ditching class? Why go to all the effort to get in if you have no plans on actually doing anything?
Oh, Piz is wearing Duncan’s sweater! Okay. I was confused, because he clearly wasn’t, like, upset that Veronica was talking to another dude or whatever, but it took me a minute to work out what that look was.
AH! The Southie kid and his bros were a false lead! Okay. Veronica was not interested in the mentorship program. That was a misdirect to get this dude to admit that he knew and had access to juvenile offenders and their records.
Too soon, Piz! You are not a high enough level friend to unlock her tragic backstory! You know beyond a certainty that she has a boyfriend so fucking chill, my dude! Not even a little bit, huh? Not even a tiny drop of chill, eh? You should go to the store and get some, then, friend-o, because this is just coming on way too strong.
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Yep. Cormac’s trying to kill her.
Scratch that. Killed her.
And now Keith is stranded in the desert. And Dick “messed up bad”… like Hearst Rapist Bad?
And Parker is the next victim… so not Dick then. That would be way too obvious. Serial rapists don’t knock on doors and linger far too long in hallways leaving themselves to be easily identified by a plethora of witnesses.
Again with the cliffhangers. This does not need to become a thing again this season. It gets old.
So this was a much better opener than was Season Two’s but then that’s hardly surprising, given that “Normal is the Watchword” was just a huge mess. Obviously, it’s benefitted by the Hearst Rapist story having already been set up last season, but the reintroduction of it here would have been a perfectly good introduction even if it hadn’t. The standalone mystery was a little thin, but that’s not surprising considering the show has to introduce two new main characters in the form of Parker and Boring Boy #4 (because Piz is a stupid name), as well as the professor, his TA, and the Take Back the Night team, all of whom are almost certainly going to be important as the season rolls on.
I’m not sure how I feel about Dick being turned into an actual character with actual depth. Like, on the one hand, all of last season he basically existed to show us the audience how much worse he is than Logan to make Logan more palatable a match for Veronica, now the show wants us to actually care about him. It didn’t work when they rebooted Jackie’s character, not sure this is going to come out any better. On the other hand, if he’s going to stick around past the end of last season, then I guess they should at least do something to justify the screen time he’s taking up.
Weevil’s still in the credits despite him being arrested for… they didn’t say, but conspiracy to commit murder is what he’s guilty of. Though I don’t think they could make that stick without also arresting and convicting the actual killers, The Fitzpatricks. So I guess it was just an assault charge, in which case, he could be out in time to still be part of the story… so where is he?
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