#they’re that one gif of the dude holding the ferret
reviewdiaries · 1 year
Love and ferrets - Ace in 4x06
Ace, Ace, Ace, my dude, you had the best of intentions but boy you did not think this through.
Two of Ace’s love languages are acts of service and sacrifice. Any attempts to break the curse where it’s just his life on the line and he is there, no holds barred, ready and willing yes please let’s give that curse what for. As soon as there’s even the slightest hint that Nancy might be in danger through his actions and he immediately leaps to there’s no way we’re ever trying that again thanks. He doesn’t care how miserable it makes him, he can’t bear the thought of a world without her in it. Combine that with his serious issues with self-worth and he convinces himself whilst Nancy is in the hospital that it isn’t worth it - that he isn’t worth it. He can’t give her everything of himself, everything that he thinks she needs and wants and deserves, so he’ll sacrifice what he could have with her so that she has the chance to find that with someone else. Has he thought that through fully? No, but that’s beside the point, it’s the thought that counts. Calculation number one where he’s added two things together and come up with the sad emoji.
So he doesn’t think he’s worth it - definitely not worth Nancy’s life, or even the possibility of her life. That means they have to go back. Only untangling what they were to each other before is another calculation he’s failed to accurately make. They’ve both had feelings for each other for much longer than the other realised, and that’s impacted every part of their relationship. Their friendship is coloured by those feelings, by time and emotion and acts of love that they have performed again and again and again. They can’t just go back to being friends because they have loved each other (in so many different variations) from so early on that it’s impossible to unravel.
But Ace looks back at their relationship and he settles, no matter how deliberately, on one of his love languages to show that they’re ok - acts of service. He’s always made himself useful - to the investigation, the crew, Nancy. Tying back into his self worth, he thinks they wouldn’t want to be friends with him unless he’s useful, so he’s constantly trying to prove himself, trying to prove that they need him (they do need him, but not just for the reasons he thinks they do). If he can do this, tie up this investigation that’s been plaguing her for weeks, this will magically fix everything, it will show her (and him) that things can go back to how they were, he can be useful to her, he can make this thing easier, and then magically, it will all be ok. He’s not really looking beyond the immediate because that would require a bit more self awareness than he’s really got capacity for right now, so he fixates on this. 
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GIF Credit @nancy-drew
This one thing, he does this one thing and it makes it right. This one thing and she’ll look at him like she used to. This one thing and the bitter taste in his mouth will ease and he’ll stop feeling like he’s cut off a limb and rewind back to when he just had an idea in his head of Nancy, rather than the reality of her warm and soft in his arms.
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GIF Credit @nancy-drew
He’s stopped looking after himself, thrown himself into his work. He’s barely eating, only when other people stop by or send him meals does he think to wolf anything down to keep himself going. Otherwise it’s methodical work and organising parts and small puzzles that aren’t related to Nancy so his mind doesn’t tear itself apart thinking about her and the last time he saw her, right here in the morgue looking beautiful and heartbroken and telling him about finding another great love. 
Lying to her is hard work, so if he doesn’t see her and focuses on something else maybe it will get easier, and he doesn’t have to think about the fact that she’s it for him, there won’t be another great love, not like her, never like her. 
He can’t bear to go back to his flat with its shattered barometer and sheets that still smell like her from when she lay there with that beautiful smile on her face and told him all the ways he’d touched her. She is in so many places for him, but at least in the morgue it’s cold and impersonal.
He becomes so fixated on this one thing, finding Chunky, that he keeps on not being where he should be. He’s not there helping Bess with the portal, because that would mean seeing Tristan and he’s still trying to work out why it stings that Tristan was there with her when she got sucked through, that Tristan left her there. If it had been him with her none of this would have happened, he would have protected her, he wouldn’t have just left her there.
And he’s not helping look at the school, because he trusts Nick and George and right now he might be able to solve this other thing and when Nancy’s back he’s got an excuse to see her, to take Chunky to her and they can talk and maybe he can unknot more of how he’s feeling.
But he is there at the portal because of course he’s going to go through and save her. He should have been there in the first place, and he’s not letting Tristan go through and risk screwing it up again. But everyone else argues for Tristan and he ends up pinned in place waiting for a sight of Nancy, to know she’s ok, to see her and reassure himself that she’s ok she’s safe, it’s over. 
