#they're super different on the outside but they're propelled by the same instincts on the inside
breitzbachbea · 2 years
14 and 20, SicIre for that ask game 🥰
Jay, I am giving you a big, fat kiss on your aussie lips for this one!!!
Obligatory OTP Asks
14. How do their personalities compliment each other? How do they clash?
They're a "Cast in the same mold" kind of ship, so very alike at their core. Much like FrUK, they share the same sort of pride, even though in Harry & Michele's case it's not the pride of someone who feels they're destined for greatness. It's the pride of a survivor, a fire to keep them going at all.
They can both be calming anchors for each other, but Harry is often also a cheerleader for Michele's righteous anger. In general, they're often alike to each other and switch roles - Harry takes the initiative a lot of them time, more forcefully than Michele who is happy to be dragged along. Yet there are also often occassions where Michele steadfastly marches ahead and Harry trusts his judgement. Michele likes to be coddled and Harry likes to be a coddler to his wonderful boyfriend. Both of them like to make snide remarks about the ones who wronged them and can entertain themselves all day long with it.
In the Hetaverse, I think they're also on the same page on how to treat the people around them (Michele can listen to Harry bitch about his siblings 90342 hours a day and Get It), but in LFLS, Michele is much more sincerely affectionate with his friends and family, whereass Harry and the ones around him show love by relentless mocking. No matter the universe however, Michele will let Harry & his sister/siblings over his dead body into his kitchen and has to remind himself again and again that he loves Harry soooo much and that he's got an fantastic arse, even if he sets spaghetti on fire. Michele is also much less of a daredevil than Harry and his blatant disregard for his own safety or making a good figure in public has cost Michele a few nerves, Harry in turn doesn't understand Michele's preoccupation with making a good figure.
But no, overall, they may shake their heads over each other's behaviour, but they rarely clash due to personality. They fit together like puzzle pieces! So different on the surface and so alike underneath!
20. Choose one song that perfectly describes their relationship.
Only one?! I have a whole playlist on Spotify!
Honorary mentions go out to Close to Heaven by Breaking Benjamin & Ist Da Jemand? by Broilers. The first one is such a great end to the playlist and their relationship in LFLS. The doomed devotion! The absolute, undying and unwavering DEVOTION! "So I'll stay unforgiven ... and I'll keep love together ... and I'll be yours forever!" Ist Da Jemand? is the perfect song to start the playlist, because it's a soulmate song, but not in the "meant to be together forever way". It's about "There's someone out there who ticks like you. You both know there is someone who's feeling the same as you - Doesn't matter if you have a lot common on the surface. You'll find each other and brave the world together, whether for only one night or a whole life."
BUT! If I have to pick one song, I'll pick "The Last Of The Real Ones" by Fall Out Boy. It suits them so perfectly! Again, the devotion! The mutual understanding on a fundamental level! They really do think the other is the last of a kind, of their kind - the last in which the same fire burns, with who one can sit in comfortable silence over complicated matters, because even though their past was spent apart, it was filled with similiar experiences. And there's no need to open up old wounds for a better future.
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