#they're both crazy but they match each other uwu
thunderxleafart · 1 year
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Sooo... I may have fallen in love with these two dorks all over again. xD I last attempted to draw these two back in 2021, but I ended up going back through their content recently and just really wanted to draw them again. :D Sam and Max have such a great dynamic and play off of each other so, so well. And despite all the wacky hijinks they seem to constantly end up in, you know they love each other very much and will always have each other’s backs! (Even when they're fighting over who gets to answer the phone first LOL) Sometimes true love really is a 6-foot tall anthro dog and a kinetic rabbit-y... thing! x'D So here they are, in all their glory! ^^ Probably just having some downtime before the next bizzare assignment the commissioner decides to throw their way. I've always struggled more with characters that have longer snouts, so this was a good challenge for me! As well as drawing up a proper background instead of just slapping a gradient on it and calling it a day! xD Overall, I'm really happy with how this turned out! <3 I got to stretch the artistic muscles a lil bit and draw a couple of lads I really haven't shown much love to before! So I hope you guys enjoy this too! And as always, thanks for looking everybody!~ ^w^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sam & Max (c) Steve Purcell Art (c) Me! <3
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hauntingofhouses · 9 months
uhhh thinkin about how mizu and taigen's relationship was described as "this meeting of the minds, this meeting of the swords, that they could not share with anybody else" in one of the netflix articles about the show
and i'm going crazy because YEAH they're both equally invested about swords and fighting in a way that nobody else in their lives are. and that's just. so important considering we're talking about mizu, who sees her sword as her own soul.
and it's not JUST mizu who's obsessed with fighting. taigen is too. cuz like after their duel at the shindo dojo, as taigen is examining his bald spot in the mirror where mizu cut off his hair, he literally interrupts his own turmoil over losing his honour, just to express his awe, openly admiring mizu's skill DESPITE the fact that mizu just beat his ass and stripped his honour and status from him
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then in the next episode, mizu says a very similar line when she examines the cut flower that fowler had pinned to heiji shindo's robe.
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this was also such a sudden thing to notice in the middle of their conversation (my interpretation of this is that it hints to fowler's own skills with a blade, and gives mizu information about her enemy being a formidable opponent), but the fact that mizu had such a keen eye and managed to hone in on such a tiny detail from like a foot or two away is interesting because it shows us just how attentive mizu is, especially when it comes to blades and anything to do with them
to mizu (when she's not spiralling and agonising over her own self-hatred and the way the world treats her), swords are not a mere tool for revenge, but an art form which she is fascinated by and loves and admires. we see this from time to time, during rare moments of respite, like when she admires the duel in the beginning of ep4
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mizu also takes to heart all the teachings from her years training, while taigen is interestingly less strict about them, basically disregarding some of those teachings as mere pedantry, or even if he doesn't actually really think so, he at least tells mizu as much in his attempt to comfort her after her sword breaks
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but that doesn't mean he doesn't care for the more formal aspects of his training at all. because in ep3 when he says this
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this line about mount sumeru is not talking about the literal mountain in front of them, but is a recitation of a line from the lotus sutra, which is among the mahayana sutras that they learned as part of their spiritual training, as zen buddhism forms a lot of the basis for samurai doctrines and philosophy. the sutra given more emphasis in the show is the heart sutra that mizu writes on her body in ep7 during her rite of rebirth
so taigen saying this line, as i see it, is a way to bond with mizu, or at least make conversation over their shared knowledge, as we see him await a reaction as soon as he says this. but mizu gives him none, and he looks disappointed/annoyed/frustrated or what have you as he watches her walk off without a word
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also we see a little more of their shared knowledge of swordsmanship in the last episode when it's clear that mizu has been training ringo in sword fighting techniques
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and later taigen recognises it instantly
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they're both nerds about swords and fighting!!! they both respect each other's skills!!!
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GOD i really hope in future episodes they get to bond some more over their shared passion and common training and just samurai camaraderie in general!!! mizu clearly loves the artistry of sword fighting so much, she deserves to have a confidant who shares that with her, someone she can talk openly about these things to!!!
because like remember when mikio was telling her about the naginata, she looked soooo uwu in love!!! admiring her husband as he showed off the weapon and told her the benefits of using it!!! believing at the time that she'd found a match who she could openly share her love of martial arts with!! she was having so much fun sparring him too. everyone says fighting is part of her love language and YES it IS!!!
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except the difference is that mikio—due to, among other things, their large age difference and subsequent gap in life experience—believes he is mizu's teacher, rather than her equal. this is the role he's readily taken throughout their marriage, from teaching her how to throw a knife to cut down fruit (not like she needed that particular lesson), to teaching her equestrian skills.
meanwhile taigen and mizu were both kids growing up poor in the same backwater fishing village, which means that they are and always have been PEERS. and this becomes even more pronounced once taigen is stripped of his giant ego and unlearns his prejudice, allowing them both to fully respect each other and view each other as equals
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which is again why it frustrates taigen when mizu admits later in this scene that she basically doesn't care about saving the shogun. like he gets mad because it upends his initial belief in their shared goals and aligned values, believing them both to be samurai of equal standing and honour.
