#they have fun bonding sessions apparently with a side of murder and corpse disposal
cryingcow · 4 years
Katsuya & Watase - Osaka Talent Disaster [RGGO]
Last January’s 2-part scratch card mini-event featured Katsuya and Watase. Originally I saved the event because I loved Watase and his meme-y pose here (plus a lot of people in the FB group rave about him), but after the experience that is seeing Katsuya’s unnecessarily bare ass on the tv screen last week, I have to say that Katsuya has won me over XD
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Warning for slight Y5 spoilers (mostly Akiyama’s chapter)!
|Before news of the 7th Omi Alliance Chairman’s grave illness reached the ears of every yakuza organization all over Japan . . . when the Tojo Clan and Omi Alliance exchanged equal cups and peace in the eastern part of the yakuza society in Japan was still maintained----|
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Osaka Talent Employee: “Chairman, the information you want to urgently hear . . .”
Katsuya: “I told you to call me ‘President’ while working here, didn’t I?”
Osaka Talent Employee: “I apologize, President . . .”
Katsuya: “Good . . . what is this urgent information?”
Osaka Talent Employee: “Yes, well actually, last night someone stole a large number of scratch card tickets prepared for the event the day after tomorrow.”
Katsuya: “Scratch card tickets? The ones we were planning to distribute on the event the day after tomorrow?”
Osaka Talent Employee: “Yes, it is said that all 1000 scratch card tickets we prepared has been stolen.”
Katsuya: “Where and when on earth did they steal such things . . . ?”
Osaka Talent Employee: “It is currently under investigation. What should we do, President?”
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Katsuya: “There is no choice but to take measures against such an occurrence . . . Rescheduling the event to minimize damage . . . The inclusion of scratch cards on KALEN’s 1st anniversary album has already been advertised on commercials . . . Be prepared to notify the record company and other related parties that the scratch cards are no longer sealed. Tell the Promotion Department about preparing a contact point for this matter. It is also necessary to prepare an apology announcement to be posted on the official website . . . For the customers who have made multiple reservations for scratch cards, get ready to process refunds right away . . . If necessary, we’ll film an apology comment from me. Contact the studio and the staff . . . If despite all the investigations today the scratch cards don’t show up, be prepared to do everything I said tomorrow.”
Osaka Talent Employee: “Then, will we still distribute scratch cards the day after tomorrow?”
Katsuya: “At this point, preparing new scratch cards is out of the question. There is no choice but to prepare to face cancellation . . .”
Osaka Talent Employee: “Understood. The various preparation will be made . . .”
Katsuya: “Oh, and contact Kanai . . . I want him to search for the criminal thoroughly and settle things to make sure this never happens again . . . Leave a mark on the criminal to show where we draw the line on these kinds of incidents . . .”
Osaka Talent Employee: “Y-Yes! Understood!!”
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Watase: “What did you say?! They’ve really made a move?!”
Watase Family Executive: “Ye-Yeah . . . the members who saw them also confirmed the crest. It’s definitely the ones from Sakai Family who are wandering around Sotenbori.”
Watase: “Sakai Family, the veteran yakuza organization in Kobe that has been refusing to fall under our umbrella for a long time . . . What the hell are they doing in Sotenbori?”
Watase Family Executive: “According to the footsoldiers I ordered to follow the footsteps of the Sakai Family, it seems they are screaming about Osaka Talent . . .”
Watase: “Osaka Talent? Why are they bothering Ka-chan’s front business . . . ?”
Watase Family Executive: “I don’t know . . . but there seems to be no doubt about it.”
Watase: “What is Sakai Family, who has been silent for a decade, planning . . . I have no idea at all, but I’ll have to inform Ka-chan about this. I’m going to go talk with Ka-chan over this. Keep tracking their movements. Yeah?”
Watase Family Executive: “Yes! Understood!!”
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Osaka Talent Employee: “President, Watase-sama said he has an important matter to discuss with you. Should I let him through?”