Only Tristan is practically dragging her through the portal and she’s got blood on her and he can’t do anything. He is paralysed by the portal and the curse and how tied up everything is and he can’t even touch her, pull her through, reassure himself that she’s ok. He can’t take his eyes off her. And when she quips how’s everyone else's day going his laugh feels shaky with the depth of his relief, and all he can do is breathe through the adrenaline that’s spiked through him with fear.
They go their separate ways, and she’s with George and Bess so he knows she’s ok, and then he gets the call that she’s not, and he runs. He should be there with her to hold her hand as Bess makes the cut, smooth the hair from her forehead and whisper that it’s ok, that it’s going to be ok. But he’s too late. He’s been so fixated on getting a trap and trying to catch Chunky for her, trying to prove himself, trying to take his mind off all the ways he thinks he’s failing, that he almost isn’t there in time. And he bursts through the door and Nancy is cowering and blood stained and pale and he doesn’t think, doesn’t hesitate to protect her. Love isn’t about dying for each other only when it’s Nancy’s life on the line. Ace will put himself in front of her every time. He will step up and hold the line, protect her with his life every time. Every. Single. Time.
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GIF Credit @nancy-drew
She knows that. The look they share after the spider is dead shows that. He loves her and he won’t say it, can’t say it, can’t act on it, but he shows her in so many ways so many times.
And then she collapses and he flings himself over to her but the god damn curse stops him from reaching out. He’s trained himself so well not to reach for her, even when it’s killing him not to hold her, reassure himself that she’s there, she’s ok, that this too shall pass and she’s still breathing and it’s just the aftershocks of having a spider cut out of her. 
He feels untethered, shaken by the events of the day, but reassured by the moment shared with Nancy. Something is still there, it’s not completely broken whatever it is between them now. He keeps pushing her away, desperately trying to convince her it’s better if they don’t try, better that they’re not together. But he is so terrified to lose her, he keeps trying to find ways to bring them back together again.
And then. And then. Chunky. It’s a sign that things are on the right track. It’s a sign that things are going to be ok. It’s a sign that all isn’t lost and they can find their way back to each other. It’s a reason to seek her out, to see her, when he’s been telling himself he can’t. Every time he finds himself going to see her and has to turn himself around. Every time he’s reached for his phone to message her and tells himself he can’t. What would he say? He can’t tell her the truth - he loves her, he misses her, please let them keep trying. He can’t reopen that - not convinced that she’d say yes, convinced himself he’s not worth it, convinced himself that in the scales of him and Nancy the world would be fine without him but crumble without Nancy.
He’s so excited to see her and he’s so proud of all the work he did, and this right here is proof that they’ll be ok and they can still be friends and they can still mean something to each other and it isn’t ruined and he can still be helpful and she’ll still want to be around him. He doesn’t even knock, just slips in because he can hear music. And it’s like the bottom is punched out of his stomach, like his heart has been clenched in an iron fist. Because she’s slow dancing with someone else, not just anyone else, Tristan. Who has made it very clear he likes Nancy and he’s there in a stupid suit and there are flowers on the table and he’d told her to move on, but honestly the words and the reality were two separate things that he hadn’t really figured out how to put together yet. Two jigsaw pieces that he can look at in isolation but don’t fit no matter how he jams them together.
He wanted things to go back, but he realises in those moments watching her slow dance with someone else - someone who can hold her and touch her and kiss her - that going back was never an option. They could only ever move forward, it was just a choice about how they did that, and his fear of losing her dictated which path they took. He could be there, not holding her (maybe holding her) searching for ways to break the curse (already having broken the curse), laughing with her, teasing her, deepening the intimate connection they’d already forged in those days after she finally told him about the curse. Sharing time and memories and getting to see her, be with her, be the one that she looks at with love. But he let fear decide and now he’s left holding a ferret in a cage watching her with someone else.
He can’t think logically that maybe Nancy’s hurting too, maybe that’s why she’s reaching for comfort from anyone because Ace has broken her heart more thoroughly than she ever dreamed possible, and he’s made his feelings about their relationship perfectly clear. No, all he can see right there is all the ways he’s lacking, and all the ways Tristan is not.
