#they probably still put their hogwarts houses in their bio lol
bugbuoyx · 2 months
people out here are seriously defending pseudoscience made by racists bc they want to be able to put funny letters in their bio and pretend it means something
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officialleotolstoy · 3 years
Could I get more modern AU headcanons for wap characters please 🥺
Absolutely! I am (tragically) American so I can’t speak on modern Russian anything and I’m sorry in advance for that. Also these are mostly based on ✨vibes✨ and not anything specific from canon
This got kind of long, I just started rambling lol
Comet’s decision to put Dolokhov in eyeliner was a great one and I think modern Dolokhov should get to wear that too (someone once suggested to me that Hélène taught him how to do it and I vibe with that)
I also think Dolokhov should get to wear black nail polish and listen to emo punk bands
He thinks he’s cool because he listened to My Chemical Romance in middle school and probably had a Brendon Urie fan account
Nikolai goes insane for Richard Siken poetry. You’re in a troika with a beautiful boy-
The Tsar is like a singer or actor he has a huge crush on and makes fancams for
Pierre had a Superwholock phase and November 5th 2020 absolutely broke his brain. He says “yo a ti, Natasha” unironically (I’m not a big pierretasha fan but still)
He probably went to dashcon let’s be real
Andrei and Pierre used to hang out on incel subreddits but they reformed
Anatole makes thirst traps on Tik Tok
Marya B has a progressive Christian blog where she argues with homophobes
Pierre is into dark academia
Sonya makes her own earrings
She also was deep in the Warrior Cats fandom as a kid and has yet to really let it go
Andrei is the kind of guy who comments “they don’t make music like this anymore, all the modern pop is trash” on Led Zeppelin lyric videos on YouTube
Marya had a very short girldefined fan phase and Andrei used to stan Ben Shapiro. Then they came out.
She/they Vera I do not take criticism
Petya does parkour and starts all his videos with “what’s up YouTube it’s ya boi Petya comin at you with another super poggers video”
Pierre unironically watches Cinemasins and has been to a flat earth convention (he saw Ippolit there)
Sonya covers Hozier songs for fun
Natasha and Nikolai watch the Bachelor together and get overly invested in it
Natasha is also super into Dance Moms
Ippolit is genuinely terrified of Buzzfeed Unsolved but he can’t stop watching it (obviously he skips the ones about ghosts)
Pierre has his Hogwarts house and zodiac sign in all his social media bios
Boris was in Mock Trial and Model UN and on a debate team all at the same time
Old Prince Bolkonsky posts boomer minion memes on Facebook and Marya likes them all out of pity
Since he canonically speaks like three languages, Anatole has the highest duolingo streak of any of the characters and it’s the only legitimate achievement he has in life (but he only learned different languages in the first place to flirt with foreign people)
Ilya Rostov takes his kids to pride parades
Nikolai and Natasha are the biggest ABBA stans ever
I feel like Hélène would be an influencer who gets cancelled a few times a year but it never sticks
Anatole never actually got into college but Vassily paid off some people in admissions for him to go to some state school. Hélène, on the other hand, got a significant merit scholarship
Natasha wanted to be a marine biologist for a brief period of time after she watched one (1) episode of Blue Planet
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cvrsxn · 4 years
hello friends!! i haven’t played carson in a few years, so i’m basically writing a bio from scratch while drunk. we shall see how this goes lol
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trigger warning: death
basic info
full name: carson robert james
birth date: july 7, 1998
pronouns: he/him
hometown: assaria, kansas
sexuality: bisexual
height: 5′9″
eye color: brown
hair color: brown
build: athletic
tattoos: none
piercings: none
style: because he’s on the low end of the totem pole in terms of status, he tries to look his best even if he can’t afford to look as good as the rest of campus
favorite color: blue
favorite food: burgers
zodiac: cancer sun, sagittarius moon, virgo rising
mbti: infj
hogwarts house: hufflepuff
enneagram: type 5 wing 4
temperament: melancholy-phlegmatic
alignment: true neutral
carson was born to rob and sylvia james, the middle child and only boy. because of that, it was always his destiny to someday take over the family car repair shop. james automotive was the sole reason people stopped in assaria, being as much of a drive-through city as it is, but the james family kept a good amount of business being the only mechanic within a 30 mile radius. carson was working under the hood of some practice junkers his father kept around by the time he was six, and it wasn’t just holding the flashlight. he wasn’t terrible at it, but it definitely didn’t come naturally to him like his little sister, katie. as much as carson loved his father, the man was very stuck in his ways -- stereotypical gender roles and all.
