#they were written in the early 2000s you will be immeasurably disappointed
friendly-books · 11 months
Dresden files Grave Peril live blog
Grave Peril
Michael! Weird how he’s just now showing up in book 3
Michael is a Harry/Susan shipper
I’m with Michael. Harry should tell Susan that he loves her
Who’s Elaine? 
Not the maternity ward :(
Harry fighting a ghost is cool
Poor Agatha Hagglethorn and her daughter :(
Why does Harry think his soul is bad?
Trip to the Nevernever. Oh am I going to meet Lea?
“You’re right. Sorry. Holy shit,” I breathed “heckhounds” pg. 58 Ha 
“Long estranged godson” pg. 64 Why are they estranged?
Is it bad that I kinda want a fae godmother?
“I can’t believe we’re in jail” pg. 72 Ha 
Oh no Michael got full named. Why doesn’t Charity like Harry? She’s being really mean to Harry. 
“I’d never said them to anyone I didn’t lose” pg. 81 Well now I’m sad :(
Where’s Mister? 
Vampire time 
Not Bianca :( 
“Yeah, their saliva’s some kind of addictive narcotic” pg. 84 First Ew Second I guess that helps them when they’re attacking people. Third that’s terrifying 
Why would Bianca invite Harry? She doesn’t like him. I’m suspicious. If this is “official” business why invite Harry? He’s not a warden of the White Council.
“The safety of all invited guests is assured, by word of the assembled court.” pg. 86 Hmmm are we talking about guest rights here? I need more information about this. What counts as safety? Why just words, why not written? Invited guests so unless you have an invitation you’re in trouble? I guess Harry isn’t gate crashing. Bianca is up to something. This is definitely giving me trap vibes. Bianca is probably the reason the ghosts are acting up. As with the previous two Big Bad guys they were behind the “unrelated” problems being connected i.e.: Victor and the drugs and Denton all the murders. I doubt she’d turn him. Maybe it has something to do with Michael and his sword? 
Yay Mister is safe
Susan, why would you want to go to a party with vampires after what you’ve just seen? Please listen to Harry. He knows what he’s talking about. I know you got a career boost from the werewolves but you aren’t Lois Lane and Harry isn’t Superman he can’t save you from everything so please don’t go to the ball.
Lea stop kissing Harry. It's weird. 
I don’t think I’ve ever been smacked in the face with remembering when a book takes place than this quote “Wait until some poor sap who got AIDS from a blood transfusion breaths his last” pg. 121 I was not expecting that. Very late 90’s or early 2000’s. When do these books take place? 
“An unmarked car sat in my driveway” pg. 126 my sheer level of disappointment when I read on and realized I wasn’t getting Marcone was immeasurable  
“Rudy’s clean cut good looks” pg. 126 Bi Harry 7
No, not the birds :( 
Rudouph is the worst 
Poor Micky :( The barbwire curse is scary
Murph is so cool with The Sight
Bob being scared is worrying 
“What could possibly go wrong?” pg. 172 Harry why would you say that?
“And then droplets of her spittle fell onto my throat, my cheek, and into my mouth” pg. 183 oh no I’ve never been more happy that Harry destroyed a building
Why would Bicana send two of her maybe powerful red court buddies (subordinates?) to find Lydia? Maybe Lydia knows too much? Maybe Lydia is one of Bicana girls? 
“I’d learned to block out pain, when necessary. Studying under Justin, it had been a practical necessity.” pg. 188 Not a big fan of Justin 
Scary dream
Oh no it ate Harry’s magic
Oh no it disguised itself as Harry 
Oh no Murph 
Oh no Charity 
What pact did Harry make with Lea? How is Harry going to get out of this new pact with Lea? 
How am I only 48% of the way through? So much has happened? And we still haven’t gotten to the ball
Oh no the baby is coming 
Oh no Lea has Amoracchius
Harry’s mom got him a fae godmother? Harry’s mom makes some weird allies 
How are they going to fight Nightmare and get Amoracchius  back?
Michael, Harry’s a little busy can you have Susan leave a message
“It’s thine heart” pg. 278 Ha
It’s party time 
“Hell’s bells, I noticed how good he looked” pg. 290 Bi Harry 8
Thomas! Yay! 
Wait wait did Harry just talk about how good his brother looks?!? 
“Not just a vampire,” I said, “a cheesy vampire.” pg. 297 Ha 
Bianca’s dress is a fire hazard 
All this talk of hospitality makes me think that’s how the vampire-white council war started. Someone broke hospitality. Why are you drinking the wine Harry? It could be spiked? You don’t know what’s in it or where it’s been. It could be roofied. “The wine is poisoned” pg. 308 Aaaahhh!!!! This is bad. Oh no it’s the venom 
Harry please listen to Micheal and Thomas and leave the party
“We’re here to get information, not bring the house down on a bunch of nasties” pg. 313 but Harry your really good bringing the house down
Dragons are a thing in this universe? Cool! Michael killed a dragon, cool!
