#they propose during the same damn dinner date like DORKS
universal-kitty · 2 years
    Merry “Almost Christmas means it wasn’t Christmas” Day! Fun fact, once New Years rolls around, we have approximately 4 more years of Beanie Feenie before he becomes an attorney again. (July, 2027)
    (This post will be reblogged again after New Years.)
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xiueryn · 5 years
I really love your fanfiction trope stories so far and I was wondering if you would be able to do 30 and 42 with Marinette and Adrian at a class party or something?
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thirty: “holiday” forty-two: “the big damn kiss”
His shoes didn’t match his outfit.
And when he caught her looking, he wasn’t too embarrassed about it. Adrien smiled widely, beckoning her over to the other side of the room with a wave of his hand—which was easy to see when he was coming close to being the tallest in their class.
“You made it!” he exclaimed, opening his arms to invite her to hug him.
But rather than comply, Marinette stared dubiously at the splattered red across his chest.
“It’s dry,” he told her. “I swear. I made this, like, last week?”
She asked, “You actually made something?”
“I shook the paint in bottle,” Adrien revealed in a whisper. “That has to count for something, right?”
“Good job,” she praised, taking a step forward to give him a quick hug. “You did the costume before you even knew you’d be allowed to come?”
He grinned. “Wishful thinking.”
“Glad you’re here, then,” Marinette said, giving his outfit a pointed glance. “Wouldn’t want your hardwork to go to waste.”
“I knew you’d understand,” Adrien replied, enthusiastic and a clear sign that he’d probably had sugary drinks that he normally wasn’t allowed. “What took you so long to get here?”
To that, she pointed out, “You were here early to help set up.”
“Oh, right,” he recalled. “I taste-tested, but that’s about it.”
The music was loud, most of their class and a few rare students that they didn’t even share lessons with were all there already, and it was Marinette that was one of the last to arrive.
When a halloween party had been brought up, none of them thought that their parents would actually approve. And yet, somehow, close to a week before the actual date, one of them had been given the confirmation.
It was supervised, of course.
She didn’t have a problem with that.
The house was one that she’d been to a few times over the years—either to hang out or study and have dinner—but it had never been quite so full before.
His closeness made it easy to hear him over the music. “You look nice.”
She beamed. “Thanks.”
“For real,” Adrien continued. “You look—great, even with the make-up.”
Marinette looked at him suspiciously. “Are you buttering me up for something?”
“I—no,” he stuttered, reaching up and running a hand through his hair. “I just—I want you to know?”
“Know that I look nice,” she said, dubious. “Enough for you to say it twice.”
His ears were pink. “Yes?”
It was a little endearing to see how he was looking at her wide-eyed, as though expecting her to question him some more. So, instead, she simply grinned and replied, “Thanks.”
“You’re… welcome?” It came out sounding like a question. “I mean, yeah. No problem.”
It got less awkward after this; his shoulders relaxed, his expression was more open, and the amount of eye contact they had was more than they ever would’ve had at school. They barely sat together there; most of the time, the most they chatted was during their breaks.
But instead of roping in any of their friends to join their conversation, it was just the two of them. The sofas were taken, along with the lone armchair, but Marinette was more than happy to sit beside him on the bottom of the stairs.
They’d been told upon arrival that the upstairs was off-limits.
“I’m glad you’re here,” Adrien admitted, taking a sip from his plastic cup. “It’s—this is a bit overwhelming? Not like when we’re all in class, I mean.”
She smiled. “Is that why you’re hiding out over here with me?”
“Wouldn’t call it hiding,” he corrected. “I want to be here with you. You’re—yeah.”
“I’m yeah,” Marinette repeated. “That’s good to hear, thank you.”
“Shut up,” he said through his laughter, lightly jabbing her in the side with his elbow. “You don’t get to tease me, okay? You know how awkward I get with people I don’t know.”
She bumped their shoulders together. “That’s why I’m here.”
“Babysitting me?” Adrien laughed. “I knew I could rely on you.”
“Is it really babysitting when you’re older than me?”
He waved a hand dismissively. “Does that really matter?”
“I don’t know,” she replied. “Why don’t you tell me?”
“I don’t know anything,” was his response to that. “You should know that by now.”
She snickered. “You know more than me sometimes, be honest.”
“Yeah, only sometimes,” Adrien said. “Don’t rely on me when I’m out of my comfort zone. I feel clammy and sweaty from nerves when there’s so many people around me.”
“Are you sweaty now?” she teased.
