#they were craaazzy for this
all-things-fic · 1 year
I'm saying all of this lovingly, I just have a lot of feelings and my heart is still racing. That Ross fic, like what the fuck was that?? You're craaazzy? The realism, the descriptions, THE SMUT like huhh oh my goodddddd. I'm so serious this is not hyperbole my heart was going and my stomach was flipping and I was like wtf is going on 💀 Can't be your last Ross fic I'm afraid, I won't have it. You're too talented sorry 😭 I know you said you struggled with is but pls you ate that tf up. You're so talented don't ever forget that! ily 🤍
This ask has been sat in my inbox for the last few days because I was so overwhelmed (in a good way) when I read it, I needed time (without sounding dramatic) to process it.
Context: this week has been the worst. Baring seeing Blink 182 last night, I’ve been on the hamster wheel at work and will be throughout the rest of the month too.
Now whoever has sent me this ask probably doesn’t want that back story but sometimes being nice (and in this case incredibly nice, lovely etc) can really help turn someone’s week around.
Anyone who has ever read anything of mine on here knows that when someone tells me they felt like what they were reading was real, means I’m happy. I think that’s kinda all I want to evoke from people. I want someone to read something and be so immersed they can actually imagine themselves in that moment.
Life can sometimes be so shit outside of the pages of a book, or your little corner on the internet and if I can change that (without sound egotistical) for 10 minutes by using my works and little corner on the internet then that’s job done.
Thank you to this anon for reading and for taking the time to send me this. Whoever you are 🤍 ily2! x
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mayonakano-archive · 2 years
well i highly recommend it i think you should play katana zero the style of both art and gameplay blew me away and the ost is to die for (i was listening to it when i thought to ask you) and the story is super good too, seriously overall sss+ game and if it were longer it would be craaazzy popular
(though of course i understand that shorter indie games are specially charming, and it definitely works here)
i just think you would like it!
oooh. it does look neat :o i am unfortunately Broke but i will keep it on my steam wishlist <3 definitely looks like something i'd play, even if i suck at it...
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maskedegg · 7 days
I love Finney, I think he’s odd but instead of people hating him on it they ALL love him. Like, what do you mean you were pink in the 40’s and GOT AWAY WITH IT AS A MAN? He has crazy charisma man, CRAAAZZY charisma. And I admire him for it, BUT.
Dude if I was his hater I would be CRASHING OUT. Actually, thankfully he doesn’t use his charisma for bad, if he did I’ll actually be tweaking out.
“He LITERALLY beat me up!” AND HE’LL SOMEHOW GET AWAY WITH IT. I need to know how he did it.
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politoad · 4 years
ppl shitting on lore olympus’ character design bc its so different than hades and the characters r different colors and a lot more simplified like yall rnt art critics or greek mythologists ur just freaks and ur mean too!!!!
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valcorpuz · 7 years
These past couple of days were craaazzy 🙃😅
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opepin · 7 years
april: week one
03: i was so tired when i got up... i was pretty ded but i went to work anyway. i was a zombie the entire morning. all four of us met up for lunch at gene’s flatbread and i got lost on the way there LOL. we ate and then i just sat there for a while...my stomach started hurting more after lunch so i planned to leave after stand up. but the day went on and i stayed at work. i spent about 30 - 45 minutes just talking and chilling with steve and cole in their little room :P i was “john” for that brief moment in time and they told me to work at his desk whenever he isn’t there so it could be like good old times ... like a few weeks ago ahahah. we talked about wrestlemania, cars, the ferry, the view here, and also moving to a new office location. it’ll be around july when that happens so we’ll see. i hope we get to get a taste of working there one day. ;P i felt a bit better after that so i went back to my desk and worked until 5 pm. i caught up with phil at the end of the day and then cole and i headed over to cvs. he got pepsi and chocolate and i was going to get body wash but it was marked up by double the price @_@; so i just got the “black currant” pepsi.
i needed to pee but i didn’t because i thought i everyone was going to be on time LOL. but they weren’t so i peed right when we got back to the apartment. well, nluu had trouble finding bike parking, kevin left later than usual, and i think ryan entered the platform on the other side? ahha. we managed to find each other and squeeze on a train. i had to hold on to ryan’s book bag for a while and the guy next to us kept laughing at me. haha. we started making ratatouille right away and it took us a while to cook that and the salmon. the salmon with the butter lemon caper sauce was bombbbb. the ratatouille needed to be cooked for longer (we tweaked the temp and length because we were hungry). after dinner, i was not having it. i had a headache all day so i just gamed a bit and then ko’d on the bed. i woke up to really loud laughter and stuff and i didn’t want to disturb the guys so i got up, brushed my teeth, showered, and then went back to bed. i watched some videos before sleeping but i was still feeling like crap both in the head and stomach areas... i almost forgot to mention that kevin mandolin’ed some of the skin of his thumb T_T he bled a good amount but he’s alright. i think he’s in a bit of shock though...
