#they're both uncooperative lol
faofinn · 1 year
27. Uncooperative Patient
"Tai? Tai?"' Harrison repeated, waiting for his husband to respond. "Tai."
"What?!" He whipped around, snapping at Harrison. 
"Hey don't yell at me." He frowned, hurt. "You were the one ignoring me."
"Yeah, well, maybe I just want some bloody peace and quiet away from your pestering."
"What are you on about?" Harrison took a step towards where Tai was sitting at the kitchen island. "I'm confused."
"All of this I'm sick of, sick of all the pestering, it's just again and again. It's like you don't know what I'm doing and I'm always doing it."
Harrison narrowed his eyes, watching Tai critically. "How's that?! 
"As if you don't know." He scoffed, shoving the chair back with a clatter. It hit the floor with an awful bang, and White Harrison grimaced, Tai didn't even seem to notice.
"Why don't we go sit in the living room?" Harrison offered. 
"There you go again! You know what I think about that. And they're just as bad, you're just not getting it are you? Fucking stupid. I don't know why I bother." 
Harrison gave a sharp sigh. "Where's your phone, Tai?"
"I'm not going to tell you that, am I? You'll take it off me like you've taken everything else, like the kids. Look at them. They've fucking gone, haven't they? An' scout. None of them like you. I don't fucking like you."
"Yeah, there's a long list, I'm sure.” He muttered, turning to rummage in the junk drawer. "Sit down, will you? I need to do your sugar."
“'No,you don't."
"Yeah, I do." He shrugged, moving to stand in front of Tai. "Give me a finger."
He stuck the middle one up. "Fuck off."
Despite the situation, Harrison had to laugh. "Yeah, I deserved that one. I still need to check your sugars, love. Just a second, yeah?"
Harrison wasn't expecting it, Tai taking a sharp step forward and shoving his husband square in the chest. It jarred his leg, and it was a surprisingly strong shove, sending Harrison tumbling back, unbalanced and unexpecting.
He cracked the back of his head against the cabinets, his back dragging down the edges of the doors.
Stars danced in Harrison's vision, pain immediately lancing down his neck and back, across his ribs, and annoyingly enough around his prosthesis.
It took him a moment for him to manage to catch his breath, and even then it was forced. Despite feeling like he was dying, he forced himself to his knees, and then staggered to his feet. It was all too similar to his accident, his mind reeling and trying not to dissolve into panic.
He knew he couldn't, though, knew Tai needed him. He grabbed the glucagon kit from the top drawer and managed to stumble into the living room. He sent out a quick emergency text to anyone that was around while he was at it; he knew he'd need help one way or another.
Tai was sitting on the sofa in the living room when Harrison found him, grumbling away to himself and covered in sweat. "Tai?"
"What do you want?"
"You must be feeling pretty shit, yeah? You gonna let me help you?" He was more than a little worried to get close, and spied his phone on the coffee table. He edged forward, tapping on the screen. Alert after alert after alert. Goddammit Tai. The CGM moved slower than capillary, and he didn't want to imagine where it actually was. He was all too aware what had happened the last time it got too low.
"Yeah, I feel like fucking shit." 
Harrison nodded, one hand behind him as he sat by Tai's side. He was grateful his husband was still wearing a T-shirt, despite the weather outside, and briefly rested his hand on his bicep.
"Have you tried doing your sugars?"
"No, I don't care about them. I just feel shit, you're not helping and I'm sick of it." He started rambling again, barely making sense. Harrison knew he didn't have long, and he only had one chance. He took a breath to try and stop the nausea, and stabbed him. There was time for niceties or soft touches, quickly injecting the glucagon and deftly locking the needle away.
Tai shouted, a mix of pain and surprise, but Harrison had already moved away. He'd not made it far, missing the bin as he lost his breakfast on the carpet. Great. It only seemed to make it worse, and he groaned, suddenly glad of the other sofa behind his leg. He collapsed gratefully onto it, letting his eyes close for just a second. 
"What the fuck, Hars?!"
"You act like a dick, you get treated like one." He muttered under his breath. "It's for your own good, love. You're having a hypo. You're not you."
"Fuck off."
"Once you're back up, sure.” He pulled his phone out, dialling for an ambulance. As much as he'd done all he could, and normally would have been able to manage it himself, he knew if things didn't improve then he wouldn't be able to help. He could feel wetness down his back and a ginger feel across the back of his head brought back red. Even better. 
He struggled through the operator's questions, finding it harder to think with each one. Tai, at least, looked better, no longer shaking as much as he had been. 
There was a clatter from the front door, the scarper of paws on wood, and the kids announcing they were home. Harrison sighed. This was going to be fun to explain. 
"Living room, we've had a bit of an issue." He called.
“Dad?” Alfie called, frowning. “What’s happened?” 
"Dad's had a hypo. Can you grab the rest of the sugary stuff? And some toast?" 
Shit. “Yeah. Kieran?” He turned to his brother. “Do the toast?” He asked, and his brother did, whilst Alfie padded into the living room. It was a state, Harrison with blood dripping from his nose, Tai collapsed on the other sofa looking awful. There was vomit on the carpet too, though he honestly had no idea who’s it was, they both looked awful.
