#they just randomly drop it on us and do a flashback-dump episode
toasterdrake · 10 months
what if pyrrha still came back tho (delusional)
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fireflyfish · 4 years
3, 4, 5, 7! (some of these are probably no-brainers but please yell about your feelings) >:3
Hello, Your Porgliness! How fare you this fine evening? when our stupid neighbors have apparently just discovered the wonders of bass. >___>#
3. TV Show Episode
Fave: Episode Eight of the Mandalorian
I know, right?? Shocked that I didn’t pick something from the Clone Wars?? I think that might because I don’t have a favorite so much as I love the series as a whole. It gave me my Jedi Babies, my Clone Sons, my Perfect Space Daughter and Master Plo “Yes, I am adopting 1.5 million grown men. Don’t try to stop me. I have a plasma chainsaw” Koon. I really, really, love and utterly adore The Clone Wars and all its attendant goofiness, pathos and sheer jaw dropping awesomeness. 
Eh-hem. Listen, if you put Giancarlo Esposito in an imperial uniform, have him flawlessly info-dump the backstories of our brave heroes and trigger a flashback to Din’s rescue by helpful Mandalorians DEATHWATCH apparently, give me an entire scene with the armorer? blacksmith? What is she supposed to be called? EMILY SWALLOW kicking ass and SHATTERING STORMTROOPER ARMOR, and the tragic sacrifice of IG-11 to save his new friends and the Baby Yoda???
I’m there. With bells on. I just… I’m there. I will buy your merch, I will go to your theme parks, I will do whatever Lucasfilm wants for more Star Wars that feels like Stars Wars that I don’t feel like it’s actively trying to shit on the things I loved about Star Wars I am looking at you TLJ. You can step right off. 
Least: I’ve heard there’s an episode where Fives gets hurt or something but I haven’t seen it and it sounds pretty terrible to me. I think it’s one of those weird memes where people try to google translate ROTS or something. 
Fives is fine, y’all. He’s just fine and he’s having dinner with Echo and THEY ARE JUST FINE. *SOBS*
4. Character
Fave: So… I kind of answered that here. Obi-Wan is my favorite, far and away the best, fanciest, and most wonderful of sparkly, awesome people in the GFFA. 
But lately? I’ve been really on a Commander Cody kick. I just love that tension created by the audience knowing that Cody is going to betray Obi-Wan in ROTS but at the same time, you can see how well they work together and that there is mutual respect. It just makes everything so much worse when Palpatine calls Cody FIRST! THAT MOTHER KARKING BASTARD CALLED CODY FIRST OUT OF ALL THE JEDIS HE COULD HAVE HAD KILLED TESTICLE FACE CALLED CODY TO KILL OBI-WAN FIRST! AAAAAAAAH! THE PAIN! and destroys his agency and his right as a sentient being to chose. 
If you read After the End which you don’t have to but if you do, I’m starting to go into Cody’s headspace after Order 66 and it’s a fun challenge. Mostly because it’s not Anakin/Vaderkin have five different emotions in one paragraph but I digress. Also!!! BLY!!!! MY POOR BROKEN SPACE GERMAN SHEPHERD! I WILL AVENGE YOU!
Least: Boba Fett. And that is all I will say about that. 
5. Actor/Actress
Fave: Carrie, just… just Carrie. No one even comes close to Space Mom. Y’all know I love me some Ewan McGregor and I adore Mark Hamill but in the end it’s always going to be Princess Leia. My first fictional hero and the one person from the OT that I really, truly, deeply wanted to meet. 
Ugh… okay, fine. That hobbit that was randomly shoved into ROTS because apparently we didn’t have enough celebrity cameos in it. I don’t know why he was there when BILLIE LOURD, THE ACTUAL DAUGHTER OF CARRIE FISHER, IS RIGHT THERE AND HAS BEEN WITH THIS TRILOGY SINCE THE BEGINNING OF THIS LONG PAINFUL JOURNEY INTO CORPORATE FAN FICTION. SHE. IS. RIGHT. THERE. USE HER. 