ALSO i'd like to add, that though mizu is the better swordsman as we see her win all their brawls and matches, she doesn't surpass him by that much, and mizu knows this.
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these words coming from mizu is such a huge compliment all things considered, acknowledging that he was strong enough to deserve fighting her, because shortly before this mizu was just about to say "no one has given me much of a challenge" only for taigen to enter the scene and, well, challenge her.
now combine this with her saying that chiaki's broken blade suits him well, giving to him HER sword which SHE made AND won, as a surety, promising him a duel that he "deserves". it's proof that even though she finds taigen an annoying brat and oftentimes an obstacle to her mission for revenge, she DOES respect him and does value his skills.
IN CONCLUSION nobody else is on their level, nobody else shares their love of swordsmanship and that is such an important factor to their bond and the way they relate to each other. i rest my case your honour
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Si x Anteo hcs when
.....ovo [SCREAMING] you're making the brainrot worse
But- I knew this would happen ovo some nsfw stuff will be under the cut.
Let's start with in game Anteo:
Dude has like- zero chance to get into Si's pants. One- Si's demisexual and doesn't do hookups and after just a few minutes of talking to Anteo he realizes that he's just a waste of a pretty face. He tries giving Anteo a fake number TWICE before Anteo corners him and demands Si give him is phone so Anteo could enter his phone number in SI's phone before calling himself so he could have it. And yes, he does take a picture and everything for the contact so 'he could get more of his pretty face." Si tries blocking him, but it's around the 4th or so new number where he gives up and unblocks Anteo's main phone just to get it to stop.
Every advancement Anteo makes gets rejected and put down, which just pisses Anteo off more. Sure, he likes a challenge, but he's never met someone so just...NOT interested in him and it drives him crazy, to the point he starts stalking Si and harassing him at work/in places he frequents on his off times, going as far as breaking into his house once Si starts using the buddy system to avoid him in public. The police do get called, but they're easily bribed with money, so they no longer are a viable option and turn a blind eye every call they get. Anteo might be wealthy enough to repair the things he breaks turning his tantrums, but Si isn't, so a lot of his things end up getting thrown out or needing to be replaced over time. Si considers getting a restraining order and moving, but when Anteo gets word of it this sets. Him. OFF. At that point, Si's getting kidnapped in the middle of the night and chained up at the ranger's station.
It's kinda up in the air from there, but I see Si gaslighting the fuck out of Anteo when he learns more about what makes him tick. Freedom's not an option, but house privileges? Check. Stopping him from doing the ai art/crypto bro shit, check. Going on dates that are actually kinda cute despite Anteo being a clingy and overprotective, pushy asshole? Check. Funny enough though, I do see Anteo and Si having a weird like, tsundere fueled heart to heart about why Anteo is like this, and it might be the Stockholm Syndrome talking, but Si might even feel a little SAD for him.
Now, unfortunately for Si they're actually into a lot of the same kinks and general likes when it comes to bedroom activities while being a good sub to his doming style- something Anteo takes advantage of to get him hot and bothered and thinking about crossing that line with him now that Si is HIS. And when they DO finally fuck, Si's teaching him the importance of an AFAB orgasm whether Anteo likes it or not. OvO which....hehehe trust me I think he will.~ I see there being a 50/50 of him either edging Si until his limits are broken OR both of them seeing just how long Si could keep cumming for with overstim sessions. Both of them have a lot of stamina so....I could actually just see them fucking all day. They match their freak levels. uwu Si's gonna get Anteo to let him peg him- I swear to you all. ovo
Now, for THE BOY ut!Anteo
Si and ut!Anteo get along MUCH better without all the bullshit canon Anteo puts him through. They're both nature and animal loves, so I see them crossing paths at a volunteering event- maybe being paired up to look after a small group of birds or something. They'd get to talking and would probably exchange numbers for future get togethers as friends, since I see them being cute and awkward friends in the beginning. Si doesn't have a lot of people he can regularly do outdoorsy stuff with, and Anteo appreciates his company. They're both quiet people for the most part, so they vibe well together and would probably be comfortable being silly around each other. Si also helps keep Anteo on track, sometimes texting him little reminders because he knows how scatter brained he can be.
I see Anteo teaching Si how to surf tbh. Si's always wanted to learn but knew he would look goofy trying, so he's glad someone like Anteo could show him without making him feel AS embarrassed about bailing. I'd say the would have met sometime around winter/spring, so at this point they'd known each other for a little while and have become regulars in each other's life. I think, while watching the sun start to set on their boards (close to shore of course surfing at night/early morning is dangerous), Anteo might come to realize that he had feelings for Si. It would make for a cute confession, shyly talking about it as they dried off and packed up, and I think they'd share a sweet, but shy and chaste kiss afterwards. uwu
Si's pegging him ovo oh Si is definitely pegging him. They're both shy about it at first- Anteo because he's never done it before and Si because it's always something he wanted to do but hesitated because he didn't want to deal with possible gender dysphoria. ovo All of that goes out the window after they properly take the time to prepare Anteo for the SMALLEST option they could find while being able to accommodate Si as well (which would be a double ended one uwu one side's MASSIVE but it does the job well). It's an experience for the both of them, I'll tell you that. ovo I might have to draw it actually, words don't do it justice. The cute way Anteo asks Si to top afterwards each time is just [chefs kiss] and when Anteo learns Si can naturally peg him while in heat? Oh boy, he's glad they've worked up sizes I'll tell you that. ovo
Pets. They have a lot of pets together with properly spaced out and enriched enclosures and a dog they take hiking with them after finding him wandering alone and without a home on one of their outings together.
