#they keep joking that Mae is gonna end up in jail and it's just tiring
just-an-enby-lemon · 2 years
I find really frustrating when I'm watching a gameplay and the youtuber just hates a characther because they doesn't have shit figure out or a perfect set of morals even if they are called out in the story when they are wrong and cleary have reasons/is complex it just takes the fun out of something that should be entartening.
No I don't wanna watch someone trash a characther I care about for no reason. It's not funny to hear about how they are wrong to crumble under the pressure they are on and it makes no sense to condem them for not getting other people struggles while ignoring theirs or blaming them for their mental health.
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zpidey-sense · 6 years
Dark Night: The God of Thunder.
Previous Issue / Next Issue 
Description: Loki fucked up big time and now the whole Realm knows they have been ruled by him for 4 straight years. Meanwhile Thor and Mae finally reunite again and Mae is asked take a decision, whether to stay in Asgard or go with them to Midgard. Which decision will she take?
Warnings for the whole fic: yes, a lot. Strong language such as cursing, violence of course, death yes, also spoilers for all the MCU movies already released to date, and also a lot of fluff cause yeah lol I love fluff. AND ANGST.
Words: 5.483 ohhhhhh 
Note: maybe some chapters will be written on third person. And it’s finally here! And oh I love writing Thor, he is such a sunshine! 
And here is my masterlist! If you are interested!
This is it; this is how my Asgardian adventures will finally come to an end and how I will end up in jail for the rest of my sad, pathetic, human life.
And no, it wasn’t for the jokes I used to pull on the guards of the castle, it wasn’t for trespassing places people weren’t allowed in, it wasn’t neither for occasionally making something, most likely something bad, happen at school just for fun.
Nope, it was going to be for something that wasn’t even in my control.
Fuck. Goddammit.
I really should have said no back then when Loki offered this to me and let him kill me just there. Jesus, why do I always have to do the wrong things?
‘’Uh, my son, Thor, has returned!’’, Loki said out loud, for everyone there to listen as he pointed at Thor, with a fake smile on his face. ‘’Greetings, my boy!’’, he added.
Everybody started to clap as Thor kindly smiled at them, but just a little bit. I clapped as well; slowly starting to walk away of there because I knew what was coming. But there were a lot of people surrounding us anyway, so I couldn’t get away without anyone noticing.
‘’It’s an interesting play. What’s it called?’’, Thor asked as he started to walk towards Odin… Loki was sitting again on his chair as Thor looked at him, trying to determinate him.
Loki was too relaxed, too unbothered. Or at least, he was pretending to be so.
‘’The Tragedy of Loki of Asgard’’, Loki said with pride on his voice. I just shook my head as I closed my eyes, I couldn’t believe he said it that way. ‘’The people wanted to commemorate him’’, he added when Thor didn’t say anything.
‘’Ah, indeed they should’’, Thor said as he stood in front of Loki now. ‘’I like the statue’’, he added.
I let out a little chuckle, because sarcasm coming from Thor was always better than it coming from Loki. When I laughed Loki looked at me for a small fraction of a second and then just looked back at Thor.
I’ve always said to him that the statue was the main thing that would give him away if Thor ever returned to Asgard, which he would soon of course, and he did.
‘’A lot better looking than he was when he was alive, though’’, I just couldn’t keep my smile back when he said that. ‘’A little less weaselly, less greasy, maybe’’
Oh, Thor definitely knew he wasn’t Odin. That’s why he was saying that.
Loki kind of let out a faint laugh on a rather uncomfortable and nervous way, he shifted positions while he was still sitting and I just smiled a bit more. Oh, maybe this was going to be more hilarious than disastrous. And if it was going to be like that then I might as well enjoy this and have the time of my life before going to jail.
‘’Do you know what this is?’’, Thor asked as he held up what seemed to be like a skull, with some huge horns on it. Loki seemed now surprised.
‘’The skull of Surtur. That’s a formidable weapon!’’, but Thor didn’t pay attention to him or what he said.
‘’Do me a favor’’, he spoke to one of the soldiers that stood behind Loki. ‘’Lock this away in a vault so it doesn’t turn into a giant monster and destroy the whole planet’’, he said as the soldier took it away from his hand.