as for his mother, the most important thing to her was keeping music in their lives. if she didn’t have one of her favorite records playing, she was humming while she washed the dishes or tittering at the piano. she taught all of her children to play at a young age, and music spoke to carson in a way that cars didn’t. music was always for fun or relaxation or church, though; he never would’ve imagined having a career in music. and after sylvia’s untimely passing, music seemed to leave the house altogether.
besides church and working at james automotive, the only activity carson was allowed to participate in was baseball. being a diehard royals fan, rob was perfectly fine with his son cutting back hours at the shop when baseball season rolled around. and carson was good; the best third baseman the school had seen in over twenty years. he had universities scouting him left and right, but carson’s path was set. he’d finish an associates in business at the local community college, and then he’d work in the repair shop for the rest of his life. at least, that was the plan, before carson’s older sister, felicia, stepped in.
felicia had left the midwest for the east coast, and she was determined to get her brother out of kansas if it was the last thing she did. with katie’s help, they put together a “demo reel” of carson singing in the church choir and randomly around the house, complete with a scene katie had convinced carson she needed to practice for class. under the guise of a weekend trip to see his sister, felicia had set up an audition with yates university (and a few other schools for good measure). on raw talent alone, carson managed to make it into every single program. the only problem was telling his dad.
if carson had actually told his dad he wanted to major in musical theater, rob wouldn’t have even laughed; it would’ve just been a flat out “no”. his sisters swooped in again and convinced rob that carson had received a baseball scholarship to a nearby university, one that happened to have a top-notch business program. rob was a bit skeptical, but ultimately took their word for it. luckily for carson, rob never had the time to make a visit to campus, so they’ve been in the clear.
it was a long road trying to catch up to the rest of his peers in the theater department. the curriculum seemed to be set for people who already had at least a base knowledge in every area, and carson was still tripping over his feet in his jazz shoes. there were few who worked harder than him, though, and after his first year, he was able to hold his own. he still had a long way to go if he was going to compete with the people who just kept getting better, but if this was what he wanted to do, he was going to put his all into it.
at some point during his first two years, carson met and dated a girl (wc submitted to the main!!) and they were very serious, but for reasons that can be plotted out she broke his heart and it took him a long time to get over it. he started getting bigger roles in mainstage productions and that became his full focus. he couldn’t afford to get distracted.
as a senior, he’s really hit his stride. he’s performing better than he ever has, and he can even keep up in his dance classes. he finally feels like he can really do this, but he has no idea how he’s going to tell his dad after he graduates.
wanted connections will be posted tomorrow probably, since it’s after 10 and i have to be up in six hours for work 😬 like this post and i’ll come find you during free time at work though!!
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malfaiiths-blog · 5 years
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knowing you’ll never have to work a day in your life, feeling most comfortable in a dim room surrounded by grimoires, slicked back hair with hair ribbons, a flawless smirk, an even more perfect sneer, a dark secret and a darker future. ┊ if you’re looking for LUCIUS MALFOY, you’ll probably find HIM in the SLYTHERIN dorm with the rest of the SEVENTH years. they’re the TWENTY year old PUREBLOOD who looks kind of like AUSTIN BUTLER. they seem CALM, CLEVER, and RESOURCEFUL to me, but apparently they’re also EGOTISTIC, ARROGANT and VINDICTIVE. maybe that’s why their patronus is FOX. 
hey gang!! i’m sam and i use she/her pronouns. my timezone is est! if you want to plot or just chat or anything feel free to hit me up on discord !! anyways lucius is my babey and im very excited to join and to play him !!