Katsuya: “Watase-no-aniki? Alright, let him in.”
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Watase: “Oh, Ka-chan. Sorry to barge in all of a sudden . . . is now a good time?”
Katsuya: “Yeah, of course I don’t mind . . . Did something happen for Aniki to come here directly?”
Watase: “No, it’s just that a very rare guest has arrived in Sotenbori. But I can’t read the guest’s thoughts . . . So I’m thinking of listening to Ka-chan’s opinion . . .”
Katsuya: “A rare guest?”
Watase: “It seems that the people of Sakai Family have been spotted in Sotenbori . . .”
Katsuya: “Sakai Family? The hostile Kobe-based veteran organization?”
Watase: “Right. Sakai Family has been quiet for a long time. They’re searching for Ka-chan’s Osaka Talent for some reason.”
Katsuya: “. . . Is that true?”
Watase: “Yeah, no doubt. My underlings confirmed that they are yelling around about Osaka Talent.”
Katsuya: “Sakai Family is after us . . . Then is it Sakai Family who stole that . . . ?”
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Watase: “What, Ka-chan. Did they steal anything?”
Katsuya: “Actually, a lot of scratch card tickets we were planning to use at an event got stolen last night . . . We were just looking for the criminal . . . but now I wonder if they were looking for us.”
Watase: “Well, sure, Sakai Family is suspicious in terms of timing. But why scratch cards?”
Katsuya: “I can’t think of any reason why Sakai Family would steal it. Those scratch cards are my idol’s, for exchanging with prizes at the event . . . It’s not something that a veteran yakuza organization would need . . .”
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Osaka Talent Employee: “Excuse me for coming in!! An urgent report for the President . . .”
Katsuya: “I’m in the middle of talking with an important guest----"
Watase: “It’s fine, Ka-chan. He said it was an important report.”
Katsuya: “Apologies, Watase-no-aniki . . . I’m sorry for the trouble.”
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Katsuya: “What is the urgent report?”
Osaka Talent Employee: “I received a report that included information on the thief . . . Just before the scratch cards were stolen, there were sightings of Kobe’s yakuza organization Sakai Family near the scene . . .”
Katsuya: “. . . Sakai Family? There’s no mistake?”
Osaka Talent Employee: “Yes . . . Mikawa, the young head of the Sakai Family, was the one witnessed. I’m sure he’s a very well-known person . . .”
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Watase: “Haw . . . in that case, there’s no doubt the scratch card thief is Mikawa of the Sakai Family or his subordinates?”
Katsuya: “There isn’t enough evidence to conclude that . . . but we can’t say they have nothing to do with it. We’ll need to hear more from that person named Mikawa . . .”
Katsuya: “Contact Kanai. Tell him to look for the Sakai Family that has slipped into Sotenbori.”
Osaka Talent Employee: “Y-Yes! Understood.”
Katsuya: “If the offender is an officer, I will move too. Call your aides and tell them to bring in the car.”
Osaka Talent Employee: “U-Understood! Right away!!”
{The employee runs out.}
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Katsuya: “This is quite the incident, Aniki. I’ll deal with this immediately----”
Watase: “Ka-chan, I’ll collaborate this time too!”
Katsuya: “Watase-no-aniki? But . . . there is no reason for Aniki to deal with problems with my front business----"
Watase: “We don’t know what their aim is. This incident might be trouble . . . Yeah, Ka-chan! It ain’t hard!! For the time being, why don’t we look for Mikawa of Sakai Family and catch him?!”
Katsuya: “Understood. Thank you for your cooperation, Watase-no-aniki.”
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Mikawa: “Why is the Osaka Enterprises President and Watase Family Chairman showing up together and chasing me?! This is ridiculous?!”
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Watase: “You think the Sakai Family can just have their way in Sotenbori without the Omi Alliance noticing? Making off with another family’s possession on our own turf, that’s the height of stupidity . . .”