“What the fuck?”
"Yeah, I know." Harrison shook his head. "Don't even start."
He took in the absolute state of the room, pressing his lips together. “Has dad had something, at least?”
"Glucagon." He said, holding the phone out. "Speak to the ambulance?"
“Uh, yeah.” He said, taking the phone.
Harrison knew better than to try standing, just glad he'd dragged the bin closer. He'd hoped he'd grow out of the vomiting after every head injury, but it just felt like it got worse each time. He groaned, stomach spasming as he buried his head. 
Alfie winced, watching his dad vomit again, before he tried to answer the operator’s questions, vague on the details. 
With another groan, Harrison raised his head. He roughly wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, making an unimpressed noise as he wiped blood from his nose. There was a flash of panic that he couldn't quite hide, but his worry for Tai easily overshadowed it. 
Alfie couldn’t help the jolt of worry at the sight of his Dad, the blood dripping from his nose. Neither of them looked well, and the operator at the other end of the phone reassured him that they were on their way as soon as they could be. Kieran had appeared with the toast and other things for Tai, offering to him and trying to ignore the state of the room. Neither parent looked well, and the twins were out of their depth completely. They knew how to manage Tai’s diabetes, of course, but with Harrison looking so ill too, they didn’t have anyone to help them. 
"What's his sugars doing, Kit?"
Kieran had grabbed his Dad’s phone, open to the CGM’s app. “Better, coming up now.” He said. Tai looked better, too, no longer as agitated, and was eating the toast without protest. 
He shot them a smile. "Thanks, boys. Sorry you had to come into this."
“Are you okay?” He asked. “You look like shit.”
"I just took a tumble, I'm fine."
“You’re bleeding and you’ve been sick.”
"Head injuries bleed a lot. It's fine."
“Alfie is on the phone to the ambulance.”
Harrison hummed. "Yeah, for dad."
“Like you don’t need it too.”
"Course not. I need Tai sorted, then I can go to bed."
Given the seriousness of the situation, the ambulance arrived quickly, and Alfie rushed to the door to let him in, Keiran still trying to get Tai to eat. 
“They’re in here. It’s kind of bad…”
Harrison glanced up, offering a sheepish smile. "I'm not the one I called about, I'm fine enough. Tai had a hypo."
“You don’t look too great yourself.” One said, whilst the other radioed for another set of hands. This was definitely more complicated than a simple hypo. 
"I'm just concussed a bit. I'm always sick, I've got a bit of a lac to the back of my head, but I don't think it's that bad."
“What happened?”
Harrison glanced at the twins before returning his gaze to the floor. "I fell."
“Can you talk me through how you fell?”
"Nope. I'm not your patient. Tai is."
“You both are at this point, I’m afraid.”
"Nah, I'm good."
“With a concussion you don’t get to make that choice.”
Harrison narrowed his eyes at him. "Ah, fuck."
“You know I’m right. How did you fall?”
"Backwards, against the kitchen cabinets."
“Ah. Did you lose consciousness? Black out?”
"Remember the whole thing, got really dizzy and couldn't see properly. Winded, too, with how I hit the bench. Took a moment, followed Tai through here, managed to get his glucagon in and then I started throwing up. I always have done." He gave as much information as he could get away with while withholding the important bits. "I'm just a bit concussed, head injuries just piss everywhere, that's all. I'm really not that bad, I just need a lie down."
“You’ll get a lie down.” He reassured him. “That’s a significant fall, you and I both know that.”
"A lie down in my own bed."
“Not going to happen I’m afraid."
"I'm not being rude to you, but that's bullshit." He sighed. "On second thoughts, you carry ondansetron?"
“Not being rude, eh? Yes, we carry ondansetron.”
"You can stab me for being rude then. I won’t say no to that." He adjusted his grip on the bin, trying and failing to breathe through it. 
“Now you want something from us.” They knew Harrison, often seeing him at work, and knew where they could tease. That was flirting the limit, but he hoped it would be okay. 
Harrison huffed. "Ah, but look. I pretty much fixed your patient for you."
“I suppose you helped.”
"Didn't want you to feel like I was doing all the hard work though." He broke off to vomit, giving a quiet apology before continuing. "So I decided to make another patient for you."
“Let me get that ondansetron sorted for you, then.” He said, reassuring him. But things were serious, especially with the vomiting. 
"Yeah, thanks." He murmured. "What's Tai's sugars at?"
“Uh, 3.5 at the moment.”
"Mm, okay. He's coming up alright then."
“Going in the right direction.”
"I got a 1.3 on his phone."
“So likely even lower? Okay, yeah. Explains things.”
"Couldn't get a fingerprick."
“We’ve managed one, which is good.”
"Yeah, he's more compliant now."
“Things are moving in the right direction.”
Harrison retched. "Well, it makes one of us."
The other para had sorted the ondansetron quickly enough, and returned to Harrison. “Here, got this antisickness for you.”
"Who's the lucky one that gets to stab me?"
“That would be me.”
"I'm not gonna judge you, just stab me once yeah?"
“That’s the plan.” He said, getting his kit sorted. “Can get you some pain relief too, if you need it?”