full name: Lucius Abraxas Malfoy birthday: November 14 sexuality:  Heterosexual? hahahahh.... idk gender/pronouns: cis male, he/him age: 20 house: Slytherin year: Seventh wand: His personal, childhood wand is hawthorn, 13 inches, with a unicorn tail hair. His family’s heirloom wand is 128inches, Elm, dragon heartstring, and he inherited it from his father on his 17th birthday. boggart: His father yelling at him, disappointed in him. patronus: Fox
best friend - so like lucius needs a bestie. he just does. they kinda have to be a pureblood bc lucius is a fantastic racist. also slytherin would be preferable but not necessary, ravenclaw would also work.
ex - girlfriend - ok so like idk why but i feel the need to give lucius an ex for angst reasons i guess. or maybe they still get along and things are just weird IDK LOL. anyways. have to be a pureblood. could be any house I GUESS.
rival - i need someone who lucius just .... NEEDS TO BE BETTER THAN. this boy needs some competition. is it friendly competition, or do they hate each other’s guts? let’s find out.
With slicked blonde hair, grey eyes, pale skin, chiseled cheekbones, and a prominent jaw, it's hard to mistake Lucius for anything other than a Malfoy. 
His hair goes through different styles of long, short, tied back, slicked back, as long as it never looks unruly. 
He stands at six feet tall, with a bit more leg than torso, and up straight is how he usually stands, with perfect posture that has been instilled in him since childhood. 
Though not one to show much of himself off, he does stay somewhat toned from the quidditch he plays, both at home with childhood friends and in school –– though what he pays more attention to is the creases on his eyes, from spending much more time reading.
Lucius dresses rather sharply, as he thinks anyone with his kind of funds should. 
When not in his school robes, he wears the finest linen shirts, dress pants, and dress shoes. However, due to his prefect duties, as well as a large schedule of N.E.W.T. level classes, he is more often than not in his school robes. 
He also often keeps his wand out at his side, rather than in his pocket, in order to show it off –– this is similar to how he typically wears a ring with his family’s emblem on it on his right ring finger.
There is much to say about Lucius’ egotism. There’s few who are more selfish and more proud of themselves than he is, but if you ask him, he has every reason to be. He is of the highest class, he is dedicated, he works hard, he is a top-student with some of if not the highest marks in school, and he is heir to a very important family –– he has every reason to be as egotistic as he is, as well as proud of who he is and what he has done. 
He is also very dedicated to maintaining who he is and maintaining his place as rightful heir, therefore dedicated to school, and to his family and his other responsibilities. 
The boy is also calm, dependable, and good at showing little emotion or animation. He can keep himself from letting his temper get the best of him for the most part, as well as hiding his true emotions, even if doing so may lead to being deceptive; perhaps especially if doing so results in being deceptive. 
He also has great ability to find quick and clever ways to overcome difficulties. There is not much that can get in his way that can truly interfere with his plans.
Lucius was born in the Malfoy Manor in Wiltshire, England on November 14, 1959. As the first and only son to Abraxas Malfoy, he became the heir to one of, if not the most influential and respected families in the wizarding world. 
His education began at a young age, with his parents carefully teaching him all that he needed to know before he would eventually become a student at Hogwarts. 
These lessons included languages, broom-riding, arithmetic, and etiquette.  
He also spent much time being around children, reading books, and engaging in other activities all carefully selected by Abraxas to ensure the raising of a proper heir. 
Soon enough, his education continued at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, the same place his own father went. 
As a student, he carried on his family legacy by being housed with Slytherin, where numerous like-minded young idealists would also be found.
None to his nor his family’s surprise, Lucius proved to be a rather skilled wizard and a strong student. Abraxas and Pheobe were proud of the consistently high marks he had been receiving, and he was happy to have achieved what was expected of him. 
Thanks to his hard work, he was made a prefect in his fifth year, which showed the efforts he put into appearing a model student in the eyes of his teachers.
Over this past summer, Lucius has noticed a few shady figures frequenting his house and speaking to his father more and more often, and has overheard conversations of dark subject.  He would have been a fool not to suspect the upcoming war for blood purity, but he did not know that he would be so closely tied to it. 
After questioning his father, the truth of what was coming up had been unveiled to him, as well as an expectation from his father that Lucius himself enlist for the cause and become part of the Dark Lord’s inner circle. 