Katsuya: “Besides, the scratch cards you stole are my property. I can’t let you go after you did that.”
Mikawa: “O-Osaka Talent is Osaka Enterprises’ front company?!”
Watase: “You knew that, and you stole from Osaka Talent?”
Mikawa: “I didn’t know!! If I knew, I wouldn’t do something like this!! Who-Who would think that the yakuza would advance into the entertainment industry?!”
Katsuya: “. . . So what was your purpose in stealing the scratch cards?”
Mikawa: “Th-That’s . . .”
Watase: “You don’t have a problem with confessing . . . right?”
{Watase grabs Mikawa’s arm and twists it behind his back.}
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Mikawa: “I-I understand!! I’ll talk, so please forgive me!!”
{Watase lets go and steps back.}
Watase: “Yeah keep that in mind. Now from the beginning.”
Mikawa: “My boss got hooked on this idol KALEN . . . He really wanted an autographed body pillow, which is the special limited-edition prize for the 1st anniversary event . . .”
Watase: “No way, you stole all the scratch cards because you wanted to win the lottery?!”
Mikawa: “Yes! It can’t be helped!! There’s only one of the limited-edition prize. The only way to get the winning ticket is to steal all the scratch card tickets and search for it!!”
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Watase: “Hahaha! Ka-chan and this idol are very popular!”
Katsuya: “Watase-no-aniki, don’t hit me on my back . . .”
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Katsuya: “However, to steal the scratch cards for that . . . Didn’t it occur to you that the idol would be in trouble?”
Mikawa: “As underlings, our job is to get what our boss wants and give it to him. I don’t know what happens to the idols.”
Katsuya: “If Boss Sakai is really a fan of our KALEN, I’m sure he would be sad to hear what you did.”
Mikawa: “What did you say?! I did this for Boss----”
Katsuya: “If all the scratch cards do not return in their original form, we have no choice but to cancel the 1st anniversary event. If that happens, wouldn’t Boss Sakai be upset?”
Mikawa: “Th-That is . . .”
Katsuya: “This incident that you caused for the sake of your boss invites such consequences . . . Thank you for supporting KALEN. However, due compensation for this shall properly follow.  . . . Please inform Boss Sakai.”
Mikawa: “You-You’ll let me go?!”
Katsuya: “Yeah, but you must convey these words to Boss Sakai.”
Mikawa: “Th-Thank you . . . I’ll definitely tell my boss. Well then, please excuse me . . .”
{Mikawa runs off.}
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Watase: “Was it okay to let him escape, Ka-chan?”
Katsuya: “I just got in touch with my subordinates . . . It seems all the stolen scratch cards can be recovered. I was considering cancelling the event the day after tomorrow, but it seems it can be held safely. There’s no problem . . . I didn’t miss anything. You heard what I said to him, didn’t you? ‘Due compensation for this shall properly follow’ . . .”
Watase: “. . . Ka-chan’s nasty expression, I feel like this is the first time I’ve seen that in a while. For underestimating the Omi Alliance, I figured the Watase Family can properly rake the Sakai Family over the coals. Seeing Ka-chan’s face, I changed my mind. Can I leave the disposal of Sakai Family to Ka-chan?”
Katsuya: “Yes, I intended to do that from the beginning.”
Watase: “Isn’t this unusual for Ka-chan, who hates fighting, to do?��
Katsuya: “Watase-no-aniki, I am also a yakuza. Lately, I’ve been devoted to doing honest work, but I can’t just allow myself to be underestimated and keep silent, can I?”
Watase: “Then I’ll leave this to Osaka Enterprises! Go wild with all your might, Ka-chan!!”
Katsuya: “Please leave it to me. I’ll clean it up in one night . . .”
|That night, Katsuya attacked the Sakai Family office with the full force of Osaka Enterprises. After the attack by Osaka Enterprises, Sakai Family was demolished overnight.|
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