He batted his eyelashes. “Want to find out?”
Marinette shoved him aside with enough force for his drink to spill out of his cup, splattering on his already ruined shirt, and they both stared at each other wide-eyed for a moment before bursting into laughter.
She was pressing her head into his arm, laughing harder than was needed, but Adrien wasn’t in any better condition.
“How dare you!” he exclaimed.
Instead of answering, Marinette plucked the drink from his hand, putting it down on the floor beside her own. He didn’t protest to it, smiling at her as she did it, and didn’t even try to playfully bat her hand away during.
“Thief,” he accused.
“I’m looking out for you,” she replied. “Can’t have you ruining your outfit any more, right?”
He sniffed. “I look amazing.”
She patted his thigh. “You always do.”
“Are you mocking me right now, Marinette?” he asked, adjusting how he was sitting until their knees were touching as he looked at her. “Because I’ll have you know, I’m actually very fragile.”
“Cute,” she remarked.
He beamed. “Thank you.”
It was easy to get along with him. For as much as he said he was nervous around others that he didn’t know—especially when there was a crowd—it tended not to show on the outside. Adrien recovered from his stutters quickly, and it was usually his body language that made it obvious that he wasn’t completely comfortable.
And the way he tended to look at her with a soft expression, relaxed shoulders, and totally open and friendly with her, she was sure that it was clear that she felt the same.
“You really do look nice, you know,” he whispered.
Marinette grinned. “Are you trying to sweet talk me?”
“That depends,” he started. “Is it—is it working?”
She wetted her lips. “Maybe.”
“Maybe?” he queried. “Is that all I’m getting?”
Her smile reached her eyes. “You got a problem with that?”
He looked like he was trying not to laugh. “Maybe.”
Marinette wanted to shove him again.
“Maybe?” she questioned, leaning closer so she wouldn’t have to talk loudly over the music. “Since when are you bad at decisions?”
“I’ve got commitment issues with decisions,” he replied.
She snorted. “Right.”
“But.” Adrien swallowed. “I might not have commitment issues with other things.”
Slowly, she said, “That’s nice.”
“Like… dating things,” he hastily added on. “Yeah.”
It was the way he said it that made her laugh.
The laugh was a small one, not a loud shriek, but she could still see the way his expression crumple in a moment—
“Want to test that out?” she blurted out, confidence far too much for what she was proposing. “With me, I mean. Yeah.”
He blinked.
“Forget it,” Marinette said without giving him a real chance to reply, face feeling hot as she leaned away from him. She reached up and pushed some hair off of her face. “That was stupid, let’s forget that happened.”
Adrien’s voice was loud as he stuttered out, “I—what if I don’t want to?”
Bewildered, she asked, “You don’t?”
“Not—not really?” he shakily responded. “Unless… unless you do? I’d quite like it, actually. The being with you part—not liking you not wanting it. Yeah.”
She had to smile at that. “Good explanation.”
He winced. “I panicked.”
“A little,” she agreed.
“So,” Adrien started, drawing out the vowel. “What do you think?”
“I think,” Marinette said, reaching out and shyly putting her hand in his. “I think that sounds pretty nice.”
His grin was wide. “Yeah?”
“Yeah,” she confirmed, a little bashful. “Who wouldn’t want to date someone covered in blood? It sounds like my best idea ever.”
“A few people, I think,” Adrien replied, linking their fingers together. “But if you want me to be covered in paint everyday? I’d be down for that.”
She laughed. “You’re a dork.”
“Maybe,” he said, amusement clear in his voice. “But isn’t that why you like me?”
“Maybe,” she teased right back.
He threw his head back and laughed.
And when he looked at her with that soft expression again, Marinette was the one to lean forward and press her lips to his.
pick two prompts from here and i’ll write a small(?) adrien/mari drabble for it      
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blazefire-engine · 6 years
@blue-water-crystallis: “there should be more 30 year old noctis x lightning! maybe noctis takes lightning on a romantic date/tour in altissia? maybe he proposes to her there?~ it would be a cute little drabble!”
Thank you so much for your request!!! We totally need Lightis in Altissia and I believe I have what we need LOL. So this went way longer than I intended... it’s not even a little drabble anymore (still cute tho!) and I kinda went ham: basically Noct and Light were forced to a date in Altissia and on who proposes… well, I'll leave that as a surprise ;D Hope you still enjoy this!
Based on Weskham's bar, also known as the floating market, in Altissia in FFXV.
Timeline: Post XV (yes, they all live!). 30 year old Lightis.