Now, as he is entering his seventh and final year at Hogwarts, it is truly the only place he can feel safe, as he makes the decision of what he must do next for his life.
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lvckpicks-blog · 5 years
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( jung yoonoh, cismale, he/him, 24. ) — alexander "lex” khang, better known to the media as eros has been working for the yōkai for around six years. rumor has it, he can be ebullient & versatile but also cocky & licentious which is why he makes the perfect safe cracker.
you can find a picture of the mask he wears during heists HERE & HERE!! though he’s customized it so that the led lights change frequently.
hi wow hello!! i’m caitlyn, 24, she/her, cst timezone. and honestly?? i am in fucking AWE of every single one of you ?!!!!!! from the bottom of my heart, thank you for taking interest in this rp & for being as encouraging and positive as you have been. words cannot express how grateful i am for each and every single one of you ?!!! whenever this idea came to me, i didn’t think it would ever take off like it has & the out pour of love and support i’ve gotten is absolutely incredible. i could go on and on for hours about how much i seriously do appreciate it, but i’d turn into an emotional lil bitch and ain’t nobody got time for that so moving on !!
this is lex, he’s a mess and a half but honestly.... i can’t ever play characters that aren’t a trashy mess with an even worse backstory so here we GO!!! there’s some basic stats, bio, personality and basic af plot ideas under the cut so if you’d like to plot like this or hmu!!!
TW: mentions of alcohol & death. ( car crashes / house fires )
general information.
full name: alexander khang. nickname(s): alex, lex. date of birth: october 31st, 1994. age: twenty-four. nationality: korean. spoken languages: english, korean, chinese, japanese, french, spanish, german & russian. gender: cismale. pronouns: he / him / his. sexuality: bisexual. faceclaim: jung yoonoh ( jaehyun ) of nct.
hometown: ulsan, south korea. current residence: tokyo, japan. financial status: upper class. occupation: safe cracker. family connections: tba.
extra information.
myers briggs: entp-a. ( the debater. ) enneagram: eight. ( the challenger. ) temperament: choleric. moral aligment: neutral evil. hogwarts house: slytherin. sin: wrath. virtue: pride. zodiac: scorpio. element: fire.
born and raised in korea.
parents spoiled him and his sister to death and made sure both of them had everything they needed to be happy.
however, whenever him & his sister were young, they lost their parents to a house fire and they were forced to go into the foster care system.
he wouldn't allow him & his sister to be separated, so they ended up being in the system for a long time until an american family took interest in both of them.
and before they even realized what was going on, lex & his sister were being shipped off to the states to meet their new family.
things were... different there, their new parents still spoiling them to death but everything around them was completely new and strange.
n bc of that, and because of the fact that lex couldn't communicate with his new parents, he began to rebel.
he started sneaking out of the house, breaking into places he shouldn't have been in.. going to parties even when he was underage and all sorts of things like that.
but he took an affinity to anything that had to do with picking locks, noticing that it kept his mind focused all while continuing to be able to 'rebel' in various sorts of ways.
after that, he focused on that, buying locks of all sorts until there wasn't a thing he couldn't break into.
however, the standard locks started to become boring, technology starting to be more and more prominent in the world so he started to teach himself how to hack as well.
not just into things, but how to 'pick' technologically advanced locks and everything like that.
he started to become so interested in that lifestyle, that he went to trade school for it.
but what he didn't expect was to meet someone there in the process, lex falling head over heels the second he laid eyes on them.
and god, he was smitten. ready to marry them within six months of meeting them. after proposing on a date and them saying yes, things were starting to kick into gear.
soon after, the wedding was planned and a date was set, but the wedding would never happen and lex wouldn't be able to spend the rest of his life with them.
his fiance was taken from him in a car accident, one he blames himself for to this day because they were headed to meet him to talk about the possibility of adopting a baby bc they couldn't have one & bc lex knew what it was like to be in the foster care system and wanted to be able to pull someone else out of that situation.
after that, alexander began to let his grief consume him, finding his home to be a bar stool at the nearest bar, drinking his sorrows away until someone practically had to carry him home.
that's when he met the mastermind of the crew, the other being nice enough to drive lex home from the bar one evening due to how intoxicated he was.