BTW, I have nothing against hobbits or LOTR in general. I thought he did a great job as Charlie in Lost. I’m just… if you can break MY suspension of disbelief you’ve taken a wrong turn somewhere. Charlie Hobbiton was not necessary and his lines could have easily been given to Connix or, even better, to Rose. 
7. Species
Fave: Togrutas. I gotta rep Ahsoka in at least one of these damn things. Twi’leks came very close but Togrutas have stripes and Ahsoka is amazing and the most excellent ambassador for her species. 
Least: Mairans. EWWWWWW! 
From the Star Wars Fav/Least Fave meme thingy. 
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The Umbrella Academy Season 1 Episode 1
We start off in Russia, 1989. A young girl jumps into a public pool, but when she resurfaces, she's suddenly nine months pregnant... and in labor.
43 women suddenly became pregnant and gave birth, where they hadn't been pregnant moments earlier. An eccentric billionaire went around to try and obtain some of the mysterious babies. He got seven of them.
In the present day, we meet five of them:
Number One, Luther. He's literally living on the moon. This is never fully explained within this episode (but it had better be)
Number Two, Diego. He's working as some sort of vigilante superhero.
Number Three, Allison. Currently a celebrity.
Number Four, Klaus. A drug addict.
Number Seven, Vanya. She currently is a musician.
The main plot kicks off when each of them discovers that the man who'd raised them, Reginald Hargreeves, has died. And they all go back to the place that they once called home.
Vanya's appearance is met with scorn by Diego, who calls her a traitor, but Allison welcomes her with open arms.
Diego goes into Reginald's room, where he finds Luther looking around in search of answers. Diego then says that the old man died of natural causes, a heart attack. But Luther isn't convinced, and says that Reginald's monocle is missing; he never ever didn't wear it, so he thinks that foul play is suspected.
Luther eventually calls everybody to the living room, where he mentions having a memorial and dumping out Reginald's ashes by his favorite tree. He then goes on about how he suspects foul play, but Diego just kind of laughs this off.  However, Luther asks Klaus to talk with Reginald, since that's his power: to communicate with the dead. Klaus acts shifty, mainly because he doesn't want to do it... but also because he's currently high.
There's a weird, pointless scene in which Luther puts on some music and all of them start dancing. And then, there's some sort of huge magnetic interference that sends everything metal flying. They run outside, where we finally are introduced to Number Five, who has no proper name, other than “Five”. With his transportation powers, he can sometimes jump into the future. He's at least fifty years old, but for some reason, has come back into the body of a thirteen year old. (That would be literally the worst, I think. You just get used to your aches and pains, and suddenly!! Acne! Randomly getting angry at the world! Randomly popping boners whenever the wind blows!) He's weird and cagey about everything, and doesn't really say much about anything.
We see a flashback, to the children as they helped to stop a bank robbery. Allison has the power of creating “rumors”, in which she says to one of the bank robbers, “I heard a rumor that you shot your friend.” And then he shot his friend.
One of the boys, that we have yet to meet, can teleport, and he beats up some of the bad-guys like that. Another unknown boy can...??? Summon horrifying monsters, I guess?
After rescuing the hostages and just flat-out murdering all of the bank robbers, the six of them walk out to the steps of the bank, where Reginald announces his “six” children as being the new wave of the future.
But wait, you say! I said that there were up to number seven children. What about poor Vanya? Reginald apparently tells her that she has no powers, and thus, can't join the others.
Other flashbacks show the children as they grew up. They undergo training exercises that Vanya leads with Reginald. They all get group tattoos... except for poor Vanya, who is left out, and thus, draws one on her wrist with a marker. He also puts electrodes on their foreheads in order to monitor their sleep.
Also, Vanya's constant ostracizing from the group led to her writing an autobiography about the entire thing, which she gave to Reginald, but it's unclear if he ever actually read it. Five off-handedly mentions that it's a ballsy move. Diego hates her for it, and openly mocks her about the entire thing, stating that she didn't need to air their dirty laundry.  
