#they were always meant to live in a tiny trailer in strangerville
rainymoodlet · 1 year
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meanwhile, in the joy of life save's mini-reboot: dallas’ new digs are coming along swimmingly 🌵
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thelisabug · 4 years
#thesims4 #sims4challenge Through the Packs Challenge – By TheLisaBug This Challenge combines using just about all the packs and was inspired by the Legacy Challenge, Runaway Teen Challenge, Rags to Riches and the Not So Berry Challenge. In fact, this challenge was made with the Not So Berry Challenge in mind so much that it uses a lot of game play that the Not so Berry Challenge doesn't use and instead of different colored hair, eyes, etc. each generation has different clothing, house styles and walk styles! Therefore, whether or not you have done the Not So Berry Challenge will not matter. However, doing this Challenge after the Not So Berry Challenge would give you an even more full experience of The Sims 4!This challenge was made with YouTubers in mind to showcase the packs and help people learn what they would like to purchase and what they can do without. It would also be interesting to watch, especially during this time of isolation, I think!There are certain requirements for this challenge, however, with no set required amount of skills and no points to count, it is fun and stress-free as challenges go!
* if you don't own certain packs then make up your own stories and substitute the challenges as needed to what you see fit. If you don’t have a certain trait or lot trait for example, just make one that seems to fit with the story or challenges, skip entire generations if you need to do so*
General Rules: No cheats may be used. 
You may use mods to enhance game play as far as story goes but the mods may not help with skills, careers or finance. That being said, MCC mod does help to not run out of townies, so it is recommended but it is not a must, since you can just restock the townies with gallery sims if you need to do so.Set Lifespan to Normal (Suggested). Making lifespan longer will make the challenge easier and more chill so do as you like :)
Start Generation 1 as a YA with 20,000 simoleons and no skills (a fresh sim). You may make this sim or get them from the gallery, but be aware that some gallery sims may have skills, careers and traits that would give them an advantage.
The Heir to the next generation is suggested to be the oldest child but you can change that if you want the heir to be the first female or youngest, etc.
Every Generation is supposed to complete their Aspiration/s and get to level 10 of their career by the time the heir becomes a YA as well as complete all other things listed. The two exceptions to this is for Generation 1, since Generation 2 moves out as a teen and Generation 2 where you must have at least a five star restaurant to complete your job by the time your child is a teen and you die when your heir is a teen.
There are no requirements as far as skill levels, but some of the things your sims will need to do require certain skills.
There are no points that you must count for this challenge, as it is meant to be free of stress and help you play parts of packs you may not have explored, fully, before and end up with your dream house in the end and a net worth of at least 1 Million simoleans (ie. House can be worth 400,000 and savings can be 600,000). See how well you can do! 
You may age up your next generation Heir only if you have completed all your assignments. Generation 1 is the only generation that can participate in the lottery 
 Your spouse completing the tasks that are assigned do count for your challenge (ie. They can complete an aspiration that you need) 
I recommend you turn Fame off in your settings, with the exception of Generation 8 where you will want fame to be on. 
 You must participate in all Holidays that come with the game at least once during the Challenge and you may add other holidays if you wish. 
 Each generation should take family photos (at least there should be a picture of each heir) and any collectibles or meaningful trinkets and pass them down through the generations (you must not sell anything that is passed down)
Each Generation moves to a different town and builds a specific style home as specified (you may use houses on the Gallery but make sure you can afford them)
Generation 1 – Strangerville Story: You always wanted to escape from your country and come to a land full of opportunity. After years of waiting, you are given a choice. The place you want to live needs more Military presence and there are not enough people willing to sign up. You have been promised full citizenship if you will join their military and “Defeat the Mother”. You always thirsted for an adventure, so you are willing to take this on full force. However, to combat all the pressure and anxiety you want to live in a small house and arrange flowers.