the mastermind happened to catch onto the fact that lex was very much into picking locks, into breaking into things that 'couldn't' be broken into and so he offered lex a job. quick money, no one would know it was lex at the end of the day and a reputation that'd soar for years to come.
it was then that lex's life started to turn around ever-so-slightly, becoming the best ( and only ) safe cracker that the yōkai had ever seen.
he started to grow happier, or so it seemed.
lex started to hide his grief, started to pretend he was just a happy-go-lucky goof ball on the outside while continuing to drink himself to sleep at night just to be able to get some sleep at all.
but he tried to control it as much as he could, tried to keep it inwards and not let it effect him or his job, and he never did.
alexander was/is a completely different person when he's on a heist & when the crew is all at HQ together.
the only person that knows about lex’s sister and fiance is the mastermind, though he does often send big chunks of his cuts to his sister so that his niece and nephew can remain happy, healthy and equally as spoiled as he and his sister were.
he doesn’t talk about his past life, nor does he really like opening up so very few people can see that there’s a grieving person behind the goofy exterior he tends to have.
hides behind a wall of sarcasm, cockiness, and lust.
doesn’t really care to get to know people and had a tendency to push people away before they get too close to him. because he really… doesn’t want to get hurt again & doesn’t want to put them @ risk.
but will also tease and mess with literally everyone.
wears glasses to read and mess w computers, but hates them a lot and probably won’t wear them if people are around.
is …. stubborn as hell and refuses to ask for help with anything.
his motorcyle and cars are literally his babies ??? like he ?? has a problem ??
a hotmess
loves halloween so much?? he gets so hype for that holiday it’s unreal.. even if it is his bday.
fluent in a lot of languages, picked them up so that he didn’t need translators for heists n such.
lowkey worried that people will figure out that he’s actually v hurt inside because that’ll cause him to start having to deal with his feelings again, and he doesn’t wanna do that.
is the biggest flirt you will ever meet?? like if he’s speaking 2 u… its usually flirty as hell unless it has 2 do w business or he’s just known u for centuries ?
will try to get everyone to go to bars n parties with him because that’s his life in a nutshell ??
hella nerd on the inside though like owns so many comic books, loves to play video games, read books, plays piano / violin & all that jazz.
super, super intelligent. could probably work @ nasa but instead he decided to do what he does & he honestly… ain’t complaining.
drinks..heavily..  like every night?? it’s a problem tbh.
he cares… god he cares so much about people and the world but he pretends to hate everything because it’s easier than letting people in.
full of horrible and cheesy pick up lines and jokes and frequently texts people said pick up lines and jokes.
owns a book that is full of nothing but blank pages and keeps it on his coffee table because he ‘relates’ to it.
is a highkey hoe but he keeps it on the dl
super into fitness as it’s a way to keep him away from drinking every evening. ( that doesn’t work lol )
loves boxing so much and can be seen at the gym quite a bit.. also has bruised knuckles 24/7 because of it as it’s a way to take out his aggression and feelings out on a punching bag?
speaking of… anger issues af. well... grief turned into anger.
actually super kind and caring once you’re able to see get past his wall?? which is really hard to do due to his job but if u do it he’ll cherish u.
has a bad habit of smoking whenever he’s stressed out, which is usually all of the time so he smokes…. more than he should.
highkey into cuddling and all the cute shit like that but would literally never tell a soul because then they’d see that he isn’t such a hardass.
is a burnt cupcake who has really good intentions but has extremely horrible execution skills. ( and no i don’t mean the violent kind bc he’s actually v good @ that )
plot ideas.
bad influence. ( on your muse. )
best friends.
childhood friend.
current hook up(s).
drinking buddies.
drunken hook up.
enemies that used to be friends.
exes who ended on bad terms.
friends that used to be enemies.
friends with benefits.
good influence. ( on lex. )
hate sex.
one night stand(s). ( past & present. )
partner in crime.
party buddies.
past hook up(s).
ride or die.
trouble makers.
unlikely friends.
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mydarlingfelix · 6 years
Get to know me tag(s)!
