#they’re so good and i just blew 75$ on two cds
daughterovmary · 1 year
anyone here listen to agalloch 🥺 i think they are so cool
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Sweet Pea//10 Things I Hate About You
Request: Can you do a Sweet Peab imagine based on 10 Things I Hate About You? Thank you! ☺️
I changed some bits up and took some bits out, otherwise it would have been so long. But I still hope you like it! You have no idea how long I’ve been writing this for, so I hope everyone likes it!!
“So what you’re asking is for me to take a girl out because you wanna sleep with her sister?” Sweet Pea asked, taking a drag from his cigarette. Sweet Pea was wondering what was so wrong with this girl. You seemed nice. There had been rumours about you but there was also rumours about him and thats all they were. Plus how rude could you be? 
“Not exactly.” Reggie shook his head. “But in a way yes. Their dad’s really weird and says that her sister can start dating when she does. Which means I can’t take her sister out, if she doesn’t also have a date.” Reggie explained and Sweet Pea raised an eyebrow at him. 
“Thats a really touching story, but not my problem.” He replied and Fangs laughed. 
“Would you be willing to make it your problem if I provide generous compensation?” Reggie asked and Sweet Pea looked at him before chuckling in disbelief. 
“You’re gonna pay me to take out some random girl?” He asked and Reggie nodded. “How much?” 
“Twenty bucks?” He replied, before Sweet Pea could answer, their attention was directed to you who had just shoved someone in order to get the football off them. Sweet Pea looked back at Reggie with raised eyebrows. “Yeah, okay. Thirty?” 
Sweet Pea thought for a moment, looking at Fangs before directing his attention back to Reggie. “Lets think about this. We go to the movies thats 15 bucks.” He stood up, towering above Reggie. “We get popcorn, thats er, 53. And she’ll want raisinets, so all together we’re looking at 75 bucks. Is this girl worth 75 bucks to you?” 
“This isn’t a negotiation. Take it or leave it, trailer park.” Reggie replied and Sweet Pea shook his head. 
“Wow. Not even worth 75 bucks. She is one lucky lady.” 
“50 bucks and we’ve got a deal.” Reggie thought about it for a second before reluctantly agreeing and handing Sweet Pea the money. “Nice doing business with you Mantle.” He smiled sarcastically at him before the whistle signifying the end of football practice blew, and the girls started to collect their things. You chatted to a few of your team mates before splitting up to get your bag. You’d just finished having a drink when someone approached you. “Hey.” He smirked. “How you doing?”
“Sweating like a pig actually, and yourself?” You smiled at him sarcastically. 
“Now that is a way to get a guys attention huh?” He asked with a laugh.
“My mission in life. But obviously I struck your fancy so it worked. The world makes sense again.” You replied and picked up your gym bag. He followed you laughing slightly, taking a few strides to catch up with you. 
“Pick you up on Friday then?” He asked and you scoffed. 
“Oh right. Friday. Of course.”
“I’m gonna take you places you’ve never been before.” He said with a smirk and you shook your head. 
“Like where? The 7eleven on the edge of Riverdale. We’ve already done Heathers and I know how it ends. I’m not going to any 7eleven with you. And no, you can’t buy me a slushie.” You said sarcastically and he laughed. “Do you even know my name, giant?” 
“I know a lot more than you think.” He replied and you furrowed your eyebrows in confusion. 
You scoffed. “Doubtful. Very doubtful.” You ended the conversation and walked away leaving Sweet Pea looking confused. 
“We’re screwed.” Archie muttered. Him and Jughead had been watching what was happening and he was feeling defeated. “I can’t believe I thought getting Reggie to pay him to take her out would be a good way to get to her sister.” 
“Hey. No. I don’t wanna hear that attitude.” Jughead replied. “I wanna hear you upbeat.” 
“We’re screwed!” He replied happier and Jughead smiled. 
“Yeah. Like that!” He said and Archie grumbled before walking away. 
“Have you ever considered a new look?” Your sister asked, walking into the bathroom. 