"I might take you up on that."
“Alright, I can get that sorted in a mo.” He said, finding a good vein and prepping it carefully. “Right, sharp scratch.”
Harrison hummed, letting him get on with it. He focused on trying not to be sick while he worked, all too aware of being on the other side of things. 
He got it in easily, and it flushed nicely. “There. Just gonna get this antisickness in for you now, well done.” 
“Hopefully this second crew should be here shortly and we can get you both off to hospital. Have you got someone to come and be with the kids?”
"Kit and Bug are seventeen."
“I’m sure it would be nice for them to have someone with them?”
"I don't know if anyone replied." He was starting to get more than a little tired of the situation, the nausea still there and the pain creeping in.
“Do you want us to call someone?”
"Maybe, yeah."
“How’s that pain? Do you want something?”
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Not a request, just wanted to share these.
A fifth employee that got cast out due to their uncooperativeness and radical ideas. They reside deep underground where they practice their craft of welding metal, out of their contraptions they make a stable home durable as a bomb shelter. In their comfort they didn't expect any visitors, especially not the golden glow of the keystone.
A botanist that acts like Jebediah's and Tricky's peaskeeper (to varying degrees of success). They wear garments reminiscent of the grim reaper and weld a sickle to harvest the crops that they grew in their greenhouse. Is appointed Nevada's official, and only, gardener. (i have a much more detailed version of this but it's like five pages long).
Daimos isn't the only one that dissented, a young ex agent, throughout knowing each other they build a sibling like relationship. Although they're not in the main SQ crew they're still an honorary member.
An escaped test subject finds themselves in the middle of a Zed outbreak, they scratch, kick and punch their way through the undead gaining a few scratches and bite marks themselves. Out of the rubble of undead they find Victor who's surprised at their resilience, and immunity.
These are just your ocs aint they ;p interesting ideas tho!
I imagine there's basically an employer for every kind of need, so one capable of tearing up the earth and forging weapons would be plausible. A large and wide figure, a crooked back from hours of clawing at the earth and leaning over a forge, bashing scalding steel to create unbreaking blades.
Bright embers floating from deep orange eyes, irritated to be bothered by someone, someone who somehow survived (re floated passed) all their traps. A deep husky voice, like that of a heavy chain-smoker from centuries of ash inhalation. "You dare to break into my sanctuary? Turn back, lest your body be torn asunder to forge a new blade, mortal."
But when they realise Jeb just wants his sword repaired they're cool lol.
- The botanist is kinda along the same lines as my gal Jack, but she ain't need to play peacekeeper, Tricky becomes a little more civilised around 'the pretty lady.' He has vague memories of her being kind to him when he was still Hofnarr.
Alas the reaper motif is a cool way of taking it, it makes them fit in with the environment a lot better, dark clothing and a massive weapon is all you need to be 'normal' out there. A great and watchful harvester, terrifying to behold, but incredibly gentle.
A starving grunt tries to ignore the hunger pangs, tries to think of anything else, when a dark shape comes into view. The reaper, Stygian, has finally come to claim him, a terrible life with a silent end, how depressing. A basket of carrots and other veggies comes from below the robes. A reaper, yes, but of the grim? No.
There's 100% some other dissented agents chilling in/around the main SQ base, inspired by a tale of two grunts defying everything and building up a resistance to the boot that crushes the little guy. Sometimes a few clones from a batch dissent, and the rest of the group pays for it, they must all be defective and therefore must die.
Deimos is quick to bond with just about anyone, and with shared history? He's stuck like glue to whoever. Dissenters be damned, right? Well damnation is more fun when you're together.
Having gone through some of the worst torture from his fellow agency men {due in part to being an orphan, and being trans in my opinion}, he'll comfort and reassure just about anyone else who's lived that hell. You got out, you survived the worst, and now you're fighting back. Fuck yeah, stick it to the man.
Vic would absolutely drag this person to Skinner, or Doc, maybe even both if he can catch them together. If you can be resistant to ZEDs, surely there's a cure right? Where better to start looking than in someone incapable of transforming.
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itsallsternutation · 10 months
Pinned Intro Post.
CW before we start: this is a sneeze blog (duh) and will probably feature a few mentioning of contagion and mess and that kind of thing. No emeto or anything dangerous here like that though.
If you wanna skip the exposition, here's all the links to my stuff:
My sneezefics (These are my forte. I'm a bit of a word nerd and sneezefics really bring out the demi in me. They're mostly F, but with plenty of M and Enby in them too. Also sorry some of my reblogs are in there. Tumblr's being uncooperative with me lol)
My sneezing (most of them are on youtube, but who knows, maybe I'll make some tumblr exclusives).
Hiya, I’m Saul Stern (not my real name. It’s short for It’s All Sternutation and I thought it sounded nice). Pronouns are he/him and they/them, but any work for me. I’m not picky.
I’ve been a big fan of sneezing all my life, whether they be in fics or in wavs, I thought it was the right time for me to give something back. I’m a cis guy with no allergies, but with really strong, desperate sneezes that come out real easily with a rolled up tissue. I love both reading and writing wonderful fics about itchy allergies and stuffy colds (I usually prefer F and enby sneezes, but I might throw in a few M in the writing part as well as a few of my own M sneezes). I’m also a big time handkerchief fan and would love to see some of yours.
