#they multiply by foaming stuffing out their mouth. the stuffing makes a new one. such is life
kaissauce · 4 months
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my detestable son(s)
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rambles-n-tumbles · 7 years
Valentine’s Day
Pairing: Park Jimin/Jung Hoseok
Genre: Fluff with Some Feelings/Slight Angst
Word Count: 2,472
Summary: Valentine's Day is spent with people you care about, and sometimes that means taking a new look at your partner.
Hoseok awoke to a sweet scent, running his hands across his face as he outstretched his arms on his bed. Feeling around him, he felt the warmth from the pillow beside him fading slightly, groaning as he tugged it closer, inhaling the scent of honey and lilac as he tried to numb himself back to sleep. He was halfway to dreamland when the bedroom door creaked open, the sweet scent multiplying as Hoseok grumbled at the footsteps approaching.
“Seokie, are you awake?” 
Hoseok shook his head, a small chuckle coming from beside the bed as something was placed on the bedside table, the footsteps moving further away for a moment before the curtains slipped open.
“Noooo.” The chuckling returned, Hoseok focusing on shoving his face into the pillow as he avoided the sunlight at all costs. “M’sleeping.”
“Hoseok, I know you’re awake. C’mon, get up.” The voice was right by Hoseok’s ear as he grumbled once more, resisting the temptation to open his eyes as laughter rang through the room. “Hoseokie, really? It’s Valentine’s Day, can’t you wake up early for today?”
“Nope, I’m sleeping.” Hoseok’s voice was heavy with sleep as he realized he wasn’t going to be able to fall asleep again as long as the voice was right by his ear and that laughter kept chiming.
“Really? Not even for pancakes?” Oh no, his one weakness. Hoseok’s eye opened lazily, blinking as he accustomed himself to the light in the room, Jimin’s face right beside him smiling softly at the action. “That’s what I thought. C’mon, I got syrup and everything.”
“Ughh, but I want to sleep some more.” Smiling, Jimin scooted back on the bed as Hoseok sat up, rubbing at his eyelids as Jimin pointed to the plate of pancakes piled on his bedside table. Smiling, Hoseok reached and pulled Jimin into his lap instead, kissing him softly as Jimin tried to suppress a laugh.
“What about the pancakes?” Hoseok smirked, pressing kisses on Jimin’s cheek, steadily moving lower. “They’ll….they’ll get cold, Seokie.”
“We can heat them up later.” Hoseok turned them over, Jimin laying under him as he pressed a hard kiss to his lips. “Right now, I want to heat you up.”
“So, where do we start for today?” Hoseok stood in the doorway of the bathroom using a towel to dry his freshly washed hair as Jimin brushed his teeth, jeans riding loosely on his hips. Jimin grumbled a response, toothpaste foam filling his mouth hilariously as Hoseok nodded, biting back a smile as he turned into their bedroom. Stepping into the hallway, Hoseok let the towel hang around his neck as he padded into the second bedroom in their small house, a smaller room they converted into Jimin’s home office. Beside the door was a small calendar filled with animals of the months, but the 14th of this month was marked with a post-it note over it that read: plans Hoseokie and ChimChim agreed on.
“Jiminie, looks like we have a full day ahead of us.” Hoseok grinned, taking down the post-it note and folding it into his wallet, stuffing both in his jeans pocket.
“Yeah? I would hope so, otherwise, we’ll get bored.” Jimin called out from the bathroom, Hoseok making sure to close the door behind him on his way back into their shared bathroom.
“You wouldn’t get tired of me, would you Jiminie?” Jimin laughed as Hoseok wrapped his arms around his waist, kissing his shoulder as Jimin put on his earrings in the bathroom mirror.
“Not if you keep me entertained.” Pouting for a moment before sticking his tongue out, Hoseok untangled himself from Jimin, hanging his towel up to dry as the two moved back into their bedroom, each picking out shirts for today.
“Now, where to first?”
“It’s right down this block.” Hoseok tucked his hands into his pocket, scratching off the first item on the list as the two hopped off the bus. Jimin clicked a couple pictures of Hoseok on his phone, smiling when he was caught but laughing nevertheless. Couples passed them by on the street, arms interlocked as they faced each other, but Jimin wouldn’t trade any of them for the way Hoseok was focused on the signs down the street, eyes determined on finding the cafe he saw on the internet in an endearing manner before his eyes lit up in recognition.
“There! It’s that one!” Jimin let himself be pulled along as Hoseok approached what appeared almost like a greenhouse, a small sign outside alerting them that yes, this was a cafe and yes, they made it just in time for lunch specials.
“This is the place? Hobi, it looks so old and worn.” Hoseok turned to an awestruck Jimin, his eyes lighting up as he touched the leaves on a plant that was filling a pot as tall as Jimin’s waist.
“Right? Isn’t it great?” Jimin nodded, picking up his pace as he opened the front door, the bell chiming to signal their arrival as Hoseok stepped in behind, the waitress at the counter smiling and signaling them to sit wherever they please. Finding a spot beside the windows, Hoseok smiled as he noticed the small cafe across the street was overflowing with people completely unaware that there was this beauty right beside them. Tugging his phone from his pocket, he clicked a photo of Jimin stroking a succulent that sat between them, laughing when the younger man heard the click of the phone. Smacking his arm lightly, the two were engulfed in giggles by the time the young waitress moved to serve them.
While she took her time getting their drinks and food, neither of the pair seemed to mind as they conversed over things that work would usually keep them from mentioning. The two had taken off from work to spend today together, and as Hoseok leaned over to brush a hair out of Jimin’s face, Jimin reached up to hold it there with a gentle smile on his face, both of them were grateful that they had. It was so easy to get caught up in work and long office hours, that the two sometimes couldn't do something as simple as sit and talk to one another, so they hoped to amend all those missed dinner plans in 24 hours. When the waitress finally did bring them their food, it seemed as though they already had.
