#they're accurate without feeling scary and are pretty easy to use
cassarson · 2 years
Occasionally I type something in while writing tags, so ove decided to purge my especially strange/specific ones onto this post, just cause I can.
Is this annoying? Probably!! But this is Tumblr. We're all annoying, and I wanted to see what has in there.
#but i knew i could not because my girl friend was waiting. i gave her a big hearty hug#because there's no blood in my feet#after all gay people have been playing straight people for years#he looks like a 60 something conservative trying to mock gay men and failing miserably.#i know how i travel and it's with the mindset that everything will be cheaper if you buy it before you get to the big destination#my rsd could be a bit useful for once in my life#because discrimination based on mental disorders is illegal!#coming to haunt his father#stolen from my favorite characters(mostly animated)#a towel so that when the asshole cat knocks the tea over the tea doesn't ruin my nightstand#it would make more sense to dress steve like that#for the love of god someone by steve a shirt that fits#but steve? and tony? nope. no way no how should either of them be dressed like that#bc the dog ate a chocolate bar out of the older one's room and the younger one thought it was going to kill him(it didn't)#seeing a dead kid? adderall could cause that if your dose is too high. i believe it#oh is that what the kids are calling it these days#dangerous sin zones#they're accurate without feeling scary and are pretty easy to use#and a set of brothers we knew chased each other around with a cutting board and a serving fork#one time(i was like 10) i put a hole in a closet door chasing my younger sister#i also have a habit of 'flirting' with my little sister's best friend#ftm murderer but he's so hot you'll forget about that part#instead of making him look like he was ripped straight of a trashy 'cowboy' romance novel#inspired by prev's tags: when jesus doesn’t listen you bother bis mom about it? cool#oliver: and then i'm going to start running bc his kids will be coming for me
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honeyymistt · 1 year
Do you have any words of wisdom with regards to dating? I’ve been trying for months on hinge and I either can’t get matches, can’t start a conversation or keep one going and it’s making me feel pretty insecure and bad about myself :( my bff just started trying dating again and is already finding success and I’m a bit jealous despite being happy for them :( and I don’t want to talk about it with them because I don’t want to sound like i feel sorry for myself (even if I do lol) but i’ve never felt v confident about my looks or messaging skills so it’s easy for me to be discouraged and disappointed w this :(((
hi!! 😚
i have been single for awhile now and i haven't tried a dating app but i'll still share some of my thoughts/advice :) i hope some of it will help!!
when it comes to dating, i think it's important to regularly put yourself in an atmosphere where you can meet new people. i have met tons of people through university clubs, mutual friends, classes, etc. i used to be someone who hated meeting new people but then i told a few of my friends that i'd be interested in meeting their friends and my network expanded quite a bit! one time i went to karaoke with a group of people i had never met before LOL it was scary but it was really fun to see new faces and i ended up talking to one of the guys for a bit afterwards. don't be afraid to put yourself out there and meet people with AND without the use of hinge.
as for keeping the conversation going, i think i'm pretty good at this heheheh. i've been told from many of my friends that i'm quite a good texter. i would highly recommend using a variety of emojis (sometimes this helps convey tone of the text!!). i also have this folder in my phone called reaction memes and they're a just a bunch of really funny/odd photos. sometimes i'll send those and almost always, i'll get a text back saying "where did you get that from?" and then the conversation can progress to a.) why i have the photos b.) what other photos i have or c.) if they have memes they really like, they'll share too!! this sounds so lame but it really has saved some of my conversations. this might be an unpopular opinion, but try to reply decently fast. for awhile, i was like "i need to keep this person on edge!" but i honestly think that the conversation just flows so much better when each text isn't more than an hour apart.
