#(they previously followed this mutual which i knew which is why i asked)
trans-cuchulainn · 4 months
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ghostboneswrites2 · 3 months
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This one is for the sensitive girlies with emotional regulation issues that find themselves hopelessly attracted to emotionally unavailable men. (Aka me) Idk how I feel about it tbh. We’ll see.
Summary: While on a Rick-ordered fishing trip with Daryl, things are tense and uncomfortable. Emotions run high, things are said. (Prison Era)
Warnings: fem!reader / age gap (reader is in her early-mid 20s) / swearing / dramatic and angsty / mean!Daryl
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Masterlist // Taglist
Seductive Summer - D.D. Fic Challenge
Dividers by sister-lucifer
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A bead of sweat trickled down your temple as you licked your lips, mouth dry from the hot sun. You blinked, eyes fixated on rough hands and bulging muscles as the thin fabric of a black button-up struggled to contain their mass. He moved with precision, callouses delicately threading the line through the pretentiously small hole of the fishing hook.
“Ya gonna help or sit there lickin’ your lips like a bitch in heat?” Daryl finally snapped, growing tired of the sensation of lustful eyes boring into him. In a feeble attempt to mask your shame, you rolled your eyes and huffed, annoyedly picking up a hook to thread your own line through.
This wasn’t a rare occurrence. If anything, it was the norm. Daryl, the handsome but brooding archer, simply trying to complete whatever tasks had been delegated to him on any given day, while the young twenty-something years old Y/N gawks at his physique. It got under his skin, to say the least. He was a man of responsibility, and he found his inner workings far too complex for some little girl with a childish crush to ever understand.
He’d allow it for some time — the stares, the gnawing of your lips, the way you tended to linger around wherever he went — and then the flattery would wear off quickly, and he’d be sure to make it known. It wasn’t like it was a secret that you adored him. He knew it, you knew it, everyone did. You could barely keep your eyes off him from the moment you met him.
Still, despite the judgmental onlookers and his not-so-subtle lack of fondness for you, you just couldn’t help your thirst. To put it simply, you were down bad.
When Daryl had finished his half of the lines he moved on to fashioning small fish traps to place in the stream. He noticed you seemed lost in thought, attention set on the task at hand for once, instead of his big arms and broad chest, or the way his sweat always perfectly follows the framework of his—
“Ya draggin’ your ass on purpose?” He asked, breaking you free from your thoughts.
“I’ll finish when I finish.” You fired back.
That was another thing that irked him to his core. You were so childish. Any hint of criticism or expression of his discomfort always resulted in you sulking or catching an attitude. He didn’t have time to coddle your feelings.
He shrugged you off and focused on nestling the first trap strategically between some stones. As he worked his way down to the last trap, he wondered to himself why Rick always sent you out to fish with him. As previously mentioned, everyone knew how you felt about Daryl, including Rick. Most people also knew that the feeling was not mutual, and in fact, there might have even been some resentment on Daryl’s end.
Truth be told, Daryl didn’t exactly know why it was such an issue. Aside from your youth, which he felt he did not share, you were fairly pleasant in the beginning. Your sweet grin and generous nature weren’t exactly unwelcome at first. It wasn’t until your efforts became too blatant that he felt himself physically recoil at the sound of your voice. As soon as he noticed that people were catching on, watching in awe every time you’d approach him with some fresh water or a snack, a flip switched in his mind. You were no longer a lovely addition to his daily proceedings, but a nuisance to his inner peace.
That was when you changed, too. You noticed the contrast in behavior immediately. It was a talent of yours — or maybe a curse — to be so perceptive. You’d been that way your whole life. Always walking on eggshells, analyzing every word spoken or facial expression made.
When Daryl’s friendliness transformed into indifference, you found yourself trying harder and harder, only to feel more and more disappointment with each failed attempt at gaining his affections. You frequently scolded yourself for the pathetic behavior, which was what you were doing while you slowly threaded fishing lines through the hooks. Any woman with respect for herself would have abandoned ship at the first signs of angry seas, but you were the kind of captain that preferred to drown with her vessel.
Soon enough you’d finished with your hooks and Daryl had placed the last trap. With haste, you both worked to tie worms to the hooks and cast the lines, hoping by this time tomorrow to be returning to camp with a fish dinner. The stream was half a days hike east of the prison, so usually teams of two would take a two or three day ‘vacation’, as Glenn and Maggie would call it, and bring back as much fish as they could.
Once all eight lines were cast, you planted your makeshift rods in the dirt and got to work building a campfire while Daryl hurried to try and get a few squirrels to eat. At least, that was his excuse. In reality, Carol had packed enough food for the both of you. He just wanted to get away.
By nightfall, he was back, cleaning a raccoon and preparing it for the fire. You already had the tent pitched and water boiling to drink, so you were just relaxing with you feet in the cold creek.
Daryl was nice enough to let you know when the raccoon was ready, so you ate at the fire with him in silence.
“I’ll take watch tonight.” Daryl announced as he shoveled the last piece of meat into his mouth.
“You take watch every time.” You pointed out. It was true, he always kept watch on fishing trips.
“What, ya wanna stay up all night? Be my guest.” He retorted.
“I’m not saying that, I’m just saying you don’t have to stay up every time.” You droned.
“Well it ain’t like ya ever volunteer.” He scoffed.
“Because you always do it first.”
“Yeah, ‘cause ya never speak up the whole day we’re workin’.” He argued.
“Okay well I’m volunteering now.”
“Well, forget it, ‘cause I already said I’d do it.”
“Fine.” You shrugged.
With a huff, you pushed yourself off the ground, swiping dry leaves from your jeans as you marched over to the tent to retrieve a sleeping bag for Daryl. You dropped it on the ground beside him. It landed with a soft thud.
“The hell’s that for?” He asked.
“Use it or don’t. I don’t care. Carol packed it for you.” You said bitterly.
You retired to the tent after that, working on taking your gun apart and putting it back together for practice. When you grew tired of that, you dug in your bag for a cigarette and stealthily unzipped your tent, scanning the coast for any signs of Daryl and his deep scowl that he seemingly reserved for you only. The fire had died down to smoky ember, but you could just barely make out the stillness in the dark. Nothing was moving, which meant Daryl had probably stalked off somewhere, and you could be alone.
You never really liked being alone, but at least you were free to be yourself, unperceived by others.
You found yourself a nice stump to sit on before you lit the cigarette, savoring the first drag before slowly exhaling.
“That best not be one of mine.” A husky voice startled you from the dark. Your attention snapped toward the trees as his looming figure emerged from the shadows. You rolled your eyes and turned away again.
“You mean the stale ones you lifted off a rotting body? No thanks.” You snarked.
“Whatever.” He tutted, twitching his neck to flip some hair out of his eyes. You could hear his footsteps fading away behind you as you tried to enjoy your smoke without his miserable aura around to cloud up the fresh air. To your surprise, he returned moments later with a cigarette of his own. He leaned back against a tree across from you, sliding down until his ass hit the ground. His face illuminated behind the flame as he flicked his zippo open. Subtly, you watched while the shadows danced across his chiseled features as he guided the tip of his cigarette into the flame with his lips.
With a metallic click, the lighter flipped shut and he was shrouded in darkness once more. Your eyes thoughtlessly followed the small red orb of his cherry as he pulled on his cigarette and dropped his hands back into his lap. He didn’t say anything, and it was a tad too dark to really be able to tell, but you knew he was watching you, just as you were watching him. The minutes ticked by as your cigarette faded to ash. Just as you leaned down to snuff the butt in the dirt, he cleared his throat.
“‘M gon’ tell Rick not to send ya out here with me no more.” He informed you.
“Why?” You asked defensively.
“‘Cause you’re too slow. I’ll get more done with someone else.” He explained.
“Like who?” You insisted.
“Like someone who ain’t so distracted.” He sighed with exasperation. He didn’t really even know why he told you that. He was considering telling Rick not to send you with him anymore, but he hadn’t really decided one way or another yet. He guessed he just had to cause tension to keep himself from staring at you too long.
“Yeah.” You scoffed. “That’s why.”
“Well, why the hell else would it be?” He snapped.
“You just don’t wanna be around me.” You mumbled.
“Maybe I wouldn’t mind it if you’d act like a fuckin’ adult!” He raised his voice now, and you regretted saying anything. He could sense you shrinking back from his harsh tone, which only angered him more. “All ya do is stare at me all fuckin’ day and pout like a schoolgirl when ya don’t get your way!”
Tears welled at the rim of your eyes, sniffling as you swallowed a lump in your throat. You hated being yelled at, being cornered, being made to feel like a vulnerable child. You hated that he could affect you that way.
Quickly, the pain and anxiety melted away. You began to feel angry. Enraged, even, at the fact that he could treat you so harshly. What had you done to deserve that? Why did he think it was okay to be so cruel?
A rush of adrenaline washed over you as you abruptly stood to your feet, trembling as your emotions overcame you.
“Excuse me for trying! For being kind! For putting up with your piss-poor attitude and still thinking the fucking world of you! All I do is try to treat you the way I wish someone would treat me! No matter how fucking awful you are to me!” You shouted, bitter and full of resentment.
“So why the hell do ya still try?!” He shouted back, pushing himself off the ground and towering over you. In the dark, your most visible feature was your big wet eyes glistening in the natural light of the moon. His eyes flickered between them, somewhat intimidating by how expressive they were. A man like him spent his whole life perfecting his mask, hiding his true feelings from the world, protecting them beneath the surface of his hardened shell.
“Because I love, Daryl!” You shrieked, voice coarse from strain. “I love. I have so much love to give and nowhere to fucking put it! And — and I see you and I see a man who’s never felt love and I—“ You paused to let out a sob and catch your breath. “Because for whatever reason, I saw you and decided you were the one that I needed to love and that doing so would make everything else make sense.”
Daryl seemed taken aback by your confession. He didn’t know how to process any of it, so he instead decided to push you away even more.
“I don’t need your fuckin’ love, alright?” He spat, emphasizing the word love as if the word disgusted him. “I don’t need it, and I don’t want it.”
His words stung as they approached you from gritted teeth. The blow was harsh enough o knock you down from your rage-high.
“Well…” You croaked, sniffling as you wiped remnants of fresh tears from your cheeks. Now that the adrenaline had worn off, you found yourself at a loss of words. Maybe there was nothing else to say. “Glad we cleared things up, then.”
You spent the night silent in the tent, tears spinning down your flushed cheeks as you stared blankly at the worn fabric above you. Eventually you fell asleep, but you got little rest. Daryl gathered all the fish the next morning while you tore down the campsite. The hike back home was spent feet apart, both of you ensuring to keep your distance. Your stoic expressions didn’t go unnoticed upon returning to the prison, but luckily nobody pried. Carol, Maggie, and Beth cooked up the fish and some fresh garden veggies while you snuck off to shower and Daryl disappeared to wherever.
You skipped dinner, hiding away in your cell with a sheet hung up for privacy. You actually fell asleep fairly quick, exhausted from the vast range of emotions you experienced in such a short amount of time the night before.
Daryl, on the other hand, laid awake on his cot for a majority of the night. His mind’s eye repeated the events of the night prior, peppered with correlated instances from times passed. Carol had told him once that he was too hard on you, that you were just searching for anything that would make you feel good in such a rotten world. She was right, he knew that, and yet he could not bring himself to allow it.
He didn’t see how nobody else saw it the way he did. Would it not have been easier keep things simple? It made more sense to him for things to remain above the surface level, where emotions and deep connections could not harm either of you. To grow attached in this world was surely a fools game. So why did everyone seem so hell-bent on making friends and falling in love? Why were they willing to take the risk?
He was exhausted the next morning. By the time he fell asleep the sun was creeping over the horizon. You were a bit better off after a full night of sleep. Your eyes were less puffy than the day before, and your stomach was aching for a bite to eat. Daryl had no appetite or energy. He stayed in bed well past noon.
You didn’t see him until dinner that night, not that you were looking. For the first time in a while, you decided to allow yourself some peace.
Since you’d slept so well the night before, you offered to take over watch for Carol, which she accepted gratefully. You brought yourself a cigarette and one of the books from the library to entertain yourself. Just as you settled in and got comfortable in the tower, the hatch opened and Daryl emerged with his own items for amusement.
You didn’t say anything as he lifted himself up. You just watched him quizzically. He paused when he noticed you sitting there.
“I got watch tonight. Told Rick.” He informed you.
“I took over for Carol.” You countered blandly.
“Well you’re relived.” He pushed.
“No thanks.” You brushed him off.
“Ain’t askin’.” He said.
“I was here first.” You shrugged, lighting your cigarette and flipping to the first chapter of your book.
“I ain’t goin’ nowhere so ya might as well get on.” He urged.
“I’m sure the fence could use some relief from the walkers.” You suggested.
“So why don’t ya go and take care of ‘em?” He retorted.
“Because I’m on watch.” You countered.
Daryl sighed in defeat.
“Got an extra one o’ those?” He asked, gesturing toward the cigarette.
“Only brought the one.” You replied.
“Look,” he began, shifting uncomfortably on his feet. “‘M sorry I was an asshole, but it can’t be the way ya want it to be.”
“And what way did I want it?” You quirked a brow.
“Don’t do that.”
“Do what?”
“Make shit hard. Ya always do that.”
“So then the simple solution would be to leave me alone. I get it. You don’t want me.”
“It ain’t about wantin’ you, girl!” He groaned in exasperation. “It’s about protectin’ you! Protectin’ me! Protectin’ everyone!”
His chest rose and fell as his fists clenched at his sides. You stared up at him and fawned under his blazing eyes.
“We can’t… I can’t.” He insisted.
Silence consumed you both in the night. The tension was so palpable that it drowned out the nightly buzz of crickets and frogs in the trees. Daryl felt he had said too much already. He should have just let you hate him and left it be. He couldn’t, though. As much as he wanted to be cold, hard, and arrogant, he was very much a soft soul with a longing for genuine connection.
With a deep sigh and an expression of defeat, he retreated back to his cell without another word to you.
To be continued… Maybe??
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tags: @kissmeunicornbaobei @thesadcatt0 @clairealeehelsing @duckybird101 @tmntfixationxreader @ryoujoking @blackvelveteen1339 @yondus-girl @ladylincoln @sunshinebug9 @saylum559 @yoowhatthefuck @duffmckagansbandana @celtic-crossbow @virginsexgod69 @dazzling-roaring-20s @l0kilaufeys0n7 @uhnanix @superbowlisgay @liizzygrant @eddiemunsonsupremecy
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howlsofbloodhounds · 20 days
Delta anon here and I have returned to do the ask thingy!
