doctorprettyboyreid · 5 years
Hiatus Notice
//Hello all.  So I’ve had no energy and no muse for a while.  I’m dealing with some health issues right now that are making things very difficult.  So I’m putting this blog on hiatus.  I don’t know how long I’ll be gone.  I expect probably until there’s some sort of resolution to what’s going on right now.  I may come back and clear out my drafts of everything that isn’t a meme.  I’d just be tagging and queueing things.  If I do that, I’ll make sure this message reposts every so often.  I’m hoping for a quick resolution to things, but given my insurance situation at the moment, the wait times for specialists around here, and my health at present, I may end up being gone a few months.  I do intend to come back, I’m just too tired to keep up with IRL things, let alone all my RP blogs and something had to give, at least temporarily.  I hope to be back with better news soon.
That said, however, Aziraphale and Crowley are still active.  So you can find me there.
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doctorprettyboyreid · 5 years
“Klaus, there’s no one there,” Spencer assured him.  Not for the first time, Spencer wondered if Klaus might be experiencing some sort of psychotic break.  That thought scared him on several fronts.  First of all, he considered Klaus a friend.  One he didn’t see often, sure, but a friend nonetheless.  And secondly, he saw reflected in Klaus what he feared for himself.  That he would one day start hallucinating.  And from there he knew where the symptoms led.
“Klaus!  Klaus, listen to me.  There is no one here but us.  Just you and me.  Now sit down, please, and let me help you through this, alright?” Spencer urged.
"No, sit down! You're having a bad trip. Let me help you." (-doctorprettyboyreid)
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                 “I’m fine.” He glared, tiredly trying to push away the other’s hands. But he was right, Klaus was having a bad trip. A pretty darn bad one judging by the ghost of his father standing in the corner. No, not a ghost. A hallucination. He knew that and yet he couldn’t help the fear in his chest and the angry glares in his direction. “I gotta get out of here!” He set his panicked eyes into the blonde’s, suddenly gripping his shoulders, “Don’t let him touch me.”
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doctorprettyboyreid · 5 years
//You’ve probably noticed I’ve been completely absent here for the last couple of weeks.  The same thing that applies to Danny applies here.  I will, once things settle down, go through my activity feed and check out what I owe people, look through new followers, and just generally catch up.  Again, thank you for being patient.
//Hello guys.  So as I’ve probably talked about extensively, I’m a grad student and an instructor.  It is a crazy time of the semester.  I have, currently, one thread I’m replying to here on Danny.  If I owe you a reply on a different thread, I have not forgotten about it.  I will get to it.  When life is hectic, I often give preference to people I talk to frequently OOC, simply because it’s easier to bounce ideas and therefore generate replies.  
We’ve got finals week approaching, so life is extremely hectic right now.  Once finals are over, I intend to go home, which will likely mean limited replies for a week or so.  I have graduation for my master’s program the Friday after we finish here, and then I’m helping my sister move into a new apartment that weekend.  I’m not sure exactly when I’ll be home, but I’m taking the summer off due to burnout.  So I should have a bit more free time and should get back to regular replies.  Thank you guys so much for being patient with me.
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doctorprettyboyreid · 6 years
//Dear Tumblr, it would be great if you told me when things happened. Like replies or new followers.........
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doctorprettyboyreid · 6 years
HDM Fusion Fic
//I did the thing.  Have a link to the fic if anybody wants it.  It’s basically just a character study.  I may do a bit more poking at this, but I do feel I’m managing to get Spencer’s voice back.  Which means I’ll probably actually start answering threads again soon and this can go back to being a real, functioning RP blog.
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doctorprettyboyreid · 6 years
//It has been roughly eleventy million years since I last wrote a fanfic.  Longer since I actually wrote something new rather than just revising something old to the point that it was basically a different story.  Halp, how do words...  Also, it has been long enough since I’ve worked on any sort of anything creative writing that wasn’t RP that I forgot was an absolute pain in the ass it is to have to name a gazillion characters.  This being an HDM fusion, the whole team has daemons.  Spencer’s was the only one who had a name already.  And for some reason, when I name daemons (because literally every single one of my muses except the ones from Shades of Magic has a daemon AU), they’re always stupidly obscure names.  Or they’re like medieval or ancient language variants or something else ridiculous.  Except, apparently, Hotch.  Hotch has a redbone coonhound named Olivia.  Evidently I subconsciously hate him or something.  
If anything ever comes of this - beyond the original goal of getting Spencer’s voice back - I may have to post it just for shits and giggles.  Maybe over on my AO3, and post a link to it here or something.
