#they just joined in my general-purpose parchment ranting
trans-cuchulainn · 4 months
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distressedpanda · 5 years
Her Song (Loki x OFC) Part 1
Warnings: Language
I will be posting this every other week, let me know if you would like to be tagged. Gets a read more for length.
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Iloa sat with her back against the closed door. How had she gotten here? She could remember how she had met him, the Horned God from Asgard.
Some time ago
Iloa was sitting in Stark Tower, eating breakfast with Thor and Natasha, she was the newest recruit to the Avengers, having the ability to influence people with her singing voice. Her song could be lethal or it could simply stun, but it could also heal. Steve had started calling her Siren, and the name had stuck.
Now that she had an Avenger name, Tony had taken to giving her different nicknames. Mostly comments about how small she was. With her standing at just five feet, it was easy for him to come up with a plethora of options to choose from.
Suddenly, Steve had stormed into the kitchen ranting, “Why are you allowing him to stay here? Of all the horrible ideas in the world, this has to be the worst!”
Tony, who was following close behind countered, “No it is the best idea, first of all because it was mine and secondly because we can keep an eye on him. He seems to have changed, I would like to keep it that way.”
Steve ungraciously crossed his muscular arms across his broad chest, “I still don't think it's a good idea,” he grumbled.
Thor was the first to speak up from their little group, “I am sorry, who will be staying here?” he asked, scrapping the last bit of his eggs from his plate.
Tony sashayed up to the table, as if nothing at all was happening. He grabbed a box of cereal from the table and made like he was reading the ingredients before he said, “Oh didn't I tell you Point Break, your brother Reindeer games is coming for a visit.”
Iloa nearly chocked on her mouth full of cheerios, and coughed several times before croaking out, “Loki, is coming here?!” Her ruby red hair falling into her face.
“Why yes, Teeny, as a matter-of-fact, he is,” his ostentatious grin, flashing across his face had Iloa scowling.
Natasha gently patted her on the back a few times, before turning on Tony, “Why would you do that Tony? We already have one wild card to deal with why would you throw a second into our hands?”
The wild card she was referring to was of course Banner. Banner had recently become incapable of controlling the Hulk when he emerged. To the point that he was becoming increasingly dangerous to be around and often stayed locked in his lab.
“Well, you see, my dear,” Tony began, not looking up from the box in his hand. “If he is here, then he isn't in enemy hands and I can keep him on lock down if need be. Right, F.R.I.D.A.Y. ?” He said the last, glancing up and calling to the AI.
“Of course, Mr. Stark.” The computer generated voice announced matter-of-factually.
Iloa rolled her eyes at them both, refocusing on her cereal as the conversation continued.
Natasha shook her head, “I agree with Steve, I don't think this is a good idea, Tony,” her voice low with a dangerously thin edge.
“This would be why I didn't ask you,” Tony glanced at Natasha with a smug smirk.
Thor broke into a full face grin, “I think it's a wonderful idea!” His voice boomed joyously, “When will he be here?”
Tony turned toward Thor, setting the box back on the table and crossing his arms over his chest. But when his mouth opened, it wasn't his voice that was heard.
“I am already here, brother.”
Iloa glanced up at the open door, behind a still brooding Steve. The slender figure of the God of Mischief, stood in the shadows. She could see his smirk even with the darkness keeping most of his features hidden. His green and black leather clothing catching the light and throwing it back away from him. She had never met him, but had heard enough about him to know she should be weary and on guard.
Thor bounded from his chair, moving to his brother and patting him warmly on the back. “Welcome, brother,” Thor smiled at Loki.
Shifting slightly, the light casting more across his face, Iloa could see the lines of his face smooth and form into a genuine smile as he looked over at Thor, “Thank you.”
Iloa could feel her heart kick up a notch. She glanced away not understanding the reaction. Out of the corner of her eye she watched, as Thor led Loki toward the table to the seat that was next to him. Which just so happened to be next to her as well.
He sat, his arm brushing against hers and electricity burned up her arm at the contact. She jerked her body away, snapping her eyes to his. He was staring back at her with what had to be the mirrored reflection of her confused features. Did he feel it too? She wondered. The smell of spice, ink, old parchment and leather, overwhelmed her senses and warmed her blood. He smelled deliciously masculine.
Thor fussed over him for a bit, asking if he had eaten. He didn't seem to notice the arc of tension suddenly flowing between the two strangers. When she finally pulled her eyes from his, glancing unassumingly around the room, she realized that no one had seemed to notice. Until her eyes reached Natasha that is, who was giving her a dreary smirk.
Not sure what this was and not particularly wanting to think to hard on it, she grabbed her now empty bowl depositing it in the sink before heading out of the kitchen for her rooms. Reaching the doorway, an unexplained pull had her glancing back over her shoulder. Her eyes drawn to Loki, he was still staring at her, his emerald eyes glowing. A knot formed in her throat, a blush threatening her cheeks as heat rose in her veins. She was about to turn away, when his lips quirked into a playful grin. She watched him wink at her, unbeknownst to anyone else. The blush came in full force, heating her entire body. Whirling on her heel, she stormed off to her rooms unsure what had caused her body to react in this manner.
That had been about two months ago, she thought sitting on the cold floor just inside her bedroom.
Afterwards, there had been little contact between them. But when she had seen him, the same electric arc connected them. Fire ran through her veins when they brushed past each other, and as much as she tried to avoid it, sometimes contact was inevitable.