I'm gonna be real, I have only a vague memory of entirely why I started following you. It was probably after I had SCOURED all of Tumblr for Delta-related things, and then I found a post you had made. I remember that it was the post you made about Delta being plural, and that i immediately sent it to one of my friends out of excitement. And out of the sheer joy of finally finding someone who even as much as knew of his existence, I followed you immediately (this is also how I started following the majority of the people I do now lmao).
I also began sending asks relating to Delta somewhere around that time, too. It was all on anon obviously, but sending anon asks to you about Delta helped me actually learn a lot more about Tumblr and interactions through it. And when I got a positive/respectful response (I say this in the fact that I didnt think you would be mean, but rather in the fact that I'd never previously interacted with anyone that i could directly send asks to and remain secret so I was incredibly nervous), it encouraged me to keep going. Which is why I said in a previous anon that I was probably at least a solid half of the contributions about the asks involving Delta.
So, in this, thank you for making me feel more confident and comfortable with both interacting with people and also contributing to things I enjoy. I really enjoy getting to send asks and receive responses, which is why I'm around so much lmao. I don't have to worry about being seen as annoying, which is a massive weight off my shoulders - especially knowing that I can remain anonymous and not have the fear of being judged publicly where everyone can see.
In truth, I've always been afraid of directly contributing to content, especially on a platform that's known for judgement sometimes. I've always been afraid of being judged in sharing my own personal headcanons about my favorite characters, but being able to go anon made me feel much more comfortable just sending an ask.
So, all in all, thank you. However I will continue to stay on anon because I like the idea of people not knowing who I am lmao. The mystery entertains me /silly
(And btw, same as crow, we are also secretly mutuals lmao)
ahhhh i love my mysterious secret mutuals!! Im so glad i was able to help you feel more comfortable and confident engaging and contributing to content about your favorite characters! It took me a long time to manage to get there on my own and im glad i was at least able to do that for someone else, even if unknowingly.
And as goes for anyone sending any asks to me on anonymous, I will always try to keep yalls identities/users secret.
including if you accidentally send something without turning on anonymous (which i can tell if the end message is still signed [nickname] anon near the top or end of a message), in which case id probably just screenshot the ask and crop out any usernames before I answer the ask and post it.
And I completely understand the worry about being judged Del, I’ve been on and off Tumblr as a quiet lurker for years before I begin posting at all. But I’m honestly glad I managed to find the courage to do so, it gave me the chance to meet and talk to some pretty amazing people and it’s just so nice to have fun with everyone.
And i honestly enjoy reading everything you have to say about Delta, Beta, the Epic Sanses, etc. You have such cool ideas and I can tell how much you really seem to love this AU and this character and all his potential. And I love talking about him, he’s such a goober. I could never be annoyed by seeing an ask from you, im always overjoyed see one or even sixty lmao.
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pastanest · 2 years
if you’re wondering why I’m having to repost this, or why you were perhaps previously following me but no longer are, please refer to this post. I was able to retrieve this thanks to @iamburdened - thanks so much!! ♡
Spencer Reid x gender neutral!reader
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Spencer is almost accustomed to the affect you have on him. From the moment he first saw you, his heart was ready to leap from his chest and into your arms, before he even knew your name. The more he got to know you, the more his mind dared to dream and hope for a future with you that he was too modest to think he deserved. Love at first sight was not something he really believed in, but that is just one of the many things you opened his heart to the second he saw you. Every single day, he will sit at his desk and wait for you to walk in, prepared to fall in love all over again. Spencer even started arriving unnecessarily early just in case you ever arrived early too, because he wanted to make sure he always got to work before you did.
Considering your hidden feelings towards Spencer, you pay just as much attention to him, so naturally, you notice that he stares. When you’re walking around or talking to someone at work, you can feel his eyes on you, and during anything press or public speaking related you are guaranteed to catch his eyes drifting to yours multiple times. It makes you blush, which Spencer rarely sees because he tends to look away the moment he knows he’s been caught admiring you, but there are a few precious memories he treasures, fractions of seconds spent seeing you blush. Easily the most mesmerising view in the world, that’s his preferred description of you.
And this thought is revived as you stroll into work and place your bag on your desk, beginning to sort through it while Spencer’s eyes are fixed on your side profile facing him.
“Why are you staring at me?” You ask suddenly, and Spencer feels his blood freeze in his veins.
Although there is a mutual knowledge of this habit of his, it had blissfully gone unaddressed until this very moment, and Spencer had been doing his best to ignore the guilt and embarrassment he felt for looking at you as much as he did. And just like that, you exposed him. But he didnt have time to think, you caught him off guard and he says the first thing that comes to his head, the most logical answer there is.
“Because you’re beautiful.”
He hears the words fall from his lips and hang in the air, swirling around you and repeating themselves in your head. He sees you halt your movements, he searches for any sign of a positive reaction, and he watches your face as a small smile finds its way there, relief flooding through him as a blush overwhelms your cheeks that are mostly hidden by your hair.
“You think Im beautiful?” You repeat his words, more so to reaffirm their meaning yourself and make sure you heard them, but also because a sudden new love had formed for the way in which he said them.
“O-Of course! The most beautiful person in existence.” Spencer cant stop himself now, he was so unprepared for this situation that he had not planned out a single one of the outcomes, and as a result of sheer panic the truth was reaching your ears. “I-Im sorry, I know our relationship is strictly professional, a-and our relationship is one between friends!” He blurts out, alarms ringing in his head at his own use of the word ‘relationship’, a fatal mistake in the midst of what was intended to be an embarrassed apology for unprofessional conversation.
Then he heard it. A giggle. And he sees a grin on your face, mostly hidden by your hair just like your cheeks. You finally turn to face him, and to capture the view of your wondrous grin and rosy cheeks that were caused by nothing more than Spencer, is something he will never forget. The same can be said for the words that, instead of reaching his ears, made a beeline straight to his heart the moment they passed your lips.
“I think you’re beautiful, too.”
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twig-tea · 9 months
Beyond the Star: I Am Annoyed
who knew I'd be writing about Beyond the Star? definitely not me.
I actually started taking notes while watching this show because I thought it might have been written off too soon, there were some cool things happening in it. And then, that last episode.
Ok. Okok.
The TL;DR version of what you need to know about this show is that there are some neat things that could have been interesting but instead the last episode basically threw everything in the air and walked away. it was internally inconsistent, dropped threads, and made no sense. It's like they had a 12-episode show planned, and realized after episode 7 they only had money or time for one more. There are a few hot scenes but nothing worth watching the whole thing for. The ending was truly infuriating.
Cutting for spoilers.
First, the parts that were interesting
There was a very interesting dynamic with Nathee, Kita, Namo, and Kengkla. Kita and Nemo dated in school, and meet by chance a few years later after they'd broken up and blocked one another on social media. They now both have other love interests--Nathee and Kita are in an established relationship, Namo and Kengkla are mutually-pining friends--and work for rival companies. Kita and Namo end up using one another (Namo wants to make Kengkla jealous, Kita wants his boss to think he's spying for their company on the competition). At one point, it seems like they were setting us up for Kita to cheat, or to at least have real feelings again for Namo. But instead, it seems simply like his old feelings for Namo prevented him from following through with his plan to mess with the rival boyband by drugging them (which his boss wanted him to do--it's a whole thing). I also appreciated that though the other company was trying to surreptitiously poach Namo, he was honest about it with his team. All of this was poorly executed, but I like the premise. [Still waiting for people to be allowed to have sexual desire for more than one person in a BL without it being character-ruining or lynchmob-worthy, but that's another rant for another day.]
I liked Namo as a character, and how self-aware he was at the start of this show. He knew he was in love with Kengkla, he knew Kengkla was in love with him but unwilling to admit it, and he used Kita to push Keng into facing his denial.
Speaking of things I liked, I liked the Nathee/Kita established couple, they had regular little fights but made up and did seem to genuinely care for one another, and had lots of sex where they were clearly comfortable with one another's bodies, the kind of dynamic we don't get a lot in BL.
And then it dropped the ball. Balls. All the balls. The whole bag.
Unfortunately, we're now we're getting into the problems. Because this couple just disappeared! We had no resolution for Nathee and Kita. Kita mentions to Namo he's going to meet up with Nathee and then...nothing? With no clue what happened. Nathee is not in the final band performance, but Kita is, even though previously it was Kita kicked out of the band?
Here's the band during their competition, with Nathee in the center (in the red vest):
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And here's the band at the end of the show:
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Gone! Disappeared! Why? How?
In addition, there are two people as part of the band that weren't originally in the band during the competition: Kita (back row second from left) and Kengkla (front row on the right). Now, Kita was kicked out of this band and then they stole his song, and we did not get any reason for why he was added back in or why he would want to work with this shady company again. We also didn't get any explanation for the guy Kita who was constantly fighting with disappearing from the group. And finally, the explanation we did get for Kengkla to join the group was a call from the shady company director asking him to join the project. He got excited and said yes.
But in the very same episode, only a few minutes earlier, Kengkla's love interest Namo turned the shady company director down, saying that he wanted to stay where he was and prove his company would be successful too. And this was a triumphant moment. AND, if that weren't enough, previously Kenglka got mad at Namo for even thinking about leaving. AND Kengkla doesn't even want to be a singer, Namo does, but Kengkla wants to be an actor! NONE OF THIS MAKES ANY SENSE! Why would the happy ending for the singer be that he stays with the acting company, and the happy ending for the actor be that he ends up in the singing company?
And this is why
MFlow entertainment have made this into a real band named HASHTAX
And they are on YouTube:
So they had to end the show with these actors in the same band together.
The part I can't give you an explanation for is why the heck they didn't just cast it differently or write it so that it made sense these characters ended up in this configuration, but. Here we are.
I'm not done complaining about this ending yet
And this gets into my biggest complaint about how this show ends. The lack of internal consistency leading to the "happy ending" being completely antithetical to what the show has been setting up all series! Not only did it not make sense on an individual character basis (I will never get over Kengkla literally cheering when his company cancels their boyband program and turns it into a drama, and then only a couple of scenes later cheering again when he gets a call to join a boyband project at another, evil company. WTF), but it was a horrible overall moral/arc.
The original premise/setup for this whole show is that a het couple of talent managers broke up and hate each other and each now run rival entertainment companies and so they decide to compete with each other about starting a boyband because of hate and spite.
The best part is they are both AWFUL. The guy is a horrible boss and his company is clearly exploitative and is the one with rules about not being allowed to date, and he is willing to do anything to win (poach other people, drug the competing band, steal songs from their artists), but his group is by far the better boyband. The girl is much better to work for but her company was never set up for a boyband, they're actually actors who don't want to be in a boyband at all, and they're allowed to date in the company but their band sucks, and she clearly makes terrible business decisions just to get back at her ex, and her employees are victims to the whims of her spite.
In the end, they have a 1-on-1 competition (which is how bands work) and she loses and cancels the boyband project... and then jumps back into business with her ex because they realize they can make more money if they stop competing and join forces again.
Meanwhile, this evil guy is so bad some of the characters have had conversations about swearing to take him and his company down one day..and then they all end up working to make him money, and this is our happy ending?!?!!?!!!! Truly horrific.
Final purge of thoughts
A few other things I just can't let go:
There's a mentor/mentee relationship that's interesting because the younger guy is clearly inexperienced and Struggling in this boy band when he just wanted to be an actor, and he feels like he's holding everyone back. The mentee confesses to the mentor, mentor tells him they can be in the 'talking phase' and then they have sex, and then they lose the contest and the mentee seems ok (and they have sex again), and then he says he's thinking of leaving the band and the mentor says he respects his decision, but then the mentee attempts suicide. I appreciated that they didn't break this couple up or have the mentor say anything messy or awful to 'push' him; sometimes everyone around you can do and say the right things and you will just only hear your own criticism.
There is a set of twins, and a subplot where they both like the same guy, and the twins have a conversation about it, in which the more tsundere twin asks his happy and outgoing twin if he likes this guy, and if not then to back off, because he's had feelings for him for a long time. Happy twin agrees and then continues to shamelessly flirt with the love interest, makes a move, and they have sex--where the twin can catch them, and he does. The tsundere twin is obviously furious, and happy twin decides to break up with his lover so that his twin will forgive him. But the tsundere twin sees them together and realizes they do have feelings for one another and forgives his twin. This whole thing was just really messy. It seemed pretty unfair that the one who was lied to, betrayed, and not even dicked down forgave his twin without even getting an apology. Admittedly all of this is sibling behaviour, but it was a bit sad.
Re: the Namo/Kengkla friends-to-lovers storyline I actually enjoyed that they made out twice and never talked about it, and just kept being good friends (rather than the pulling away/ghosting that so often happens in shows) until finally they had the conversation. But they had no respect for one another's beliefs or dreams. Namo tries to do better about this, but Kengkla doesn't have any kind of arc about this and it felt like they were definitely doomed to not last.
There was an insinuation in the flashbacks that the exes (Namo and Kita) had a business gay partnership (BGP) in addition to an actual relationship, where they did content for shippers. Namo and Kengkla also did BGP before they actually got together. This was kind of neat, and added an interesting element to their relationship and why they broke up (non-amicably, since Namo blocked Kita).
All of these couples (and there are SO MANY, I think Five?) can kiss, and this production is not afraid of the nipple, which I always appreciate. They do also show a blowjob as a first sex act between a couple, which I also applaud. But these sex scenes were way too long for what they were depicting! We do not need five minutes of making out if nothing else is going on in the scene.
One last gripe: the couple who had the misunderstanding (dude was working part time to support his sick mom and missing practices as a result) was also totally unresolved; they disappeared to take care of the mom, and just didn't come back. We have no idea whether the mom recovered, whether they got together, or what.
TL;DR there were so many dropped threads, internal inconsistencies, for what turned out to be an extended ad for launching their new t-pop band. I am UNIMPRESSED. Using my favourte unimpressed face from VIP Only (which also annoyed me this week but was WAY BETTER THAN THIS SHOW) to end on a slightly better note.
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residentdormouse · 11 months
Can I ask you to ramble about your current hyperfixation?
I am always up for some rambling! Thank you for the ask!!