“I like the look I have Veronica.” You replied with an eye roll. “But how about you? I think you would suit some of the stuff I wear.” You replied with a smile and she shook her head. 
“No, thank you. I like the way I look. But I’m being serious. You could have some serious potential buried underneath all the hostility and bitterness.” She played with your hair and you slapped her hand away. 
“I’m not hostile. I’m annoyed.” You replied. 
“You should be nice sometimes. People wouldn’t know what to think.” She sat down. 
“I don’t care what people think. You shouldn’t care what people think. You don’t always have to be who they want you to.” 
“I like being liked.” 
“I know.” You rolled your eyes. “Maybe too much.” You muttered. 
You’d decided to go to the store, one to get away from your sister and her lectures, and two to get away from your dad and his lectures. Luckily they were mainly about your sister and how if she got pregnant, she would die. However your college choice was also thrown in there so you decided to leave them to argue. 
Walking out the store, you looked through the bag of things that you bought, deciding on where to go next. However, you were pulled from your thoughts when a familiar voice made you instantly annoyed. 
“Nice ride.” 
“Are you following me?” You asked annoyed. 
“I was in the laundromat! I say your car and came over to say hi!” He defended. 
“Hi.” You rolled your eyes and walked towards the car. 
“Not a big talker huh?” He asked, standing in front of your car door. 
“Depends on who’s talking to me, or the topic. My car doesn’t really excite me that much for me to want to start a full blown conversation about it.” You replied sarcastically and he laughed.
“You’re not afraid of me are you?” He wondered aloud and you laughed. 
“Why the hell would I afraid of you? They’re much scarier things in the world than a gang member who thinks he’s scary.” 
“Like what?” 
“Climate change. Poverty. Injustice, discrimination, walking home at night-” 
“I can walk you home at night.” He winked and you rolled your eyes. 
“Men who stop me from getting in my car.” You raised an eyebrow and he looked around before moving. 
“So you’re not afraid of me. But I bet you’ve thought about me naked.” He winked and you scoffed. 
“Am I that transparent?” You asked sarcastically. “I do love men that follow me around, and stand in front of my car.” You continued. “I want you, I need you. Oh baby. Oh baby” You deadpanned and he laughed, before moving out your way. 
“Good news! Me and Veronica went through Y/n’s stuff and found things she likes, which means we can go find Sweet Pea and tell him and then hopefully she’ll stop being rude to him.” Archie told Jughead happily and he raised an eyebrow. “Okay. Hopefully she’ll stop being as rude. Do you know where Sweet Pea will be?” 
“Yeah.” Jughead replied. “But you’re not gonna like it.” 
“Why not?” 
“You just aren’t.” He patted his back. “Lets go.” 
“You are right. I do not like it hear.” Archie sighed as he looked around the Wyrm. 
“I wouldn’t say that too loudly here.” Jughead whispered and Archie gulped. “Hey look. There’s Sweet Pea!” 
They walked towards Sweet Pea who was stood by the pool table smoking and talking to Fangs. 
“Hi. Sweet Pea.” Archie said quietly. Sweet Pea looked at him, and acknowledged the both of them. “So I found out some of Y/n’s likes. Feminism, angry girl music, and being rude to people. So do what you will with that. I’m sure you’ll be able to figure out a date around that.” He listed and Sweet Pea looked at him annoyed. “Here’s a list of CD’s she likes.” He handed him a list and Sweet Pea sighed. 
Sweet Pea had been following you around non-stop for the past week. He had been at the club you were at the other day, he followed you around school. Hanging out outside your classes and you were starting to get really annoyed with him. However you were annoyed at literally everyone else so he wasn’t very different. 
But Sweet Pea was different. He was starting to grow on you. Especially when he called you ‘sexy’ in front of a club full of people, and then invited you to the dumb party at the weekend. He was persistent. You’d give him that. 
It was the night of the party and as usual you’re sister was annoyed at you for not being ‘normal’. This time because she couldn’t go to the dumb party. She had tried to sneak out but you’re dad had caught her and she was more than annoyed. She had eventually worn you down and you had somehow agreed to go to the stupid party, making her squeal in your ear and then hug you. 
