#they take off the mask and the endoskeleton underneath starts screeching at the top of its lungs
alfairy · 1 year
You know, with the amount of properties that Scooby Doo has crossed over with, I’m surprised we haven’t gotten a Scooby Doo and Fnaf crossover movie yet. Like come on, tell me that wouldn’t be fun to watch.
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fnaficsfordays · 4 years
A Change of Heart
I probably should have posted this a while ago but screw it-
Only the prologue’s being posted here on tumblr but the full story will be found in the AO3 Link.
AO3 Link
"Let's change it around to… green."
"Doesn't work for you now, Scott?"
"No, but… this does."
"Oh, you phone-headed fucker-"
"And the one color I didn't have!"
"Well, do you have it now, Mike?"
"Well, that works for me."
"Eh, it's nice but… I gotta switch it up a little."
"Oh no, after you, Bon."
"Hey, that works too!"
"Argh, y'all landlubbers done with switching us 'round?"
"Sure, why not."
"I don't have that either…"
Michael muttered the words underneath his breath as he reached for the deck, his hand growing fuller with each card that joined it. At last, he pulled out a yellow card, slapping it down on the pile. 15 cards. He was left with 15 cards.
"Don't act like that yet, Michael. The game's just started-"
"Yeah, it totally makes me feel better that we're ten seconds in and I've got 15 cards in my hand." He remarked, glaring at the phone-head. "You're only sitting at five, Scott."
“Anything could happen." Jeremy giggled, arms wrapped around the taller man’s torso, head resting against the red mask. “Don’t be a grump, Mike.”
"Y'all already need a drink or two? Looks like it's already getting heated." The chirp sounded from the doorway, Michael raising his eyes to look at the yellow head poking through, mechanical beak set in a slight smile.
"Eh, I'm all set, Chi." Vincent shrugged besides him, silver eyes sparkling with amusement. "Why don't you ask Michael?"
"...No. For now." He grumbled.
"Jeepers, now I remember why we don't play this game often." The hearty chuckle came from across the circle, a brown bear animatronic sitting crossed-legged on the floor. "With any luck, we'll be able to leave this nightshift with all of our limbs intact!"
"Arr, yee stay too hopeful, Freddy." Foxy shook his red ears as he placed a card down. "This ain't no scallywag's game, after all! Yee born in it, yee die with it."
"Well, don't come running to me when you change your mind." Chica giggled, walking away. "At least one of you always do!"
"It's all or nothing, sink or swim in here." Vincent smirked. "You might not die, but friendships definitely do."
"Oh, yay. That works." Michael muttered, placing down a card. "Now I'm only at 14. Just great."
"Come on, dude. Anything could happen." Vincent wrapped a purple-hued arm over his shoulder, flashing a grin. "And, hey, I'd be surprised if you didn't have something worthwhile in there by now."
He rolled his eyes, trying to ignore the feeling of his hand on his shoulder. They were in a game of uno, after all. Where only the strongest made it out alive.
"Well, whatever it is, I'm not risking anything." Scott slid forward a reverse, raising an eyebrow.
"Sorry Scott," Bonnie flicked his violet ears as he snapped forward the same card, leaning back. "But you're gonna have to."
"Aw, that’s unfortunate.” Jeremy bit his lip. “Well, Vincent’s definitely right about friendships dying…”
The game went on, Michael narrowing his eyes with each card Scott added to the pile. His hand was growing awfully low, down to just a few cards. And even though he couldn't see his face, there was no way he didn't know as well.
His eyes darted to the clock for a split second, noting the time. Only 3:46, huh? Hopefully this single game wouldn't take much longer. Bonnie and Foxy had some repairs to get to, once they were done here, even if they'd decided to have some fun first.
Suddenly, he felt Vincent's arm around him tighten slightly. "Hey, Mike."
He raised an eyebrow. "What?"
"How much rage do you have right now?"
"...Still plenty."
His silver eyes flashed, grin widening. "Let's use it. Red."
Michael blinked as he stared at the card he'd just slid forward, those small 'plus fours' in the corners. Slowly, surely, a smile started to form on his lips as he became aware of a very, very similar card in his own hand.
His hand shot forward as he slammed down another plus four, right on top of Vincent's.
"He’s done it!" Foxy cackled, waving his hook in the air. "Aw, yee scallywag-"
"Now Scott's gonna have to- aw, no!" Freddy shook his head. "That was just rude, Mike."
Michael leaned forward, a smirk on his face. "And as for the color… we'll keep it red."
