#they hold her back so much i get a headache thinking abt it she signed that contract for fucking nothing.
tokyogruel · 1 year
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@mikomappi i would warn you not to instigate me but its too late.
also i know this was bc of a meme post but genuinely i cant get him out of my head, i need to talk abt him & scream
ok so heres the thing abt my interpretation of haruka: im insane
tw for mentions of SH and sui. i mean its. its haruka.
hes a dog who's warning signs have been ignored for so long that he bites anyone who comes near, he's autistic, he has dyscalculia, he has dyslexia, he has body dysmorphia
he has no impulse control, he bites himself when he's distressed, he just wants love but the moment he gets it, it terrifies him & he has to destroy it
he fears anyone who seems to have any amount of power over him.
in my opinion: he had a sister who he grew up being overshadowed by because he was older & amab and he detests her so much for his mothers actions, he no longer considers her to be family
he fears kids & he fears what he's capable of doing to other people, he doesnt want to destroy things but its all he thinks he's capable of, he cant cry anymore & he feels he used up all the tears he could possibly shed in one lifetime
he has blue hair & pronouns, he's gotten himself sick on expired medication because his mother never took him to the doctor, he whines when he gets a headache (often)
he is strangely attached to EVERYONE in milgram imo, in their own weird ways. we all know he's dedicated to muu but. if he was close to yuno he would see her as a mother, im fairly certain fuuta will intervene on his suicide attempt. he idolizes shidou for bandaging him up once or twice
he envies the affection mahiru doles out to others (& basks in the affection she gives to him) he glances nervously across the room at kazui & feels his chest tighten holding back non existent tears when 07 gives him a warm smile in return
hes not afraid of amane anymore but that only makes him avoid her more- he cant stand the thought of being responsible for hurting her somehow
he revels in how mikoto seems to mesh so well with everyone, & of course he notices 09s mood swings & temperment changes, its incredible that nobody else comments on it, when theyve pointed out when 01 has swings. he finds kotoko to be intimidating, but he's infatuated with how strong and confident she is, he wants to be more like her
he idolizes Es & craves their attention. he knows Es could care less about him, but he cant help but be drawn to them.
if he had an ounce of confidence he would be so unabashedly cringe & loud & would smother everyone with his feelings & love & attention
if he knew what a furry was he'd make a fursona & make being a gay dog fish dragon his personality
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sunmisbf · 2 years
bestie I don't know to what extent this is exactly accurate, though this kmiyane has been mostly correct before (i had suspicion they may be sasaeng), so take it with a pinch of salt, but apparently sunmi's contract for abyss abt the NFTs may have included them promising to fund/let her make more music in bulk in exchange for her saying yes to the NFT minting and the metaverse..... this includes two full albums (?) as physicals and a potential world tour. IF this is even remotely true... abyss electric chair
bestie i know u just sent me a paragraph of information but i’m processing the fact that u chose me to come n tell this to does this mean i officially made it as a sunmi blog
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arthurflecksgirl · 4 years
Could I have reader x Arthur. Reader's the only one who has a car, and luckily she gets off from work before Arthur does so she drops him off n picks him up each day Both are always exhausted but one day reader is supper exhausted. Reader pulls into a parking lot and Arthur asks them whats wrong. They tell Arthur they think they're abt to pass out right before they slump over, out cold. Arthur notices that reader's burning up and he drives them to the house. He cools them off n stuff. THANKSILY
Hi :) Here it is and I really, really hope you like it :) <3
The  lights of Gotham  seemed to rush by like you were on some kid`s carousell, even though you drove as slow as it was possible on these dirty streets. This city never slept. It was late in th afternoon and  this avenue would still look the same ,hours from now. Just a little more dangerous as soon as the sun set. You have moved here half a year ago to finally live with Arthur in his apartment. Gotham was still a stranger to you. Knowing that Arthur spent his whole life here, without ever seeing something different, something beautiful made your heart cry from pain. He deserved better than that. Better than concrete, dirt and  the absence of kindness. There was danger on every corner. When you first moved here Arthur warned you about certain alleys and places. Places you shouldnt visit, even on a bright summers day in the noon. You still tried to get used to this. But he was all worth it. Some day you would  get him out of here and move somewhere nice. You dreamed of owning a little house with a garden to plant your own food and flowers. But up to this point it was just dreams. Both of you were short of money. Sometimes it was a struggle to even pay rent and keep the car. But despite all the crazyness out o the streets, apartment 8J felt like home. More than that, it felt