04: i got a lot of sleep and it was awesome. i woke up without the headache but my stomach still felt iffy. everyone woke up late today. me and kevin worked from home and we’re really tired and burned out so we took it easy today. i had a good small and healthy breakfast. kevin, ryan, and nluu had homemade egg mcmuffins and some pasta?? LOL norman got pasta from fat cat and it was way too much for him to finish. he had to eat all of it before his flight at 3:45 pm today. i had calls from 12 to 2:30 pm so when nluu had to leave, i said goodbye :( it’s okay -- i’ll see him in june! he also did something to our bathroom before leaving, which was LOLOLOLOL. he was quite embarrassed. anyway, ryan drove nluu to the airport with my car after the guys played a bit of pool. i was pretty productive for the rest of the day. kevin and i worked while they were gone and got a good amount of work done.
i played ‘bravely default’ for the rest of the day basically LOL. i was such a bum. my stomach is not doing so well and my body is reacting to it so i just skipped my work out. OH, my fitbit is coming in on saturday so i’ll for sure be back on track by then! i stopped logging my food and exercise in myfitnesspal so i can transition easier. i don’t need to hold my phone to keep track of my steps anymore! we made shrimp vermicelli for dinner and watched some dave chappelle. then the guys played steam games for the rest of the night. ryan just stayed in and did some apartment hunting. i’m wishing him the best of luck! :) yeah, it was a rainy and chill day from inside the apartment for all of us.
05: lol kevin worked from home again. everyone got so much sleep. i washed all of the dishes from last night x__x and then made myself pb and banana english muffins. it was another chill af day from home. ryan and kevin rq’d the lobster rolls for dinner because we didn’t have brioche buns and we had a lot of leftovers and yeahh.... so we’re planning on making a make-shift dinner. i did some recording and kevin took a break and played a few games of overwatch while i was recording so he basically ruined two of the videos and i spent the rest of the day past 6 pm fixing them. -__- you have no idea how fucking pissed i was. i understand that he has to do his own thing but he wasn’t doing work -- he was playing games and that caused me to have to voiceover basically everything. ugh. kevin basically ignored me for the rest of the day and just spent his time with ryan.
i did a 45 minute workout and my body feels so weak after not working out for 2 days T_T then i took a nice long shower and ate some dinner. ryan bought us cupcakes and sadly, the strawberry cheesecake one was my favorite but eating any more than a few bites would have destroyed my stomach. i watched the latest episode of ‘reign’ and then everyone headed into our room to watch kevin game. well, it turned into me and ryan watching an old episode of ‘the taste’ and i think he likes the structure of the show. i’m so sad it got taken off the air though ;( i brushed my teeth and then went to sleep. i gamed a bit before going to sleep. i’m becoming too obsessed with the different classes and figuring out which ones are the best for each character @_@
06: it was a lot harder to get up than i thought. i’ve been getting a lot of sleep but it was just hard to get up. i got on the train just in time and then got to work -- it was nice seeing everyone again! steve, cole, charles, joe, and i walked over to the south station plaza area to get tenoch mexican. cole keeps going on and on about it, but guess what? the truck wasn’t there today LOL. we walked in the cold rainy weather just to find that out. so we just got food from bon me and walked back. bon me’s thai iced tea tastes interesting... i think it needs to be creamier/sweeter but it was still good. i got the pulled pork miso banh mi and it was soooo yummy -- not too salty. i ate all of it for lunch! :O i was getting full 2/3 of the way down though. it was a super productive day and then i stopped working at around 4:45 pm and then talked with steve and cole. i walked with cole to south station and then i waited for kevin. we got on and talked a bit. then we got back, i told ryan that we didn’t get tenoch LOL and then the guys played some ‘hollow knight’ while i played some bravely default. 
then they stopped, snacked, and went climbing and i continued playing until i needed to bake the chicken and exercise. i managed to do additional back and arm exercises after my dance cardio, take out the chicken, put away my gym stuff, put chicken nuggets in the oven, shower in 12 minutes, cool off the nuggets, and then wash dishes before ryan and kevin got back. woot! ryan showered, kevin started cooking chinese broccoli in a cool way and then we ate dinner. then they we all game some more until 1 or 2 am. gg ryan because he had to get up at 4 am. we left him alone, gamed a bit more in bed and went to sleep.
07: yeah, this week was real tiring for both of us. i worked from home and i didn’t feel quite motivated today, but i did work :) in bravely default, i restarted twice to beat qada because he annoyed the heck out of me. i wanted to kill him in the best way possible >:D anyway, it was beautiful outside too. it was one of those warm days where you just want to laze around outside. i did manage to record 2 videos and then got caught up in a really long stand up. kevin got back home and we actually drove to target so i could get some body wash. it was a nice day but it got colder and darker. oh well. we stopped by brookstone to try out their massage chairs -- i think kevin really wants one in the future. the one i tried didn’t fit my body correctly so the massage experience was weird. i found the new duo loofah body wash thing and decided to give it a try along with the raw sugar brand vivian suggested. 
we checked out and then headed back to brookstone to get a bit more massage in (for kevin) and then we stopped by auntie anne’s for pretzel nuggets. mmm i forgot how good their og pretzels were. kevin got the honey mustard dip and i fed him all the way back home. when we got back, we just gamed and chilled. i talked with kevin about work and it was nice just to do that while he listened. i watched him play hollow knight and played some bravely default. we ate leftovers for dinner and watched the newest episode of ‘supernatural.’ it felt weird without norman and ryan here. it was weird going back to our routine. it was nice though. we did manage to go to sleep at around 1 or 2 am after gaming a lot. what a nice day.