Here you can find…
My Fics (I was blessed with being really really good at writing, but I’m also a very busy person. I mostly just like stuff with original characters, but I might throw in some fandom stuff if you ask nicely.)
My Own Sneezes (I made a YT and I’m gonna try to share my inducing sessions there)
My General Sneezy Thoughts (I’m not used to expressing them with words, but I sure as heck can try)
Please do not reblog, interact, or message me if you are a…
Minor (Pretty obvious one. Just wait a few years, it won’t be that long)
Non-Kink Blog (If you’re into sneezes, just get an alt. If you’re not, why are you even here?)
An Asshole (If you’re one of these guys I won’t just block you like the others. I’ll do something worse: I’ll make fun of you).
So yeah, here is me. If you’re within my age bracket and wanna talk, DM me at either here, Snzliker on kik or at [email protected]. My YT is also @SaulStern/https://www.youtube.com/@SaulStern and I post some sneezes there. I’m also Itsallsternutations on the SFF. 
Cheers, achoo’s, and bless you’s to all of you,
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dragoncarrion · 6 months
can you tell me about cinnabar and rage rush :0?
GLADLY!!! im putting all this under a read more since it'll probably get a bit long
ok so those two are part of a tf story i've been spinning around in my head for a while. it's still HEAVILY in the works but i've got the basis for both their characters. kind of
Cinnabar (the big dragon) is a predacon that self exiled kind of in her own volition (yes im writing the t.f.p predacons into this bc i could not skip the chance to have big dragons in my story im sorry). she used to be an executioner for the current guy ruling the predacons (which would be Quinacridone. dont worry about him i barely have anything on him lol he doesnt matter) but her friend, some other guy named Malachite was conspiring against the previous leader with Quinacridone's help, once the deed was done however he basically threw Malachite under the bus, dropping him into this vengeful spiral. He tries to drag Cinnabar into it, hoping that she'd kill Quinacridone for him given her closer position to Quin, but when she refused out of fear of both of them getting killed, they had this big falling out and fight (if you've seen previous drawings of her you'll notice she's missing an eye. well this is where she loses it lol). After this, Malachite fucks off to somewhere, and Cinnabar runs away too, both to try and find him, and because Quinacridone seems to be getting onto their plans of dethroning him, despite how unwilling she was to do it. She lands in this strange underground colosseum fighting ring, where's she "loses" Malachite's trail. In reality he had been fighting here for a while, mostly for his bruised ego and because something about this place seems to keep people from leaving (lore wise its bc there's some big ass titan underneath with its freaky aura that fucks with your mind). So she's been here since, working as an announcer for the fights and a guard of sorts, hoping to get a lead on where he ended up, but everyone here is very secretive and uncooperative.
Now Rage Rush (the tiny ass sparrow) is said colosseum's champion. Im thinking she's got this outlier power of like. mini hyperspeed that looks like borderline teleporting, so it's impossible to track where she is during fights. She's been here wayyyyy longer than Cinnabar, and was actually the one to take down Malachite in a fight, though only by some mere dumb luck. at the last second The spiny plating on her left shoulder is actually a bunch of his scales since she likes keeping "trophies" of those she defeats like some fucking sicko. When she meets Cinnabar she's quick to realize who she's looking for, but decides against telling her for obvious reasons. Rage Rush becomes something like a... "friend" to Cinnabar in the following years. They're both very bitter assholes though, so it's mostly some on and off toxic situationship of sorts 😭 Cinnabar hates Rage Rush's incredibly rude and aggressive personality, always getting under people's skin just for the hell of it, while Rage Rush gets very irritated at how Cinnabar seems to always be wallowing and moping about something. Sometimes she'll outright ignore the sparrow even when she's talking to her face just to get back at her. Still, they mostly stick together since Rage Rush finds Cinnabar fascinating and is one of the only people who will talk to her (plus they're both lonely as fuck deep down). Fun fact: Rage Rush used to be some low status autobot (loooong time ago im thinking that whole thang has been over for millennia by now bc thog dont caare) going by the name of Speck, but changed it to something edgier once in the fighting ring. She has a history of feeling ignored and excluded by other people, which led to her starting to resent pretty much everyone around her after a while, so the adrenaline of the fight's victory feeds into her rancorous power fantasies that she has been stewing in for ages. i dont ljke her ❤️
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meraxes-of-new-albion · 10 months
What's it like being a zookeeper? What's your day like, and how'd you get into that?
It's both really cool and really frustrating lol.
For context this is US, AZA based zoos; if you're elsewhere I have no idea whether the path that works here works elsewhere.
This got long so readmore.
I don't want to paint this career with rose tinted glasses. It's a passion career, and like all passion careers, you will be overworked, underpaid, and probably surrounded by reasonably privileged white people who can afford the overworked + underpaid. (I am absolutely no exception to this rule, btw.)