Unfortunately for my non-fandom followers, my hyperfixation has not changed for the past two and a half years. (All mutuals now groaning, ‘Shut up about the Stand, Mouse.’) I still cannot explain my extended fix; usually I'm a year tops. Hook onto a character, appease the yearning rats, move on. Not this time…
This may have to do with the fact that the Fandom is smaller. Other fixations, I could casually scroll Tumblr for fan art, find stories to scratch the itch on AO3, and passively ride the wave until something pulled me in another direction. Couldn't do that here. There were like 11 stories for ‘the Stand’ that even tagged Glen Bateman as a character. Some of them were prior to the version of Glen that took up residence in my brain (2020 miniseries), and none of them had him as a primary focus. What's a girl to do, right? Write also turned out to be the answer. So this was the first time I was writing and posting fanfic to AO3. About 290k words later, and almost a year of digging into their characters, here I am, stuck on the same damn guys. The rats are still yearning, and I have no further way to appease them. (Although, I'm sure they will thank you for indulging them now.)
But yeah, still 100% hooked on Stephen King's ‘the Stand’, and specifically the newest 2020 miniseries version. I blame Kinnear's version of Glen. He's a great character in the other versions, but the stars aligned with his take. Witty. Intelligent, but with a cheek and lightheartedness. Logical, yet open to the new world of the unknown. Questioning, but true to himself and loyal to those around him. Speaking his mind, and saying what he believes, regardless of the danger it poses. (And this is not even touching the vaping, which is a fantastic touch, and definitely a way to my heart as well.) Plus, I've always loved Kinnear as an actor, just never saw him in a role where I connected to his character like this. I truly was doomed from the start.
And that's pretty much how it went too. The first damn scene he’s in, and I'm instantly hit with the ‘holy fuck, I love this character’ K.O. punch. Cause that's what I really need for a hyperfix to stick, love for a character.
Then the end of that same episode. This look…
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I could go on for days about this look. A ‘Man of Science’ facing the reality of the previously unbelievable. His world view shaken, and now left to piece the puzzle back together. Tear down what he ‘knew’, and start looking at things from a new perspective. This single moment where the world changed for him. It's just… 🤌
I love this fictional man. He has hijacked my brain, and honestly, not really seeing a problem. He can stay as long as he wants. I'll give him some paints, and he can chill up there making fun commentary about life. Maybe give some helpful insight.
But yeah, the Stand still top hyperfixation for me. I have a love of the story as a whole too, don't get me wrong. Read the book, have the ‘94 series, picked up the comics… And other characters have worked their way into my heart too (Lloyd Henreid, I'm talking about you), but Glen was, and still is, the reason I'm here so long after.
Was that rambling enough? Too much? I have no gauge. But I will always elaborate if asked. Do not be afraid to ask, this is why I'm here!!
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petitesmafia · 2 years
I saw so many paragraphs what happened? My little brain is so confused
read under cut bc i don’t want this taking up the feed of ppl who follow me
basically there’s drama going on between people in the latino bsdtwt fandom — a few burners were made with call-out posts and i got tagged in them to “help them spread the word”.
i dmed the person behind the account and asked to be left out of their drama as i was never a part of it and am not looking to get dragged into other people’s business. in response, they got mad disrespectful and invalidated my experience with a well-known stalker in the fandom, and started harassing me on here and on twitter bc i for some reason need to help platform their callout posts. they’ve harassed me in my tellonym and in my cc previously as well, which is why i don’t follow the person they’re accusing. 
mind you i am not a part of the latino bsdtwt fandom bc i don’t speak an ounce of Spanish, and i am not mutuals or friends with any of the people involved, but for some reason i “should know of all the drama [this person] caused” and “we won’t leave you out of it” bc i need to “support them in taking down a harasser”. which is pretty fucking ironic, considering they’re harassing me when i have zero connection to any of this shit and have simply asked to be left out of it. they expected me to provide a platform to boost their personal vendetta against a person using my page and started harassing me and holding me partially accountable when i rightfully declined. it’s funny bc when i had asked for some clarification or some receipts of the situation connecting to the person they’re accusing, all they did was change the subject and insult me for not knowing. also, i’ve spoken with the main victim they’re supposedly defending (ironic as well considering they mocked this girl in one of the burner accounts made) and she said she wanted to move on from this and for people to stop bringing it up. 
ps: cherry on top is that i’ve been informed that it’s likely my stalker taking advantage of this situation to create burner accounts tagging me to drag me while victimizing himself (he’s brought up in every conversation when there’s no correlation) bc i’d called him out before for stalking my friends and i (12+ burners accs lawl) - he knew damn well but still intentionally caused one of my friends anxiety to the point where they had to change accounts, then still had lock their new account for months before ultimately leave the fandom, for absolutely no reason. he’s seriously pathetic loool 
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wandaromanova · 3 years
Can u do a fic where fem!reader and Nat are broken up and they’re pretty hostile with each other but when one of them gets hurt on a mission they realize they’re still in love and get back together thank u if u write this :)))))))
I Love You
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader
Warnings: cussing, violence, that’s it i believe
A/N: hi! i hit 300 followers! i posted my very first story 3 weeks ago and only had like 10 followers then. i can’t even begin to express how grateful i am that i’ve been able to bring people joy (or pain lol) with my stories. thank you. not proofread. <3
Summary: Ex-lovers Natasha and Y/N dance around their feelings for each other. They decide that hostility was the best course of action.
Word Count: 2.5K
(gif is not mine)
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You and Natasha dated for a year and a half before you guys decided to call it quits. It was a mutual agreement, but there was still some sort of bad blood between the both of you that was painfully obvious. The tension could be cut with a knife.
You guys were going great at first. You both understood each other on a level that no one else could. You would do typical couple things in order to compensate for the lack of stability and domesticity you’ve both had in your lives. Movie nights, designated date nights, cuddle sessions in the late hours of the night, and literally every other cliche there was in the book.
However, you and Natasha were both raised in similar environments. From young ages, you guys were trained to conceal your true emotions and that love was for children. So, communicating with one another was something that the both of you didn’t know how to do.
You didn’t try to communicate and neither did she; and there lied the problem. Natasha would absolutely freak on you if you so much as looked at another person. You would get upset if Natasha went on a mission without informing you first. There were so many pointless arguments that occurred between you and Natasha. Arguments that could’ve been avoided or solved if you guys were able to just talk to each other.
You would say that you guys did talk… just in a higher volume than normal conversation. The yelling between you both could be heard throughout the compound. Most times, you would get so fed up and tired from the arguing, that you didn’t even know why you guys were fighting anymore. It wasn’t healthy and you knew it.
You and Natasha never once told each other the big three words. That was a line neither of you dared to cross. Like the Red Room and The Academy taught you both, love was a weakness and was nothing more than a concept believed by children. You’d like to think that actions spoke louder than words, though.
You could feel the love between you both in the way you would hold onto one another after a mission had gone wrong. You could feel it in the way Natasha worried and panicked when you’d come back from a mission with so much as a scratch above your eyebrow. However, you still could not bring yourself to tell her how you felt. Not that it would matter now, considering you guys had broken up.
It’s been five months since the breakup, and at first your plan of action was to be civil with your ex-girlfriend, but she had other plans. Natasha would bark out snarky remarks whenever you would speak up during team meetings. She began to give you cold glares whenever you walked into a room. God forbid you would even breathe in her direction, she would storm out of a room at the speed of light if you did so.
So, you began to act the same way she was. Okay, yes, it was extremely childish thinking. You should be mature, regardless of how Natasha was treating you, but you couldn’t be civil anymore. So you would treat her just as harshly as she did you. You’d send her sharper glares than she would give you. You’d never listen to anything she had to add during mission meetings, being sure to make it obvious you weren’t paying attention. And you would always counter her hostile comments that were directed towards you.
The team was currently sat in a meeting. You and Natasha were meant to be sent on a mission together, to which you both immediately objected.
“Steve, do I really have to go with that over there? I’d rather go myself and risk dying than go with her.” Natasha pointed in your direction and you were immediately offended by her statement.
“No, I would rather go and die than have to hear one more word out of your god damn mouth. You’re such a bitch.” You spoke as you stood up from your seat, Natasha following suit. Natasha walked across the room and stopped in front of you. She harshly shoved a finger against your chest.
“What the fuck did you just call me? You better take it back before I make sure you never talk again.” Natasha glared at you intensely as she stared into your eyes. You returned her stare with a bored expression on your face.
“I said you’re a bitch. What are you going to do about it, Widow?” You asked her challengingly. Natasha moved to pounce on you, but Bucky, who was sitting next to your spot, sprung in and intervened.
“Let her go Barnes. I’d love to kick her ass.” You smirked as your words only enraged Natasha more. She struggled against Bucky’s grip, trying to free herself so she could pound your face into the floor, but she couldn’t break free.
“Okay! Enough. Natasha, you’re off the mission. Y/N, you’re with me. We leave in 10.” Steve spoke with conviction in his voice, fed up with the pair of you. Natasha stopped resisting Bucky’s hold as he slowly let her go. You looked at her with one harsh glare before you took the mission file that was on the table and walked out of the room. As you left, everyone in the room stared at Natasha. She huffed and stormed out of the room as well.
You and Steve were currently staked out in a van. You guys were spying on one of the leaders of Hydra and an infamous weapons dealer. The man was currently having a lunch with the dealer. You had been sitting there together for about an hour. You were bored out of your mind and pissed that you couldn’t get Natasha out of your mind. You wanted to punch yourself in the face for thinking about how hot she looked when she pissed. The way her eyes would widen, showing off more of her green irises as her eyebrows furrowed together in anger. The way her chest rose and fell as she took deep breaths. God, she had such nice boobs.
Your thoughts were interrupted by the sound of Fury’s voice coming in through comms. “Okay, we evacuated civilians off of the sidewalk in front of the restaurant. Remember, wait until they’re in front of the alley before you attack. They may have weapons.” Fury informed you both and you looked onto the monitor to confirm the empty street. Sure enough, there wasn’t a civilian in sight; good.
Steve replied with a quick “okay” before movement from the door of the restaurant caught your attention. “Steve, there they are. Move out, now.” You spoke as you loaded your gun and attached it to your hip. You and Steve jumped out of the van. Steve threw his shield and hit both of the men with it. His shield came back to him as if ricocheted off of the men.
Your gun was pointed at the both of them as you guys approached them. “Meeting in broad daylight? Doesn’t seem like a smart move for two supposedly genius people.” You spoke as Steve searched the two men for any weapons. They didn’t have any. That should’ve been a red flag, but you weren’t in the right state of mind right now.
Suddenly, another van pulled up in front of the alleyway, right behind the vehicle you both had just exited. Hydra Agents with semi-automatic guns filed out of the van. Fuck. You guys were set up. Steve shared a look with you before he threw his shield toward the men and knocked the guns out of a few of the agent’s hands.
You began to fire towards the men with your own gun. You shot them in the shoulders, sending them flying to the ground in pain. You and Steve made quick work of the men and soon enough, there were unconscious men littered across the floor.
You and Steve turned back to the two men you had previously captured as they laid on the floor in shock. They really thought their little stunt would work? Pathetic. Unfortunately, one of the Hydra agents was still conscious. You and Steve failed to notice the movement behind your backs. The man pointed a nearby gun at you and fired 5 shots at you. He missed three of them, but managed to land two into your abdomen.
You fell to the ground as Steve whipped around and actually knocked the man unconscious this time. “Fury, we need backup! L/N is down!” He spoke frantically into comms as he applied pressure to your wounds. Your eyes were open in shock as you tried to process what just happened. You were shot. It really did hurt like a bitch. What are those black spots? God, I want Natasha right now. Wait, what? No, it’s just the blood loss talking.
You fell unconscious as soon as the backup S.H.I.E.L.D agents appeared on the scene. You were rushed back to the Avengers Compound in one of S.H.I.E.L.D’s vehicles, Steve following you after ensuring the two men were detained. As soon as the car made it to the compound, your unconscious body was placed onto a gurney and you were being rushed to the medical wing.
As your body was being rolled through the halls of the compound, you were pushed by the doctors past Natasha. She did a double take and quickly turned around to confirm what she had just saw. Her heart sunk to her stomach at the sight of your limp, blood-covered body. She ran after you without a second thought, fear and dread taking over.
Natasha tried to enter the medical wing where they had just taken you, but she was stopped by a strong hand abruptly placing itself onto her shoulder. “Nat, we need to let them take care of her. We’d only be disturbing them and we need their focus to 100% be on Y/N.” Steve said in an attempt to convince the redhead to stop her plan of barging into the room like a madwoman. Natasha took one last glance at the door before she heavily sighed and walked to the wall across the door. She slid her back slowly against the wall and placed her head in her hands.
“What happened, Rogers?” Natasha asked, afraid of hearing the answer. Steve went over the events of the mission, and all Natasha could think was that she should’ve been there with you. She would’ve jumped in front of that bullet to save you in a heartbeat because she loved you. Wait. She loved you? Holy fuck! She loved you!
Natasha’s heart rate increased rapidly at her self revelation. She has loved you this entire time. God, she was so fucking blind. How could she not see what was right in front of her? She was madly in love with you. She let the things the Red Room drilled into her affect your relationship. Now, she wasn’t sure if she’d have the opportunity to make it up to you. That thought scared Natasha more than any mission ever could.
1 hour later
An hour later, and the entire team was sprawled across the hallway of the medical wing. Wanda sat beside Natasha on the floor, comfortingly holding her hand. The rest of the team just stood, anxiously and impatiently waiting to hear about your status.
At the sound of the medical bay door opening, Natasha shot up from her spot on the floor and looked towards Helen Cho. “What’s her status? Is she okay? Did she make it?” Natasha immediately fired off questions at the Doctor. The team stood firmly behind Natasha as they looked at Dr. Cho, their eyes asking her the same questions Natasha did.
“She coded on the table a few times. The bullets hit some major arteries, but we managed to stop the bleeding. If she had arrived even a minute later than she did, she wouldn’t have made it.” The relief of the good news radiated off of earth’s mightiest heroes. Natasha almost let tears escape her eyes, but quickly blinked them back.
“Can I see her?” Natasha asked desperately. “Yes you can, but shes still asleep. The anesthesia was very strong so she’ll be out for a few more hours.” Helen spoke as she opened the door for Natasha. She entered and let out a sigh of relief as she caught sight of your chest rising and falling steadily. Natasha grabbed a nearby chair and placed it right beside your bed. She lightly stroked your hair before she gripped your hand.
3 hours later
You groaned as you slowly open your eyes and were met with an obnoxiously bright light hovering over you. You heard some shuffling before the light was shut off. You turned your head towards the other person in the room and you rolled your eyes at who it was.
“If you’re here to be an asshole, please leave. I’m not in the mood for it.” You spoke as you watched Natasha sit back down in the chair next to your bed.