Finally, the six of them go outside to scatter Reginald's ashes. Luther dumps it out, but it's raining, and very anti-climatic. Pogo, who is a talking chimp who dresses like a butler, is the only one who actually says anything.
However, Diego quickly picks a fight with Luther. He says that “Mother”, the weird robotic creature dressed up like June Beaver, is the only reason why they even have actual names in the first place. Because Reginald couldn't be bothered to name them anything other than “One”, “Two”, etc. This fight quickly turns physical. Luther accidentally punches the memorial statue of their dead “brother”, Ben, and it falls over and breaks. (It's also worth mentioning that Luther has the build of The Mountain from Game of Thrones.) Diego pulls out some throwing knives, and manages to cut Luther's arm. He runs inside; Vanya scoffs at Diego and tells him that he never knows when to stop.
Five eventually leaves the house in search of a good cup of coffee. He goes to some doughnut-coffee shop, where he starts chatting up a tow truck driver, and asks for an address. As the tow truck driver leaves, some ominous men in black with guns come in and start demanding that Five come with them. Five refuses, and then he just flat-out murders every single one of them. He digs a tracking device out from his arm, and goes on his way.
Meanwhile, Vanya went to her home. There, she finds Five waiting for her. He's bloody from his fight, but I'm not sure that all of it is his own blood. She cleans him up, and he tells her that when he jumped into the future, he saw the aftermath of the end of the world. No humans (as far as he could tell), but he was able to find a date: eight days from now.
Meanwhile, Diego left, and Klaus hitched a ride with him. Diego stopped along the waterfront, where he sulks and looks at Reginald's monocle. Which... dun-dun-DUUUUUN!! Klaus calls from the back seat of the car, screaming that “we're” starving, and then turns to ask a hooded figure if he wants waffles. Diego drops the monocle into the water when he hears about the shooting at the doughnut shop, and gets into the car, but says that he's going to drop Klaus off at the bus station.
We're finally introduced to the final member of the team, Number Six, aka Ben. Except that the only one who can see and communicate with him is Klaus... because he's dead.
Overall, this is an interesting first episode. I'm not quite sure what I expected, but it's off to a pretty great start, all things considered. I'm looking forward to watching the rest.
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duskwitch · 7 years
Dusky watching episode 9-12
Yes, I have indeed not watched this since episode 8. Well, actually I did see 9 already but I haven’t written a rant about it. So, let’s do this, so I can rest in pieces until the next chapter!
Episode 9
Not even childhood makes Yukio tolerable.
Todo is ruining Victor’s voice for me.
I’m trying really hard to feel sorry for Yukio. I do. But the fact that he blames everything on the one person who knew NOTHING about what he’s been doing just makes it impossible for me. Sorry not sorry!
“Yukio is salty” is kind of a redundant statement at this point.
Awww, there comes out precious baby Satan. You go, Rin!
Could the Impure King please just take a dump on both Todo and Yukio? God...
Cue the intro!
Todo has a point in that Yukio avoids self-reflection. Otherwise he would have noticed what a massive dick he is towards his brother.
On the other hand, he spends waaay too much time thinking about every little shit his brother does. Get a hobby, Yukio!
Please don’t start counter-monologuing now...
Yeah, yeah, can we please go back to the more interesting characters now?
Karura... is it too much asked for you to show a little more concern?
Aaand there’s another kid who really needs to chill.
Dammit Rin, quit acting like a stereotypical Shounen protagonist!
Am I the only one who’s dissatisfied with the mediocrity of the animation?
You did well, Princess Suguro!
Dammit, Mephisto! Keep your comments to yourself if you are not going to lift a single finger!
Well, Yukio, maybe if you tried to show off a little less and summoned fewer demons, this would have worked out...
Burn the bitch!
Twin telepathy!
Shima, this is not the time for having a flashback!
Ah, my poor kitten son. Somebody give him a hug.
Hey, Shima! Don’t leave him alone, you asshat!!!
I can’t decide whether I like him better with dark hair or not. The pink is more unique. (PFFT, well, he did say he dyed it because the girls like it...)
I love how Shima always gets put in the front. lol
Yeah, I’d be annoyed, too.