Tagged by: @hyunjinh  @felox-the-great @jaeffreyy @squishywoojin @welcometochanskitchen @dabkingfelix @mosquitofelix
Hi! I’m Summer btw (Ik it’s not in my bio), but I just go by Sum or other nicknames lol *I also just put multiple “get to know me” tags in 1 lol THIS IS A SUPER LONG POST IM SORRY However thank you for tagging me!! I Love you all soOoOo much!
Bold Thingy Tag
1ST RULE: tag 9 people you want to get to know better
I think everyone done this already fkjdjgb
2ND RULE: BOLD the statements that are true.
APPEARANCE: - I am 5'7 or taller - I wear glasses - I have at least one tattoo -I have at least one piercing - I have blonde hair - I have brown eyes - I have short hair (idk it’s growing) - My abs are at least somewhat defined - I have or had braces
PERSONALITY: - I love meeting new people - People tell me I am funny - Helping others with their problems is a big priority of mine - I enjoy physical challenges - I enjoy mental challenges - I am playfully rude to people I know - I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it - There is something I would change about my personality
ABILITY: - I can sing well - I can play an instrument - I can do over 30 pushups without stopping - I am a fast runner - I can draw well - I have a good memory - I am good at doing maths in my head - I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute - I have beaten at least 2 people arm wrestling - I can make at least 3 recipes from scratch - I know how to throw a proper punch
HOBBIES: - I enjoy sports - I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else - I’m in a orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else - I have learned a new song in the past week - I exercise at least once a week - I have gone for runs at least once a week in warmer months - I have drawn something in the past month (Lucy wanted to be drawn for her bday and I did a watercolor portrait thing ig? for her) - I enjoy writing - Fandoms are my #1 priority- I do some form of Martial arts
EXPERIENCES: - I have had my first kiss - I have had alcohol- I have scored a winning point in a sport - I have watched an entire TV series in one sitting - I have been at an overnight event- I have been in a taxi - I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year - I have beaten a video game in one day - I have visited another country - I have been to one of my favorite band’s concerts
MY LIFE: - I have one person that I consider to be my Best Friend - I live close to my school/work - My parents are still together - I have at least one sibling (I have like 5)- I live in the United States - There is snow where I live right now - I have hung out with a friend in the past month - I have a smart phone - I own at least 15 CDs - I share my room with someone
RELATIONSHIPS: - I am in a Relationship - I have a crush on a celebrity (?) - I have a crush on someone I know - I’ve been in at least 3 relationships - I have never been in a Relationship (not a healthy one at least)- I have admitted my feelings to a crush - I get crushes easily (It’s disgusting, wtf is wrong with me. I don’t need feels) - I have had a crush for over a year (Umm kinda he’s just really really cute. I talked to Dain about this before) - I have been in a relationship for over a year (but not currently) - I have had feelings for a friend
RANDOM: - I have break-danced - I know a person named Jamie - I have had a teacher that has a name that is hard to pronounce - I have dyed my hair - I’m listening to a song on repeat right now - I have punched someone in the past week - I know someone who has gone to jail - I have broken a bone - I have eaten a waffle today - I know what I want to do in life - I speak at least two languages - I have made a new friend in the past year
Alphabet Soup Tag