That said, a couple weeks ago I got to pet a Canada lynx. I've fed peanut butter to wolves, watched a secretary bird hunt, bonded with a Harris hawk, and made best friends with a plush-crested jay. You get the *coolest* stories, and it helps make the crappy parts of the job feel worthwhile; it's hard to resent your life when you're feeding bananas to a moose.
As far as career path goes, I'm still early in mine, but generally from talking to people, this is how it goes for most people: they go to a 4 year college/university for a degree in biology or something related -> they do at least one (unpaid :/) internship during college to get experience -> they work seasonally/part time at a zoo (generally several zoos, generally moving across the country multiple times)(this is where I'm at in my career) -> they get a full time, benefitted gig somewhere, and either work until a spot at a zoo they'd rather be at opens up, or they live the rest of their career there.
I'd like to stress this isn't the *only* career path - a lot of my coworkers here were dog trainers or what have you beforehand, a different coworker at a different zoo moved from guest services into a seasonal role and got hired on full time from there - but it is by far the most common one. This is also the reason we're pretty much all privileged white people - if you don't have family/friends who can subsidize three months worth of work that you don't get paid for, often you're a bit SOL. This is, very slowly, changing, apparently the MIlkwaukee zoo pays their interns for example, but it's still few and far between, and a very competitive field.
As far as my day to day goes, that changes a lot from zoo to zoo and even job to job - I'm a relief keeper here, so my day changes drastically based on which route I'm covering. At my previous zoo, I worked in their bird department, so my days were a bit more predictable; that was also a much bigger zoo so things like diet prep were handled by a completely different department rather than every route doing their own diets, or one person doing all of them every day. it's definitely worth investigating which kinds of animals you'd like to work with, and asking people who work with those specifically, if you can. For example, occasionally I serve as our second person to work the big cats - we have a two lock system so you can't accidentally let the lions out if you're cleaning in their yard, kind of thing. And I love our lions, and our snow leopards, but also... they're enormous, and terrifying, and sometimes uncooperative as anything. They're cool! But not an animal I'd want to work with every day.
General pros and cons:
Pay :/ the mcdonalds I drive past every day would pay me a solid $3 more an hour. And probably give me paid time off.
You will work weekends and holidays. I've worked every holiday for the last two years.
Culture - so here's the thing. Zookeepers, as a group, are people who went individually in their lives "Hey i really suck at people skills. I know! I'll work with animals instead!" and then you put all of them together in the same room with animals they're emotionally invested in. Petty office drama, toxic management, and other such problems are common. We skew leftist and queer but that doesn't mean we have conflict resolution skills.
You are very, very, very likely to end up moving states at least once in your career.
No two days are ever the same. there's always something new to learn, some new problem to solve, something you all have to pull together and help with. Whether that be relocating an alligator, unloading a frozen meat delivery, a news crew hanging around, or something else, there's always something to change up the day.
The work you're doing never feels like a perpetual motion machine - it always has meaning to it. Everything you do benefits an animal you probably know personally, by name. You get to share those stories, those individuals, with the visitors who stop and ask; if you're lucky, they might go home and learn more about those animals. We all thrive by the concept of "You protect what you care about; you care about what you know; you know about what you are taught". Did I know kori bustards existed before I worked with them? no. Do I care now, and I'm glad to know they're no longer poached for fly fishing bait thanks to (i think) CITES in the 80s and 90s? You bet I do they're wonderful animals.
Your life, the everyday mundanity of it, becomes something that other people will always consider you the most interesting person in the room for. I don't get to work with said lynx very often anymore, due to staffing changes and whatnot, but every morning like clockwork Carson would meet you at the fence and follow you right along it to the den, because he knew you had his breakfast. It felt mundane, after a while, but it's always worth the moment of acknowledging "wow I actually get to hang out with some lynx today. That's pretty cool."
Hopefully this actually answers your question lol. It's not something I'd trade for anything, but I don't want to paint it as a world full of snuggling wolf puppies and rainbows and sunshine, because it's not that, either. It's sometimes grueling, frustrating, bitter work, full of frustrations about budgets and supplies and not having enough hours in the day. But then you go and you hang out with the giraffes for a couple minutes, and that in itself is wonderfully grounding.
so yeah. Hope this helps!
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littleragondin · 2 years
Watching/Rewatching/Planning to Watch List
Got tagged by @excessivelyobssesed thank you =3 Okay let's try this! Work, life, and my brain have been uncooperative lately so I am late on nearly everything, and my "rewatch" list is smaller than usual, while my "plan to watch" is even longer than ever lol
Currently watching :
Between Us - up to date, having a grand time with that one (but it would have been pretty hard to rly disappoint me with how happy I was to get the UWMA cast back)
Choco Milk Shake - up to date, n_n
GAP the series - up to date, love them so much
My tooth your love - behind, but I love them!! (also I, too, have a teeth thing so Xun An feels like a kindred spirit in that regard lol)
Oh ! my assistant - behind, but hopefully will manage to catch up next week end.