Loki and Thor then exchanged looks, Loki seemed really nervous meanwhile Thor seemed… not as angry as I thought he would be, but still angry. Loki stood up quickly and kind of followed his brother to where he started to walk when they both stopped looking at each other.
‘’Thank you dear’’, he said quickly giving the cup of wine, still full; to one of the girls he always kept around to help him. They didn’t like me, and I did neither, so I just smiled when a bit of wine dropped on her dress. ‘’Uhm… so it’s back to Midgard for you, is it?’’
Thor smiled: 
‘’Nope’’, he said as he simultaneously threw the Mjolnir in the air, and caught it back as if it was just a little ball you’d play with.
Loki looked quickly at me, like asking for help as Thor was too distracted now looking at the Mjolnir. I just made him a little sign, because I honestly didn’t know what to do neither, then we just looked back at Thor as he started to talk again.
‘’I’ve been having this recurring dream lately’’, he looked back at Loki. ‘’Every night I see Asgard fall into ruins’’, and he threw his Mjolnir again.
‘’That’s just a silly dream… signs of an overactive imagination’’, Loki said as they both got closer to each other.
‘’Possibly’’, Thor responded with a smile. ‘’But then I decide to go out there and investigate. And what do I find, but the Nine Realms completely in chaos’’
And he threw his Mjolnir again, catching it just as easily as he threw it:
‘’Enemies of Asgard assembling, plotting our demise, all while you Odin, the protector of those Nine Realms, are sitting here in your bathrobe eating grapes’’
Thor really said that in front of everyone.
Everyone was looking at them, everyone was listening at them. They were pretending not to be doing it, but that’s what they always did. Some of them were of course just admiring Thor and wondering why he had disappeared all these years, but most of them were totally eavesdropping.
‘’Yes, it is best to respect our neighbors’ freedom’’, and Thor smiled again, rather sarcastically.
‘’Yes, of course, the freedom to be massacred’’, and just as he finished that sentence he threw the Mjolnir on Loki’s direction. He was almost hit by it, but he moved quickly aside.
Now everyone really turned their attention to the both of them. Pretending time was over.
‘’Yes, besides I’ve been rather busy myself’’, Loki quickly added to the conversation. He was really nervous and it showed. I just rolled my eyes at how dumb he was for saying that.
‘’Watching theatre’’, Thor nodded.
‘’Well… board meetings and Security Council meetings…’’, but Thor quickly interrupted him, getting closer now.
‘’You’re really gonna make me do it?’’, he asked, rather disappointed than mad. 
Oh no. So this is how it’s going to happen… in front of everyone.
‘’Do what?’’, Loki asked totally oblivious of the situation. Or more like in hopes that it wasn’t what he thought it was. He was in denial. 
Thor just kept silent for some seconds with a blank expression on his face, until he threw the Mjolnir again but this time farther away from us. Loki seemed confused and now just a bit scared of what was going to happen. Everyone started to murmur as they seemed scared too.
‘’You know that nothing will stop Mjolnir as it returns to my hand’’, he said as he walked behind Loki and just smiled a bit. ‘’Not even your face’’
The guards quickly put themselves in position as Thor put his hand behind Odin’s head, everyone seemed alarmed and ready to attack him, and meanwhile I just watched the whole situation, totally serene. Everyone seemed scared of Thor, but I knew that wasn’t going to happen… Thor just wasn’t like that.
‘’You’ve gone quite mad. You’ll be executed for this’’, Loki said rather calmly, but no, he really wasn’t. I knew he was shaking. I knew him too well; he was too scared of his brother right now.
But Thor just smiled and then he said on an unbothered voice:
‘’Then I’ll see you in the other side, brother’’
The look on Loki’s face said it all, he was busted.
‘’Alright! I yield!’’, and then Thor pushed him away of the Mjolnir’s way, just before it returned to his hand. Loki took off his Odin appearance and then just showed his true self.
As soon as he did that everyone screamed, some people surprised and some others scared of him. People dropped things and some others even jumped a few steps back, Loki kept quiet for some seconds until he turned around and looked at Thor again, he gave him one of his smiles.