Going the party was possibly the worst idea you had had. You had gotten drunk, danced on a table, and then knocked yourself out, luckily Sweet Pea had caught you and taken you outside. After that you couldn’t really remember much. Apart from Sweet Pea talking to you on some swings. Although, you weren’t sure if you’d imagined the swings. 
“You don’t care if I ever wake up.” You slurred as he sat you down. 
“Sure I do.” He smiled. 
“Because then I’d have to start taking out girls that actually liked me.” 
“Like you could find one.” You replied with a smile and he looked at you offended. 
“See that there. Who needs affection when I can have blind hatred instead?” He replied and you laughed, before nearly falling off the swing. He caught you and you laughed harder as he sat beside you. “Why’d you let him get to you?” 
“Reggie.” He replied and you rolled your eyes. Remembering the conversation you had with him earlier. 
“I hate him.” 
“Who doesn’t?” He said and you both laughed slightly. 
“Well. You know what they say...” 
“What do they say?” Sweet Pea asked and looked at you. Panicking once he saw you were asleep. “Fuck!” He jumped up and shook you causing you to wake up quickly. 
“What? Who said what?” You asked and looked up at him. “You’re eyes have a little green in them.” You said with a soft smile and a smirk appeared, however that quickly disappeared when you vomited on him.  
“Come on. I’ll give you a lift home.” 
“Thanks Sweet Peaaaaa.” You slurred and he helped you to his car. Once you were in and driving you smiled as the radio started to play. “I should do this.” You pointed to it and he glanced at you. 
“What? Start a band?” 
“No. Install car stereos. Yes, start a band! My father would loveee that.” You said the last part sarcastically and sighed, still feeling slightly queasy. He pulled up outside your house and you smiled at him. “Thanks for the ride.” 
“You don’t seem like the type that would ask for your dads permission to do anything.” 
“Oh so now you think you know me? I throw up on your shoes once and now you know everything about me?” You asked sarcastically and he laughed. 
“I’m getting there. The vomit didn’t really help though.” 
“The only thing people know about me is that I’m scaryyy.” You mocked. 
“I know that you’re cute.” He replied. “Plus, I’m no picnic myself.” He added and you looked at him. There was a few seconds of silence between the two of you and you weren’t sure if it was the alcohol or the minor concussion but you really wanted to kiss him. He looked really cute in the light coming from the street lamps and his lips were looking very kissable. Definitely the concussion, you decided. “So whats up with your dad?” He asked, breaking the silence. 
“How long have you got?” You replied and looked at your house. “He wants me to be somebody that I’m not.” 
“Veronica.” You sighed. 
“Oh. Veronica. No offense or anything, I mean I know everyone likes your sister, but, she’s not nearly as great as you, or pretty.” He said casually and you looked at him confused, a slight smile taking over your face. 
“You know. You’re not nearly as vile as I thought you were.” You laughed before leaning in towards him and closing your eyes. You could have sworn you saw him lean in to and you were excited. He was cute and kind and funny, and he didn’t think the same as everyone else. Well, thats what you thought.
“Maybe we should do this another time.” He mumbled and you pulled back. Shaking your head, you stormed out the car, slamming it shut behind you. There was no way you were gonna show him that he made you cry. Nobody ever see’s you cry, especially dumb boys.  
“Excuse me. Have you seen this book? Its about feminism. I hear a lot of scary women read it and I thought you’d be the best person to know where it was.”  Sweet Pea asked and you rolled your eyes. You’d come to the library to avoid everyone, especially him and especially what had happened on Friday.  You didn’t want anything to do with him, he’d had his chance and he’d blew it and that was the last time you would ever be nice to anyone, let alone open yourself up to them. 
“What are you doing here?” You asked with a sigh. 
“I heard there was a poetry reading.” He replied. 
“You’re so-“ 
“Charming. I know.” He interrupted, his famous smirk appearing, which still made your heart flutter. “Wholesome?” He asked and you walked away. 
“Unwelcome.” You retorted, turning around to face him. 
“You’re not as mean as you think you are. You know that right?” He asked, following you. 