Traits: Erratic, Ambitious, Active
Career: Military (either branch)
Aspiration: Strangerville Mystery
Clothing Style: Vintage
House Style: Trailer/Tiny home
Walk Style:  Tough
Lot Traits: Child's Play, Dog Hangout, Bracing Breezes
You must be a sim who is able to get pregnant
 - You have received a 20,000 Simoleon signing bonus
Build a trailer or tiny home that is no more than 100 tiles with the money given
Marry someone who helped you “Defeat the Mother” and have a child with them Have a baby, via an affair, to produce the second child with a Sage that you meet on a day trip to Glimmerbrook, but don't marry them or move them into the household (the purpose of having your heir be the spawn of a witch/warlock is for Generation 4 to have the Ancient Bloodline trait)
Defeat “The Mother” and become the Hero of Strangerville
Use the flower arranging table to make flower arrangements with all 7 different flowers (you can use candle making instead if you have eco lifestyle & make 7 different candles)
Take a stray dog into your family by the time the middle child becomes a toddler
Middle child has Independent trait as a toddler
The middle child must reach at least level 3 in all toddler skills before aging up
Have middle child (once they age into a child) have the Kleptomaniac trait, have them complete the Rambunctious Scamp aspiration and get responsibility characteristic high before becoming a teen
Middle child never finds any people they really consider good friends but they find that they consider the family dog their best friend Have 3 kids (the middle child must be biologically yours with the spellcaster Sage)
Have middle child take pictures of the their whole family and dog to get pictures for their future place (all heirs must do this and pass the photos down the generations)
Middle child runs away as a teenager the day after becoming a teenager and takes the family dog (if it is still alive. If not alive, take the urn or gravestone), the military medals (do this by placing medal case in inventory and then putting medal on the ground and then putting them into your middle child's inventory), some flower arrangements you like and at least one photo of the dog with them (you must use the cheat “FreeRealEstate on” to move into an empty lot as a homeless sim) to start Generation 2 Generation 2 – San Myshuno Story: As the middle child, you often felt left out. One of your parents was different than your siblings and you never had any good friends, besides the family dog.  Also, the house was way too small for everyone! Plus, you think your parent and step parent are crazy with their talk of “Defeating the Mother”, which you think is nonsense, so you run away when you become a teen. Coming from a town where everyone was either government or oddballs (or both), you always dreamed of being around people that were more cultured, so you decided to live in the city with the dog who you grew up with. The problem is that you have no money for an apartment, so you will be homeless until you save up for one. You will do almost anything and I mean ANYTHING to save enough money to rent one – couch surf, steal, ask for money – anything. The only exception to this is to marry for money, since you will never get married in your life. You are used to going it alone.
Traits as a teen: Kleptomaniac, Snob, Foodie
Career: Earn money fast so you can Own a Restaurant or Bakery that you build (or get from the Gallery) in San Myshuno
Aspiration: City Native
Clothing Style: Chic
House Style: Apartment
Walk Style: Feminine
Lot Traits: Sunny Aspect, Home Studio, Natural Light
-Once you have purchased an easel, dog bowl, bed, toilet, shower, trash can, refrigerator, sink and saved up 1500 simoleons in savings then you may move to a starter apartment in the Spice District
- You can skip school or take vacation days but you must end up with an A grade and high responsibility in range for a trait by the time you age up to YA.
-Learn all city food recipes
-Collect all snow globes
- Have one dog that you took from your childhood home and when it dies you are too sad to ever get another dog
 Do not have a child until adult and spent YA life living it up in the city and running your restaurant
Your toddler heir must have the fussy trait
Have at least 3 sims that you “try for baby” with on the same day so you don't know which one is the father/mother of the child that you end up having (if male make sure you select that you can get pregnant in CAS and if using mods make sure you are ovulating) Do not check to see if you are pregnant until after you hook up with the 3 sims (if you are still not pregnant then repeat this process until you are)
Never Marry
Have only one pregnancy (if you end up with more than one child then pick one for this challenge)Move into a bigger apartment in the Fashion District or Uptown worth at least 100,000 Simoleans while you are pregnant to make room for your child
Have a 5 star restaurant by the time you die
Paint 3 Masterpieces and put them on the wall in your apartment
Let your child have a pet rat
Have your child start researching Vampires on the computer and purchase and read Vampire Tomes in their spare time (you are too busy to even notice)
Die when your heir child is a teenager (you decide how, but maybe poorly cooked pufferfish? Restaurant fire?) but make sure you transfer all inherited medals, flower arrangements, photos, etc. to the household inventory. This starts Generation 3       
Generation 3 – Forgotten Hollow Story: Your parent was so busy with the restaurant, living it up in the city and their painting that you would often sit alone in your room reading books about Vampirism. You were willingly turned into a vampire as a teenager after your parent died tragically when you were just a teen. You were scarred from this mentally and physically and never want to die. You want to live as a creature of the night and become very powerful.