I just rolled my eyes as I saw how Skurge, the one who was supposed to tell the King who is entering and leaving the realm at any times, appeared through the crowd:
‘’Behold!’’, he began to say while he was still gasping, too tired to even talk. ‘’Thor… Odinson… ‘’
‘’No’’, Loki finally spoke as he turned around to look at him. ‘’No, no, no… you had one job. Just the one’’
And then he finally turned around to see his brother, who seemed tired and still mad at his brother, but again not as mad as I imagined he would be. I mean he was impersonating their father, I thought he would be raging fire and fighting Loki at this point.
But I guess not, and I’m really glad it wasn’t like that.
‘’Where’s Odin?’’, Thor asked immediately.
‘’You just couldn’t stay away, could you?’’, Loki asked now looking totally defeated, but also amused. He was smiling still. ‘’Everything was fine without you!’’
Well, he wasn’t that wrong. I’ve heard from people in the street and even at school that Asgard hadn’t had a war or battle in years, and the people seemed alright with it. And they also liked the theatre plays, a lot to be honest.
Loki continued to speak:
‘’Asgard was prospering. You’ve ruined everything’’. He said as he started to walk towards Thor, too confident on himself now. ‘’Ask them…’’
But Thor quickly interrupted him, walking now towards him as Loki quickly walked backwards, almost falling with the stairs behind him. He seemed notably scared of his brother.
‘’Where is father? Did you kill him?’’, he asked again.
‘’You had what you wanted’’, Loki continued to say as he kept walking backwards. ‘’You had the independence you asked for’’
And then Loki fell on top of the chair he was sit on just some minutes ago, Thor just put Mjolnir above his chest, pressing it a bit just as Loki started to shout in pain. After some seconds he finally gave in.
‘’Okay, I know exactly where he is’’
And then Thor just smiled, lifting the Mjolnir off his chest and just walking away of him:
‘’Then let’s go brother’’
‘’Alright, alright’’, he said as he quickly got up and started to walk behind his brother. He then made me a sign to follow the both of them.
‘’No’’, I whispered as I shook my head saying no a couple of times, everyone was looking at me. And they were starting to whisper.
He then raised his eyebrow as he looked at me that way I already knew too well, he was threatening me again, so I just rolled my eyes and then just followed them, Loki smiling again.
Sometimes he was really a child.
‘’Hey, Thor’’, I murmured as I just walked next to them.
‘’Hey, Mae’’ he smiled just as big as the last time he smiled at me, and I just smiled back. ‘’It’s good to see you again’’
‘’And it’s good to have you back’’, I replied actually happy, just as Loki made an annoyed sound.
‘’What are you looking for, again?’’, Thor asked now rather annoyed.
I get him; we had been here for the last half an hour.
‘’Something’’, Loki murmured.
‘’And is it that important?’’, Thor asked again.
‘’Yes, it is’’
‘’For Odin’s sake, literally! Because it is the paper they gave me where I left father and without it they will not let us in’’, he said as he opened and closed cabinets. We were on Odin’s chambers and now it just looked like a giant mess.
‘’Are you sure you remember where is he?’’, Thor asked again, not believing Loki’s story that much.
‘’Yes, I am. But you came back out of nowhere and I of course don’t have that damn paper at hands. Also you’ve ruined everything, brother’’, Loki said more annoyed than Thor was. ‘’So don’t expect me to be faster than this’’, he added on the low.
‘’Oh come on, you knew he was going to come back some day’’, I said as I kept eating my apple, totally unbothered. I was sitting above the desk just as I looked at him.
‘’I knew he was going to come! And I had a plan for that, that’s why that idiot of Snurge needed to tell me just before, so I could be prepared to execute the plan!’’
‘’Skurge’’, I corrected him.
‘’That moron’’
‘’Anyhow, don’t you think he was going to notice the huge Loki statue over there, or the changes you did in Asgard?’’, he was going to reply but I just kept talking. ‘’I told you the idea of the statue was a bad one, and yet you didn’t listen to me’’
‘’Come on! You were the one who helped m…’’, he started to say but was quickly interrupted by Thor.
‘’Wait, Mae, you knew about him impersonating Odin all this time?’’, he was really surprised.