like it was your destination. As much as you wanted to get Arthur out of this place where he had to spent his whole life, to you it felt like it had to be. Like every desicion you have ever made lead you here. To finally be with him. And you would never let him go again. No matter where you will end up living. It will be the two of you. That was all that mattered. You stopped at the traffic light, taking a deep breath. Your headache got worse again. Work was getting more and more exhausting with every day. But you desperately needed the money. Arthur was working a lot of hours per week,too. He loved his job as a party clown but he also came home just as exhausted as you did. Mostly from people who hated on him. For being a cown, for being nice, for being different. Sometimes it brought tears to your eyes to see how many hate a loving and warm hearted person like he got. You asked yourself if it was just Gotham or people in gerneral. Maybe you should move into a cabin in the woods and start a new life in the nature. You felt like Arthur would appriciate being one with the nature. He always got really excited when he saw something simple like a beautiful flower. He was in love with the colors and the smell of the blossoms. His heart was pure. You looked at the necklace hanging from the rearview mirror. Arthur gave it to you when you had your third date together. He knew, he just knew that this is going to be a  great love. It was a liitle heart that can be opened. He put a photo in it you took on your first date when you were at the donut shop. Arhur looked happy on that picture. Real happiness. The kind that he wasnt even able to feel before you met. The traffic light turned green .Somehow you didnt felt very well. Your sign started to get blurry. Just for a second but it somehow concerned you a lot. You suffered from burn out before and knew the signs. But there was no time to waste. You got to pick up Arthur from work. Luckily you came back from work a little bit earlier than he did. Otherwise he must have taken the subway, which was always filled with violent people who gave him dirty looks for being in his clown costume. It just didnt felt right to let him take the subway when there was any chance to pick him up by yourself. You coudlnt wait to get home, to the comfort of your bed and just relax. You felt drained, achy muscles and tired bones. A tired mind. But full of love when you thought about Arthur sitting in the passanger seat in a couple of minues. You missed him a lot when you were working. It was like missing a body part. He should be there all the time. Soon you arrived at HaHa`s. Arthur was already standing in front of the building. All alone, with his hands in his pockets, looking down, smoking a cig. His big hoodie was hiding his beautiful hair and half of his expressive face. All his clothes looked kinda big on him. Your heart broke for a second as you once again realized how lost and tiney he looked out there on the streets. Like he shouldnt be here. An angel of light caught in the cold. He deserved better. You noticed that Artie  was still holding an baloon animal in his left hand. Always waiting to get the chance to make a kid smile. Right before you pulled over a mother with his three year old passed him by. Arhur immediately flipped away his cigarette and kneed down to the little girl. You couldnt hear what he said but he usually asked them if they like baloon animals. His face lighted up as the kid reached for the baloon cat, but just a heartbeat later her mother yelled at him and pulled her daughter away from him. The way she grabbed the little girls arm was alarming. Arthur seemed shocked but not surprised. Just another day as a party cown. You let down the window "Hey Artie, c´mon , get in the car!" the traffic was too loud for him to hear you. He still looked after the little girl. She cried from disappointment.  Arthur pulled his hoodie deeper into his face. You knew him well enough to know that sadness took over him. Seeing that little girl crying her eyes out hurt his heart. "Artie?" now he heard you. Arthur looked up and nodded before he walked across the streets, the hand in his pockets again, sad eyed. He almost stumbled. "Hey sweetheart" he got in the pessenger sea and gave you a sloppy kiss on the cheek. "I missed you" he mumbled. "Missed you more, Artie. What was that?" His big puppy eyey were focused on you. "That little girl. I saw it. Such a rude lady." "Yeah....I dont know why people act like that. Do you think it was because I wasnt in my make up? Could be....but on the other hand. I got beaten down before because I was wearing make up, so I am not sure what people want." "Arthur. They dont even know what they want for themselfs. They should wnat someone who makes them laugh, right? And they still act like freaking bullies. " "I felt so sorry for that little girl...I just wanted.....just wanted to make her smile..." "I know..." you said as you re started the car. Arthur seemed just as exhausted as you. And you knew why. It was the kinda exhaustion that was caused by mental pain. His work mates kept calling him names and gave him a hard tme. Espacially this guy called Randall. "Did Randall bully you again?" Arthur watched out the window "Oh well...it wasn`t that bad today". He didnt wanted to concern you. "Everytime they make fun of me  I just think of you and I feel better." he smiled. It was a sad but honest smile that hit you right in the heart. The dizzyness was coming back. You just hoped it wouldnt get any worse before you made it home. Arthur leaned back on the seat and closed his eyes.  