#they really DID pull a huge switcheroo holy shit
abyssal-soul · 2 years
I know everyone is probably talking about the new obligatory waifu in the 6.3 pictures but all I have eyes for is the dungeon gear????????????? Is it finally time to get the dyeable diabolic stuff of my dreams??????????????? EXCEPT THE TANK IN THE SCREENSHOT SEEMS TO WEARING THE MAIMING VERSION?????????????????????????????????????
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Switcheroo 7
A/N: I am back! AHHH! Sorry for the late chapter I honestly thought it had only been like four days dude they’re blending together. Anyway, hope you enjoy!
Warnings: swearing, crying. Mentions of starving, falling from a tree, neck-snapping(all of these could be put under Remus being Remus) Tell me if I should add more!
Summary: So dinner was a disaster, hopefully we can fix it. 
Remus didn't know where he was going, exactly. 
He had been in NC for a few months now but hadn't really been to many places. His house, school, the park, his therapists office and his dads’ cafe were the only places he had really been. A few restaurants too but not much else. The part of town that Roman lived in was one that Remus had never been close too and, therefore, knew nothing about. That didn’t stop him from blindly running out the door before anyone could see him cry, though. He’d rather strip down naked in front of the prime minister of Canada then let the people that rejected him see him so weak and vulnerable.Give them a reason to justify what they did. 
No. Remus refused to give them the satisfaction. 
The air was crisp, almost painfully so. The sharpness burned his lungs and cut his throat. Every huff of air came out raggedy and unpleasant and just added a whole new level of discomfort for Remus but he kept running. He made a sharp left then a right then continued two blocks. The buildings blended together. The grays and yellows and reds didn’t help in soothing him, they just made him panic harder and keep running. After a couple more turns, he stopped. He was too out of breath and the cold was becoming unbearable. 
He found himself downtown. He didn't know Roman lived that close to downtown.or maybe he wasn't close. He had been running for a good twenty or so minutes. Maybe. Maybe longer. He wouldn't be surprised if it was normally an hour walk. He guesses that would still be close though. 
He wandered around a bit until he could recognize something. The first familiar thing he found was a grocery store. This certain grocery store he had never been in but passed it all the time on his way to Des' cafe. He knew for a fact that the cafe was two blocks away and Remus could easily run over and get in. He still had his keys and knew where all the extra food was. 
He took off in a heated sprint, ready to lay on the couch in the break room and cry. 
De was freaking the fuck out. 
His singular kid just ran out of his boyfriends best friends house after having a huge argument with his long lost twin and he didn’t know what the fuck to do. Most parenting books don’t exactly tell you what to do in these types of situations and he never thought he’d have to deal with it so he didn’t have much time to come up with some semblance of a plan!
“Okay, dear,” Logan said, rising from the table and looking towards De. “You go get your coat and grab my keys. We’ll go drive and look for Remus. He just ran out, he couldn’t have gone far-”
“Holy shit-” De muttered.
“Eli! You and George get Roman up to his room and try to calm him down!" Logan pointed towards the boy still crying on the floor. Eli Rose from her seat and over to Roman. 
“Holy shit-” De muttered, a bit louder.
"Come on, querido. Let's go up to your room. Come on,” she whispered, slowly guiding Roman to his feet and up the stairs. George followed, slightly dazed. 
"Holy shit my kid just ran out the fucking door in a neighborhood we've never been in!" De yelled, hands immediately attaching to his hair and pulling. He didn't even really know he was doing it, far too concerned for his kid.
Logan walked around the table and over to De. He slowly moved his hands on top of Des' and pulled them away from his hair. He brought Des knuckles up to his mouth and placed feather light kisses on both hands. It calmed De a lot more than he'd like to admit. 
"It's okay, mon serpent. It'll be okay. I'm going to go grab my keys and we'll drive around. I need you to think of all the places he might go." Logan said, voice level. It calmed De down long enough for him to blush at the nickname used. 
“You flirt. Thank you, so much.” he breathed, pecking him on the nose. Logan smiled before rushing off to grab his keys. De made his way to the car, getting in before Logan had left the house. A minute later and they were both off, ready to stay up all night to look for him.
“Come on, querido. Let’s go up to your room. Come on,” Roman heard his mother whisper in his ear. He obeyed, standing and walking with her even as tears ran down his cheeks and his head pounded with so many thoughts. So many feelings.
He was angry. Angry at the things Remus had said. Angry at the things he had said. He was also heartbroken. Torn at the mere idea that this was it. They’d never get their relationship back. At the thought that Remus might hate him and he can’t really blame him. He hated himself right now. 