‘’Huh…’’, I gulped but then quickly spoke in my defense. ‘’He threatened to kill me if I ever told someone, especially you’’
Thor then looked at Loki, and he just shrugged as he smiled, turning around and starting to look for the paper again. Thor just shook his head in disapproval, as he closed his eyes and held the bridge of his nose:
‘’Now he is threatening children… god, brother. When will you learn?’’
I was going to say that I wasn’t a child, but Loki just laughed in response of his brother’s question. I just rolled my eyes and then just turned back to face Thor.
‘’I’m not going to jail, right?’’, I asked to him.
‘’Oh no, you’re just a child. And he threatened you, so you’re clearly not going to jail’’
‘’I’m not a child anymore, I’m almost 16’’, I replied while frowning
‘’You’re a child, Mae. And that’s the only thing keeping you from going to jail, so just hush and be a child’’, Loki said as he looked at me, I just looked down and kept quiet.
He was probably right, so I wasn’t going to argue against that; instead I just took another bite from my apple.
‘’Huh… also, because you’re my friend’’, Thor quickly added and I looked at him, my heart pounding really fast as I saw how he was smiling. ‘’I’m glad to see you again, Mae!’’
Thor said it, he considered me his friend. That was it, my life was made.
‘’I’m really glad to see you again too!’’, I smiled again, too big that it even hurt.
‘’Oh please brother, I was your friend too and you still put me in jail some years ago’’
‘’No, you were my brother and you were being a moron, so you totally deserved to go to jail’’
‘’Same diff’’, he commented.
‘’How is it the same to try to slave a whole planet to keeping quiet because someone threatened you to do so?’’, Loki just shrugged in response and I looked back at Thor. ‘’Moron’’, he repeated.
We then went silent for some minutes; meanwhile we could only hear the sound of the papers flying through the room as Thor kept throwing the Mjolnir in the air and catching it back, as if it was a tennis ball.
‘’But why is a paper necessary, where did you leave father?’’, Thor suddenly asked as he caught the Mjolnir again.
‘’He is in Earth, alright?’’, Loki finally let it out, facing us.
‘’Wait what?’’, I quickly asked.
‘’You went to earth, again?’’, me and Thor said, in unison.
‘’And you went unnoticed?’’, Thor asked now skeptical.
‘’How I didn’t know about this?’’, I asked at the same time Thor did.
‘’I went there when you were still passed out, like two days after the guards saved you from drowning’’, he said looking at me and then he looked at his brother. ‘’And yes, I went and then left as quickly as possible, totally invisible’’
‘’And now we are going back, and you don’t want to go, clearly… be fast Loki’’, Thor said.
‘’I’m trying brother’’, he replied now really pissed, as he kept throwing papers aside.
And then we all went quiet again, until many minutes later when I finally dared to ask the one thing I was dying to ask Thor since he said that he wanted to leave Asgard right away.
‘’Are you sure you want to go… like right now?’’, I asked as I made my, mostly finished, apple vanish in thin air, Thor looking at me with that weird expression he had whenever I used my magic tricks. ‘’I mean… you have been gone for too long’’
‘’When my father is back we will have a big feast to celebrate it, and I will stay for a longer time than the last one’’
‘’That’s amazing’’, I replied with a smile. Because I actually missed Thor being around.
When he was there it was just easier for me, because I could kind of hang out with him. And maybe if he was back I wouldn’t have to spend my free time hiding from people that were already murmuring about me.
‘’Amazing indeed’’, Loki said too loud and too sarcastic.
‘’By the way, how is it going at school Mae?’’, Thor asked, ignoring Loki’s comment.
‘’The school… is going’’, I nodded and then looked at him again.
‘’Is that a good or a bad thing?’’, he was a bit confused.
‘’It’s… a thing’’, Thor looked at me weirdly and then I just smiled, making him smile a little bit.
‘’Alright, Loki… really, how long is it going to take?’’
‘’If you two are not going to help me and keep sitting there, then is going to take a lot, brother’’, he said as papers were surrounding him and the mess was getting bigger.
‘’I mean, I don’t even know what you’re looking for so…’’, I say as I shrugged.
‘’Alright… Mae, let’s go! Let’s take a walk by the castle, I haven’t been here in a while’’, Thor said as he got up and walked to the door.