And Chunky was hope. Chunky was a tether holding him to Nancy. Chunky was finding a path back to each other. But now there’s no hope. There’s just letting her go, no matter how much it hurts. There’s just shame that he thought he was still important. There’s just embarrassment over how revealing it would be to hand her Chunky, to leave Chunky where she could find him. Because Nick would tell her what had happened and it would be tied back to Ace, and how can he brush those feelings off, pretend he doesn’t feel as deeply as he does, pretend she isn’t consuming his thoughts and his actions and desires. 
He can’t bear it, so he takes Chunky and lets him loose - nearby so hopefully he’ll find his way to Nancy anyway but it can’t be tied back to him. But as he does this (another small act of love, acts of service, acts of sacrifice) Chunky bites him and god that hurts. All of it. Everything about this hurts.
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GIF Credit  @nevenaxh
He can barely hold himself together as he gets back into Florence and drives, screeching away from Icarus Hall like the gates of hell have opened behind him. Like his heart is breaking. Like he’s shattered into pieces and some of them are being left behind.
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kabura-maru · 4 years
Headcanons Nobody Asked for... (1/3)
I asked two of my friends who have never seen or read Kimetsu no Yaiba to give me headcanons for different characters! They know a few details or names from me talking about it but they still don’t know a lot.
I sent them the character’s official anime design/silhouette/whatever it’s called plus a second pic (usually a screenshot). I added the screenshots I sent them, ‘cause why not?
They’ve dubbed themselves Fish and Ferret for the purpose of this post. This whole experience was chaotic...
Hashira this time:
- “Watermelon wife!”
- “She makes cookie dough just to eat it... doesn’t make the cookies”
- “Doesn’t shave her legs and will cut anyone who gives her crap for it”
- “She can’t be trusted to go into target alone otherwise she will buy the entire snack aisle”
- “Also one time she tried to bring a sword to the airport and got mad when security tried to take it away”
- “She snores”
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- “Played the bagpipes ONE TIME and now everyone gives him shit for it”
- “He has two little sisters and he paints their nails for them”
- “He holds the snacks when everyone goes on adventures”
- “He’s hiding friendship bracelets on his ankles under those socks”
- “His pants WILL fall down without that belt and he makes sure everyone around him knows it”
- “Wears pants two sizes too large so he has room to do cartwheels and hide snacks in them”
- “Lets everyone play with his hair when they get stressed and it’s surprisingly soft “
- “Definitely puts product in his hair but denies it”
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- “Takes off his shirt whenever he can just to prove that he does in fact have abs”
- “Eats hot Cheetos and thinks they’re spicy... Will fuck you up if you try to take one without asking”
- “The softest dude bro you’ll ever meet but he can still kick your ass”
- “Will destroy you in mini golf with no mercy”
- “I feel like he wears mascara to fancy events”
- “He had an mcr phase in middle school and never recovered”
- “Secretly plays the banjo but only when extremely drunk”
- “He holds his pencils dead wrong and is too stubborn to admit it”
- “Got lost in an ikea once and destroyed several hundred dollars worth of furniture trying to find his friends”
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- “Unironically uses “uwu” while texting”
- “Pretends to be civil to her exes but still has massive grudges against them for tiny dumb things”
- “Will spend hours in the butterfly room at the museum trying to make friends with all the butterflies”
- “Will pull the “oh, you haven’t heard?” thing if she does anything dumb”
- “Has broken the toes of boys who were harassing her friends”
- “Squished a bug by accident once and started sobbing and quoting hamlet”
- “An absolute slut for themed gift baskets”
- “Has to smell all the scented candles but never buys any”
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- “Absolute crackhead”
- “Stole a shopping cart once and still has it in his basement somewhere”
- “Bedazzles his jeans”
- “Once jumped out of a tree with a makeshift parachute and was surprised when it didn’t work”
- “Scared of spiders”
- “Has a youtube channel where the only videos are him doing dumb shit”
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- “ “Guys come on, it’s not jewelry!” “
- “A big softie but refuses to admit it”
- “His friends quote vines a lot and he doesn’t get it”
- “Frequently gets lost from the group while stopping to tie his shoe”
- “Very passionate about saving the bees”
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- “Soft!!”