Remember me - behind, was too worried for Name, am now too =( about him, but I will catch up
Till the world ends - up to date, this one is so bonkers I can't end the week end without catching up usually
Current rewatches :
Ingredients – I use it as my advent calendar, with one sweet episode a day
Love by Chance - just put my finger back in that one because Ae/Pete's softness is what I need right now (and I know I keep saying it but the Tar/Tum brainrot is fucking me up so) (also yes I already rewatched it once this year but why restrain yourself am I right)
Paused watches I want to get back to:
The Uncanny Counter
Alice in Wonderland
Quantum Leap 2022
those three I have been enjoying a whole lot, time just isn't infinite sadly TT
To watch – currently broadcasting/finished :
609 bedtime story - look I just can't resist Fluke, and the trailer looked SO good
I will knock you - you can't prove this one is because of that recent gifset of the thug grabbing the chin of the other guy who looks like he's gonna cry....
My school president - the level of pinning and dumbassery I've seen from gifs means I need to give it a try
Goukon ni Ittara Onna ga Inakatta Hanashi - I'd have watched for Nanami Hiroki alone, but it also looks goddamn funny so
Weak hero: class 1 - this one looks like it's gonna hurt too, which is why it's not started yet
Happy ending romance - mainly for Leo, been putting it off so far because it seems bittersweet and like he is the losing edge of the triangle
The Ghost bride - this one has been here for a while but recent (beautiful) gifs on my dash pushed it back on top of the list
Criminal Minds: Evolution - Probably the series I have followed the longest, if they're back then so am I ...
Glitch - it seems vaguely sci-fi and the gifs I've seen of the two (main?) ladies somehow burnt that one in my memory so on the list it goes
180° Longitude passes through you - I keep seeing raving reviews about that one from people with tastes I trust, it looks absurdly gorgeous, and I'm pretty sure I will love it. I've just been a big chicken about it so far.
To watch – upcoming :
Candy Color Paradox - I have enjoyed to adored all the MBS BL I have seen so far (yes, even Senpai, the end blew it but before that I liked it), so I'll give this one a try, too.
Never let me go - my brain got stuck on Phuwin since I watched The Gifted Graduation earlier this year, and i am SO happy to see him play with Pond in something (anything) other than FUTS. Plus, it looks both pretty and good, if not ... necessarily happy ............ and a first taste of Chimon/Perth
Grand Guignol - the trailer for this one embedded itself into my brain, it hits far too many of my buttons for me to not try to get my hands on it
Wish me Luck - I would have watched for Fiat in a 1st role, and Na, but the story also seems cute and they put Tonnam in glasses so. Can't pass it up.
Wish you Luck - Sci-Fi !!!!! also Tonnam and Title Teshin as main, this is an immediate addition
23.5 - Milk and Love, soft shy VS popular sunshine, need I say more? (also Milk in all those little beanies?? <3)
Only friends - the cast is impeccable, and it looks so incredibly messy I can't resist
Dangerous Romance - very intrigued by this one, could be hit or miss on the story for me, but Pert/Chimon is a pair I wouldn't have expected so that ups the appeal too.
I also have a pretty consequent list of GL but for my life I can't get my hands back on it?? But if it's a GL and it crosses my path, be sure that I plan to watch it.
Oh and I definitely plan to finally get into Vietnamese BL - heretherebedork has been doing some excellent marketing on that front lol
I will tag @benkaaoi @fandomfairyuniverse @machikeita @sadday4sure if you want to do it! and anyone else, really, if you see it and to it tag me I am always curious to see what everyone watches =)
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painsandconfusion · 3 years
Hey! Could you please do a promptlist for interrogation tactics please
A torture interrogation tactics list sounds like such a good idea! I’d love to write some torture interrogation things for you. There’s so many different methods and categories to explore when torturing interrogating, so this might go a little long 😅
There's both physical and psychological tactics (of course there's some crossover, but ya know).
(tw: so much....idk how to even tw for this because....well...that would just be re-writing the list. But there's eaten-alive animal whump and some light fingore which hits the big common squiks. lots of basic torture and pain)
Physical Techniques
Long Game
Drip torture. Tie them down with something rigged up above them so water will drip on their face every few seconds. Make it so they cant move - so each drop hits the same place every time. At first, it's no big deal. After a few hours, they start to lose their minds. They go numb yet it's excruciating. Their body doesn't know how to process the sensation anymore and they start begging. It's so easy and so lovely.
Thousand-cut torture. Just make hundreds of tiiiiiiiiny little cuts. Paper-cuts, really. Each one stings and burns, but nothing major. But hundreds? Thousands? It becomes too much so so so so fast. They go numb, then hypersensitive. Each one compounding on the others.
STRESS POSITIONS. Sorry this is a favorite. I get excited. Tie them in a way that strains them. Their muscles. Their joints. Don't let them sleep. There's only the constant ache and unnatural twisting of their bones. Or...ropes around their neck. Don't fall asleep, Whumpee. You won't wake back up....
Cold. Keep them in a cold room. Let them shiver and watch their fingers turn blue. Constant aching, never sure when they can get out.
Alternately, heat. Let them go delirious from dehydration, checking in only so see if they're ready to talk.
Thousands of tiiiiiny stabs. Similar to the thousand-cut torture, but just poke poke poke with a needle. Over and over again. They'll go hypersensitive. Then numb. Then it's back again. See witch tests for more.
