#they wouldn't be allowing this shit to get so bad that a mod straight up advocates for J*m Cr*we-esque treatment of a minority race
butwhatifidothis · 7 months
Y'know, I feel really bad for the people who are still in that server and have to put up with all the hateful rhetoric that mod is spewing out because they can't speak up about it in fear of getting banned.
Yeah, and just to serve as a general reminder that it is not everyone in that server are like this; it's mostly Shandale, a couple other mods, and a few other members, with the other mods who haven't engaged with this behavior directly mostly being responsible for never doing anything to actually rectify this issue like removing Shandale's mod status or removing them from the server for repeatedly saying shit like this (or doing anything similar to the other mods who have explicitly backed up their rhetoric). There's actually a good few people who will stand against the rhetoric thrown around, which is absolutely something to commend them for knowing that they could easily be banned (since, you know, the person that's saying this shit is someone who has banning privileges and is known to ban people for pretty innocuous shit).
It honestly must suck to be an average Edelgard fan in that server knowing that at pretty much any time there's a pretty damn good chance that one of the members - or mods! - will spout off blatantly racist shit and there's just. Nothing that will be done about it, ever, just cuz that person is friends with a mod or are a mod themselves. And in one of THE biggest spaces for Edelgard fans, at that! I hope they can eventually find a better place to love their fave in, since this one's such an unsalvageable garbage heap
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whumpsday · 1 year
my unhinged rant about the whumptober discourse, below the readmore for the benefit of ppl who dont wanna see that crap. im just gonna go insane if i don't say this somewhere bc i feel like i'm losing my mind
this drama is genuinely so mind-blowingly stupid it's unreal, and it's been bothering me so much that i just HAVE to talk about it or i'm gonna go insane, if for no other reason than to get it out of my system. i honestly never expected the whump community to go on the kind of bad-faith tirade that's taking place.
disclaimer right here that i do not support AI scraping creative works without permission (like chatgpt and a whole host of AI art programs do) or these AI-generated works being passed off as legitimate creative works. obviously that stuff is bad, and literally everyone on all sides of this agrees it's bad. i used chatgpt exactly once one week after it came out, before i knew how shit it was, and haven't touched AI stuff since. because it steals from creators and it sucks.
saying "whumptober supports/allows AI" when their official policy says plain as day:
"we are not changing our stance from last year’s decision"
"we will not amplify or include AI works in our reblogs of the event."
"we discourage the use of AI within Whumptober, it feels like cheating, and we feel like it isn’t in the spirit of the event."
is bonkers! whumptober is a prompt list, there is nothing TO the event other than being included in the reblogs. they literally cannot stop people from doing whatever they want with the prompts.
someone could go out and enact every single prompt in real life on a creativity-fueled serial killing spree and the whumptober mods couldn't do shit about it. it's not like it's a contest you submit to. it's a prompt list! someone could take every single prompt from the AI-less whumptober prompt list, feed it into chatgpt right now, and post them as entries. and the mods of THAT wouldn't be able to stop them either. because it's a prompt list.
the AI-less event have also made just... blatantly false claims, like that grammarly isn't AI. grammarly IS AI and they openly advertise this. hell, this is grammarly's front page right now:
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and this is a statement from grammarly about how its products work:
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its spellchecker / grammarchecker is AI-based! claiming it's not AI is just... lying. saying "this is an AI-less event" and then just saying any AI that you want to include doesn't count as AI is ludicrous.
and you know what? whumptober actually pointed this out. they said they don't want to ban AI-based assistive tools (like grammarly) for accessibility reasons. this post has several great points:
"AI is used for the predictive text and spellchecker that's running while I type this reply."
"Accessibility tools rely on AI." this is true and here's an article about it, though the article is a little too pro-AI in general for my tastes, there's nuances to this stuff. it's used for captioning, translation, image identification, and more. not usually the same kind of AI that's used for stuff like chatgpt. THERE ARE DIFFERENT KINDS!
"But we can't stop that, nor can we undo damage already done, and banning AI use (especially since we can't enforce it) is an empty stand on a hill that's already burning, at least in our view of things."
and people were UP IN ARMS over this post! their notes were full of hate, even though it's all true! just straight lying and saying that predictive text isn't AI (it is), that AI isn't used for accessibility tools (it is), that whumptober can somehow enforce an anti-AI policy (they can't because it's a prompt list).
in effect, both whumptobers have the EXACT SAME AI POLICY. neither allows AI-generated works, but both allow AI-based assistive tools like grammarly. everyone involved here is ON THE SAME SIDE, they all have the exact same opinion on how AI should be applied to events like this, and somehow they're arguing???
not to mention that no other whump event has ever had an AI policy. febuwhump, WIJ, bad things happen bingo, hell even nanowrimo doesn't have one.
and you wanna know the most ridiculous part of this entire thing? which is also the reason why none of the above events have an AI policy.
no one is doing this. no one is out there feeding whumptober prompts to chatgpt and posting them as fills for whumptober cred. it's literally a hypothetical, made-up issue. all of this infighting over a problem that DOESN'T EXIST.
to the point that people are brigading the whumptober server with shit like this:
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saying "everyone who participates in whumptober is a traitor, you should go participate in this other event with the exact same AI policy but more moral grandstanding about it" is silly. every single bit of this drama is silly.
in the end, please just be nice to people. we're ALL against the kind of AI that steals from creators. the whumptober mods are against AI, the AILWT mods are against AI, whumptober participants are against AI, AILWT participants are against AI. there is no mythical person out here trying to pass chatgpt work off as whumpfic. let's all just be civil with each other over this, yeah?
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jw-horror-stories · 7 years
And my parents told my younger sibling and I to tell them if we remembered anything.I don't remember anything happening, but even if I did that wouldn't make any difference?!And I see everyone treating him as normal and I feel sick.He shouldn't still be allowed in the congregation.I don't want anything to do with him, but somehow THAT'S unchristian?!And I saw him talking with a little girl one-on-one.They were out in the open, but it still made me sick to my stomach.
2/? I've recently started to realize that I'm probably Not Straight, so I almost started to have an anxiety attack or burst into tears. I had to walk away for a bit to compose myself. I don't even know how bad it would have been if I had been stuck in the car when they started talking about it. It hurt so much... because I'M a real person, other lgbtq people are REAL PEOPLE and that kind of thinking actually hurts people, it's not just an opinion. But to them, homosexuality is a tool of Satan.
3/? To make it worse the next day she approached me at the meeting and""apologized"" for getting so worked up about the hp thing, "because she has actually experienced what happens when people get involved with the demons". Which I was like, okay, this is a sensitive topic for her. (At the time I was still on the fence with my faith, so her having experience with demons did not seem out of the realm of possibility). I smiled and nodded and expected that to be it, but she. Kept. Going.
4/? She then told me about her cousin who was "perfectly normal" but then he got involved in drugs. Apparently he started having mental health issues as a result. "They said it was schizophrenia from the drug use, but I knew. It wasn't schizophrenia. It was the d e m o n s!" So apparently he committed suicide because of how much the """demons""" tormented him. Bitch??? And of course she had to go into detail about it, all scandalized. As if suicide is some unthinkable thing. Like it's shocking.
There is a lot to take in and quite frankly I can’t really come up with a response other than “holy shit.”
I’m here to shitpost against Jehovah’s Witnesses. Get some laughs and stuff. I’ll do serious stuff every now and again, sure, but this is a lot.
-Mod Degurechaff
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