A: Age - “I’m 19, you fight me?” B: Birthplace - Cali C: Current time - As I’m during this 1:26pm D: Drink you had last - Water, but also Thai Tea Boba E: Easiest person to talk to - F: Favorite song - None G: Grossest memory - My cousin’s and I were doing a auntie and niece day and went theMall and I saw this girl throw up on the second floor in Forever 21. I felt sorry for the workers...  H: Hogwarts house - G I: in love? - nah, never gonna happen J: Jealous of people? - It’s only a human aspect, you’re only truly horrible if you do something nasty to others because of that feeling K: Killed someone? - Not yet lmfao L: Love at first sight or should I walk by again? - No thank you M: Middle name - Summer N: Number of siblings - 5 O: One wish - None P: Person you called last - My mom Q: Question you are always asked - Idk tbvh R: Reason to smile - Idk things make me happy S: Song you sang last - The Unit No way (I dont remember the unit colors)  T: Time you woke up - 6:43am  U: Underwear color - White  V: Vacation destination - South Korea, Japan, & idk the other one, but honestly my goal is to visit all my mutuals before I died lmfaooo W: Worst habit - Not caring, sleeping in, getting distracted easily, being anixious all the time.  X: X-rays - Teeth Y: Your favorite food - I have a lot... Z: Zodiac sign - Gemini
🥛 Colour(s) I’m currently wearing: Black... Just a lot of black (I need to stop wearing sm black omg)  🍥 Last band t-shirt I bought: I don’t ever buy clothes for myself, idk when was last time? Maybe during the Got7 concert?  🥛 Last band I saw live: Got7 (Fly In LA: Day 1) and Paradise (A Hmong Band)  🍥 Last song I listened to: Rn I’m listening to The Unit’s Cherry on Top  🥛 Lipstick or chapstick: Idk... I wear lip tints.  🍥 Last movie I watched: Ever Wonder? (idk it’s a true story about the creation of wonder women)  🥛 Last 3 TV shows I watched: Wanna One Go, Wanna One x Aimgo TV, and The Unit 🍥 Last 3 characters I identified with: Kora, Steven Universe, & Ken Kaneki (idk for this part, I never thought about this fkdfdkgd)  🥛 Book I’m currently reading: Books for my classes njfdkjd 
What’s my name? (Imma just put my initials) 
M. S. L.
What’s my nickname?
Sum, SumSum, SumShine, Summahh Girl, Tsumdere, Chee, 
How old am I?
“I’m 19, you fight me?”
What got me into Kpop?
SJ- Sorry Sorry, but Got7 made me offically stay and learning everything about the kpop fandom
What’s my favourite Kpop group?
Rn W1 (the most)
Who’s my ultimate bias?
Park Jihoon
What groups/artists do I stan?
Too many to count, you all can ask my personally if you want lol
What groups/artists do I casually listen to?
A lot, I try to be diverse, but what’s good music is good music to me. Feel free to suggest me some :D
What artists do I listen to that aren’t Kpop?
Ahh I’m lazy, but just good sounding music. Calvin Harris just popped up in my head. fknfkjskfnj 
Who’s my bias and bias wrecker from my ultimate group(s)?
Wanna One: Park Jihoon & Kang Daniel
JBJ: Kim Donghan & ??? (They’re all messing me up rn)
SK: Felix & I think Hyunjin? Idk
What’s your favourite song(s) to sing/hum?
It’s recently been Chungha’s roller coaster lol and The Unit songs  
What are your favourite flower/tree/plant (all 3 or whatever you have an answer to)?
I really love plants and flowers in general, however Peonies are one of my many faves!! 
Favourite colour(s)?
Pink, blue, purple, black, white, and gray
What do you always doodle (if you ever do)?
Umm yeah I always doodling, but I try not to because I want to be able to focus in class haha. 
How do you take your coffee/tea? If you don’t like those what’s your fav warm drink?
It probably like 20% coffee and 80% french vanilla cream nfksjfgsbjg sometimes I add a lil milk too 
Favourite candle scent?
Anything flowery, but i really like sweet pea smell lol. I don’t any candles yet, so I don’t quite know which I like more yet. Soorrryy
Sunrise or Sunset?
Sunset! The colors are soo pretty and like it doesn’t require me to wake up from my sleep lmfao. The transitions of day and night it just so beautiful! and the stars that start peeking through the dark sky! 
What perfume do you wear if any?
I don’t wear perfume? I have them at home but in my opinion I feel like if you’ve showered and smell nice why try to mix more scents onto you?? and I don’t really need it? DONT WORRY I AM CLEAN NFJSNJF idk if I make any sense
What’s your go to dance move when you’re alone?
Favourite quote?
“The moon is friend for the lonesome to talk to.” ― Carl Sandburg 
&  “We ran as if to meet the moon.” ― Robert Frost  
& also 
“The moon and stars just for you my love” - Me lol 
Favourite self care thing(s) or routine(s)?
Umm... Drawing. Showering and putting a face mask afterwards. Painting my nails. It’s more like small things, especially like painting my nails and drawings are things I can’t do often because I try to focus on school, because ik I’m bad at focusing. Sleeping and reminding to just eat, when I get too busy and focused I tend to skip meals. njfkdsnfj s
Fuzzy socks or House slippers?
