#they're both part of one ai but torn into two pieces
glambots · 5 months
Kind of a personal HC, but I really like the idea that Moon speaks in "we/us" pronouns and Sun speaks with "I/He" pronouns. Moon is constantly of the mind-set that he's a part of the DCA and no matter how badly Sun wants to pretend that he can, he can't just erase him from existence. And Sun, of course, wants to do what he can to try and separate himself from Moon as much as possible. Sure, he's technically him, but He's the other him, which makes him not as bad, right?!
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quincette · 7 years
I read on the tag somewhere that you're not into baby headcanon?It's cool tho I am sad because that means you'd never answer my ask which I sent ages ago... But how about this, let's try my luck. Reactions: the lords (and any side fellas/ninjas you want) on MC's pregnancy, buuuutttt plot twist: they're not the father!
Oohhhh helloooooo!
Lol, yes, you read right (I’m sorry!) I’m not particularly into babies and kids headcanon, not that I hate them but it’s just I have no plan on becoming anybody’s parent and there are many, many great writers in this fandom who do these headcanon justice and more (FLUFFY FLUFFY GOODNESS) so yeah, I’m not the best person (AT ALL) to send these asks to.
That being said. OH, MY GOD
“The lords (and any side fellas/ninjas you want) on MC’s pregnancy, buuuutttt plot twist: they’re not the father!”
WHY. Okay, when I first read this I thought this ask was an ATOMIC ANGST BOMB, but hey, I read that again and hmmm,  it could be a happy HC actually lol. I was assuming when this happened MC is in a relationship with that particular lord and HGSAHVDHMBJHBJKJHVGHHH
NTR (netorare = cuckold) trope could be perversely exciting but let’s not go there (I don’t have the mental capacity - it’s beyond me) and make these characters happy aite?
Headcanon after the break.
Nobunaga: That utter bore managed to get you pregnant? Well, well, well, he is… strangely proud, like, he could use little Mitsuhides to take care of his clan and little you to make more sweets, rite? Expect him to announce this to the whole clan out of the blue and expect him to declare himself the unborn babe’s godfather. Also, you are forbidden to do any chores but making desserts, is that clear?
Mitsuhide: He’s not surprised, he’s like, a million steps ahead of you. Your pregnancy term? As comfy and as enjoyable as it can be – he’s anticipated everything, from an army of helpers and all the logistics, down to the more shady stuff like preparing a safehouse and a cover story and escape route for you and the babe should something happen to the clan.
Yukimura: “Y-y-y-you’re pregnant? Saizo, you MUST marry her, like, NOW! SAIZO, you hear? Also, y-y-you, your body’s not just your own now! Stop that! I forbid you to work, you must rest!” – Well, he’ll be super flustered and fussy and all endearing if a bit over the top about it. Your child will have a super doting uncle.
Hotaru: You read and reread the words he wrote on a piece of paper. “Congratulations,” it says. “How do you make a baby with Oniichan? Can I have one with you too?” You’re not sure showing it to Saizo will get baby firefly killed, or Yuki killed. But Saizo simply Sigh™ when he read that and proceed to lock Hotaru together with Yukkin in a secret place where he stores every Love Guides he ever wrote. Problem solved.
Fuuma: “Saizo-san, Saizo-san, Saizo-san’s baby??? MIRACLE IT’S A MIRACLE, AH AH AH! WILL HE NOTICE ME IF I KIDNAP YOU I WONDER?!” Saizo would not take the chance and almost killed Kotaro though- which only convinced him that this unborn baby has made Saizo MORE MAGNIFICENT. He’ll leave strange gifts for you like lizard’s brain or something.
Saizo: Oh, how his little lord has grown. He’s both surprised but not really – he heard you two you know, going at it till dawn – perhaps even witnessed it once in a while, for a security reason, because Nobuyuki made him do it, because you know, enemy can attack anytime and Yukkin’s not exactly a multitasker when he’s um, busy, with you. He’ll be indifferent to it but that babe? You will carry it safely to term because he’ll make sure you’re safe. He’ll be also super indifferent when the babe is born but jokes on him because your child LOVES his uncle Saizo best.