Well, I’ve seen enough hentai to know where this is going.
Stop being Tsundere and let Blondie McTits save you!
OH NO! The tiny foxes!
I don’t understand why it was so hard to summon Nee. They seem to be rather happy to be around.
Nyoa! Pfft! The cabbage eyes!
Oh, dramatic music!
Aaand the white stuff is everywhere! Eww.
Oh, yeah, we were about to get crispy Yukio earlier...
DRAMATIC MUSIC INTENSIFIES! Choirs make everything 10 times more epic.
K’rik to the head!
Juzou is here to steal the show! Roll credits!
Episode 10
And this week: Shit is still going down!
I’d like to take a moment to appreciate the fact that the Impure King is indeed drawn and not CGI as I originally feared. It still looks kinda goofy.
No comments from the peanut gallery, Mephisto! (jk he needs more screen time)
Is this a Game of Thrones episode?
Boobie jiggling!
How does she know that’s its true form anyway?
Kinzou, shut up!
Is this a fight fire with fire thing?
In a Shounen anime, everyone comes up with their attack names as they go...
Hey, how about you guys in the back... idk... HELP HIM?!
Todo has a point. Again.
First dude dies!
Okay, but that flying chicken head is really ridiculous.
Draw Todo like one of your French girls.
PFFFFFFFFFFFT OMG that fireball is DBZ level ridiculous!
Aaand of course that attack is also named.
THE CHICKEN IS EXPLODING!!! AHAHAHAHAH! OMG! This is something straight out of Skyrim modding. “Can you kill it with explosive chickens?“
Well done, four-eyes! Too bad you aren’t cool.
You guys are taking too long...
HOLY FUCK, Todo is just creepy.
Shura is moving out. Hell yeah!
I feel you, Renzou... I want her to smother me with her rack, too.
Ninja Shura! ... oh, wait.
Meanwhile, Izumo still needs saving.
Do something useful, Karura!
What are those teats anyway? Is the Impure King an Impure Queen after all?
Hey, 15 minutes is pretty generous. That’s like 3 seasons of DBZ!
Oh no! Kuro!
Not sure why he can’t draw the sword right now but either way Yukio is probably part of the problem. And Rin’s lack of shoes.
This situation is too heavy. Time for some comedy!
Awww, Rin is too precious for this world.
Bon is laughing. Which is not as apocalyptic of an omen as, say, Yukio laughing... but things are still pretty bad.
HE DREW THE SWORD! Everyone stop whatever you doing!
Episode 11
Friendly reminder that the Impure King looks really ridiculous.
“Hey Okumura! The white stuff is getting into my face!“
Yeah, you drew it. Now do something useful!
Shura is so pretty. =w=
The close ups are good but they really cut corners everywhere else in the animation. *sigh*
... Okay, I’m gonna say it, those things attacking Rin look like penises.
Oh no! Princess Suguro! You had one job, man.
Shine bright like a diamond...
I love every second of Mephisto’s screen time but I want to choke him for being a lazy asshole.
And there he goes quoting Nietzsche while Rin is dodging giant demon dicks and Yukio is trying to avoid surprise buttsex from Todo.
You are not his type, Todo! Take a hint!
K’rik to the head!
Okay, time to move the plot elsewhere.
Mephisto is having the time of his life.
Ucchusma has enough of your human bullshit and is here to get shit done. Also, he’s been waiting hundreds of years for his balls to drop.
Se interrupt this episode of Ao no Exorcist to give you... Shaman King!
Rin... you should have learned by now that hell chicken don’t give a single fuck ever.
Elsewhere, Nee still has the cutest butt ever. Look at that tail!!!
Shiemi to the rescue!
Damn, this scene is kinda hot. Forget the guys, Shiemizumo is the shit!
Hey! Don’t ignite other shipping feels over there! We just had a moment here!
Everyone calm your tits!
AAAHHHHH! The mediocrity of the animation makes me cry whenever they show Mephisto. It’s not as bad as the jail scene but eeehhhh.... why?!?! He could have been beautiful!