“I’m not here for that. I wanted to apologize, Y/N. You were right, I was a bitch. You didn’t deserve the way I treated you, but I was just afraid.” Natasha began to speak as she seemingly appeared nervous. You’ve never seen her nervous before, you’re pretty sure no one ever has.
“I was so terrified because I love you. Everyone I love ends up leaving me, and I couldn’t watch you leave me. So, I thought it was best if I beat you to the punch.” Natasha looked down to her lap and played with her fingers absentmindedly. Your eyes widened as far as they could go at Natasha’s words. She loved you. She actually, verbally said it. That’s a huge fucking deal.
“I know my logic may not make the best sense, but what does make sense is the fact that I love you. I always have and I was just too stupid to tell you. I’m sorry, I love you so much.” Natasha spoke as she tore her gaze from her hands and up to your eyes.
You reached your hand out for hers and she shakily took your hand in hers. You almost let out a gasp at the contact, you missed her touch so much. “I won’t ever leave you, Natasha because I love you too. I’m sorry too. I was just as afraid as you were. We were both stupid.” You let out a little laugh at your last words. Natasha let out a chuckle as a tear fell from her eyes. Oh god, you’ve never seen her cry either.
“You scared me. I thought you weren’t going to make it. When I saw your body being wheeled down here…. all the blood… I-“ Natasha words were cut off as you smashed your lips against hers. You winced as the pain from your gunshot wounds radiated across your body, but you couldn’t care less about that right now. The only thing that mattered in this moment was that the woman you loved, loved you too. You’d never be afraid to express your love for her ever again.
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apocalypticgargoyle · 3 years
could i pls get a part 2 of elevator with dream🥺 the way that they show their vulnerable sides to each other is adorable <3
yes! of course! i still kept this pretty fluffy but in another request, someone asked for smut so it's a little spicy.
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𝐍𝐔𝐌𝐁𝐄𝐑 𝐅𝐎𝐔𝐑. ♘ 𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
pairing: dream x reader (dre™ my beloved)
warnings: light smut (i didn't completely write it out I'm sorry), a virgin reader, language, fwb kinda, mentions of sexual content
previous part: elevator
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After nearly two hours, the elevator began to buzz with life, hoisting up to the floor where Clay and Sapnap lived. The two of you had bonded in the dim, red elevator, coming out of the cramped room as friends when you had previously just been an odd mix of acquaintance and mutual. Sapnap stood in the threshold, an apologetic look on his face as he wrapped an arm around your shoulders.
You and Clay became nearly inseparable. You found yourself showing up at his apartment for him just as much as for Sapnap. There were even times when you’d text Sapnap to see if he was busy when your roommate would be trying to shove you out the door and he’d send Clay over instead. His presence always made it awkward for your roommate’s boyfriend and while you hated to admit it, it was hilarious.
“So, you do what kind of farming?” Clay asked from his spot beside you, leaning on the counter with his eyes zoning out to watch your hands as you cooked.
Her boyfriend---who the two of you often referred to as Ricky Fitts behind his back---sighed. He had explained his profession to Clay numerous times, but the manner in which he did it was so pretentious that Clay was addicted to picking at him for it. “It’s botanical gardening. Not farming,” he groaned. “In simple man’s terms, I curate a garden for plant research and help to diversify the plant species in the area.”
Clay nodded. “And how many strains of marijuana do you have in the span of, say, a year.”
“I’m not going over this with you again,” he nipped, making Clay look down in mock defeat.
He sighed longingly before straightening up. “Okay, fine. So, hypothetically speaking, how many strains.”
Ricky stared at him blankly and you knew if you looked up, you’d break character. “Don’t the two of you have somewhere to be? Like a cave or something?”
Clay let out a short laugh. “I’m free all night actually,” he spoke, smirking slightly. “Did you wanna check out a cave with me, baby?” Clay asked him, fluttering his eyelashes.
The two of you often rode the bus together; Clay's height mimicking a skyscraper over you to grab at the bar or handle above you and kneeing you in the butt just because you were short enough that he could. That would usually end in you elbowing him in the gut. When you were coming back from class was when you were a bit quieter usually, nearly falling asleep as you stood by him and then fighting off a blush when he would wrap an arm around you just to keep you balanced upright. When he had first ridden the bus, you had completely forgotten what had told him in the elevator.
Your fingers tightened around the pole attaching the overhead bus shelf to the ground, attempting to steady yourself as you stared out the window adjacent to you. The bus screeched to a halt, jolting you forward slightly. The sea of new people obstructed your view, namely a tall figure as he sidestepped through the crowd of people. You furrowed your brows, brushing your hand against Clay’s arm to capture his attention.
He removed his headphones after pretending not to recognize you. He greeted you and grabbed onto the bar you had commandeered, leaning on the bus wall beside you. “Don’t you have a car?” You asked, reaching out to lightly pull on the lanyard sticking out of his pocket.
He smirked, brushing your hand off. “It’s dangerous down there, careful,” he jeered, making you roll your eyes at his lude joke. “Is there something wrong with supporting local businesses?”
Your brows knitted together in disbelief. “We’re on a city bus, Dream.” He shrugged. You bit your lip slightly, your mind breaking off into another explanation. “You wouldn’t be stalking me, would you?” You baited, a ghost of a blush settling over his cheeks.
He reached forward to cover your mouth. “You ask too many questions.”
He moved closer to let someone have the seat beside him, his hand settling to the space just above yours as your sides threatened to touch. You bit back the idea that Clay was following you around, finding a silent pleasure in that fact. He would probably never admit it fully.
He towered over you as the bus swayed, you having to lean back slightly in order to talk to him. “So, are you gonna walk me to class too then, simp?” You mocked, making him shake his head.
He narrowed his eyes at you. “I’m not a simp, thanks,” he answered with a tinge of sarcasm in his voice. “And maybe I will.”
You crossed your legs, knees popping as you bent out of your previous position on the kitchen floor with your back pressed against one of the sink’s cabinet doors. Clay was on his back, shoulders emerged in that same cupboard as he messed with the sink. You handed him a tool that he vaguely asked for, your eyes lingering on his old high school shirt celebrating some kind of sports achievement.
You chewed the inside of your cheek. “Dream?” You got his attention, delaying your question. He hummed in acknowledgment. “How many people have you slept with?”
He was quiet for a moment. “Let me think,” he murmured, making you snicker. “Three.”
“You had to think about that?” You joshed.
He chuckled at your words. “Well, I mean. No one’s asked me what my body count is since like… I don’t know honestly.” He peeked out at you momentarily. “Why? You looking to be number four?” He jeered, a smirk brushing across his lips as you rolled your eyes.
You huffed sarcastically. “Yeah, you wish,” you mumbled, fighting not to blush.
“Maybe I do,” he stated plainly.
You opened your mouth to retort, but Sapnap walked in, peering down at his phone with an unbending concentration. Clay sat up beside you, flashing you a look before Sapnap began to speak. “I have a date. I just wanted you guys to know,” he stated before grabbing his coat off of one of the hooks. He finally looked up from his phone, lazily point a finger at the pair of you. “Don’t hook up. It’ll make it awkward for me and I’m not ready to deal with you guys being together yet.”
Clay laughed and your ears warmed, rolling your eyes as he left the two of you with his words.
After an hour, Sapnap’s words were blown to the wind as Clay’s fingers carded through your hair, his lips pressed against yours in some kind of heated passion to prove himself to you; that he was worthy of being with you in such an intimate way.
You weren’t hesitant, to say the least, and had even initiated the manner as the sun had begun to set. You had been sitting beside each other, lazily discussing your sex lives and lack-there-of.
“So, these three… Do you still keep in touch?” You asked him, watching as his green eyes searched yours for the reason behind your questions. The deep orange rays of the sunset peeked through the blinds to reflect against his blond hair.
He shook his head. “They were all me being stupid, basically. I didn’t really like any of them,” he admitted, making your stomach turn. “What about you? What’s your number?”
You shrugged. “Zero,” you snorted.
He raised his eyebrows slightly. “Oh, that’s right. I knew that,” he recounted as if he were remembering what you’d told him when the two of you were trapped in the elevator. “Um… Why?”
You shrugged again. “I’ve never trusted anyone enough.” He barely bit his lip, nodding in understanding. You cleared your throat. “It’s not that it’s a big deal to me or anything, I just… I’d like to feel safe during it, at least,” you clarified.
“It’s okay if it’s a big deal,” he stated. “It was important to me too at one point. I just…” he sighed. “I don’t know. I guess I got caught up in the pressure of losing it.”
You nodded, letting a breath of silence pass between the two of you. “Would you want to…” You looked away from him, biting back a grin at how stupid you were about to sound. “Would you want to take my virginity?”
He nearly giggled. “You feel safe with me?”
You snorted. “Yeah. I mean, I like you,” you answered, biting back a laugh. The air between you was mellow and easy. You had thrown your awkwardness out the window after Sapnap had left. “I mean, you’re one of my best friends, you know. But it’s just an offer.”
He grinned, a dusting of red settling in his cheeks from the pride he was beaming at you. “No, I want to. I just… I want you to be sure.”
You chewed on your bottom lip. “Yeah, I’m sure. But if it’s too much pressure and everything, like I get it.”
He chuckled. “Quit. I’m honored honestly.”
You laughed. “Okay, then do it,” you stated.
And there the two of you were, Clay’s breath warm against your skin as he knotted his fingers with yours, moaning as you ground your hips against his. You could tell he was holding back for your sake, being as gentle as he could and trying not to crush you under his massive frame.
When you had pictured losing your virginity in the past, you’d always thought your body would be urging you to be thinking of something else, racing with pure terror as your partner got themselves off to get it over with. But Clay’s hands were careful, slowly introducing you to different sensations and testing the waters for you. Your mind was only focused on the fact that Clay smelled like lavender; the scent lingering on his clothes and in his hair.
You slipped your hands under the hem of his shirt, before pulling it over his head. You hadn’t seen him naked before, but heat flushed to your cheeks at the view of him, even if he had pressed you into another kiss as soon as he had discarded his shirt. As he pressed a leg between yours, you moaned, fingers traveling along the length of his spine. His taste of bitter coffee and mint was becoming your new obsession as his tongue pressed into your mouth, grinding his hips against yours.
He leaned off of you to remove your shirt, every instinct telling you to cover back up, but he brushed it off, pressing his lips to yours again as his thumb gently brushed against your side. “Don’t worry. I won’t tell anyone you’re hot,” he joked, making you giggle as he lightened the mood.
“You’re so charming,” you mocked, running your fingers into his hair as his lips pressed against your neck lovingly.
He chuckled. “Only when you’re around,” he answered, making you laugh again.
The next morning, you sat beside Clay at the breakfast table, the two of you chatting about a movie you were planning on seeing later in the day. Sapnap strolled in, eyeing you carefully with his lips pursed. You both looked up at him as if to motion for him to spit out whatever was bothering him.
Sapnap took to the chair on the other side of Clay after pouring himself a cup of coffee. “Okay, so am I supposed to pretend I didn’t see you sneaking out of Dream’s room this morning?” He gestured between the two of you. “And now you’re wearing each other’s hoodies.” Out of the corner of your eye, you watched Clay look down with a small “what?” whispering from his lips quietly. “I mean come on, that one was mine at one point,” he continued, his comments mainly directed at you.
You scoffed. “Am I supposed to pretend you didn’t come back until an hour ago and I know you don’t carry condoms?” You countered.
Clay let out a soft gasp. “Sapnap… safe sex.” At this point he was just the Sophoclean chorus; the peanut gallery.
Sapnap sent you a sarcastic grin, disregarding your statement. “Am I supposed to pretend like I didn’t tell you guys not to hook up and you did?” Clay sipped his drink at this. “I mean, look at you two!” He swatted his finger to point at where the two of your hands were joined together.
In reality, you weren’t even sure when Clay had grabbed your hand or even that you here holding onto him as well. “Am I supposed to pretend like you didn’t do that on purpose so we didn’t bother you for a few hours?” You shot back.
Sapnap’s mouth dramatically tilted, brows raised in shock. “A Few. Hours?”
You covered your mouth as Clay laughed beside you.
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creweemmaeec11 · 3 years
My Demonic Lullaby
A hero x demon snippet partly inspired by both @the-modern-typewriter and @amethystpath-writes hero and demon snippets. This idea actually predates my sleep paralysis snippet, but I never got around to writing it till their snippets got me back on the hero x demon train 😂 Next part to follow soon hopefully!
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Insomnia really sucked, Ellory decided. He was already *exhausted* from the fight with one of the cities top villains earlier that day. He was aching all over, his head was throbbing, it was already 3am and yet he *still* couldn't fall asleep.
The hero rolled over onto his back with a groan, both from annoyance and the pain of moving. His ribs ached, still, open cuts stung. His hands came up to rub his face and eyes.
"What I wouldn't give to be able to sleep like a normal person," Ellory mumbled under his breath.
He closed his eyes, flipped his pillow for the * fourth* time that night, and thunked his head back down to the bed.
"Seriously," he muttered to the empty air, "what is it going to cost for me to sleep?"
Ellory had asked the question more to himself, as if asking his brain what he had to do to finally get the rest he so desperately craved.
He wasn't expecting an *actual* answer.
"Need some help?" a low and smooth voice asked from what sounded like the corner of the room.
Ellory tried to snap his head in the direction of the voice, only to be unimpressed by the fact he couldn't move.
"*Oh you have GOT to be kidding me*" Ellory mentally groaned, "*I ask to sleep and what do I get? Sleep paralysis, and even a disembodied voice hallucination to go with it!*"
Suddenly the voice chuckled, "Not quite,"
Now, the hero wasn't new to sleep paralysis. He didn't get it often, but every now and then it would creep its way in. This was the first time it had ever happened *before* going to sleep though. It was also the first time he'd ever hallucinated.
Ellory knew that there were others who had crazy hallucinations, even knew one hero who said they got them almost every night. (Even though they gave Ellory a weird look when they said they'd been getting better recently) Luckily for him though, prior to tonight, the worst he'd ever seen was a shadow or two.
His eyes turned, glancing over as best he could to the corner of his room. Despite the darkness, he could see some vaguely human-shaped swirling shadow. The only way he could make it out at all was because it was somehow even *darker* than the shadows around it.
Luckily, the shadow was just kind of standing there, and despite what his other hero friend had said, it didn't look very scary...
The hero mentally sighed again, letting his eyes slip closed. He was *so* tired. Why couldn't he just sleep?!
"That would probably be the insomnia," the voice stated sarcastically.
