#they should have looked at their tickets im sorry they had plenty of opportunities
vogelmeister · 11 months
love it when your tell your parents something shitty that happened to you at work and they side with the patron :))) geen slay.
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k-renne · 7 years
Fame is a Lonely Road
Summary: Kylo Ren is the lead singer of the Knight’s of Ren, one of the most well known bands of late. Despite his success in career he still feels lonely, cold, and afraid. That changes when he spots you. 
A/N: ughhhh im a sap, sorry hope you guys like this fluffy oneshot, trying to get back into things, also thanks @fanfictionauthoress for the idea 
Sweat trickled down his brow, the sound of the crowd dying out to the roar of his heartbeat. In that moment he forgot everything, in that moment his world was you.
You didn’t even notice that the lead singer was staring straight at you, completely love struck. You were looking around, observing, waiting, wondering why you were even here. Sure the Knights of Ren was a popular band, and they put on a great show, the music was good but you just didn’t feel that connection, and you were just here because you got such good tickets for free, so you only felt more out of place.
It felt like everyone was staring at you, like they knew that you weren’t a true fan. You slumped in your seat, trying to shy away from the uncomfortable itch of a burning gaze. You quickly get bored of staring at your hands, and wonder when the band is going to play their next song. When you look up you find the source of the gaze, brown eyes molten with passion, framed by dark strand of hair scattered on his forehead. Maybe you were imaging things, but was Kylo Ren staring you down?
You feel your cheeks heat up, and you look away, you were probably just imaging it. There was nothing special about you anyways. You look up again, he’s still staring but this time he’s slightly smiling. Lips curled so faintly that no one would notice it, though there’s warmth that wasn’t there before and it makes you want to melt in your seat.
“Alright this next song goes out to my favorite audience member, the girl in the white shirt.” He points in your direction, now smirking at you. Other girls squeal around you, and you almost cover your ears at how loud they are. “Oh man, he’s so hot. I can’t believe he pointed in our direction!” Your friend Dana says to you excitedly.
“Uh yeah,” You agree, still feeling shaken. You watched the band, trying not to look at the lead singer, but you couldn’t help it his gaze was pulling you in and every few moments it’d return to you, trying not to stare at you so blatantly but failing.
“Hey Y/N, aren’t you wearing a white shirt?” Dana points out, making you quickly cross your arms. “Oh my god, he was talking about you!” Dana jumps.
“No I don’t think so, there’s plenty of people wearing white around here.”
“To a Knights of Ren concert? I don’t think so, I don’t see anyone, and look! He’s looking this way.” You turn your head, trying to hide your embarrassment. “I don’t think so Dana.” It couldn’t be.
“Alright you don’t believe me? Then I dare you to smile at him, if he’s looking at you, he’ll smile back I promise you, and Kylo rarely smiles.” She bets.
You were curious so you decided to test it out, flashing a smile to him. His reaction is immediate. You can see his eyes light up and smile so widely that it still shows as he sings the next verse. Your heart is beating rapidly now because face it, that smile was so cute that your growing feelings boil over.  You never would even think something like it was possible from a man so brooding as Kylo Ren.
“Y/N, we should try and get back stage! I bet he’d want to talk to you,” Dana suggests.
“No way, they’d never let us get back there. Besides, I don’t want to.”
“I think they would with this.” She says, pulling out her back stage pass.
“You can’t give me that, that’s yours Dana, and they’re your favorite band!”
“You can ask for an autograph for me, besides I’m not letting you miss this opportunity when he obviously likes you.”
“Dana-“ You start, she quickly cuts you off. “We’re going, now.” She says, grabbing your wrist and pulling you towards backstage. You hear Kylo thank the audience and wrap up the show, his voice bringing more heat to your face.
You get to the entrance backstage, a man guarding it with crossed arms stares you down, you stop in your tracks; maybe this wasn’t such a good idea. Worse you didn’t really know any of the songs from the band and you really didn’t want to make a fool of yourself. But before you can turn around Dana shoves you towards the bouncer, backstage pass around your neck. He nods to you and moves aside to let you in, because you don’t want to be rude at this point you enter reluctantly, scouring the room for a place to hide.
There’s nowhere, so you’re forced to sit on the couch with a few other fans that were babbling about the band members. “Did you hear that Kylo’s single!” One girl squeals. “Better yet, I heard he has an eight pack!” One adds, and then they all squeal in excitement together. You wished Dana was here.
‘Y/N,” Dana calls to you. Of course, she found a way to get back stage, and she’s standing with the drummer Phasma. You walk over to her, bewildered by the situation. “This way, there’s someone who wants to see you.” She explains.
“See me?”
“Yup, and go easy on him too, he’s your biggest fan.” Phasma winks at you. She knocks on Kylo’s door, “Who is it?” A gruff voice rings out. “Phasma, and a friend.”
Kylo opens the door, and he’s taken aback to see you standing there next to Phasma. “Come inside.” He motions. His heart is racing; he didn’t think that he’d actually get to meet you. God he shouldn’t have acted like such an idiot, you probably thought he was some sort of lovesick puppy, or worse a player, he just hoped he wouldn’t make a fool of himself here. “Would you like anything to drink?” He offers, trying to play host. Dammit he wished he had taken a shower, he was a sweaty mess right now
“No thank you.”