Did... he just switch legs? He totally just switched legs just now.
God, that LAUGH! I love it!
OMG did you see the way the ears shrunk when he sheathed the sword? Somebody gif this!!!
Bon probably thinks “Shit, now I have to show him Kyoto Tower after all...“
They are making up!! I CAN’T!!!!
*snort* Here comes the head rub!
“Oh, hey, Yukio! While you were busy fighting Todo, I drew my blade!”
"Who let him out of his cell?” Dude!
They sentenced him to death already. There isn’t anything worse they can do to him. What the fuck are you mad about? Seriously, calm down and fuck off!
... he punched him hard enough for Rin to spit blood?!? That’s the most serious injury he got in this fight! DUDE!
Oh, NOW he’s all “Nii-san!“? FUCK YOU!!!!
Not sure if bad or excellent parenting...
Episode 12
Here comes the clean up crew. If only the people who fought the Impure King all night had been this well equipped....
What is that kangaroo dragon thing?
You jerks had helicopters all along?
I love how Torako always gives the impression that she’s about to make a gentle gesture when she’s really about to blow up in your face.
Aww, poor Mamushi!
Nooo, don’t cry!!!
Pffft, Kuro!
Here comes the ship-tease!
BFF-ED! God, Shiemi, that was savage... *cackles*
Shima, you dick!
THE THING! THE SCENE IS HAPPENING! (Well, I already watched it twice but eh!)
The mediocre animation... oh, the pain!
Mephisto... y u lyin’?
Shura is so pretty!!!!
Am I the only one who always wondered about Mephisto just randomly starting to drink in the middle of day? Is this a Japanese thing?
They really had to zoom in on her... well, that is where her pussy is, no way to sweet it. Creepy animation guys...
At least we got the heart socks.
Sorry, our animation cannot do the hotness of this scene any justice. Have some tits to put you off!
Excuse Mephisto while he’s having a boner and being a dick.
gdi how can a woman be so beautiful!
Yukio needs to chill!
OMG Koneko’s parents were so cute!!! Look at his mom! She was a total cutie pie!
Making my way downtown, walking fast... walking back. WHAT!
What is Koneko WEARING?!
”We porked so now we have to get married!” What century are you from, Juzou?!
Dad Hojo’s reaction oh god! xD
Looks like everyone has their priorities together.
WHAT ARE THOSE SNAKES?!?!?! Uwabami what?
I’m so happy for Uwabami but I can’t stop laughing!!!!!
And now they are going to milk the joke. Ahhh, poor Rin!
Is that... a carpet floor on the top of Kyoto tower. WHAT?!
Everyone is friends again! I’m happy!
Aaand they are showing it by being dicks. Huehehe. How did they rope Salty-o into this, tho?
Oh, so because they did that Kraken arc in the first season they move up the conversation between Rin and Yukio to now? Does that mean they are not doing the canon Kraken arc? SUUUCKS!
Don’t think too highly of yourself, Yukio! You did jack shit to “force him into using Satan’s power“! If anything, you were part of the reason he was insecure about using it!
... this ending was shoehorned and awkward. I’m disappointed. But overall the last couple of episodes were okay. Now we wait for the next chapter.
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smalltailless · 6 years
This is kind of a season 7 of voltron rant, It’s mostly how I feel about how character interactions have gone. It’s entirely my own opinion, and just me feeling a bit let down about how little of Adam we saw, along with how some seemingly random stuff was dropped on us. Again, entirely opinion based, and I’ve probably interpreted stuff wrong. 
Ok, so season 7 had a lot of good points, some good development for characters, and some really nice interactions between characters...However, I was looking forward to a lot of things, specifically Adam, because from the clips I’d seen, I didn’t have a great first impression of him, but I was so looking forward to seeing this character, seeing positive interactions between him and Shiro, even if it was just through flashbacks. I was hoping to see some LGBT representation...That wasn’t what we got, sadly. We know that Shiro and Adam were together, however, they showed nothing positive between them, besides Adam saying that he’d been there for Shiro in the past. And it’s sad, because I was hoping to see something so positive. 