“You’re not as badass as you think are.” You challenged and he raised an eyebrow. 
“Oh. Someone still has their panties in a twist.” He said annoyed and you narrowed your eyes at him. 
“Don’t, for one second think, that you had any effect on my panties.”
“Then what did I have an affect on then?” 
“Other than my vomiting reflex. Nothing.” You grabbed a book and smiled at him. Throwing the book at him, you rolled your eyes once more before storming away. Hopefully he would have gotten the message this time. 
“You’re just to good to be true.” A voice rang through the speakers, and the team stopped playing. “Can’t take my eyes off of you.” It continued and you looked around. “You’d be like heaven to touch.” The entirety of the students on the field was looking around confused, unsure of what was happening and who was doing it. However you had an idea of who would be stupid enough to do something like this. “I wanna hold you so much, at long last love has arrived and I thank God, I’m alive. You’re just to good to be true.” You saw a figure standing at the top of the bleachers and squinted your eyes to see if you could see who it was. “Can’t take my eyes off of you.” They pointed in your direction and you rolled your eyes, however as soon as he pointed, Riverdale High’s marching band started playing a little away from you making everyone (including yourself) laugh in disbelief. Looking back to where Sweet Pea was stood, he had stopped singing and was now dancing idiotically on the bleachers making you laugh louder. “I love you baby!” He practically shouted, if everybody already wasn’t watching, they definitely were now and you shook your head at how ridiculous he was being. However you still smiled brightly at him. “And if its quite alright, I need you baby.” You walked further towards him as he danced his way down the bleachers and he smiled brightly at you. “To warm the lonely nights. I love you baby. Trust in me when I say.” He sat down, still smiling at you. “Oh pretty baby.” He stood up quickly and continued to dance. “Don’t bring me down I pray. Oh pretty baby. Now that I’ve found you stay. And let me love you, baby.” He sat down again and you laughed loudly. “Let me love you.” He finished, with an almost pleading look in his eyes. You smiled and nodded at him making him smile before the school security dragged him up and along the bleachers making you and everyone else laugh. He continued to dance, as they dragged him and everyone started clapping, which really just made him want to do more. He broke free and turned around, dancing as he ran away, making everyone cheer louder. Especially when he smacked on of the security guards on the ass. That especially made you laugh and he winked at you before he continued to run away. They eventually caught him after he ran around the bleachers for five minutes while the marching band played in the background. So now he was stuck in detention. But you were gonna bust him out. He had humiliated himself in front of practically the entire school for you so it was the least you could do. 
“Hi. Coach.” You said quietly as you walked into detention. “Can I talk to you for a second?” You asked and walked towards him. Sweet Pea’s head lifted from the desk and he watched as you approached the front. 
“What about?” 
“I have some ideas about how we could improve the girls football team.” You said quickly, standing in front of him. 
“Great!” He said sarcastically. “Lets talk about it later.” He added and you rolled your eyes. He was the worst football coach you had ever had, and everyone knew it. Including him. He turned to the tidy up the front desk and you looked at Sweet Pea who was smiling at you. You nodded your head towards the window at the front of the room and he looked at you confused. You continued nodding your head, gaining the attention of a few of the people who were also in detention. Everyone else seemed to understand what you were saying, but Sweet Pea. God he was an idiot. But he was a cute idiot so you didn’t mind. When he shook his head for a third time, still confused about what you were doing you rolled your eyes before whispering the word window, and frantically pointing to it. He continued to look at you confused and if it wasn’t for your football coach being stood right next to you, you would have sworn at him. 
“The window!” You whispered again and the coach turned to face you. You looked at him and smiled brightly. “As we know, we have a really big game with Greendale High, coming up.” You started to ramble, watching Sweet Pea out the corner of your eye. You hoped that he’d managed to figure out what you were saying and apparently he did because he stood up, making you panic and grab your teachers arm, turning him slightly. “You’re bicep is huge!” You squeezed his arm and he looked at you confused. “Oh my god!” You grabbed his other arm, turning him the other way. “The other one’s even bigger!” What were you doing? You asked yourself. You were pretty sure the rest of the class were asking that too. Surely there were easier ways to sneak someone out of detention, because this was just embarrassing. “You don’t take steroids do you?” You asked. Where is this going? You panicked. “Because I’ve heard that steroids can severally disintegrate your...package.” What was that!? Jesus Christ Sweet Pea better be grateful for this. You could hear the class laughing and your coach was looking at you wide eyed. “Not that I’m thinking about your package. Thats not the point.” You shook your head. 