i also think when you are talking to people in person questions can really save the day. the other day i was with my friend and i just asked her if she thinks other people's first impression of her is accurate (to which she said no, and i asked why). people love to talk about themselves - give them the chance to. but also make sure that you're sharing stuff about you too!! and don't be afraid to be awkward sometimes, i think we try so hard to not be awkward and to fill every silence with words or laughter but sometimes silence can be nice too :')
i think it's completely valid to feel a bit discouraged/jealous of your friend. i remember feeling that way when one of my friends first starting dating this guy. it felt like i was the only person who wasn't in a relationship and i was worried that our friendship would take the back seat in her life. there is nothing wrong with you at all for feeling a bit disappointed. i really believe that your person will come in your life at the right time
as for feeling discouraged about your looks and your messaging skills, i would recommend writing a list of 50 things you love about yourself. it sounds cringe and weird but truly, try it out. i'm not here to tell you that "if you don't love yourself, no one will" because i don't believe that. i do, however, think it's important for you to know what you bring to the table in a relationship. i promise you, there's lots!! 💌
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maneaterwithtail · 1 year
Real issue of "forced" diversity or wokeness
I'm sorry but everything about a production is to 1゚ or another forced. It won't naturally happen without active decision and circumstance arranged by everybody from production to operations. I think recently someone kind of clarified this for me and we have the Mario movie to thank again.
The problem isn't wokness or any political spectrum it's
Toxic- more accurately -forced positivity. If you demand that everybody has to treat your product the same way they would the political talking point you're often very shallowly engaging in or claiming that you are fighting the good fight for by simple alignment...
you are effectively demanding that the audience accept and basically give up their entertainment to become a resource for your success
Naturally people disagree on gayess. whether you think this is bad or wrong, being forced into this in the most intimate personal and vulnerable circumstances that's primarily going to take in online spaces isn't setting everybody up for reconciliation. it's setting everybody up to basically either convert or be silent
That does nothing but create resistance. it's a propaganda move plain and simple
Now even if the propaganda is preaching what you want. that can't work forever and it's going to leave to something else
c***** craftsmanship. a law can be good but if it's enforced with no care for the citizenry then it's going to become a toxic mess. More so if you can get the exact same phrase based on someone's predisposition And no possible objection in the exact same social circles that everyone's paying attention to or utilizes And no possible objection in the exact same social circles that everyone's paying attention to or utilizes
any performative diversity the point is basically to get quick social brownie points on social media. I don't even think it's for the creators. many of whom fall in these categories. it's because they're selling the audience the illusion of heroism
They either want you to passively accept everything they give or give you a bunch of easy targets to ostracize
And they can be pretty d*** sure in various online spaces that they have the right of way because almost most moderators as well as social media outlets deliberately favor their way of thinking so effectively they've given you catalyst or tools to bait someone in order to ban themselves
And this keeps happening
More importantly they don't care what they damage along the way. Franchises, community, discourse, because what they value of what they're doing is that performative social thing which they then want to repackage and sell to the audience or a new investor or customer base.
We took down the toxic scary man babies who remind you of your abusers or oppressors. They don't have thing or place any more. You like that feeling? You owe us for it give me money so we can antagonize further together. Just remember parasocial relationship I am not responsible for you or my words
Now here's the problem. much like you'll only need 1 shonen series. Baby lgbt only needs 1 maybe 2 series in order to come to terms with own sexual identity if you're discovering it.
everything after that is going to be on you.
Which leads to the other problem.
very shallow engagement. you're not after representing the lives and circumstances that someone might have after they've come to terms with they are gay. Gay parents. Gay professionals. Gay history. That gay culture and divorced or sexual libertine patriarch culture has amount of overlap. The loss of generational wealth and social staus or the game needed to access it
You want the closet case or the questioning individual which is why as it aims younger and broader. Which gets more and more creepy
Owl houses my go to for this because despite the fact that they had ample opportunity in order to normalize homosexuality or transness in its world...they decided to focus on basically shipping drama between 2 young kids.
anything that was happening with lumity would have been absolutely mocked and murdered online if it didn't involve something heterosexual. h*** if it had just involved a man.
Seriously at 1 point Amity's sexual arousal is literally played for laughs in a kid show on the Disney Channel. People still cringe at the idea of that being a feature in any manga or anime that is watched by anyone not primarily women (beware the bronies will pornify the pure and good Steven Universe fandom)
But thanks to that toxic positivity it's all good. And because they intertwined it with their own self discovery and validation so on and so forth when there's any actual moral dilemma or circumstance it'll always default to what can basically say something good or pandering to either the main character or using the main character as a proxy for the audience they're charming
Perhaps the easiest way to say this is to compare ang with korra. Aang has to learn how to learn how to synthesize and come to terms with the legacy he has inherited.
he must learn humility on multiple levels as well as duty and discipline. Kora is constantly being validated. For fand and apologists this is a featute. you can tell this by the difference of how the avatarspirit and position is treated between the 2 characters.