There's a lovely cowboy torture where you soak a leather whip or lariat in water (let it get nice and soft and stretched out), then tie it around the victim's throat. String them up so they're standing comfortably in their noose. The sun beats down on them. The leather dries. The rope shrinks. Slow-motion strangulation. All the time in the world to think about the sensation of dying. All the time in the world to change their mind about being uncooperative.
Do I really need to get too much into this?? We have.....
Ripping off fingernails.
Breaking bones.
Dislocating joints. Bonus points if you keep popping it back into socket, then grinding it out again. Over and over. Lots of screaming with that one.
Pressure Points.
Etc etc etc. Y'all know how to whump, I have faith in you lol.
People get desperate so fast when they cant breath. We have....
Plastic bags over the head.
Just covering their mouth and nose.
Keeping them in a small, sealed room - let them slowly panic as the oxygen runs out.
Isolation. Lock them in a room for months on end. Irregular meals. No access to clocks or windows. Just constant droning silence and grey walls. Let them go mad
The REID method. Honestly not torture - genuine interrogation. It's no longer allowed for use in police stations because it messes with the subject's head so much they often confess to things they didn't do - even to the point of believing they did. It includes things like crowding and intimidating the subject, and talking over them to prevent them for verbalizing anything you don't want them to say (eg: denial).
Hints. Just clues. Let them drives themselves mad trying to figure out what you're going to do next. For example, walk in with a rat, a bucket, and an iron. Take a phone call and walk out with a 'I gotta handle this, I'll be back in a bit'. Just let their imaginations run wild.
More blackmailing than true interrogation, but just show Whumpee a list of names and addresses. Let them see that it's not just their life on the line - there's plenty of unsuspecting loved ones out there who would have no idea what hit them.
PHOBIAS. Okay I have a thing for phobias, don't come for me. But it takes so little effort if you have their weak spot. Is it spiders? Snakes? Darkness? Small Spaces? Find it. Use it. Watch them break.
This is half physical, but....Bleeding out. Make a cut. Watch it drip. Every drop brings them closer to death. Give them a nice long time to think on that.
The good-old-fashioned 'make them watch'. Let Whumpee see you torturing a loved one or a friend instead. See how long they can stand hearing the screams.
Okay this might get a little squikky, but there's lots of animals that can be of assistance.
Rats. Leave whumpee bound and defenseless, preferably bleeding, and rats will have no qualms nibbling away at them. (bonus points to anyone who knows / can guess the rat and bucket thing I mentioned earlier).
Wild animals (particularly wolves, coyotes, wild dogs). Same concept. Leave them smelling delicious and defenseless and let them wait there, knowing the animals will gladly tear them apart when Whumper leaves.
Bugs. Especially spiders, most people do not like. They especially wouldn't like...say...being stuck in a box full of them. Unable to even open their mouth without getting some inside. Fire ants would also be great.
Pigs. Probably not a good long-game, but they'll eat you alive. They're vicious. Unlike the others, they truly don't care if you fight back. They'll tear your Whumpee to shreds and take care of most of the evidence for you. For a whumpee who knows what pigs can do, the thought of being forced in that pen is terrifying.
Just imagine if the Whumper had a box of bullet ants. Most painful sting on earth (supposedly), and it won't kill you. Not even a little. Every wrong answer gets you another sting.
I...uh...know another cowboy torture from old movies that I'm not gonna elaborate on, but it involves a hungry baby calf and only works on half the population. Just...I'll just...leave you to figure that one out.
Maggots. Maggots are actually pretty good for open wounds - they eat out the dead cells but leave the living. Still, imagine how horrifying it would be to be bound and have to watch maggots eat away your flesh. And the smell.
Dialogue Prompts
Here, have some dialogue prompts just for the heck of it - I loved this request, so my mind is roaming. Enjoy XD
Are your lips feeling any looser now?
Are you sure you can take more?
Beg all you want, it won't help. You know what you have to do to make it stop.
Crying already? Cute.
How are you feeling?
Sure. Of course I'll take it off. As soon as you tell me where they are.
I'm going to ask again...
Mmm nope. Not the answer I was looking for. Try again.
You can't break already. I've hardly touched you.
Would you like to reconsider my offer?
Let's try this again. Where are they?
No? Alright, back in you go.
Aww, tired already? I'm not. I could go all night.
Last chance.
'Kill' you? Now why would I want to do that? We are having so much fun together.
You make so many noises. Too bad none of them are useful.
(tags: @prisonerwhump @whumpawink @mabledonut @jadeocean46910 @paleassprince @distinctlywhumpthing @tropes-for-my-md-daydreams @batfacedliar-yetagain @suspicious-whumping-egg @lav-whumps @wormwriting)
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herotome · 3 years
If the ROs and MC were just vibing together and like watching a movie or chilling outside in the grass on a nice day (or mayhaps 𝓻𝓸𝓶𝓪𝓷𝓽𝓲𝓬𝓪𝓵𝓵𝔂 𝓼𝓽𝓪𝓻𝓰𝓪𝔃𝓲𝓷𝓰), what would they do if MC wanted them to rest their head on her lap as a pillow? Idk if this would be better to ask in crushing stage or relationship stage haha
Warden: Embarrassed in both stages, makes half-hearted excuses about why he shouldn’t. (Especially won't do it if they're watching movies in the lounge area where anybody could walk in lol.)