“Lets hope not.” Your coach replied and you sighed. A floorboard creaked behind him and he turned his head, but you grabbed him, making his face you again. 
“The point is! They kick our butts every year and I was thinking that I would devise a plan that would help us finally defeat them.” You rambled and he nodded his head. 
“Which is?” He asked, then turned around, hearing something behind him. Sweet Pea hid behind a pillar and you grabbed him again, so he was looking at you.  
“That thing that you taught us.”
“What thing?”
“Misdirection?” You more asked than said and he looked at you confused. 
“I taught you that?” 
“Yeah. Or somebody else. Maybe the other coach. He was very misdirecting. Especially when it came to the authorities asking about his stash. But thats not important.” You shook your head. Sweet Pea was still trying to sneak out and you were hoping that this was gonna be over soon. Your pride couldn’t take much more. There was another creak and your coach started to turn around again but you grabbed his face, forcing him to look right at you. “Think about it. They’re looking left, and we’re running right. Bam! We score!” You explained, looking just behind him. Sweet Pea was almost out the window and you smiled slightly. 
“Okay? But how are we gonna get them to look left?” He asked. 
“Erm.” Both of you looked behind him and you panicked. “Like this!” You gained his attention again. Shit, what do I do? Fuck it. Pulling your shirt up you were thankful for the bra you decided to wear today. Your coach’s eyes widened and you could hear the class gasp and cheer behind you. Sweet Pea jumped out the window and you let out a deep breath. You smiled at your coach and put you top back before smiling at him.  “Okay. Well...now that you’ve seen the plan. I’m gonna go...and show other people. The plan!” You rambled before turning around and walking out the room. People cheered and clapped as you went and you smiled at them before finding Sweet Pea.  
“I can’t thank you enough for helping me sneak out of detention.” Sweet Pea thanked you as you walked around town. “It was very cool.” 
“No problem.” You replied with a proud smile. 
“I thought for sure I was busted when I was climbing out that window.” He laughed. “So how’d you keep him distracted?” He asked and you paused. Were you really gonna tell him that you’d flashed your coach just to get him out of detention. That would show that he had definitely had an effect on you, and even if that was true you weren’t gonna tell him that. Not yet at least. 
“I…dazzled him with my wits.” You nodded and he looked confused for a second while you tried to conceal a laugh. 
“So, whats your excuse?”
“For acting the way we do.” 
“I don’t like to do what people expect.” You replied, and looked at the floor. “Why should I live up to other people’s expectation and not my own?” You questioned and he pondered it for a moment. 
“So, you’re disappointed from the start and then you’re covered right?” 
“Yeah. Sort of like that.” You agreed. 
“Me too. You can’t be disappointed if you don’t have high expectation in the first place. Just like no one can disappoint you, if you haven’t got anyone.” He said and you nodded in agreement. “There’s only one problem with that though.” 
“Whats that?” 
“You screwed up.” 
“How?” You asked confused. 
“Because you never disappointed me.” He said, looking everywhere but you. You smiled softly at him. Maybe he wasn’t so bad. “So are you up for it?” 
“What?” You asked, slightly concerned. 
“That.” He nodded towards the paint-balling place and you smiled brightly at him. 
“Hell yeah.” You nodded and walked quickly towards it. “Hurry up, loser.” You teased and he laughed before jogging to catch up with you. 
You were well and truly kicking his ass at paint-balling. He said he was letting you win after you had gotten him out of detention but you knew he was lying. He was awful at it, only hitting you a few times, all the other times he was hitting basically everything but you which was making you laugh. But he didn’t mind being rubbish at it if it was making you happy. He’d do literally about anything to hear your laugh.