"*Thank you captain obvious,*" the hero mentally retorted, before stopping, "*great, now I am literally having a conversation with myself. Maybe villain DID hit me in the head too hard today,"*
The disembodied voice snickered again. Though highly amused, it wasn't mocking or unkind.
"No, you're head is fine. But you never answered my question," the shadow-thing said, its vague shape shifting over, more into Ellory's sight.
Whatever hallucination his brain had come up with didn't seem to be going away any time soon.
"*And that was?*" the hero replied. He had nothing better to do than to just amuse... well, himself; he supposed.
"Would you like some help sleeping?"
"*I would LIKE to be asleep already! And real sleeping, not this nonsense,*"
"I can help," the voice offered, seemingly as the shape took a step forward.
"*Oh I'm sure you can*" the hero replied sarcastically, "*If so, then why aren't you?*"
"You need to say yes for us to make a deal,"
Whatever hallucination Ellorys brain had decided to come up with, it certainly picked... an interesting voice. There wasn't anything wrong with the voice itself, in fact, it was quite pleasant to listen to. It sounded slightly masculine, low and gentle, yet not raspy in the slightest, like whatever this illusion was had never had a sore throat in their life. The weird thing, was it sounded confident and in control, but *wasn't*. The hero had been around villains enough to detect when a false bravado was just that; fake.
Especially with nothing else to do but listen, Ellory was able to easily pick up on the slight hesitations, the shaky undertones, and even the way the tones shifted, despite his sleep-deprived state.
Why would his brain come up with such a random yet weirdly detailed hallucination?
Maybe he *had* hit his head more than once.
"*A deal?*" the hero groaned again, "*Just sleep already!*"
"I can ensure you get a good night's rest every night, if you'd like...just tell me; do I have your permission to help you sleep?"
"*Yes! Please!*" Ellory internally cried. He was arguing - no, *begging* - his own hallucination. That's what tonight has devolved to.
"Very well then," the disembodied voice hummed. The last thing the hero remembered was opening his eyes to see the shadow move closer before things went black.
The next thing Ellory knew, he awoke the next morning, feeling shockingly well-rested.
What a weird dream he'd had last night.
The hero moved to get up, before remembering he was injured and braced for the wave of pain... only for nothing to come.
He looked down, lifting up his shirt to examine his abdomen and... what the hell?
What had previously been a sprawling mess of deep slashes, purplish-black bruises and swelling was now nothing more than a few scrapes, small cuts and the occasional tender spot.
Ellory skimmed his fingers across the surface of his skin, baffled.
Had it just looked worse in the dark? That made no sense.
Regardless, he wasn't about to complain, and he didn't have time to dwell on it. Being a hero meant busy days.
Unfortunately, as the week progressed, the strange occurrences only escalated.
While walking down the stairs the following day, Ellory tripped, nearly going head over heels, before something seemed to suddenly catch him, turning him in the air and standing him upright again.
It had happened so fast. Maybe his reaction times were better than he'd thought? Regardless, Ellory just brushed it off.
But then the following day, one of the cities villains threw a knife at him. He would have reacted to it too slowly if the knife hadn't suddenly stopped in the air mere millimetres in front of him before dropping to the ground with a clatter.
Now he was officially a little weirded out.
But the events just kept happening.
Doors were opening in front of him, only to close when he walked through. He'd knocked a glass of water off the counter, only to look down and see it had landed perfectly, not a drop spilt. His mail from the apartment mailboxes had appeared on his kitchen table when he didn't remember going to get it. Lights were flicking on and off when he'd enter or leave a room. One night he'd even realized he felt a bit chilly, only to hear the heater turn on seconds later.
One night, he fell asleep on the couch, only to wake up with a blanket over him he *swore* wasn't there when he fell asleep.
And yet, the hero had also been getting a great rest every night, drifting off almost as soon as his head hit the pillow.
It wasn't until today, however, that Ellory really began to panic.
The hero had been on the rooftop of an office building, with a villain *on top* of him. (These events had really throw Ellory off his game)
This specific villain, however, wasn't particularly nasty, and Ellory had successfully reasoned with them before, and so despite the knife to their throat, they weren't quite panicked yet.
Said knife was still being held a couple inches away from their throat, more of a warning to stay down than an actual threat of "I'm one word away from slitting your windpipe open,"
"You, are becoming an increasing pain in the ass,"
The hero gave a small smile, "trust me, the feeling is mutual, but you know I can't let you do this,-"
He was cut off by the villain thrusting the knife much closer, "I wasn't aware you-"
Suddenly, without warning, the villain was launched back into the air, catapulted off him. Ellory watched them skid across the roof where they landed a couple meters away.
Whatever the villain saw when they looked back up made the colour drain from their face. They immediately pushed themselves up to their feet, staggered back a few steps, eyes wide, before they turned tail and fled.
The hero was frozen.
*What the hell?!*
Ellory looked down at his shaking hands.
*What the hell just happened?!*
Quickly, the hero got to his feet and took off home, completely panicked. He ran as fast as he could, as if something was chasing on his heels, breathing down his neck. It felt like his own shadow wanted to catch him.
*Something was wrong* *Something was really wrong*
As soon as he made it into his apartment, Ellory ran into his bathroom, looking at himself in the mirror.
He looked normal, though slightly red, which was just the consequence of being so out of breath. He was panting, breathing heavily and shaking. His hair was also a mess, a combination of both the frantic running and previous fight.
He could hear the frantic drumming of his heart in his ears.
Ellory took a deep breath, trying to ground himself. Grip tightening on the counter's edge.
Bending down into the sink, he splashed his face with cold water.
He was patting his face dry with a towel when a voice behind him startled him.
"I'm sorry...."
Ellory's head shot up. In the mirror, he could see a dark shadowy figure in the corner of the bathroom behind him.
The hero immediately whirled around, but was greeted by nothing more than an empty bathroom. His eyes wandered around warily, but not a thing seemed out of place.
Great, was he hallucinating now too?
He sighed, relaxing from the scare before turning back to the mirror and-
Ellory froze.
There in the mirror, in the same spot as before, was the shadowy figure.
He glanced back and forth between the mirror and back corner, but the dark humanoid shape was only visible in the reflection.
There was a few moments of silence as the hero simply stared, brain reeling, trying to make sense of what he was seeing.
The shape was in constant motion, shadows swirling gently, like a foggy aura surrounding a much darker silhouette. The constant movement made it near impossible for the eye to focus on any one part of it, as if trying to see the individual particles in a stream of smoke.
The silhouette inside the aura was a bit more defined, at least around the head and shoulders. Apart from the clearly humanoid shape, the darker mass had no other identifiable features; except for its eyes, which were like two white voids, with a slightly darker pupil in the center.
Said eyes met Ellory's momentarily, before being cast downwards almost sheepishly.
That's when it clicked. The sheepish posture. This was the same shadowy figure from nearly a week ago.
He opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out. He couldn't think of anything to say.
The figure seemed to take the action to mean he'd had enough time to process.
"I'm sorry for scaring you," they apologized, sounding genuine.
The hero blinked.
*This was really happening*
"What..." the hero managed, barely getting the words out of his mouth. His brain had stalled.
"I was only trying to help," the shadow went on to explain sheepishly.
Something in the hero's stomach seemed to drop, "What... what are you?" He asked nervously.
"I think you know what I am," the demon replied quietly.
Ellory swallowed.
"Why can I only see you in the mirror now when I could see you fine last time?" He asked as if that was the most pressing question at the moment. Perhaps it was the only question he could handle the answer to right now.
"You may want to change your definition of 'fine', you were experiencing sleep paralysis last time,"
Finally, Ellory's brain seemed to catch up, "Why are you here again?"
The shadow in the corner seemed to still slightly, "I'm here because we made a deal,"
Deal...? They didn't make any... wait-
"You tricked me?!"
"Hey!" The demon snapped indignantly, posture suddenly defensive, "Not entirely! I've kept up my end of the deal! You haven't had any trouble sleeping this week have you‽"
Well, no... but...
The hero couldn't help but swallow nervously again, "so then what's *my* end of the deal?"
The shadow's posture instantly deflated again, "just let me hang around, basically..."
Hang around what? His house? Surely not because the demon had been there when he was fighting the villain so clearly-
"You possessed me!?" Ellory realized, eyes widening.
"No!" They replied, sounding almost horrified at the idea, "possession would be taking over control entirely! I'm just... taking up residence in the back corner?"
"Please don't send me back!" The demon pleaded. Their voice was suddenly so *desperate* sounding. The hero could even see the desperation in their white eyes. "I'll do whatever you want I promise! I'll go back into hiding and won't do anything! You won't even know I'm here I swear! I-"
The shadow was full-on rambling now, sounding more and more desperate with every word.
It was probably absurd that his heroic instincts flared, but he couldn't help it! This... being(?) really sounded like they were in trouble. Like they were genuinely scared.
"Hey, hey, it's okay-" Ellory interrupted, holding his hands up and taking a step forward. His heart sank when the figure flinched back, sinking in on itself and pinning its eyes closed as if bracing for something.
When nothing happened after a moment, the demon risked opening their eyes again. Still, they never said anything, just sheepishly stood in the corner as if waiting for a verdict, looking like they wanted nothing more than to hide in their own shadow.
Ellory took a deep breath, surveying the situation. The creature in front of him certainly didn't seem dangerous... and he hadn't tried to hurt the hero at all. Being able to sleep without any problems was also a nice bonus...
"so your... not... going to hurt me or anything?"
The shadow shook its head almost frantically.
"Ok..." Ellory took another deep breath, "As long as you don't hurt me, and don't do anything unless I tell you to, you can stay, okay?"
The demon in the corner immediately perked up, eyes brightening, "r-really?!"
The hero nodded.
"Thank you!" The shadow cheered, and Ellory would swear he could almost see a smile, "Thank you so much! You won't regret it I promise!"
And then just like that, there was a poof of smoke and the demon's reflection vanished, leaving a confused hero that still had a million questions alone in the bathroom.
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fandom-imagines · 4 years
Sweet little darling~
Fandom: House of Wax (2005)
Pairing: Bo Sinclair X Fem!Reader
Warnings: Canon typical violence, domestic abuse (abusive relationship; not Bo) Kind of out-of-character Bo, depends on how you headcanon him for liking someone! Also not proofread yet.
Words: 2.55k 
Summary: Kindness can get you killed, but it can also get you out of a sticky situation.
Part Two!
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To anybody that saw their relationship, it was evident that the feeling wasn’t mutual. Perhaps it once had been, but it no longer was, and for good reason.
“You fucking bitch!” The scream echoed throughout the building, one body looming over a small, cowering young woman.
“I’m sorry,” she mumbled, doing her best to hold back the tears that were threatening to fall.  “Please don’t hurt m-“ her pleas were cut short as a tight hand grasped her arm and tugged her onto her feet, a harsh slap hitting her cheek shortly afterwards.
“Please don’t hurt me,” he cruelly laughed, mimicking her frightened and desperate tone. “How pathetic.”
“I’m sorry,”
With one final laugh, her boyfriend tossed her to the ground.
Laughter filled the truck the group of friends were currently seated in, music blaring through the speakers of a radio one of them had brought but their drunk selves were unable to remember who.
Four of the friends engaged in conversation about anything their clouded minds could think of, whilst the final friend lay against the side of the car, desperately avoiding the demanding gaze her boyfriend was giving her and had been giving her the entire night.
It was clear what he wanted.
Eyes fixated on the green of the grass beneath her, Y/N noticed an approaching truck. Choosing not to say anything, she silently waited for somebody else to notice the vehicle.
“Guys,” Lucy, a close friend of Y/N’s boyfriends, called. “Who is that?”
By now the headlights of the truck were focused on the gang who were circled around the campfire, narrowly avoiding Y/N’s figure.
“James, do something?” Y/N winced as she watched another of the girls grasp onto her boyfriends muscular arm, her blonde hair rubbing against his bare chest.
“Can we help you?” He yelled over the sound of the roaring engine, their music having been paused the second they had notice the driver. “Look dude, this isn’t funny. Just fuck off!”
James’s final sentence was one that made his girlfriend cringe, body remembering the way he had hurt her the night before using that exact same tone; it almost made her cry.
Deciding to stop him before this escalated any further, Y/N made her way towards James before placing a hand on his chest to signal him to back down. This seemed to only anger him further, something that was clear by the way his hands balled into fists. Nobody noticed, except one other person.
“Leave it,” she whispered into his ear, hand dropping from his body to hopefully ease his anger.
James’s hand reach out to her, grabbing his own with a bruising force and tugging her into him as he leaned down to her ear, ignoring the whistles from his friends who assumed he was saying something sexual.
“Just you wait till I get you alone,” James snarled in her ear, unaware of the way an unknown man glared at him before driving away.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” James spat, smashing his hand against the cars hood. “It’s busted, the fan belt is fucked.”
His anger seemed to put everybody on edge as they all fell into an uncomfortable silence, something that was uncommon for them.
“You needed a new one anyway,” Y/N mumbled, just loud enough for him to hear.
“Don’t you fucking start,” while his words were directed towards his girlfriend, the others assumed it was aimed at the car in sarcasm; ignorance is bliss after all.
“I can help y’all.” A seemingly kind voice yelled from behind them, having heard the entire conversation. “Sorry, couldn’t help but overhear ya. There’s a town not to far from here. A guy, Bo, runs a gas stop, I’m sure he’d have some.”
Before James could rudely decline this man, Y/N decided to respond. “Do you know how to get there?”
“I’ll drive ya! Truck can only fit two of you though,”
“That’d be great!” She gave the unnamed man a gentle smile, one which he gladly returned. “When are you ready?”
“Now is good,”
She simply nodded, rushing towards the car without giving James a chance to say anything, only leaving him time to follow her, but not before a “fuck sake,” left his lips.
“Thank you so much, Lester!” She grinned once again as she hopped from his truck.
“It was no bother, pleasure to meet you Y/N,” he smiled back at her, ruffling her hair slightly before realising the angered look on James’s face. “And you of course,” he nodded awkwardly whilst his hand dropped back to his side. “You two take care now,” and with those words, he drove away.
“Fucking slutting yourself out to weird men, typical,” James spat as he tugged Y/N’s hand so that she was following him into the town, ignoring how she almost tripped in the process.
“I’m sorry, I was just being nice. He was helping us!” She all but yelled, silently praying for him to loosen his grip so that she doesn’t have to use all of her concealer hiding, yet another, mark from him.
“Sure he was. He didn’t just want to get into your pants or anything, huh?”
Ignoring his hurtful words, Y/N began to look around the town.
