#they're so puppet loosely strung by the correspondents
i am actually so insane about arkayne in a way i have never been insane about jonelias in and i don't know why. i don't know why
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So, I have some songs that kinda remind me of 1. Xander if he was a mastermind:
And then 2. David kinda-
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stoportotouch · 1 year
today, i present to you... a little... and...? le vesconte playlist.
sorry for the slightly silly title but i cannot stress enough how much the relationship between these two has the potential to fuck me up. it really is... little feels too much as a result of his trauma. le vesconte feels too little because of it. and the one time that they could have stood to sympathise with each other or meet in the middle, when ned was at his very lowest, dundy tries but not hard enough.
i. we will commit wolf murder | of montreal
when i die i want you to die too, not try to stay in this all in a dimension without you, spit on this planet without you i envy you because you could believe in things like i never could and, like, dose yourself into a coma over the bestiality of our race.
ii. big black bull comes like a caesar | munly and the lee lewis harlots
when my brother was a child, he was given an animal he raised it up to be a big black bull; it never did low, or pitch, or sway it never ride on the back of a flatbed
iii. we are gods! we are wolves! | le loup
we spent our darkest days howling at the moon, close enough to see our low condition. and did you ever wish that we were one? have you ever known your maker? could you lead your song aloft the mountain tops? you could never swing that dagger.
iv. alexander's feast, part ii: 'revenge, revenge! timotheus cries' | george frederick handel
behold a ghastly band, a ghastly band each a torch in his hand these are grecian ghosts, that in battle were slain and unburied remain: inglorious on the plain.
v. the killing type | amanda palmer
but i would kill to make you feel; i'd kill to move your face an inch i see you staring into space, i want to stick my fist into your mouth and twist your arctic heart
vi. a soreness so familiar it soon becomes unquestioned | crywank
when i sass you with a smile i see you didn't notice the quiver in my voice, the fact my bow is broken i had a nosebleed when i woke up then i didn't go to work i find my problems are all first-world but still i'm feeling hurt am i just a spoiled brat who taught themselves how to cry? who's so preconditioned now all their emotions are a lie? i close my eyes and look inside; no surprise i find nothing. it's people who shape each other and people are disgusting.
vii. alligator teeth | mother falcon
i will turn my friends to gold, for the treasury to hold them safely while they dream and how they dream, if they dream
viii. land of broken promises | iamx
turn the bad blood into good, bring the laughter, bring the love drink again 'cause everyone forgets in the land of broken promises
ix. puppet loosely strung | the correspondents
in the past you would have been seen as a family's disgrace now they think you're putting on a brave face they might fear that one day they'll wear your shoes but you're the one who's laughing; you had nothing to lose
x. great vacation | dirt poor robins
romans and countrymen, please lend me your ears: there's some late-breaking news i know you'd like to hear but the papers won't print it, and the tvs just won't air. nobody gets the word, 'cause there's nobody there.
xi. incident in a medical clinic | rasputina
quite unbelievably, i want someone to be sweet to me when i'm in absolutely horrible pain.
xii. incitatus | mishkin fitzgerald
my left hand is a whip and a bandage, free to choose where the mark or brand is each one knows how to hide in the carnage: hey're hiding, they're hiding. time's running out for the rats in the playground, cut straight down like a thief in a small town shots rack em up, pin a tail on the donkey: you've got a lot to answer for.
xiii. inside of you, in spite of you | thoushaltnot
i am inside of you, in spite of you with strength and sacred grace but for all you do, i'll carry you from this bitter place
xiv. god help you dumb boy | reverend glasseye
'dumb boy, what are you made of?' my eyes are lazy, my skin doth flake. 'then what good can you do?' not so much as men like you. 'dumb boy, what do you see?' a lesser man, coming down on me. 'tell us, what will you do?' i'll let my axe come down on you.
xv. the hand that feeds | the crane wives
i've seen good men spoiled, chained to their jobs like hounds they work, and sleep, and work again; in the darkest nights they howl their cries are a warning to everyone following: no man should stand to work all of his days and have nothing at the end of them.
xvi. what have they done to you now? | daniel knox
what have they done to you now? old familiar friends to fill your heart with grief and agony a little friendly conversation, character assassination i just don't care any more. i don't wanna know.
xvii. we'll all soon be dead | this way to the egress
the pitchfork's in the hay and we'll live another day as long as we can get through one more night this land's getting rotten, and i have to shake my head 'cause the cattle's sick and we'll all soon be dead.