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shopcat · 2 years
i h8 h8 Absolutely h8 how much of fanon stddie just this dynamic where its like "oh steve is a lil bbygirl uwu sub (hes the Girl of the relationship ^_^) and eddie is big masc dominating Man so hes the Man in the relationship" when like. L + ratio + its literally just extremely old fashioned homophobia + its super ooc also + they r literally both babygirls the way ppl look at eddie and dont Immediately say hes the babygirlest in the land is insane to me i feel like im taking crazy pills. they r pretty princess 4 pretty princess they lie in bed playing with each others hair talking mad shit about everybody
u literally get it i always joke that theyre femme4femme.... prettyprincess4prettyprincess !!! i know WHERE the eddie being a big mean sadotop comes from but i have no idea why it has infected people's minds so thoroughly to the point where people can't even admit steve is like an INCH taller there's some sort of genuine illness at play there if u think about it people are so obsessed with a subconscious NEED for (cis) heteronormativity that they actually think they're being #based by being like ummm steve is the mom and eddie is the dad like omg do u guys hear urselves...
like I GUESS it's hard for ppl to interpret their relationship in a way that doesn't have easy set roles that you can easily fall back onto because you have to actually sit and think for a minute but ur really trying to tell me eddie is anything but a pretty princess. they are both running screaming from scary bugs. and eddie is like really bravely trying to be like "no i love spiders i love them they're misunderstood and they're not conscious in the way people think they are they're not out to get you they ARE just more scared—" but throughought this speech he is steadily dissolving into full on ugly crying snot everywhere and steve is standing there like yep. yep. He's right. and he hasn't moved an inch and then they get wayne to get it but he has to use a cup and a piece of paper or eddie will start scream-sobbing.
idk it's totally just old fashioned homophobia ur right and it's not even HIDDEN people will literally act like "topping/bottoming" is a deeply ingrained personality matrix and not just very literally "what goes where in gay sex" and not an actual dynamic at ALL and quote unquote switching is more often than not the most common dynamic and not the outlier. they can't conceptualise that steve being a babygirl means he can't ever be the one in control or something as if things can't coexist and things coexisting doesn't add immediate COMPLEXITY and FLAVOUR... like i get it i GET it but broaden your mindset and your life will improve along with your perception here. babygirl4babygirl. they're that pic of that girl sitting on the other one applying the makeup but both ways. eddie is such a sweet little Eeek to me i think they have matching pyjama pants. steve would pick up and carry eddie over every threshold they cross for the rest of his life if he could. and if u want to take it a step further into actual analysis i think them both feeling safe with each other is really important and they can both feel like something precious and also something protective simultaneously it is GIVE AND TAKE not One or The Other.
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henlex · 3 years
@bonknanab here's your taeho reading💕💖💕💖💕 get ready to be emotional
This is so long rip
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Theo: Cancer, uwu. Protective sweethearts. That mom energy. But can be v protective of themselves too. That's the kind of the hard exterior you could see A Lot when he was first in camera, and the shy aurora even tho he's an extrovert. He's just trying to protect his soft self from the world. They really like to feel safe (kinda like taurus) they like to have a home that's secure so they tend to resist change. They can be pretty sentimental. They're guided by their emotions. They're pretty vulnerable and have a deep capacity for love. Very sensitive, can get hurt easily. Can be touchy, dependable and caring
Keeho: libra, air. Very sociable, just really love being with people. Very approachable. They really like balance but they can unintentionally cause problems because they spread themselves too thin. They really have good intentions but they could 100% lie to not create waves. Theyll kind of do anything to keep the peace. They can be pretty indirect/ hate confrontation, which can drive some people mad (🙋🏼‍♀️its me😂)Real masterful at avoiding things. They have high expectations and tend to compare things.
Theo- scorpio: I love this boy so much wow😭
He's and emotional boyyy. So he really likes emotional intensity. He feels things really deeply. They can really see through to the soul of a person. They unconsciously get uneasy when things are too calm/ easy and might seek emotional excitement/ drama. All or nothing. They dont want flings, they dont start things unless they'll finish them. Ok so they love commitment, they seek it ok, but they're also super cautious and suspicious of everyone. They tend to unintentionally test the people in their lives for loyalty...But after theyve committed they're incredibly loyal and protective😭Some people can be intimidated by them but others are drawn to them. They seem to just know things, crazy good intuition.
Keeho-Aqua, air. Unique, used to being different, shy kids. They're kind of detached and like to observe and try to understand others. So he has pretty strong barriers. They're pretty sociable but still have the heart of a loner☹. They really love letting other people know they're different and possibly shocking them. They brag about their loved ones uwu. General kindness towards others. Can be willful. The need a certain amount of freedom, and are pretty independent, at least emotionally.