One is a burden and a duty that defines and runs the risk of subsuming his identity. One that he must take control of. The other is an inner goddess which validates that she doesn't have to listen to anyone because everything she says is authorities and divinely inspired.
And it's not like there hasn't been casualties for this attitude. And they revel in them too in fact it very much seems to start off a conversation about doing just that period making sure that you p*** that person off that pisses off the right people
And then they turn around and go well you shouldn't care about making sure all the critics like this are that movie or that this is a score against so-and-so that anti woke grifters are a problem. Guys they're not even so much a threat as they are what you're doing just aimed at the audience you're very obviously isolating and not serving
This is the problem with wokeness
This is also why things that could come off as woke black lightning, arcane, and so on
Why they can have a surprising amount of universal appeal. They are presented or written in such a way that they don't demand atoxic positivity but actually give you the space in order to take in the message agree or disagree or at the very least not be forced to agree in a specific way
The emphasis isn't on conversion it's on examination and struggle. It isn't on validation it's on coming to terms with what you have to do in order to achieve that validity both for yourself and success in the world around you. And sometimes you don't succeed you fail and the compromises or what comes after all that
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aresrl · 3 years
Helloooo, I want to try this too, it's sounds very interesting.
I hope you don't mind me being anon.
Could you write me a matchup for a vision, a male partner and a best friend and, only if you're in the mood, a enemy?
WARNUNG: It's a long text. I'm sorry ;.;
Most people are telling me "I'm too good for this world." because I'm always friendly, I try to help the best I can, doing my duties without complaining and never really fight with someone.
But actually, I'm just someone who likes to analyze people and react accordingly to they behavior. I want to understand people and I think the easiest way is to watch them. I'm very calm with a lot of patience and like to give advices. That's why people often come to me if they have something on they minds. I'm getting kinda uneasy if there is something I can't figure out. So, I like when people give me detailed explanation or description about something they want or need.
And even if people think I'm so friendly and kind, what I am, don't get me wrong, I love my peace and alone time. I'm way more productive if I'm on my own, because I can focus more and it's quiet. Also, I'm not the type of person who likes to be surrounded by many people. Mostly because I'm not so good at keeping a conversation alive, but I try. I like being around people I'm close to.
The friends and family I have are everything to me. I hold them dear and I always be there for them and try to keep them away from any harm. If they would betray me (what some really did) I would be completely heartbroken. I'm always scared that my loved ones will leave me. It's my biggest fear.
For a relationship, I think the person need a lot of patience with me because, like I said, I like to be alone. I'm also not a very affectionate lover, because I don't have many experiences. I'm fine with all those holding hands, cuddles, kisses and all but I would rarely be the one who make the first moves. If my lover is upset about it, I would trying to be more affectionate for the love of my partner to make him happier. I just want him to be happy.
But there is one thing I absolutely adore. Lying down, holding each other and just enjoying the atmosphere. No words (maybe a few) just cuddling and listen to each others heartbeat.
Some more informations if they're necessarily:
Things I like: dogs, drawing and painting, reading, warm weather with a soft breeze (I love this), respectful and understanding people, nighttime (including stargazing), meaningful conversations
Things I don't like: heat, arrogance, loud noises, to be bossing around, uncertainty, crowds
I'm sorry, it truly is pretty long. I hope you don't mind.
I hope everything I wrote makes sense to you. Thanks for doing this, I'm looking forward to read it :D
Have a nice day and stay healthy!
(chin up if your day was not so pleasant❤️)
Hey! I don't mind people being Anon at all! I don't know if you will find it funny or scary but I always think people “too good for this world” will die early. Eh anyways here are your results!
