#they have batwoman? with my babies ryan and sophie? they cancel it
evviejo · 1 year
so, sweet sweet cw, are you telling me that having two dc-based shows on your roster, one centred around a white nuclear family, and one around a group of outcasts, some of whom are queer and poc, you chose to renew the former and cancel the latter? huh, it's almost as if i've seen that before, somewhere...
and, as if that wasn't enough, you do it within a week of the wlw ship on the latter show going canon. i am in shock (not).
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canaryatlaw · 3 years
okay, well today was fine. Up at 7:45 and took a lyft to the office (trying to go one way uber and one way public transit, which has worked out pretty well so far). I'm somewhat hesitant to try public transit both ways because on the one hand I haven't had a fall incident yet, but on the other hand I would like to desperately avoid that happening, but I feel bad asking for accommodations when I don't know for sure what my limits actually are, so I kinda feel like I have to test them until something happens to find out where they are, but I of course don't really want that. sigh. I had originally ordered an uber, but then it was 24 minutes away or something absurd like that, so I cancelled that and did a lyft. the driver did take multiple wrong turns so I ended up being a bit stressed out about being late, but it worked out okay. Court was fine, same old same old. fairly busy clinic day, got something for everyone to do, so that's always good. ended up having an impromptu chat with a judge about the hearing we have set for next week which apparently is going to be in person, which I have been hearing the opposite of for several months now, so that was kind of a surprise, but we'll make it work. but yeah, lots to do so I ended up working right till 5 and then working home. we decided to order wow bao and potstickers for dinner, which were very good. Legends was on of course, and the episode was enjoyable for the most part (avalance baby????) but also definitely left me like uhhh wtf??? I do think the CW will end up renewing legends, but them having not doing so up to this point and the end of the season looking like it could be a final wrap up is concerning, to say the least. I feel like they've done pretty much this exact formula though for the season one last two episodes, where everybody "goes home" and then has to come back to do the final thing or whatever. so I guess we'll see what happens next week. Batwoman on afterwards gave me mixed feelings, because I'm loving the Ryan/Sophie content, but I'm growing to hate the Marquis storyline more and more with every episode he's in and I'm just so fucking sick of it at this point. I really can't figure out how one show can be so on point with one plot and so off the deep end with the other lol. so I'm very much hoping Marquis' plot gets wrapped up next week in the season finale, and we don't have to deal with his shit anymore. there was some good moments though, and I did definitely feel for Alice. Marquis clearly having a crush on Marquis was also pretty hilarious. so yeah, after that I left the tv on and watched the drew barrymore show and then seinfeld, then showered and got ready for bed, and now I'm here. Pretty late and I'm sleepy, so I'm going to go to bed now. Goodnight my friends. Love you lots.
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