#they still yuck me out bad but its less to do w the horrible deaths and more just a general Yucky Aura
officialspec · 4 months
I respect you not personally liking them but the reasons hamsters die so frequently is that the average hamster owner does little to no research resulting them living in horrible conditions. Even worse many don't see them as an animal at all but as a toy/object and tell stories about how their hamster got hurt or killed in horrifying ways as if they're funny. Also because many thing small animal = easy to care for, many get one for their child when it's 1. in fact hard to care for properly, 2. very fragile, 3. not a social animal at all that will not want to be petted or played with. Doesn't help most of the stuff petstores sell is not suitable and actually dangerous for hamsters. I know you're not planning on getting a hamster but just felt this is important to bring up when "hamsters dying easily" is brought up.
ya in all seriousness this is very true
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