“You need a shave.”  The royal adviser heard the Captain of the Glaives chide the King.  
Another time, he heard a few bones popping and Noctis’ disapproving voice, to which Ignis assumed he was giving Lightning a massage.  “You need to slow it down.”  
“You need to eat.”
“You need more sleep.”
With the royal couple stating what the former needed, they neglected what they both needed.  So, Ignis had enough of this and decided to intervene.  
“What you two need is a vacation.”
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
“I can’t believe Iggy did this.”
Lightning snorted.  “He literally kicked us out of Insomnia.”
They were currently on a gondola, traveling to Maagho.  Weskham Armaugh was more than happy to shut down his bar for only the two of them.
It would be romantic.  A candlelit dinner for two. The older man teased over the phone.  Some wine and delicious food.  And you won’t even notice I’m there.
A romantic candlelit dinner, huh?  Noctis glanced at Lightning who sat at the other end of the gondola, a hand on her chin as she stared at the city, twilight settling over Altissia.  There was no doubt that he loved her and she felt the same.  But ever since the dawn had returned to Eos, the two had been particularly busy rebuilding Insomnia and essentially, the whole of Eos.  
He watched the evening breeze passed, tousling the strands of hair loose from her bun and the soft ruffles of her cream-colored, cotton dress.  
“You look nice.”  He blurted out, heat rising to his ears.  He silently thanked for his long hair covering the reddened tips.  “I mean, I didn’t get a chance to tell you earlier…”
Lightning raised an eyebrow, but the smile on her face tells him she’s amused.  “Thanks.”  She fiddled with the end of her dress, then eyed his royal raiment.  “You look nice, too.”  
She smiled wider now, showing a little teeth.  His heart raced faster, just when he thought she was already beautiful, she suddenly does that and now the word doesn’t do her justice.  As if he could fall any further.  
His thoughts were interrupted when the gondoller cheerfully announced they have arrived.  Noctis stood swiftly, standing at the dock to offer his hand to Lightning.  Her warm hand took his and he helped her on her feet.  
“Your Majesty.  Captain Farron.”  Weskham greeted warmly, walking towards them.  “Welcome.”
“Weskham.” Noctis shook his hand with a smile.  “We’re just Noctis and Lightning for tonight.”
“No titles.”  Weskham commented as he gave Lightning a chaste kiss on the cheek.  “I like that.”
“Thank you for accommodating us.”  Lightning smiled.  “You didn’t need to shut down your entire bar.”
“Nonsense, it’s my pleasure.  For all you’ve done for Eos, this is the least I could do.” He gestured towards a lone table with two seats.  “Come, come.  Take a seat, I’ll bring my finest wine.”
Settling down, Noctis snorted at the table’s set up. “Candlelit dinner.”
“For two.” Lightning quipped. She stroked the petals of the single rose in the vase. “This is nice.”
“Yup.” He cleared his throat.  Awkward.  “Us two. Alone.” More awkward.
She nodded. “We've never really had time alone, not after since…” She didn't finish her sentence, but Noctis knew what she would say.
Since you came back.
Ten years.  To have Lightning and his friends wait for that long, while the world was steadily growing into darkness…
“Here you go.” Weskham placed two glasses and poured them red wine. “I'll leave the bottle.” He winked and went back to the bar to prepare their food.
“I don't think I've asked before. About what happened while I was, you know…”
Lightning shrugged, knowing what he was asking.  “Nothing drastic really. The daemons grew stronger, the darkness continued.  I focused my efforts on training new Glaives and missions to help refugees. There was nothing we could have done except wait for your return.”
He gritted his teeth and forced out another question.   He needed to know.  “And everyone?”
She swirled her glass of wine. “There was a time we all drifted apart. Ignis had his crutch, and everyone else had theirs.” She turned her eyes on him, blue and sad. “You were the glue that kept us together. It hurt, not having you around. So we distracted ourselves. We met from time to time, but it wasn't the same as before.”
He looked down, ashamed.  “I'm sorry.” For all the hurt, pain, and suffering he had caused. For leaving them behind. He realized he didn't deserve it; their friendship, loyalty, and love.
Lightning’s warm hand cupped his, giving a light squeeze. “Don't be.  It wasn't your fault.  Your fate was written long before you were even born.  Your leaving was an inevitable.”
“For a long time, I was very angry at you.” She admitted quietly, her thumb stroked the back of his hand. “You left us to deal with the shit you and your forefathers caused. Everything that happened in my life was because of your bloodline and that damn crystal. I lost my family in a crossfire, I lost my friends and my innocence fighting a war.”