Theo- gemini, air. Scattered, eclectic interests. They have a basic knowledge of a lot of things. Quick learners, take in a lot from their environments. Can become restless. They can be very logical (but his water definitely adds the emotion and intuition) Very adaptable, not very attached to their ideals. Smooth talkers, possible deceptive humor (like poking at someones weakness, but lightheartedly) Good communicators and decision makers.
Keeho- libra....this boy is all air wtf. These people irk me because if you take a stance they automatically take the opposite "so it's equal"
Anyway they strive for that equality and diplomacy. Very pleasing communicators. They might be focused on trying to sound smart they forget to listen to the other person😂 They're gentle and adapt to others comfort levels. They are always looking for compromise, they hate absolutes in opinion. Great mediators (wow great leader) They can get lost in indecision because they weigh the good and bad almost endlessly. HELP it's hard for them to give a compliment without adding something 😂BOY. They try to make everyone happy. They tend to need other people to make a decision....but when they give input this mf will probably choose the other option💆🏼‍♀️
Theo- taurus- I want to give this boy a hugggg😭
So they need to be comfy. They need dependability in their relationships. Can be possessive in love. They're very touchy in their affection. They do hate change but they are incredibly dependable. To win them over you need to show your loyalty and show how much they mean to you. They can take a while to warm up but that's just because they're a slow/ cautious earth sign. Dont push them, but get comfy with them, do cozy things together. " Harmony and peace are important factors in the art and music they are attracted to." They really said harmony💖
Keeho- virgo, earth. Not flirty👀👀 pffft ok. Tries to win someone over with devotion and showing them a ton of attention. Cautious, slowly makes his way into their heart. Sensitive and insecure in love😭 They need to know feelings are mutual before they make a move..... Can childishly tease their crush💆🏼‍♀️ But they have good intentions. They arent attracted to show offs, they like understated, unnoticed people. These people love quietly helping and doing the little things. You'll win them over if you recognize their efforts, they just want to be appreciated.
Theo- sagittarius, fire.
When they feel attacked or threatened they have the need to run and just go do something else. Then they come back. It's really go for these people to be physically active, they need a healthy outlet. Can be pretty scattered, they just do what they want to in that moment which can mean leaving a ton of projects unfinished. Optimistic, fun loving. Love a good debate, but with his gem mercury I highly doubt it would get as heated as with a less flexible sign (like me). Passionate, open-minded, but can be blunt. Lol they can be confusing because they go from fun loving to intense. They need space and freedom, probably not a ton cuz he is a cancer, but like freedom to express himself. They have grand and idealistic ideas.
Skip S*x mentions: ok so doesnt have a lot of patience for anything too complex. Loves to have fun and laugh. Lowkey selfish. Can be very direct but almost innocently? Not a fan of people playing hard to get. They dont care for anything to serious in the bedroom (idk this might not be so true with his other placements, but the emotions probably come right after.
Keeho- cap, earth: this boy is v interesting.
Lowkey energy LOL. Very determined. Very goal oriented and focused. They like to be on top of everything. They have a lot of self control. They like to be in control. Really reliable, great leader.
*Straightforward and simple. Will want to keep it v private. They like when they're with someone who's experienced and powerful.
Messy thoughts
Ok but keeho would love theos mercury because hes unlikely to have extreme opinions and they're both very adaptable, I can imagine them getting into any serious arguments at all. I know keeho would annoy me so much but theo is probably totally fine. K- want to go to A ot B for dinner? T- B,  K- ok but what if we go to A. T- ya that's fine. Like wow🤝
Earth venuses😭😭😭😭 they're actually perfect dont touch me. Needs dependability/ wins you over with dependability. Perfection. They both play the long game, slow burn. Keeho literally is attracted to wall flowers goodbye. Just say theo is your soulmate and leave. Keeho called theo his love for a reasonnnn also theo fr didnt say anything cuz yes we are each others love.
They both need their own space
Ok so I think theo would really appreciate keeho non-confrontational self because theos pretty sensitive 😭
It's really looking like theo is the type of person to get lost in their emotions and keeho could really help pull him out of that and help him just chill? Have fun?
Ok sooooo their moons are not the bestttt. Cuz scorp is super emotional and deep and aqua is like... detached. Their emotional selves are very different. But also they could be so intrigued by each other, like trying to understand wtf is going on in their heads.
Ok but theo can 100% see passed keehos emotional barriers and like See him. And I feel like keeho might not have ever felt that before and😭😭😭 idk they could be really really close.
Keeho sounds so sweet and perfect for theo. Always making sure hes comfy😭
(They really both said keep it simple in the bedroom. Like damn ok, keep being a perfect match)
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darkeyesshine · 4 years
Matching Outfits AMBW (DPR John)
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𝐀𝐥𝐲𝐬𝐬𝐚'𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕
𝟏𝟎:𝟑𝟖 pm was our arrival time when we made it to the studio. After spending time together for our anniversary my boyfriend, John wanted us to go to the DPR studio to look at something with the crew.