He felt his mother lead him to his bed and plop him down. She bent down in front of him and wiped away his tears with her thumbs. The touch was rough but motherly. He adored it and leaned into her hands as more tears spilled over his eyelashes. She cooed at him but it sounded pitiful. Almost as pitiful as he looked. 
“It’s okay, dear. It will all be okay.”
“No it won’t.” Roman whispered. 
“You..” George walked across the room and kneeled in front of Roman, right next to Eliana “You don’t know that, Roman.” he said, placing his hand on his shoulder. Roman shrugged it off but felt bad about it immediately afterwards. “I-sorry. Sorry dad, mother dearest. I just...I just don’t know-” he sucked in a breath, the tears slowing down. “I’m s-so so sorry. For-for fucking every-..everything up. I don’t know why I did..did that I just-I was-agh!” He yelled, falling down onto his back. He angrily brought his hands up to his eyes to wipe away the remaining tears which only made more appear. He groaned. 
Eliana looked to George. George looked to Eliana. They were heartbroken. 
They didn't know what to do. They knew all the words in the world wouldn't be able to help Roman. Not from them, at least. 
"You're stressed, hijo. How about we watch movies?" Eliana suggested, moving her hand to his knee. "All your favorites. We'll come up with a solution in the morning, okay?" She asked. 
Roman sat up, hair a mess and teary-eyed. 
He sniffed. "Okay." He said. His parents smiled and rushed to get everything together for the best movie night ever.
“So he wasn’t at the house-”
“Any of the parks-”
“Or at the school-”
“Why did we think he’d be there?”
“This is horrible.” Logan sighed, getting back into the car. He shut the door and  plopped his head down to rest on the steering wheel. It had been about an hour and a half and they couldn’t find Remus anywhere! Logan was close to giving up home at this point. File a missing person and get ready to have De break up with him because of how horrible he was for not only losing his son but not being able to find hi-
“Hey,” he felt de tap the back of his neck. He hummed, so De knew he’d heard him. “I know what you’re thinking and you’re wrong. Okay? I’m not mad and I’m not gonna break up with you. We just have to keep looking.” he said, stroking the back of Logan's head gently. 
He shot De a baffled look. How in the world could he know exactly what he was thinking?
De seemed to pick up on this. 
“I don’t know how I know,” he said. “Remus thinks it’s because I’m a witch.” he shot Logan a smirk causing Logan to smile as well.
“Well, you are quite bewitching.” he said. De laughed and slapped him lightly on the shoulder. 
“Flirt. Now up, we still have some searching to do.” 
“Correct. Can you think of any more places he may have gone off?” Logan asked, starting up the car and driving out of the school parking lot. De thought for a while before letting out a groan and burying his head in his hands. Logan didn’t say anything. 
“I’m a fucking idiot.” De said.
“No you’re not.” Logan answered, on reflex. 
“You know how to get to the cafe from here?” De asked although he knew he did. Logan hummed and headed towards the cafe. He, too, felt like an idiot for not thinking of that. 
They made it there in record time. Only 14 minutes(it should have been 25) and they were in front of the cafe. They parked right outside the door and headed in, finding it to already be unlocked. They heard the fresh prince theme song blaring from the break room and knew they were in the right place. 
De quickly locked the door again and led Logan to the break room. 
Remus heard a knock. It was the quiet yet firm and he knew his alone time had come to an end. Pausing the tv, and wrapping the blanket tighter around his shoulders, Remus opened the door a crack. 
“If you’re here to steal the money from the cash register the code is 1872.”
“That’s a lie and you know it.” De said, opening the door wider and letting him and Logan into the small room. Remus didn’t stop him, just moved back to the couch. De and Logan made themselves comfortable on either side of him. He resumed the show. No one spoke. 
“I’m sorry...for everything, De. I just...I just..” Remus brought his knees up to his chest and wrapped his arms, firmly, around them. He rested his chin on top of his right knee. “I fucked up. Like really bad. Roman...Roman was right. You didn’t want me. You should’ve just left me there to starve-”
Des eyes widened at that and he twisted his body to fully look at Remus. He placed a hand on his shoulder and watched as beads of tears gathered at his eyes.
“Remus, dear, don’t say that,” De said. Remus didn’t seem to hear him. 
“You should’ve let me stay there. Cold and hungry and alone-”
“Remus. Remus, dear, please don’t say that.” 
“It’s true.” Remus whispered, tears freely falling down his red cheeks. “It’s true and you know it. You didn’t want me, you pitied me. Well, I’d rather not have a dad then have one that only got me to make himself feel better. Rather I fall off the tallest tree and snap my neck in half. Clean split. Wouldn’t you like that, dad?” Remus spat. The tears were heavier now. 