- “Regularly calls people out for being idiots but is just trying to keep everyone safe”
- “He looks for smooth rocks and takes them home just because”
- “Was the kid who sat in the outfield and made daisy chains for his friends during baseball practice”
- “He spends 10 minutes lint-rolling cat hair off his clothes before he leaves the house”
- “Owns 20 pairs of the same socks because they were on sale”
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- “He orders food for his Snek at restaurants and makes sure there’s no egg in it because his Snek is allergic”
- “Snuggles with Snek during the winter to make sure Snek stays warm”
- “Has ink all over his hands from artwork”
- “Crochets tiny Snek hats! Gives them as gifts and no one knows what to do with them”
- “Snek draws too and he hangs the pictures up in his house”
- “Gives other people haircuts and they’re surprisingly good”
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- “Fights crocodiles and refuses to see why it isn’t a good idea”
- “Can and will fight anything that moves”
- “Will drink until he passes out if he’s trying to beat someone else”
- “Challenges people to push-up contests for fun. Everyone hates it”
- “Always the one who comes up with bad ideas that somehow end up working”
- “Bleached his hair by himself once and refuses to acknowledge the fact that it was ever a different color”
- “Shaved the ends of his eyebrows off on a whim and keeps them like that only because everyone hates them”
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I then asked them about some canon things and who they thought applied to who as well as asking about their friendships
“Who would you ship?”
- “I ship hot cheeto boy and shopping cart man” / “I feel like they have the most potential chaotic energy together” (Sanemi and Uzui)
- “Butterfly girl and bagpipe boy are possibly together and it’s the softest thing ever” (Shinobu and Giyuu)
“Who do you think has multiple spouses?”
- “Doesn’t get vines guy has a fuck ton of wives but they’re all buds so it’s fine” (Gyomei)
“One is trained by the other, who is that?”
- “Mui is being trained by butterfly girl” (Shinobu)
“More of a fandom thing but which one gets bullied by the others?”
- “I think flame haired bleach boy gets absolutely roasted by everyone but they keep him around because he knows how to have a good time” (Kyo)
“Who are friends?”
“Snek and Mui are buds!”
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Pairing: Dean x reader
Warning: Demon blood addiction, angst, fluffy end, first fic ever written for on Tumblr,
Summary: Dean’s a demon, and the reader just wants to be the best hunter there is. Demon Dean knows the fix for that.
Word Count: 2,018
a/n: Told entirely in the first person. Edited it a bit, added some more content.
Mobile Masterlist
Time was getting tough between me and the Winchester’s. Feels were raging, or was it hormones. I couldn’t take Dean’s asshole attitude, being a dick ninety percent of the time. When they slept I left a note for each of them explaining myself. Didn’t hear from them, I took it that they really didn’t want me, confirming not only Dean’s attitude, but Sam’s. That was months ago.
My phone vibrated and vibrated, indicating to me either my alarm was going off or I was getting a call. Sam was calling me. A pit in my gut says something’s wrong. He never calls me. Even when we were hunting together, when Sam called, something happened to Dean.
“Y/N?” Sam sounded lost, broken on the other end.
“What’s wrong? Are you okay? How’s Dean?” I asked rapid fire.
“I’m fine, Dean died a few days ago and now…” he paused. What? Dean died?
“He,” I began. My eyes stung, tears surfacing.
“He’s alive, don’t know why but he’s a demon.” He stated.
“A demon but, the tattoo you guys have.” I said, almost asking a question in that.
“I know, not sure if it’s intact. It could be the mark.” He said. The mark?
“You might have to get me up to speed on what you guys have been doing, what mark?” I asked.
“The Mark of Cain.” He said.
The next half hour was him saying he got the mark from Cain himself, on a mission to kill Abaddon. Now they were on a mission to kill Metatron, but Metatron killed Dean in the process. Now he’s a demon, doing god knows what.
“I’ll be on the lookout Sam.” I said.
“So, you’re not coming back, I know he can be a dick but, it’s Dean. It just takes him a while to warm up.” he tried to beg me back. It might have worked.
“I’ll have to think about it Sam,” I told him. Hesitant maybe at the thought of getting back with them. “I might, this hunting solo thing, it’s tough.” I said.
“I know, Dean did it for a while before he found me. Not sure how he got by, but I know we can save him. It was something I learned from the trials.” He said.
“The demon cure? Sam, what are the chances it would work and it not working?” I asked. There was that chance it could work.
“Never know until we try, we have to find him first.” He said.