‘’Oh, magnificent’’, Loki said as he frowned and just kept looking, with the difference that he was really mad now. ‘’Don’t help me at all!’’
‘’Sorry, Loki’’, I quickly added as I just followed Thor out of the room.
I mean, I kind of felt bad for him because he actually looked distressed now and I wasn’t used to seeing him like that. I wanted to help, but when I tried to do it at the beginning he asked me to not do it, so I didn’t.
‘’So Mae!’’, Thor said as he closed the door behind me and started to walk away of the room. ‘’Do you really like Asgard? How it is going for you here; is it really better than your life back on Midgard?’’
I looked at him and then just smiled, he truly seemed worried about how was it going for me here. And I appreciated it.
‘’Oh, definitely’’, I nodded as I looked in front of us. ‘’It is so much better’’
‘’Really, how?’’
‘’Well… first thing, I don’t have to share my room with other 9 kids who absolutely hate me and always pull pranks on me, so that’s a huge improvement’’, I said as I nodded, I heard his laugh and couldn’t help but smile.
‘’Alright, that’s a great thing. But... what about your friends, do you have some?’’
When he asked that I unconsciously made a pretty clear face of ‘’I don’t have any friends here’’, and I noticed because Thor made a little sad sound in response. But I quickly spoke before he could say something:
‘’I mean, it’s not like I’m lonely… I kind of have friends here’’
Well, if Loki counted as my friend, of course.
‘’What do you mean by kind of?’’
Uh, oh.
‘’I mean… it’s not like I’m always alone or I don’t have anyone to talk to’’, oh but I was and I definitely didn’t. ‘’Really, I have this study group on Saturdays and after it we always hang out, so I think we are friends’’, I said to him while faking a smile.
The study group was in fact a real thing, and the part of going out wasn’t fake… the only thing that was fake was the fact that I actually didn’t hang out with them afterwards, and it was because they never invited me to go with them. But I didn’t want Thor to get sad about it, so I just lied.
‘’That’s great!’’, he nodded and then we just kept walking. ‘’And talking about study groups and such, how is it going for you at school. What did you mean back then?’’
It’s hell.
‘’Oh, I meant… it’s great!’’, I nodded.
‘’Is it really? How are your teachers?’’
They are the absolute worst.
‘’They are good teachers, if I’m honest’’, I said faking a smile.
I mean they were, but they were also awful people.
‘’And how are your classes going, your grades?’’
Actually, that was the only thing that was going great.
‘’You know, I’ve always been a study nerd type so my grades are the highest in the class’’, I said now really proud of myself, because it was true.
‘’Really! Congratulations, Mae’’, he said with a warm smile as he softly patted my back, which made me feel so much better.
As I said, when Thor was there everything was easier. Happier.
‘’You know… these past moments, I have been thinking’’, he started to say as he looked at me and then we just stopped in one of those huge windows, that gave away the view of the town.
‘’Oh, yeah?’’
‘’Yeah! And well, I think you should go back to Midgard with us’’, he finally said, a huge smile appearing on his face.
‘’Huh… what?’’, I asked immediately, not getting it.
‘’Yes!’’, he nodded as he smiled. ‘’I’ve really been thinking about it and I think your life would improve, I mean you wouldn’t go back to that ugly school you always talk about, of course not, but to my friend’s place… you might know him, Tony Stark, he’d l-’’
‘’Wh-what?’’, this felt unreal. I suddenly felt dizzy and had to lay my back against one of the columns, was he actually being serious? ‘’I mean, wh-why would Iron Man a.k.a. Tony Stark take me… and where exactly? What?’’
I was startled.
‘’I have seen you’ve gotten really better with your powers and abilities, and I also think Loki has been teaching you some of the Asgardian magic himself’’, I was going to deny it but he talked first ‘’and don’t deny it, I know Asgardian magic where I see it’’
I just blushed in response, so he kept talking.
‘’But it’s okay, my mother was also great using it… but what I’ve been wanting to say is that you would probably be a great member of, you’ve probably heard of them, The Avengers’’, he was smiling way too big and I just felt like fainting right there.
‘’I-I… The Avengers… I’’
I was speechless.
This couldn’t be happening.
Loki’s plan.
The Avengers.
Tony Stark.
Going back to Earth.