Traits: Evil, Mean, Vegetarian
Career: Law
Aspiration: Master Vampire 
Clothing Style: Rocker/Goth/Egirl/Eboy
House Style: Victorian
Walk Style: Creepy
Lot Traits: Creepy Crawlies, Mean Vibe, On a Dark Ley Line
Make the house creepy with spider webs, damage to the walls, etc.
Sell all the things you inherited, with the exception of the medals, family photos 3 Masterpieces, flowers, snow globes, your parent's urn or tombstone, etc. and start building a home in the style specified. 
 Sell the restaurant by going to the restaurant and clicking the icon next to the restaurant name called “restaurant settings” and there you will find an option to sell it in the lower left corner
Get in a fight
Have a dark themed at least 20,000 simoleon wedding
Collect postcards that your rat brings home from their travels
Have a Spooky Party or Costume Party and earn Gold Have a scar somewhere on your body from a fight you got into 
Be turned into a Vampire as a teenager while you are still sad about your parent's death
Take your rat with you if it is still alive 
 Have at least one vampire child w/ ancient bloodline trait
Have teen get a part-time job
Toddler heir must have the Inquisitive Trait
Marry another vampire with the Good Vampire Aspiration and have them complete it (Caleb Vatore comes with the game or you can find one on the gallery or make your own)
Have an affair and get caught but make up with your spouse
After completing the Master Vampire Aspiration your spouse's influence to be good has made you a better Being. Change your traits of Evil and Mean to something nicer. You can also change the Mean Vibe lot trait to something else at this point. You must change your traits with the retraiting potion (not in CAS) or it will still act as if you have the other traits still.
Write 5 songs on the Napri Parlor Organ and License them 
Be sure that your heir meets Father Winter and befriends him
When your oldest becomes a toddler you adopt a cat
When the heir reaches YA you and your spouse move to a starter house in the same neighborhood to downsize and give ½ of your money to them to start Generation 4
Generation 4 – Glimmerbrook Story: You grew up angry about the affair that happened with your parents and the fact that one of your parents was pretty mean for most of your life. The closest friend you had was Father Winter and you always felt a special bond with him due to your magical abilities. You have always been drawn to witchcraft from the Ancient Bloodline trait you inherited. You want to move to a place that accepts your eccentricities and lifestyle choices. You want to show your parents that you can be more powerful than they are.
Traits: Childish, Non-Commital, Genius
Career: Secret Agent  
Aspiration: Spellcraft and Sorcery and Purveyor of Potions
Clothing Style: Boho
House Style: Cottage or Tudor
Walk Style: Swagger
Lot Traits: Breeding Ground, Gremlins, Science Lair 
Take the family cat with you if it is still alive, postcards, rat (if alive) as well as the other things Gen 3 inherited
Find a cure for vampirism so you can become a spellcaster 
own at least two cats of opposite sex and breed them at least once and keep all the kittens from the first litter. You may sell any kittens from any litters after that.
Get pregnant with Father Winter's baby (you can marry him or not) before you Woo Hoo with any other sims and, if you are female, you do this before you realize you are gay
Create at least 5 different potions to hand down to the next Generation
Make toddler heir have Angelic trait
Have at least one facial piercing
Be in an unconventional relationship with someone of the same sex and Marry them. 
