#they weren't as much of an issue for the watchdogs pre-empire
eyeballcommander · 2 years
Anonymous asked:
well, let's throw it formally, I didn't want to ask this question until the last, because I was afraid that you would misunderstand, but nevertheless I decided .how do u feel about drugs? and have you ever been on it? in the past, when u were not yet in the ship, did you come across drugs, or those who used them? sorry if this the question was before
I've never used drugs myself. Sure, I take medicine for my insomnia and headaches, but I know you mean the recreational kind.
It's... well, we have very strict regulations on having drugs on the Skullship. And for a good reason. Alcohol and soft drugs are fine as long as they're consumed off duty. If all they want is to get wasted, whatever. We're all adults.
There's always gonna be some troops with addiction issues as they cope with the horrors of war. But I try my best to minimize how much of that is going on abroad. Crackdowns help, but... narcotics are my biggest concern because I can't completely ban them. Not when the medbay needs pain medicine.
To any watchdogs who I know are using my blog to goof off: There's no shame in seeking help. The shame lies in letting your problems fester until they start getting in the way of your work.
Please visit the medbay to get treatment for your addiction before it's too late. I promise that you won't get in trouble for it. And remember, the ship's therapists are there to help!
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