"Oh, give me five right now." Vincent chuckled. He reached out an open hand, Michael meeting it with a solid high-five. He watched as Scott shook his head slightly.
"So… I have to draw eight."
"Your turn to have double digits, Scott." He gave a nonchalant shrug, leaning back towards Vincent.
"What, so you two are teaming now?" He snorted.
"You’ve got your boyfriend on your side, fuck off." Vincent gave a sharp grin, pulling Michael closer. He nearly dropped his cards in surprise, face beginning to warm up slightly. He was held right against his chest, Vincent's arm gently yet firmly wrapped around his torso.
Calm down, Michael. You've got a game to play. He took in a deep breath, fixing his eyes on his cards as the game went on. Why had he been so surprised by it? He'd been the one to start leaning back, he'd been perfectly fine with it- he was fine with this too, if he was being honest. Pull it back together.
In the end, it was Foxy that was able to set down his last card first, hook waving high in victory. "Ah, 'course ya landlubbers never stood a chance! Never underestimate the cunning of a pirate, eh?"
"Aw, c'mon!" Bonnie whined. "I only had two cards left."
"Good game, good game now." Freddy chuckled. "Well, time to get those repairs going."
"Works for me." Vincent's voice sounded behind Michael's ears, hand swiftly taking his own cards from his grasp. "I'll go ahead and put these back. I’ll help Foxy?"
Michael blinked at the gesture. "Y-Yeah, I'll- I'll work on Bonnie, I guess."
He tried to ignore his own stuttering as he pushed himself off of Vincent's lap, taking a deep breath as he followed Bonnie to the back of the stage. His heart was already slowing back down, yet his skin still tingled from where Vincent had held him.
Miles glanced around the dimly lit room, still as stone. Back pressed against the wall, ears not flickering in the slightest, limbs frozen in place.
He couldn't risk it. Any movement, whether the creak of the rotting wood or a few clicks of the gears, was sure to alert them to his presence. He couldn't be found this soon. The grimy lights flickered ever so slightly, Miles staying tense and stiff as he watched the blinking bulbs.
Could he win this time? He'd done it before, but it was always a challenge around them. Despite the tension in his tight locks and gears, his senses tingled with excitement at the thought. Seeking's just as fun as hiding, after all.
Where were they? All of them were nothing more but silent whispers when they moved- except for himself, of course. But even he'd gotten quite good at masking his presence through these games.
He had to be somewhat close, though. Whether that was somewhat on the way to winning or somewhat on the way to being found-
Suddenly, the lights above shut off completely, the room falling to complete darkness. But he didn't move, still only with his eyes darting around.
Was he found? Was someone else found? Who'd come by?
Then, all those questions got answered.
"Surprise!" A fox’s head swung down in front of his hiding spot, giggling with glee.
He joined in the laughter easily after a moment of shock, mechanical throat rumbling with amusement. "I thought I was close?"
"Nope!" Another voice joined in, chittery yet filled with the same joy. He started to get out from underneath the wood, shaking his long ears off from the splinters as he looked at the two. "Good, but not good enough, Miles!"
He rolled his eyes fondly. "Mangle just has such an advantage with seeking and hiding, though."
"And I use it!" Mangle swung back down in front of them, thin, ragged endoskeleton hanging low. They angled their ragged ears at the second flickering figure. "Chica always goes to the kitchen, though."
"Not always!" She protested, putting her hands on her hips. "This time I didn't."
"You were still in the room right next to it, silly bird!" Mangle giggled in their high-pitched, screeching voice. "I thought I would have found you before Balloony."
"You found him too? Who's left?" Miles asked eagerly, eyes glittering with energy as his gears clicked around.
"Only Foxy!" They giggled, head lowering further as they shook it. "The sly vulpine's got around again."
"Looked everywhere?" Chica chirped.
"Everywhere!" Mangle whined. "I was even looking in the thinner vents that only I’m able to get through."
"He's probably in plain sight, he likes that." Miles started to walk from the doorway, shaking away the cobwebs from his ears. "Or maybe flattening himself onto the wall, like you."
They gave a cackling laugh as they followed him through the doorway, clutching the ceiling with their wiry limbs. "I would have trod on him while exploring if that was the case!"
"Even then." Miles wasn't really able to smile, given his broken jaw, but he hoped it still showed through his eager words.
"Wait, Freddy's coming back!" Chica exclaimed.