Shingen: “How about that, so our late night drinking sessions did good for our little Yukimura afterall! Now, Yukimura – I trust you know how to please your pregnant wife?” Cue the advance smutty class from Shingen, and also regular session of How to Dad and How to Not Dad class.
Nobuyuki:  “Congratulations! Now, you two must wed now, you and Yukkin and make the babe legitimate Sanada child, won’t you?” *smile smile smile*. Then you found out that he has absolutely everything prepared, down to the fabric of your wedding kimono and the wedding banquet menu, which for some reason, couldn’t be more perfect if you had chosen them yourself. It’s almost like, he’s planned this.
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Masamune: He is busy consoling Kojuro who is torn between feeling ecstatic and guilty because he is going to have children before Masamune. He is tremendously happy because he’s worried that Kojuro is working too hard for his own good. He is extremely thankful that you exist to carry the Katakura line for the benefit of the Date clan.
Kojuro: THE FEELS, OH THE FEELS, HOW HIS LITTLE BONTENMARU HAS GROWN. No, he’s not crying, wipe that grin off your face, Shigezane! The sky is blue, the sakura’s blooming, his skin has regained 10 years of youth and all’s fine with the world! He’ll take a moment to recover from the news before proceed to plan everything to ensure the safety and wellbeing of you and the babe.  
Shigezane, part I: “Good for you, Oldman! I was worried you’d grow too old! Now, Doll, quick! Find a name or else he’s going to name them Bontenmaru.” Then he would smile and be happy for you both even as he feels a strange melancholy in hearing this good news.
Shigezane, part II: “Kojuro, Kojuro, get ahold of yourself, Oldman! Call the fishmonger! We need carps! GIANT CARPS! COME ON! OUR MASAMUNE HAS MADE A BABY!” Then he would smile and be happy for you both even as he feels a strange melancholy in hearing this good news.
Hideyoshi: “Whoah…” is all he can say. He did on occasions push you together subtly and not so subtly in Mitsunari’s direction, but to actually hearing that not only you two are together but that you have made a baby together is a miracle! He’ll be the best enabler uncle ever! 
Mitsunari: “V-vile succubus! Hideyoshi why!” “Now that you are to be a mother –“ expect him to take a role of an overbearing mother in law. His tongue is sharper than ever but he is trying his best to be useful to you ease your pregnancy. Consider the education of your child settled.
Inuchiyo: You know what, in this universe, that is his baby, without any doubt, because #PuppyDeservesTheGirl2K17. And he is over the moon, and hella motivated to do SO WELL, SO WELL in being the head of the Maeda clan that it turns even the skeptical Toshihisa so proud he can die peacefully. He’ll name the baby boy after your father.
Ieyasu: He was strangely nicer to you lately and later you find out that he actually knew you were pregnant before you yourself do – he can read the sign. He was extra horrible to everyone else though, especially Toramatsu, who is the father of the baby. (Tadatsugu made a show of how happy he was for you both and he has approximately 20 strands of hair left on his head now.) Ieyasu makes all sorts of supplements for you – they taste revolting but you can’t deny that they work, you suspect he could have added honey to them to make them taste better but he just, chose not to, for some cruel reason.
Kenshin: “Ah! Ah! This is SUCH a good news, now, I thought you were a little plump but you look paler and Kanetsugu is way easier to escape from these days so yes, yes that makes sense! Oh, you’re pregnant, what a wonderful news! Ai, ai, you’re going to have a sibling – we must get you two matching clothes, oh what, what about a wedding? A SPRING WEDDING with all the FLOWER and, BOYS, BOYS, BOYS, we must get stuff for the wedding and – “
Hope that wasn’t too horrible. Hahahahah. Find my other writings on my masterpost 
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