Right now he had tackled you so you were both lying in a pile of hay. He hovered above you, rubbing paint on your cheek. 
“Tell me something true.” You asked.
“Something true... I hate peas.”
“You are aware that Pea is in your name right?”
“Yeah. I know. Bittersweet irony.” He sighed
“Anyway, something real, something no one else knows.”
“Okay, you're sweet, and sexy, and completely hot for me.” He smirked. 
“Excuse me?”
His gaze flicked between your eyes and your lips and the next thing you knew his lips were on yours and he was kissing you and it was the best thing you had ever experienced. Sweet Pea was actually kissing you! Although you were kinda tempted to pull away just like he’d done to you, but you decided not even you were that mean. So you gave in and kissed back. Your arm wrapped around his neck, pulling him further towards you and deepening the kiss. 
Apart of you was mean though so after you’d kissed for an efficient amount of time you hit him in head with a paintball before quickly getting up and running away. 
After spending so much time with Sweet Pea you decided you would go to prom. You know, just to say that you went (not at all because you wanted to see Sweet Pea in a suit and spend time with him). At first you had questioned his motives as to why he had suddenly noticed you but he reassured you that everything was okay and that he actually liked you, and so that was good enough for you.   
As soon as you arrived you were getting funny looks from people and you were starting to feel self conscious as you were looking for Sweet Pea. However he found you first. 
“Wow.” He looked you up and down, a wide smile spreading across his face. 
“You too.” You replied, also not subtly checking him out. His smile grew as he gave you a rose and you laughed as you took it from him. “You’re so cheesy.” You teased. “But thank you.” You added and linked his arm with yours. “Where’d you get the tux at the last minute?” You asked as you wandered into the main hall. 
“Oh, just something I had, you know, lying around.” He replied and you nodded your head. 
“Where’d you get that dress?” He asked. 
“Oh, just something I had, you know, lying around.” You repeated his words and he laughed. “Listen, I’m really sorry I questioned your motives. I was wrong. “ 
Sweet Pea took a deep breath before looking at you seriously. “You’re forgiven.” 
“Okay.” You nodded. “Ready for the prom?” You asked. 
“Yes ma’am.” He replied and you laughed. 
“Do not call me ma’am.” 
You had been dancing for a solid thirty minutes and you were actually quite enjoying yourself. The band has just finished another song and you and Sweet Pea were stood at the back clapping and laughing, as you danced. As another song started to play Sweet Pea cupped your face and pulled you towards him, kissing you sweetly, before wrapping his arms around you and swaying you slowly. 
“Milwaukee!” Sweet Pea shouted over the music and you looked at him confused as he spun you around the floor. 
“What?” You asked confused. 
“That’s where I was last year. Everyone said I was in jail but that’s actually where I was.” 
“Okay.” You nodded. 
“I don’t know Marylin Manson and I didn’t sleep with a spice girl. I don’t think. I think I would have definitely remembered that.” He added and you laughed. “My grandad was ill so I spent the most of the year on his couch, watching Wheel of Fortune and making Spagehttios.” 
“I didn’t have you down as the Spaghettios type.” You mused. “But its sweet.” 
“So, yeah. End of story.” He dipped you and you laughed. 
“No way.” You were about to start dancing together again when Reggie pulled him away from you. 
“What’s Veronica doing here with that cheese dick?” He asked and you looked at the both of them confused. You hadn’t seen your sister tonight but you knew she had come. Who was the cheese dick though? And why would Sweet Pea know anything about it? “I didn’t pay you to take out Y/n so some little punk could snake me with Veronica. Snake being the right word.” He continued and you looked at Sweet Pea. Did he just say what you thought he’d said? Sweet Pea wouldn’t do that to you, would he? He liked you, you liked him. You got along. But Reggie had payed him so he could go out with your sister. 
“You said there was nothing in it for. You said you liked me. What the fuck Sweet Pea?! I trusted you and you were payed to take me out!” You asked angrily and he looked at you guiltily. That was all you needed to see, storming past him. 