"And he's… yes!" Mangle shrieked, scrambling on the ceiling to meet him. It would have been a terrifying sight had he not seen it before, but he was nothing if not euphoric at what they were racing towards. “You found Foxy!”
"A good fight, but one that had to end." The raspy voice echoed through the hallway, deep and gravely. "Found him wrapped inside a crumbling part of the bathroom."
"But we checked there!" Chica chirped indignantly.
"Not hard enough, yee cross-eyed stargazer!" Foxy's triumphant laugh followed her words, mechanical irises glittering with his victory. "My turn to seek now, eh?"
"So close." Miles chuckled, shaking his head. "If I'd been hidden just a bit more, I would have won!"
"But yee didn'!" He cackled, raising his ragged arms. "Fair be fair 'round here. Now it's my time!"
Freddy gave a low rumble. "Actually, Balloony said the night guard would be here soon. Best not to act rash now, eh?"
"They are?!" Mangle suddenly dropped from the ceiling, nearly bowling over Miles in their haste. "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's get going!"
"How about whoever scares them the most can become the seeker instead?" Chica turned towards Foxy, chirps jittery with excitement.
"Aw, yee scallywags are on!"
"I always terrify them the most, so I'm ready-"
"Don't speak too soon, Miles. We've got six hours, and then we'll see who's the winner!"
"I'm ready to seek out another thrill anytime soon!"
"Let's go, you silly birdies!"
Michael stared at the screen, hollowed eyes glancing at the flashing words. It was nothing more than a cascade of black and white in his blurry vision, hefting a slight sigh as he aimlessly clicked around, withered hands occasionally pressing against the keyboard. A yawn escaped his mouth, and he leaned back in his chair, eyes closing for a split second as the burning feeling in his eyeballs faded for a moment.
It was obviously more than just a second though, as Michael was suddenly being jolted back awake by the feeling of a few small tugs on the corner of his sleeve. Something scraped against the desk. He blinked open his rheumy irises for a moment, glancing at the small figure urging him up.
A little white and pink colored plastic bear was gripping the fabric of his shirt, blinking wide eyes up at him as his vision focused. The small chubby paws let go quickly as it hopped back onto the wood, nudging something closer to him.
Michael coughed slightly, pushing himself up as he looked at the small plastic plate in front of him. Two pieces of buttered toast sat on it, along with a folded slice of cold ham. As he watched, the small bear scuttled off and grabbed a coffee cup, wrapping both arms around it and carrying it over as well. Though, with the styrofoam cup being as tall as the little guy itself, it was having quite the struggle.
He gave a slight chuckle, grabbing the sweet-smelling drink from the bear with a bony arm. "Thanks, Helpy." He gave a slight smile, watching the pink ears of the miniature robot prick up in delight. "You're the one little dude I can trust around here, huh?"
Helpy didn't give any verbal response, but it clapped its plastic hands together as a grin appeared on its cheeks. Michael watched as it turned to look at the screen, moving to grip the computer mouse in its paws. It slowly moved it and clicked around with its little fingers, until it pointed at a certain site, ears twitching as it glanced back at him.
He swallowed down a bite of toast, gaze following its arm. He raised an eyebrow. "You think that'll help with the place?"
It gave a few rapid nods, flashing a little smile. Michael gave a small shrug. "You're probably right, buddy. It'll sure make it a little livelier… let's just check the price to make sure it's in budget."
Helpy gave a nod, moving the mouse. Suddenly, it flinched as a loud, much different scraping noise sounded from above. It came from within the walls, creaking and clanking. Almost as if it was nothing but a bunch of rough metal and wires.
The ragged, echoey cackle that Michael heard following it only confirmed his suspicions, and he rolled his eyes, glancing at Helpy. "Mind pulling the switch, bud?"
It gave a quick nod, hopping off the desk and running towards the corner besides them. Climbing the stack of boxes set up, it pushed itself up with tiny limbs towards a lever on the wall. Michael was still staring at the ceiling, eyes trailing after the source. Down the wall, towards the room, a beady pair of red mechanical eyes appearing in the open vent that glittered with malice-
A large metal covering shut firmly down in front of the opening as Helpy finally tugged the lever down. It hopped away right afterwards and scuttled back to Michael, climbing onto his shoulder. He couldn't help the small smirk that tugged at his mouth as he heard the glitched groan of annoyance coming from the now-closed vent.
"Oh, c-come on, Mike!" They cackled, metal scraping against the walls. "I-It's not ve-very funny to keep old fr-friends waiting~!"