“Are you sure? I have an almost full fridge of just drinks.”
“I’ll have some water than I guess.” You shrug.
“What no beer? Don’t want to crack open a cold one with the boys? Or are you underage, you look pretty young.” He comments, making you laugh. “I’m not underage, I’m 24,” You defend. It makes Kylo sigh in relief, only a few years younger; that was doable. He couldn’t date someone too much younger than him, well you were cute but he shouldn’t even be dating someone who was a fan, the two of those things together where a recipe for disaster.
He wished he could’ve met you in a normal situation, where he could actually ask you out on a date. In reality, he’d probably never see you again; his manager wasn’t allowing him to date anyone anyways, even though he was aching to leave the lonely hearts club. His thoughts flitted to a fantasy of you, smiling sweetly at him from across a table. His hand encompassed your own, it was so small in his palm, absolutely adorable.
“Hey,” You waved your hand across Kylo’s face, he just zoned out with the fridge open, water in hand.
“Oh sorry, here.” He hands you the drink, fingertips barely brushing your hand. He sits down on his love seat and pats the spot next to him, sure there were other chairs but why do that when he could feel you close. You sat next to him, feeling his body next to you, the chair was big enough for two, but Kylo was not the average person. You could even catch his scent, pine needles mixed with his natural musk; even though he was sweaty he didn’t smell bad.
“I’m an idiot, I haven’t even gotten your name.” Kylo shakes his head, dumbass.
“It’s Y/N,” You introduce, holding out your hand. He takes it gladly, relishing the feeling of your hand in his, it was small, precious, just like he imagined.
“Y/N, I like it. You can call me Ben, Kylo is just a stage name, though I’d prefer if you didn’t give that out to people.” It was foolish to give you his real name, but it just came out, he couldn’t help it, he wanted to be nothing but honest with you.
“Don’t worry Ben, I won’t, though I’m flattered you trust me with it.” You reply, probably flirtier than you intended. Ben was still holding your hand too, only now just letting it go. He was star struck by your charm and beauty.
“Yeah, I uh-hey so what’s your favorite song of ours, I’m curious.” He changes the subject impulsively, not really knowing what to say. But now it’s your turn to freeze, this was the worst thing he could’ve asked. You couldn’t remember any song names! You could guess, but if you were wrong you’d look like a fool.
“I have a confession, tonight is my first time even hearing most of your music, I enjoyed it don’t get me wrong you have a great voice, it’s just normally not the type of stuff I listen to.” You explain, opting for the honest route. Ben is surprised, he’d never though this was possible, everyone knew his band, everyone. Of course, he liked the one who didn’t, but was that really a bad thing? Maybe he could get that normalcy that he so craved. “I’m sorry.” You add, after he doesn’t say anything for a while.
“A part of me is offended that you haven’t heard of us, but I’m also relieved, sometimes my fans can be a little much.” He turns to you, so that he can make eye contact while conversing. You feel intimidated by the closeness of his gaze and look away, Ben grows frustrated that you look away; he wanted to see your face. “Look at me.” He demands, you do, and he leans in closer.
It was a little too close, now you were basking in his scent, you could feel his breath faintly fan your face, and you have to strain your neck up to meet his height. But if it was really too close then why did you find yourself wanting to be closer? To just lean in and seal the gap?
Ben’s gaze noticeably softens, this wasn’t going right. This was his exact problem, he was horrible with people, al he could do was scare them away. And now here you were, looking like you wanted to run. Something changes in you, and Ben swears that you lean in closer. “Can I have your number?” He blurts out. That’s what you asked people when you liked them, right?
“My phone number, why? I’m just a nobody, I’m not even really one of your fans.”
“Because I think you should come to dinner with me, sometime.” God why was he being so awkward? He couldn’t even remember the last time he did this, he hadn’t dated anyone in a while and usually he never had to ask. He didn’t even know why exactly he liked you, he just knew that he did and he couldn’t let you go, not now.
“Well, give me your phone then, and you can have mine.” You say, handing him your phone with a new contact open. Ben smiles, quickly typing in his name.
A knock on the door interrupts you, “Kylo we’re waiting for you, your other fans want to see you.” Phasma says.
“Oh, right. I’ll be there in a minute.”
“I guess this is my cue to leave?”
“No, stay, I’d like you to stay.” Ben requests, he doesn’t want it to end. “It shouldn’t take that long, then maybe we can get something to eat?” He adds.
You take a moment to consider his offer, it was already late as it is, but Ben was so sweet, and who could resist that pout? “Okay, I guess I’ll be here waiting then.”
“Yes.” Ben cheers, not meaning to say it aloud. You smile at him and he gives you a big toothy grin in reply, bringing butterflies to your stomach.
Maybe it wasn’t a normal way to meet your soul mate but nothing could ever be normal when it had to do with Kylo Ren, one of the most popular singers on the charts. Still, he’d grow to love you just as any man would and then some.  
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