"Hey, babe. Can you text everyone and say that we're here." John says as he parked the car and I did as told.
John and I have been together for a year now. He got connected with me through Instagram, I commented on one of his posts and said to link up, it took two months for me to actually go to South Korea and meet him in person along with the rest of the crew so I could take professional pictures of them. I am a photographer and he makes videos so we just clashed together. He told me that he liked me ever since we met each other online and that was on the day I was leaving to go back to America. Little did he know, I was feeling him too. So here we are a year later as a happy couple.
"Are you cold, baby?" He asks while watching me blow into my hands.
"A little, " I smirked. "But your warm hands could do the trick." He smiled widely as we held each other hands while walking towards the building. This month was February so South Korea was pretty cold around this time and I am not used to this because I'm from Florida.
Once we made it inside, we walked down the halls until we were at the DPR studio. DPR is my favorite group out there, when I discovered them on YouTube I wanted to meet them in person. They all treat me like I'm they're sister while John treats me like a queen. Scott be third-wheeling so hard when he's with us and I love it because he doesn't care. I told Scott one time that I was going to hook him up with a friend of mine from Florida, Lisa and I never saw Scott smile so wide before. I am Jamaican and she's Haitian we're both from the islands and Scott has a thing for island girls.
"Alyssa?" John's soft voice snapped me out of my thoughts. I looked at him as he sits down on the chair in front of the computer.
"I'm going on live while we wait for them to come," He holds his phone up and I come to sit next to him with a smile on my face.
"Okay," I nodded and he happily proceeds to go on Instagram.
"But I'm not going to be on live with you, I am too shy for that."
𝗧𝘄𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘆 𝗠𝗶𝗻𝘂𝘁𝗲𝘀 𝗟𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗿 .҉.҉.҉
"My favorite song from DPR Live is Martini Blue, good question. What's your favorite song from him, babe?" I looked at him waiting for an answer and he chuckles before putting a hand under his chin.
"I don't know," He says and I look back at the camera.
"You see guys, he's not a true DPR fan." I shake my head slowly and he poked my side a little causing me to giggle.
"Yes, I am!" He laughs before pressing play on the song "To Myself" then he got up to dance and I laughed at his goofiness.
"Now he's just trying to show off," I heard him chuckle behind me then I felt a kiss on my cheek. That kiss reminded me of the first time we kissed, it was a rainy day and we were coming out of a coffee shop. I don't know what happened but he moved my curls from my face and kissed me softly on the lips. That was the best day of my life and I will never want to trade John for anyone else.
"Look there saying how cute we are," His happy tone causing me to look back at the camera and read the comments. The fans were talking about how good we looked together then one asked John if he would do another documentary for DPR again.
"Yes, I would. It was really fun making the documentary for the team and we will have many more." He smiles as we moved side to side.
"Yeah, maybe he will direct a music video. Who knows, right?" I shrugged causing him to laugh shyly then the fans started to ask a bunch of questions about an upcoming project that didn't even exist yet but it probably will in the future. I just loved teasing the fans and I know they hate it.
"Let's not get ahead of ourselves just yet." John calms down the fans with a smile and I laughed.
"Yeah, let's not." We heard a familiar voice say behind us.
"But then again why not?" Another voice said causing me and John to turn around to see Scott and Dabin taking off their jackets.
"Y'all heard that it's the DPR fam!" I said to the camera.
"Happy Valentines Day!" Christian bursts into the room almost falling on the ground and we laughed.
"Wassup, Alyssa." Scott comes to give me a hug before dabbing John up.
"Hey, you guys," I said while giving Dabin a hug then Christian joined in almost squeezing us to the death.
"Damn, Christian you been hitting the gym lately?" I rubbed my arm with a laugh and he nods like a dork.
"Yep!" Christian says before looking over at the camera. I forgot we were still on live, the fans are probably going crazy.
"Hey, fam!" Christian waves as he walks over to the phone and Scott does the same before grabbing it.
"Before we go because we got work to do, I just want you guys to look at the lovely couple right here." Scott flips the camera and now it was facing us.
"No!" I hid in John's chest as if that was going to make things any better.
"Yep, do y'all see them? Their matching," Scott teases as he brings the camera up close on our outfits.
"Awe, John, and Alyssa are wearing matching outfits. I wish I could relate," Dabin says
John and I are wearing the DPR white shirt with grey sweatpants and we have black jackets to match as well because it's chilly outside. I had my shirt rolled up into a crop top so it won't be oversized on me and we also had on converse. Let's just say we were looking cute but John and I have one thing in common.
And that's shyness.
"Oh my gosh, guys." I shook my head.
"This is embarrassing," John whines causing the boys to laugh.
"No, it's not." Christian denies.
"Uwu, the fans want you guys to kiss," Scott says proudly.
"Kiss, kiss, kiss!" Scott chanted causing Dabin and Christian to laugh.
"Scott, I am going to make you pay for this." I pointed at him but it only made him chant some more.
"Let's just kiss so they could leave us alone," John whispers in my ear. I whined while cupping his face and he laughed before pulling me close. I closed my eyes shut knowing what was about to happen then I  felt his lips on mine.
