#they were just a bunch of Joe Schmos who loved to make music
frootyrooties · 2 years
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mine and @burn-on-the-flame’s boys?! in the same hotel?!? 🤩
for some reason, i can’t help but imagine Eric and Mick drunk and sword fighting in medieval armour suits all over the hotel 🤣
poor Kevin must’ve been terrified when he heard The Sweet boys yelping like American Indians. Kevin be like “MUMMY HELP IM SCARED!” 😭
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jmorpc · 7 years
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a masterlist of 40 roleplay group and indie plots, listed alphabetically. I have tried to include plots for different types of groups, but there are certain types I’m not so familiar with - I tried. I will add more when I think of them! If you found this post helpful, or are in the rpc, please like/reblog.
All The Hues: everyone is assigned a unique color at birth; each event in their lives are determined by the color and revolve around their assigned color
AmDram: another musically inspired plot - this time, brought to you by the eccentric members in a community near you!
Bad Girls Do It Well: bitches who get shit done - based on the M.I.A song, and a little bit of TSwift’s Bad Blood - an all female gang
The Breakfast Club: a bunch of high school/college misfits who form an unlikely alliance and forge the path ahead for their peers
Broadway Baby: following the cast of a Broadway play or musical; their highs, lows, rehearsals and shows, etc.
Competition Time: probably based on any generic talent show/competition on TV - to give you some ideas; American Idol, So You Think You Can Dance, Dancing With The Stars, The X Factor, etc.
Deep Space: a group of astronauts have been sent into space - problems ensue
The Elements: depending on the time of year, place and other factors of where you were born, you are assigned to either the earth, wind, water or fire sector - each member must train in skills relating to their assigned element
Expat Central: following the lives of multi-national migrants who have all emigrated to another country/city/town and are becoming used to the culture/way of life there - they could all be working together or studying together at a college
Fake Dates: could be that they’ve been set up on a blind date, but they have nothing in common but don’t want to waste the day - they become friends and somehow their friends think that they’ve hit it off when really the joke is on their pals
Fashion Mag: based loosely on The Devil Wears Prada, or Ugly Betty
Ghostbusters Inc: our fabulous four have been in popular demand and have opened their big, red doors to the general public - extending their corporation for further business
The Goblin King/Queen: a King/Queen who rules in the labyrinthine land of goblins takes away children to raise as their own because any suitable spouses are deterred by the sight of the goblins, so they must live forever alone until parents, siblings and friends of the kidnapped come to find them, falling in love with the royal
Golden Age of Hollywood: when times were simpler, budgets were not insane and studio regulations didn’t exist - Hollywood produced some of the greatest pieces of cinematic history, starring some of the greatest stars of all time
Inside Out: everyone has a conscience, and everyone has different ways of reacting to situations - the brain is controlled by the emotions, helping us navigate through life, the most commonly known emotions are joy, sadness, disgust, anger and fear, but as we age, emotional ranges extend
The Incredibles: families of superheroes, each relative with unique superpowers who join forces to defeat the world of Evil.
The Interns: at a prestigious company, there’s always that one internship that makes everything feel like it’s that much extra work for everyone - now multiply that by the amount of workers in the office because everyone just got a buddy!
iZombie: I don’t think I need to say more but, I will - when a sudden zombie outbreak happens in a large city, a few people get infected and a couple of people gain specific powers which are in turn, able to aid them in their career paths
Jurassic Age: following the disasters and closures of the original and subsequent parks, the company behind funding and raising the dinosaurs has introduced and decided to integrate dinosaurs in amongst the general public - at zoos, hotels, national parks, etc.
Live From New York: with the lives, writing, rehearsals, read-throughs and eventually the shows from the SNL gang
The Lost Boys: based on the 1980′s vampire movie, starring Keifer Sutherland and that dude from the Bill & Ted movies - when a few newbies arrive in town, the gang leader invites them to a challenge, if they pass they can join the gang, if they fail, they become the next meal
Lost Boys/Girls; there are kids all around the world who for some reason or another, they don’t feel like they fit in anywhere, a plot in which they find out they’re not the only one like them would be pretty darn heart-warming/wrenching
Mapcrunch: people began to go missing and would often find themselves losing days at a time, without recollection of where they had been, or came from - they were somehow teleported from their location and dropped in an unknown location, and given basic tools to enable them to find their way home
Those Meddling Kids: based loosely on Scooby Doo and the Mystery Machine Gang!
Mount Olympus: following the lives of the Greeks who once ruled the Earth from their watchful peak; Mount Olympus - each of the Gods was assigned a sector to watch over and help nourish
Murder House: basically a generic haunted house plot - loosely based on the first season of American Horror Story
Once Upon A Time: a universe in which all storybook/fairytale characters know each other - could be based on the TV show of the same name
Paging Doctor Beat: set in a hospital - think of Grey’s Anatomy, House, etc.
The Peculiars: seemingly regular children with peculiar abilities - a grown-up edition of Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children
Regal Manor: following a prior bankruptcy and passing of the previous Lord/Lady (insert other regal title here), the Manor or Estate has been willed to their closest living relative(s) - who works to restore everything to its former glory, including hiring a full service staff
Reunion: people who went to high school or college together have suddenly reunited and are reconnected to one anothers’ lives
Seven Sings & Virtues: 7x7 - similar to the soul mates plot, for every virtue, there’s a deadly sin to balance out a couple.
Soul Mates: everyone is born with an assigned soul mate, an according to Mythology, they once made one whole being before being torn apart and made to find each other to test if their love was true
Teacher Life: basically set in a school but the plot focuses on the lives of the faculty - anybody having elicit affairs, blackmailing colleagues, etc.
Toy Story: each time the kids leave the room or go to sleep, the toys come to life!
The Truman Show (see also; The Joe Schmo Show): a pre-selected character goes through life, living as though he is participating with others in a reality show - the catch is, the others know it’s not a real reality show and must continue in their alternate universe to keep the ‘show’ alive.
Under The Sea: set in the lost city of Atlantis or other underwater lagoon - everyone is a mer-person, basically everyone is Ariel!
The Village Of The Damned: where the children are all possessed by some evil demon or you could have it like the 60/70′s movie, where I think it may have been something with aliens?
The Witches of Eastwick: only one of the greatest witch plots to have ever been made! A group of friends all wish for something they have wanted for a while - and behold, an effective-immediate move-in from the local man of mystery and suddenly, the friends are getting everything they wished for through their own core powers
Written In The Stars: each of us are assigned a soul mate - this is another take on that; from Earth, we see the stars, each one is a pre-determined other half for someone, the stars (within the galaxy are people), see each person on Earth as a star - the closer they get to pinpointing their other half, the brighter they glow
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