He rolled his eyes as he heard the endoskeleton limbs banging against the cover, crossing his arms. "I can do this song and dance all night. You're going to have to try a bit harder than that, Freddo."
The scraping froze for a moment, before resuming, much louder and more violent. "Di-Did YOU just c-call me FREDDO?!"
"Don't like the nickname, Freddo?" He grinned. Besides him, Helpy's small shoulders shook as it opened its mouth in silent laughter.
"I-I'll find a way in-inside, and then we'll see who's-who's laughing, M-Mike!" They snarled, attempts of breaking in still remaining fruitless.
"Yeah, yeah. Good luck with that, Freddo."
They gave a mechanical growl, leaving one last shrieking scrape against the vent before stomping away. Could a pile of wires and metallic eyes stomp?
With that, Michael turned his attention back to the screen, taking a drink from his cup as he glanced at the price now onscreen. 30 bucks… yeah, that's going on the list, easy. He was about to reach over for the second piece of toast on the plate, only to hit crumbs. Where did it…
Then, Helpy tugged on his shirt again. He became aware of a slight munching noise behind him, along with a familiar scent of decay and rust.
Michael spoke even before he'd even fully turned around, hefting a sigh. "Dad, get your own breakfast."
A rotten chuckle rumbled from the putrid suit, blackened eye sockets gleaming faintly with amusement. "Why, when there's plenty right here? You don't even need it anymore."
"Well, neither do you." He crossed his arms, glaring at the springlock suit. "Don't bother giving it back, I don't want it anymore. What is it this time?"
"Ah, of course not." William snorted. "Don't want anything from me, do you?"
"You haven't answered my question." Michael's hand visibly drifted towards the taser sitting on the desk, raising an eyebrow.
William took a step back, metal hands raised up. "Quite defensive, are we?" He chuckled. "I was only wondering if Elizabeth had stopped by tonight."
He shrugged. "Probably still after Molten in the vents. Liz doesn't exactly come by often. If she had, you'd be the first to know."
"Fair, fair." A ragged sigh echoed from the suit, and he popped the rest of the bread into his 'mouth', crunching down. He turned his head to look at Helpy, still sitting on Michael's shoulder. "Could do with a bit more butter, but oh well."
"You want more butter, do it yourself." He snorted, turning back towards the computer. "Now get out of my office. And close the door on the way out."
William gave a derisive rumble, gears clicking within the suit as he began to walk towards the back of the room. His feet clanked loudly as the door creaked, slamming it shut as the footsteps faded away.
Michael clicked away on the computer, focus returning as he glanced from ad to ad, adding some to the list, leaving others alone. A while passed until a small plastic finger was tapping on his arm, round eyes blinking up at him.
"What is it, bud?" His gaze darted to Helpy as it pointed to a clock, the number blinking in green.
It was 6 A.M. already? Heh… he supposed the nights were blurring together quite a bit after so long. He took one last sip of the drink before beginning to stand up, giving a few more clicks as the screen began to fade to black. He gave a slight yawn, glancing at the bed against the wall. Helpy gave another slight nudge, pointing at the cup.
"No, just leave it. Dad'll probably finish it off. Or Lefty might show up." Michael was already walking towards the mattress. He glanced at the little bear, giving a small grin. "Thanks, little guy."
Michael sat down, leaning his head back against the pillow. His eyes drifted shut quickly, settling against the bare sheets. He probably would have felt much colder if he still was able to physically feel much… but no matter. A moment of rest was plenty welcomed around here, no matter how it came. Soon enough, he was drifting off into an empty slumber, mauve body as limp and still as a corpse.
Three universes, five beings. Beings living normal lives- well, normal compared to the other oddities lurking in the depths of time and space. Some may have dared call it disturbing- and rightfully so, to an extent. After all, why else would they all have been lumped together in the first place?
But for them, it was life. Life with ups and with downs, comparative highs and lows they'd grown used to. Grown attached to, in some sense. Lives that may not have been perfect, but lives they could call their own. For it was their own.
And yet… soon enough, with no warning… it wouldn't be their own. Nothing would ever truly be their own ever again. How could it, with the memories that they would gain, impossible to erase away? Knowledge might have been both a curse and a blessing, but for them, it was no less than a horrific purgatory.
But it was the only way in sight. Every journey must start somewhere, and they are no exception. In fact… the five of them truly are the exception, for they alone were placed at the foot of such a tall mountain to climb in the first place. Knowledge is best picked up by way of experience, after all…
...Even if such an experience can be quite unwelcome at first.
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