#they have me giggling kicking my feet and shit thinking about them 🤧
whoblewboobear · 30 days
Not me writing starbreaker fic on company time 🫢
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stormblessed95 · 11 months
Didn’t yoongi technically come out? Like I might be misremembering but didn’t he once say his type wasn’t restricted to girls, or something along those lines? I’ve been operating on the belief that yoongs was actually Out™️ for a while now 💀 rip if I’m wrong
LMAOOO friend, Yoongi comes out a couple times a year since their debut years (from saying his type isn't limited to women and even describing the type of man he would want, which macho, manly and with a beard lol) and the fandom still likes to pretend he is "just joking" or it's "translation errors" 😂 because of course. I have 3 posts about all of Yoongis queer/rainbow moments already where he is talking about it or wearing pride stuff. Which I'll link here:
My man is so unapologetically queer 🥰 he is just living his life and if you don't want to see, you won't. He doesn't care either way it seems. Lol but honestly, what a good excuse this post gives me to make another YOONGI RAINBOW MOMENTS post from even more things he has done more recently!!
On the D-Day tour, he wore a shirt that said the rumors are true from the LdSS brand which has an openly gay designer who has mentioned in interviews how their core fanbase is "quite queer, gay, and sex positive."
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Again on tour, performing with Halsey (one of his besties) who is openly bisexual, under Bi lighting on stage
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Seriously, the Bi lighting all through tour lol
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The way he giggles over his guitarists and friends flirty jokes with him all the time 🥰😂 honestly, the reaction of falling on the floor giggling, blushing, and kicking your feet in the air when a man proposes to you before killing it on his guitar is both 💅🏼 and VALID
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Ally Pup on his D-Day Tour Crew! 😍🥰
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Rainbow cake in his Road to D-Day docu
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Yoongis admiration for Merry Christmas Mr Lawrence. This Twitter thread actually explains it quite well and links to a video further in the thread too, so I'll just make yall go read about it from them. But do go read it
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And going back in time just a little bit, when BTS was in Vegas for PTD and Yoongi got the marry me jokes again during the OT7 live stream and he said that marriages in Vegas are legal and possible no matter what your gender, I love him so much
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I don't know what ANYONE else wants this man to do. This man is part of our community, like it's sooooo clear. I have 4 posts of him hinting at or out right just saying gay shit at this point lol Let the man live his truth!!
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evansbby · 7 months
So let’s imagine it’s Christmas morning, at the Rogers mansion. Daddy, grandma and grandpa are all sitting by the tree as little baby Rosie who’s about one or maybe two years old is kicking her feet on the ground playing with some wrapping paper and squeaking like little babies do. Omega sits quietly on the sofa, looking at them smiling, but her smile is bittersweet as the thought of her mom crosses her mind and a little furrow across her brows grows deeper the bigger the difference between Christmas with the Rogers looks and how Christmas at her place used to. Steve picks Rosie up on her feet and she’s kinda starting to stand a little on her own but then she waddles around and falls backwards and in that moment the shape of her giggling small body falling into Steve’s arms turns to the scrawny and petrified shaking shape of little Omega as she jumps aways in fear after the random drunken boyfriend her mom is hosting for Christmas yells at her, mocking her and asking her what she’s doing under the makeshift tree that she made outta the coat hanger and some old yarn. “Are you looking for presents, you stupid kid?” He laughs as he spits his venomous words, holding his stomach from how funny he thinks the fact that she think ANYONE would get her presents. He glares down at little Omega and yells in her face “NOBODY GIVES A SHIT ABOUT YOU, YOU LITTLE…” “OMEGA!” Steve’s face suddenly appears in her vision and she’s taken aback by his loud shouting but he’d been calling her for a minute now and she wasn’t answering.
Her teary eyes juggle between his confused cerulean ones and she gulps, swallowing away her tears before she gets up and grabs Rosie, excusing herself on the count that she needs a diaper change.
She almost runs to her nursery room and she crashes down on her knees, holding her baby in her arms and crying her eyes out as she rocks her back and forth. Rosie starts to cry and Omega holds her in her arms and shushes her to stop crying “i’ll never let anyone hurt you, flower. Never. Ever. Ever….”
Omega had this unbearable fear that has been plaguing her heart ever since she knew she had a baby growing in her belly, the fear of her child feeling a single ounce of the sadness she’s been feeling most of her life, before Steve, well… before Steve became a decent human being and a changed man. His shouting face just seconds ago flashes before her eyes again and she wonders if he’ll ever come back to his old ways, if he’ll ever yell at his baby the way her mom’s drunken shitty boyfriends used to yell at her, that’s when Steve walks into the nursery and slowly sits on his knees next to his weeping wife and child.
The rest in yours bestie cause i’m not good at wholesome, joyful moments. Forgive me, i’m feeling utterly sad and lonely and putting Omega through angsty shit kinda elevates that a bit 🤷‍♀️
The makeshift Christmas tree made out of a coat hanger and yarn made me cry 🥲🥲🥲🥺🥺🥺 POOR BABY OMEGA, she just wanted to be loved. All her life she just wanted to be loved🥲
I have nothing to add to this bestie, it’s perfect the way it is! I do think you’re inside my brain bc a few days ago I started writing a poyt drabble (more like a fic) which starts with a flashback to omega’s childhood! 🤧🤧🤧🤧 and you captured the vibe extremely well here!
But also I just wanted to add, idk if anyone noticed, but towards the end of poyt, Steve stopped calling her “omega” and usually just called her by a pet-name or her name. Bc he sees her as a person now, not just an omega. He does still call her omega but only during sex when they’re both feral and calling each other alpha and omega ORRR when he’s being strict with her and has to alpha command her! But never apart from that!
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