#they’re talking about monogamy and their past of Mickey being monogamous and Ian not never comes up?????
cdt12345 · 4 years
I have had time to sleep on it and gather my thoughts about Ian and Mickey's agreement to be monogamous but can only have sex with someone else as long as the other is there. I think they are both thinking in hypotheticals  and really think that if the chance arose, they could really do it. I can understand that because they're married and are finally secure and in a good place in their relationship. They think they could handle it. But I DO NOT believe for one second they actually could follow through with it or did follow through with it in 11x07 (which I will explain my reasons for that after this). They talk a big game but when it comes down to it, they wouldn't be able to stomach seeing each other with someone else. I’m not knocking on people who does this, everyone has a right to do what they want, what they’re comfortable with, and what works for them. But I don’t see Ian and Mickey being able to do this. I know some people will think I’m saying it’s out of character for them because I don’t like what they’re doing but that’s not it either. It really makes no logical sense. They would have had to turn into completely different characters to actually follow through with this.
Why don't I believe they could follow through with that? Because of their past behavior. No matter what happens, how much growth people go through, no one changes that much! Ian was jealous of Mickey having sex with Angie, Mickey was jealous the second he saw Ned speaking to Ian, Mickey would not let that guy put money in Ian's shorts at the club, Ian was jealous over that weak ass obviously faked kiss between Mickey and Barry (I know his name is Byron but I chose to call him by the wrong name he was given by Mickey), and Mickey looked like he was ready to murder someone the second Ian mentioned having a date with someone else. Ian was obviously lying but the thought of it made Mickey super jealous within seconds! So, they expect us to believe they would actually follow through with having sex with other people? After 10 years of showing us how jealous they get?
Ian and Mickey may think hypothetically they can right now, but the second it becomes a reality, they won't go through with it. Not even the handjobs make sense because if Mickey couldn't let that guy put money in Ian's shorts and threatened him from going anywhere near Ian's dick, how could he be okay with it now?! My only explanation is that steam rooms are usually so foggy you can't see anything and neither of them got a full view of it. So they were able to go with it. That's the only explanation I can come up with. But then at that point why not just give each other handjobs?
Now for why I don't think they actually had sex with anyone else but each other in front of those guys. When they first had the monogamy conversation, Ian said he couldn't imagine not wanting to have sex with anyone else ever again. If they continued this conversation, my guess is, if they were really interested in someone, then they can have sex with that person as long as the other one is there. Well, clearly neither of them were interested in anyone at the party. Mickey was so focused on the food and twice they told each other they didn't want to have sex with any of those guys. Mickey said he didn't want to have sex with any of them and Mickey asked Ian if he wanted to have sex with any of them and he said no. The guy sitting next to Ian started coming on to him and Ian literally ran away to his husband. Those guys didn't do it enough for them to want to do cross that line. I really believe they had sex with each other.
When they arrived home, one would think they would've mentioned what is was like being with the other guys, but they didn't. I doubt it will be mentioned in later episodes, but seeing as we still have a few it could. But I really don't think it will. The fact we don't see it and they never actually confirmed it after they got out of the car, tells me they didn't actually have sex with anyone else, but with each other. I feel like they would've mentioned something about how it went, being with another person and they didn't.
I think the writers didn't confirm it because they want people to make up their own minds about it, so they can't actually be blamed for what conclusions the audience comes up with. That is fucking lazy and cowardly writing right there!
My conclusion is that Ian and Mickey didn't have sex with anyone else at that party. And considering how the episode ended, with all the Gallagher's lives in a mess and Ian and Mickey in their own happy bubble singing and dancing, I think the way they decide to handle their marriage is working for them and that is all that matters to me.
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charlemint · 4 years
Mickey’s an asshole, here’s why.
I’d like to preface this by saying that I don’t actually think Mickey is an asshole, by the way. He has his moments, sure, like everyone else on the show, but some reactions to the new episode got me thinking, and I felt like maybe putting my two cents in.
There has been some criticism about the first episode, the dialogue being a main part of people’s critique. The little cringey quips aside, I’ve been a few negative opinions on how Mickey handled himself a lot of the episode. Some people think that he’s being kind of a dick, and standoffish, or just straight up calling him OOC. I personally don’t think he acted much different than his usual self, but there was something a little off-center that I couldn’t quite figure out. Then I really thought about it, and I think the reason Mickey comes across so rough is because Ian is being so soft. 
Comparing this episode to S10, there were some affectionate moments, but this season, I think Ian really amped it up, especially the little touches to Mickey’s hand and knee. Also, when Ian finds that Mickey’s spent all their wedding money, I thought for sure Ian was gonna lose his shit, but instead he just sat with his husband and tried to talk about it (can someone say character development?) I think, for all that Ian tried to stick his heels in when getting married in the first place, he’s obviously embraced it enough now that he understands at least what he wants out of the marriage. That being said, he’s not a completely new person with a new shining personality now that he’s married, and it’s obvious both he and Mickey are struggling to communicate still.
Mickey is obviously really uncomfortable talking about their relationship, which stems from being still a little raw (haha sorry) about things that happened in their past. Ian is obviously trying, and being a little pushy, which is a flip from S10 where he wants to pull the reigns back, and Mickey knew that he wanted marriage and as a result, was being pushy with Ian. It seems like S11, we’re going to see a similar argument, but with the roles reverse. Ian wants, Mickey’s content. Ian wants a white picket fence as the goal post and Mickey just wants to be with Ian, period. Keep in mind that Mickey has a lot of hang ups, even with being out and more comfortable with himself. Being in love and being out isn’t going to fix the aspects of his personality that were meant as a means of safety.
Now, the monogamy discussion. There’s a few theories out there, but I think the most realistic one is that Mickey wants what Ian wants, because that’s what’s going to give him Ian. So, when asked what he wants when it comes to being monogamous, Mickey gets cagey as fuck, looking at Ian for clues. I think we all know that Mickey wants to be monogamous, he’s never had eyes for anyone else besides Ian, and any sex outside of that relationship with other people had motive to it (ex. the guard in prison he “seduced.”) Maybe he wrote what he thought Ian wanted, and was wrong, or maybe he really did spell the word wrong. Either way, I’m not sure we’re going to see anything else with that discussion because a.) now Mickey knows that he and Ian want the same, and b.) Ian didn’t seem all that stressed about it. Out of the both of them, Ian seems to have shifted into the more confident partner, and it may take a while, and some communication, but I think Mickey will get there too. 
tl;dr Don’t write Mickey off yet. He’s not a perfect person and neither is Ian. They’re both going to make mistakes, probably hurt each other a little more, before they can really get to the good, solid ground. This is them trying to navigate a life together that’s just Ian and Mickey. I think that it’s going to make for a great story for them.
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