It was quiet, too quiet. But when she began to think, it was Sunday and there was a Church up ahead at the end of the road which would make more sense, especially considering how early in the morning it was.
“There’s the garage,” James said, dropping her hand to instead point at the small garage not far from them. “Let’s go,”
Y/N followed him, quickly striding to keep up with his large legs.
“There’s nobody here,” she sighed, watching as James just barged his way into the unoccupied garage. “You can’t just go in there! That’s rude.”
“Do I give a fuck? Wait out there for all I care,”
So she chose to do just that.
“Oh, hi!” A tall man in a suit gave Y/N a bright grin, accidentally startling her slightly. “You need something?”
“O-oh, hi! Uhm, my boyfriend is in there, I’m sorry I told him not too, he needs a fan belt? I have no idea what one of them is but I-“
The man chuckled, smiling once again as he put his arm around her waist to guide her inside. “Don’t worry, darling. I got ya,” his words were somewhat calming, as though he was offering to protect her from James, despite not knowing what was going on, or perhaps he did.
“You finally grew a p-“James’s words fell short as he turned to see a man, who was significantly taller than him, stood beside his girlfriend. “Hello?”
“Hi, names Bo,” Bo’s tone was a lot blunter than the charming one he had been using previously. “You need something?” He repeated his previous words, instead this time to James and less kind. “You are in my garage after all.”
Despite knowing that Bo could easily subdue him, James chose to get angry anyway. “You got a problem with me? Don’t leave it unlocked if you don’t want people coming in,”
“James leave it,” Y/N gently pushed herself between Bo and James as James began to try get into his face. “Just ask him for what you need and let’s go.”
“Fine, we need a fan belt. Fifteen inch.”
“I might be able to do that, but you’ve already had a look so let me know what I’ve got,” Bo smirked at the angered expression on the mans face at his words.
So maybe he did have a problem with James, a problem neither of the couple knew of.
“Not a fifteen,”
“Then they’re back at the house,”
“The house? Why would they be there?”
“Deliveries are delivered there, easier for everyone really.”
Y/N watched as the two men interacted, Bo incredibly calm whilst James was boiling with anger. Part of her was scared of how he would react, his threat about ‘waiting till they’re alone’ floating around in her mind, yet some strange part of her felt safe knowing that Bo was there. Perhaps it was the fact that he could fight him with ease, or maybe that James would, most likely, never harm her in front of another person.
“Let’s just go,” She pleaded, desperation swimming in her Y/E/C orbs.
“No, I’ll stay, you go.” James seemed pleased with this idea, smirking at the way his girlfriends body tensed; he enjoyed the fear he caused her.
“That’s fine with me,” Bo chimed in, offering Y/N a smile. “That fine with you?”
“Yeah, yeah that’s fine.”
“Let me just lock up,” Bo said, leading the visitors out into the street, much to James’s dismay, before locking up. “Let’s go then.” He gave James one last sarcastic smile before leading Y/N away from him.
“Do you live with anyone here?”
Y/N and Bo had been talking for a while now, having chosen to take a slow walk instead. He was nice, to her anyway. She felt as though he understood her, despite not knowing a thing about her.
“Nah, I live with my brother,” Came his response, winking at the girl as he ran a hand through his dark hair, enjoying the way she blushed under his gaze.
She knew it was wrong, finding him both attractive and sweet. But he was both of those, and James was neither, not to her at least. Maybe it was because he was the first person to be this kind to her in a long time, or maybe it was the feeling of safety she felt around him, but she was enjoying his company more than anyone else’s.
“Oh, that must be fun!”
Bo chuckled at her enthusiasm, “I suppose so,”
The pair walked up to Bo’s home, guilt filling the girl’s chest each time she let Bo’s hand brush against her own. She simply enjoyed the sparks flying throughout her body, forgetting about the pain she would receive later as a punishment.
“We’re here,” Bo’s words pulled Y/N from her thoughts, almost tripping over a rock as she came back to reality. “Easy there,” Bo shook his head whilst smiling as he caught her, sneakily pulling her body into his own without her realising it was not an accident.
“Thank you,” she blushed, unknowingly allowing herself to melt into his touch, feeling the need to savour every kind and gentle touch she was getting from a stranger.
“No problem, darling,” he smirked, once again enjoying the way she blushed at the nickname he had given her.
Hand still around her waist, Bo guided her into his home.
“Take a seat, I need to get out of this horrible suit.” His words caused a giggle to leave Y/N’s lips, her head nodding as she took a seat on the faded leather couch, watching Bo leave the room to go change.
“Sorry to keep ya waiting, Darl.” Bo’s voice startled Y/N, her body jolting in a way that made Bo feel slightly guilty, something that he rarely felt. “Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you.”
“No, it’s okay. It was my fault,” she offered him a weak smile, twiddling with the hem of her short-sleeved t-shirt when he seated himself beside her.
“That looks painful,” his hands cautiously reached out to gently take her hand, fingers lightly running across a hand-shaped bruise that had began to form. “You shouldn’t let him treat you like that,” Bo’s spare hand reached up to her face, hand cupping one cheek which made her flinch, Bo frowning at the action.
Bo had no idea why she was apolgoising to him. It had been him that touched her, but it all made sense in his head.
“Does he hit you?”
Her lack of response was enough for him to understand to full situation.
“I’m sorry,”
“Don’t be, darling.” He sighed, hand moving from her cheek to her neck to pull her head towards his lips, planting a soft kiss on it, something that made her almost cry along with his sweet words.
“Thank you,” her own arms wrapped around his torso, grateful to be given affection without it feeling forced.
“You took your time,” James spat as Y/N walked towards him, Bo having quickly headed to the gas station for something that she couldn’t remember the name of. “Were you shagging him or something?”
“N-no,” the nervousness in her voice was something that caused Y/N to cringe, knowing that he wouldn’t believe her.
“Oh, you were.” James’s hands balled into fists as he stalked towards her, ready to attack.
“No, I had to get changed,” Bo’s deep voice startled both of them, James’s fists unclenching immediately.
“Sorry, man. Can’t be too careful with girls like these, can you?” He laughed, trying to play off his previous words as a joke.
“Can’t be too careful with men like yourself either, can you?” Bo’s words seemed innocent, despite having a deeper meaning.
“What?” James snapped. “You told him about us?” He yelled as he turned to face Y/N whose breathing was becoming laboured in fear. “You little bitch!”
As James began to march towards his girlfriend, a tight hand grabbed his fist, spinning him to face the holder only to not be able to see because of a hard punch hitting him in the jaw. The only thing he could hear was a gasp from Y/N and the ringing in his ears as he dropped to the ground.
“Not so tough now, are you?” Bo sniggered. “You can hit a woman but the second a man touches you, you’re out cold. Pathetic,”
Y/N stood frozen to the spot, unsure of how to react.
She hadn’t expected Bo to attack him. In fact, she hadn’t expected him to do anything at all to him or about her situation. Those who knew didn’t care, so why would a stranger?
“You fucking dick!” James screamed, climbing back onto his feet to throw a punch at Bo, one that he barely reacted to.
“Leave him alone!” Y/N yelled, darting between James and Bo, shoving James away from him to the best of her ability.
“You fucking whore. I should’ve known this is what would’ve happened. Actually, I guess I already did.” His words were fast, but his fist moved towards her faster.
Bo was quicker however, grabbing the man’s fist and twisting it behind his back before kicking his legs from beneath him, effectively knocking him to the ground again.
“Vincent!” Bo yelled. “Got one for ya,” both Y/N and James were confused at his words, fear filling them both as a masked man came running out into the street, knife in hand.
Bo took Y/N’s hand, pushing her behind his hand so that she couldn’t see the horror that Vincent was committing to her boyfriend in full glory.
“Y-you killed him…” Her words were quiet, watching from one eye as the man, who she assumed to be Vincent, tugged away the lifeless body. “Are you going to kill me too?”
“You’re safe here, Y/N.” Bo’s words were quiet, praying nobody else heard his true self speaking. “I’ll take care of you. Nobody will ever hurt you again, my sweet little darling.”  
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pastelpaperplanes · 3 years
You mostly draw Megatron with Crusade in his Cybertronian look but in your canons it was said that while carrying the spark Megs wore his Marauder look. Did Megatron changed bodies or is the Canon changed?
yes! haha so hmm let’s see. So far up until A Little Too Familiar I have tossed Crusade into my Crackship AU—because with the Cybertron’s future AU with a whole lot of my other sparklings, ones that have considered backstories, they wouldn’t exist because of Shamus and Envoy!—and yes in the Crack AU, Megan does sport his Marauder Upgrade.
I’m still 1000% open to keeping Crusade as like,,a cameo for the Crack AU but I will say I’m getting far too attached to their character to better NOT explore them more in a more intricate backstory kind of sense! Many of the asks I’ve answered previously about Crusade’s personality and future are still canon—with the exemption that Crusade has a far more present/loving relationship with their Carrier, who as a literal helicopter parent is near suffocating in his protectiveness and efforts to keep his sparkling away from the hands and influence of the Autobots, even if that means locking them away on the Nemesis far too much to be healthy, and lying straight to their face, and others, about their origins.
Since the TFN 2021 S4 kickoff script reading I’ve been leaning towards guess what—a whole other AU that continues RIGHT after that point, much like where the CF AU would—only certain rescission within the timeline have been changed leading to, in some relationships, a vastly different setting for a next generation! (No, I don’t think I’d create a whole ton of other sparklings in place, for example a planned Strika/Lugnut kiddo wouldn’t happen for obvious reasons, nor would Shmaus or Envoy exist!! Who would remain, THAT I will figure out later down the line.) So Megatron is not in his Marauder form, Optimus is named Magnus, Jazz is with team Prime/Ninja Corps, Sentinel is still a dick figures, Prowl is still dead and so forth.
What I have planned is sort of like where the Deceptions sport a retreat after their bust on Earth when attempting to take over the central line of techno organic energon. The Cons faced losses, high command was scrambled and still very much injured from their cruel, and unusual keeping within Trypticon, heavy sacrifices turned out to NOT reap greater rewards, and the troops are still starving—and starving, scared mecha are far more dangerous than angry ones.
Optimus is still coming to terms that he is due to lead Cybertron, under the title of Optimus Magnus as soon as he’s back, whether he likes it or not as the front lines are still very much on edge with the evermore increasingly violent rouge Con raids.
I made some commentary on the reading as a whole which was PHENOMENAL and I’m still riding the high that is the fanTASTIC work that was put into is, like god. There was a brief but hilarious moment from Rattletrap where he attempted to sell off a crudely photoshopped Megop photograph as dirt—a part of me thought it would be even MORE hilarious if said photo was actually, used and Op was left sputtering after a double take going like how did they find that. HOW.
My poor, poor fanfic loving heart got going on of course the What if the Enemies Were Fraternizing Throughout the Whole of The Show, Morals be Damned in Those Stolen Moments Because I Like YOU For Some Reason trope. Wow is me, be still my beating HEART. It did not stop—so I made another AU :D yayyyyy
Basically the creation of Crusade follows along in this timeline in that sense. They were a product of one too many lonely nights in some far off abandoned cave that never could quite seem to end with a civil conversation, let alone spark apprehension from the other when it came to going toe to toe of the battlefield for the sake of their Causes. A Comfort without Strings relationship, even if they did come to grow fond of each other, not that they’d ever admit it—a confession, in a sense, would only hurt both parties knowing that the two would never give up their motivations in the ‘impossible ‘case that said feelings were mutual.
From the looks of it, the Autobots did not once tend to the Deceptions during their stay at Trypticon. Megs still sported bare struts and tattered armor up to his escape—it would be believable that medics never once ran scans, let alone were ordered to get anywhere near the high command. With already being in such poor shape, battered, humiliated, starved, violated (those minicons?? homage to Trepan??? yikessssss) and sedated—it would be believable that Megatron wouldn’t pay notice to a small flutter in his spark amongst all the pain and anxiety, at least until he finally could gather his bearings under the lockdown of his temporary fortress stuck on Earth.
Megatron, knowing he was alone, now extremely vulnerable, heavily outnumbered and out favored by his remaining struggling troops, called upon his definitely not most favorite sub team to cower behind—the DJD, to meet his blaring distress beacon.
Tarn and his crew, with the help of the rest of high command’s signal dampeners, are able to as covertly as possible—minus the world sweeper size of the Peaceful Tyranny and the paralyzing droning on of the Empyrean Suite that Tarn just loves so dearly—made it off planet save for a few bumps and bruises from the small force of Team Prime. The High & Mighty Megatron was no where to be seen in the action. Probably off in a hurry to lick his wounds in retreat after getting his ass handed to him, many assumed, but Nickel knew better. Tarn knew better. Something was terribly wrong in order to resort to a ‘cowardly’ extraction and evasion mission.
You can see where I’m going w this—so anyways YES that is the general gist of where this AU kicks off!!! Megs and Op, particularly Megs, got unlucky on their last night together—eventually all leading to the introduction of the previously secretive back up weapon that was the DJD. Coming to the rescue of their Fearless, All Powerful, and Resilient Leader?? A strange, but instantly understandable measure to resort to once Megatron reveals himself as a carrying mech, the beholder of a true heir and a testament to the resilience that is the Deceptions though the terrible reign the Autobots have held against them through the eons.
I’ll go into why he keeps Crusade on a tight leash and Op out of the loop entirely for as long as he possibly could—and how the rest of Megaton’s troops behaved around this clearly, half blooded Con sparkling their leader doted on— later!
Needless to say, Crusade’s reputation from the moment they were born was tottering on a fine line between that of pitiable condolences for their leader, and that of true Decepticon pride knowing that the one to lead them to glory some day is none other than one of the Autobots’ very own descendants.
Hope that kinda better explains things! I like Meg’s Cybertronian design, it’s sleek, it’s sexy, it’s easier to draw, and since S4 gave us a fresher design to admire of Optimus, why not have the same for his other half!
YEAHH. so new AU :D AYOOOO I’ll tag this timeline/future mentionings of Crusade and their journey as Cybertron’s Legacy AU
extremely stupid doodle under the cut! I can’t get over the duality of Old Written vs New Written Crusade ahhh 💀💀
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I found a horrifically perfect tik tok audio for these two oml
Swapping Megatron stories!
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cacoetheswriting · 3 years
hell or high water
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pairing: bucky barnes x fem!reader warnings: angst, possible tfatws spoilers, swearing, dealing with emotions / comforting, mutual pining, a lil fluff, & mentions of john walker [yes, i’m adding that as a warning] word count: 1.5k summary: unexpected, and rather devastating news, bring you and bucky together.