08: we got out of bed with just enough time to make breakfast, for me to curl my hair, to change, and get to rock spot climbing 5 minutes before the rec divisions’ prep. i met kevin’s co-worker, matt and his girlfriend, megan (sp?). i was tasked with recording and taking photos of kevin. it was hard at first but then i just took off my shoes and started following him while trying not to get in anybody’s way. i didn’t think there would be so many people there and so many people competing. @_@; the way the competition worked is that participants shopped for problems they wanted to do and each problem was assigned an amount of points depending on how hard it was. participants could try as many times as they want but attempts would be recorded and then when they completed a problem, they got the initials of the person manning that problem. so it was a lot of waiting in line and seeing people try again.
kevin did a good job! he got a problem that was craaazzy. it’s a good thing i had my state backpack because i stuck my shoes in there, i had two water bottles for kevin, and i brought kevin’s free stuff in there too. it was so handy! we met up with matt and megan before the competition ended, watched them do some problems and then we all headed to moonshine 152 to get lunch. kevin suggested it and i’m glad he did. i got he crabby eggs benedict with a mixed sweet iced tea and kevin got the french toast sticks and poutine. the eggs benedict was DELICIOUS. the poutine’s tater tots were the crispiest and most delicious things ever. the french toast sticks were aiight -- a bit too sweet. kevin and i had some of matt’s bloody mary and it was pretty good! matt said it was one of the best ones he had so it was a good time to try. it was savory and tasted like a meal... like blended hot cheeto puffs haha. we talked about restaurants, food, etc. it was fun.
we walked back to check the results and both of them were pretty high up there but didn’t make it. kevin didn’t really want to make it tbh because he was tired. we parted ways with matt and megan and then kevin drove us back. i picked up my fitbit! it’s so beautiful! i set it up and played around with it for a bit. then we spent the rest of the day gaming. he played hollow knight and i played bravely default. we ate chicken nuggets and then ate fried rice for dinner. we finished watching season 3 of ‘how to get away with murder’ @_@ omggg, too many plot twists. i don’t know if i want to keep watching this show. we basically stayed up until 3 or 4 am...haha...
09: we got out of bed at 12 pm but we both woke up at around 10:30 or 11 am. i watched youtube videos in bed while kevin played pokemon. then kevin made us egg mcmuffins and i microwaved the leftover fried rice. we ate brunch and then we headed out to our massage at the thai wellness center! it took them a bit to get to us but the massage was great. it was as great as last time and i can say that this is now my favorite place <3 she got into my back, shoulders, and neck, AND my feet. the circulation in my feet has gotten worse and it is a bit concerning so the massage helped but i’m planning on seeing a doctor about this. anyway, kevin had a great time too and after our massage, we booked our next one ;D we also added on the steam room! i’m so excited for next month already ahah.
we drove back to the apartment, kevin gamed, and i found out that someone stole my credit card information and bought airplane tickets for united. so i spent 30 minutes or so trying to get a hold of chase customer service for my credit card. no where on their website or any forum, does it say how to get a hold of one. if you call the number on the back or the numbers on the website, you just get automated messages. kevin figured out that you had to press 0 for the operator -__-” wtf. i asked the customer service rep and he said to press 0 twice to get connected. wtf. anyway, i reported fraud and then kevin and planned our meals and went grocery shopping.
we went to kam man, roche bros, and bj’s. we were so tired and hungry after. lol, kevin thought i was going to pass out or something and he called me super weird. kevin took someone else’s cart in bj’s and when he returned it, the guy stared and him and made an angry hand motion -- we were both not on our grocery shopping game LOL. we got everything and then got back, i started cleaning the apartment, kevin washed the dishes and put away the groceries, and i then i had some downtime and did some “me time” things like journaling and catching up on my tumblr haha. i called my mom and she got sick from the weather change :( then i did some exercise to see how well the alta catches aerobics’ data. it does pretty well! we ate cashew chicken and it was delicious (minus the cashews because i hate cashews T_T) and chinese broccoli for dinner. then i folded the laundry and tried exercising a bit more but it was so tired from the massage and cleaning so i showered, brushed my teeth, and ko’d at around 1 am. zzz. kevin stayed up for a bit playing games.
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thevidawell-blog · 8 years
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OH EM (grass-fed) GHEE is here and DANG it is 💣 Do you see that bright yellow color?? That rich yellow comes from the grass the cows were eating, craaazzy right! I am OBSESSED with the release of this new product, and now you can get it too! Check it out on my blog post (link above) to learn how it's dairy free and why it's in the SUPERFOODS category! (at San Diego, California)
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