You received... A Hydro vision! Generosity, devotion to people, always helping others, and mastery are the main characteristics of the Hydro vision. • Last time I forgot the mastery thing and reading the analyzing part made me remember that it was also a characteristic of the Hydro vision. It seems that you are a great analyzer, you have your own way of analyzing people and you seem to do it accurately. • I feel that if you want to have clear indications on what you need to do for someone it's not only to greatly fulfill the task (which would mostly look like a Geo trait) but it's to satisfy the person the most. • You have a strong bond with people. I don't know if that's the case but I wouldn't be surprised if every time you have to make a decision or you think about something important, you will first think about people you love, like if it would hurt them if it would be more convenient for them or what would they think about it. Your partner would be... Diluc! A silent but soothing relationship. Two icons of Mondstadt. • The first time he heard your voice was at Angel's Share where you were talking with Eula. The bar wasn't crowded so you were feeling comfortable enough to talk properly with her. You were debating about Kaeya. You didn't really know him but you still shared the feelings you had about him with her. Because of Eula's presence, the few present people at the bar became a bit more silent, letting Diluc hear better of what you were saying. “Kaeya? Hmm... I don't really know him but I feel something off... The few times I've seen him he seemed quite dramatic. But the kind of drama attitude you use to hide weakness.” • In addition to your calm voice, he also liked your perception. He wanted to know more about you. As you were about to pay with Eula at the counter, Diluc spoke: “I heard you talking about Kaeya earlier. You seem to have good intuition.” He paused and crossed his arms, looking elsewhere. “You can only trust half of what he says... At best.” • Sometimes you went back to Angel's Share (not purposefully but most of the time it was during his shift) to buy a bottle of a drink to your liking, and little by little you began to appreciate each other pretty well. • At the beginning of your relationship, both of you would be clumsy because of your lack of experience but slowly, you would learn together. After being more confident, you'd both engage things equally. Diluc would be very romantic with you. • You share a common thing with Diluc: serving Mondstadt. You during the day, helping people, friends or friends of friends with their tasks or problems and Diluc at night, preventing the evil to reach the city. • Even though his facade can show a grumpy man, you can see what's really inside and that's what you love. • You would share a lot of relaxing moments privately. Both of you like a calm atmosphere, perfect to share a great moment together. • You two are popular in Mondstadt. Diluc already has his reputation but you, you are loved because of your pure kindness towards everyone. You won't spend a lot of time together publicly but when you do, people feel like seeing celebrities in front of their eyes. Your friend would be... Eula! “How dare they befriend me while being so popular? They will just bring more attention to me and my plans of vengeance! For this, they must pay!” • You get along very well with everyone in Mondstadt (except one person that we'll mention later) but your best friend remains Eula. • You are very close and actually, there are no specific reasons why you get along well but you do! • Both of you talk freely and most of your discussions are interesting. • When you hang out, you always go somewhere to eventually improvise things. • She likes the fact that anything you'll engage you into, you'll do it with finesse and without a complaint. Your enemy would be... Kaeya! And it's not even Diluc's fault • You find him suspicious and you know for sure that you will never truly know why. • He considers you like a sort of threat so he will be especially careful
around you. He knows how to lie but he would get better at it to cover himself even more. Which is a clumsy move from him because it will make him even more suspicious to you. • You try to avoid his case with Diluc for fear of getting him annoyed. • Deep down, there is no hate between you two. Kaeya knows you're perceptive and it just makes him insecure while you just wonder what he is hiding, by innocent curiosity. Worth to mention (but you mentioned you didn't like uncertainty plus, this is a long list, so you can ignore it if you want) : • You would be a great ally for Beidou but I think you would refuse to be a part of her crew because of the inconvenient lifestyle. • You, Xingqiu, and Chongyun would form a great trio! It would be mainly led by Chongyun who's heading out for an exorcising, Xingqiu willing to join him and by the way, inviting you. You would accept because all the moments spent with them are wholesome and also because you would be curious about ghosts, even if at first you thought you'd be more of a bother than anything else. You'd be a great ally for Chongyun too: he needs calm and you are, both of you don't like heat and you could help him with anything, it would always be easy and not tiring tasks. • Xingqiu finds you honorable. • You are a great support for Ganyu. • Jean respects you a lot, she could even admire you. • You share similar values with Keqing so you get along well too. You can count on each other and you would even be invited to a shopping session with common friends. • There could be interesting things between you and Xiao because he would truly appreciate you. A common situation would be you going to Wangshu Inn because you'd need a place to sleep for a night or two and during your stay, you would meet Xiao randomly. You would both say hi, pleased to see each other, Xiao's face would relax by seeing you. But there's nothing more. If this happened in a universe where there is a reincarnation process, I'd say that you were together in a past life, only death has managed to separate you, and now, you meet again but live your lives respectively. I hope it suits you and I also hope you don't mind Diluc's part being very long (and the worth mentioning too) and actually my answer being longer than your description eventually haha I almost did nothing yesterday so I'm gonna catch up today. But before, I have to do my dailies
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