“But when I met you, you made up for what I had lost and gave me even more.  You gave me a new family, a new home.  Which was why I was so angry at you.” She whispered fiercely, gripping his hand now.  “I thought I couldn't forgive you for taking that away from me. Not for a second time.”
With the emotion in her voice, Noctis needed to see her, to face what he had done. So he looked up and met her warm gaze, her blue eyes with unshed tears as she confessed.
“And yet, above everything, even during the darkest of times, there was one thing that stayed true: I loved you.” She grasped his hand with her other one, holding tight as if he'd disappear again. “I still do, Noct.”
He believed her. Again, he had no doubt. But hearing her say the words made them real.
He took both of her hands, bringing them close to his mouth to place a lingering kiss. “I love you as well, Claire.”
She could only stare at him, her mouth slightly open. She always knew, but to see him act on it so intimately made her heart stammer
“I hope I'm not interrupting anything.” Weskham gave them a cheeky smile. “I've brought a Fettini di Cernia.  And my notoriously expensive Fine Caviar Canape, as I remember you have never tried that before.” He took the liberty to pour more wine into their glasses.  “Claire. That's a beautiful name.”
“Don't let anyone else hear that, Weskham.” Noctis warned half-jokingly.
“Of course, what is seen and heard in Maagho, stays in Maagho.  Enjoy your dinner and lift a hand if you need anything.”
They ate in comfortable silence, a comment about the food here and there.  Now that the topic of his decade-long sleep was out of the way, Noctis could almost feel their relationship change, like a flower on the verge of blossoming.
“Wanna dance?” Noctis asked after they both finished their meal and had two full glasses of wine.
“Sure.” She smiled, taking his hand once again. This time he placed an arm around her waist and the other hand entwined with hers, while her other hand came up his chest.
They swayed to the jazzy song Weskham played and they were glad he did decide to reserve the bar just for them.
Lightning placed her head by his shoulders, comfortable in their position.  “So, what now?”
“What about now?” He asked, slightly confused.
“Our relationship has changed.”
Ah.  “I say... we're still in the dating stage?”
To which Lightning responded by giving him her bullshit look. As if they hadn't confessed they loved each other.
Noctis laughed.  “Technically we've been dating for 13 years.”
She rolled her eyes and deliberately stepped on his foot.
“Ow, okay, okay.”  After a few moments of silence and swaying, he struggled to find the right words. “You know what happens after dating…”
It didn't even take her a second to respond.  “Okay.”
“Wait.  'Okay,’ to what?”
She smiled softly, but her eyes were shining in amusement.  “I'll marry you.”
He stared at her, then concluded.  “You're drunk.”
“Please, I have more tolerance than Gladio.”  She rolled her eyes again.  “But why not? You love me, I love you, we're meant to be.”
Noctis sighed as if exasperated.
“What?” Lightning frowned, realizing maybe she was too forward. Perhaps Noctis was right and she was drunk?
Instead, he groaned and pressed his forehead against hers.  “You always steal my thunder.”
“Well, I am Lightning.” She gave cheeky smirk.
“Shut up.” He laughed. She could be such a dork at times. “I hate it when you have more balls than I do.”
She couldn't resist placing a kiss on his pouting  lips.  “So, is that a yes?”
“Imagine the history texts from now. 114th King of Lucis was proposed to instead of-”
“What is seen and heard in Maagho, stays in Maagho.” Weskham’s voice called out from the bar. “And give that lovely woman a damn answer.  It better be a yes.”
Long-ass AN: Good on ya Iggy, he was so sick of hearing those two worry about each other. I always wanted to write an Altissia fic, especially Maagho and I wanted a little Lightis dance.  Also, this is kinda sequel to my Totomostro fic, if you remember that bit about the Caviar Canape ;)
Weskham is me, and pretty much every Lightis shipper. LOL. He totally ships them, also because their love reminds him of a younger Regis (cries).
So that little monologue of Lightning and what happened in that ten years made me so sad writing it.  I imagined that she would've been so angry, she would've chosen to be that way to shield herself from getting hurt. BUT LOVE CONQUERS ABOVE ALL.
And yes, Light was drunk... DRUNK ON LOVE LOL. And she has the highest alcohol tolerance (next to Gladio) out of the Chocobros (oooh I'll make a headcanon).