“Like I said, I’ll keep an eye out.” I said.
After assuring him I’m fine right now, and I’d call him if I found him. Knowing Dean, not only making the search for him my top priority, I searched every bar with in a 50 mile radius.
I came across one, just by accident. I was done for the day, got a room down the road just needed a drink to unwind and relax.
“Hello Ferret.” A familiar brit or scot whatever.
“Crowley,” I say, meeting his gaze.
“And why do you give me that nickname, I’m not a ferret.” I whine.
“Would you rather I call you a rabbit?” he asked.
“Yes, rabbits are cuter, and they’re not mean.” I said.
“What brings you here?” he asked.
“Finishing up a long hunt, needed a drink. Now leave.” I asked, as the bartender brought me my drink, whisky on rocks.
And then I sensed someone sitting next to me, a little too close.
“Not interested.” I said coldly.
“Not even for an old friend.” It was Dean.
“An old dick ass of a friend.” I said harshly.
“I deserved that.” He said, stating the obvious.
Taking a sip of my drink. “What do you want Dean?” I asked coldly.
“Did Sam send you?” he asked.
“No, I was working a salt and burn nearby. Happened upon some witches at the same time, putting an undead asshole to rest, I’m exhausted. And I just want to unwind, and be left alone.” I said, lying at the same time. There was no witch.
“Tired of feeling exhausted all the time?” he asked. “Feel like you’ve lost that drive.” He adds.
“Doesn’t everyone?” I asked. “And you’re sounding like a, Viagra commercial or something.” I added.
He just smiles, clearly up to something. And gets up to leave. But I follow behind, leaving my payment for my drink on the table. In an alleyway, Crowley was there and did some spell that forced my feet to remain glued. I couldn’t move. Dean turns around, holding a small vial. It had dark liquid. I could only assume it’s his blood, his demon blood.
He starts walking up to me. “You’ll be a hunting machine; you’ll never be tired again. kill all the bad and not need a break.” He pitched.
“Sounds tempting, but pass. Sam nearly died when we tried to detox him off of demon blood. I’m not going down that stupid path.” I said.
“Oh, but my blood’s different than Ruby’s sweetheart.” He says. And he is close, he pulls the lid off.
“And you’re going to try it, one way or another.” He says.
Closing the distance, grabs my hair jerking my head back. The sudden sting of pain I gasped; he forced the red metallic tasting liquid through my lips. Once the vial was empty, he forced my jaw shut, forcing me to swallow. But I hold the liquid. I heard him groan in frustration, firm fingers stroking almost harshly on neck, forcing the muscles to relax and swallow.
The taste, was awful but the effects. Hearing became so keen. All the senses became keen. I smelled EVERYTHING. Heard everything to the fine pitter patter of his heartbeat. My head began to spin at the new senses.
“The high will last a bit, keep you busy for a while.” He said.
My gaze zeroed in on an individual. I saw fangs drawn; it was an alleyway across the main road from me. A vampire drinking from his next victim.
I sprint, faster than how I normally would run. Almost inhuman. And I grab him by the throat, throwing him away from the girl who dropped nearly lifeless, her heartbeat beating faintly. I took out my machete I keep on me, under my shirt on my back. And I behead him right then and there. Burning his body in an empty dumpster, I take the girl to the ER. And I call Sam, telling him I found Dean only for the phone to answer to some dude named Cole. He’s looking for Dean, for revenge.
“You don’t wanna do that, he’s not exactly,” I began only for him to cut me off.
“I don’t care, he killed my father, I vowed revenge.” He yelled.
“Fine, but it’s your funeral.” I said, hanging up. Now I have to warn Dean.
I think I’m still on my high, because I can smell him. I remember his smell, his scent. But he knew right away I was there at the bar.
“Can’t get enough sweetheart.” He says coyly. A smirk followed.
“Someone is after you, not Sam, a dude named Cole.” I said.
“Let him come, it’ll be his funeral.” He says.
“Already did, just don’t kill him.” I say.
“He your boyfriend or something.” He says.
“No, humility, I have a heart and soul. He’s just a hurting human, out for revenge for his father.” I explained bluntly.
He takes a drink from his beer. “You want more?” he asked.
“My head is starting to split in two, I feel sick. If this is the withdraw, yes. I want more.” I said.
He chuckles. “You give in too easily, meet me at your motel room.” He said.
