#they’re not gonna go and acknowledge Sybok’s existence like that
ichayalovesyou · 2 years
Ok I completely forgot that Chapel momentarily housed Spock's consciousnesses and both parties were pretty okay with it.
Makes me wonder if we're going to semi-intimate mind meld in SNW that allows them to have a "we've done similar things and it was fine before" mentality.
Also there's a possibility they shared the same body because the orbs that held consciousness was destroyed. Or not idk.
Either way Spock is a very private person and IDK that he'd willingly inhabit a body that was not his even to save his life unless it was the only possible option left. It leads me to believe that they may not have fallen out as much as we tend to think and maybe possibly they were mentally intimate at some point SNW era.
(Return to Tommorow)
Oh my god I just wanna say that Return To Tomorrow is straight up one of if not my FAVORITE original series episode!!
Time To Get MESSY :D
I definitely think with the way things are going story wise with SNW there’s a high probability Spock will meld with Chapel out of necessity at some point. Drama and romantic tension absolutely demand it.
I don’t think Chapel and Spock’s “falling out” is necessarily gonna be a big fight or one doing something super awful to the other. I think it’s going to be more of a:
One of them gets a little too close to the threshold from friends to something more intimate, and the other has to put their walls up. More specifically I think it’s going to be Spock drawing the line, Chapel respecting that. OR! Chapel drawing the line like “I don’t want to come between you and your fiancé and us being friends is doing that”, Spock gets doubly rejected :(, and Korby is Chapel’s bounce back guy XD.
I’m actually gonna go so far as to say that she’s going to be caught up specially in the Sybok-Stonn-T’Pring-Spock-Angel mess that feels like is brewing thanks to The Serene Squall.
The Mess:
Spock is engaged to T’Pring
Spock has romantic tension with Chapel
Spock was manipulated by Angel (which I feel has hints of Spock having found their Dr. Aspen persona attractive)
Spock is Sybok’s half-brother
T’Pring is eventually gonna fall for Stonn
Both she and Stonn work at the Correctional Facility where Sybok is being held
T’Pring’s first introduction to Chapel was Spock fake cheating on her with her… awkward.
Angel is vitriolic toward T’Pring and tried to exploit her weakness for Spock to get Sybok back.
Angel and Sybok are lovers
Only Chapel and Angel know that Xavierus was Sybok and that Sybok is Spock’s half-brother. (T’Pring MIGHT know but we didn’t have that indicated to us the audience).
This right here ⬆️ this is a POWDER KEG.
Angel’s probably gonna want revenge on Spock and Chapel for fucking up their plan and PROBABLY noticed the chemistry between Christine and Spock was legitimate. They’re inevitably gonna wanna exploit that.
Spock could potentially be put in a position where both Christine and T’Pring are in danger because of Angel and/or Sybok and instinctually choose Christine. Possibly Stonn going after T’Pring because I think Spock would be paralyzed with indecision if there was no possibility of someone else helping the other person.
Spock and T’Pring probably going to have increasingly divergent opinions on the ethics of penal colonies and correctional facilities as time goes on. Spock’s experiences with getting in trouble with the law have been unjust. Between being wrongfully framed for murder, his sister proving she would’ve been wasted potential with a penal colony life sentence, not to mention whatever will go down w/ Una. Whereas T’Pring’s job is to rehabilitate prisoners by enforcing Vulcan logic/idealogy on V’Tosh Ka’tur offenders… see the conflict of interest?
Sybok not only is notoriously manipulative, but has the telepathic ability to control others. Particularly by forcing them to relive their most traumatic memory, and as we know from Star Trek V, for Spock that’s his father’s disapproval of Spock’s humanity. I absolutely could see him playing some serious mind games with Spock. Especially this younger, more emotionally vulnerable, self-questioning version of him.
It may not be the losses of Michael and Pike, or his estrangement from Chapel & T’Pring that drives him to despise his emotions and his humanity, but instead, Sybok using them and turning him against his friends.
It could be Spock has chosen to reject emotion because it was emotion that allowed Sybok to control him. It would track for his deep seated fear of his own anger, and for his “this memory you’ve conjured can no longer hurt me.” comment to Sybok when Sybok tries to control him in Star Trek V.
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hurt-spock · 7 years
Another Prompt to fill
(Always Gonna Be Slash!) thing: Please, credit the prompting back to me, AND be aware that I might, one day, use some of the prompts myself.
 Here goes: My prompts will Never include: Chan, age play, Daddy Kink, BDSM, DubCon, Rape, any mention of child abuse, teacher&student role play, or the kind of role play that treats & speaks to one person like they’re a bit of crap! These rules might not make me popular, but they are the rules, regardless; I don’t want to see any of those warnings I’ve mentioned above, period. Never. Ever. Don’t use my prompts if you don’t like my stipulations. I don’t judge those who write those kinds of things – well, three quarters of them are writing and reading for therapy, just like me – like all of us- but, I have my own very good reasons for not wanting to read about that stuff, and not feeling as though I have the right to write it. 
 A Spirk, Spones, or McSpirk story. 
For some reason, even though it’s odd that they’d go to Vulcan for festive celebrations, Spock takes Kirk and McCoy home to Vulcan to a very low key celebration at this, for humans, Festive time of year; to a small festive dinner that his mother always prepares, and he and his father tolerate (secretly quite like it). While there, Spock becomes ill/is in a lot of pain. It turns out that he’s been unaware that he’s pregnant (he and his partner(s) Jim/Bones) are both unaware (make it somehow believable without making Bones look like a bad Doctor – Vulcan type 2 males can gestate and give birth to babies, without the process bringing into question their ‘status’/gender as male.) He’s near enough giving birth this second when the discovery of the baby’s existence is made; they call for the Healers, and try and wait for them in the family’s first aid/med-bay room (Sarek and Amanda have some kind of medically stocked room at any rate, or a room with a limited Medical Replicator installed; most 23rd Century families do, and because theirs is a Diplomatic Residence that sometimes has important guests; this is one of the additions to their household/ a place in the grounds of their home).  Spock is deeply embarrassed, of course, not least that he didn’t realise his state; he feels that it is proof that he’s far too unVulcan. He wants only McCoy and Jim there. Amanda and Sarek discreetly leave – but, through ‘happenstance’, Sarek is needed at the Birth. Sarek is very supportive, and, once past his feeling of failure, Spock acknowledges that Sarek is telling him he’s a good son/great Vulcan, and that Sarek apologises for some of the things he got wrong for Sybok, and especially, for Spock. The baby is born. Sarek is still very Vulcan, but you can tell that he is, and will be,  a doting grandfather. Spock is grateful, and tries not to worry about being jealous of his own son, if Sarek keeps his promise, and is openly kinder/more tolerant of his grandson than he was his son. Spock’s partner/partners are besotted with their husband and son; they assure Spock, and everybody is happy. Amanda is Blissed Out that, at last, her family is albeit discreetly happy, and truly contented with each other. Lots of Spock H/C and angst. Lots of fussing over Spock. Lots of fluff. Lots of Love from his T’hy’la. Proud parents all round.
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