De gasped. Logan spoke up.
“When Desmond and I went on our first date,” he said, voice calm. “He spent almost exactly 48 minutes talking about you. Not back to back but altogether. It was a 3 hour date and he spent almost ⅓ of that time talking about you. No descriptions but things you said. Things you did. How you're doing in school.” Logan shifted to look at Remus. He made sure he was staring him in the eyes before continuing. 
“He spent a good ten minutes talking about how good you were at track. Whenever he talked about you he got this look in his eye. It was...something. Adoration? Love? Probably a mix of both and more, if we’re being honest. Most people would get annoyed at something like that but I found it...incredibly attractive.”
Remus made a face. He didn’t like thinking of his dad as attractive. Logan picked up on this. 
“Apologies. Intriguing. I found it intriguing. I wanted nothing more than to become so important to him that he looks like that when he talks about me. I wanted to become almost as important as you are to him. Not more, I would never do that. But second, maybe? Do you get what I’m saying, Remus?” Logan asked, tilting his head slightly. De would have found it cute but he was too busy swooning all over again. 
Remus nodded his head. 
“I-...I’m important to-to my dad. He..” Remus trailed off, burying his head in his knees. 
De wrapped his arms around Remus, pulling him into his chest and rocking back and forth. 
“It’s true dear. What Roman said is all a lie. I wanted an older kid and when I saw you, yelling at one of the caretakers because she wouldn’t let you chase the squirrels at the dog park anymore...I knew you were perfect. I knew I wanted you.”
“But I-I-I’m horrible! I think the wrong things, say the wrong things! I am the wrong thing in your life! We had to move states because of me!” Remus yelled into his chest, snot and tears soaking his shirt but De didn’t care. 
“Remus, I’m going to tell you once so you better listen. I would endure every hardship I’ve ever face but 80x more painful if that meant I got to be your dad. If that meant I got to be the one who gets called in because you punched a kid in the mouth when he called me ugly. To be there to see every gruesome drawing and hear you gush about you favorite gory scenes in Criminal minds. To go to your meets and congratulate you on your win and go get ice cream. Or tell you better luck next time and go get ice cream. I wouldn’t give up any of that for the world, dear. Okay?” he asked. Remus nodded into his chest. He was crying far too much for words. 
Logan placed a hand on his back and made gentle circles with it. 
“If it helps, whenever Roman was sad he’d watch Lilo and Stitch. I asked him about it one day and he said that...it reminded him of someone. Someone he loves. I can only assume that’s you.” Logan said, voice quiet. 
Remus snapped away from Des' chest. Logan stopped rubbing circles and took his hand back. He was about to ask if he had done something wrong when Remus buried into his chest, blubbering incoherent words. It sounded like he was saying “thank you” so he decided he was. 
De moved to be on the other side of the crying teen and rested his head on Logans shoulder as he wrapped his arms around the both of them. 
“He likes you.” De whispered into his ear and Logan couldn’t stop the smile that spread across his cheeks as Remus calmed down.
Not the best first meeting, but at least it guaranteed him a more permanent spot.
SquidDoctor🦑 : my boi
Aspergoos: Never call me that again and I’ll tell you my plan
SquidDoctor🦑: dude. broski. syrup to my pancake. milk to my cereal.
Aspergoos: Cereal to my milk.*
Aspergoos: Don't you ever put milk before cereal again you absolute heathen
SquidDoctor🦑: lol. Okay dude, whatcha got?
Aspergoos: Disgusting
Aspergoos: Anyway, there is no plan. Desmond got Remus to agree to try and talk to Roman during lunch on Monday. I even offered to let them use my classroom. Just get Roman to agree as well. I’ll be right outside in case there’s a brawl. Got it? Or are those instructions too hard for you?
SquidDoctor🦑: fuck u
SquidDoctor🦑: i got it. hes passed out rn but ill tell him 
SquidDoctor🦑: where'd ya find the kid?
Aspergoos: At the cafe. He was watching Fresh Prince reruns in the breakroom when he found him. Kid was a mess
SquidDoctor🦑: same here. offered to watch lilo and stitch to cheer him up and he nearly had a breakdown. guess u were right 
Aspergoos: I always am
SquidDoctor🦑: nah
SquidDoctor🦑: anyway imma head to bed. u?
Aspergoos: We’re gonna take Remus home. He’s passed out too. Imma stay at Des place. Oh, btw, we stole your car. Didn’t realize till we were gone. 
SquidDoctor🦑: lol u scratch my car yall both getting shipped to antarctica
Aspergoos: I assumed. Night, Eli. Love ya. Sweet dreams
SquidDoctor🦑: u too Lo. night!
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