 He was true to his motive. I had gotten out of the shower, and tried to sleep but the pain, vertigo and the sick feeling would not subside. I sat on the edge of the bed, massaging my temples.
I felt the bed dip beside me.
“Ready for another hit sweetheart?” he asked, holding up his wrist, and in his hand a regular pocketknife. “Gotta be quick before I heal.” He says, bringing the blade across his flesh. And I see the blood ooze freely from the cut.
I tried to resist it. Turning my head away, but he just eggs it on. Holding his wrist closer to my lips. I felt the warm liquid touch my lips. Tasting the metallic flavor on my tongue. I was hooked.
My lips latched on; I began to suck on his wound. Feeling the liquid pouring into my mouth. I held his wrist close. At the same moment, tears began to sneak through my closed eyes.
I could feel him petting my hair, soothing me.
“That’s it my little junkie. Drink up.” he says.
What turned into two, turned into four, six then too many to keep track of. But once Sam found Dean, cured him I still tried to hide the fact that I’m going through withdraw.
It was the same night he was cured; I hadn’t had a hit of demon blood since Dean was cured, even days before then. I wanted to get off of it before I was in too deep. I tried to convince myself I could do this on my own. I didn’t need help. I even tried hiding it from the guys.
I think the dead giveaway was I was sweating, shaky, irritable.
I sat in my room on my bed, dead center of it with my knees hugged at my chest. My door opens with a loud thud. Sam walks in, angry yet concerned Dean right behind.
“You drank demon blood!” he shouted.
“I was going to tell you; thought I could do this myself.” I said. Bringing my head to my knees.
“We could have helped you.” Sam continued to shout. Dean placed a hand on his shoulder, calming him or attempting to.
“We’ve been through this before. We can help.” Dean says.
“It’s so bad, my ears are ringing, it’s so bad I can barely hear you. My head wants to split in two, the smells burn my nose and the light hurts my eyes. I can’t take it anymore.” I cried, placing hands on my ears, cradling my head.
“Y/N,” Sam says softly. “It’s withdraw, it’s going to be bad for a few days, maybe a week, depending on how much Dean gave you.” Sam explains, kneeling next to the bed.
“In the meantime, we’re going to have you in the dungeon while you go through the worst of it.” Sam adds.
“Am I dangerous?” I asked looking up at Sam, tears in my eyes at the fear of what is happening to me.
“No, well maybe. We don’t know how you’ll be during this. I know when I was going through it I had to be strapped to the bed.” Sam says.
“I just want to get better.” I cried. Bringing my head back down to my knees. I felt the bed dip. A familiar smell. Dean.
“You will, with our help you’ll get better.” Dean says, placing a strong arm around me hugging me from the side. I hug back, wrapping my arms around his waist.
“This is going to be a hard road, it’ll seem long, but we’ll be there for you to lean on. Give you a little push, but you will get better. Just got to keep on fighting sweetheart.” Dean says. I nod in his chest.
“I just wanted to be a better hunter. I wanted to find you all the same. I was tired of how weak I was, how easily tired I got, how easy it was to catch me, to hurt me.” I continued.
“Sweetheart, you’re better than any of us. And you’re going to get through this, because you’re a badass. You’re strong. But once you come out of the other side of this, you’ll be even stronger. Trust me.” Dean continues, rubbing my arm and shoulder in the hug.
“Come on, let’s do this.” Dean says, getting up. Leading me to the dungeon where I was going to fight for a better me.
Let me know what you think reblog/ask, feedback is fuel for success and better fics for all creators. ps, sorry for the long delay. had a rough week. :)
Dean tags:
@pandazombie69, @luci-in-trenchcoats​, @supernatural-jackles, @becs-bunker, @mlovesstories, @winchesters-favorite-girl
[A/N: Any fic made by me is mine, please do not copy and paste my stories. All characters belong to Supernatural and that belongs to CW and creator Eric Krepke, this is purely fiction. Don’t steal/copy and paste. Plus Copying and reposting someone else’s content is plagiarism and illegal. This work is property of supernaturallyobsessedchic. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. These works contain material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of these works may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author / publisher. An electronic reference link to the original posted work may be provided for purposes of promotion or assistance of publication by the readers discretion, if proper credits are given to the author in the re-post. 10/3/2020]
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