“Oh, so I was thinking we can go to the mall afterward. I know that you ripped your old sweater so we can go get you a new one.” Jimin held a hand over his mouth as he spoke, his sandwich threatening to escape as Hoseok nodded, agreeing to the plan.
“But! You have to let me buy you a new pair of earrings.” Jimin shook his head, Hoseok holding up a hand to stop the impending argument. “I know you lost your other earring, and you were looking up a new set the other day. Let me get you this.”
Jimin was reluctant, but after Hoseok reminded him that it was tradition to get each other gifts, he gave in. “Fine, but only because it’s Valentine’s Day.”
“Whatever you say, dear.” Hoseok signaled the waitress for their check, and after paying in whole (“It was my idea, Jiminie, let it go.”) the two walked down the street towards the small shopping mall in the middle of town.
“Hoseok, it’s alright if I get the other set from the last store.” Jimin sighed, insisting Hoseok not spend an entire paycheck on a pair of earrings he would probably lose again, but Hoseok had already gotten him to try them on and even convinced the shop owner to show him a matching set of rings to go with it. Never mind that he had also bought him a set of matching mugs ("It’s a gift for both of us.") and insisted on them needing new dancing pants, only to take the bill for that as well.
“Jimin, please, look at how great you look in this one!” Jimin refused to acknowledge how great he really did look because Hoseok had gotten a cheaper sweater than he anticipated and now Hoseok was trying to outdo him.
“No, Hoseokie. If you buy me these, we’re going back to get you that first sweater you tried on.” Hoseok shrugged, willing to make the exchange as long as Jimin would accept the matching set of rings.
“Sure, that’s fine. But let me buy you these first, okay?” Jimin sighed, nodding as the clerk quickly packaged them into a neat box. Tying the box shut with a bow, Hoseok handed it to Jimin with a kiss on the cheek as he paid, smiling as neither noticed the woman swiping a discount into the register.
“Okay, so now let’s go switch your sweater.” Hoseok took Jimin’s hand, kissing his knuckles as Jimin felt his face turn three shades darker. Smiling, Hoseok gave Jimin a quick wink as he pulled them both towards the exit of the mall.
“Nope. Let’s get dinner, I’m hungry.”
Hoseok sighed, leaning in a chair as he watched Jimin collect the bill for their dinner: pizza. Two large boxes of pizza that Jimin insisted he had to pay for, considering he was sure Hoseok was about to go broke after how much he spent on Jimin (not nearly enough if you ask Hoseok). They had started the day a bit later than expected, but it all worked out in the end, as they would head back home to watch a movie and enjoy some pizza and just being together. It was enough for both of them just being together, as Hoseok realized the last time he had actually sat down to notice everything about Jimin had to have been back before they moved in together.
The white shirt had the sleeves coming down to three-fourths the length it should’ve, leaving Jimin’s forearms exposed, his red hair contrasting the paleness of his shirt completely. The jeans that hung around his hips were looser than he normally wore, the washed out denim fighting the black converse he slipped on this morning after arguing that ‘they are comfortable’ and ‘knowing you we’ll have to walk’. He had been right, to Hoseok’s dismay, but regardless Hoseok admired the simple smile Jimin wore with absolute comfort. The days he had made it home early enough to even greet the younger male were scarce, his job taking full advantage of Hoseok’s people skills as he charmed his way through business deals day and night, the only comfort being the small lunches Jimin packed for him, texts scattered through the day and phone calls disguised as ‘overseas meetings’ that ended in ‘miss you’s and ‘see you soon’s. Hoseok felt his heart ache as he noticed the small bags under Jimin’s eyes, the long nights getting the worst of both of them.
Jimin noticed this, too, watching as Hoseok looked away momentarily, the guilt written on his face. Jimin never blamed him for coming home late, or even taking the long trips overseas. He knew it was Hoseok’s dream, to help people all over the world as he did what he could to get them the things they needed to survive. But sometimes Jimin forgot what Hoseok’s eyes looked like when they weren’t drenched in exhaustion and deprived of sleep. He adored the way today he had been able to awaken earlier than him, preparing a breakfast in bed and watching the older man rouse from sleep, the gruff in his voice and the well rested face of the man he loved so much warming his morning in a way he had missed. It was something he ached for most nights, his sleep pattern disturbed until he felt the bed shift under new weight, the familiar scent of wood and citrus’ cologne flooding his senses as he sighed into slumber, finally sleeping properly. His work kept him far too busy most nights as well, though he made time to prepare Hoseok’s lunch, little love notes stuck in between folders and hilarious one-liners he found on the internet texted to him in the middle of the day. Jimin knew that tomorrow he would wake up to an empty bed, that Hoseok would have left his toothbrush on the side of the sink and the curtains would be tugged open just enough to wake him up once it was past 7, and the thought that he might not be awake tomorrow night to kiss him again made his heart ache just a bit. So Jimin watched the guilt fade from Hoseok’s face, smiled as he walked over, letting the man wrap his arms around his waist as he pressed a kiss to his forehead.
“So, how was your Valentine’s Day, sweetheart?” Jimin’s heart ached, the tenderness in Hoseok’s voice pushing him to kiss his lips, hoping his partner understood the message.
“Absolutely fantastic, baby.” Hoseok’s heart leaped, the aching numbed as Jimin pressed a heartfelt kiss into his lips, the affection nearly drowning him as he savored the moment, the touch, the feeling. He savored it, memorizing the way Jimin fit into his arms perfectly, the blush that peppered his face as he laughed, turning to collect their dinner before taking Hoseok by the hand. “Now, let’s get home and have some dinner.”
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