"Yes!" They all shouted I feel bad for anyone who's in the building. We kissed passionately for a minute or two before pulling away.
"Scott, I am going to get you next," I said sternly causing him to laugh nervously.
"I have a feeling," He says before I took the phone and gave it to John.
"Alright, fam. Goodnight, love y'all." John says.
"Bye, DPR fam!" We all said in sync before John turned off his phone.
"So, what did you mean by your going to get me next, Alyssa?" Scott asks as he sits down on the chair. John and I both giggled at his nervous expression.
"You will see," I smiled.
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lnarizakis · 4 years
ranking haikyuu!! schools based on their school spirit
before you grill me with my rankings please know that i! love! all! of! these! schools! equally! i do not hate any particular school; i am simply ranking their school spirit. this is also lowkey crack because what everyone said made me laugh and honestly i came up with this idea for the laughs. so, like, don’t take this personally.
thanks everyone who helped participate by filling out the google form!! everything you’ve said i used in this. we will be going from last place to first place, so let’s start!! btw i ranked 11 schools into 10 places, so there are two 10th placers HAHAH anywayssss
Alright, so let’s start with Itachiyama. I got one person who mentioned them in my last category, which was “any other school i didn’t mention? & why” and honestly we don’t know anything about them. But perhaps the mere fact that they were winners says something I guess?
❝ itachiyama bc the school are WINNER WINNERS i wanna see their hype ❞
❝ i’m sorry who ,,,, i deadass don’t know that team eye— are they from the last season ???? if so that’s why LMAOSNAKBS WAIT IS THIS GERMAPHOBES TEAM ??? THOSE NEON PISS PUKE LOOKING BOYS SOSNSJNSJDHS bro i’d drop tf out of that school if they gave me that ugly ass uniform OH MY GOD WHAT DOES THIER SCHOOL UNIFORM LOOK LIKE SKBAIABSJS BRO IMAGINE ❞ (about Nohebi but referring to Itachiyama)
Moving onto Nohebi: their tactics, as we’ve seen in the OVA, aren’t the most...... ethical. Though, they’re still supported by their cheering section so I guess it’s fine by their entire school?
❝ From what I recall, the schools pretty implicit in the teams techniques so at the very least they take pride or believe in the teams tactics enough to support them. ❞
❝ they be cheating >:( ❞
❝ nohebi scares me for no reason❞
Despite this, they’re still a team that shows solid support for one another.
❝ support all teams because all of them could trash me if it came down to it ❞
❝ they have fighting spirit alright but i just don't approve of their methods❞
❝ their stage play SLAPPED ❞
Okay, the team as a whole shows support for one another, especially their captain, Takeru. However, from what I recall, there’s not much... school spirit coming from their actual school. From Takeru’s family? Definitely, but they’re not the actual school.
❝ wasnt wakutani pretty good i don’t remembee ❞
❝ wakutani - a solid 8 ❞
❝ wakutani south because takeru’s family carried the cheer period ❞
Their whole team radiates spirit, but I don’t remember if they actually have a cheering section. Unlike Wakutani, where most of their spirit/support came directly from Takeru, each one of the members of the team had their own school spirit. Their school spirit isn’t that recognizable to be remembered by most people, though.
❝ a six cause i don’t really remember if their school was even there like ???? all i remember is baby teru and his fellow goofball second years that i absolutely adore, i am them. LMAO if i were to— fuck how do you spell realistic THERE SINSNSJ if i were to realistically join one of the haikyuu schools it would be johzenji cause i just vibe with those boys so much ksbsksj no brain cell squad ❞
❝ they ARE the spirit ❞
❝ not serious enough askdjsa ❞
❝ they appeared onc but even when they wanted to win, they just wanted to win to play around? there's that i guess ❞
❝ i don’t remember ❞
❝ I don’t remember much about them tbh ❞
❝ well... ❞
Much apologies to the OG team. For one thing, their cheering squad, while I must admit is very impressive and loud, is not Karasuno High School itself. It’s literally coposed of a bunch of outside associations. And when their cheering section from the actual school does show up, they’re not even synchronized; they practiced for one day and called it “school spirit.” They showed up for one match and that was it.
❝ did you see them at the shiratorizawa match? they weren’t even synchronized ❞
❝ they mean to their vb team and they had a wack ass cheer team but character development ❞
❝ chaotic good but crows ❞
❝ mmmm we don't see too much of the school rlly apart from the vbc,, but what we do see is pretty supportive ❞
❝ LMAO remember during the first season when the school REUSED an old banner for the boys but not only was it a old banner but a banner for a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT sport yea lmao that’s just fucked up jsjsj also i don’t really see that much school spirit like ???? no taste at all ❞
I guess their school spirit within the team, their fighting spirit, makes up for it. Again, my greatest apologies to Karasuno. You can do much better than that.