Complete both Aspirations (wife or hubby can do one and you the other for example)
When your heir becomes a teen they ask if you could perform the Rite of Dissolution on them because they wish to not be a spell caster and you do as they wish
When heir reaches YA you and your spouse move to a starter house in the same neighborhood to downsize and give ½ of your money to them to start Generation 5
Generation 5– Sulani Story: Growing up with all the cats and your parent's thirst for power, you just want to live a relaxing life free of pets. You believe animals should be wild and free – never owned. You want to become a beautiful Mermaid/man, make friends with the sea life and do some good in the world.
Traits: Good, Child of the Island, Child of the Ocean
Career: ConservationistAspiration: Beach Life
Clothing Style: Beachy/VSCO
House Style: Beachy on Stilts
Walk Style: Default
Lot Traits: Sunny Aspect, Quake Zone, On a Ley Line
- Take all inherited items from previous generations, photos, plus anything special your parents give you to display at your new home 
Become a Mermaid/man
Save Sulani
Meet and Island Elemental, have a romantic relationship with him/her, ask them to move in and then have a baby with them and marry them. Your baby will inherit the Sulani Mana Trait from them.
Have a cool beach wedding worth at least 7,000 simoleons
Collect at least 7 treasures at the cave and complete the mural Have at least one child
Toddler heir must have Wild trait 
When heir reaches YA you and your spouse move to a starter house in the same neighborhood to downsize and give ½ of your money to them to start Generation 6
Generation 6 – Oasis Springs Story: You were always so bored being at the beach all the time. You want some adventure in your life. You want to give your family adventurous vacations (away from the beach) that you never got to have.
Traits: Neat, Bookworm, Clumsy
Career: Education
Aspiration: Jungle Explorer and Archaeology Scholar
Clothing Style: Tomboy
House Style: Mediterranean
Walk Style: Bouncy
Lot Traits: Filthy, Teen Neighborhood, Romantic Aura 
 Collect all 9 Relics
Learn all Selvadorada recipes
Buy at least one memento from Selvadorada
Create at least two Totecallam Death Relics
- Find the treasure room in the TempleBecome friends with the Temple Guardian
Have at least 2 children
Toddler heir must have Clingy trait
Have toddler plays date/s so your heir meets their future spouse
Have 2 dogs
Have heir get married to someone they met at a toddler play date Stay in good standing with your partner
When heir reaches YA you and your spouse move to a starter house in the same neighborhood to downsize and give ½ of your money to them to start Generation 7 Generation 7 – Brindleton Bay Story: You loved going on vacation with your loving family and seeing all the animals. It made you an animal lover with so much love to give. You want to have a dog and a cat that resemble a wolf and cheetah like the ones you came across on your travels.
Traits: Dog Lover, Cat Lover, Slob
Career: Own a Vet Clinic
Aspiration: Friend of the Animals
Clothing Style: Street Style
House Style: Colonial
Walk Style: Perky
Lot Traits: Breeding Ground, Dog Friendly, Training Ground 
Own one cat and one dog that resemble a cheetah and a wolf
Marry someone you met as a toddler
Train both pets fully
Heir toddler must have the Charmer trait
Collect 10 Different types of frogs ( you can breed them to complete this)
When heir reaches YA you and your spouse move to a starter house in the same neighborhood to downsize and give ½ of your money to them to start Generation 8
Generation 8 – Del Sol Valley Story: You always felt that the pets in the family were more important to your parents than you. You want to be the center of attention for a change! You want your name in lights!! You want the fame and the fortune!!! You also want to party like it's 2099!!!!
Traits: Self-absorbed, Clubber, Materialistic
Career: Actor/Actress
Aspiration: World Famous Celebrity
Clothing Style: Sexy or Sophisticated
House Style: Contemporary and/or Modern
Walk Style: Snooty
Lot Traits: Convivial, Party Place, Celebrity Home Reach top level celebrity
Have a tiny purse dog
Receive at least one award
Make at least 75,000 Simoleons for your generation
Have at least one biological kid and two adopted kids from “foreign lands”
Change your birth name (just the first name) to something more star like.