And that 13 years of dating joke (gives myself a pat on the back + that lightning/thunder pun). #neverforgetvsxiii and I imagine their relationship (actual dating) to be like this: technically starting 1 year before XV plot, then 1 year into the XV plot (basically the game until chapter 13), then 10 years of sleep, and then 1 year post XV plot.  Makes sense, yeah?
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gcano611 · 7 years
Cabo Wabo
I love weddings. Especially ones where there's a vacation in it for me. Even skeptic's have to admit it's emotional when two people forge their bond as husband and wife. I'm not sure what sentiment is being felt, but it's emotional none the less. I always look for that sparkle in the newlywed's eyes. You know, the one where they still want to rip eachother's close off every time they're in the same room! This trip is about THAT couple. If I didn't believe in romantic destiny before them, I certainly do now. Some people are absolutely meant to be together and I'm so glad Adam and Jill figured that out. AND it got me to Cabo! I do, however, have to give you a little pretext so you can become as enamored of this couple as the rest of us that ventured to Cabo for their nuptials. It definitely added to the mystique of The Baja and the charm of it's most southern point. I met the bride, Jill, through a mutual best friend almost a decade ago and we all instantly knew that the rest of our lives would be filled with girl's weekends and spa adventures! We've
Cabo never had to worry about if walls could talk because they could never get a word in edge wise with us! On one of our ladies nights (that turned into a weekend as usual) we ended up at Jill's alma mater. Although we didn't start out with a plan, somehow we drove for hours down The Great River Road, along side the Mississippi River, stopped at a Strawberry Festival (where you could NOT get strawberry shots by the way--how stupid), and ended up at Augustana College. It is my understanding that you can drive this Byway from Canada to the Mississippi Delta. What a fabulous trip that would be. As it was, we only made it to Rock Island from Galena. Just our luck, this is where our friend went to college so we stopped and got a hotel room. Of course I was too old to be in those college bars but acted like I just got my first fake i.d. After much dancing, lotsa' alcohol, and I seem to remember one of us peeing in a garbage can in the upper level of a bar, we awoke the next morning knowing that Rock Island would never
One big happy family! be the same. Needless to say (but I will anyhow) some regurgitation had to take place before we could begin the trek home. All great nights must end with a purge! It was a headache induced quiet for most of the trip back but at one point Jill began to talk about her good old college days and some guy she dated...but not really. They were only friends...with benefits, but totally not like your thinking (whatever). "It would have never worked out," she said, but there was a strange little smirk on her face that I hadn't seen before. When was the last time she talked to this guy? "A loooong time ago," she seemed to reminisce. So a few weeks later I'm having my 15 year high school reunion and my friends decided to crash it. Guess who Jill shows up with??? The guy from college that she hadn't talked to in years! AND he wore a cowboy hat, AND he was totally hot, AND he wasn't a dork at all like she said. JUST KIDDING! She never said he was a dork, but I did see that strange little smirk again. I have to tell
Centennial Bridge
Where the magic happened you they were about the cutest damn couple I ever did see. Adam quickly became like a brother to all of us and soon we were planning family dinners, nights out, and even weekend vacations. After a while it seemed like there was only one thing left to do...yep...you guessed it...GO TO JAMAICA! And we did! But that's another blog. It was on an early winter's night in 2007 that Jill was asked about her plans for the weekend. "Oh, I'm getting my hair done and then Adam wants to go to Augustana to meet up with some old friends." WHAT? Without us? Didn't she know she would never have any fun without her girls? It so happened that she ran a little late from her appointment. Adam was allegedly preturbed about her tardiness. A little tiff ensued and Jill said there was some strange tension on their trip down to the college. See what she gets for not taking us with? Anyhow, a little after dusk they pulled into what was apparently a ghost town. There had been a couple inches of snow and Adam told Jill that he wanted to go look off The Centennial Bridge like
Girls in the Lobby!