This is too much. Oh, I was going to vomit.
‘’You have a golden heart, Mae’’, I gulped as I thought on all the times I’ve thought on how to wreck The Avengers, thinking on Loki’s plan and how to make it happen. ‘’You are a good soul, you could help us protect Midgard’’
I gulped again. Was I a good soul? I didn’t feel so good after all these years.
‘’I- just, woah’’, I looked at him again and then closed my eyes; I took a deep breath and then looked at him. He was smiling so big, my heart was sinking. ‘’This is a lot to take in, I mean… The Avengers!’’
‘’Yes! I’m telling you, you’d be a great member of the team’’, he said as he put his hand on my shoulder.
Oh man, I felt like shit.
‘’I don’t know if I’m ready’’, I finally said. ‘’About going back to Earth, I mean. And I know I’m just not ready for The Avengers neither’’
‘’I think you are, for both things’’, he said being totally honest, I just knew he was being honest. I could someway feel it.
Oh man, this is horrible.
I gulped and then nodded, feeling guilty about it:
‘’Please, let me just think about it first’’
‘’For sure!’’, he smiled now bigger. ‘’Oh, you will love The Avengers’ Compound, and the members of the team!’’, he said as we started to walk again to Odin’s chambers.
‘’Yeah, for sure… huh, but could you please don’t tell this to Loki’’
‘’Oh, don’t worry, I won’t. Just think about it’’
‘’Yeah… I am’’
And oh man, I was really doing it.
Jesus Christ, Thor really fucking believes I can be an Avenger and also believes I’m a good person with a golden heart, and a good soul, meanwhile I feel like a total hypocrite because I have been secretly training and thinking for the past 4 years on how to fight, destroy and literally pull The Avengers apart.
Holy shit, life was really a simulation because this couldn’t be possibly happening to me.
I mean, this was worst than I thought it would be.
Because okay, I really didn’t know how Loki was planning to get me inside The Avengers on the first place and thinking about it, that plan seemed so metaphorical, so far away... so impossible to make, but no. Now it was a reality, I actually got an invitation from An Actual Real Avenger to be part of The freaking Avengers.
And he thought I was a good person, when I was really not.
And he was Thor, and I cared about him, and he actually thinks I have a heart of gold and thought of me as his friend.
And oh, I was really going to faint soon.
‘’I found it!’’, Loki shouted as we opened the door, he was smiling and sitting above the desk.
‘’Amazing, finally brother’’, he said smiling as well.
I just smiled faintly as I quickly closed the door and looked at them; I laid my back on the doors as I looked around. The chamber was back to its original status, everything were it belonged.
‘’Well, let’s go… I want to be over with this as soon as possible’’, Loki said as he started to walk towards the door, but I stopped him.
‘’You’re not going to go dressed like that, right?’’, I asked.
‘’Of course not’’, Loki looked at me as he quickly changed to a fully black suit. I smiled as I saw him looking like that, I mean; I had to admit he had a great sense of style.
‘’Alright’’, I said as he smiled back at me, but just a bit. ‘’Then, you can’t go looking like that’’, I said to Thor as I looked at him.
‘’Okay, Loki… I’m ready’’, he closed his eyes as he opened a bit his legs and arms. I quickly looked at Loki as he just tried not to laugh. ‘’Suit me up’’, he added with his eyes still closed, I just smiled at how adorable he looked.
‘’Brother, I am not doing that’’, Loki finally said after some seconds.
‘’What?’’, he opened one eye and then he just glared at Loki. ‘’Why not?’’
‘’I’m just not. Like I said, you’ve ruined everything’’, and he shrugged, now leaving the room.
‘’God, he can be so dense sometimes’’ I murmured as I looked back at Thor.
‘’Tell me about it’’
‘’Alright, I’ll do it. I’ll dress you casual, you don’t want to be walking around Earth looking like a witch, like some others do’’, I commented as I just quickly changed Thor’s outfit.
‘’I can hear you’’, Loki shouted from behind the door.
‘’Good’’, I said.
Thor then let out a faint laugh and after I finished he just looked at me with a huge smile:
‘’Alright, how do you think I look?’’
‘’Amazing, of course’’, I smiled back.
And it was true.