I don’t think that Adam wasn’t given enough screen time for the audience to get an understanding of who he was as a character. He is seen around 3 times in the whole season...and only one of those included him talking to Shiro, and that was just really sad. Because there has been a lot of buildup and a lot of hype, and the relationship was built up and built up, and yet we see him three times, and then he dies, there’s no resolution, and no where near the amount of time to get to know the character enough to get people to understand him. Maybe I’m just being stupid, but considering how much people have been excited by two canon lgbt characters, and yet we’ve been let down. 
When I say let down, I don’t mean the season was bad, there were amazing moments, and interactions and an interesting plot, but it feels like Adam was used as a prop instead of a character. I feel like the death of Adam was used as fuel for Shiro, and even that wasn’t fully realised. It also kind of feels like dreamworks wanted the publicity of a gay couple in their show, but didn’t want to follow through. And we know that these days, it’s possible to do more! Look at Steven Universe, Can you imagine if Ruby and Sapphire were used like that? If Sapphire was killed off just because, and not just that, but if we’d only seen her three times, and one of those times was dumping Ruby? But that they had been hyped up to the point that Shiro and Adam were? Because It’s not good! It’s still representation, but Adam is yet another under developed character (who had a lot of potential!) who was killed off for no discernible reason. And to use a phrase parents have been using for centuries...I am not angry, I’m just disappointed. 
On top of that, I feel like the show decided to kind of drop two potential relationships that have had no buildup. By that I mean that Allura randomly starts being blushy with Lance, which she’s never done before, and their relationship had become more of a mutual platonic trust between them that was refreshing to see, and this change was so sudden it damn near gave me whiplash. I don’t really care which ships, if any, become canon, but I would prefer them not to come out of the blue. Obviously Lance has had a crush on Allura, but she has always had no interest in him romantically. What was nice was that Lance accepted that, he didn’t moan, or complain, or try to make her like him in that way. He respected her decision, accepted her decision, and grew to respect her as a friend. As a woman who has had the opposite happen before (a guy who would not accept it, and has been and is still bothering me about it nearly 10 years later!) It was so great to see them work together as both a team, and as a friendship that could be sustained after a rejection. I feel like if that kind of representation was made in the past, then maybe people wouldn’t still feel entitled to another person regardless of their feelings. I loved seeing them grow as friends, and worry that all of that could be undone by some flash in the pan stuff.
And then there’s Acxa and Keith. Now with the Allura and Lance situation, at least there was a nice platonic, and one sided background there...but Acxa came well and truly out of nowhere. Now, maybe they’re setting something else up, maybe Zethrid and Ezor were just joking around, and teasing their former friend, but Keith and Acxa haven’t had many interactions, let alone non-violent ones. Again, I’m not against anything happening (even though many have pointed out Keith being coded as LGBT, though this is more of an interpretation thing) But for it to have little if any basis, it’s strange to me.
It’s like they’ve scrambled to find Keith a female love interest, and just sort of decided on Acxa. Again, I don’t care about ships becoming canon, but it’s baffling that they decided to do this. Acxa has shown no romantic interest in Keith before, respect? yes, but romance? nope. It feels like they just scrambled for a romantic interest, couldn’t use Pidge or Allura, and just sort of went with Acxa. If they were doing this as a relationship that had roots, they could have built things up more slowly, but that’s not what happened, it was just like ‘Surprise guys!’ like they were just trying to seem clever. I don’t know, this is just strange to me. I’m not against Keith having a female love interest, but it needs to have a basis, it needs to grow instead of just be glued on as an afterthought, because both characters deserve better than that, they deserve to have their paths thought out fully before things get set in motion.
Maybe I’m not reading things right, as an autistic person, I find people hard to understand at times, but this is how I’ve interpreted things. Again, I don’t care about ships becoming canon or not, as shipping can be fun, and all about how people see the characters, canon is not the aim, fun is. But I do feel like stuff has either come out of the blue, or been under baked. I’m sorry if you disagree, this is just personal thoughts, and those thoughts may well change as I continue to let the episodes sink in. 
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