The calm before the storm - a period of unusual tranquillity and stability that often foreshadowed grave and difficult times.
The calm before the storm. That’s how you would describe what was happening during this moment, as you propped yourself up on the chair, silently observing Bucky for any sort of reaction to the breaking headline currently being shared on every single news channel.
John Walker. The new Captain America.
Bucky’s face was blank, although by now you’ve gotten to know him well enough to understand what the expression, or lack thereof, meant. He was irritated - no - he was fucking pissed. And truthfully, he had every right to be.
“I liked that what I was doing would make people feel safe. Steve Rogers was the kind of guy who could do that, he gave me hope. Even though I never met him, he feels like a brother.” John Walker’s voice sounded through the shitty speakers.
Bucky’s heart sank at the words. He smacked his lips together and exhaled.
“Hey, uhm… are you okay?” You asked in a hushed tone, eyes glued to the side of his face, nervously chewing down on your bottom lip. It was a really stupid question since you already knew the answer. Of course he wasn’t okay. Far from it, actually. In your eyes however, it was always better to check anyway. 
Especially since the man sitting on the cool ground only an arms length away from you wasn’t one to open up freely.
Bucky grunted in response, followed by a deep sigh.
“Just… peachy.” He huffed, before switching the tv off and sliding a hand down his face, wiping away any lone tears that may have escaped.
His response caused your heart to clench inside of your chest. You wanted to ease any pain the unexpected news caused him, but you weren’t exactly sure how. You felt extremely helpless, and from where you sat you could tell he was feeling the exact same - however, for different reasons.
His powerlessness was primarily fueled by anger.
And Bucky was aware the dangerous emotions circulating through his veins was undoubtedly stemming from heartbreak. Sorrow for everything he lost. Grief for the only family he had left.
Prior to meeting you, Steve was the only person that accepted him for who he was. Cherished him despite the many flaws and mistakes he’s made over the years. The only person in this whole damn universe who could easily separate him from his dark and troubled past. The only person who didn’t just see him as The Winter Soldier, a ruthless killing machine.
Prior to meeting you, Steve was the only person who truly and earnestly believed Bucky was a good person.
And now Bucky had to witness Captain America being formally replaced. As if Steve Rogers was nothing. As if he meant nothing.
Which is why, as the dark-haired man stared at his own hollow reflection in the blank television screen, he was glad you entered his life when you did.
His gaze trailed to the outline of your silhouette and a small smile circled his lips. Knowing that you were here for him. Knowing that it was no longer only Steve who wholeheartedly believed he was genuine and kind… He felt better.
You could see him looking at you through the black display. You could see the miniscule smile present on his features, and you couldn’t help but return the expression.
Soon enough you were up on your feet, gracefully moving from the rather uncomfortable chair to the even more uncomfortable floor next to Bucky. You placed your head on his shoulder and his whole body instantly relaxed at your proximity, at your gentle and soothing touch. His eyes locked with yours through the monitor and you could clearly make out the gratitude, the adoration.
Yes. For a brief moment, a split second, Bucky felt better.
“I’m sorry.” You mumbled, bringing your knees closer to your chest and wrapping one arm tightly around to hold them in place. “I’m sorry this is happening. I know it’s not what you wanted, and… I know it’s now what Steve wanted.”
“Don’t apologise.” Bucky was quick to contravene.
You just shrugged, your head still resting against him. “Well, the people that made this decision, the people that should apologise most definitely won’t, and it seems like something you need to hear. A simple apology.”
He huffed lightly, once again feeling grateful he had someone like you to ground him. God, if you weren’t here… No. No. He stopped himself and shook the disturbing thoughts away. It didn’t matter. It didn’t matter because you were here, and you weren’t going anywhere.
He swallowed.
But he was. He had no other choice.
“I- uh… I need to go, y/n. I need to find Sam. I need to talk to him and get some answers.”
“I know.” You stated simply, however there was a detectable hint of sadness in the tone of your voice. Bucky picked up on it immediately and he shifted in his position, so that he was now looking down at you.
His gaze burned into the side of your skull, lip quivering as he searched his mind for what to say next because he hated this. Hated it came to this. And you hated it too.
You began to feel guilty. If you weren’t in his life, he wouldn’t have this problem. He wouldn’t have you to worry about. He wouldn’t need to explain himself. There would be nothing holding him back.
Fuck, you thought, life was just starting to get easier.
Swallowing the growing lump at the back of your throat, you mustered up enough courage to face him. The amiable look in his eyes caused the butterflies in your stomach to flutter momentarily.
“But you’ll come back.” It wasn’t a request. It was a fact. Corners of your lips twirled into a timid smile, yet all Bucky could focus on were the tears you were trying really hard to fight back.
Slowly, he nodded his head. How could he not come back? All you did these last few months was make him a little bit happier. He could only dream to one day return the favour, because as smart as Bucky Barnes was, he had no idea he already made you the happiest you’d ever been.
“I’ll come back.” He reassured.
He chuckled softly before repeating, “Alive.”
Lifting your hand, you tenderly brushed your fingers down his cheek and across his jawline. It shouldn’t have come as a surprise that he leaned into your touch. It shouldn’t have, but it did. Because as you held his face in the palm of your hand while he studied every inch of yours, the uncertainty of when you would see each other again gradually settling in, you realised you’ve never been this close to one another.
You thought perhaps you should pull back, that this was a little too close for comfort, but you found yourself unable to move. Frozen. Completely captivated by the handsome man situated in front of you.
It should have felt weird, the intimacy of the moment. It should have felt weird. Why, why didn’t it feel weird? Bucky was your neighbour. He was your friend. There was nothing else to your relationship. Nothing… more.
But as you stared deeply into his eyes, taking note of the warm expression he was presenting as he continued to scan your face, the air hitched in your throat. 
It felt natural.
Bucky sensed it too. He sensed the change in the atmosphere around the two of you. Unfamiliar, yet not unwelcoming. Quite the opposite actually. It drew him in. He found himself slowly leaning in, and like a magnet, you followed suit.
When his mouth eventually slanted over yours, your heart skipped a beat.
The kiss was gentle at first, as if Bucky was indicating you could stop him at any given time, if you wanted too. It wouldn’t take much to push him away and end this now. But you didn’t want to stop him. Instead, you closed your eyes at the desirable sensation igniting every single cell in your body.
Any boundary the two of you had previously unspokenly set was crossed, broken. However, it didn’t seem to matter to either of you.
The hand previously cupping Bucky’s cheek, was now gripping at his hair. Both of his hands were now holding your waist - not applying too much pressure, but making it known that they were there.
You wanted to comment how he very rarely touched you with his metal arm, always weary that he may somehow hurt you, and now he was latched onto you in a way that suggested he would never let you go, but his tongue wound its way between your parted lips, breaking you away from your thoughts.
After what felt like a blissful eternity, you pulled away simultaneously. Equally flushed and equally breathless. Smiling at one another like a couple of love-struck idiots.
“Hmm.. We can continue this when you’re back.” You whispered against his puffed lips, before pecking them softly.
Bucky smirked. He lifted his right arm and gently brushed loose strands of your hair behind your ear. “Don’t you worry, y/n.” He began, “Come hell or high water, I’ll definitely be back.”
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maybanksslut · 3 years
Truth or Dare || s.b.
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Pairing: Sirius black x reader
Requested: yes, by @welcome-here-in-my-world
Word count: 2k
Warnings: explicit language, enemies to lovers, fluff
You’d despised Sirius Black for as long as you could remember. It was no secret to anyone. You’d never been someone to hate people, but he, oh how he got on your nerves. Never had you met anyone as annoying and irksome as him.
Everything about him made your blood boil. His friends and their stupid pranks they always pulled on you. One day it was dying your hair a bright color, another they’d settle for spilling water all over you. Everything just to see that angered expression on your “cute little face” as Sirius always said.
You also despised his smirk. Oh, how you wished to just wipe it off his face! The way his lips curled up in a mischievous smile each time he’d made a stupid comment or pulled a dumb prank. It made you crazy in the worst way possible. Not to mention that glint in his eyes when he knew he’d got under your skin. You hated how he was able to anger you so easily.
Last, but not least, you hated his popularity. How every girl and boy were his possession, how they all would do anything for him. He had everyone wrapped around his finger and that made you feel threatened. He might have been attractive, but his personality was fucking disgusting.
At least, that’s what you told yourself. Truth be told, what you hated most, was the absolutely awful crush you’d developed on the boy. You had no idea how, why, or when, but somehow you’d fallen for the boy you seemingly despised.
“Y/n?” Lily snapped her fingers in front of your face, bringing you back to reality.
“I asked you if you were coming to the quidditch game tonight. ‘S Gryffindor against Slytherin”
“Oh,” you thought for a moment, before frowning. Gryffindor was playing, which meant Sirius would be there. Which also meant that you’d have to pretend you didn’t care about his stupid smile, and that was starting to get on your nerves. Lily was close enough to find out about the crush already, you needn’t make it easier for her. “I don’t think so, I’m really tired”
Lily just nodded in response, continuing to scribble something down in her notebook. You sighed. How long was this going to last? If the crush didn’t vanish soon, you would be sure Lily would sense something and confront you about it. And since no one was able to lie to Lily, you really didn’t want that to happen.
After a moment, you excused yourself, heading for your dorm. Unfortunately, fate didn’t want to let you off the hook that easily. You’d only walked a few steps before harshly colliding with someone’s chest, stumbling backward and dropping your bag.
“Ow!” You exclaimed, rubbing your forehead. You didn’t even bother looking up at the person who’d walked into you, as you already knew that chuckle too well.
“You should be careful not to fall for me, sweetheart,” Sirius laughed, bending down to pick up your books. A smirk was playing on his lips, and he looked quite pleased with himself for bumping into you.
“Right,” you scoffed. “You don’t have to worry about that. ‘S not gonna happen. Can I get my books now?”
“Sure,” he replied, raising them over his head instead of handing them over. You shot him a glare, jumping up to reach them. That was to no use, obviously, since he was taller than you.
You groaned, pushing him away and trying to annoy him, yet he only appeared even more amused, his smirk now a full grin, his pretty teeth showing. God, he was really pretty when he smiled... No! He was not pretty and he was not attractive, he was a prick and you didn’t like him.
Both tired and flustered by his behavior, you turned around to leave him. If he wanted the books, you’d let him have them. Better than anyone realizing you don’t hate him as much as you told everyone you did.
“Hey, wait,” surprised, you turned around to see Sirius jogging up to you.
Without a smirk on his face, he handed you your books. The moment his fingers touched yours, an electric wave shot through you, setting every particle in your body on fire, and suddenly, it was hard to breathe. You seemed to have got lost in his eyes, drowning in the stormy orbs. For a moment, it felt as if you had some sort of connection. A mutual feeling.
Then, he pulled away and the magic was gone, leaving nothing but two people that hated each other.
“We’re having truth or dare in the common room later, you wanna come?”
Lily’s words make you sigh. Sure, you liked truth or dare, but with the whole Gryffindor house? Way too risky. You could accidentally spill your secret.
Perhaps you were worrying too much. Perhaps letting that dumb crush take over your life was foolish, it wasn’t that much of a big deal. Teens have crushes all the time, how is this any different? The truth was, you didn’t quite know why, but it felt different.
Not to mention that moment in the hall... god, you’d thought about his fingers grazing yours for the whole night. It didn’t exactly help that he was now sitting beside Lily, his gaze lingering on you and a small smile tugging on his lips.
“Yeah, y/n, you’d come,” he said. “There’s gonna be firewhiskey”
“I’m not an alcoholic,” you snorted.
“Everyone’s an alcoholic in seventh year”
“Sure,” you turned to your red-headed friend. “I’ll come”
Lily grinned, clasping her hands together. She then left, muttering something about ‘having to prepare the party’, leaving you alone with no other than Sirius Black. You tried to eat your meal silently, keeping your eyes away from his face, but it was nearly impossible when he kept staring at you shamelessly.
You looked up, only to reveal Sirius with his head tilted. There was something in his expression that made him look like he thought you were a puzzle he couldn’t quite figure out. The two of you didn’t say a word, letting comfortable silence answer every question for you.
Even though you couldn’t really read him, there was something that told you this silence was more than silence. It was like an agreement between you. What you had agreed on? You weren’t sure, but it felt good. Freeing, almost. And you didn’t want to let it go.
The music was sending vibrations through your whole body as it loudly flew out of the speakers. The whole common room was filled with students, there were bodies everywhere. People were dancing, screaming, and singing to celebrate Gryffindor's victory over Slytherin in quidditch.
Someone bumped into you, spilling their drink all over you. You were going to scold him, but the person was already gone. You scoffed to yourself, angrily stomping towards the table you’d previously seen Lily sit at. You were starting to regret coming here at all. Not only did you have to handle Sirius Black, but you also had to dodge all the drunk students that were swaying their bodies in every possible direction.
“This is why I hate parties” you muttered to yourself, spitting down on Lily’s left. She smiled, not even looking at you, bringing her drink up to her lips.
You followed her gaze, only to find her staring at James Potter. Not that you were surprised. The two of them had been pining for each other for god knows how long. You chuckled to yourself as Lily’s gaze met James’. You noticed he was hesitant about coming over when you were there as well, so you quickly fled the scene so they could have some alone time.
You found yourself a new spot, by the tray with firewhiskies, where you quietly drank the alcohol. It was freeing to feel the booze numb your senses and you almost forgot why you didn’t want to come here at all. Almost.
“Well, well, well, who do we have here?”
“Piss off, Sirius”
“Ouch,” he jokingly grabbed his chest. “You’ve wounded me”
“Good,” you spat, getting ready to leave the whole party. Your mood was ruined, not because he seemingly annoyed you, but because Sirius had a very irksome way of making you feel things you shouldn’t feel.
He made you feel something for him.
“Leaving already?” He pouted, running a hand through his hair. “We haven’t even had the chance to play truth or dare”
“I don’t care”
“No, wait,” he almost pleaded. “Just one game. For me. Please?”
You really wanted to leave and forget this conversation ever happened, but with Sirius looking at you like that, it was impossible. You sighed in resignation, following your so-called enemy to the middle of the common room.
He was quick to silence everyone and make them sit in a circle on the floor. For some reason, it annoyed you how all the girls sent him flirty looks. Luckily, he didn’t return them, only sent you a small smile, which, completely against your will, turned your legs to jelly. If you weren’t already seated, you’d probably faint.