‘’Oh, even Mjolnir, cool!’’, he said now looking at the umbrella on his hand. ‘’You did a great job, thanks Mae, at least we know Loki knows how to do one thing good’’
‘’I said, I can hear you!’’, Loki shouted louder.
‘’I know!’’, Thor shouted back. ‘’Let’s go to the Bifröst’’
‘’After you’’, and then I opened the door for us. Loki was already waiting for us so we could finally go.
Both brothers were actually really impatient about going, and it was actually going to take a while to walk from where we were to the where the Bifröst was, so I suddenly stopped them.
‘’Hey, wait’’
‘’What now?’’, Loki asked rather annoyed.
‘’Do you wanna see a cool trick?’’, I asked totally ignoring Loki.
‘’Sure! What’s it?’’, Thor asked with a smile.
‘’Hold my hand’’ I said as I showed my hands to the both of them, Thor was the first who took it. I looked at Loki as he didn’t do it. ‘’Loki’’
‘’Loki’’, I said again.
‘’No’’, but then I just looked at him on the same way he used to look at me, so he just rolled his eyes and took my hand. ‘’Al-‘’
But he couldn’t finish that sentence, I just closed my eyes and when I opened them we were already at the end of the Bifröst.
I let go of their hands after some seconds, when they seemed alright to be standing there by themselves, they seemed giddy. Skurge, that was where he had to be always, got surprised and almost fell off the stairs when we suddenly appeared out of thin air.
‘’Are you alright?’’, I asked to Thor and Loki. They still seemed to be a bit light-headed, meanwhile I was already used to that feeling.
‘’When did you…’’, Loki started to ask as he looked at me, surprised.
‘’Two years ago’’, I said, casually. ‘’And it wasn’t nice the first time neither. It also takes a lot of energy’’, I added, already feeling dreaded.
‘’Skurge’’, Thor quickly interrupted Loki. ‘’We are ready to go’’
‘’Okay, alright. Sir- Thor Odinson, sir’’, I gave Skurge a weird look and then turned around to see the both of them, again.
‘’Alright’’, I said with a smile. ‘’This is it’’
‘’Mae, have you thought about it?’’, Thor asked.
‘’I’m- I’m just not ready right now’’, I finally said and totally meaning it.
I wasn’t ready, at all.
‘’It’s alright’’, Thor said as he nodded and then quickly gave me a hug, I reacted a bit later but after some seconds I gave in the hug. ‘’You’ll be great in that team some day, when you are ready’’
‘’Oh, thanks’’, I murmured and then got away, I felt my cheeks burning.
‘’We will be back sooner than later, and with Father’’, he said.
‘’Great, I’ll be looking forward to it’’, Thor just smiled and then got closer to Skurge.
‘’What is he talking about?’’ Loki asked immediately, getting close. ‘’What team?’’
‘’It doesn’t matter’’, I sighed and then just look at him. ‘’This feels weird’’
‘’What do you mean?’’, he frowned.
‘’Well, you’re leaving Asgard. And it just feels weird’’, I shook my head. ‘’I just feel odd; like there is a weird feeling I have… I don’t know’’
‘’Well, I’ll come back soon. Not sure if things are going to be like before with Odin back but… I guess it was meant to happen, it will be fine’’
‘’I just feel odd’’, I said again. ‘’Take care on Earth, please’’
‘’It’s just a care home Mae, we will have to sign some paperwork and then we will be back here’’
‘’Yeah… still, just… take care’’, I repeated.
‘’Alright… you take care too, kid’’, he said as he put a hand on my shoulder and then kind of walked away.
‘’Wait, Loki’’, I just walked to him and then suddenly hugged him. ‘’I… take care, I mean it’’.
I didn’t know why I did that, but it felt like the right thing to do in that moment.
‘’You too, kid’’, he said as he hugged me back for some seconds and then we just let go.
I saw them walk away and then stand on the same spot, they both gave me a last smile, Thor a big one and Loki a really faint one, but still a smile. And then they just left.
And now I was alone in Asgard, for the first time ever.
Next Issue:
Dark Night: Lingering Feeling
tag list: @newtycuty @blacksnowed 
if you want to be added into this, just tell me. And also, I’d love some feedback, I love you all, thanks for reading!
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