How's the stain Jill? they had done so many times during college (and incidentally where they first kissed). What a sweetheart! Jill said she was cold and a little irritated at that point but once they walked onto the pristine snow and looked out over the water...it was calmingly beautiful. The lights were dancing on the river and the crystal snowflakes were gently falling to the ground. At that moment Adam got down on one knee and proposed. They weren't meeting up with anyone. This was his plan all along (and no wonder he was slightly tweaked out!). After years of being friends and a long absence in between, they found their way back to each other forever. I guess she said yes because we ended up in Cabo for one helluva' party! So begins the tale of the most beautiful wedding ever! Okay! Okay! Okay! So fast forward to the end of February 2009 and we're off to the southern tip of the Baja California peninsula to Cabo San Lucas. I've heard so many wonderful tales of Cabo being a playground for the rich and famous. Of course I was going to play the part...not that my girl Jill isn't way hotter
Lord have mercy
Put a leash on that girl! than Jennifer Aniston (she is like 10 times hotter!!!!!), I was still going to party like a rock star! It's easy to do in Cabo. The entire wedding party stayed at the all-inslusive RIU on the beach so there was no shortage of cocktails flowing at the swim up infinity bar. The view was spectacular, the temperature was perfect, and the resort was emaculate. There was a multitude of restaurants and bars with a ton of stuff to do on site. I gave myself an enema standing over one of the fountains in front of the resort. Just because the rendezvous was classy didn't mean I was any less deranged! There were free water sports and of course you could rent any of the motorized ones. Anything you could imagine doing on vacation was right there. The most important part of being on the water was that it was the easiest way to get into town (Cabo) because the water taxis come right up to the resorts. It's much quicker than trying to catch a land bound cab. There are always water taxis in town that will bring you back also. Once everyone had arrived the bride and groom
Catamaran sunset
Jill's dad had a private catamaran cruise planned for all of their guests. What a wonderful way to start off the festivities and get to know the crew that had gathered for some R&R and wedded bliss. It was a superb evening and the company matched the climate. I have to say it's rare that I've seen such a large group of people traveling together with no sign of drama anywhere. This was definitely a testiment to everyone's love for Jill and Adam (and I'd like to think the company they keep also😊 As we sailed around the famous de Arco San Lucas we mingled, toasted, and prepared for an amazing week as the sun glazed the horizon with twilight. After the cruise we hit downtown Cabo with all the rank and rigor of drunken sailers but alas we made it back safely to our resort without any new tatoos (I think?!). As I awoke the next morning in my hungover fog I realized it wasn't a dream. There is nothing better than waking up to a sunrise over the ocean...NOTHING! I know my husband would disagree. He wakes up to something else rising every day, but for me I'll take the
Pool view from RIU waves over a silver speedo any time. During the day different groups took off in different directions. Some hit the beach, others went in to town, but we all had the same goal. The southern point of the Baja is just calm enough to exhale, yet breathtaking in so many ways. There are plenty of places to shop and hang out but it's much more relaxed than some of the full-throttle tourist ports throughout the Caribbean and Mexico. There are some tours you can take but we took a pass on those with the intention of returning for another trip. I heard Old San Jose is a quant, rustic little town rich with historic landmarks. I have also been advised that many of the golf courses in the area are kick-ass. I've yet to golf on a coastline and it is definitely on the bucket list. It's another great reason to go back but I enjoyed my time immensely as it was. So after a few glorious days of vacation the big day had finally arrived. Although some of Los Cabos is vaguely fuzzy almost every detail of this specacular wedding has been etched into my memory. The
Together ceremony and reception were held at the most exquisite location in the Baja. The Sunset De Mona Lisa is nestled atop cliffs that hang over the brilliant turqoise waters of the Sea of Cortez. A beautiful open mezzanine descends to the beach below through several levels of terraces, fountains, and sparkling pools. The famous arch and shimmering lights of Cabo rest in the distance for an added evening aura. It may be the only wedding reception I have been to in the Baja but I can't imagine a more beautiful backdrop for any matrimony. I've honestly never seen anything more stunning than the sun setting behind the bride and groom as the ocean below waved in accordance to their "I do's." It was the most regal ceremony I have ever attended. The entire event was magnificent in the most laid back, enchanting sort of way. Although I had been a little anxious anticipating this moment for my dear friends there was something so tranquil about this venue. The instant we arrived there was a calming allure. I must confess that amidst it all the most amazing moment of the whole evening was when I saw the bride before she
Forever! walked down the aisle. There was that quiet confidence I had noticed in her eyes just a few years before. When I first heard her speak of her unbeknownst future husband. It was that strange little smirk on her face that I now recognized...it was peaceful and she was beautiful.
As charming as the ambiance of the Mona Lisa could be, as glamourous as the reception was, and as wonderful as the entire trip will be remembered. The single most beautiful thing I saw in Cabo San Lucas was two of my favorite people deciding that they wanted to share the rest of their lives together. It was awesome and I can't thank them enough for letting me be a part of it. Adam and Jill have been at the end of my rainbow before and I'm so grateful that they will be there many more times in my life! Thank you, thank you, thank you. Second honeymoon anyone? Wait a second...I still have to take the first one!!
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