#oz kralie
bbeeohazardd · 1 year
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when in doubt draw hornets dudes
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imaginatorsans · 3 months
This image
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But Jay and Alex
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Credit to Oz Media for being how I found the image
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Alex Kralie
Jason Grace
Leo Valdez
Nico di Angelo
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bbeeohazardd · 2 years
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please i need to talk about these two
(Motley uses They/Them and Oz uses He/They)
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bbeeohazardd · 2 years
Basic question I know but I feel it's important, what are your OC's favorite colors?
Erin loves yellow
Oculus generally doesn't have a preference but does think blue mint is cool
Motley likes Green and Purple
Oz likes red
Sulli generally likes black and pastels but pink is definitely his fave
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bbeeohazardd · 2 years
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Cain instinct or something
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bbeeohazardd · 2 years
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Motley time baybeee
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bbeeohazardd · 2 years
what’s oz’s relationship like with the cast of mh :0
hoh boy okay! going for in college stuff here because i think thats what you meant, sorry if my interpretation of the word cast is wrong lol
Alex: That's his older bro!!! he loves that guy sm!!! Alex basically took him in after their parents had effectively kicked both of them out and they were extremely close, they would both do anything for each other. They were very supportive of each other and Oz was fully supportive of Alex's movie(actually getting college credit for helping with his movie).
Jay: That's his other older bro! Him and Alex met Jay once they moved to the area Rosswood is in, due to being in and out of the hospital a lot he wasn't extremely close with Jay but saw him positively due to Jay(and Alex) including him when they hung out. They lived with him and Alex in student housing for a bit in college and they basically saw him as another older brother.
Amy: He met her due to Alex in high school and was good friends with her! He basically pushed Alex to her and went "Holy fuck tell her how you feel". He liked Amy because she was very kind and she and Alex were very good for each other
Brian: He met Brian in college(they both shared a video production class and hit it off very well on their first day) they were basically best friends and Oz had a huge crush on him but refused to tell him(even though it was pretty obvious). They, Brian, and Tim were a trio and would hang out a lot together.
Tim: It took a bit for them and Tim to become friends but they both hit it off very well eventually, Oz and Brian both doing their best to include Tim in their shenanigans and Tim acting as the straight man before eventually also getting in on whatever the hell the other two were up to.
Sarah: He was actually good friends with Sarah, often getting advice from her and ranting about his crush on Brian. The two hung out quite a lot and would sometimes go on small hikes together on Oz's better health days.
Seth: He wasn't particularly close with Seth, but he would do his best to include him and they were friendly with each other. They both bonded over photography and Seth was in the same video production class as them, Brian, and Jay.
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bbeeohazardd · 2 years
Rate ur ocs on how much they like lemonade
ah shit all the ones I've been posting about? alright
Erin - 0/10 he's allergic to citrus
Oculus - -1/10 "wait the body is what?" ← said right before having an allergic reaction
Oz - 5/10 Depends on the lemonade but he does like some of the flavored stuff, would probably like Calypso
Motley - 2/10 Had to drink it a lot on the hospital so they're not a huge fan
Sully - 10/10 LOVES pink lemonade (same)
Rory - 4/10 it sure is lemonade
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bbeeohazardd · 2 years
what are some of Oz's hobbies and also what's Motley's relationship like with the other masks :0
Oz really likes photography and making photo albums! Jay and Alex actually got him his first camera(a Polaroid camera) for his birthday when he turned 18
Motley is really close with Hoody and Masky, they're their partners and they would do anything for them.
Masky treats them like they're his younger sibling and the two trusted each other very very quickly.
Hoody is protective of them since it's hard to look at them and not see Oz sometimes. He wants the best for them but it's hard for him to figure out what that is with how scrambled his mind is.
Skully is an enigma to them but they're at least friendly with each other.
Skully sees them and goes [:D!!! friend!!] but is warey around Masky and Hoody bc both of them are stronger than them.
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bbeeohazardd · 2 years
"It's not your fault. You know that right?"
The words shocked Oz out of his own mind, making him look up from the dinner he had picked at. The duo had been driving out of Alabama the whole day since they met up with Jessica for the last time. They were now at another motel but it was painfully silent on Oz's end.
"You didn't deserve any of what happened, Alex didn't either."
The shorter enby winced at the name and the memories it brought back -the pocket knife and their blood covered hands- they set the fork down on the plate and looked at the carpet of the motel. He felt way too sick to eat now.
"I…I know I just…I could've done something different, you almost died and now he's…he…he's gone."
They swallowed the lump in their throat, not wanting to start crying again. He heard Tim let out an exhausted sigh.
"I know, and I wish it didn't have to come to that. But we got out of it relatively safe and now we just have to figure things out."
Oz shook his head, still looking at the ground.
"No…I…I wish it had been me…I would be tortured by that th…thing for the rest of my life if it meant Alex got out okay. I should've tried harder, I just…my own brother and I…"
They stared down at their hands -half expecting to see blood- and sniffled. Tim felt worried as he stared at his shorter friend who sat across from him.
He spoke softly, he knew he had to be gentle with them for a while.
"I know I can't imagine how you're feeling right now, but we'll get through this like always. I know that even with what happened Alex would've wanted you to get out of this safe and alive. Once we're out of here we'll take things one step at a time and it'll get better eventually."
Oz wiped his eyes and moved his gaze to his friend.
"Well…I can't really promise it, but I'll do what it takes to make sure we both survive, I hope you can do the same.
"I'll….I'll try Tim, thank you."
"That's all I ask Oz."
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bbeeohazardd · 2 years
what's oz like before and after marble hornets :0
Before(during college): He's actually pretty outgoing and a bit loud, when he was younger he was pretty isolated and didn't have many friends, aside from Alex and Jay, but once he started living with them his personality came out full-force.
After: He's a wreck of a human and it's honestly a surprise that he's even functioning, he barely talks to anyone that isn't Tim and is very on-edge when around other people.
He's in therapy but it isn't helping a ton currently and he's resorted to really bad coping mechanisms
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bbeeohazardd · 2 years
how do u think argo and oz would get along !!
i think they would be friends! Oz is generally pretty friendly and likes meeting new people
i think Motley would be extremely cautious about him though but it mainly just depends on how Hoody and Masky act towards Argo
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bbeeohazardd · 2 years
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some young Oz, Alex, and Jay!
Alex got kicked out at 14 and started living with Jay's family who took him in. Oz was stuck with their parents until he also got kicked out at 16 and was taken in by Alex(whoi had his own apartment with Jay at the time)
they're all doing their best
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bbeeohazardd · 2 years
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experimenting with how i draw Oz before i remake his ref for the hundredth time
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bbeeohazardd · 2 years
thinkin so hard about Brian and Oz, Operator homophobia momence
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