“Would you just give me a chance-“ 
“You were paid to take me out by the person I truly hate!?” You asked angrily. Sweet Pea had followed you out and you were so close to punching him in the face, that you had to physically restrain yourself. “I knew this was a set-up!” 
“Y/n!” He followed you. “It wasn’t like that, okay?” 
“Really? What was it like, a down payment now and a bonus for sleeping with me?” 
“No, I didn’t care about the money!” He argued. “I cared-I cared about you.“  He sighed and you shook your head. 
“You are so not who I thought you were.” You tried to turn around but he grabbed you and quickly kissed you. “Get off!” You pushed him off you before running away. He still wasn’t going to see you cry. No matter what he did. 
“I assume everyone has found time to complete their poem.” Your English teacher started the class. You were sat facing the front of the room and you could feel Sweet Pea staring at the back of your head. But you were strong, you were gonna show him just how over him being a dick you were. “Except for Mr Mantle, who has an excuse.” He laughed and Reggie looked at him. “Lose the glasses.” He told him and the rest of the class laughed while he took his sunglasses off, showing everyone his black eye. “Alright. Anyone brave enough to read theirs aloud?” Everyone in the class looked everywhere but at the teacher, you included. You looked at Sweet Pea and something inside you snapped. 
“I will.” You replied, slowly raising your hand. 
“Here we go.” Your teacher muttered as you stood up. 
“I hate the way you talk to me, and the way you cut your hair. I hate the way you drive my car. I hate it when you stare. I hate your big dumb combat boots, and the way you read my mind. I hate you so much it makes me sick; it even makes me rhyme. I hate it, I hate the way you're always right. I hate it when you lie. I hate it when you make me laugh..” You started to cry. You’d willed yourself not to cry during this. That you were stronger and that you didn’t need to cry in front of your entire class over some dumb boy. But he wasn’t just some dumb boy. He was Sweet Pea, and you thought he loved you, but apparently, for the first time ever, you were wrong. “even worse when you make me cry. I hate it when you're not around, and the fact that you didn't call. But mostly I hate the way I don't hate you. Not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all.” You sobbed, finally looking at him. He made eye contact with you for a second before looking away, and slumping in his seat. You sighed before quickly walking out of the classroom, wiping your eyes as you went.  
By the end of the day you just wanted to go home. Ever since your English class you hadn’t seen Sweet Pea, part of you was happy that you didn’t have to look at his stupid, pretty face. But the other half. The less rational one, missed his stupid, pretty face. At one point you would have happily stared at his stupid, pretty face every single day if you could. It made you happy. Now when you saw it you just wanted to punch him and cry at the same time. As you approached your car you noticed something in the drivers seat. Moving closer you gasped when you realized what it was and opened the car door to look at it properly. 
“Nice huh?” A familiar voice asked and you jumped. 
“A Fender Strat. Is it for me?” You asked confused.
“Yeah. I thought you could use it.” Sweet Pea replied and you raised an eyebrow at him. “You know, when you start your band.” He added and you smiled softly at him. “Besides. I had some extra cash you know. Some asshole asked me to take out some really great girl.” 
“Is that right?” You asked with a smile. 
“Yeah.” He shrugged. “But I screwed up. I err..I fell for her.”
“Its not everyday you find a girl who’ll flash someone to get you out of detention.” He replied with a smirk and you laughed. 
“Oh god.” You muttered, covering your face with your hand to try and hide your embarrassment. Sweet Pea laughed and you looked at him with a slight smile on your face. As soon as you looked at him, his fingers brushed a piece of hair out of your face and he kissed you quickly, his hand resting on your cheek. Instantly you kissed back, but pulled away soon after. “You can’t just buy me a guitar every time you screw up you know.” You warned and he laughed. 
“Yeah, I know.” He sighed. “But then, there’s always drums and bass and maybe even one day a tambourine.” He added with a smirk and you laughed, as he kissed you again. 
You pulled away from him again and he sighed. “Don’t just think you can-” He rolled his eyes at you before pulling you towards him and kissing you again. This time, it definitely shut you up...well, for a bit. 
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