They had yet to speak to each other, until tonight.
A few hours ago
Iloa had intended to go to dinner after many hours in the training center. She practiced martial arts and with Kunai, as well as honing her singing skills. Cause lets face it, sometimes things happened and she couldn't use her voice as a weapon.
Natasha had sparred with her, and it had been a brutal training. She was tired, sweaty, her sports bra and leggings clinging to her uncomfortably. Even if she wasn't human, she had limits. So when she rounded a corner, her head hung low from exhaustion, she didn't see him and couldn't avoided the contact.
Running full force into Loki's hard chest, she was startled and gasped loudly. Both from the contact and the electricity and heat that ran through her veins.
She would have found herself falling flat on her ass, if not for the hand that shot out to grip her arm and steady her. But the action didn't stop there, he pulled her into his chest, wrapping his other arm around her bare waist. Her hands shot up to his chest, that electricity tingling across her fingers and the places his hands touched her skin. The familiar spice and leather scent of him, was joined by another. . . was that magic. It smelled very close to her own, but not quite the same. And yet it still wrapped it's self up in her veins, comfortingly.
“Are you alright?” His voice low with concern.
She didn't want to make eye contact, terrified of being caught up in those eyes. It was unavoidable, her manners not allowing her to skip out on thanking him for keeping her upright. Craning her neck back and pulling her steely blues up to his electric greens, she fought to find the breath to form words. He was so tall. The sharp lines of his face, were a thing of perfection. Her naturally curly, ruby locks fell away from her face, tickling her bare shoulders, she shivered. She knew that it hadn't been her hair that was causing the reaction. Instead, the overwhelmingly obvious worry that shone from his eyes and wrinkled that sharp brow. Her mind fumbling for words, she pushed away from his chest putting some distance between there bodies.
Allowing her head to dip, her hair fell long over the front of her face. But try as she might she couldn't break eye contact with him, couldn't ask him to remove his hands from her, though she knew she should.
Finally, her brain kicked in, noticing how short his breathing had become, “I'm fine. Thank you.”
His eyes instantly changed from concerned to callous, masking any further emotion. He let his hands fall reluctantly from her, his fingertips lingering on her skin until they fell away to his sides. Clearing his throat, his entire demeanor changed. Instead of the concerned gentleman that had saved her from making a fool of herself, she watched as an animal suddenly stood before her.
“You should watch where you are going, mortal,” he growled, exposing his perfect set of white teeth. He took a step back, crossing his arms roughly across his chest. “You could have been hurt.” Though it didn't show in his features, a thread of concern laced that last sentence.
Iloa felt cold at the absence of his earlier warmth, and the tone he was taking with her just made her furious. She didn't deserve this treatment. Sure she had been distracted and had barreled into him. But it was an accident and not something he should be so angry about. Unless it isn't about the collision at all? Her brain coughed up.
She took a step back as well, mirroring his arms and cocking her hip to the side. “It was an accident, Loki,” she spit, lacing each word with venom. “Be happy I didn't scream at being startled, I could have killed you.” He scoffed at her until she added, “It's not like I ran into you on purpose, anyway.”
His features shifted again. If she hadn't been staring so hard at him she would have missed the shook that registered there, before turning devilish. He grinned, impossibly wide and a shiver ran up her spine. His eyes flashed lime green for an instant and she knew it as his seiðr. He chuckled, as he leaned forward, bringing his face almost level with her own. “Didn't you?” He dared, seductively.
She suddenly felt how small she was with him looming over her. She had been short her entire life, but she had never been made to feel like this. It poured gasoline on the fiery anger raging inside her. Dropping her arms, she leaned toward that demeaning gaze, “Trust me, Loki,” she kept her voice low and sultry, “If I had wanted your attention, I would have it.”
He blinked in surprise, and she got the distinct feeling that no one spoke up to him like this. Pushing it a step further, she slowly took the two steps toward him. Swishing her hips daringly and licking her lips. She watched him raise back up to his full height, at her approach. His face betrayed nothing, but his eyes darted across her body curiously. She lifted a hand, starting at his shoulder she drug it across his chest as she moved around him. Stilling to stand next to him, her hand pressed firmly against his peck, she lifted her gaze to his, “And you would know it,” she added, feeling the muscle tense beneath her hand, though his face still betrayed no emotions. Letting her hand fall quickly away, she walked off down the hall. A gratifying smile gracing her lips, when she heard his sharp intake of breath.
Just as she was about to reach the next corner, she heard a new voice thunder down the hall, “Are you alright, brother?” Thor's unmistakable timber reached her ears.
“I like her,” Loki's voice answered, as she rounded the corner and broke out into a sprint.
So here she sat, out of breath, wondering over the interaction. Her hunger and exhaustion, temporarily pushed to the back of her mind. Did he feel the same electricity and heat that had her heart racing? She guessed she could probably just ask him. But what if he didn't.
He had said he liked her, but that could mean any number of things. Was she seriously even considering these feelings he was stirring in her.
Yes. Yes she was.
Suddenly, an idea struck her. She stood, squaring her shoulders with a new sense of resolve. If she didn't want to be embarrassed, she just needed to get him to tell her on his own. Certainly, she could come up with some way to influence him.
Grinning, she ripped the sports bra, leggings, and underwear off her body. Leaving them in her wake, walking naked to the shower.
Humming a new tune.
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