Marry another Celebrity
Heir toddler must have the Silly trait 
When heir reaches YA you and your spouse move to a starter house in the same neighborhood to downsize and give ½ of your money to them to start Generation 9
Generation 9 – Willow Creek Story: Growing up in the limelight was hard on you.  The paparazzi followed your family everywhere. You just want a simple life with as little people around as possible, besides close family and friends. You got to know some famous musicians and they inspired you to learn an instrument.
Traits: Loner, Gloomy, Music Lover 
 Career: Writer 
 Aspiration: Musical Genius
Clothing Style: Artsy
House Style: Craftsman
Walk Style: Sluggish
Lot Traits: Great Acoustics, Home Studio, Fast Internet 
Write five songs
Marry someone who gave you a tip while playing an instrument on the street
Have at least 1 kid
Have one big dog
Have great relationships with your wife and kids
- Paint 5 bestsellersWrite 5 books
Choose one instrument to play exclusively
Toddler trait can be anything you choose
You have kid/s before your wedding
At your wedding, your spouse dies right after you say “I do” while your oldest is still a toddler. (without mods you just kill them after the wedding in a room with fire or murphy bed, etc. and pretend they died at the wedding so just end the wedding after the vows are exchanged) 
Too sad to move on, you live the rest of your life without a partner.
Get 2 roommates after your spouse dies
When heir reaches YA you move to a starter house in the same neighborhood to downsize and give ½ of your money to them to start Generation 10
Generation 10 – Windenburg Story: Seeing your parent go through life without a partner and you with only one parent, you want to find the perfect partner and have a picture perfect life in every way.
Traits: Family-Orientated, Geek, Foodie
Career: Dream Career of choice
Aspiration: Academic and Leader of the Pack Or Your Choice
Clothing Style: Your Choice
House Style: Your Choice
Walk Style: Your Choice
Lot Traits: Child's Play, Good Schools, Great Soil 
Get a Distinguished Degree at University for your desired career
Join the Order of Enchantment and be able to summon the sprites
Buy the 64x64 or 50x50 Lot to build your dream house
Have a 50,000 simolean dream wedding
Build a ServoHave the best club in town
Have 3 pets of any kind
Marry someone from your club
Have 3-5 Kids
Make sure the Grandchild lives with you along with their parents
- Make at least 5 Items for the home with the Knitting skill (I am assuming the Knitting Pack will be out by the time you get to this point) and complete one of the knitting aspirations
As an Elder, change your clothing to something more age appropriate OR be that “fun” grandparent that is totally embarrassing
Optional: Live to see at least one grandchild , knit them at least one onesie before they are born and teach them everything you know since this grandchild will become the one to move to Evergreen Harbor.
Optional Generation 11 – Evergreen Harbor Story: Growing up you had everything anyone could have ever asked for in life. You want to be free from the confines of a capitalist society and make your own way in life by your rules and truly be your own master. You want to purchase as little as possible. You hate consumerism.
Traits: Freegan, Green Fiend, Maker
Career: Freelance Crafter
Aspiration: Master Maker
Clothing Style: DIY or Makeshift (you can make a lot with knitting if you have that pack)
House Style: Container or Farmhouse
Walk Style: Your Choice
Lot Traits: Off-the-Grid,  At least one other Eco lot trait and one other of your choice 
 Start with Zero simoleons
Dumpster dive for food and craft your own furniture as much as possible
If you choose to have pets they must be strays
Learn all crafting recipes on fabricator, candle maker, Fizzy Juice machine and woodworking bench
Get a lot of food and herbal remedies from your garden
Get decent at yoga and/or meditation and/or herbalism
Do not have your own kids, as you think this is wrong since there are so many kids that need homes in the world
If you want kids then make sure to adopt them and make them their own clothes by knitting
Furnish your house as much as you can with things you made yourself or found in a dumpster
The goal is to have a fully self-sustaining home for you and your family with a nice big garden
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