His forehead was glimmering with sweat "I`m so tired. I cant wait to fall right into bed as soon as we get home. You dont mind me closing my eyes for a second?" You rubbed your dimples with one free finger "Of course I dont. Go ahead. I know you`re working hard, darling." "Mmhh...yeah. You know, I still love my job.  Especially when I`m at the hospital, helping to brighten up their day with a little dance." You smiled. Arthur was the most adorable dancer in the world. And his performance as Carnival was  the cutest. "So you were at the hospital today?" "Yeah" his eyelids fluttered under the lights that fell through the window "Y/N?" "What Arthur?" "I still feel bad for not having my own car. Or a driver license even." You looked over on him "Oh, don`t feel bad abot this. We both know you are not allowed to drive because of your medication. " He agreed. You started to feel worse and decited to drive into a parking lot. Anderson ave wasn`t far but you just felt that you wouldnt manage to drive home. Arthur looked surprised, realzing you stopped the car. "Baby, whats wrong?" You grabbed the handlebar with both hands "I`m not sure....I....think I´m going to pass out..." your voice cracked right before you slumped over. Arthur reacted as fast as he could and supported you. He checked your forehead. "Oh my god! Y/N? Can you hear me? You`re burning up!" You heard his voice but your reaction was so minimal, he didnt noticed it. You felt his hand touching your face, brushing your hair out of your eyes. Arthur kept calling your name. It sounded like he was about to panic. "Artie?" you were finally able to talk "I dont feel so good". Arthur supported your head "Can you get in the passenger seat? I`ll drive you home. We have to cool you off. You`re burning up. I´m kinda worried about you. Arthur helped you to get in the pessenger seat and placed a kiss on your cheek. "You`re comfortable?" You nodded while your body felt weaker within every minute. "Arthur" you muttered "Are you sure you can drive?" "Yeah, I was driving a car before. I will make it come savely, I promise." You felt kida worried about knowing Arhur had to drive hom by himself. You didnt even knew he was familiar with how to drive.  But your mind kept drifting away into a feverish state. You didnt even noticed you were already home. Arhur helped you to get out of the car. Thank god he managed to drive home. He lifted you up in his arms and carried you all the way into the elevator. You blinked at him "Artie?" "Yeah sweetheart, I am here. I am right here with you. It´s okay, we`re already home. Just a second and you will lie savely on the couch." Artie managed to unlock the door while still having you in his arms and carried you over the doorstep right on his couch. You were only half awake but to feel the familar fabric of his furniure awake you, at least for a bit. "We`re home" you whispered. Your bones felt even heavier than before. "We are. Juts relax, sweety. I think you are suffering from exhaustion. Arthur got into the kitchen and came back with a hot chocolate. "Here" he handed it to you in the most caring way possible. You couldtell from his face that he hated to see you like that. Even though he was exhausted,too, he still cared about your own health more. He touched your skin "You`re still burning up. I will get you some cool towels too cool your skin off a bit". Arthur went to the bathroom and held the towels under the cold water while you waited for him , drinking the cocoa. It was heartwarming to see him being worried about you. So heartwarming it alreadymade you feel better. You just knew that he would be there for you no matter what. He came back, sat down on the couch with you and slowly took your shirt off to let the cool towels slide down your arms. The wet fabric felt so good on your burning skin, you could feel the dizzyness fading like smoke.  "This feels so good Arthur". "Yeah? I´m glad to hear that. You`ll feel better soon." The way his hands let the towels stroke up and down your arms was soothing. Just to watch him doing it calmed you down a lot. You stll felt weak but more in a way of wanting to crawl in his arms to fall in a peaceful  sleep. You closed your eyes and focused on his touch. The way you could feel his fingers through the fabric of the towels. Each one of them. He let it wander over your collarbones and chest as you too a deep breath in. "Better, sweetheart?" "A lot" you smiled. "Thank you for taking care of me. For driving home. I know that you`re exhausted from work,too." "Thats what I´m here for" he whispered in his sweetest vouce "To take care of you, remember?" "And so am I, Arthur" "I know" he replied, not without placing the softest kiss upon the tip of yoir nose. He put his forehead on yours and pressed his smile on your lips. It was little gestures like that, which filled your heart with a warmth only Arthur was able to create. He lay down beside you "`Come here, sweetheart. Use me as a pillow" he giggled as you placed your head in his lap. Arthur started to stroke your hair. There was no music playing, no tv. The only sound that filled the apartment was the two of you breathing in and out. His breath becoming one with yours. Two hearts beating for one another. The only dizzyness left was the one caused by the undeniable certainty of being in love.
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