xviii. lullaby | american murder song
troubles, and marks, and sakes to keep blow out the candle and go to sleep. high hang the moon that looks to the west, tied to your pillow, and twice 'round your chest
xix. danse macabre | the oh hellos
xx. my nightmare | phemiec
in my mightmare tonight, i'll see me, all consumed and attempting to sing disharmonious tunes with you asynchronicity, i am in misery i am in misery! what has been done to me?
xxi. hellfire | the mechanisms
your soul is connected to the world you're in you're dragging it down with the weight of your sin surrounded by temptation, and you just give in. we're falling into the flames.
xxii. edward | american murder song
after the spring, you shall find him after the snow leaves the hill after the spring, you shall find him. 'till then, there's no grave to fill.
xxiii. july | american murder song
outside, the tree coughed up blood 'stead of leaves coughs from the floorboards, coughs from the eaves i climbed the coughing tree, noose on my sleeve: i ain't going nowhere; i ain't going going nowhere.
xxiv. no children | the mountain goats
and i hope when you think of me years down the line, you can't find one good thing to say and i'd hope that if i found the strength to walk out, you'd stay the hell out of my way.
xxv. leather for hell | bitter ruin
euthanasia is gonna save ya; it's the kindest thing to do and you don't know it yet but every time you take that breath ten thousand other people suffer 'cause they feel the way i do.
xxvi. a deer mistaking candles for headlights | crywank
does the blank stare scare you more than the frown? am i the reason that you feel down? distant yet rational; bringer of rage to get to a level where i will engage i am a tentacle; incapacitated obstacle. i am obsolete and apathetic, thoughtlessly apologetic watch my actions (or lack thereof) negate the person that i said i was.
xxvii. eat you | caravan of thieves
i'm gonna eat you, you're my desire i'm gonna sharpen all my teeth and build a fire. i'm gonna eat you; cook and defeat you i'm gonna breathe you in my lungs and make you mine.
xxviii. destroy everything you touch | unwoman
destroy everything you touch today. destroy me this way anything that may desert you, so it cannot hurt you you only have to look behind you, at who's undermined you destroy everything you touch today. please. destroy me this way.
xxix. heretic pride | the mountain goats
i want to cry out, but i don't scream and i don't shout and i feel so proud to be alive and i feel so proud when the reckoning arrives.
xxx. pump shanty | the mechanisms
a transport mission, gone awry attacked by cole and left to fry is no excuse, boys, let us cry: "today is not the day we die!"
xxxi. bremen | pigpen theatre co.
but how long did we think we could walk, we could sing before our voices gave out and our limbs gave in on the road, on the road, on the road, on the road, on the way, on the way, on the way to bremen, to bremen, to bremen
xxxii. automatonic electronic harmonics | steam powered giraffe
i am not an unimaginable thing; my thoughts are tangible though they're full of springs i don't have the heart to send you untruthful words my skin is cold to the touch and made from the earth
xxxiii. never love an anchor | the crane wives
there are times when i still wonder about you: you are someone i have loved, but never known and you'll never see the reasons i had for keeping my claws away when they were close enough to hurt you. i am selfish, i am broken, i am cruel: i am all the things they might have said to you do you ever think of me and my two hands and wonder why they never soothed your fevers
xxxiv. my mom | kimya dawson
and he goes limp in your arms all the peoples' mouths are moving all you hear are car alarms and you wake up and start to cry i will lose my shit if even one more person i know dies so please don't die.
xxxv. allies or enemies | the crane wives
remember when i could tell you not to smile when you were mad and you would always crack, and we'd both be laughing in the end now you're not so quick to forget -- are we allies or enemies what happens now, do we have another go do we bow out and take our separate roads i'll admit, i've had my doubts, but i want to be let in, not out
xxxvi. beneath the brine | the family crest
now my heart is bound, like a plague upon this sound and oh, it slips away, such soft decay -- then it grows oh, young love, young dear, why have you taken me from the fall all of my love, all of my life, given to you, sacrificed stay clear of the wreckage: she goes down, down, down
xxxvii. mars | sleeping at last
though time is ruthless, it showed us kindness in the end by slowing down enough: a second chance to make amends so we found our way back home, let our cuts and bruises heal while a brand-new war began, a war that no-one else could feel
xxxviii. dance while the sky crashes down | jason webley
like that, the earth begins to quiver, and all the oceans turn to black a ship of maniacs with knives are playing blackjack with their lives to kill the time until the giant rats attack it's raining leprosy and acid; the saints were taken out and shot when someone proffers you a pear you sink your teeth in unaware that just beneath the skin lies pestilence and rot
xxxix. animal skin | bryan dunn
i can see it in their eyes: they're coming for you, honey painted faces, sharpened knives. do you think it's funny if you dress it up, you'll have to break it in but you never look better than when you wear your animal skin
xl. love, love, love | the mountain goats
love, love is gonna lead you by the hand into a white and soundless place now we see things as in a mirror, dimly then, we shall see each other face to face and way out in seattle young kurt cobain snuck out to the greenhouse, put a bullet through his brain snakes in the grass beneath our feet, rain in the clouds above some moments last forever, but some flair out with love, love, love
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amplexadversary · 1 year
Okay, so.
