#they have [1] more finger than organic slugcats so they can hold more spears
cloudofspacedust · 1 year
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heres a spearmaster
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gladoseon · 1 year
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Three new enemies! The Basic Scug, Basic Scav, and Manually Repurposed Noodlefly (also called MRNs, or can be called Noodleseer, or the kid named Finger)!
Sorry this took a while, wasn’t sure how to make a replacement for Malicious Face. Also, levels will now be introduced separately from enemies. Also, I need to update the last one, I forgot to explain how to heal. And the food system.
Descriptions beneath the cut!
Basic Scug / Basic Slugcat / Stabby Tabby
HP: 1.2
Attacks: charge, swipe, throw, bite
Charge: the slugcat charges in a straight line toward you. Most that you meet will already be doing this. They can cancel at any time, but if their spear gets stuck, they can’t pull it out, but you can. Deals 1.5 damage.
Swipe: the slugcat holds the spear like a sword, and swipes at you. This has deceptively long range and can knock you back. Can be initiated during a charge, and most slugcats will. Deals 1.2 damage, or 1.6 if they’re charging.
Throw: if you shoot one of their legs, or they find themselves stuck, they will throw their spear at you. This leaves them with little options left, so they typically avoid having to do this. They are smart enough to throw it at a nearby wall to try to escape pits, though. Deals 1 damage.
Bite: the slugcat runs at you and tries to bite you. They only do this when they no longer have a weapon, but make no mistake, it can be quite effective. Deals 0.5 damage, can be spammed.
Weaknesses: sharp weapons (1.2x)
Special abilities: they will attempt to set up ambushes when they see you without dying. They’re pretty bad at it, though.
Drops: 1 spear (if they were holding one), 1 pearl (0.1% of the time)
These slugcats joined the revolution of the scavengers due to the higher prices of tolls. They also got here in a single cycle, but they were smart and slept when they arrived, waiting to attack you the next cycle. They didn’t really come with a plan, though, so they’re just a pile of, shall I say, filth in your path.
Basic Scav / Basic Scavenger / Silly Guys
HP: 1.2
Attacks: clumsy throw
Clumsy Throw: They throw one of their spears at you. However, these enemies have 3 spears, and 1 explosive spear. However, they throw spears much more clumsily than a slugcat, barely taking any time to aim. These throws are less accurate and fly slower, making them even easier to deal with than a slugcat’s antics. Deals 1 damage if throwing a normal spear, explosive spear deals 10 extra damage in a small radius.
Weaknesses: hitting their head deals 10x damage
Special abilities: will back away as you approach them, will steal items if they can get behind you
Drops: whatever spears they had on them, pearl (5%)
These scavengers are revolting in every sense of the word. They smell horrible from eating rotten meat, and they’re starting a revolution. However, they aren’t quite sure if they really want to kill you. Even though you were a bad king, they acknowledge how much better you are than your father, so they can’t really think or aim straight. But for you, it’s just one more advantage you can push on them.
Manually Repurposed Noodlefly / MRN / Noodleseer / Finger
HP: 12
Attacks: yeet the baby, spear launch
Yeet The Baby: the back 2 overseer arms shake the noodlefly eggs until a baby pops out from each, then the third arm throws them at you as they pop out. The baby noodleflies can kind of home in. Deals 0.3 damage per baby noodlefly, for a max of 1.8 damage.
Spear Launch: the overseer squeezes the noodlefly until the spear pops out with incredible force. The noodlefly then regenerates over 5 seconds. The spear explodes on impact, making a very short-ranged explosion of shrapnel. Deals 2 damage on direct hit.
Weaknesses: deals 2 damage when hitting the core of the overseer found on the noodlefly’s belly.
Special abilities: takes a max of 1 damage from almost all attacks, hitting the noodlefly does not do damage.
Drops: 3 overseer eyes, 1 spear
This is the scavengers’ attempt at purposing an organism. In the lore, you had known about this long before the revolution, but they had never been deployed for battle. Created by stuffing an overseer into a noodlefly corpse, it is fueled and controlled by the hatred of the noodlefly. By keeping them in Five Pebbles, they prevent the noodlefly from respawning, and thus from destroying God out of anger. Due to the fact that their construction requires an Overseer, Five Pebbles had their construction cancelled early on, leading to only 50 or so being completed. And now, it’s your problem.
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