OMFG BOTH THAT’S LIKE THE BEST COMBO! I have these pinky and purple house slippers I got aND IT’S FUZZY KSFJ SK IT’S SOOO CUTE OMG!! I love. nfjdnfd 
What colour are your eyes? 
Dark Brown
What’s your favourite eye colour on others?
Hazel, black, and gray
Favourite season? why?
Autumn and Winter (Ik contradicts with my name) but I love the rain! and cloudy weather! The sound of rain is calming and being inside while hearing the rain is nice. I really love Spring too when the flowers begin to bloom and like it’s a fresh type of feeling when spring hits lol.
Cheek, neck or nose kisses?
SJFNKFS Honestly depends on my mood  (´•/// ω \\\•`) but I like cheek kisses because softtt
What does your happy place look like?
My room on a rainy day with my fairy lights flickering
Favourite breed of dog?
YO OKAY SO I SAW THIS FB POST ABOUT THIS DOG BEAR AND I WANT A DOG BEAR IDK WHAT THEY’RE CALLED JKFDFHKSF. My dad is a dog breeder as a side business, so I grew up with pitbulls, pocket pits, american bull dogs, frenches, and now ‘exotics’ are the trend atm. 
Do you ever want to be married? If so what colours would you pick for your wedding theme?
Umm yes and no? I’m not sure. If I have an American wedding I like to stick to a traditional white with maybe a peach and light pink here and there, but for sure I would love to do a traditional Hmong wedding. 
Silk or Lace?
Silk feels nice, but I like lace too :)
Favorite weather?
SF type of weather 
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huffleclaw27 · 7 years
I was tagged by @theorange2uiitca2e to do this tag meme, thank you for tagging me! 💞 im sorry it took like 7 years for me to actually do it
Nicknames: Susanta, The Suz Star sign: technically it’s Leo but i don’t relate to stereotypical Leos at all lol Height: 5′5 Time right now: 2:55pm Last thing Googled: on my laptop it’s bcra2 frameshift mutation bc my bio homework, but that was Friday, I think the actual most recent thing is something with Wilfred Owen the gay war poet but it’s on my phone which is across the house Favorite music artists: twenty one pilots, troye sivan, sufjan stevens, panic! at the disco, the young veins, my chemical romance, hayley kiyoko, and a ton of others Song stuck in your head: I’m currently listening to girls/girls/boys by panic! so I guess that oneLast movie watched: i don’t remember, tbh. the last one i watched in theaters was moana tho Last TV show watched: Stranger Things!! I’m on Ep. 4 and it’s so good What are you wearing rn: a big gray sweatshirt and black leggings (my pajamas, i’d literally never leave the house wearing this but whenever i get home i put on smth like this lol) When did you create your blog: I think it was last April? What kind of stuff do you post: lmaooooooooooooo literally anything, my blog is a mess but it’s stuff I find funny or relevant or important, I put aesthetic and most fandom stuff on my other blogs Do you have any other blogs: ya lmao but my blog is still a mess. aesthetic blog: @electriclights-vintagesunsets ; multifandom/bandom blog: @lyingthroughmyteeth  Why did you choose your URL: last year in math class we were doing a game with competitions and we used a bracket, and the line my name went on was way too short (my name’s Susannah) so the teacher wrote Sus which evolved to Suz which evolved to The Suz Hogwarts house: slytherclaw Pokemon team: ok I haven’t played Pokemon Go but Mystic sorry Moral alignment: neutral good Favorite color: idk i like a lot of colors, but probably pastel yellow or lavender Average hours of sleep: WELL my sleep schedule is a mess during the school year but anywhere from 5-7 depending on how much homework i have and how long i procrastinate Lucky number: 25 Favorite character(s): i have an intense attachment to many many many characters but dustin & eleven from stranger things are precious and nico & alex fierro from rick riordan books are badass lgbt fam so those 4 are probably the biggest ones rn How many blankets do you sleep with: ~3 hahaha Dream job: neuroscience researcher! Following: 279
thank you!! this was fun!! & I tag anyone who wants to do this! x
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