❝ The way the whole school came out to support the vbc before the shiratorizawa match,,, I love them so much!! Also Saeko coming in with a DRUM TEAM for the Inarizaki match,,, like they’re so so supportive and Karasuno’s not a rich school like Shiratorizawa, it doesn’t have a highly ranked band like Inarizaki but like the team itself they’re plucky and do the best they can with what they’ve got. ❞
❝ They have the most dedication to me ❞
❝ they're so supportive of each other and very chaotic, all of them ❞
❝ kageyama tobio could get some !! ❞
Honestly, I had a hard time choosing whether to put Karasuno or Nekoma in sixth place. I went with Nekoma because of Kuroo’s “inspirational” pep talk, which really shows the bond between each of the members of the team, but they’re still ranked pretty low because I can’t get that one scene out of my head from the manga where it’s this one match (I won’t say which one) where students from Nekoma attend the match and a couple of them go, “Wow, this is my first volleyball match that I’ve been to!” Like, dude, seriously? Wow. They also take sixth since their cheering squad, also composed of students, is led by a Nekoma Junior High student. We love supportive sisters.
❝ stage play cheer stage play cheer stage play cheer stage play cheer ❞
❝ i just love nekoma ❞
❝ chaotic good but cats ❞
❝ kuroo tetsurou ❞
❝ deadass it’s 2 am and i have no idea what i’m doing but anyways 7/10 cause i like their stage song/cheer ya know NEKO NEKO NEKOMA like it’s cute ksjsjs besides that i have no idea LMAO ❞
❝ they're very subtle even tho they have chaotic moments, they're more focused on defense while playing ❞
❝ Some of them really care and some dont ❞
❝ they’re all so into it! Like, Akane with the megaphone, Alisa screaming Lev’s name, they’re all pretty devoted. ❞
I would have ranked them a little higher if it weren’t for other more spirited schools. The whole school knows how to hype up Bokuto, along with cheers of their own. The team itself knows each member so well that they’re able to adapt to whatever their ace is feeling.
❝ stage play was good but not as good as nekoma stage play ❞
❝ they have to hype up bokuto ❞
❝ owl boy & pretty setter ❞
❝ FUCK why can’t i think of any of the episodes where they show the student body like ??? school spirit is nonexistent in my eyes i can’t recall a thing— anywhore 9/10 for my owl babies because i believe bokuto hypes up the students ALOT and therefore they are more into ya know spirit woo ❞
❝ have u seen their dynamic? they're strong and so supportive of their ace, their captain, the family bokuto needed - i could go on but yes, i think u get the picture ❞
❝ They love Bokuto so much 🥺 they’re all v supportive of the team and it seems like they also know how to get him to perform better and Fukurodani’s a powerhouse so I feel like they get into it. ❞
Their cheering squad is so synchronized and so well-performed. They know what they’re doing and when to do things. You can tell they’re devoted. School spirit within their team is pretty strong, and they have a good bond with each other.
❝ fangirls can do anything ❞
❝ oikawa kinnies ❞
❝ chaotic good but plants ❞
❝ i don’t know whether they have school spirit or they’re just fans of oikawa LMAOOO AND YOU CAN QUOTE ME ON THAT KSBSKSJS like deadass it’s just his fan girls ya know what i’m saying ❞
❝ i love them for the 3rd years but that's about it ❞
❝ From what I can recall there’s nothing super special about them? I do love how they say olé for all of Oikawa’s serves (but ppl do that for other schools, so) ❞
So much to say about them. From their entire cheering squad that consists of both cheerleaders and drummers, to the fact that when they feel like they’re being challenged with who can cheer louder they start singing their school anthem? Absolutely powerful.
❝ cheerleaders ❞
❝ i would not want to be in preppy school but i do love SHIIIRATORIZAWA ❞
❝ they are close like family uwu tho they seem to be SUPER STRESSED bc studies ❞
❝ 10/10 cause have you heard their cheer? god tier. that shit would distract me so much during a game like what’s the purpose of being so god damn loud and extra other than distracting the enemy ??? i rest my case ❞
❝ SHIIIIIRATORIZA (also ushiwaka has his own lil cheer so like yes i support) ❞
❝ i dont particularly like or dislike anyone from them and simple is best so ?? ❞
❝ The Shiratorizawa chant is so simple, so good,,, I think they were also the first team we saw with actual cheerleaders too! Nice big rich private school cheersquad money right? ❞
Need I say more?
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There’s too much to say. They’re so extra it’s unbelievable. The entire cheering section knows how to adapt to each members’ likes and dislikes, and will call others out when they need to do so. For instance, when that one guy asked the two girls not to cheer while Atsumu is serving? Absolutely wild. And when they start booing or play a tempo to throw off the opponent whenever it’s the other team’s serve? Their practice and precision really shows. It’s crazy. And I’m pretty sure that they’re the only school that brings their entire orchestra to play during the matches.