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doctorprettyboyreid · 6 years
//The only ‘verse of Reid’s I have any muse for right now is the HDM fusion ‘verse.  That was something that was big on AO3 and, to a lesser extent, here several years back.  Which, I’ve found, a lot of people here don’t remember.  (Which, to be completely honest, makes me feel like a bit of a dinosaur, but that’s neither here nor there.)  So I’ve finally started on that fic I swore I would never write.  I’ll be back here when I actually have Reid’s voice back.  Maybe working with him in a fic will help with that.
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doctorprettyboyreid · 6 years
Thread Tracker
//All of these guys - Danny, Spencer, Q and James and Alec, and Kell and Rhy and Lila and Holland - now have thread trackers, which are up to date and can be found on their navigation pages under the “interaction” box.
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doctorprettyboyreid · 6 years
//Just got to the first Mr. Scratch episode in the rewatch.  I forgot the level of NOPE.  
Side note, I will get to the starters I owe people.  Spencer just hasn’t wanted to give me much of anything lately.
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doctorprettyboyreid · 6 years
Headcanon - HDM Fusion AU
//Fun fact about Spencer’s daemon, since all he’s giving me right now is HDM fusion AU.  She’s a jaguar, scientific name Panthera onca.  Her name is Æthelthryth, an Anglo-Saxon name pronounced “AYDH-uhl-threedh” and   meaning “noble strength.”  The name seems fitting when one considers what Spencer does for a living.  Spencer, however, calls her Ryth, pronounced "rayth" like “wraith,” a word of Scots origin meaning “ghost or spirit.”  Jaguars are ambush predators with an unusual method of killing large prey.  However, despite their size and strength, they rarely attack humans.  In fact, they’re rarely even sighted, making the nickname also highly appropriate.
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doctorprettyboyreid · 6 years
//Oh my god, I’m working my way back through Criminal Minds and I just hit the episode where Gideon dies and Reid is killing me.  I cannot with this.  I forgot how much this episode hurts.
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doctorprettyboyreid · 6 years
"Oh." Spencer was a little taken aback. He had expected a child who would remind him of Henry or Jack. This girl was more like him when he was small.
"Well, Mathilda, your parents did something very bad. And the FBI sent us to find them. But don't worry. Nothing bad is going to happen to you."
@braveadventurers for Matilda.
“Hello there, little one,” Spencer said with a smile, crouching down to be on her level.  This job had many down sides.  One upside, though, was that Spencer was good with children and usually able to bring them some sort of comfort.  “What’s your name?  My name is Spencer.  Hey, would you like to see a magic trick?”
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doctorprettyboyreid · 6 years
Open Starter - HDM Fusion
"What do you think, Ryth?" Spencer asked. Aetheltryth was usually his sounding board for these sorts of things.
The jaguar curled up at his feet yawned and lifted her spotted head to stare at him unblinkingly. "No."
"I see your point, but what about the scientific merit of it?" he asked.
Aetheltryth just closed her eyes and laid her head back down, muttering, "You really think we have time for that right now?"
Suddenly, her ears twitched and she sat up, her inexplicable feline grace somehow keeping her from hitting her head on the desk. There was someone coming.
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doctorprettyboyreid · 6 years
Addiction starter sentences
“What happened to staying clean for me?!” “I’m supposed to believe this is you being sober? I’m not buying it.” “How many glasses have you had?!” “If you want to keep smoking, you’ll have to go outside.” “You told me you’d stop…” “You promised I wouldn’t find you like this again!” “Wanna shoot up?” “Have you been drinking? It’s not even noon!” “Let me smell your breath.” “What have you used this time?” “I see you’re still wasting away your days.” “How much did you take? Can you still hear me?!” “Are you trying to kill yourself?!” “I thought that place was going to make you better…” “You know if you go on like this, I’ll have to send you back to rehab. Is that what you want?” “Can you remember when we didn’t need this yet?” “Is the heroin really more important to you than I am?!” “Are you sure this stuff is safe?” “Right, that’s it, you’re going cold turkey.” “No, sit down! You’re having a bad trip. Let me help you.” “Have you any idea how much it hurts me to see you like this?!”
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doctorprettyboyreid · 6 years
Unfinished threads
//At some point this week I'm going to go through all of the not officially dropped threads on this blog and make a post seeing if people want to continue them. Not tonight, though. Later.
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doctorprettyboyreid · 6 years
@braveadventurers for Matilda.
“Hello there, little one,” Spencer said with a smile, crouching down to be on her level.  This job had many down sides.  One upside, though, was that Spencer was good with children and usually able to bring them some sort of comfort.  “What’s your name?  My name is Spencer.  Hey, would you like to see a magic trick?”
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doctorprettyboyreid · 6 years
Starter Call
//Like this post for a starter from Spencer Reid. If you are a sideblog, please reblog or leave a comment. If you are a multimuse, please specify which muse you would like a starter for.
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