“Okay, everyone knows the rules, right? The only difference is this time I stole this from Slughorn,” he took out some sort of potion from his pocket. From the triumphant smirk on his face, you guessed it was a truth potion. And you weren’t wrong. “That’s right, folks, veritaserum. Now this game will be more honest than ever”
God, this was taking an awful turn. Yes, now the word truth had a completely different meaning. Before at least you could’ve lied about something you didn’t want to answer, but now? You were forced to actually reveal all your darkest secrets.
But no worries, right? There were at least fifty people here, surely you wouldn’t be chosen in the first few rounds. Right?
“Y/n, truth or dare?” You steered in shock at the bottle Sirius had just spun. How were you the first one to get chosen? Did really life hate you that much?
You could see he was amused. His eyes had that glint of mischief in them, and he was grinning widely. “Uh, dare”
No! No, no, no, what had you done? Yes, if you’d chosen truth, you’d have to tell someone a secret, but now Sirius, of all people, was the one to decide your fate! Oh, how you wished he’d have mercy and dare you to jump on one leg or braid someone’s hair.
But that was just wishful thinking and you knew it, just as you knew Sirius. And his mischievous smirk only made you more certain. He wasn’t going to go easy on you.
“I dare you to kiss the most attractive person in this room”
And that’s when you freaked out. Your hands were full of sweat and you hoped to his no one saw your heated up face. Your lower lip quivered and you were almost sure you’d start crying.
Surprisingly enough, your behavior didn’t go unnoticed by Sirius, whose smile had faded at your reaction. Instead, his eyes filled with worry and he grabbed your hand, pulling you out of the common room. You vaguely heard some people complain, but Sirius ignored them. All he cared about was getting you out.
He stopped in the hall, turning to look at you.
“Okay,” he began. You opened your mouth to apologize, but he put a finger on your lips. “Shhh, you don’t have to say anything. It’s okay, I’m sorry that I made you uncomfortable. I didn’t mean to, y’know”
You were taken aback by his words. He didn’t seem much of an apologizing person. Perhaps he didn’t mean it? But his gaze told you that he wasn’t joking, not his time.
In the heat of the moment, you offered him a smile. “It’s okay. I just didn’t want to kiss you in front of everyone”
For once, you were the one to make him flustered and confused. He opened his mouth to say something, yet nothing came out. You... thought he was attractive? You, who he’d been so annoying too, like, forever? Realization spread across his face. Perhaps you didn’t hate him after all?
“You can kiss me now”
“Keep dreaming”
The smile you sent him made him feel weak and he could slowly, but surely feel himself falling for you. Although he didn’t want to admit it, he knew he’d do anything to get that kiss from you.
TAGLIST: @rorysreallyrandom @swanimagines @lxncelot @emmacata @i-cant-stfu @sirius-animagus @jupiiiter @captainshazamerica @iamninaanna @amortensie @theravenclawgal
FIC REVIEWERS: @amourtentiaa @slutforsalvatore @acosmis-t @iamninaanna @coffee--writes
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I'd like to request Midorima and Akashi for the pairing analysis! Congrats on 100 followers :)
Midorima and Akashi is another one of my favorite pairings. They don't really show affection outside, but inside, they share a deep mutual respect for each other.
In Teikou, Midorima and Akashi always played shogi together. Even though Midorima lost every time, Akashi viewed him as a very worthy opponent and enjoyed playing with him.
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"Our Midorima is far stronger, you know?"
Akashi trusted Midorima enough to recommend him as vice-captain of the team.
In fact, Midorima was the only person close to Akashi enough to be considered his friend. Other than just playing shogi, apparently there were a lot of things that they only told each other. Also, Midorima seemed to actively try to tag along with Akashi to talk on various occasions.
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When they met Kuroko, even though Akashi told him and Murasakibara to go ahead, Midorima waited for Akashi to finish so he can ask Akashi about Kuroko.
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He went to find Akashi to confront Akashi about him suggesting that Kise and Kuroko play in the second string's match.
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He turned down Kise's invitation to stop by the convenience store to talk to Akashi about what they previously discussed and about Kise and Haizaki's issues after the match of the second string.
Midorima was the only person in the Generation of Miracles who knew about Akashi's family and background. Out of them, he spent the most time with Akashi, and understood Akashi best. It's the reason why he was the only one who noticed Akashi's occasional cold tones which resembled "an entirely different person".
He didn't just understand Akashi, he also showed that he cared a great deal about the redhead. After Bokushi took charge, while other GoM members didn't give much thought into it, Midorima spent time thinking about Akashi and observing his attitude, even came up with a theory about "two Akashis".
Other than as a friend, Midorima saw Akashi as a rival. He always lost to Akashi, but would always come back for a revenge next time, hoping to finally defeat Akashi. He had been chasing after Akashi's back like that - in that sense, maybe Akashi could be seen as the embodiment of the goals he wanted to achieve.
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Speaking about Midorima's rivalry with Akashi, I saw someone said this which I find reasonable and is likely the case: Midorima hopes to beat Akashi, but deep down, he does not actually believe that Akashi can ever lose. But he tried and tried anyway.
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Midorima and Akashi trusted each other wholeheartedly. According to Midorima, his trust in Akashi never wavered for a second. Despite the hardships they've faced that threatened to ruin their relationship, Midorima still believed in Akashi enough to pull off Sky Direct 3P Shot without a hitch. Takao also commented that Midorima and Akashi complement each other really well.
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In conclusion, Midorima and Akashi are important to each other. Midorima was the only person in the team who Akashi shared his thoughts and worries to. Midorima viewed Akashi as a close friend and rival who he respects and cares a lot about.
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dandelionflower · 3 years
I saw on one of your post that said to send you prompts sooo... can I request A childhood friend AU either Felix or Marinette moves away and then reuniting in college in France at age 14 in Felix's school with the Quantic Kids.
It was a pretty normal day, which probably meant something was going to happen. If it wasn’t a normal day, something was bound to happen as well; life in Paris hadn’t been normal in months. It being a normal day meant that Marinette was late. Super late. Way, way, so very late she might as well be early for the next thing kind of late. So late that- (oh, she’s beginning to catch onto why she’s so late.)
She knew even as she was shoving toothpaste into her bag for Tikki and brushing her teeth with frosting (wait, switch that) that she would be late, and her erratic movements were enough to convince her parents to write her an excuse. Not that anyone could blame her; she had to deal with three akumas in one night. Three akumas. Who could blame her, or anyone for that matter, for being late when there were three emotionally-stunted teens each wreaking havoc upon the city? It was a wonder that anyone else got to class on time, except for Alya, who Marinette was pretty sure didn’t sleep.
Marinette kissed both parents goodbye, thanking them again for the excuse note. They shoved a box of pastries into her hands, as was their habit whenever she didn’t leave school fast enough.
They had done it since her first day at her new school, when she was tiny and frightened of new people; having the same best friend since birth would do that. Her father had shoved a box of macaroons in her arms and her mother placed a bracing arm on her back. They told her what to do and she tried her hardest to follow their instructions, standing up straight at the front of the class, introducing herself, and offering cookies. Unfortunately, that was the same day Chloe Bourgeois was joining public school, and compared to cookies, her offer of money to ten year-olds wasn’t all that effective. And Chloe was excellent at holding a grudge.
Of course, she ended up with friends: Alya, Nino, Adrien, and everyone in art class, but it was hard to go about her first couple years of school without anyone in her corner. Becoming Ladybug really gave her the boost of confidence she needed to break out of her shell and make new friends, and now she had a whole class full.
She stopped in the classroom to put her stuff away, pausing for a second to breathe. How was she out of shape? She’s Ladybug, for heavens’ sakes! Those three akumas really took it out of her. Luckily enough, she had gym class up next. (Can you hear the sarcasm?)
“Girl! Where have you been?” Alya smiled up at her from where she was stretching her hamstrings.
“Sorry Alya, slept in too much.” She fell into place beside her, choosing one of the more advanced stretches to accomplish instead. “Three akumas yesterday; couldn’t get much sleep.”
“You need to get over yourself, Mari. Ladybug and Chat Noir always win against the akumas, this fear of yours is ridiculous.” Alya glanced at her with an incredulous look, but when she saw her intense yoga pose, the look shifted and she yelled over her shoulder. “Adrien! Get over here! Marinette’s doing her physics-defying stuff again!”
Adrien joined them, laughing at Alya’s exaggerated despair. “It’s really not that hard. You just have to-” He fell into the position easily and began matching her movements. “There.”
“How on EARTH?” Alya shrieked and threw herself to the right, toppling into Nino, who was in a shaky warrior two. They ended up in a heap on the floor, Alya staring in horror at the two still upright and Nino staring bewildered at his girlfriend. “How are you two doing that?”
“Well, I don’t know about Marinette,” Adrien moved into an upward dog, “but father insisted that I be physically active in some way and my mother used to do yoga. So I picked it up.”
Nino leaned close to Alya’s ear. “I’m not sure whether to add this to the ‘reasons Gabriel sucks’ list or be happy he has this thing with his mom.”
“Both I guess?”
“What about you Marinette?” He moved into a handstand-like position. “Why do you know all this stuff?”
My superhero moonlighting requires me to be as stretchy as a rubber band, so my partner, who is also a furry, taught me yoga. “My first best friend and I learned tai chi, and this just felt like the next step.” Not a lie, just not why she chose yoga.
“Okay, you’re fine.” Alya pointed a finger between them both. “But next time you do something weird, I’m starting a cryptid blog about you.”
“You don’t have the guts.” Marinette leaned in and Adrien flipped down to join her. It felt familiar, like deja vu; not her crush, she killed that with fire once he started dating Kagami.
“Heey!” Nino opened his arms in front of them. “Let’s change the subject, what about that new student?”
“There’s a new student?” Marinette turned to the rest of the class, who were all stretching dutifully. No new faces whatsoever. “Where are they?”
“Not here, he went to the office over a scheduling conflict. Seems like a jerk.” Alya pulled an arm behind her head, glaring with derision in the direction of the office.
“Alya, don’t.” Adrien nudged her with a foot. “First impressions don’t mean anything, right Marinette?” He shot her a playful glance.
“Don’t remind me.”
“That one was a misunderstanding. Mister Ice Cold over there doesn’t even say a word, just nods and walks into the back of the class. At least Adrien did something and he asked for forgiveness afterwards. Frosty doesn’t even look at us.” With that final comment, Alya joined the rest of the class in dodgeball.
“Is she alright?” Adrien side-eyed her.
“Yeah, she just really hates people acting superior to her. Let’s go.” Marinette shrugged it off and joined her in picking teams.
Dodgeball was a mess; it always was. The entirety of the class had been akumatized at one point, and some of the strategic prowess remained. Marinette’s team always won, which everyone attributed to her agility, but it was really that Ladybug had more practice in strategy. The only way the teams could be considered even was if Adrien was against her.
She still won; she always won. When it was all over, each team, sweating and exhausted, gravitated to the center line to shake hands and congratulate one another on a game well played. Adrien met her in the middle with a weary smirk. His hair was disheveled, but there was a spark in his eyes that made him seem more familiar than he already was.
“I almost got you that time.” He gripped her hand tight.
“All that training with Kagami is really upping your game.” She quipped, shaking his hand. “Better luck next time.”
With that promise of another match, everyone vacated the gym to the locker rooms, where Alya continued to warn Marinette against the new student.
“Even Chloe doesn’t like him and he seems like the kind of rich boy that would be right up her alley.”
“Alya, I get it. You aren’t the new guy’s biggest fan.”
“And the feeling’s mutual too.” She griped.
“So just don’t talk to him; it works with Chloe. Why not this guy too?” She wrapped an arm around her shoulder and led her to their desk.
“Fine, but I don’t have to like it.”
“You don’t have to like him either.” She pulled out her notebook and began writing down the date.
Before Alya could make another passive aggressive comment about the mystery new boy, Miss Bustier walked in, the usual skip in her step. “Class, I know I already introduced you to our new student but since some of us weren’t here for the first period,” Marinette ducked her head with a sheepish smile, “I’ve decided there’s nothing better than a redo. So, here’s Mister Culpa, introducing himself again.”
A boy with pale blond hair and paler skin strode into the room. He wore what could only be called business-casual, all monochrome. His eyes were a one-in-a-million breathtaking ice blue.
“Hello.” His eyes scanned the room emotionlessly. “As I previously said, my name is Felix Culpa and I am from-” He stopped when he reached her. “Nette?”
“Felix.” She breathed, barely even daring to say it louder, lest he disappear.
He was a blur, climbing the steps and reaching her in the time it took her to stand. There were no words when they hugged, other than the other’s name. She was on the tips of her toes, pressing her forehead to his collarbone. Felix got tall.
“I missed you.” He whispered, squeezing just a little tighter.
“I missed you too.” She laughed, pulling back to see his face. He was crying. She was crying.
“What in Ladybug’s name is happening?” Alya’s shout broke them from whatever pocket dimension they were inhabiting together. “You two know each other?”
“Alya, this is Felix.” She turned to look at her, hand still on Felix’s shoulder. “He was my best friend from birth to ten.”
“Was?” He bumped her hip with his. “Didn’t know I’ve been replaced, Netta.”
“I couldn’t contact you after I moved! I was ten and your mom never told us what her new number was.” She punched his elbow. “What are you doing here?”
“My family moved. I didn’t know you were in this area too; imagine my surprise when I see what the current events in Paris are and find out that there are superheroes and my best friend is now a borderline celebrity.” He chuckled, running a hand through his hair.
“We have to catch up some time.” She grabbed his arm.
“Certainly, maybe not here and now, though.” He gestures to the class around them, avidly watching the exchange.
“Right.” She released his arm and rubbed the back of her head awkwardly. “Coffee and macarons later then? My place?”
“I would like nothing more.” He quirked a smile that would seem tiny to anyone else, but to Marinette was as bright as the sun. “Until then.” Felix squeezed her hand and moved to the back of the class with a little wave.
She returned it, a goofy smile definitely on her face as she sat back down.
“Well,” Miss Bustier coughed, “since Felix has been so thoroughly introduced to everyone else, I suppose I should start the lesson.” And she dove into a spiel about the first World War.
“Dang, girl. Is it just me, or do you have a date after class?” Alya whispered to her from behind her textbook.
“It’s not a date! We’re just catching up.”
She spared a quick glance at Felix, who was nose-deep in his book, just like when they were kids. He had such sharp features, and upon reconsideration, his eyes looked even more beautiful than she remembered. Felix grew up just fine without her. Really fine, in fact.
It took Marinette a couple seconds to realize she was staring, and when she did, her head turned back to the front of the room so fast she swore she heard a snap.
This was... going to be complicated.
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