#they're paying 10 million to a guy who plays against them week 1
wack-ashimself · 6 months
John Oliver taught me new things on student loans debt.
1-last summer, biden did try a small bail out for student debt. The supreme court OVER TURNED IT. I hate our supreme court. Entirely. Hope they all retire, by choice or force. They work 100% EXCLUSIVELY for the rich.
2-Old people are going into debt. So...when I was a kid going into college, I was furious my parents refused to cosign on my college loans. At 38, I AM SO GLAD they didn't. They were rigged! It would have FUCKED THEM out of retirement, and THEY DESERVED TO RETIRE; they're so happy. In the show, he shows a guy who paid his kid's loans from 2004....and they wouldn't be paid off till 2040!!!!
3-I guess there's low income payments. See, I knew of the 10 year program: make regular, consistent, semi large payments for 10 years, NEVER MISSING A ONE, and whatever your debt was is forgiven (however, if you missed ONE PAYMENT, I am not exaggerating, you're fucked forever). But I guess there's another one, same premise, but for 20+ years (show hinted 25 years!), where you get a TINY payment and, after 2 decades, all is forgiven. Here's the problem: of the 2 MILLION people who qualified recently, only 32 (literally 32) actually got it forgiven. What the ever loving fuck!?
4-We all knew these federal loan programs were garbage, but, intentional or not, debt services 'forgot' or were late on mailing out bills, and over 800,000 people were late on payments due to it. THAT IS MALICIOUS!
5-So the last summer biden dismissal of student loan forgiveness had ads against it. It was ironic. Cuz first it said don't forgive rich people's loans, when, logically, historically, rich people don't HAVE loans for college cuz their parents pay for it. DUH. Secondly, it was mocking theater degrees....with actors paid to play 'regular' people hating on theater degrees. Like, irony squared.
5-He pointed out how we can have tax payers pay for stadiums not everyone uses, but we can't forgive student loans?
6-Oliver, like normal, jerked off the government anyways at the end. He does this EVERY FUCKING SHOW. 'The government/the rich/the media are to blame for everything, but I promise they will get it right THIS time if we just give them patience and power.' I fucking hate his sell out ass in that regard. He never demands immediate action from us; trust those who originally cause the problems to fix them. Dumbass. I watch cuz he is informative, but he is a sell out too.
7-As I said on other posts, forgiving ALL major debt (public/personal) would ONLY fuck the banks who WE BAILED OUT, so they owe us anyways. PERIOD.
8-I know this is me watching too much of this show, but I could tell, by his tone alone, he was going to say they were off next week. Serious.
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charlierejouis · 2 years
Quick Notes: Chapter 196-198
I'm two weeks behind! Let's get through this.
Chapter 196
I feel like the idea that the Dark Stars could beat the Shining Stars WHILE BOARDING THE EDENS ZERO is a big oversight.
The old "self-destruct and launch destructive software" trick from over 100 chapters ago. Didn't expect to see this coming.
We know Killer is a villain because, despite everything that he's done up to this point, he doesn't believe robots have hearts.
Hey, they found Rebecca in the Distortion World. (Yes, I've started Platinum recently.)
It's cool to see Shiki and Weisz team up on something. Not sure this has ever happened in the series.
Now that they're back on the colosseum, let's check up on Homura.
Never mind, let's check up on Sister.
I understand Clown's mindset, but yikes.
You guys don't get credit for taking out Witch. I wouldn't even give credit to Ziggy for Witch.
Back from vacation in the Aoi Cosmos, it's my guide to Mashima’s School of Despair:
Instill fear in subject. (Set up battles between EZ Crew and Dark Stars.)
Give them reason for hope. (Shiki beats Wizard relatively easily.) 
Make the situation worse. (Clown and Killer win their fights and make their way onto the EZ.) 
Leave subject with room for hope. (Hermit seemingly defeats Killer.) 
Crush hope like a grape. (All the Shining Stars seem to be taking L's.) [YOU ARE HERE] 
Everything ends up alright. (You should already know what happens.)
Chapter 197
Classic villain monologue before they're proven wrong. Can't wait to see how this is proven to be too soon.
I'm not a fan of these "flashbacks to time we could have seen in real-time but we were too busy watching something else go down" moments.
"I call my armor the 'peerless armor'." "How gaudy..." Basically.
This might be a question we ask after this fight: when will Homura consider herself to have surpassed Valkyrie Yuna?
With this fight, I hope we start making the comparison between Erza and Homura more.
I don't care how the ships end up happening. Shiki and Homura is my favorite dynamic in the series, bar none.
Chapter 198
"There's a man who values peace in the cosmos"
Did Hermit manage to make her way to the Etherion Door? That's impressive.
There's that payoff! I wonder if the anime will connect this to the earlier moment if/when this gets animated.
Mashima decided to drink his extra horny juice before making this chapter.
Thank goodness Sister isn't playing into Clown's game of killing his dog.
I'm still worried about Sister's use of training.
"We are the superior successors to you lot." Homura just beat Brigadine, Killer only got Hermit through cheese, and Shiki beat Wizard with a tenth of his power. Quite the upgrades, huh?
"Have a good nightmare." That's a dope line to have here.
"I'm not into this getting-tied-up crap..!! You are, and you know it!" Kink shaming
Honestly, "Shiki came to her rescue" is more of a crew-wide thing at this point, not a Rebecca thing.
Rebecca's nightmare would be watching her friends die. So, basically chapters 82-84.
It's good to know that Mashima still can do body horror when he wants to. Better to know he rarely wants to.
"I even have a legit medical counselor's license. Got it online though." How much does this matter in a universe like EZ?
Sister's final pose looks like she finished an all-out attack. (Can't wait to be able to play Persona 5 on Switch in 2 years!)
Well, I'm caught up. If you want an explanation for why this is how it is, read more! If Quick Notes is all you're here for, then see you!
I've been doing Quick Notes for quite some time. I've done it with very little prep time and while I've been deathly sick. While the past 3 weeks have been pretty busy IRL, my real issue has nothing to do with me. It has to do with Kodansha.
As some of you might know, the SimulPub for seemingly all of Weekly Shonen Magazine has been put on pause. I've heard there are some screwy things happening on different sides involving translators. Whether or not this has anything to do with that is anyone's guess. At any rate, official translations of EZ are on indefinite hiatus.
I've been using the official translations for Quick Notes, even when I did this for Fairy Tail years ago. I've read the fan translations, but I prefer using the version that supports the creator to make this happen. It took me a while to get to the point of deciding to use fan translations. However, with FT Month coming soon, I figured I can use them while we wait for the official translations to come out. 
Though, this probably means I don't have an excuse to go do the ones for FT's sequel... joy...
At any rate, see you!
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