Surely I can't be the only person to think that the song "Puppet Loosely Strung" by The Correspondents is about a guy who takes the submissive role in kinky BDSM play, right?
Specifically, I think this song is supposed to be a dominant partner in the BDSM scene singing about their sub.
The imagery invoked using the "puppet" brings a few different things to mind:
It invokes the idea of someone who doesn't respond to the expectations, or "strings" society puts on them to be "normal," but it also brings to mind someone who is "under the control" of another, such as their partner. Not to mention the "strings" themselves as someone being tied up.
Then you have the lyrics, which I'm putting under the cut.
There's the chorus which is pretty vague, could mean a lot of things on its own, but in the verses:
"Around you they were so confused that a faulty man could have so much fun"
"They may think they'd never choose to be the man that you've become
'You never felt the need to conform"
"Did you feel the weight of other's views, or was their ignorance a source of fun?"
The "faulty man" could mean people disapproving of being gay but in this context it most likely means a man who isn't "dominant," and the "never felt the need to conform" and "their ignorance [as] a source of fun" all make me think of someone who likes the Weird Shit and isn't ashamed of it.
"They may think they'd never choose" is straight up "plenty of people are into this, even some who dismissed it due to misconceptions."
The repeated use of the word "fun" is self-explanatory. It's not an uncommon stand-in for sex.
Even more related is the bridge and outro "it was me needing you, and not you needing me," which makes me think of how the power dynamics in D/S aren't a complete match to how the scenes are played out.
If you don't have a sub, you don't have a scene. Period. And in a healthy dynamic, where any participant can stop or pause things if they're uncomfortable, and have input to how things are planned out, the comfort level and boundaries of the person in a more precarious position are more likely to come up, meaning the sub has a lot more agency "out of character" than they do "in character."
The difference in the "perceived" dynamic from an outsider to the actual relationship is what the two lines in the bridge are about.
Which brings me back to the chorus.
"I'm tied to so many things I don't need to do
'I'll loosen my strings to feel more like you"
The dominant partner feels like they conform to other peoples' expectations, but their partner inspires them to be more true to themselves and open about their lifestyle, thus "loosening the strings" that other people put on them.
Tying the puppet imagery to both partners also strengthens the message about the dynamics being negotiated rather than dictated; the dominant and submissive partner are alike except for their preferences (or even those as well, for people who like to switch roles)
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bbeeohazardd · 2 years
I love Sulli so much. Its design scratches an itch in my brain because he looks exactly like how I want to dress. I didn't go into this with a question tbh but now I'm wondering if there's any songs you associate with your OCs? :3c
thank you sm!!
For Sulli i associate him with "This Is My Heart" by Vane and "Final Girl" by Graveyardguy since they're the two i usually have on repeat when drawing him, honestly any song with religious themes also fit it
I've already said the song I associate with Oculus but "Turn The Lights Off" by Tallyhall definitely fits them as well as "deCIPHER" by Madame Macabre
"King Rat" by Modest Mouse is an Erin song and i have so many thoughts, "Puppet Loosely Strung" by The Correspondents also has huge Erin vibes
"Cirque" by Sub Urban is very much a Motley song as well as "I'm Sorry" by Madame Macabre
its a hard choice for Oz considering how much he changes as a character over the course of Marble Hornets but "Midazolam" by ponkansoup fits him as well as "Suburbia Overture" by Will Wood and The Tapeworms
honestly there are so many songs i associate with both Oz and Motley so i'll also add those "Sleepwalk" by Forrest Day, and "Off With His Head" by Jack Conte. there are more but i am brainweird rn and cant think so that's all lol
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