“Harry, you're not the biggest kid on the block. You’ve got to learn to be a little more polite” pg. 318 Ha like that will ever happen 
SUSAN WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!?!? You didn’t get an invitation…You forged an invitation.
Oh no 
No Susan you can’t protect yourself here
Did Lea just try to bargain for Molly? Oh no Lea made Susan forget Harry
Who’s Mavra? Well you don’t need to call Mavra an it. That was rude.
No Susan, you didn’t know the risks before coming to this party. Susan, Harry and Michael aren’t chauvinist pigs they’re trying to help 
Vampire wizard?!? That is cool but bad for Harry 
Gift giving time
So the vampires want a sort of false flag operation? Maybe not a false flag but pressure Harry to attack.
“Lords of the Outer Night” pg. 354 that’s important not sure what it is but with those capital letters that’s important 
How is it Harry’s fault that you (Bianca) killed Rachel?
“Here lies Harry Dresden, he died doing the right thing” That’s a very accurate epitaph. Bianca knows Harry well enough to know that. That’s some villain vibes to gift someone a tombstone 
They draw weapons and the vampires immediately start attacking it’s like they’re trying to start a war. 
Oh no Justine 
Thomas don’t listen to Bianca. THOMAS why would you do that to Susan?!? Oh no Bicana didn’t keep up her end of the deal who would have thought 
Time to burn some vampires. That’s a lot of fire. Bicana isn’t the fire hazard it’s Harry 
Here comes Harry guilt complex 
Lydia what’s up? Nightmare in disguise? Possessed? I’m with Harry, Thomas needs to back off from Lydia 
I like this mushroom plan 
Does everyone know Harry’s mom but Harry? The demon knew her and now Lea 
“The handsome vampire” pg. 440 Bi Harry 9
I think you should all stick together. Oh no Harry’s surrounded 
Why is Bicana naked?
Why are they taking Harry’s clothes off? 
NO NO NO don’t like the end of chapter thirty-three
NOPE NOPE NOPE don’t like the beginning of thirty-four 
I’m crying :( Poor Harry, I don't like the implications. Can someone anyone please help Harry he needs help
Poor Justine, where are her clothes?
“I heard them taking you. Playing with you, for two hours maybe” pg. 453 I really don’t like those implications. 
Rachel ghost to the rescue…or not 
Kravos go away 
Oh no Susan got half turned. Yay Harry told Susan that he loved her! 
The ghost fight was cool!
Why would the Reds want to start a war with the White Council?
The ghosts fighting is cool!
Awww they named their child after Harry! :)
“What goes around comes around. And sometimes you get what’s coming around. He paused for a moment, frowning faintly, pursuing his lips. “And sometimes you are what’s coming around. You see what I mean” pg. 506 Does that mean that Harry is the consequences for the monster? 
“I don’t want you far away marry me” pg. 510 awww Harry asked Susan to marry her 
“And they were always the same: darkness, trapped, with vampires all around me, laughing their hissing laughter. I’d wake up, screaming and crying.” pg. 511 Poor Harry I’m sobbing 
Well I guess the White Council is at war with the Red Court now. 
Final thoughts 
I wished I had Marcone in this book. I need my Marcone fix. Glad I got to meet Michael. Charity needs to calm down. The Red Court vampires are terrifying. I’m upset that I was right about the party being a trap and Bicana. I’m upset that Susan got turned. More Bi Harry the counter is up to 9. Murph looked so cool with The Sight like a guardian angel! Not a fan of Justin. I want to know more about Lea. I hope I get to see more Thomas. Does he know that Harry’s his brother? Is he just messing with Harry? Why would he do that to Susan? I love Harry’s costume. Bianca had it coming. I kinda love Bianca’s gift to Harry. I don’t know if I’m reading too much into the implications but I don’t like them at all. I’ll probably make a whole separate comment about it because I have a lot of thoughts and feelings about it. Harry has a bit of a guilt complex/chronic hero syndrome. Now about this war. As vampires they’ve probably been around for a while so they know about the White Council. Why would they pick a fight with them? They must think they can win against them so they must have had a plan like this in the making for a while. I assume the White Council will try and make peace, maybe throw Harry under the bus as a way to appease the Reds and get rid of their (Council’s) black sheep. I need to know more. Susan went a bit too far in her investigative reporting and it came back to bite her. She’s only half turned so I assume she has some powers but not all and has some weaknesses but not to the extent of a full Red Vampire. I’m sad Harry and Susan broke up but I know she’ll come back and have Maggie. I thought the fights were good and I liked the world building. I’m looking forward to a more central storyline/plot with the war. It'll be different from the sort of monster of the week that I got from the first two books. Despite my several “oh no’s” I did enjoy this book and I’m looking forward to reading the next one.
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robinsteve · 2 years
You had me at beautiful women
so glad i could put a good word in!!
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