Griffin: Does something uncooperative like idk, pushing against MC’s shoulder and laying against her side with enough weight to nearly knock her over. "Like this? No?? Man, I have bad aim." Continues to use bad aim as an excuse to misbehave throughout the night.
Mia: Gladly flops right on down and wiggles (with only a little shy reluctance in the crushing stage) – or reverse uno yanks MC into her lap if she’s feeling feisty.
Dart: Crushing stage – just stares by means of silent refusal. Relationship – wordlessly lays down!
Jade: “Why?” Genuinely asking, if MC gives her any semi-decent reason ("I just want you to :)" is fine) then she’ll probably do it.
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fandom-gt · 3 years
Ask and ye shall receive lol, here's some more klive (if fandom-gt wants to post it, no worries if not):
This one is possessive Five to the max. Before Five recklessly got himself stuck in the apocalypse, he had a massive crush on Klaus. Something about how sensitive and fragile Klaus was stirred up an intense feeling in Five's gut, a feeling that made him want to both hide Klaus away from everything that can hurt him, and want to say cruel things to Klaus to watch tears gather in his pretty eyes. He sometimes did the latter, and the rush it gave him was addicting.
After Five gets stuck in the future, Five dedicates his entire life to getting back to Klaus. He finds Vanya's book and reads the section on Klaus over and over, reading about what happened to Klaus without him. He despises himself for leaving and allowing Klaus to fall into drugs and homelessness. The thought of Klaus selling himself, other people touching him, touching Five's Klaus makes Five shake with rage. Once he gets back, he'll fix everything. He'll take care of Klaus like no one else ever did. After he saves the world, of course. For Klaus.
Once he gets back to his family and stops the apocalypse, however, Klaus turns out to be more difficult to handle than he anticipated. Not only does Klaus have a knack for winding up in perilous situations and getting hurt, but Klaus is remarkably self destructive and uncooperative. He doesn't listen to anyone, especially if they're asking him to take care of himself. It's maddening.
Still, Klaus lives up to the image of him Five constructed in his head for decades. He's beautiful, tragic, empathic, sensitive, haunted, and drop dead sexy. Klaus is every inch the broken toy Five remembers; he's just gotten better at masking the cracks in his facade. Five can't wait to get to work at cracking that mask open.
It takes a bit of work, a lot of coercion and manipulation, but Five manages to convince the siblings that what's best for Klaus is a conservator. Someone who can watch out for him and keep him from being a danger to himself and others. He nobly offers himself as Klaus's main caretaker. And- the best part- he gets Allison to rumor Klaus to obey Five's orders. Five now has Klaus's free will in the palm of his hand.
At first, it's enough to just keep Klaus safe in the house, only allowing him out with Five as his escort. But after several instances of Five witnessing people hitting on Klaus and an incident involving a violent homophobe, outings are out of the question. Klaus protests this loudly and destructively, and gets confined to his bedroom for his efforts.
Klaus makes it his mission to annoy Five into abandoning him. Five thinks it's cute that Klaus believes Five could ever get sick of him. He could do without the loud, pointed, off-key singing, though, and he orders Klaus to shut up.
Klaus's jaw snaps shut and Five is entranced by the way his eyes widen in panic. It starts to really sink in just how much power he holds over Klaus. He could make Klaus do anything. He could order Klaus to never date another person again. He could order Klaus to blow him right now. He could- he could mold Klaus into Five's perfect version of him.
Five's ideal version of Klaus never leaves his side. His perfect Klaus depends on him for everything, from food and shelter to love and physical contact. He wants to be able to just pick Klaus up and keep him in his pocket, and, evaluating the situation, he can.
He orders Klaus to shrink his size down. Idk how Five handles the other siblings, but he either stages Klaus running away or orders Klaus to not let on to what's happening in private. Either way, the siblings are oblivious to what's happening right under their noses.
Five starts using Klaus to get off regularly. He'd been jacking to the thought of him for so long, but the real thing far surpasses his expectations. He loves the feeling of the small, warm body against and in his cock, he loves the sounds Klaus makes as he plays with him, and he loves causing those beautiful tears that he'd dreamed of for so long. He experiments with insults and humiliation, cutting words meant to demoralize, and loves the results. He tries physical punishment and genital torture and loves that too. He likes neglect and starvation and overfeeding and even death when it turns out that Klaus is immortal. Everything he tries is fun and exciting, at least for him.
One of his favorite things to do, though, is forcing Klaus to do it himself. He likes ordering Klaus to do the things he hates and fears the most, like worshipping Five or dancing for Five or climbing into Five's balls to sleep for the night. Five makes him wear lingerie and pretty outfits meant to objectify him, make him look sexy and drive home to Klaus that he exists only for Five's sexual pleasure. Klaus hates them and Five loves that he hates them. Five comes hard to the fact that Klaus is in his balls while wearing sexy lingerie that he hates, trapped in the dark that he hates, drowning in Five's cum, which is the only thing he's allowed to eat anymore.
Klaus is the best reward for saving the world.
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