❝ according to the wiki their marching band literally works to throw off the other team and if that’s not dedication idk what is ❞
❝ atsumu, shush me anytime ✨✨ ❞
❝ idk them asdas ❞
❝ deadass i’ve been on episode two of the latest season ( is it four or three?? i can’t fucking remember,,, 2 am is no brain cell hours ) for w e e k s because of second hand embarrassment. periodt. like hinata baby pls i’m begging. anyways suna is a god in my eyes, i deadass thought sakusa ( the germaphobe right?? ) was on the same team guess not i don’t know his uniform is ugly tho looking like a fucking germ himself ( THAT WAS GOLDEN SISJSJ IM PROUD OF MYSELF ), and lastly i have fallen in love with the man that is osamu, he can cook,... and he can do a whole lot of other things but my brain is malfunctioning so we’re gonna stop right there. #stanosamuforcleanskin ❞
❝ they have a fucking BAND ❞
❝ another chaotic team with their very own freak twins, i ranked them high because holy fuck that cheering band?? ❞
❝ Inarizaki’s cheer squad,,,, personally I lowkey hate them because deadass BOOING another player is tacky at best and kinda rude but my GOD do they put in the work. Cheerleaders, top ranked band, the timing and tempo thing? Insane. Oh, and the way they actually go silent for Atsumu like how the fuck did he pull that off?? ❞
Thanks for reading! I’m glad you read this far. I hope this made you at least smile just a little bit because it definitely made me smile. And please don’t think that I don’t like any of the teams! I love each and every one of them; it’s just that some have more school spirit than others... anyways!
Whoever sent this, I just wanted to let you know that you made my entire day when I first read that. It was so unbelievably funny HAHAH
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haikyuulovercompany · 7 years
Yay welcome to the imagine blog family!! May I request a matchup with a scenario (and also a japanese name too if that's cool!) Uhhhh I'm 5'10", black, and have long black hair with some red dyed in there! I'm a totally chill (but also super sleepy) person. I like to lounge around and play video games, read, and draw. I also wouldn't say no to hanging out with a friend cause they're the most important people to me. uwu
I’m matching you with Kozume Kenma !
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Kenma is a guy who is surrounded by hyperactive humans all day long.Even thou he sometimes likes being around them, he also enjoys chilling around,and lucky him, because he found you. It wasn’t love at first sight for neitherof you. You progressively fell in love thanks to your constant chats aboutvideo games, and hanging around having casual conversations about everything. Everyone says it sounds as theleast romantic reason, but for you it was perfect. You had got to know eachother thanks to those evenings playing video games. Conversations turned deeper, and deeper eachpassing day, until you knew everything about the other.
It was a surprise for you to discover Kenma actually loves cuddling. Helikes when you rest your head on his shoulder, or on his chest while you play.And he thinks it’s funny how you randomly fall asleep. Every time you do, hemakes sure to not move at all so he won’t wake you. Also, to see your sleepy face every morning at school is one of his favorite things.
Your dates are always a casual plan. Like going for something to eat, andthen hanging at his, or your place playing video games. You also exchangevideogames so both of you are always up to date.
Whenever you’re drawing, he hangs by your side watching entertain howyou do it, as you enjoy one of your casual conversations. He loves that he cantrust you since he is someone who sometimes doesn’t speak his mind because heis afraid of what people might think of him. He talks to you about all the crazy thoughts inhis mind. He also loves he can just chill with you. You’re the only person withwho he can genuinely have the peaceful time he much needs.
Japanese Name.
Aki: autumn / bright
From your hair to your skin, you are a mixture of the vibrant colors ofthe autumn. Also, one of the metaphorical meanings behind the season iscomfort, which is something you bring, and something that you like. You are alwaysthere for your friends, and also, you are a calm person. You’re always open tospend a relaxing evening.
Love Realization Scenario.
(Since you didn’t specify, according to the description of why I choseKenma for you, I decided to make this scenario.)
It had progressively happened, he thinks. For the past months you havenbeen a constant in his life. You were in the same class, and you sat behind him.When you started talking, he never imagined he would end up in that complicatedsituation.
You were using his portable console. Your eyebrows were slightlyfrowned, and your eyes lost in the small screen while your fingers intenselypressed the buttons. It was lunchtime, and as always, you used that time torelax from the rest of the world.
Kenma’s eyes were buried on you. He was studying your factions, the wayyour long black hair with those flashes of red. You were lying on the grass soyour hair was spread everywhere.
It had been a couple of weeks since he started to feel different. He wasstarting to feel nervous whenever you leaned on him to see how he played, andhis gaze was starting to linger longer on you. The way you draw wasn’t thatinteresting anymore. He now found it more interesting to see all the faces youmade while you were drawing.
And now, watching you under the sun, completely focus on the game andunaware of what he was doing, he realized it.
He had fallen in love with you.
All the times you had listen to him, and how he couldn’t break throughhis shyness sometimes. All the times you mutually taught the other how to playa game. The patience, and the carefulness you had with him whenever he didn’tfelt like talking. You never pressured him.
“AH!” you exclaimed exasperatedly, and sat straight. “I can’t beat this level!You were right. This is too difficult.” You turned to see him. You hadsurprised him with the way you suddenly jolted. His eyes were wide open, andwere still on you. You smiled to him. “Are you okay?”
Kenma looked away doing his best to keep his face from flushing.
“I’m… I’m okay,” he stuttered under his breath. With the smile still on yourface, you arched an eyebrow.
“Why are you so shy suddenly?” you chuckled a little. He was able to look likea lost child from time to time. He shook his head.
He had to do something about his feelings, or otherwise the way his heart startedto beat violently every time you smiled would give him away eventually.
Thanks for your request! Hope you like it!
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